Animals in spring. Material on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic: What to tell preschoolers about spring Anton Chekhov “In Spring”

The winter lasted so long that everyone no longer hoped to wait for the warmth.

- Oh, oh, oh! - Grass sighed under the snow. - How long can you sleep?! Under the snow, of course, it is warm, but boring. Spring would sooner come. Everyone would see how tender, fresh, bright green I am!

- And I dream of seeing the sun! - Snowdrop squeaked in a thin voice. “Even though I’m small, I’m strong, seasoned, and I’m not afraid of frost.” It’s time for me to break through the snow to show everyone that spring has come. People will see me and be happy. For them, I am the first herald of spring.

The Bear stirred in the den, opened one eye - it was dark, looked out of the den - snow.

- I’ve already laid down all my sides! - Mishka growled. “I’m emaciated, I’ve eaten all my fat reserves.” There's nothing else to eat. I'm tired of sucking my paw. When will spring come?!

Hamster woke up from the bear's roar.

- What's happened? Why does the Bear growl? Is it already spring? - Hamster shouted sleepily. - And I haven’t run out of supplies yet. I have brought so many of them into the mink for the winter that it will last until summer.

He looked out of the hole, and it was winter outside.

“I just woke up in vain,” grumbled the Hamster, “there’s no spring.” You can still take a nap.

The Marmot was fast asleep in a hole nearby. He never wakes up until spring. No matter how much Hamster shouted to him, he could not wake up his friend.

But then a large black Rook sat down on a birch branch.

- Forest dwellers! Stop sleeping! I brought you spring! - he shouted throughout the forest. - She's already very close. Meet her!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and began to prepare for the meeting.

Questions and tasks

- Why did all the inhabitants of the forest want spring to come?

- What was Grass grieving about under the snow?

- Why did the Bear grumble angrily?

- Why didn’t Hamster want spring to come?

- Which of the forest inhabitants was the Hamster unable to wake up?

—Who brought the first news of spring to the forest inhabitants?

- Imagine yourself as forest dwellers at the end of winter and role-play the fairy tale.

- Show how Grass and Snowdrop spent the winter, and then the sun warmed up, they looked out from under the snow, were happy about the sun, and began to grow; We were a little cold from the morning frosts, but then we warmed up.

— Draw a forest in early spring.

- Come up with a continuation of the fairy tale. Who else woke up from hibernation? Who already had cubs in winter? Who didn't sleep all winter and waited for spring the most?

I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov “Spring in the Forest”

In early spring, a hunter made his way through the deep thickets and swamps from edge to edge through the dense forest.

He saw many birds and animals in the awakened forest. I saw a capercaillie grazing on the edge of a swamp, an elk grazing in a young aspen forest in the sun, and an old wolf making its way through a forest ravine to its lair and running with its prey.

The attentive hunter saw and heard a lot in the forest.

Joyful, noisy and fragrant spring. Birds sing loudly, spring streams ring under the trees. The swollen buds smell like resin.

A warm wind runs through the high peaks.

Soon, soon the forest will be covered with leaves, bird cherry trees will bloom on the edges, and vociferous nightingales will click over the streams. Long-tailed cuckoos will fly by and crow: “Kuk-ku! Cuckoo! Ku-ku!

Busy ants run over the hummocks, fly out of winter shelter, the first bumblebee will buzz.

Shoots of young grass and blue and white snowdrops will cover the forest clearings.

Good, joyful, cheerful spring in the forest!

I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov “Early morning”

Early in the morning, in a deep forest, on the very edge of a swamp, a capercaillie is showing.

“Teke, teke, ek, ek, ek!” - his quiet spring song is heard.

Calm morning in the forest.

Every sound can be heard far away.

Here a white hare hobbled through the thicket, quietly crunching. A cautious fox ran along the edge. A fast ferret hid in a hole under a snag.

Long-legged cranes trumpeted loudly in the swamp, greeting the sun.

A long-nosed snipe ram burst out of the swamp and rose into the sky like an arrow.

“Kachi-kachi-kachi-kachi!” — sitting on a hummock, another snipe in the swamp responded joyfully.

“Teke, teke, ek, ek, ek!” - the capercaillie clicked more and more often, and sang his song even hotter. From a distance it seems like someone is sharpening an ax on a grindstone far, far away.

During the song, the capercaillie cannot hear and sees poorly. He doesn’t hear how a fox makes his way through the lek, or how moose graze in a young aspen grove at the edge of the swamp.

The capercaillie finishes his short song and listens for a long time: is a hunter coming or sneaking towards the current?

I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov "At the edge of the forest"

Higher and higher above the forest the sun.

An old moose cow came out to the edge of the forest with a long-legged newborn calf, and the moose cow dozed off in the warm spring sun.

A little moose calf learns to run. His long legs trip over high hummocks.

The spring sun gently warms the sparse forest. The fragrant sticky buds have already swelled on the trees. From broken by moose birch branch oozing clear drops sweet juice.

Reflecting the high sky, spring puddles in the forest appear blue. And above the blue puddles, above the warmed, awakened earth, in the golden rays of the sun, pusher mosquitoes “push poppies.”

Willow bushes blossomed into golden puffs. Under the trees, hummocks overgrown with lingonberries are green.

The spring forest smells good!

An old moose dozed off in the sun. She sensitively hears every rustle, every alarming sound.

A small elk calf frolics carefree at her feet. He knows that neither gray wolf, neither the evil robber lynx will be offended by his sensitive and strong mother.

M. Prishvin “Guys and Ducklings”

A small wild teal duck finally decided to move her ducklings from the forest, bypassing the village, into the lake to freedom. In the spring, this lake overflowed far, and a solid place for a nest could only be found about three miles away, on a hummock, in a swamp forest. And when the water subsided, we had to travel all three miles to the lake. In places open to the eyes of man, fox and hawk, the mother walked behind so as not to let the Ducklings out of sight for a minute. And near the forge, when crossing the road, she, of course, let them go ahead. That’s where the guys saw them and threw punches at them. All the time while they were catching ducklings, the mother ran after them with an open beak or flew into different sides several steps in the greatest excitement. The guys were just about to throw hats at their mother and catch her like ducklings, but then I approached.

- What will you do with the ducklings? - I asked the guys sternly.

They chickened out and replied:

- Let's go.

- That’s it, “let’s go”! - I said very angrily. - Why did you need to catch them? Where is mother now?

- And there he sits! - the guys answered in unison. And they pointed out to me a nearby steam mound

fields where the duck actually sat with his mouth open in excitement.

“Quickly,” I ordered the guys, “go and return all the ducklings to her!”

They even seemed to be delighted at my order and ran up the hill with the ducklings. The mother flew away a little and, when the guys left, rushed to save her sons and daughters. In her own way, she quickly said something to them and ran to the oat field. Five ducklings ran after her. And so, through the oat field, bypassing the village, the family continued its journey to the lake.

I joyfully took off my hat and, waving it, shouted:

Happy journey, ducklings!

The guys laughed at me.

-Why are you laughing, you fools? - I told the guys. - Do you think it’s so easy for ducklings to get into the lake? Just wait, wait for the university exam. Quickly take off all your hats and shout “goodbye”!

And the same hats, dusty on the road while catching ducklings, rose into the air, the guys all shouted at once:

- Goodbye, ducklings!

M. Prishvin “Zhurka”

Once we had it - we caught a young crane and gave it a frog. He swallowed it. They gave me another and I swallowed it. The third, fourth, fifth, and then we didn’t have any more frogs at hand.

- Good girl! - said my wife and asked me: - How many of them can he eat? Ten maybe?

“Ten,” I say, “maybe.”

What if twenty?

Twenty, I say, hardly...

We clipped the wings of this crane, and he began to follow his wife everywhere. She milks the cow - and Zhurka goes with her, she goes to the garden - and Zhurka needs to go there, and she also goes to field and collective farm work with her, and to fetch water. The wife got used to him as if she were her own child, and without him she is already bored, she can’t live without him. But only if it happens - he’s not there, only one thing will shout: “Fru-fru!”, and he runs to her. So smart! This is how the crane lives with us, and its clipped wings keep growing and growing.

Once the wife went down to the swamp to fetch water, and Zhurka followed her. A small frog sat by the well and jumped from Zhurka into the swamp, Zhurka followed him, and the water was deep, and you couldn’t reach the frog from the shore. Zhurk flapped his wings and suddenly flew away. His wife gasped and followed him. He swings his arms, but he can’t get up.

And in tears, and to us: “Oh, oh, what grief! Ahah!" We all ran to the well.

We see Zhurka sitting far away, in the middle of our swamp.

- Fru-fru! - I shout.

