Fables in faces. Fables invented by children Funny fables for children and illustrations

In children's books, something unimaginable happens with fables: a cat that has cut its paw “partly” walks along the road, “partly” flies through the air; The “Greek” was bitten by cancer; in the village the gate barks “from under a dog”, and a certain stick jumps out “with a grandmother in its hands”... Short stories with an inverted meaning, they amuse and develop children. Examples of fables for children The data in the article will help adults better understand what it is and how fables are useful for the development of children.

Short examples of children's tales

On the way to the Caucasus
An old tarantass is traveling.
There is a cat sitting in the tarantass,
He has a stomach ache.

The horse was eating porridge
And the man is oats,
The horse got into the sleigh,
And the man took it.

Nonsense, nonsense,
It's just lies
Cutting hay on the stove
Crayfish with axes.

Darling is standing at the gate,
Mouth gaped wide.
And no one will understand:
Where is the gate, and where is the mouth.

A village was driving
Past the man
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking.

Games with tall tales

Using examples of fables, given above, play with children:

  • Which of them will remember more fables the first time?
  • Who will remember all the fables printed here the fastest?
  • Who, with their eyes closed, can recite these fables in reverse order by heart?
  • Who is the best person to turn fables “from head to toe” and explain why this does not and cannot happen in life?

What do fables teach children?

Fables, children's rhyming rhymes, teasers, tongue twisters live and do not die, being passed down from generation to generation, delight today's kids no less than our young great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers? Every nation has a whole fund of children's fables.

Yes, because children need them, these fables, like air.

“...The child himself has the desire to create for himself such an “inverted world” in order to more accurately establish himself in the laws that govern the real world,” K. I. Chukovsky argues in the book “From Two to Five.”

“A child up to the age of ten demands fun, and his demand is biologically legitimate. He wants to play, he plays with everyone and learns about the world around him first of all and most easily through play, through play. He plays with both words and words. It is through playing with words that a child learns the intricacies of his native language, assimilates its music and what philologists call the “spirit of language,” A. M. Gorky argued in his article.

Children enthusiastically accept both the oldest and newest fables, counting rhymes, teasers, jokes, silences, riddles, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, long-twisters, endless songs, parodies, ditties, burners, tautograms and much, much more...

Happy moments to you. Both small and big!

Children's fable poems are a huge treasure trove folk wisdom. Many writers insisted that fables are, first of all, a special children's intellectual game, thanks to which you can harmoniously develop your child. And as it turned out, they were right, because children can not only play using a variety of means, including toys, cars, dolls. Children can play just as fun, but only with their thoughts. A fable is a fruit of fantasy and imagination, which allows a child to significantly expand his boundaries existing reality, look at every subject in a new way, make the world more interesting.

Always perky, funny and cheerful - children like them.

They talk about things that don't actually happen.

and it cannot be.

Often adults can hear how the child himself makes up fables. There is no need to stop the child, let him compose; perhaps a great storyteller is growing up in your family.

Despite the fact that the struggle for the right to write and tell stories lasted long years, today this genre can rightfully be considered interesting and useful. reborn.

Using games as a means of development intellectual abilities baby

Develop mental processes in children (Imagination, logical thinking, speech, imagination

Activate cognitive interests.

To form the internal position of the future student.

It’s not in vain that I praise myself,

I tell everyone and everywhere that any proposal,

I'll repeat it right away.

Vanya rode on a horse,

Led the dog on a belt,

And at that time the old lady was washing the cactus on the window.

Vanya rode on a horse,

Led the dog on a belt,

Well, at that time the cactus was washing the old woman on the window.

Vanya rode on a horse.

Led the old lady on a belt.

And the dog at this time,

I washed Vanya on the window.

Knowing what I'm saying

I said that I would repeat it

So it came out without errors,

Why should he boast in vain?

Vladimir Shainsky “About the cat.”

I bought it at the poultry market talking cat,

But I still didn’t know what would happen,

It’s a complete mess with him,

My cat ran away from home

And he appeared in the Deitsky garden.

He sang the song of Chunga-chang

Thirty-three hours straight.

Fables, tales,

All boundaries are crossed.

Well, so what, well, so what.

Fact and fiction are so similar.

On Sunday it's half past one,

The Martian has arrived

Called on the phone

I wanted to meet you.

I was just filming a movie

Where has this been seen?

And in what village was it heard,

So that the hen gives birth to a bull,

The little piglet laid an egg,

Yes, he took it to the shelf,

And the shelf broke off

And the egg broke

The sheep clucked

The filly cackled

Oh, where, where, where, where,

This has never happened to us.

