Binary wristwatch. Simple binary clock on a microcontroller

On the eve of a friend's birthday, the question arose about choosing a gift. A friend is a lover of various unusual electronic devices and products self made. A shopping promenade did not bring any results: the gadgets were unpleasantly surprising either because they were banal or expensive. Already desperate to find anything, I glanced at the Sony binary clock widget. And then I caught myself thinking: “You’re an experienced electronics engineer, and your hands are growing from there!” Make a binary clock with your own hands, it will be the best gift! This is how the idea to make the device described below was born.

Binary clocks are designed to represent time in binary decimal format, that is, hours, minutes and seconds are divided into decimal places and represented in binary form (see figure below)

At the creation stage, the following requirements were immediately presented to the future watches:

  • relatively small dimensions of both the board and the device as a whole;
  • using the maximum available components;
  • presentable appearance housings.

As a result, the following diagram was created:

The perhaps somewhat outdated, but no less popular ATmega8A-AU is used as the MK. The available DS1307 is used as a real time clock chip. Also, a 100 nF non-polar capacitor and a 47 µF polar (tantalum) capacitor are installed parallel to the power lines near the MK and at the power input. All resistors and capacitors are in SMD packages of size 0805. The only output components are LEDs, a battery connector and setting buttons. Buttons - any without fixing; For the case version, buttons with long “pimples” are suitable, for example these:

Resistors R1..R6, R14..R18 can vary within fairly wide limits. The dimensions of the LEDs do not matter, but the case and board are designed for 5 mm round LEDs. "Reserved port" is a pin on the board that is provided on the board for potentially expanding the functionality of the clock, for example, adding a speaker.

Below is the circuit board of the device:

Since the number of different connections between LEDs and MK is quite large, and large number I didn’t want to make “hanging” jumpers; the device was implemented on a double-sided PCB. The thickness of the fiberglass is 1.5 mm, the overall dimensions of the board are 80 x 50 mm. The board with controls (five buttons) is made separately and will be presented below. The board additionally contains (not indicated in the diagram): a connector for connecting power + programmer; additional holes for connecting the power cable; resistor in the reset circuit; spots for capacitors in the clock quartz circuit (they will be discussed below).

The board was made on a CNC milling machine, which made it possible to obtain almost factory quality. A photo of the assembled board is presented below:

Since transparent LEDs are too bright, their surface had to be treated with a rough Scotch-Brite cloth to give it a matte finish, resulting in a dimmer, more diffuse light.

The main board is connected to the controls using a seven-wire cable (2 - power, 5 - buttons); size - 68 x 22 mm.

After assembling the board and flashing the MK firmware, the last step left is to create a beautiful case for the device. Due to availability milling machine with CNC, it was decided to cut out the walls from fiberglass with a thickness of 1.5 mm and connect them together using soldering; The front panel is made of aluminum approximately 1 mm thick. The total length of the case is 104 mm, height (with legs and buttons) - 77 mm, thickness - 25 mm. The housing layout with all holes is in one file with the printed circuit board. The side, top and bottom walls are connected to each other using brass stands for an M3 screw:

Naturally, the screw part of the racks was previously removed. The different stages of the assembly result are presented below ( last photo was done after final assembly, so traces of paint are clearly visible):

The board with buttons is attached to the top panel on two stands (on one side of such a stand there is a smooth surface, on the other there is an M3 screw) using nuts; for this purpose, holes are provided on the board. The height of the stands compensates for the height of the buttons, so the latter rise slightly above the body:

The front side of the front panel was treated with fine-grained sandpaper, then with GOI paste. Reverse side, on the contrary, is treated with coarse sandpaper for fastening to the side walls through 5 mm wooden blocks using epoxy resin. The rear wall has a micro-USB connector for power supply, as well as a hole for a potential speaker; The cover is attached to the above-mentioned brass hexagons using four M3 x 15 mm screws.

The end and back walls were painted with automotive spray paint.

The bottom panel has holes for attaching the legs, but then it was decided to use rubber legs secured with superglue.