And all the guys behind me also shout:

- Fru-fru!

And so smart! As soon as he heard our “fru-fru”, he immediately flapped his wings and flew in. At this point the wife can’t remember herself with joy and tells the kids to quickly run after the frogs. This year there were a lot of frogs, the guys soon collected two caps. The guys brought frogs and began giving and counting. They gave me five - I swallowed, they gave me ten - I swallowed, twenty and thirty, and so I swallowed forty-three frogs at one time.

N. Sladkov “Three on one log”

The river overflowed its banks and the water overflowed into the sea. The Fox and the Hare are stuck on an island. The Hare rushes around the island and says:

- There is water ahead, the Fox is behind - this is the situation!

And the Fox shouts to the Hare:

- Come on, Hare, to my log - you won’t drown!

The island is going under water. The Hare jumped onto the log to the Fox and the two of them swam down the river.

Magpie saw them and chirped:

- Interesting, interesting... Fox and Hare on the same log - something will come of it!

The Fox and the Hare are swimming. A magpie flies from tree to tree along the shore.

So the Hare says:

“I remember before the flood, when I lived in the forest, I loved to lick willow branches!” So tasty, so juicy...

“And for me,” sighs the Fox, “there is nothing sweeter than voles.” You won’t believe it, the Hare swallowed them whole, didn’t even spit out the bones!

- Yeah! — Soroka was wary. - It's starting!..

She flew up to the log, sat down on a twig and said:

— There are no tasty mice on the log. You, Fox, will have to eat the Hare!

The hungry Fox rushed at the Hare, but the edge of the log plunged - the Fox quickly returned to her place. She shouted at Soroka angrily:

- Oh, what a nasty bird you are! There is no peace from you either in the forest or on the water. So you cling to it like a burr to a tail!

And Soroka, as if nothing had happened:

- Now, Hare, it’s your turn to attack. Where have you seen the Fox and the Hare get along? Push her into the water, I will help!

The Hare closed his eyes and rushed at the Fox, but the log swayed - the Hare quickly came back. And shouts at Soroka:

- What a harmful bird! He wants to destroy us. He's deliberately inciting each other!

A log is floating along the river, the Hare and the Fox are thinking on the log.

At first we didn’t even want to listen to the oatmeal song: it was too simple. And the singer is invisible: she sits motionless on a branch, squinting her eyes, and sings in one voice: “Xin-hsin-hsin-hsi-yin!”

“Just listen,” they said. - Do you hear?


And that’s right, there’s blue all around! How did we not notice this before! And the sky is blue, the haze over the forest is blue, the shadows on the snow are like blue lightning. And if you squint your eyes, everything will turn blue.

Blue month of March!

“That’s not all,” they said. - Listen to her in April.

In April, the bunting gave advice with its song. He will see the driver in the sledge on the muddy road and sing: “Change the sleigh, take the cart!”

In May, the oatmeal has the same song, but the advice is different. He sees that the cattleman is carrying hay to the cows, and immediately: “Carry it, carry it, carry it, don’t bother!”

- Look! - the cattleman grins. - And how does she know that we are running out of hay?

Buntings like to sing near human habitation. She has one song, but everyone translates it in their own way.

E. Nosov “Skvoreshnya”

Spring rustled in streams,

Blackened by the earth and rooks,

And in the branches of swollen cherries

Sparrows fought over birdhouse

To tell the truth, that little bitch is already kind words It wasn’t worth it: the boards had warped over the winter, the roof had cracked and had a wide gap showing through. And the host starlings are already somewhere on the way. Look, they've passed Oboyan and will be home any time now. In a good way, we should replace the birdhouse and please the birds with a new light. But where can I get it? How nice it would be if bird houses were sold in stores in the spring! Let the guys from some carpentry vocational school do it. Or schoolchildren would do this during Labor Lessons, and at the same time learn carpentry. On Bird Day, people would flock to the store, and everyone would buy a birdhouse. But no, such a product is not on sale yet. But there is nothing to make it yourself: in a modern apartment with all the amenities - no extra boards, no plywood. There is a parcel box lying on the balcony, and even that one is made of wood. Well, the wood slab, of course, will immediately get wet in the rain.

And I went to the construction site to look at something abandoned and unnecessary.

And it’s spring at the construction site: the muddy clay has floated, the wheel ruts and potholes are filled with jelly, and only piles of sand and brick stacks rise like islands among the abyss. It's good that I went in rubber boots.

It was a Sunday, there were no people at the construction site, I climbed and climbed around the empty yard - I couldn’t find anything suitable. True, there was a pile of fresh boards yellowing near the brigade trailer, but they were intended for business, and not for my trifle.

Finally, in the road rut, I found a two-meter block broken in the middle. Someone must have placed it under the car wheels. I pulled the board out of the mud and had just begun to wash it in the melted snowbank under the fence when I heard someone calling out to me:

- Hey, what do you want?

I turned around. A red, shaggy hat stuck out of the trailer, under which it was difficult to make out a face.

- Not allowed for strangers.

Squatting, I continued to wash the board, and then the watchman, leaning on a ribbed reinforcing rod, began to slam his boots in my direction.

“They’re hanging around here...” he inflamed himself. - That’s how I’ll hit you with a crutch...

“Yes, here...” I stood up and pointed to the board. — I picked it up in a rut. Broken...

“I picked it up...” the watchman glared menacingly from under his shaggy hat, which made him look like a homeless Airedale. - It’s said, it’s not allowed.

“The birdhouse wanted to do it,” I justified myself embarrassedly and, wanting to touch my soul and soften the “terrier,” I added for convincing: “The grandson asked.” He pestered: do it and do it...

- I don’t know anything! - the “terrier” adamantly interrupted. “One needs it for a farmhouse, the other needs it for a garage.”

- Well, the board has been thrown. And, you see, it’s broken in half. It is held on by one vein. She was lying in the mud.

“You never know... in the mud,” the watchman stepped on the end of the board with his boot. “Even though it’s in the mud, it’s all the same, don’t touch it.”

The situation was humiliating. The whole point is that he is right and I am wrong. I embarrassedly wiped my wet hands on my pants and, out of desperation, looked for cigarettes in my pocket. As luck would have it, there was no smoke, some kind of lump got into my fingers, and I mechanically pulled it out into the light. It was a crumpled paper ruble.

- Maybe it will be useful? — I hesitantly held out the find.

“Terrier” paused, as if sniffing the ruble from afar, and suddenly, somehow instantly swallowing what was proposed, “wagged his tail”:

- Just wait. Why do you need this... Wait, we’ll find a better one now. You need a dry one for the birdhouse. “He quickly ran to the trailer and pulled out a piece of fresh board from the pile. - Here, plan it. There is no need to touch it, it is already clean.

“No, thank you,” I refused, picking up the old board from the ground. - I somehow fell in love with this one.

- Oddball! - “Terrier” shook the fur hanging over his eyes. - I’ll give you a new one. But the plane won’t take a wet one, it will get flattened.

- It’s okay, I’ll dry it first. “For some reason, I really liked this crippled board rescued from the mud more, and I threw the board towards the trailer, but before it reached the stack, it slammed hard into the mess itself.”

“Listen,” the watchman perked up again, wagged his tail and, approaching, muffled his voice: “Maybe you need cement?” Then come back when it gets dark. Three for a bucket.

- No, no, no need.

I went to the exit, and he, mincingly slurping from behind, suggested after me:

- If you pay in advance, I’ll give you a bucket for a ruble, huh? Where do you live? I'll bring it myself in the evening.

I went out the gate and washed my boots in a noisy spring stream.

E. Nosov “Like a crow got lost on the roof”

March is finally here! A damp warmth blew in from the south. The gloomy motionless clouds split and moved. The sun came out, and a cheerful tambourine chime of droplets began to sound across the earth, as if spring was rolling along on an invisible troika.

Outside the window, in the elderberry bushes, the warmed-up sparrows made a fuss. Everyone tried their best, rejoicing that they were alive: “Alive! Alive! Alive!

Suddenly a melted icicle fell from the roof and landed in the very sparrow heap. The flock, with a noise similar to sudden rain, flew to the roof of a neighboring house. There the sparrows sat in a row on the ridge and had just calmed down when a shadow slid across the slope of the roof big bird. The sparrows immediately fell over the ridge.

But the worry was in vain. An ordinary crow landed on the chimney, the same as all other crows in March: with a mud-spattered tail and a tousled scruff. Winter made her forget about self-esteem, about the toilet, and she struggled to earn her daily bread by hook or by crook.

By the way, she was lucky today. In her beak she held a large piece of bread.