So that the armless man robs our cage,

The bare-bellied one put it in his bosom,

And the blind man was spying,

And the deaf man was eavesdropping,

And the legless Vogon ran,

The tongueless “guard” screamed!

The village was driving

Past the man

Suddenly, from under the dog,

The gates are barking,

He grabbed the club

The ax chopped

And for our cat,

Ran through the fence

The roofs got scared

Sat on the Vorn

The horse is racing

A man with a whip.

There is a stump in the swamp,

There is a stump in the swamp,
He's too lazy to move.
The neck doesn't move
And I want to laugh.

The fox ran through the forest,
The fox lost its tail.
Vanya went into the forest
Found a fox tail.
Lisa came early
Vanya brought berries,
She asked me to give her tail.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandfather Egor is coming
On a bulan cart,
On a squeaky horse.
He has boots with a pocket,
And a vest with a heel.
Belted himself with a club,
He leaned on his sash.

Between heaven and earth
The little pig was rummaging
And accidentally tail
Clings to the sky.

Fuck, bang, bang,
A mouse rides on hedgehogs.
- Wait, prickly hedgehog,
I can't bear to go any more,
You're very annoying, hedgehog!

    Where did you run?
    - To the oak forest.
    - What were you doing there?
    - He tore the bark.
    - Where did you put it?
    - I cleaned it under the deck.

  • The fox ran through the forest,
    The fox lost its tail.
    Vanya went into the forest
    Found a fox tail.
    Lisa came early
    Vanya brought berries,
    She asked me to give her tail.

  • Between heaven and earth
    The little pig was rummaging
    And accidentally tail
    Clings to the sky.

Fuck, bang, bang,
A mouse rides on hedgehogs.
- Wait, prickly hedgehog,
I can't bear to go any more,
You're very annoying, hedgehog!

  • Because of the forest, because of the mountains
    Grandfather Yegor is coming.
    Himself on a filly,
    Wife on a cow
    Children on calves
    Grandchildren on baby goats.
    We came down from the mountains,
    They lit a fire
    They eat porridge
    Listen to a fairy tale.

  • Shadow-shadow-shadow,
    There is a fence above the city.
    The animals sat under the fence.
    We boasted all day:
    The fox boasted:
    - I am beautiful to the whole world!
    The bunny boasted:
    - Go and catch up!
    The hedgehogs boasted:
    - Our fur coats are good!
    The bear boasted:
    - I can sing songs

  • There is a stump in the swamp,
    He's too lazy to move.
    The neck doesn't move
    And I want to laugh.

  • The turnip was important
    Each grandmother marveled.
    You can't go around it in one day.
    The whole village ate the whole I'm eating

More on this topic...

Olesya Emelyanova

Fact or fable

This is a game for children 3-6 years old. There can be as many participants as you like. Draw a line on the ground or, if the game is played indoors, place tape or string on the floor. Children should stand behind the line, and the leader should stand in front of them. Before you start the game, you need to introduce children to conventional signs. If the presenter says something that can happen in life (a true story), you need to stand up and raise your hands above your head; if you say something that cannot happen (a fable), you need to squat down. You can think of others conventional signs, but they must be very different from each other so that it is impossible to quickly change one for the other. After this, the leader reads to the children short poem, and they must respond to it with the correct conditioned movement. The presenter himself should not make any movements. Everyone who showed correct sign, takes a step forward. Everyone who made a mistake remains in the same place.

The winner will be the one or those who have advanced the furthest at the end of the game. For greater fairness, you can line the entire playing area into step stripes. Or, on the contrary, you can allow players who answered correctly to take a step or jump of maximum length.

Green couplets are marked, and fables are marked in red:

To escape the winter blizzards,
Swallows are flying south.

Ballerinas at work
They stuff down into feather beds.

Cuttlefish in the sea
It doesn't float, it rolls.

From porch to gate
Snails crawled all day long.

To hunt, owls
Bricks are thrown down.

African gorilla
Eats elephants and crocodiles.

From a tree bud
The leaves have grown.

In the thicket of mushroom picker Peter
Bitten by a midge.

To cure a runny nose,
Ants eat mustard.

Gave Misha Sveta
Chocolate candy.

In flying hedgehogs
Eight legs and six ears.

Boy Petya on a walk
Collected rolls from the trees.

Rhinoceroses and elephants
They came to us from the Moon.

Monkeys at the zoo
They eat bananas in the morning.

The cockerel, having sung the dawn,
Tells the chickens: “Oink!”

Milked Semyon from a bull
Two cans of milk.

At the mighty eagle
Two legs and two wings.

Made from ice
Very wet water.

In the morning, a toothy wolf
Brushes teeth with paste.

