Why are churches decorated with birch branches on Trinity Sunday? What to do with birch branches after Trinity - throw them away or keep them.

Surely you have wondered - Why is the temple decorated with greenery on Trinity? The fact is that since ancient times there has been a pious custom of decorating churches and houses on Trinity Day with greenery - birch branches, flowers. Where does this custom come from? Many people ask this question. I think there are two reasons: one is church-historical, and the other is symbolic. Historically, I think, these branches remind us of the oak grove of Mamvre, where there was an oak tree, under which the Lord, the Holy Trinity, appeared to Abraham in the form of three angels.

We see this on the icons that lie on our lectern on the holiday. Also, the day of Jewish Pentecost, the Old Testament, on which the descent of the Holy Spirit took place on the apostles, was a holiday on which they remembered the fiftieth day after the exodus of the Jews from the land of Egypt. On the fiftieth day they approached Mount Sinai, and there the Lord gave Moses the Ten Commandments, which to this day serve as a guide for us in our lives. It was spring time, and the entire Mount Sinai was covered with flowering trees. And that may be why ancient Church There was a custom on the day of Pentecost to decorate your temples and houses with greenery, as if to find yourself again on Mount Sinai with Moses.

Undoubtedly, on the day when the disciples gathered to receive the Holy Spirit, their upper room was also decorated with greenery. In memory of this, on this day we decorate our temples with these green branches and hold flowers in our hands.

But Trinity greenery also has a symbolic meaning.

This is the soul that blooms and turns green after hibernation, because she was touched by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Here in winter the branches were bare, spring came - and greenery, leaves, and flowers appeared. There was winter and frost in our hearts, but the Holy Spirit touched us with His grace - and our heart blossomed.

A branch is fresh only when it grows on a tree, and when it is torn from the tree, it dries out in a few days. So is the human soul: as long as it holds on to the trunk, to the vine to which it is grafted, it is alive and blooming. But as soon as she breaks away from this vine, it will also dry up. The Lord Himself told us: “ I am the vine, and you are the branches"(cf. John 15:5).

And while these branches hold on to this Vine, that is, Christ, they live, bloom and smell fragrant. As soon as the soul is torn away from the Vine, from Christ, it will dry up just as these trees will dry up, having been torn from their roots for several days. Let us strive to always be with God.

Let us always strive to be on the Vine, which will water our heart with beneficial juices, beneficial rays of Divine light, and the grace of the Holy Spirit. And on this holiday, with special zeal, with special feeling, let us ask God not to leave us, not to deprive us of the grace of the Holy Spirit, which was given to us at baptism, which is given to us in the Sacraments and from which we very often move away due to their sins and iniquities.

Today we will especially ask in the words of that prayer, which is usually repeated during divine services, especially at the Divine Liturgy: “Lord, Who sent down Thy Most Holy Spirit in the third hour by Thy Apostle, do not take Him away from us, O Good One, but renew us who pray to Thee.” . Amen.

Archpriest Boris Stark.
From a sermon on the Day of the Holy Spirit, 1981
"My whole life is a miracle." - M., 2007 - PSTGU.

Decoration with young trees of birch and other species is not established church rules, A folk custom. The Holy Synod prohibited (Decree of 1875, May 23) the use of young birch trees for this decoration, and allowed the use of flowers, artisanal and semi-artisanal plants and tree branches.

The Novgorod Spiritual Consistory explained to the local clergy that the ancient custom of decorating churches and houses with greenery on the day of the Holy Trinity must be supported, and not be concerned about its complete cessation.

Order of the Holy Synod " on the preservation of young trees from being used for decoration in some holidays temples, residential premises, etc.” The goal was not to destroy this custom, but only to prevent the unnecessary destruction of young birch trees, in view of public benefit, which, of course, did not mean areas where the very density of forest growth requires the cutting down of excess trees to free the growth of other trees. Therefore, the Novgorod Consistory ordered deans that in the future they should stop reporting information regarding young trees in their semi-annual reports«.

From the book - “ A Guide for Rural Pastors", 1889, 19

Since ancient times, there has been a pious custom of decorating churches and houses with greenery - birch branches, flowers - on Trinity Day.

Where does this custom come from?

Many people ask this question.