Having sat down, she looked around suspiciously: were there any children nearby? And what kind of habit do these brats have of throwing stones? Then she looked around the nearest fences, trees, roofs: there could be other crows there. They won't let you eat in peace either. Now they will flock together and get into a fight.

But it seems that no troubles were foreseen. The sparrows again crowded into the elderberry tree and from there looked enviously at her piece of bread. But she did not take this scandalous small fry into account.

So, you can have a snack!

The crow placed the piece on the edge of the pipe, stepped on it with both paws and began to chisel. When a particularly large piece broke off, it got stuck in the throat, the crow stretched its neck and twitched its head helplessly. Having swallowed, she again began to look around for a while.

And after another blow with its beak, a large ball of crumb jumped out from under its paws and, falling from the chimney, rolled along the slope of the roof. The crow croaked in annoyance: the bread might fall to the ground and go for nothing to some idlers like the sparrows that perched in the bushes under the window. She even heard one of them say:

- C'mon, I saw it first!

- Chick, don’t lie, I noticed it earlier! - the other one shouted and pecked Chick in the eye.

It turns out that other sparrows saw the crumb of bread rolling on the roof, and therefore a desperate argument arose in the bushes.

But they argued prematurely: the bread did not fall to the ground. He didn't even reach the chute. Halfway there, it caught on the ribbed seam that connects roofing sheets.

The crow made a decision that can be expressed in human words like this: “Let that piece lie there, while I deal with it.”

Having finished pecking at the remains, the crow decided to eat the fallen piece. But this turned out to be no easy task. The roof was quite steep, and when the large, heavy bird tried to get down, it failed. Her paws slid over the iron and she went down, braking with her outstretched tail.

She did not like traveling this way, she took off and sat on the chute. From here the crow tried to get the bread again, climbing from bottom to top. It turned out to be more convenient. Helping herself with her wings, she finally reached the middle of the ramp. But what is it? The bread has disappeared! I looked back, looked up - the roof was empty!

Suddenly, a long-legged jackdaw in a gray scarf landed on the pipe and defiantly clicked its tongue: yes! like, what's going on here? Because of such impudence, even the feathers on the back of the crow’s neck bristled, and its eyes sparkled with an unkind shine. She jumped up and rushed at the uninvited guest.

“What an old fool!” - Chick, who had been following this whole story, said to himself and was the first to jump onto the roof. He saw how a crow, having flown over the gutter, began to climb up not along the strip where the piece of bread lay, but along the adjacent one. She was already very close. Chick’s heart even sank because the crow could guess to cross

to another lane and discover the prey. But this dirty, shaggy bird is very stupid. And Chick secretly counted on her stupidity.

- Chick! - the sparrows shouted, running after him. - Chick! This is unfair!

It turns out that they all saw how the old crow got lost on the roof.

Eduard Shim "Spring"

Light drops call, streams splash, waves rumble like strings... The music is getting louder, more joyful!

It’s me, Spring, riding through the forest today.

I have a team of twelve fastest streams. They spread their foamy manes, rush down the hills, carve a path in the dirty snow. Nothing will stop them!

Fly, my silver horses, hey, hey! Ahead lies a deserted land, fallen asleep in a dead sleep. Who will wake her up, who will call her to life?

I, Spring, will do it.

I have full handfuls of living water. I will sprinkle the earth with this water, and immediately everything around will come to life.

Look - I waved my hand, and - the rivers wake up... So they rise, swell... break the green ice above them! Look - I waved again, and - all kinds of small living creatures began to scurry away... birds were flying from the distant south... animals were getting out of dark holes! Move over, forest people, you will sleep! I myself am in a hurry and in a hurry and I don’t tell others to lie still. Hurry up, otherwise the violent flood will catch up with you, surround you, and someone will have to swim.

I can't wait, I big way to come. From the southern edge of the earth to the northern, to the very cold seas, I must rush on my fast horses.

And then Frost is stubborn, at night he secretly throws an icy bridle on my horses. He wants to detain me, stop me, turn the living water into dead water.

But I won't give in to him.

In the morning the sun will heat up my horses, they will rush on the road again - and they will destroy all the ice barriers.

And again the light drops call, again the streams splash, again they rumble... He sings living water, and the earth wakes up to new life!

S. Kozlov “Spring Tale”

This has never happened to Hedgehog before. Never before had he felt like singing and having fun for no reason. But now, when the month of May came, he sang and had fun all day long, and if anyone asked him why he was singing and having fun, the Hedgehog just smiled and began to sing even louder.

“That’s because spring has come,” said the Little Bear. - That’s why the Hedgehog is having fun!

And the Hedgehog took a violin from the closet, called two hares and told them:

- Go take your drums from last year and come back to me!

And when the hares came with drums over their shoulders, Hedgehog told them to go behind, and he himself went first, playing the violin.

-Where is he going? - asked the First Hare.

“I don’t know,” answered the Second.

- Should we beat the drums? - he asked the Hedgehog.

“No, not yet,” said the Hedgehog. -Can't you see: I play the violin!..

And so they walked through the entire forest.

At the edge of the forest, in front of a tall pine tree, the Hedgehog stopped, raised his muzzle and, without taking his eyes off Squirrel’s hollow, began to play the most tender melody he knew. It was called: “Sad Mosquito.”

“Pi-pi-pi-pi-i!..” - the violin sang. And the Hedgehog even closed his eyes - he felt so good and sad.

- Why did we stop here? - asked the First Hare.

- Don't you understand? - Hedgehog was surprised. - Red Sun lives here!

- Should we beat the drums?

“Wait,” the Hedgehog grumbled. - I'll tell you when...

And again he closed his eyes and started playing “Sad Mosquito.”

The squirrel was sitting in the hollow and knew that it was the Hedgehog standing under the pine tree, playing “Sad Mosquito” and calling her Red Sun... But she wanted to listen to the violin longer, and so she did not look out of the Hollow.

And the Hedgehog played all day until the evening and, when he was tired, nodded his head to the hares - and they quietly drummed so that the Squirrel knew that the Hedgehog was still standing below and waiting for her to look out.

Spring has come... Happy Spring to you, friends!!! I love spring very much... Yes, all seasons are good, and each is beautiful in its own way. But here is an amazing magic, a beautiful awakening from sleep of everything and everyone around, this miracle exists only in spring... In the “” section we will talk today about it, about spring, which gives hope, awakens in us the most wonderful feelings and makes us believe in the most incredible!

Children about spring

Spring is very interesting and amazing time per year. It is in the spring that it is so fresh and easy to breathe, the sun appears, which we all yearned for so much during the winter. In spring you can find so many unusual things around, the main thing is to look around, and spring will seem like a fairy tale to you and your baby, no worse than a snowy winter. Spring is very beautiful and bright. No wonder there is an interesting legend about her arrival.

The Legend of the Origin of Spring

One day the Sun descended to earth in the form of a beautiful girl. The sun wanted to have fun, rejoice with people. The Evil Serpent stole and locked the Sun in his palace. The birds stopped singing, all people, especially children, forgot what cheerful laughter, friendly smiles, and kind looks are. The world plunged into sadness and despondency. One brave young man volunteered to save the Sun. For a whole year he searched for the Serpent's palace. Still, I found him and challenged him to a fight.

He fought all day and night. A sharp and cold wind blew on Earth. It started snowing in large flakes. It seemed that bad weather there will be no end.

But the brave young man, of course, defeated the evil Serpent. The bad weather immediately stopped: the wind calmed down, the snow began to melt... And the sun rose into the sky, illuminating the whole world. Nature began to come to life, people were happy, but only the brave young man did not have time to see spring. His warm blood flowed onto the snow. The last straw has fallen. A brave young man has died. Where the snow melted, white flowers grew - snowdrops, the harbingers of spring. ()

Observations of nature in spring

With the arrival of spring, general rejoicing and awakening begins. Everything around is gradually changing. Nature changes slowly, but with each new day you can notice something completely new and wonderful.

With the arrival of spring, the sun shines more and more and rises higher, the days become longer. The snow begins to melt, spring streams are running with might and main, spring drops are dripping cheerfully and cheerfully. The ice that bound the lakes and rivers cannot stand it either; it becomes covered with cracks and gradually breaks, beginning to drift. At this moment there is a flood in full swing, the lowlands are flooded with melt water. The weather is very changeable, sometimes the bright sun is shining, sometimes a strong wind begins to blow.

How animals, birds and insects live

Sensing the sun and approaching warmth, insects crawl out after a long winter hibernation. Migratory birds return from the south to their native lands. Rooks are among the first to be seen, followed by starlings, larks and wagtails. The animals also wake up after winter, a bear with cubs crawls out of its den, a badger crawls out of its hole. Animals change their fur, molt in the spring, hares and squirrels also change the color of their fur coat to a summer version.