Two hungry jellyfish
They ate corn in the sea.

So that your ears don't freeze in winter,
Puts on Lush's hat.

Young fisherman Fedot
Floats in a boat on the river.

A fly from Antoshka's kitchen
She took away the fork and spoon.

Natasha has a ghost
I ate all the jam in the house.

CSKA football players
The ball is played from sand.

On Baba Yulia's table
The dough comes out of the pan.

Wolverine at the zoo
Overtook the turtle.

Crayfish whistling on the mountain
To flood and heat.

The plane is spinning in the sky,
Flapping its wings like a bird.

At the toy matryoshka
Long arms and legs.

A squirrel jumps between the trees
She hides the nuts for the winter.

Uncle Misha at work
Sells skates and skis.

I saw Alena in the park
A flock of green sparrows.

Every five years
The cat changes color.

In the Kalahari all year round
The cactus dances and sings.

Sometimes there is a moon during the day
Visible to people in the sky.

New doll Matryona
Dropped it from the balcony.

Smart dog on command
Kolya brought slippers.

Hiding mother kangaroo
Kangaroo in a holster.

After the semolina rain
Toadstools grew up in the forest.

From cakes and syrup
Penelope has gained weight.

Soldiers in training
Learn to throw grenades.

A dove walks along the path,
It has four legs.

In Larisa's garden
Zucchini is stolen by foxes.

At the eastern edge of the earth
The sun shines day and night.

In a fallen athlete
Knee bandaged.

Angry toothy crocodile
The scooter was swallowed.

The printer printed the photo
Striped raccoon.

Petya using baskets
Turns snow into gasoline.

Underwater at the bottom of the sea
The stingray feeds on sand.

The cow in the picture
Very dirty shoes.

The porcupine dropped its quills,
It became not at all prickly.

On green orange
The skin turned dark blue.

Underwater divers
They breathe gas through a tube.

Five-year-old boy Vasya
Fifth year in tenth grade.

Uncle Vasya to Antarctica
In the summer I swam on a mattress.

Evil Antoshka from the window
I doused the cat with water.

We flew by in a flock
There are stoats in the sky.

At night in complete darkness
Mice ride on a cat.

Summer in Yegorka's yard
I went down the icy roller coaster.

At a fun carnival
Children wearing masks danced.

At the polar beaver
There's a hole right in the iceberg.

After Tuesday Wednesday
Doesn't always happen.

All his life a huge whale
He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea.

Do tomato juice
From burrs and from boards.

There are no babies
No colored pencils.

Under the window on a spring day
White lilac blossoms.

If the notebook is in a square,
You can't draw in it.

Saw Jan like a caterpillar
I ate a bird in the garden.

From an eagle chick
You can raise a starling.

Timur's cold
The temperature has risen.

Digs a passage underground
Little agile mole.

Grandson Vanya Vanin's grandfather
Fifteen years younger.

Dasha ate at lunch
One hundred plates of semolina porridge.

In Proshka's garden
I planted potatoes.

Hissed Petya from the stump
Poisonous pig.

A bird jumps on the branches -
Yellow-bellied titmouse.

Anyuta picked a rose,
And now there is a thorn in my hand.

Near the old pond
The ostrich sat on the wires.

Uncle Kolya for beauty
He grew a mustache.

In icy conditions and in icy conditions
He rides well on a sled.

Add seagulls to tea
Quinoa and spurge.

Catfish caught in the river
And boiled in boiling water.
(the catfish could not catch and cook itself)

At the sea lion cub
The skin is like oilcloth.

Even the Chinese
There are five fingers on the hand.

Cucumber tops
Twice as sweet as halva.

It's easy to train a hedgehog
Drink milk from a saucer.

Baba Ole's grandchildren
The beds were weeded.

Hose covered with scales
It's called a snake.

Prescribed by the doctor for Misha
Skiing for a sore throat.

In cartoons on roller skates
Lions and rabbits ride.

Smart fish dolphin
Paraffin will not be eaten.

Skinny gopher on a hill
Standing in a column near the hole.

They don't give it to a cripple
Books in the library.

Eight-year-old boy Kolya
Got an A in school.

At the frog from the pond
The beard has turned grey.

Everything is always put in salad
Chocolate and marmalade.

Glory I found the rainbow
And he walked along the rainbow.

The cat sleeps on the radiator
And it becomes kinder.

At the market we are Kazakh
Weighed the melon on the clock.

Cook Uncle Borya deftly
I froze the cake in the oven.

Angry penguin grabbed a raccoon
And he took it to his swamp.

Vlad on the phone
I called Semyon.

Together with grandfather Egor
Painting the fence.

Water spilled out during the day
From a leaky pond.