The assembled case turned out to be quite strong; repeated accidental falls did not damage the integrity of the structure. The main board is attached to the walls of the case using tin and brass posts. This decision was made due to the fact that the battery and programming connector become accessible by removing the back cover; that is, removing the fee makes no sense.

A photo of the device in operation is shown below:

A correctly assembled device does not require adjustment and starts working immediately. The time setting is carried out as follows:

  • For about 2.5 seconds you need to hold down the "0"SEC/SET button (located above the seconds). After this, the seconds counter will reset to zero and the clock will stop running;
  • then using the time setting buttons you need to set the desired time;
  • then press the "0"SEC button for 2.5 s; the clock will resume running with the updated time.

The assembled device was successfully gifted to a friend and has been in use for more than a year; no comments on operation or problems were identified.

In conclusion, I would like to describe the following problem (for experienced radio amateurs). There are not always watch quartzes of proper quality. It may happen that the frequency of your quartz differs from the declared one by several hertz. The result of such a deviation is poor accuracy: for example, a deviation from the “reference” frequency by 2 hertz leads to a lag of 5.27 seconds per day, or two and a half minutes per month.
The frequency of the clock quartz can be adjusted by installing a capacitor with a capacity of several picofarads in series or parallel to the quartz. Thus, the author managed to reduce the frequency difference to 0.1 Hz, which leads to a much smaller error - 7 seconds per month.

I will be happy to hear questions, criticism, wishes and suggestions in the comments.

P.S. Files with firmware and source code, FUSE-bit configuration and project are in the archive.

List of radioelements

Designation Type Denomination Quantity NoteShopMy notepad
U1 MK AVR 8-bit


1 TQFP-32 To notepad
U2 Real Time Clock (RTC)


1 SO-8 To notepad
Q1-Q6 Bipolar transistor


6 To notepad
D1-D20 LED 20 To notepad
R1-R6, R11-R13 Resistor

4.7 kOhm

6 To notepad
R7-R10 Resistor

150 Ohm


Many people wonder about . Here I will give some instructions and tell you how to use some binary clocks and how to determine the time on them. I won’t talk about all the watch models, but only about those that I myself have ever held in my hands. Binary clocks differ from regular ones in that they do not have a dial as such. Time is encoded. But in fact, determining the time for them is not particularly difficult, especially for owners who use them constantly. The watches presented below may have different names on the Internet. So you can use the photos as a guide.

Manufacture: China.
Definition of time: The leftmost column, consisting of 12 LEDs, displays the clock; the remaining 5 columns, consisting of 60 LEDs, display the minutes. The numbers on the sides allow you to better navigate in determining the time. On the clock from the photo: 4 hours 41 minutes.
The date is determined in the same way. The left column shows the month. The LEDs in the remaining columns show the number. If the date mode is turned on, then a maximum of only 31 diodes can light up (31st day of the month).
Manufacture: China.
How to use binary clocks Virus: One red LED equals one hour, one yellow LED equals five minutes, one green LED equals one minute. The time is determined by counting the LEDs. On the Virus watch from the photo: 10 hours 54 minutes, since 10 red LEDs are on (10 o’clock), 10 yellow LEDs and 4 green ones (10×5+4=54)
(Mickey mouse)
Manufacture: China.
Determining the time on a watch: “muzzle”, consisting of 12 LEDs, displays the clock; "right ear" displays tens of minutes; Each LED on the "left ear" is equal to one minute. Numbers allow you to better navigate the definition of time. The date is determined as follows: the “muzzle” shows the month, the “right and left ear" number.

(Flash Lights)
Manufacture: China.
How to use binary clock Speedometer: The top 12 LEDs display hours, the middle 5 LEDs display tens of minutes, each LED from the bottom displays 1 minute. Numbers allow you to better navigate the definition of time. The AM and PM indicators indicate the time of day (day, night). The date is displayed as follows: the top 12 LEDs indicate the month, the rest - the day. I think everyone can set the clock on their own.