How plants grow

Plants also feel the warmth of the spring sun and begin to come to life. The sap rises from the roots to the about-to-swell buds, and soon the leaves will begin to appear.

The willow is the first to bloom - the first harbinger of spring. Soon the alder and hazel will dress up in fluffy buds.

Everywhere, the first flowers of spring - coltsfoot and lungwort - are making their way out from under the ground towards the sun. Filled bright colors and gardens where fruit trees bloom in late spring.

Features of human activity in spring

With the arrival of spring, not only animals and plants wake up. The person also feels a surge of strength. There is quite a lot of work at this time, especially outside the city. After all, it is necessary to cultivate the land, and then sow millet, barley and rye. Also at this time, greens, onions, and carrots are sown.

What about sports in the spring?

You can play sports at any time of the year. However, in the spring it is doubly pleasant to do this. The temperature outside is optimal fresh air, and my soul is in a great mood. In the spring, when the days are long and bright, when everything around is starting to dry out, you can start running in the park. For the more active, you can offer roller skating or cycling. Also, many parks now offer exercises and dance master classes.

Spring in literature

Tales of spring

Perhaps the most famous fairy tale about spring is the Russian folk tale“”, which tells about the confrontation between Winter and Spring, in which the warm and gentle spring still wins, legally coming into its own.

It is noteworthy that in Japanese culture there is also interesting tale about spring. It's called "Nightingale House". It tells about a lumberjack who did not listen to his wife and looked out the treasured window.

The fairy tale by S. Prokofieva “” is interesting and educational. Little Freckle looks for and protects freckled children.

And don’t forget our favorite heroes E. Uspensky by reading the fairy tale “”.

Stories about spring

Many authors at one time dedicated their creations to the beautiful spring and her ringing melodic drops. After all, writing about spring is a pleasure!! Wrote about spring outstanding writer A. N. Tolstoy in the story “Spring Has Come.”

If you want to know how a spring day begins in the steppe, then you can read “The Steppe in Spring” by the talented writer A.I. Kuprina. To get an idea of ​​spring in general, you can read another short story “Spring Miniatures”.

All these small works will definitely add to the mood and help you and your baby better understand spring and all the changes associated with its onset. An extremely educational and exciting journey into spring.

Proverbs about spring

  • April with water, May with grass.
  • May, may, don’t take off your fur coat.
  • Whoever does not start sowing in March forgets about his wealth.
  • Spring is our father and mother; whoever does not sow will not reap.
  • Spring is red during the day.
  • Spring will show everything.
  • Martok - put on two trousers.
  • March sets the frost on the nose.
  • No matter how angry the blizzard is, everything feels like spring.
  • Water flowed from the mountains and brought spring.
  • Prepare the sleigh in the spring and the wheels in the fall.
  • If you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year.
  • A day earlier you sow, a week earlier you harvest.
  • If you sow in good weather, you will produce more offspring.
  • He who sows early does not lose seeds.
  • He who hopes for heaven sits without bread.
  • In the spring, if you fall behind for an hour, you won’t catch up during the day.
  • Spring is red during the day.

Riddles about spring

The snow is melting,
The meadow came to life
The day is coming...
When does this happen? ( in spring)

Maples, lindens and oak trees
I give new leaves,
I invite you dear birds
Return from the south
And I’ll see you off to the north
Winter friend. ( Spring)

I water the crops
There is a lot of movement.
My name is...( spring)

A huge collection of riddles about spring is in the article “”.

Spring in painting

It's amazing how different people see spring different people. We can verify this by looking at some spring paintings by famous artists. For example, the painting “Early Spring” by Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi. It is amazingly bright and positive, apparently spring is already in full swing.

Let's look at another painting by the famous Russian artist A. Savrasov, “The Rooks Have Arrived,” here the landscape is grayer, as if winter had not yet completely given way to spring, and if it weren’t for the rooks, it could easily be confused.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan also painted paintings on a spring theme. For example, this is “March”

and “Spring. Big water."

Landscape painters enjoy painting what they see around them in the spring, because it is at this time that they are literally overwhelmed by a wave of inspiration. Look at the amazing paintings by K. F. Yuon “March Sun”

and “Spring sunny day.”

They are amazingly bright, lively and perfectly lift your spirits. It immediately becomes clear why artists love to depict life in spring.

And if many paint the first days, it’s still quite early spring, then in I. S. Ostroukhov’s “First Greenery” spring already feels like a full-fledged mistress, the leaves and the first grass are blooming with might and main.

To all of the above and what we have seen, let’s add the children’s favorite animation and watch the cartoon “What is Spring”:

- mimosas in poetry and children's creativity

Many crafts and interesting things can be collected in our gallery “”.

All-all about all seasons in the “” section.

A bright, sunny and warm Spring to you! The most important thing is to cherish the Spring that lives in your soul!..

With love,

In the video, children aged 5-10 years will see floods in the forest, wolves on the hunt, a bear crawling out of its den, and many other spring phenomena in nature. This film was made at a studio of educational films for children and is structured as a dialogue between a child and an adult. The child watches the animals and asks questions to the adult, the adult answers his questions and gives interesting information. additional information. Watch a movie with your kids. The film is of very high quality and made professionally, taking into account all the requirements for educational films for children. Enjoy watching and new discoveries!

For the curious: about forest babies and their mothers. Interesting information about animals in spring

Hares in spring

Mother - hare feeds the bunnies and immediately runs away, leaving them alone under a bush. And the bunnies sit under the bush for three to four days, waiting for someone to feed them. new mom- hare.

There are no strangers' bunnies - they are all their own and will always be fed. Hares' milk is fatty and nutritious; it lasts for 3-4 days.

Why does nature work this way? The fact is that hares have sweat and sebaceous glands only on the soles of their paws. And if the hare lived with the hares, they would quickly be found - smelled by the smell - a fox or a wolf. After all, rabbits have many enemies - fox, wolf, marten, lynx, and birds of prey. And when a tiny bunny sits under a bush and hides its paws under itself, it is impossible to find it by its smell. It turns out that by running away from the bunnies, the hare saves them.

After 8-9 days, the rabbits will have teeth, and then grass will appear, and they will begin to feed themselves.

Squirrels in spring

U squirrels Baby squirrels also appear in the spring. They are born naked, helpless, and cannot see anything. The mother squirrel takes care of them, feeding the squirrels milk for two months. But dad, the squirrel, doesn’t live with his family, he lives separately.

The mother squirrel spends a lot of time searching for food, otherwise the baby squirrels will grow up frail and sick. Baby squirrels demand special attention from squirrels - mothers, they need to be sheltered, warmed, fed. Only after a month do the baby squirrels open their eyes and begin to look out of the nest.

In spring, the squirrel is the enemy of all birds and the most dangerous predator for many birds. She destroys bird nests on tree branches and steals chicks and eggs from them.

Hedgehogs in spring

In April, hedgehogs also appear. They are born in a hedgehog's nest, which looks like a hut made of dry leaves, twigs and moss. The hedgehog feeds the hedgehogs with milk and takes care of them.

Hedgehogs, like baby squirrels, are born helpless and naked, without needles. A few hours after birth, bumps appear on the skin of the hedgehogs, then they burst, and thin needles appear from them. Then the needles will harden and turn into thorns. The mother of the hedgehog first feeds the hedgehogs with milk, and then, when they grow up, she brings them earthworms and slugs to their nest.

Bears in the spring

In April, a mother bear with grown cubs wakes up and leaves the den. She wanders through the forest - looking for food: pulling out bulbs and roots of plants, looking for larvae.

Coming out of the den, the bear stretches, rolls around, tries to warm up after hibernation, and puts his fur coat in order. And looking for food.

By the time they leave the den, bears molt. They lose their thick winter coat and grow a short, darker coat. All summer long the fur will grow again and will be thick and warm by the new winter (bears do not shed in the fall).

In the spring, the she-bear not only feeds the cubs with her milk, but also teaches them to get their own food - dig roots out of the ground, look for insects, last year's berries. Even if the mother bear is hungry, first of all she will give food to her babies - the cubs. While protecting the cubs, the mother bear can attack any enemy.

In the spring, the mother bear bathes her cubs in streams and lakes: she takes them by the scruff of the neck and lowers them into the water. Later, when the kids grow up, they will begin to bathe themselves.

Creative task “Unwashed Raccoon”. Read a wonderful fairy tale about the Raccoon to the children. And together with your child, figure out how this story ends.

E. Shim “Who looks like whom?”

“Little Raccoon ran home, and his mother gasped:

- Fathers, who do you look like?! Where have you been messing around? Why is all the fur in the trash?

- And I was stirring up an anthill.

- Why are your paws covered in swamp mud?