I think there are two reasons: one is church-historical, and the other is symbolic.

Historically, I think, these branches remind us of the oak grove of Mamvre, where there was an oak tree, under which the Lord, the Holy Trinity, appeared to Abraham in the form of three angels. We see this on the icons that we have on the holiday [on the lectern].

Also, the day of Jewish Pentecost, the Old Testament, on which the descent of the Holy Spirit took place on the apostles, was a holiday on which they remembered the fiftieth day after the exodus of the Jews from the land of Egypt. On the fiftieth day they approached Mount Sinai, and there the Lord gave Moses the Ten Commandments, which to this day serve as a guide for us in our lives. It was spring time, and the entire Mount Sinai was covered with flowering trees. And so, perhaps, this is why in the ancient Church there was a custom on the day of Pentecost to decorate their temples and houses with greenery, as if to find themselves again on Mount Sinai with Moses.

Undoubtedly, on the day when the disciples gathered to receive the Holy Spirit, their upper room was also decorated with greenery. In memory of this, on this day we decorate our temples with these green branches and hold flowers in our hands.

But Trinity greenery also has a symbolic meaning.

This is a soul that blossoms and turns green after winter hibernation, because it has been touched by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Here in winter the branches were bare, spring came - and greenery, leaves, and flowers appeared. There was winter and frost in our hearts, but the Holy Spirit touched us with His grace - and our heart blossomed.

A branch is fresh only when it grows on a tree, and when it is torn from the tree, it dries out in a few days. So is the human soul: as long as it holds on to the trunk, to the vine to which it is grafted, it is alive and blooming. But as soon as she breaks away from this vine, it will also dry up. The Lord Himself told us: “I am the vine, and you are the branches” (cf. John 15:5).

And while these branches hold on to this Vine, that is, Christ, they live, bloom and smell fragrant. As soon as the soul is torn away from the Vine, from Christ, it will dry up just as these trees will dry up, having been torn from their roots for several days. Let us strive to always be with God.

Let us always strive to be on the Vine, which will water our heart with beneficial juices, beneficial rays of Divine light, and the grace of the Holy Spirit. And on this holiday, with special zeal, with special feeling, let us ask God not to leave us, not to deprive us of the grace of the Holy Spirit, which was given to us at baptism, which is given to us in the Sacraments and from which we very often move away due to their sins and iniquities.

Today we will especially ask in the words of that prayer, which is usually repeated during divine services, especially at the Divine Liturgy: “Lord, Who sent down Thy Most Holy Spirit in the third hour by Thy Apostle, do not take Him away from us, O Good One, but renew us who pray to Thee.” . Amen.
(Archpriest Boris Stark)

Read: 190 times.

Why is the holiday called Trinity?

The Holy Trinity is one of the basic concepts of Christian doctrine, therefore the holiday of the Trinity in the Christian world is on a par with such important holidays like Easter and Christmas. It has been celebrated since 381 - from the moment when the doctrine of the three hypostases of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit was approved at the Church Council of Constantinople.

The Gospel tells that on the fiftieth day from the Resurrection of the Savior, the Holy Spirit descended on His disciples in the form of tongues of fire, and they immediately began to preach in different languages who were previously unknown, the teachings of Christ. From this day on, the Lord was revealed to the world in all his fullness of trinity, therefore the holiday in honor of the appearance of the Holy Spirit is called Trinity.

When is Trinity celebrated?

Orthodox Christians, like believers of other Christian denominations, celebrate Trinity on the fiftieth day after Easter. This day always falls on Sunday and is a day off. In many Christian countries, Trinity is recognized as a public holiday.

Another name for the holiday - the day of Pentecost - has much more ancient history described in the biblical old testament. The holiday of Pentecost was celebrated by the ancient Jews in honor of the day when the prophet Moses descended from Mount Sinai, bringing the tablets of the Covenant with the Lord to his people. This happened on the fiftieth day after release Jewish people from Egypt.

Trinity Day is considered the day when the Church of Christ was born, therefore all Orthodox believers celebrate it with joy and fun. It was from this day that the Apostles, until that moment frightened and hiding from people, were filled with faith and courage given by the Holy Spirit, and fearlessly went to preach the teachings of the Savior. About three thousand people joined them that day alone.