Binary clock (Singularity)
Manufacture: China.
Determining time on a binary clock: a vertical scale with numbers 1, 2, 4, 8 displays the hours. To find out how many hours it is, you need to sum up the numbers whose LEDs are illuminated. The lower horizontal LEDs display the minutes. To determine the number of minutes, add the highlighted numbers. The AM and PM indicators indicate the time of day (day, night). The date is also determined using arithmetic calculations.

Telling time on a Winston watch similar to determining the time on the Singularity clock. Winston differs from the above-mentioned watches only in the presence of the Winston logo on the dial.

Binary Matrix Clock
Manufacture: China
Determining time on a binary clock: The two left columns show the hours and the two right columns show the minutes. Time is read from left to right.
The watch has several indicators: the dollar indicates that the year is being displayed; sun - day of the week, date and month are displayed.
Everything is clearly shown in the diagram below.

All binary clocks must come with instructions. So if you bought some other watch and don't know how to use binary clocks or how to determine the time on them - see the instructions.

Once upon a time, I asked my friend to explain to me what the binary number system is. Since I am a girl completely far from any technical delights and subtleties, my friend thought about the answer. “Well, you know... it’s like love - either you have it or you don’t, and there’s nothing you can do about it. In general, this is how numbers are encoded. One or zero. One means there is a signal, zero means there is no signal.”
That's how it is with binary clocks. Perhaps, after twirling them in your hands, you will say to yourself: “Well, they come up with all sorts of nonsense. And what to do about it? Or (and this option is the most likely) after seeing and holding them in your hands, you will certainly want to figure out what it is, “what it is eaten with,” and of course you will want to purchase them.
Well, for my part, and due to my technical abilities and capabilities, I will still try to tell you (and show) what kind of beast this is - a binary clock.
So, as you already understood, “binary” means binary, that is, displayed using only two elements. If you still don’t understand what this is, then remember the great “cipher coder” Samuel Morse, who used only two symbols to transmit the letters of the alphabet via telegraph communication - a dot and a dash.

Modern binary clocks too in a certain way encode date and time information. It will be quite difficult for an ignorant person to understand at first glance what all these crazy blinking LEDs mean. You may ask, “Which LEDs? And where is the dial, the hands, or at least the electronic numbers?” Warning: When looking for numbers and hands, do not try to crack or open the watch cover.

To display the time (and in some models, the date), binary clocks use brightly glowing neon dots located in several separate groups. The arrangement of groups of LEDs, their size and color are individual for each specific watch model.

Initially, binary clocks were created for the purpose of scientific experiments. Later, in the years 1920-1940, the Japanese professor Hiwari worked on solving the issue of forgetfulness and absent-mindedness in the elderly. Despite the well-known fact about the long life expectancy of the Japanese, when they reach a certain age, this problem becomes very urgent. As a simulator to improve memory, the professor suggested that his patients use the binary clock he had improved, in which sticks and dots were used to display time. The results were quite impressive. After only three months, pensioners using such watches at home showed significant improvements in memory and attention.

Thus, nowadays a binary clock is any clock with an unconventional way of displaying time: using dots, inverted numbers or symbols. Invention and further development diode technology (LED) made it possible to produce binary watches with an unlimited number of diodes to display time.

Of course, at the moment, binary watches, reminiscent of a piece of equipment of a modern astronaut, are one of the most extraordinary and perhaps even eccentric accessories.

Undoubtedly, Japan is the world leader in the production of binary watches; anything else would be simply amazing. In addition, some German companies produce such watches. Well, China represents the “budget” market for binary watches, but as a rule, these are copies and imitations of well-known brands.

World of clock puzzles from Tokyo Flash. A watch for those who like to think about time.

“What do you think this is?” - I asked my friends and acquaintances the other day social networks, posting a photo of one of the latest original (as always) developments from Tokyo Flash. Shinshoku binary watch, made in the form of a metal bracelet covered with holes, in which the number of dots of different colors must be counted to determine the time. I must say that the versions put forward were very diverse, some of them even made me smile.