- And I was chasing a frog.

- Why is your nose in the ground?!

- I dug up a beetle...

- No, just look at him! - Mom says. – Is this what decent animals look like?

What do decent animals look like?

- Decent animals have shiny fur, licked noses, cleaned claws! And look at yourself!

“I wanted to take a look,” Raccoon replies, “but they didn’t let me.”

- Who didn’t?

- And the Bear. I didn’t come to the river, I went down to the water - suddenly there was a Mother Bear with her cubs! So scary! I'm angry!

- Do you know why she came to the river?

- Don't know. I quickly ran away.

“She brought the cubs to bathe them.” And she is ashamed when the children are grimy!

“That’s it...” says Raccoon. - Now I understand. Otherwise, I couldn’t guess why she was waving her paw and growling: “Oh, you little freak, oh you unwashed Raccoon!”

Questions for children:

  1. Why couldn’t Raccoon look at himself – at his reflection in the water?
  2. Why did the Bear come to the river? Why did the Bear growl and get angry?
  3. What did the Raccoon do next when he found out why the Bear was angry and cursed “The Raccoon is unwashed”?
  4. Together with your children, figure out how this story ends. (For example, Raccoon quickly ran to the river, washed his face, combed his hair, cleaned his claws. He returned home, even his mother did not recognize him, and was very happy...)

Sometimes in a family of bears there is an older bear cub - a “pestun” (a bear cub from last year’s litter). So it is called from the word “nurture”. The bear cub is a nurse - the main assistant of the mother - bear, a role model for kids - bear cubs. He shows them how to climb hollows for honey, how to feast on ants and their larvae. He separates the cubs if they fight and restores order among them. This is the kind of helper the bear has! And daddy bear does not take part in raising the cubs.

The bear cub is a nurturer, although he is an older bear cub, but he loves to play. Read to your child the dialogue between the Magpie and the Teddy Bear:

E. Shim “The Magpie and the Little Bear”

“- Teddy bear, are you going to break this rowan tree?

-Are you bending it into an arc?

- Do you want to rip her off?

- Leave me alone, Soroka. I don't want anything. I just took it and am swinging on this mountain ash. Let me play at least a little before my mother comes and makes my little brother babysit!”

Foxes in spring

Foxes also have cubs. Usually in March - April, a fox gives birth to 4-6 cubs. Little foxes are dark brown in color, and the tips of their tails are white! After 3-4 weeks, the fox cubs stop eating the milk of their mother, the fox, but still live in the hole. Their parents bring them food into the hole.

Their mother, the fox, does not allow anyone near the fox cubs. She guards the hole. The mother fox watches closely to see if there is any danger nearby. In case of danger, the fox barks loudly, and the cubs quickly run away - they hide deep in the hole. And if people or dogs have visited the fox hole, then the fox will definitely move her cubs to another safe place - away from the previous hole. The father fox also helps raise the fox cubs. He teaches them and brings them booty.

Wolves in the spring

To raise wolf cubs, wolves make a den in the forest thicket. In the spring, a she-wolf gives birth to 4-7 cubs. They are born helpless and covered with gray fluff. First, the she-wolf feeds the cubs with her milk, and does not leave them anywhere. And daddy the wolf brings food to the she-wolf. When the wolf cubs grow up, both mother and father feed them together.

Moose in spring

In the spring, a moose cow gives birth to 1-2 calves. The mother moose licks them after birth, and they immediately stand on their legs. And after 3-4 days, little elk calves run after their mother! Their mother, the moose cow, feeds them with her milk for a long time, and the moose calves grow like heroes - by leaps and bounds!

Badgers in the spring

The badger wakes up and crawls out of the hole. The badger is a very neat and clean animal. Therefore, in the spring he begins to repair his house, renews his bedding, cleans the passages, and throws out the garbage.

In the spring, the badger eats everything edible it can find, as it needs to quickly restore strength after hibernation. It eats larvae, earthworms, mice, and destroys bird nests.

In April, a badger gives birth to 3-6 badger cubs. She raises them alone. For several days she does not leave the hole at all, then she comes out, but not for long. To make the babies grow faster, the badger takes them one by one out into the sun into the fresh air - she takes them in her teeth, brings them and places them side by side under a bush or under a tree. When the badger cubs are two months old, they come out of the hole on their own.

Pisces in the spring

In the spring, the ice on the river melts and it is no longer possible to walk on it. And then the ice begins to drift completely. All the inhabitants of the reservoirs are happy that it has become light under the water. The fish swim to shallow places where the water is more warmed by the sun.

In spring, fish begin to grow, and their scales grow in rings. And by their number you can determine how old the fish is.

In May, fish spawn. The fry emerge from it.

At first the fry are naked, without scales, then they grow scales. First of all they grow up pectoral fins future fish, then - fins on the back, and then on the stomach. When the fry grow up, it develops a tail.

The fry hide from their enemies in the darkness. In some fish, the fry hide in their parents' mouths and sit there in safety. Sometimes the fry hide next to their parents, clinging to their side and swimming away from them. dangerous place further away.

Migratory birds in spring: logic puzzles for children

Logical problem 3. Each has its own time. Birds in spring

Each bird flies to us at its “own time”. This is how it is written about it in N. Sladkov’s story:

N. Sladkov. Birds brought spring

“The rooks arrived and brought thawed patches. Icebreaker wagtails broke the ice on the river. The finches appeared and the green grass began to fluff.

That’s how spring is done: a little of each.”

Why does each bird have its own time of arrival? Try to guess it yourself with your children.

A fairy-tale dialogue in the forest will help you guess what the reason is. “Crake and the Rook” (E. Shim)

“- Crake, why are you late, did you arrive from warm lands so late?

- And I waited until my house grew up.

- How is it that the house will grow?!

- You live in a tree, Rook, you don’t understand. And I live in a clean meadow, hiding in the grass. So I waited for the grass to grow!”

One more clue- the first to return to us are those birds that were the last to fly away in the fall. And vice versa, the last to return to us almost in the summer are those birds that were the first to fly away from us at the beginning of autumn. Why? Let's remember together with the children why the birds flew away from us in the fall and did not spend the winter with us? They would freeze, they would have no food. So which birds arrive first? Those who can get food for themselves even in March.

Why do swallows arrive only in May? Let's remember how swallows fly close to the ground before the rain - why do they do this? Because they catch insects (in the summer in the village, show this phenomenon to the children). Swallows feed on insects. And when do insects appear in our forests, fields, and gardens? In May. So the swallows come to us when there is food for them.

Logic problem 4.Birds - auditors

“Tractor drivers call these birds “resistors.” As soon as the tractors go out into the spring arable land, these black proud birds are right there - decorously and importantly walking behind the tractor along the freshly plowed strip, picking worms from the ground. What kind of birds are these?”

Why are rooks called “auditors”? Who is an “auditor”? Are rooks migratory or wintering birds? Why do people call rooks “the harbingers of spring”?

Logical problem 5. Why do rooks have a white beak?

Rooks are among the first to arrive to us, proudly walk through the fields, looking for worms, larvae, and beetles in thawed areas.

What color is the rook's beak? White. And some rooks have a beak... black!!! Why do you think? This riddle has a very interesting solution. And the old rook White Beak and the young rook Black Beak will tell you and your children (E. Shim “Black Beak and White Beak”).

It is best to act out this story using figurines of two rooks, painted differently.

“- Rook, you were probably flying to the fire?

- Why is it for a fire?

- Yes, your nose is sooty!

- Why is it sooty?

- Rooks have white noses, but yours is black! It's like they smoked it on purpose!

- And you’re still lying! My nose is normal! And very beautiful! It’s just that I’m still a young rook, I haven’t been in the field much, I haven’t poked around in the ground much... So I didn’t have time to polish my beak until it shines!”

After reading this a short story– dialogue, ask the child how to understand whether we met an old rook in the village in the spring or a young one? Why was the beak of a young rook called “smoky”? (Explain to the child what happens in a fire, what “smoky” means. Remember the soot that children could see at the dacha, the coals from the fire, tell the child that after a fire only black coals remain. And the young rook’s beak is also black. That’s why They called its beak “smoky”).

Entertaining task 6. The secret of the nightingale

In spring nightingales sing. And when do they eat? You won't be full of songs. It turns out that the nightingales have their own secret. Here's what:

“A nightingale sang in the bird cherry trees. He sang without a break, loudly and bitingly. His tongue in his wide-open beak beat like a bell. When only he has time to eat and drink! After all, you won’t be satisfied with just one song.
He hung his wings, threw back his head, his sharp beak snapped like scissors in the hands of a deft hairdresser. It clicks and clicks with such sonorous trills that even the neighboring leaves tremble, and warm steam escapes from the heated neck.