From the Chinese Li's hands
Panda eats bamboo.

The train was traveling over the bridge
And he signaled to everyone “Too-too!”

Ian, pressing the switch,
Koshkin turned off the purr.

See also:


Children's fables in verse

About the red mouse and the green horse

I went and asked
various passers-by
About the red mouse
And a green horse.
And they answered me
Dozens of passers-by:
-We haven't seen anything like this-
Even similar ones.
Smiling all around:
-All this is fantasy!-
An old man grumbled:

I was walking through the city
Ridiculous and disheveled.
I asked everywhere
Don't bother me:
-Well, has anyone seen it?
green horse
Green horse
And the red mouse?

Suddenly someone called out
me from the window.
And I saw
blue elephant,
Who said:
-Look for them at the pier.
Recently there
Walked by tourists
Green horse
and a red mouse.
Well, hurry up and stomp
what are you worth?

I ran in excitement
to the pier,
Where is the white boat
rocked the stern.
The ship was already leaving
From the pier.
Green horse
Standing at the side
And the red mouse
waved to me from the stern...
since then, unfortunately,
We haven't seen each other.
You say: all this
one is not true.
Do not believe?
Ask the blue elephant.
G. Sapgir

Barrel Doggie

Let me
A piece of tickle
Give me laughter - two pinches,
Three tablespoons
And thunderstorms - Four meters!
Squeak-squeal - Two hundred grams
Plus half a liter
Yes still
Sip of rope
And a skein of soda! - - I'll give everything,
What would you like,
If you
In exchange you will give
Yes keg
Little dog!
Zakhoder Boris

Or maybe, or maybe...
From the film “Plasticine Crow”

One simple fairy tale
Or maybe not a fairy tale,
Or maybe not simple,
We want to tell you.
We remember her from childhood,
Or maybe not since childhood,
Or maybe we don’t remember
But we will remember.

We remember, raven,
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
One day I got lucky.
Someone sent her some cheese,
I think two hundred grams,
Or maybe three hundred,
Or maybe half a kilo.

She flew up onto the spruce tree,
Or maybe it didn’t take off,
Or maybe on a palm tree
I climbed up with a run.
And there she has breakfast,
Or maybe have lunch
Or maybe have dinner
I calmly gathered myself.

But then the fox ran
Or maybe she didn’t run,
Or maybe it's an evil ostrich,
Or maybe not evil.
Or maybe it was the janitor.
He walked along rural areas
To the nearest hazel tree
For a new broom.

Listen, crow,
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
But it's also good.
You have such feathers
You have such horns
The hooves are very slender
And a kind soul.

And if you sing,
Or maybe you'll bark
Or maybe hum √
Cows moo,
That's a big saddle for you,
Carpet and TV
They will give you a gift right away,
Or maybe they’ll give it to you.

And the stupid crow
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
How something starts to sing.
And from such singing,
Or maybe not singing,
Immediately fainted
The whole people are laughing.

And that crow has the cheese,
Or maybe dogs
Or maybe cows,
Of course he fell.
And straight at the fox,
Or maybe an ostrich,
Or maybe even a janitor
Hit it immediately.

The idea of ​​this fairy tale
Or maybe not fairy tales,
Not only adults will understand,
But even the little one
Don't stand and don't jump,
Don't sing, don't dance
Where construction is going on
Or a load is suspended.
Uspensky Eduard

Three wise men
Three wise men in one basin
We set off across the sea in a thunderstorm.
Be stronger
Old basin,
It would be my story.
Translation by S. Marshak

They said there was no sparrow in sight,

And the sparrow is walking down the street,

In the left wing he carries a violin,

He plays with his right wing,

Jumps from foot to foot.

And-ta-ta, and-ta-ta,

A cat married a cat,

For the cat Kotovich,

For Ivan Petrovich.

They began to bury the cat,

Ring all the bells.

Ti-li-l don,

Ti-li-l don,

The goat house caught fire

The goat jumped out

Her eyes bulged.

A chicken is running with a bucket,

I ran to the oak tree,

Bit my lip

Ran to the city

Singed my beard.

Erema, Erema,

If only you could sit at home

Sharpened spindles

The heels are green.

The spinner spun along the thread,

I put it in boxes,

The mouse riveted.

The mouse swears

Lies on the stove

The thread is not expensive

For the shepherds for lunch.

The cat walks along the edge

She's pulling her hair

Weaves bast shoes for the cat,

And the cat has no time -

We need to brew beer

We need to brew beer

Yes, my son needs to be married.

Son Maxim, balalaika player,

I bought a balalaika

Yes, I fell in love with all the girls:

You're slouchy

You're hunchbacked

Come out, marry me

Yes for the rich guy.