Handcuffs for prisoners with indicators?!
Rings? Bracelet?! Some kind of jewelry?
Looks like a sewing machine shuttle...
Reminds me of weighted fitness bracelets....
“It’s cold, very cold,” I answered.
By the evening, “advanced youth” had arrived
Maybe it's an alarm clock?
In appearance it is very similar to a watch.
Maybe it's a watch? Any special ones? For example for the blind?...
My old friend, a programmer who has lived in Thailand for several years, ruined the intrigue. “Binary clock,” he replied and added a smiling emoticon. “Binary,” I corrected, and told everyone else what kind of clock it was and on what principle it worked.
Each release of binary watches produced by the Japanese company Tokyo Flash is strictly limited. Some watches are produced as corporate gifts or souvenirs for clients and employees by order of a particular company. Each model of watches produced is unique and exclusive in its own way, therefore watch samples that have been discontinued and are no longer available for sale are stored in the museum; their descriptions, photos and even videos can be found on the company’s official website

Every time Tokyo Flash presents another new product, the watch world gasps in surprise, and puzzle lovers rub their hands in satisfaction. “IT specialists” and programmers find the next topic to discuss with their colleagues over a cup of morning coffee, and “advanced” men know exactly what they will ask for or order as a gift for Christmas. New Year or another celebration for your other half.
You never know in advance what the company’s designers will be inspired by when releasing the next watch model: last movie about James Bond or a new science-fiction thriller. In any case, one can only envy their inexhaustible imagination. A watch with the name “1000100101” is not an accessory for an FBI special agent?

And the minimalist Tokyo Flash watch, made using stylistic elements used in the films “Tron” and “2001: A Space Odyssey”, will surely now inspire directors, screenwriters and producers to create new films. I do not rule out the possibility that some models of Tokyo Flash binary watches could be used as props during the filming of some next science fiction saga. I wonder if George Lucas, the director of " Star Wars"? Personally, I had an association with this particular film when I saw the binary watch Tokyo Flash Kisai Satellite Watch.

Whatever model of Tokyo Flash binary watch you choose, such an accessory will in any case always make you stand out from the crowd. This great way not only to tell others: “I’m not like everyone else,” but also to create a certain aura of mystery around your person. In any case, such watches will never give you a frivolous look, because the main slogan of the Tokyo Flash company is “Watches for those who like to think about time.”

Binary watches from The one (Germany) - German quality at the service of innovation.

Among the models of binary watches from the German company The one, there will always be pieces to suit the most refined and discerning taste. If you prefer things that have been time-tested and meet the highest quality standards, but you are bored with the usual watches that meet generally accepted standards of etiquette, then perhaps you should look towards the binary watches of The one company.
For example, the Art Edition collection, developed under the guidance of leading European designers such as Walter Heidenrich and Romero Britto, famous for their jewelry in the pop art style is a striking example of an incredible combination of colors and geometric shapes. Such a watch can best emphasize exquisite taste and will help true connoisseurs of contemporary art create a personal image.

The Gamma Ray collection of binary watches, on the contrary, is a classic example of restraint and elegance. Models made of stainless steel in the best possible way highlight the style of their owner and guarantee silent admiration from others. Although I will not give you a 100% guarantee of silence from those around you. I think the ladies won't be able to resist asking questions. So this is a good reason to get acquainted if you have not yet managed to acquire a second half. Believe me, women are always fascinated by men who are well versed in technical innovations.

Undoubtedly, the most brutal binary watches of The one are the watches from the Ibiza Ride collection. To paraphrase a well-known aphorism, we can say about them: “I woke up, got dressed, washed my face, put on my The One watch - and went to save the world.” With the watches from the Ibiza Ride collection, which give you “Terminator” self-confidence, you can cope with any, even the most impossible tasks of the coming day. This is a watch for those who value their expensive time, style and individuality.

The one company did not deprive fans of the classics of its attention. Discreet, elegant watches from the Kerala Trance and Lightmare collections are among the most sought-after and popular.