...And mosquitoes flock to the park! They can’t sharpen their nose under a tight feather, so they sound over their gaping beak. They just ask to be put in your mouth, they stick right to your tongue! The nightingale clicks songs and... mosquitoes. Two things at once. And one is not a hindrance to the other. And they also say that songs don’t feed the nightingale!”

(N. Sladkov. Nightingale)

For the curious: interesting facts about nightingales in spring

In the first half of May, nightingales return to us. First, the male nightingales fly to us and immediately begin to sing, but they sing still weakly and uncertainly. Their singing is a signal for the female nightingales. When the females arrive, the nightingale songs begin. This bird's voice is amazingly beautiful!

But not every nightingale will learn to sing beautifully. Nightingales take three years to learn to sing! Only in the third year do they become magnificent singers. Young nightingales learn to sing from their neighbors - old nightingales. If the neighbors do not sing very well, then the nightingale does not reach its full potential. beautiful voice. As they say, whoever you get along with, that’s how you’ll gain. This proverb literally refers to the “musical school of nightingale singing,” in which experienced nightingales teach young nightingales to sing.

Nightingale Day is usually celebrated on May 15 - this is the time of sunny, warm spring and nightingale songs. People used to say this: “Nightingales fly when they can drink dew or rainwater from a birch leaf.”

In May - June, nightingales begin to build nests. The nest is made of grass, wool, and dry leaves. The female incubates the eggs for two weeks.

Chicks are born in June. At this time, the nightingale concerts end - the nightingales raise their chicks.

Many have heard the nightingale, but not everyone has seen it. He is invisible. It is very difficult to see the small gray bird.

E. Shim. The nightingale and the little crow

“- Carr! Where are you going, gray, small and squeaky little one? Go away!

- Why?

- The Nightingale lives in these bushes - a golden sock, a silver neck. Are you your equal?

-Have you seen him?

- It hasn’t happened yet. But they say - so good, so handsome! Just to take a peek...

- So look. I am Nightingale!

Cartoon birds in spring

And in conclusion, I suggest you watch a wonderful cartoon for kids based on the fairy tale “The Orange Neck” by V. Bianchi about a lark and his neighbors - partridges. From the cartoon, in a very exciting and accessible fairy tale form, children will learn about how birds live.

First, I suggest reading this book to children (it is quite large, so I will not offer its text here; the book “Orange Neck” can be found in any children's library), and then watch a cartoon based on this educational fairy tale.

Our journey into the wonderful world of nature and animals has come to an end. You and your children have learned a lot about animals in spring, We came up with our own stories and acted out dialogues. I hope that this article will help you and your little ones and bring a lot of joy and amazing discoveries!

More about spring speech games, poems, physical education lessons, pictures, fairy tales for activities with children you will find in the articles on the site:

Tales about spring: 11 educational fairy tales in pictures and tasks for children. We introduce children to the world around them.

Tales of spring

In the article you will find a selection entertaining educational tales about spring in pictures and tasks for children. Use them on a walk, when looking at spring paintings and photographs, and in conversations about spring.

  • discuss it
  • While walking, observe the phenomena mentioned in the fairy tale.
  • act out dialogues from a fairy tale with toys or pictures.
  • come up with a continuation of the fairy tale, in which new heroes will participate.

In the article you will find 11 fairy tales about spring for children of different ages - from preschool to primary school, as well as two cartoons - fairy tales about spring (“Spring Tale” and “Snow Maiden”).

Tales about spring: How to hear spring in the forest?

Spring can be seen on the street, in photographs, in paintings. Can you hear spring? How? Try it with your child on a walk or on the way to kindergarten, children's club, to the store, to visit to listen to spring. How can you tell by the sounds that spring has come? (drops of icicles are dripping, streams are ringing, birds are singing, etc.)

Listen to Spring's tale about its secrets and how you can hear it.

E. Shim. Spring.

“Do you hear?
Light drops call forth, streams splash, waves rumble like strings... The music is getting louder and more joyful!
It’s me, Spring, riding through the forest today. I have a team of twelve fastest streams. They spread their foamy manes, rush down the hills, carve a path in the dirty snow. Nothing will stop them!

Fly, my silver horses, hey, hey! Ahead lies a deserted land, fallen asleep in a dead sleep. Who will wake her up, who will call her to life?
I, Spring, will do it.

I have full handfuls of living water. I will sprinkle the earth with this water, and immediately everything around will come to life...

Look - I waved my hand, and - the rivers wake up... so they rise, swell... break the green ice above them!

Look, I waved it again and the trees and bushes awaken... the branches straighten... the sticky buds unfurl!

Look - for the third time I waved my hand, and - all kinds of small living creatures began to scurry away... birds were flying from the distant south... animals were getting out of dark holes!

Move over, forest people, you will sleep! I myself am in a hurry - I’m in a hurry and I don’t tell others to lie still. Hurry up, otherwise the violent flood will catch up with you, surround you, and some will have to swim.

I can’t wait, I have a long way to go. From the southern edge of the earth to the northern, to the very cold seas, I must rush on my fast horses.

And then Frost is stubborn, at night he secretly throws an icy bridle on my horses. He wants to detain me, stop me, turn living water into dead water.

But I won't give in to him.

In the morning the sun will heat up my horses, they will rush off again and destroy all the ice barriers.

And again the light drops call forth, again the streams splash, again they rumble... The living water sings, and the earth awakens to new life!”

Journey to the spring forest. After reading the fairy tale, ask your child to imagine that you are in the forest in the spring. What sounds will you hear? What sounds of Spring did you and your children hear in the fairy tale (re-read the words from the story:

  • “Rivers are waking up... so they rise, swell... break the green ice above them!” - and ask - “If the rivers rise and break the ice, then what can you hear?
  • “all small living creatures have fallen asleep” - what are these sounds? So, what else can you hear in the spring forest?
  • “birds are flying from the far south” - what can you hear?
  • “I have a team of twelve fastest streams. They spread their foamy manes, rush down the hills, carve a path in the dirty snow. Nothing will stop them! - what kind of sounds do we hear in the spring?

Discuss with children:“Why does the fairy tale say that “the sun will heat up the horses”? What kind of horses does spring have? How will the sun warm them up? What kind of icy bridle does Frost throw on the horses of spring? (it covers them with ice at night, and in the morning and during the day the ice melts and streams flow).” It is very important that children themselves try to figure out what kind of horses these are, and discover for themselves this figurative comparison - streams are like horses in Spring’s harness, on which she rides across the earth.

Draw Spring in her harness.

Ask your child:“How does spring keep forest people from sleeping? How does she wake them up? Re-read the passage: “Move, forest people, you will sleep! I myself am in a hurry - I’m in a hurry and I don’t tell others to lie still. Hurry up, otherwise the violent flood will catch up with you, surround you, and someone will have to swim.” Tell us about the spring flood.

The following tales about spring will help you tell about the flood.

Tales of Spring: Spring Flood

G. Ladonshchikov. Bear

“Without need and without worry
The bear was sleeping in his den.
I slept all winter until spring,
And, probably, he saw dreams.

Suddenly the clubfoot woke up,
He hears: drip! —
What a disaster!
I groped in the darkness with my paw
And jumped up -
Water all around!
The bear hurried outside:
Floods - no time for sleep!
He got out and saw:
The snow is melting...
Spring has come."

And this is how it was - listen to the fairy tale.

N. Sladkov Bear and the Sun

“Water seeped into the den and wet the bear’s pants.
- May you, slush, dry up completely! - the Bear cursed. - Here I am now!

It’s not my fault, Bear. Snow is to blame for everything. It started to melt, let the water run. But my business is watery - it flows downhill.
- Oh, so it’s Snow’s fault? Here I am now! - the Bear roared.
Snow turned white and got scared. He creaked in fear:

It's not my fault, Bear. The sun is to blame. It’s so hot, it’s so scorching - you’ll melt here!

Oh, so it was the Sun that wet my pants? - the Bear barked. - Here I am now!

What about “now”?

You can’t grab the sun with your teeth or reach it with your paw. Shines to himself. The snow melts and drives water into the den. The bear wets his pants.
There is nothing to do - the Bear left the den. He grumbled, grumbled, and even scratched his head. Dry your pants. Welcome spring."

This fairy tale is very good for dramatization. Here are figures that you can use to act out dialogues from the fairy tale. You can make a simple finger theater or figures on magnets or for a carpet grapher.

You will find information on how to quickly and easily make a finger theater with your children in the “Dialogues-dramatization” section.

E. Shim. Moose and mouse

“Why are you, moose, taking the rap?

— The river has overflowed. I swam through it, almost drowned... Phew!