Why is a birch tree decorated for Trinity?

On Trinity, it is customary to decorate your homes with living greenery, but these do not necessarily have to be birch branches. In Ukraine, on this day they go to church with large bunches of fragrant herbs: lovage, sage, calamus, thyme and others. After the consecration of green bouquets, they are placed behind the icons and stored all year, until the next Trinity.

During the illness of one of the family members, Trinity greens are added to a healing drink, believing that it helps against all ailments.

In Central Russian villages and hamlets, it is customary to bring birch branches and wildflowers to the temple on Trinity Sunday. On this day, temples, houses and farmsteads are abundantly decorated with fresh greenery, and fragrant grass is sprinkled on the floors of the huts. In the settlements of the Russian North (Yakutia, Prilenye) spruce branches are taken for this, in the South of Russia - linden or rowan trees.

In many areas, flowers for Trinity bouquets are specially grown by caring housewives so that the house looks especially elegant for the holiday.

In addition, in many localities it is customary to “curl a birch” on this day - to braid the branches of a young birch tree into a braid, weaving bright flowers and ribbons into it. At the end of the holiday, the decoration must be unraveled so that the tree “does not take offense.”

"Glavred" found out where such prohibitions came from.

Trinity celebrated 50 days after Easter. Hence the second name of the holiday - Pentecost.

In 2018 the holiday falls on May 27.
Among the prohibitions of this day are swimming and walking in nature alone. "Editor-in-Chief" found out where such taboos came from and what they are connected with.

Why you can’t swim on Trinity Sunday
For many modern people The ban on swimming is puzzling.

The fact is that this ban arose in the old days, when there were no modern water pipes and boilers. Therefore, in order to swim (especially for ordinary people), it was necessary to either prepare a bathhouse (and this is a lot of work, and a violation of the ban on physical work on a religious holiday), or go to the pond, fortunately, it’s almost summer.

However, Trinity was considered a day of revelry for mawoks and mermaids. Therefore, any body of water automatically turned into a high-risk zone, from the point of view of our ancestors. Hence the ban.

For modern people it is very conventional.

Why are houses and temples decorated with birch trees?
For Trinity, houses and churches are decorated with branches various trees- most often birch. By folk beliefs, these young plants symbolize prosperity, wealth and continuation of life.

In the church tradition there are other explanations for this custom. First: the branches of birches and other trees serve as a reminder of the oak grove of Mamvre, where there was an oak tree, under which the Lord, the Holy Trinity, appeared to Abraham in the form of three angels. This oak grove is depicted on the icons of the Trinity.

Second: on the day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, the Jews celebrated Pentecost. This holiday is connected with the history of the giving of the Law of God to them. On the 50th day after the exodus from Egypt, the Jews approached Mount Sinai, and there the Lord gave Moses the Ten Commandments.

It was spring time, and the entire Mount Sinai was covered with flowering trees. Perhaps this is precisely what this tradition is connected with - with the desire to recreate that event as much as possible.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Trinity?
You can baptize a child on any day if it is connected with the baby’s plumpness: the child is sick, and the parents want to carry out the baptism without delay.

Otherwise, it is better to select the day for the sacrament with the priest in the chosen temple.

According to church canons, there is no prohibition on performing the ritual on holidays. Therefore, it is possible to baptize a child on Trinity. But certain difficulties may arise. So, on such major holidays as Trinity, there are usually a lot of parishioners in churches. So they can refuse for this reason.

Is it possible to remember suicides on Trinity Sunday?
It is generally not customary to go to cemeteries on Trinity Sunday. For this there is Trinity parent's Saturday on the eve of the holiday.

As for the commemoration of suicides at a memorial service, the church in general - neither on Trinity nor on any other day - does not bless this, since taking one’s own life is a great sin.

You can only pray for suicides on Trinity at home.

Based on materials from: "Glavred"

Any person who follows religious traditions, should know what to do with birch branches after Trinity. Let's try to figure this issue out together.

The tradition of decorating temples, churches and houses with birch branches on Trinity Day has been around for a very long time. Let's figure out why it appeared and where the origins of this phenomenon come from.

The reasons described in open sources, two - symbolic and historical.

