What does abstract mean? Reports at the conference

Not all schools teach such a necessary and important skill as writing a thesis statement. Often one of the texts that students present to their classmates is an essay - covering the situation in the world of science in accordance with a certain topic.

But after finishing school, students turn into students. And this time the supervisor says that you need to draw up abstracts for course work or for a conference. But at the same time, he does not specify how exactly to write these theses. He believes that this knowledge should be from school or should be with us a priori. But you can learn this, it’s not that difficult. 2-3 pages of abstracts not only paint a portrait of the researcher, but also form the basis of a successful text.

Abstracts and how they are written

Some students think that this brief overview coursework or scientific article. Others say that it is recorded conference material or a regular list of basic points. They are all both true and mistaken.

Theses– not a big, but full-fledged article. It includes the main provisions of the scientific article/dissertation. However, it is written clearly and specific language, this is a short summary of all the enormous work. Of course there are certain rules on writing abstracts for various types scientific activity, but, in essence, their goal is the same - to acquaint the reader with the content of the work, explain what its relevance and uniqueness are, what issues you are solving and what your evidence base is. In addition, such an article should be structured logically so that those listening understand what you want to convey to them.

The word “thesis” has several meanings. But, as a rule, it is most often applied to science.

In the world of science, abstracts of submitted works are constantly published in newsletters. Their role for scientific workers is enormous: such a seal is taken into account when applying for the next scientific title.

But theses are used not only in science. If we take theses as an Internet product, then they are necessary for an overview of the main topic of the site or its window. In addition, clients often offer small statements that the copywriter must expand on. As you can see, such a short word contains many different meanings.

Building a thesis - choosing a topic

This is 2-3 pages of printed text, which is written “12 crucibles” in a Word document (up to ten minutes of leisurely reading). As a rule, about 15 minutes are allotted for the report, so there is an opportunity to say about what could not be included in the summary. This article should be clearly structured. The topic is the first step to writing a thesis paper. It must be specific and directly related to the meaning of the article. In addition, it must be suitable for the theme of the event itself. It must include uniqueness. No more than 1.5 lines are allocated to the topic. There are 2 approaches to writing abstracts:

1) choose a topic that you want to research and, based on it, write a short article;

2) first write the abstract, and then come up with a title.

You can do it the way you like and feel comfortable. This is purely individual. However, students very often do not have this opportunity, because the topic is mainly given to them by the teacher.


Relevance. There should be no lyrics in this small article. Already the first line of text should contain valuable information data. Everything should be strictly on topic. The first sentence is very important, and must answer 2 questions at the same time: “What am I writing about?” And "Why is this important?". Thanks to such an introduction, listeners/readers will find out what is relevant in your work, or is it an ordinary abstract that has been listed for a long time known facts. Speakers who have spoken repeatedly begin their thesis paper with certain clichés. As a rule, the introduction does not take more than one paragraph.

Text basis

Examples and arguments. An inexperienced speaker usually wants to both give examples to support his research and make deep conclusions. At this point, the “golden mean” rule is very important. A simple list of facts will be meaningless, and unreasoned conclusions will look like loud statements. Structured logic will help you write great text. There are several ways to correct spelling theses. The most famous and often used is analysis of the logic of thought. How and why did you come to such conclusions? Where did you come from? How did they analyze them? It’s okay if at first you describe your train of thoughts in bullet points. Based on them, it will be much easier for you to create a presentation and prepare handouts. But it’s better to present the points themselves in living language rather than in fixed language. As for examples, no more than two are needed to confirm each point.


This is the result of everything that has been said before. It repeats the introduction, but rephrased in the past tense. “So, we have justified...” is the most famous conclusion phrase. It would not be superfluous to again remind listeners/readers of the relevance of the work. Conclusions must be categorical. Mentioning the entire list of references that you used is very stupid. It will be enough to name 4-5 works that you have used or that are very authoritative in some area.