- Just think, dear! I suffered more than you.

- Why are you tormented?

- And the puddle spilled near my mink. My entire home was flooded, all the paths were cut off... I’ve been floating on a branch for three days!”

E. Shim. Fox and Magpie

“- Apchhhi!..

- Be healthy, Foxy!

“You’ll be healthy here... The snow is wet everywhere, the streams are overflowing, and the trees are dripping.” Not only the paws - the tail is completely raw. At least squeeze it and hang it on a bush!”

Read the fairy tale “The Woodpecker, the Hares and the Bear” and act it out using toys, pictures or a finger theater. Play plastic sketches - the bear is sleeping, the bear woke up, the bear was scared and angry that the water got it wet, the bear was happy to find sweet roots in the ground, the bear sings a spring song.

E. Shim. Woodpecker, hares and bear

“The snow began to melt in the forest, the hollow water rose and flooded the bear’s den.

The Bear woke up - wow, what a disaster! — there’s a puddle under his belly, his paws are cold, even the fur on the back of his neck is wet... He jumped out, shaking, his teeth chattering.

But the outside is no sweeter. It’s dripping from all the trees, streams are running from the hills, and lakes have overflowed in the clearings. There is nowhere to set foot on dry land!

The Bear splashes on the water - angry - despicable, growls:

- Ugh, you're an abyss, what a waste of life!.. It was bad to sleep in the winter, and waking up was on you! - even worse... What is this punishment for?!

And suddenly he hears a song. Someone cheerfully writes:

Knock-knock, the branch is shaking,
There, there, there comes the knock!
Fir-fir? Sixteen holes

The Bear raised his head and saw a woodpecker in a red cap on a birch tree. The Woodpecker leans on his tail-support, hits the birch bark with his nose, giggles - he’s so happy!

- Why are you singing, long-nosed? - asks the Bear.

- Why not sing, grandpa? Spring has come!..

- So what's good?

- Yes, you obviously haven’t woken up yet! Spring is red, you know?!

- Ugh, the abyss! Why did you like her so much?!

- Like what? Nowadays every day is a holiday, there is a treat on every branch. So I flew to a birch tree, poked holes in the bark - knock! Knock! - and look... sweet juice is dripping from them. Drink to your heart's content and praise the red Spring!

“Some have sweet juice, some have cold water,” says the Bear. - Shut up, don’t tease, I’m sick without you.

Jump through the bush,
Jump over a hummock,
Forward - back,
Forward - back.

The Bear came closer and saw: hares were playing in the clearing, chasing each other. They were so happy that they didn’t notice anything around them.

- “Tsit, slanted ones! - the Bear barked. – what kind of mess?!

- It’s spring, grandpa! Spring is red!

- What good is it to you?!

- Yes, of course, grandfather! Every day we have a holiday, there is a treat at every step. They ran to this clearing, and here the green grass has already sprouted, you can cram it... How can one not praise and glorify the red Spring?

“Some have grass, some have dirt and slush,” says the Bear. Get out of here, don’t bother my soul, you damned ones...

He wandered further, splashing in the puddles with his paws. And the further into the forest, the more songs and dances. All residents - from small birds to large animals - rejoice with great joy and celebrate the spring holiday. The forest is ringing and walking!

The Bear sat down on a dry hillock, propped his paw up, sunbathed:

- How can it be... Everyone in the forest is happy, I alone have no joy. Am I the worst of all?

And then the sun came out from behind a cloud. It warmed the Bear’s back, a steam curled over the wet skin... The Bear groaned with pleasure and turned his sides up. It’s so nice to warm up after the cold!

Steam also came from the warm earth. Bear pulled his nose - it smells!.. Familiar, sweet!

He began to dig the ground, turned away the turf - and there the roots were visible. How did he forget about them?! After all, I had to feast on it, in the spring the roots are juicy, sugary - you won’t find a better treat!

Then he hears: a song. Someone writes:

Oh, oh, lunch is not bad,
The left side is hot,
And behind him is the right side,
I can’t feel my feet underneath me,
Thank you, spring, for reassuring me!

I looked around - there was no one. And the song was very close!

I didn’t realize right away that he started singing it himself.

That's how Spring got in"

And here is another tale about spring and spring floods. Together with your child, figure out how this fabulous spring story ends.

N. Sladkov. Three on one log

“The river overflowed its banks and the water overflowed into the sea. The Fox and the Hare are stuck on an island. The Hare rushes around the island and says:

There is water ahead, the Fox behind - this is the situation!

And the Fox shouts to the Hare:

Sigh, Hare, come to my log - you won’t drown!

The island is going under water. The Hare jumped onto the log to the Fox and the two of them swam down the river.

Magpie saw them and chirped:

Interesting, interesting... Fox and Hare on the same log - something will come of it!

The Fox and the Hare are swimming. A magpie flies from tree to tree along the shore.

So the Hare says:

I remember before the flood, when I was in the forest, I loved to lick willow branches! So tasty, so juicy...

And for me,” sighs the Fox, “there is nothing sweeter than mice and voles.” You won’t believe it, the Hare swallowed them whole, didn’t even spit out the bones!

Yeah! - Soroka was wary. - It's starting!..

She flew up to the log, sat down on a twig and said:

There are no tasty mice on the log. You, Fox, will have to eat the Hare!

The hungry Fox rushed at the Hare, but the edge of the log plunged - the Fox quickly returned to her place. She shouted at Soroka angrily:

Oh, what a nasty bird you are! There is no peace from you either in the forest or on the water. So you cling to it like a burr to a tail!

And Soroka, as if nothing had happened:

Now, Hare, it's your turn to attack. Where have you seen the Fox and the Hare get along? Push her into the water, I will help!

The Hare closed his eyes and rushed at the Fox, but the log swayed - the Hare quickly came back. And shouts at Soroka:

What a nasty bird! He wants to destroy us. He's deliberately inciting each other!

A log is floating along the river, the Hare and the Fox are thinking on the log.”

Tales of spring: spring conversations in the forest

Hares give birth to babies in March. They are called “nastovichok” (from the word “nast” - crust on the snow). The wolf's cubs appear. They are born very small and blind. Other animals also give birth to babies.

Here spring fairy tale about one such little bunny - a baby. It contains very unusual word“to cram”, that is, to make notches.

E. Shim. Everything has its time

“The Nastovich bunny was born in March, when the earth was still covered in white snow.

The Bunny's fur coat is warm. The Hare's milk is nourishing. The little hare sits under a bush, looking in all directions with round eyes. It’s okay, you can live...

Days pass. The Little Bunny is growing. And he became bored.

“Well,” he says to the Hare, “will it be like this all the time?” Sit under a bush, on white snow look, wait until they feed you milk?

“Wait,” the hare says. - Everything has its time. Soon spring will be in full swing, you will be running through the green forest, cramming sweet grass.

- Will it be soon?

Days pass. The sun is warming up, the snow is settling in the forest, there are puddles around the trees.

The little bunny can't wait:

- Well, where is the green forest, where is the sweet grass? I don't want to wait any longer!

“Wait,” the hare says. - Everything has its time.

Days pass. The snow is melting in the forest, the drops are clicking, the streams are ringing.

The bunny is unbearable:

- Well, where is the green forest? Where is the sweet grass?! I won't, I won't wait any longer!

“Wait,” the Hare says again. - Everything has its time.

Days pass. There is high water in the forest, fogs are spreading over the damp earth, the cries of cranes can be heard in the sky.

“Well,” the Little Hare is sad, “apparently these are fairy tales - about a green forest and grass... None of this happens in the world.” And I waited in vain!

- Look at that! - The hare says. - Look around!

The Little Hare looked around and saw the first green leaves on the birch tree. Tiny, tiny! I looked at the ground and saw the first blade of grass emerge. Thin - thin!

And the Little Hare was so happy. I was so happy! He jumps on his awkward legs and shouts:

- Yeah! Yeah! Spring has flared up! The leaves on the trees are green! The grass on the ground is sweet! That's good! That's great!

“The time for your joy has come,” the Hare grins.

“Yes,” says the Little Hare, “how long!” I'm exhausted! I waited and waited and waited and waited...

“And if I hadn’t waited,” says the Hare, “would you have been happy about a tiny leaf, a thin blade of grass?”

In the spring, not only bunnies are born, but also other babies - animals. Listen to a fairy tale about how the mothers of the little animals talked to each other. Before reading, show your child pictures of animals and their babies and ask them to guess how many children each has. Write down the number or draw in circles the named number. And then read the story and see if the children guessed it. This is not math problem, and the most important thing in it is not to guess and sketch the number, but just the opposite, to discover a miracle! – and be amazed by the natural world! Therefore, do not tell the kids the correct answer, give them the opportunity to experience the joy of discovering the amazing world of nature!