I have something about you

There's a whole river of milk,

Kisel's barns are intact.

Sheep were walking along the road

My feet got wet in a puddle.

One two three four five,

They began to wipe their feet,

Who with a handkerchief

Who is a rag

Who has a holey mitten.

White bunny, where did he run?

Into the oak forest.

What did you do?

I tore the basts.

Where did you put it?

Under the deck.

Who stole?

I don't know, I don't know.

Thunder rolled across the mountains -

A mosquito fell from the oak tree,

Crashed on a rhizome

Old mosquito-mosquito.

Instantly the flies flocked -

Two rumble-burners,

They raised the poor brother,

They began to buzz and kill themselves:

Old mosquito-mosquito,

It hurts so much, my friend!

Our poor little boy,

How sorry we are for you, mosquito!

A village was driving

Past the man

Suddenly from under the dog

The gates are barking.

He grabbed the club

The ax chopped

And for our cat

Ran through the fence.

The roofs got scared

We sat on the raven,

The horse is racing

A man with a whip.

Our hostess

She was smart

Everyone has a job in the hut

For the holiday I gave:

The dog washes the cup with his tongue,

The mouse collects crumbs under the window,

The cat scratches the table with its paw,

The chicken sweeps the doormat with a broom.

All the birds flocked:

Tap-dancing sisters,

Cuckoo friend;


He narrowed his eyes;

Crow Bride

She sat down.

Only there is no groom.

Should I call the rooster?

I bought a lamb bagel

At the market early in the morning

I bought a lamb bagel:

For lambs, for sheep

TEN poppy rings,

NINE dryers,

EIGHT buns,

SEVEN cakes,

SIX cheesecakes,

FIVE cakes,

FOUR crumpets,

THREE cakes,

TWO gingerbreads

And I bought ONE roll -

I didn’t forget about myself!

And for the wife - sunflowers.

Our harrier has

From a dear friend,

Forty tubs

Salty frogs,

Forty barns

Dry cockroaches,


Piglets –

Only the legs are hanging.

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"Gift for dad on the 23rd "Feeder for a birdie"

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The Razin family. Funny New Year

Winter has come
The birds have arrived.
The sun shines brightly.
New Year has come
We decorated the palm tree with oranges and tangerines.
We had a fun and good New Year.
Dima: Dad composed the fable, and I drew the plot.

Udovik family. Round winter fable

We inflated balloons for the winter kids!
Rides on Shork's chair and on Kizho's table!
How fun and good and still fresh in winter!
Masha: I first drew a picture, my older brother helped me draw it, and my mom and dad helped me come up with a fable, and my teacher helped me turn it into poetry.

The Krasavin family. New Year's fable

Once upon a time in the cold winter time
The snowman came to us.
I called on the intercom - I wanted to meet.
I was studying lessons then
And I couldn't go to him.
I’d rather make up a fable for you and then sing it.

Matveev family. Winter fun

Tall tales
crossing all boundaries.
So what?
So what?
Fact and fiction are so similar!
It's frosty outside today.
Mimosas are blooming in the yard -
the birds came to visit
And from abroad.
The firebird told us
What happens to them in winter?
From the sky It is snowing green,
The wise king lives there.
Tomorrow he issued an order:
Have fun hour after hour.
The hares dressed up in skis,
Mice were racing on the sleigh.
Only evil kangaroos
They don't want to play the game.
Hippos skaters
There were about 300 of them there
We moved smoothly on the ice,
Everyone was shot down on the move.
About such a foreign country
The firebird told us
On a hot winter day
This is how chaos happens!
Vladislav: this fable was composed by the whole family. True, my mother found the beginning of the fable in a book, and then they began to compose it. I’ll say a word, mom will say something else, and dad will finish the rest. And my aunt helped me with the picture. In class I read a fable to the guys. They really liked it!

Command ID-z109 "DROPS"

EFIMOV FAMILY: Nastya and mother Oksana Viktorovna


My Favorite Santa Claus
I froze my mother's nose!
I'm on my mother's nose
Suddenly I saw a wasp.
After floundering a little,
She's quick and right through the window.
She flew into the forest,
The whole little white thing is white.
Suddenly, by chance, Santa Claus
Gave her many roses.
In the middle of a bitter winter
A wasp flies with an armful of thorny trees.

Mostly my mother did the drawings, Nastena painted everything and drew a few Christmas trees and snowdrifts. The fable was composed together: mother and Nastya.