How to submit abstracts

The conference organizing committee determines the basic requirements for the presentation of abstracts and brings them to the attention of possible participants. Their implementation is strictly necessary, since the slightest violation leads to large costs for compiling a collection of abstracts, and this may become a reason for refusal by the organizing committee.

As a rule, their volume is 1-2 pages of machine text. But the leading role is played by the title, the names of the authors and the names of organizations.

Reports at the conference

At such events, participants are advised to write abstracts in advance. Sometimes they are published in collections. Regardless of whether the text will be printed, it has its own specifics. This text should be as concise as possible - because in this case, the speaker has time to develop the topic. Often conference abstracts are limited to one page, sometimes two. This is necessary in order to prepare the reader for your report and keep him up to date. You need to be prepared that after the speech you will be asked questions. Therefore, you should think in advance about weak points in arguments to be prepared for unexpected questions. The report, of course, should be broader and deeper than the abstract. Otherwise, there is no point in your speech, since the audience already holds in their hands what you have briefly said. But exceeding the allotted time is a sign of bad taste. Prepare your speech and practice – it should take up to 15 minutes.


Theses must be composed logically. Their argumentation is sometimes presented in the main part of the text. They should reflect the essence of a huge study, but not rehash it. There is no need to write the entire work again, but there is no need to take some phrases out of context either. Before you start writing them, fully understand the problem you are researching. They differ from other texts in their laconic volume.

There are two types of theses:

- the first to write about someone else’s work;

- the second - to their own.

Abstracts must be written short, but very succinct. The provisions must be justified. Arguments can be given orally, or they are present in the text.

There should be no emotional assessment in them. This must be a strict text scientific style, but at the same time clear. Any audience should be able to understand the essence of the problem and take part in its solution.

If you have no experience in writing abstracts and don’t know where to start, ask your supervisor for help, don’t be afraid. It is important to understand the essence of the work from the very beginning and not waste time. Writing a thesis is not difficult if you have a good understanding of the topic and problem of your work, have really researched it, and have not become familiar with it superficially. If this is so, then your theses will provide a complete amount of information about the work, and many unnecessary questions will not arise for you. Therefore, work on this from the very beginning, it is important to get the hang of it, and in the future no difficulties will arise. Try to write abstracts not only for scientific papers, but also for literary texts.

theoretical statement. Typically, a thesis is a partial truth, the opposite of which will also be true (the "antithesis"): thus, the truth is derived by the "synthesis" of two statements. This is the “dialectical” movement of any thought at the stage of its formation and development. See, Dialectics.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


Greek ????? – position, statement) – in a broad sense, any statement (defended) in a dispute or presentation of a certain concept or theory; in particular, T. called. fundamental statements - principles. Since formal logic has long been considered a working tool in the art of argument (dialectics), the term "T." in logic it was customary to call statements that require argumentation or proof (or are the goal of proof). In this sense, the concept of theory is now used as a synonym for the concept of theorem (in contrast to the concepts of axiom, definition, postulate, rule). T. in logic and mathematics they also call such statements that themselves do not belong to either logic or mathematics, i.e. are not logically or mathematically rigorous statements - deductively deducible (or deductively provable), but which, being essentially natural sciences. hypotheses (i.e. T. in the narrow sense - principles) are necessary to understand the true role of quite strict logical and mathematical ones. points of view of concepts. For example, in relation to the concept of an algorithm, this is Church’s well-known thesis about the coincidence of the class of algorithmically computable numerical functions with the class of all recursive functions (for the concept of a recursive function, see the article Recursive functions and predicates). See also Art. Evidence, Circumstantial evidence and lit. with these articles. M. Novoselov. Moscow.

The thesis (from the Greek word thesis - position, statement) is a position that needs to be proven . The thesis is a semantic core that performs the function of preserving the structural and semantic unity of speech. He is full sentence with a subject and a predicate, a complete judgment in meaning.