From a historical point of view, birch branches symbolize the Mamvru oak grove. There was an oak tree in it, where God appeared to Abraham. Not himself, but in the form of three angels. This fact is captured on icons that you can see in churches or even purchase for yourself in church shops.

Also on the Old Testament Pentecost there was a holiday. During the celebration, they remembered the day that came after the arrival of the Jews from Egypt. And it was during that period of time that Moses received from God a list of ten sacred commandments that people use to this day.

At that time it was spring, everything was blooming, and perhaps that is why the custom arose of decorating everything around with green birch branches to emphasize the importance of a long-past moment.

What is symbolic

  1. During his life on earth, the son of God promised that after he left the earthly world, the Lord would send people the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. Forty days after Easter, Jesus departed for heaven, and ten months later the Holy Spirit showed his face in one of the houses in Jerusalem.
  2. This event is very symbolic - it means the beginning of a favorable time, when God himself, in the form of the holy spirit, is constantly present on earth, filling people and the world with love, gratitude, hope for salvation and atonement for sins. His invisible presence greatly enhances the power of prayers and the response to them. This is a symbol of powerful faith, real miracles and all kinds of divine benefits.
  3. During this period, even the most desperate sinner, subject to his sincere repentance, will receive God's forgiveness and can atone for all his sins. It will be like a rebirth, a transition from old life to a happier, righteous, successful person. And absolutely every sincerely repentant person can receive such a gift of fate.


Now let’s figure out what the image of birch branches on Trinity Day represents.

The meanings of this symbol are as follows:

  1. They literally mean the rebirth of the soul, which comes to its senses after hibernation, blossoms and is renewed. Just as everything around comes to life in spring, so too does human heart. This is the most important meaning of the symbol.
  2. While the branches grow on the tree, they live and feed on the energy of the tree trunk. And once you separate them from this source, they dry out over time and become lifeless. In the same way, a person cut off from his family, who is on bad terms with relatives and does not believe in God, loses energy and strength. Once a lost soul is separated from God, it turns into a withered branch, as this simple symbol of the Trinity holiday once again reminds us.
  3. It is also a symbol of the good energy of love, gratitude and acceptance. This energy fills a person, gives him strength to live and fulfills his desires. While a person “feeds” on divine energy, radiates emotions of unconditional love and gratitude, he gives to the world high frequencies your positive emotions.
  4. It is very important for a person to always be in touch with God, to feel his invisible support and help. Be grateful and full of love. Giving, not consuming. The holiday of Trinity is another reason to remind yourself of this.

What can you do after the holiday?

  • Practice gratitude regularly. Before going to bed, mentally thank the past day for everything it has brought you. Every person who has been in your life has brought you lessons or experiences, even negative ones. Try to feel how many people God sends to you for your happy life and so that you have something to be grateful for.
  • Strive to radiate unconditional love to your life, people, yourself and God. Unconditional means 100% accepting. Allow other people to be different from you, let go of expectations ( main reason all disappointments), criticism, reproaches and the desire to change someone.

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What you can and cannot do with birch branches after Trinity

Bright, blooming and beautiful birch branches create a very lively atmosphere on this great holiday. But many people have a logical question: what to do with all this splendor when the holiday is over and the branches dry out and take on an unsightly appearance.

  1. On Trinity Sunday, decorate your windows with birch branches. This is the most suitable place, perhaps even the only one that is so symbolic. There is no need to put the branches in vases or store them in the house. Place them exclusively in window openings.
  2. After the holiday, it is best to burn the used branches. Divide them into small twigs and make an impromptu fire in a safe place. Follow fire safety precautions. And it is advisable to do this alone, without the presence of strangers.

The biggest mistake that most people make is to attach some special, ritual meaning to birch branches. What you should definitely not do:

  1. There is no need to arrange any magical rituals and “dancing with a tambourine.” Trinity - church holiday, and the church does not approve of such actions.
  2. There is also no need to use branches to make homemade tea or make amulets from them. These are superstitions that will not help you in life.
  3. You also cannot throw it away like used garbage. Just like burning it demonstratively in front of everyone. It's simply disrespectful.

Let's summarize

  • Used branches - burn. Alone, carefully, and without telling anyone about your intention.
  • There are no rituals or ceremonies.