SMEKALOV FAMILY: Andrey, mother Anna Ivanovna, grandmother Irina Evgenievna

Drawing by the Smekalov family "Very kind Santa Claus"


Santa Claus flies on a broom
And it scares good people
Takes everything away from the children,
And he respects bad children.
On a broom like on a helicopter!
Do you recognize him?
Grandfather went to the market
And he exchanged the staff for a broom.
Maybe he, for example, is from a Christmas tree...
Sweep away all the needles with a broom.
Oh, how good
Good Grandfather Frost!

We were very busy during the New Year holidays interesting activity- they composed a fable. It turned out that it was not so simple. We also drew everything together: the tree, children and the sun - Andrey, Santa Claus and hares - mother, the crow - grandmother.

Drawing of the Mishin family "Walk in the woods"

MISHIN FAMILY: Vadim and mother Nadezhda Ivanovna


One sunny winter day, when the whole sky was covered with clouds, my mother and I went for a walk in the forest. Beauty in the forest in winter! Spruces, pines, cacti are covered with snow. Bullfinches jump from branch to branch, and nightingales cry out to everyone's voices. At the very top of the cactus I saw a crow's nest. There was noise and commotion coming from there. I wanted to see what was happening there. I waved my hands. He waved faster and faster. And he flew. It turned out that the crows were celebrating New Year in the nest. I stayed with them for a bit because mom was cold downstairs. And we went home.

Vadim composed a fable, he also did most of the drawings, and his mother helped him draw a cactus and a crow.

Drawing of the Laguzin family "Tulips"

LAGUZIN FAMILY: Nastya, brother Alexander, sisters Nastya and Yulia.


Beautiful tulips grow in winter,
When there is snow all around.
The trees are dressed in all their beautiful outfits,
There is snow on their leaves.
Cranes fly across the sky
And the first swallows fall on my window.

The fable was composed by Nastya and her older brother Alexander, and Nastya drew it with the help of her cousins ​​Nastya and Yulia. They helped me learn the Photoshop graphics editor.

MIKRYUKOV FAMILY: Artyom, mother Irina Nikolaevna, sister Lera, niece Angelina.

Drawing of the Mikryukov family "Sweet Fairy Tale"


Once upon a time I lived in a sweet fairy tale.
I'm walking on chocolate
Instead of a tree - a loaf,
The branches there are made of marmalade,
It snows from candies,
The house is made of cookies.
The waffle roof lies
And there is a lemonade fountain,
And the snowdrifts there are marshmallows.
The snowy woman is standing
Not made of snow - popsicle,
I liked living like this!

Mom drew the Snow Maiden, Artyom drew a fountain, sister Lera drew a house, and little niece Angelina drew a tree. The whole family composed the fable. It was a lot of fun!


Cow flies for water

The work of the Wizard Zhenya, who claims to have seen something like this in the village during the winter holidays...

How I went fishing

And Seryozha showed us how he and his dad went fishing, but it’s not clear who caught whom?

Flying snowman

Who knows, maybe this happens

That a snowman flies across the sky?

He will flap his wing

And then it will fly!

The work of the Rodkin family.


Hunting mice for a cat is very, very difficult!

Work by Misha Sulimov.

Team ID-z 124 Adventurers

Majidov family depicted Baba Yaga carefully knitting a sock for her flying hut on chicken legs.

Dmitriev family depicted a girl diligently skiing on ice in the middle of summer. The parents came up with the idea, Irina was responsible for bringing the idea to life.

Yurtanov family She called her work “Ski Walk”. The time of action is night, when there are only three suns shining in the sky. The scene of action is freshly plowed land. Idea and work - Ilya, technical support- mother Ekaterina Vasilievna.

Team IDzKometa

Kozlov family

Mom, dad and I took part in the creation of the fable.

Forest fable

After August came January. We took off our skates, harnessed the sleigh with eagles and flew into the forest to pick berries. We see a shepherd grazing flies at the edge of the forest, and a winter grizzly bear building a nest in a pine tree. We just entered the forest, and there is a horse in slippers on a birch tree eating apples. A choir of squirrels sings ditties to the accompaniment of a balalaika. We started the boat engine and flew over the trees. We see a wild boar chiseling the bark of an oak tree, and a woodpecker collecting acorns in a basin. We collected 100 baskets of snow, re-harnessed the sleigh with turtles and flew home.

Altbuch family

Tale on the page

With mom and dad we were in a hurry,

They made up a fable.

Fable, fable,

It turned out on the page.

Miracles in the trees

The heavens were joking.

The hare couldn't get into the hole,

The boot helped a lot.

The mice in the hole became cramped,

We moved into the house together.

Chukharev family

My dad and I came up with a story. My mother helped me draw and my sister helped me color.