Do not confuse the concepts of “topic” and “thesis”. The topic is the presentation of the subject of speech, and the thesis is the thought that creates the integrity of the speech. So, for example, the topic of a lecture on rhetoric is the rhetorical canon, the thesis - the rhetorical canon is a technology for creating speech, consisting of five main stages.

The thesis is most closely related to the task of the speech: for example, the task of the speech is to encourage students to undergo a fluorographic examination, the thesis is carried out medical research will help prevent serious diseases, the presence of which they may not even suspect. The thesis statement works to solve the speech problem.

The procedure for formulating a thesis consists of: 1) determining the task of the speech; 2) in the formulation of the thesis; 3) in dividing the thesis into semantic parts, as a result of which so-called first-level subtheses appear. The latter, in turn, can be subjected to further division, which helps to isolate second-level subtheses, etc., until the thesis is fully revealed.

There are quite strict requirements for the formulation of the thesis:

– the thesis must be true;

– the thesis must be clearly and precisely formulated (the phenomena of polysemy and homonymy are excluded from the structure of the thesis, the specifics of the actual division of the sentence are taken into account);

– the thesis must remain unchanged throughout the entire speech presentation.

If the speaker does not comply with the requirements of precision of formulation and semantic unity of the thesis, then this often leads to such a logical-speech error as loss of the thesis. Proving one thesis, after some time in the course of the same proof they begin to prove some other thesis similar to the first. For example, wanting to prove that something is legally unjust, they prove that it is morally unjust.

The loss of a thesis may also be associated with answering the wrong question that was asked of you, or with revealing a topic that was not stated.

Let's look at an example from one interview.

Journalist. How do you understand the term “democratization of society”?

Interviewee. Our society and government are not ready for democratization.

According to the apt remark of E.N. Zaretskaya, “we are accustomed to the loss of the thesis as the norm.” And this is well proven by the simplest examples from our colloquial speech.

– Tell me how to get to the station?

– You still won’t find it.

– Where did you buy this dress?

- It is no longer sold there.

The reason for the loss of a thesis can be not only a mental failure, but also a person’s conscious desire to answer the wrong question that was asked to him, to prove the wrong thesis that was formulated. In this case, they talk about replacing the thesis. Substitution of the thesis is the deliberate loss of it. In real speech practice, it is quite difficult to distinguish between where the thesis was lost and where it was deliberately replaced.

The substitution mechanism is often carried out by expanding or narrowing the thesis:

- Well, no, feminism will not work with us! This is not some kind of America(extension of the thesis).

– Spouses should share household responsibilities.

– Why should I wash the dishes, wash the clothes? These are women's responsibilities(narrowing the thesis).

The scientific term “thesis” is familiar to every student of various educational institutions. This is the result of a study written by in the form of a summary. Typically, the volume of such presentation is approximately 2 pages of printed text. Many people know the meaning of this term, but not everyone knows how to formulate and correctly present the results. But this is easy to fix.

Theses can be called a small scientific article that incorporates the main provisions of the research conducted. This business card your main job. In most cases they are written for scientific conference, where the student needs to clearly state the essence of his work in the form of a report. There are certain design rules that must be followed, as well as a writing structure.


In the theses you summarize, touching on only one topic chosen together with the leader. You need to write only about personal achievements or developments during the research, taking into account all its participants, if there are any besides you. Like any other written text, abstracts consist of certain sections:

  1. Introduction. Here you need to very briefly describe the reason for carrying out the study. From the introduction, the reader should immediately understand what it’s about. we're talking about, and why it's important. From here follows scientific novelty, without which this work will be ordinary . Typically, the introduction takes no more than one paragraph.
  2. The theoretical part, in which the most basic aspects related to the theory should be summarized so that the reader has a clear idea of ​​the subject and object of the study. Unnecessary statements in this part are not welcome, since they will already be presented in the main report.
  3. The main part, which again briefly outlines the analysis of the research conducted. When presenting certain facts, the author must always support with arguments. Therefore, he must think in advance about how to formulate the thesis.
  4. Conclusions formulated based on the analysis obtained. Always ask yourself why you came to the conclusions you did. In conclusion, we can again briefly mention the introduction and scientific novelty in the past tense. An example of a phrase: “And so we justified...” will fit perfectly.
  5. . It is important to pay attention to the correct design, because common mistake is precisely the inattentive attitude to the design requirements. The supervisor usually clarifies this point with the student.