E. Shim. Hare family

“On the birch edge, forest mothers boasted to each other about their children.

- Oh, what a son I have! - said mom Deer.– You can’t look at him enough. The hooves are chiseled, the legs are straight, the neck is high... light as a breeze!

“Mmm, son, of course, he’s not bad,” said the mother. Badger.- But what does he care about my children! They are so smart, so smart! We were born in March, we already opened our eyes in April, and now – can you believe it? - they even run out of the hole... - How many of them do you have? – asked the Deer.

- Of course, not one or two. Three!

“We can congratulate you,” said my mother. Hedgehog. – But still, my children cannot be compared with yours. I have five souls! And you know, they already have fur... and even their needles are becoming hard... Well, isn’t it a miracle?

- Oink! - said mom Kabanikha.- Five is good. Well, what do you say if there are ten of them?

- Who has ten of them?! – Jezhikh’s mother was amazed.

- Oink-oink... I have exactly ten, and all as one... oink!.. furry... oink!.. striped... oink! They squeal subtly, like birds... Where else can you find such a family?

Before the mothers had time to agree, a voice suddenly came from the field:

- And I have a better family!

- And mom appeared at the edge of the forest Hamster.

“Come on,” she said, “try to guess how many children I have!”

- Also ten! – Kabanikha’s mother grunted.

“Twelve?” asked Mother Badger.

- Fifteen? – Hedgehog’s mother whispered and was scared herself by calling such large number.

— — No matter how it is! - said Mom Hamster - Raise it higher! I have children - eighteen souls, what time! And why talk about fur, about eyes - it’s all nonsense. My kids have already started working. Even though they are small, everyone is already digging a hole for themselves and preparing housing. Can you imagine?

- Yes, your family is the most wonderful! – all the mothers admitted. – Just think: eighteen children are workers!

Mothers would have been surprised for a long time if she had not appeared at the edge of the forest Hare.

She didn’t boast, she walked quietly.

No one would have known how many children she had if Olenich’s mother had not asked:

- Well, how many souls are there in your family?

“I don’t know,” said the Hare. - Who counted them... Maybe a hundred, maybe a thousand, or maybe even more.

- How so?! - Moms jumped up. - Can't be!!.

“That’s exactly what happens here,” said the Hare. – We are not used to babysitting our children. Bunnies are born, we feed them once, and then we leave them somewhere under a bush - and goodbye!

- Why? How merciless! - the mothers shouted.

- And then it’s better this way. The little hares will hide under a bush, become quiet - neither the wolf nor the fox will find them. And if we were nearby, we would bring trouble upon them.

- But they are small!

- Small, but remote... And they know how to hide, they see vigilantly, and they hear sensitively. Yes, their fur coats are warm.

- Who feeds them?

- Yes, any Hare that you meet. We don’t have other people’s children, they’re all our own. Today I will feed one, tomorrow I will feed the other. So it turns out that all the bunnies in the forest are from my family. And no one knows how many there are. Maybe a hundred, maybe a thousand, maybe even more. Do the math, try it!

And then all the mothers realized that the most amazing family in the forest was the hare.”

Tales of Spring: Migratory Birds

Migratory birds return home in spring. The rooks arrive first. They are not afraid of the cold. Later - starlings, followed by larks.

Thawed patches appear on the ground, and birds find seeds, bugs, and larvae in the thawed patches.

Read a very interesting spring story to the children educational fairy tale for children about what once happened in a spring thawed patch.

N. Sladkov. Whose thawed patch?

“I saw the Forty-first thawed patch - a dark speck on the white snow.
- My! - she shouted. - My thawed patch, since I saw it first!
There are seeds in the thawed patch, spider bugs are swarming, the lemongrass butterfly is lying on its side, warming up. Magpie's eyes widened, her beak opened, and out of nowhere - Rook.

Hello, grow up, she has already appeared! In the winter I wandered around the crow dumps, and now to my thawed patch! Ugly!
- Why is she yours? - Magpie chirped. - I saw it first!
“You saw it,” Rook barked, “and I’ve been dreaming about it all winter.” He was in a hurry to get to her a thousand miles away! For her sake warm countries left. Without her, I wouldn't be here. Where there are thawed patches, there we are, rooks. My thawed patch!
- Why is he croaking here! - Magpie rumbled. - All winter in the south he basked and luxuriated, ate and drank whatever he wanted, and when he returned, give him the thawed patch without a queue! And I was freezing all winter, rushing from the trash heap to the landfill, swallowing snow instead of water, and now, barely alive, weak, I finally spotted a thawed patch, and they took it away. You, Rook, are only dark in appearance, but you are on your own mind. Shoo from the thawed patch before it pecks at the top of the head!

The Lark flew in to hear the noise, looked around, listened and chirped:
- Spring, sun, clear sky, and you are quarreling. And where - on my thawed patch! Do not darken my joy of meeting her. I'm hungry for songs!
Magpie and Rook just flapped their wings.
- Why is she yours? This is our thawed patch, we found it. The magpie had been waiting for her all winter, overlooking all eyes.
And I may have been in such a hurry from the south to get to her that I almost dislocated my wings on the way.
- And I was born on it! - Lark squeaked. - If you look, you can also find the shells from the egg from which I hatched! I remember how it used to be that in winter, in a foreign land, there was a native nest - and I was reluctant to sing. And now the song is bursting from the beak - even the tongue is trembling.

The Lark jumped onto a hummock, narrowed his eyes, his throat trembled - and the song flowed like a spring stream: it rang, gurgled, gurgled. Magpie and Rook opened their beaks and listened. They will never sing like that, they don’t have the same throat, all they can do is chirp and croak.

They probably would have listened for a long time, warming up in the spring sun, but suddenly the earth trembled under their feet, swelled into a tubercle and crumbled.
And the Mole looked out and sniffled.

Did you fall right into a thawed patch? That’s right: the ground is soft, warm, there is no snow. And it smells... Ugh! Does it smell like spring? Is it spring up there?

Spring, spring, digger! - Magpie shouted grumpily.
- Knew where to please! - Rook muttered suspiciously. - Even though he’s blind...
- Why do you need our thawed patch? - Lark creaked.
The Mole sniffed at the Rook, at the Magpie, at the Lark - he can’t see well with his eyes! - sneezed and said:

I don't need anything from you. And I don’t need your thawed patch. I’ll push the earth out of the hole and back. Because I feel: it’s bad for you. You quarrel and almost fight. And it’s also light, dry, and the air is fresh. Not like my dungeon: dark, damp, musty. Grace! It’s also like spring here...

How can you say that? - Lark was horrified. - Do you know, digger, what spring is!
- I don’t know and I don’t want to know! - Mole snorted. - I don’t need any spring, it’s underground all year round the same.
“Thawed patches appear in spring,” said Magpie, Lark and Rook dreamily.

And scandals begin in thawed areas,” the Mole snorted again. - And for what? A thawed patch is like a thawed patch.

Don't tell me! - Magpie jumped up. - And the seeds? And the beetles? Are the sprouts green? All winter without vitamins.

Sit, walk, stretch! - Rook barked. - Nose in warm earth rummage!

And it’s good to sing over thawed patches! - Lark soared. - There are as many thawed patches in the field as there are larks. And everyone sings! There is nothing better than thawed patches in spring.

Why are you arguing then? - Mole didn’t understand. - The lark wants to sing - let him sing. Rook wants to march - let him march.
- Right! - said Soroka. - In the meantime, I’ll take care of the seeds and beetles...
Then the shouting and squabbling began again.
And while they were shouting and quarreling, new thawed patches appeared in the field. Birds scattered across them to greet spring. Sing songs, rummage in the warm earth, kill a worm.

It's time for me too! - The mole said. And he fell into a place where there was no spring, no thawed patches, no sun and no moon, no wind and no rain. And where there is no one to even argue with. Where it’s always dark and quiet.”

Act out a fairy tale using a finger theater. The pictures will help you. Cut out the images and make figures with your children to act out dialogues from the fairy tale.

Interesting fairy tales - cartoons for children about spring

A fairy tale about the return of migratory birds to their homeland in the spring “Spring Tale”

Spring fairy tale - cartoon Snow Maiden

You will find all the pictures in this article in good resolution and quality in the presentation “Tales about Spring” in our VKontakte group “Child development from birth to school”(see the section of the “Documents” group under the videos). In the same section you will find and be able to download free presentations for all other articles on the “Native Path” website.

You will find more about spring - games, pictures, materials for activities with children, speech exercises in the articles on the site: Get a NEW FREE AUDIO COURSE WITH GAME APPLICATION

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