Strange forest

Once in a while winter forest the hares came out to hunt the wolves. They walk through the forest with guns and look: a hedgehog is carrying water in a sieve. The hares move on. And in the middle of the forest the bears are playing chess. The mice pulled the boa constrictor out from under the pine tree, and let’s jump through it like a skipping rope. It's good in our winter forest, it's fun!

Burlakov family

The following people took part in the creation of the fable: mother, grandmother, grandfather and I - Alexey Burlakov.

Winter in the forest

Winter came. We took off our fur coats and hats, took our skis and went into the forest to pick mushrooms. The snow was covered with a lush forest. All the trees have fallen off their leaves and stand bare. Only acorns still hang on the rowan tree. We are skiing through the forest. There is silence all around. In the depths of the forest you can hear the sound of a cuckoo. Here are the footprints in the snow. It was a boar jumping. A cone fell from a birch tree. She was abandoned by a squirrel. But there are no hares in sight. They sleep in a den. To the left of the path we see a clearing. She is all blue from red berries. Beauty!

Muktasipov family

Computer drawing: Damir and dad:

Text of the fable: Damir and mom.

Sleeping bunny

Don't go to bed in winter

Hedgehog and badger.

A beetle does not sleep in a rotten tree in winter.

The bear does not sleep in its den,

The groundhog does not sleep in the hole.

Only a little white bunny

I went to sleep in the winter.

He covered himself with leaves

And he lay down in a hole.

And he doesn’t run through the forest, doesn’t chew bark.

Beloglazov family

Decoration: mom Lena and me – Rita.

My aunt and I composed the text of the fable.

On the hill

I'm having fun down the hill with the penguin,

And behind us the sleigh is riding on a monkey.

From left to right, hares are running up to us.

And let's jump

Wink your eyes, knock your paws.

A snowman greeted us from the hill with a bow.

And I danced joyfully with the penguin

The fable was composed by: Anastasia Puchkova, elder sister- Puchkova Ekaterina (12 years old),

edited by mother - Marina Gennadievna.

Fun winter

The Boring Winter came, everything turned upside down.

The house was skating, the sun hid in the ice,

The apple tree has ripened, the snowflake has flown.

The poppies will grow in the snow, it's time for the snowman to take a walk.

And he grows a flower in a bucket, holding the sap in his hand.

There is a staircase from the roof that leads straight to the rainbow!

It's great to ride across the rainbow on a sled,

Catch a butterfly and fall into a snowdrift.

Grandfather Heat was going to the ice hole

Catch a fishing rod with candy, get a snow tan!

This is what it’s like – Unboring Winter!

Kharchevnikov family

Inspirer: Misha;

Writers: Misha, mother Nastya, father Oleg, brother Dima, grandmothers, grandfathers, godparents, and family friends;

Artists: Misha, dad Oleg and brother Dima.

Winter Tale

Winter has come, miracles have begun to happen.

Here the guys came to the forest on New Year's Eve to get a Christmas tree.

They saw there - a wild boar standing with a broom.

What miracles are these: there is no snow, there is grass,

And a cheerful snowstorm only causes drops!

And funny ruffs brought clubs

And they play on the grass not hockey, but buns.

Taking beautiful flowers, the squirrels weave wreaths,

Wolves run from hares and quietly hide in a bush.

And the big-eared king of animals with his hare

He famously trains red foxes in the clearing.

Here the cheerful monkeys took an ice cube in their hands,

Throwing the books straight into the ocean.

Even polar bears gallop through the forest in winter,

To warm up well, they stock up on fat.

Lounging in a clearing, the bear whispers to the goose

Discussing dashingly, where and how, and how much?

The miracle butterfly crawls and the snake flies,

The stupid eagle owl digs out his own hole.

And what a miracle the snowflakes are, pouring into a large dish,

So that the animals board the ship at once on New Year's Day.

This is a tall tale that happened in winter,

Let's sing and have fun as our friendly family!

Mikhailov family

The following people took part in the creation of the drawing: Anya Mikhailova, mother Ira, aunt Natasha, grandfather Vitya, grandmother Lyuda, father Sergei.

The plot of the tale: Anya and dad;

Poetic content: Anya and aunt;

Decoration: Anya and Grandfather;

Plot idea: Anya and grandmother;

Computer design: Anya and dad.

Australian New Year

Once upon a time in the cold winter time

One kangaroo was frolicking near the tree.

I myself would be amazed at such nonsense,

But, believe me, since childhood I haven’t lied at all.

Rolling around in the snow, our Australian

Suddenly he opened the bag on his belly.

And, like a seasoned Olympic athlete,

He jumped over the tree.