In addition, The one has several collections for the weaker half of humanity. This is the Odins Rage collection, which evokes excitement in men's hearts and the envy of girlfriends, all watches of which are encrusted with Swarovski crystals, and the uplifting SLIM SQUARE collection, made in neon colors and decorated with airy butterflies.

Binary watches from the German company Led Watch.

The German company producing binary watches Led Watch was founded by designer Adolf Indermanur. The latest scientific developments in the field of LED technology are used in the development and further production of watches.
Led Watch company watches are presented in largest cities worldwide and are sold in England, Australia, France, China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Canada, Turkey and the USA.
The binary watches of the Led Watch company are strikingly different from their Swiss counterparts and primarily attract German quality steel dials, non-standard design and a special way of counting time. The Led Watch line includes both women's and men's collections.

To summarize, I can note that binary wrist watch- this is something that cannot be called standard, banal and ordinary. This is a new, fresh look at time and the way it is displayed. If we take into account the fact that the constant use of binary watches contributes to the development and improvement of memory, then this is not just a fashion accessory, but also a way to take care of your health. If you want to live not only beautifully, fashionably, stylishly, brightly, but also for a long time and with high quality, then binary watches are your choice. And don’t be afraid that you won’t be able to figure out this complex time display mechanism; after a couple of days of using such a watch, you will easily answer the question: “What time is it?”


It has been going on for many centuries. During this time, inventive people came up with all kinds of determination methods - from those depending on the position of the Sun in the sky to electronic ones. The latest fashion at the moment- this is a binary clock, completely unusual at first glance. So what is it and how can you tell what time it is by the dots that light up? Let's take a closer look at this interesting new product.

What is a binary clock?

The popularity of these chronometers is growing at an extraordinary rate. However, why be surprised, you just have to look at this new product. Original appearance, stylish design, unusual operating principle - all this allows people with an unconventional vision of the world to stand out from the crowd.

On its screen, unlike mechanical or electronic ones, binary watches do not have hands and numbers, but multi-colored luminous dots (which flash in some models).

The whole unusual principle of their operation lies in the fact that instead of the usual decimal time, time is indicated here in which all numbers are written only using zeros and ones. That's how everything works computer equipment, therefore programmers and those closely associated with information technology should not have any difficulties with recalculation.

How did they appear?

The first time binary clocks were published was in 2008. It was then that Anelace presented its innovative development to the whole world. However, the emergence of stylish wristwatches with an LED screen was preceded by years of improvements, trial and error.

The prototype models of binary clocks, created at the beginning of the 20th century, were huge machines with vacuum tubes (as, indeed, the first computers). At that time they were of almost no practical interest to humans.

With the development of technology, LEDs have become increasingly widespread, and in the design of binary clocks they have taken the place of conventional lamps.

Years passed, and a Japanese professor of medicine became interested in the unusual system. His patients were elderly people with problems with memory and brain activity. The professor also included binary clocks as a developmental puzzle in his rehabilitation classes. The result was simply stunning!

Why such difficulties?

The first question that arises when looking at binary clocks is: how to use them? At first, this strange method may seem like a stupid fad that will appeal only to either completely technology-driven freaks or geniuses. Usually, a watch is needed just to glance at it and find out the time, but with binary chronometers such a trick will not work. You might even be late for a meeting while you're trying to take their readings.

And yet, once you discard all prejudices, it becomes clear: this thing is extremely useful, primarily for training and developing the mind. To get used to binary clocks, you need much less time than it seems at first glance, and the variety of types will not let you relax.


What benefits do binary watches bring to their owner compared to regular ones? Well, for starters, this is great opportunity in front of all your acquaintances (and just passers-by) to be known as a very smart and original person. Especially if you don’t clarify anything in response to their questions, but act mysteriously in the style of “you mere mortals can’t understand.”

But seriously speaking, a binary clock is several useful gadgets in one.

  1. Watch. Naturally, you can use them to tell the time, otherwise what kind of watch is it?
  2. Puzzle game. Allows you to have fun at any time you want. In addition, different models of such watches are based on slightly different number systems, which makes them even more interesting.
  3. This gadget is especially useful for the prevention of senile mental decline, but it will also be an excellent brain trainer for young people.
  4. Ultra-fashionable and modern decoration with innovative design. And yes, this watch glows in the dark.