Types of abstracts

Exists three types of spelling:

  • formulating a concept to pose a problem;
  • the result of the research;
  • performance new technique work.

Problem statement can be called the most unstable genre. Whether your abstracts will be included in the collection or not depends on how much the curator likes your description of the problem. If he thinks you weren't convincing enough, they won't publish them. Therefore, it is worth taking into account all aspects of the work, even what kind of supervisor you have.

Theses in literature

Few people think about what a thesis is in literature. But that's enough interesting point, which cannot be compared with the traditional understanding of the concept.

IN Ancient Greece writers called a thesis falling phase.

To the question of what a thesis is, one can only answer that these are briefly and clearly formulated thoughts expressed in one sentence. Such concepts are used for writing essays. In relation to versification, this term refers to the moment when the narrator uses short syllables, lowering his voice while reading the poem.

How to write correctly?

In order for the writing process to proceed without any difficulties and to be competent in execution, you must follow a certain algorithm of actions:

  • The first thing you need to do is decide for which text you are writing a thesis. In them, all the information for the report is presented very briefly; rewriting absolutely everything from a scientific work would be the wrong approach to the task.
  • Afterwards, you should read your report again to identify the relevance of the work and its purpose.
  • Understand and formulate the issues addressed in scientific work.
  • Next, you need to justify your choice regarding the issue.
  • Describe the research methods, if possible, suggest your own new methodology.
  • Formulate conclusions.

Important! Abstracts for the article You can write either on a chosen topic, or match it to already written works and come up with a title. Any way of writing has its place. But in any case, everything will depend on the curator, who will guide you and choose the way to write for a scientific conference.

Thesis plan

The thesis plan will become correct execution a good helper in writing any scientific text. It should express the essence of the research conducted, specific aspects and bare facts. Without a thesis plan, all the author's arguments given in scientific work, will lose their weight. From all of the above, we can conclude that abstracts are written both for a finished work and for a completely unprepared one.

Important! Theses are a separate genre of scientific writing, and the thesis outline is their faithful companion.

The thesis plan should be of a debatable nature, that is, provoke a response or debate from listeners. This can be called a kind of announcement, a warm-up before submitting the main work and information on scientific topics. The listener will already know what exactly will be discussed in the report and so on.

Thesis is one of those words that is constantly heard. We know approximately its meaning, but we cannot formulate it precisely. Let's try to figure out what a thesis is using specific examples.

Meanings of the word thesis

Depending on the area of ​​human knowledge in which this word is used, what a thesis means will change.

In science

The main idea, the fundamental statement is in scientific work. This is also where the concept of a thesis plan is known. You write only supporting phrases from your scientific work, highlighting the most important things. For example, in an article entitled “Main characteristics of postmodernism”, the theses will be: simulacrum, literary play, lacunae, intertextuality, etc.

In discussions

A controversial statement that requires proof is in debate. For example, the thesis about the need for pension reform.

In versification

The unimpacted part of the foot - in the ancient world. For example, in the line “The storm covers the sky with darkness,” the stressed ones will be BU, MGO, NE, KRO, and the unstressed (theses) will be rya, yu, bo, et.

In music

The main, percussive part of the beat is in the music. The first part in any bar is the percussion part, and it will be the thesis. In a waltz, where there are three counts, the first measure will be the thesis - ONE-two-three.

In philosophy

The initial stage of dialectical development is for Hegel’s philosophy. Using as a basis general meaning the word “thesis”, Hegel rethinks it in his philosophy. His thesis is the fundamental principle, the reason for further dialectical development.