A binary wristwatch has neither a dial nor hands in its mechanism. Instead, all time and information is displayed on the LED screen using LEDs. Because of this, the user is faced with a pressing question: how to set up a binary clock?

The coding system may vary between binary clock models, but there are some basic points to keep in mind. Typically, such chronometers have 1 or 2 modes: time and, less often, date, switched by a button. To set the desired value, most often you first need to press the Set button. Flashing lights will show that you are doing everything correctly. The Select button allows you to switch from setting hours to minutes and seconds, and from month to day.

In order to correctly set the required values ​​on the clock, it is worth mastering the basic principle of the binary number system. The “weight” of each digit can be determined by multiplying the previous one by 2. We get the following series: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. For example, in order to convert the number 110101 into the form we are familiar with, we need to add up the “weight” of each of the significant digits. We get 32 ​​+ 16 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 53.

Since different companies produce slightly different binary clocks, the instructions for them will help you understand everything in more detail.

What are the types of binary clocks?

Like most electronic gadgets, binary watches are the domain of the Japanese and Chinese. Now they are produced by many companies, the models vary in quality, but all of them can be divided into several groups according to the type of information displayed.

  • Chronometers with two rows of LEDs. One row shows hours, the second - minutes. In addition, the screen has 2 time of day indicators (AM and PM).
  • Clock with LEDs arranged in 6 rows (2 each for hours, minutes and seconds). Show time in HH:MM:SS format. To find out the time from them, you need to write down the readings of each column in the order provided by this format.

  • The watch screen can resemble a speedometer with two circles: the outer circle that shows the hour, and the inner circle that indicates the minutes.
  • Some watches have 2 tracks - on the right (hours) and on the left (minutes).

There are also more sophisticated options for binary clocks. Which one to choose depends only on your desire and financial capabilities.

And continuing the topic, we publish next material. This watch is a real radio geek ( radiogeek- radio fan, English) and display the time in binary code at the moment the button is pressed. The device displays hours and minutes by flashing two LEDs in sequence and represents two 4-digit binary numbers. Here is a description of how to read binary numbers.

The first number represents the hour and the second number represents the number of minutes. For example, if the clock flashes 0010 - 0110, this corresponds to 2 - 6, which means "2" hours and "6" minutes. That is 2:30. The device does not have an “am” or “pm” indication, but we think everyone understands whether it is 2:30 am or pm. The project also assumes that you have experience working with surface mount electronic components, and that you are familiar with the skills of soldering SMD parts.

Clock diagram

How to tell time

Many versions and copies of this watch were made - you can see them in the photographs. The archive contains versions 2.5 and 3.1, which uses an ATtiny controller for surface mounting and a mini-USB port for programming. The ATtiny controller has 8 pins. This chip can be programmed to perform various functions. The ATtiny has an internal clock and the connected LEDs are programmed to flash to indicate the time.

Electronic circuit components

  • Atmel microcontroller ATtiny85
  • 2 SMD surface mount LEDs
  • 2 SMD resistors 50 Ohm
  • Small SMD button
  • CR2032 3 volt coin cell battery
  • Mini battery holder

Soldering watches

For this process, a toaster oven was used to reflow solder on small SMD components such as LEDs and resistors, and then a regular soldering iron was used to solder larger components such as the socket, button, and battery holder.

So, the clock is assembled, but ATtiny does not yet know how to control the LEDs. So we have to program it. There are several options when it comes to programming the ATtiny. You can make a quick circuit layout and use special ATtiny programming devices, or if you can make a great Arduino programmer, so you can easily program any controllers in the future.

Since the chip is very small, in order to program it, we had to add a mini-USB port that connects to the necessary contacts. We attach a regular USB cable to the other end, so all you need to do is connect the watch to the programmer. Well, choose the strap yourself - either leather or silicone. The case is not needed here at all - let everyone see that this is the watch of a real radio maniac!

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