I got garlands, tinsel and toys,

Decorated the beautiful spruce tree to perfection,

He treated me to a sweet cheesecake,

Said: “Shall we dance, mademoiselle?”

He and I spun around all day until we dropped.

I’m a pro at dancing, what’s there to hide!

Then we drank tea and ate a pound of chocolate.

But it was getting dark and it was time to sleep.

He put me on his back

We raced through snowy fields,

I ate tangerines as sweet as sugar.

And soon we were at my hut.

My kangaroo stretched out its paw to the sky,

Peered intently into the darkness,

I grabbed a piece of the sky into my arms,

He blew the dust off his paw and handed me a star!

Barabanov family

Drawing: mom Natasha, dad Vadim and me - Lev Barabanov;

Poetic composition: sister Sophia, mother Natasha, father Vadim and me.

Tale about the Tiger

Once upon a time there lived a Tiger beyond the seas,

I celebrated the New Year with friends.

“It’s very hot,” he sighed,

And he quietly fell asleep.

Suddenly I woke up - there were no palm trees,

And there is only white light around.

Instead of a palm tree there is a spruce

And everything is on fire!

Everything around is white and white,

There's a lot of snow!

Then the kids came running,

They shouted in unison:

“Happy New Year, tiger, friend,

Won't you stay suddenly?

Will you protect us for a year?

And help everyone’s friends!”

The tiger thought: “Why not?

It is important to have lunch.

The rest is nonsense!

I will help you, friends!

Everyone can dream

This is such a tall tale.

But I'll tell you, friends,

The New Year has not come in vain!

The tiger is dexterous and smart

He came up with a lot of things.

You'll like him then

We are having a “non-boring winter”!

Pietrzyk family

Mom Olya, dad Seryozha and I, Alena Petshik, took part in the creation of the fable.

Winter fun

Once upon a time in the cold summer

We went to the beach on a sled to sunbathe.

We took Polina, our little brother,

He turns 75.

Vanya came with us, my little sister.

She’s already quite an adult, she’s two.

And dad Seryozha rode under the horse,

And my mother was riding a skipping rope.

And at this time I took a frying pan

And she played tennis, throwing a lemon.

And here grandfather Inna comes towards us,

And a Christmas tree grows on her head.

She put gloves on her feet,

Pretends to be crawling uphill.

This is hot! We're sweating like crazy!

This is how we always relax in the winter!

My mother and I drew the picture.

New Year in the forest

Foxes sleep in the trees

And the hares beat the wolf cubs.

Bears dance in circles -

Soon it will be New Year!

And on the tree a hedgehog and a beaver sat in a row,

There is an elk in the hut, an owlet in the hole.

The squirrel hides the grain in a hole,

And the hamster jumps along the branches.

Pigs have a knack:

It's more fun to sing about the Christmas tree.

The fish got up in a round dance

And the animals got into the ford.

Everyone had fun

There are bananas and nuts.

Collect straight from the tree

And share and play.

On the hottest New Year

On a sled and into a snowdrift!

Makarova Margarita

Summer New Year

One summer we celebrated the New Year. A blue Christmas tree grew in a magical clearing. We dressed her up with icicles from the refrigerator. But it was so hot that we ate all the icicles. Mom collected a basket of cranberries, and we went home to cook cranberry jelly.


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Basic concepts: definition, features of existence, terminology, features (figurative system, anthropomorphism, composition, rhyming), storytelling techniques, forms, genre models.

Existence of the genre. Fables, or never-before-stories, represent a special genre of folklore, found among all peoples as an independent piece of art or as part of a fairy tale, epic, epic, buffoon.

The genre is equally widespread in both adult and children's repertoire. The difference is in the shape. In works performed for children or by children, “the fable takes the form of a song, a rhymed sentence (counting), silence, a tease, a pester, etc.”

Children are attracted to works where absolutely incredible events unfold; there was a rearrangement of the object of action or signs characterizing various objects; the functions and properties of one object were attributed to another. “Violation of the correct coordination of things causes laughter in children, and the greater the violation, the stronger the feeling of funny,” noted O.I. Kapitsa.

Definition. Researchers usually consider fables to be “works of various genres that depict reality with a deliberate violation of the chronological sequence of events, cause-and-effect relationships, etc. and create complete inconsistencies artistic painting peace."

The name of the “fable” was probably given by the performers themselves:

Allow me, brothers, a tale from piebalds,

A tall tale, a tall tale.

I will sing an old thing, unprecedented, but unheard of.

Their important property is illogicality. The objective world, domestic animals, birds - everything in fables is shown from the “absurd” side.

The second property is caused by attributing to one object the properties of another. It was noted, in particular, by K.I. Chukovsky, who called such works “reversals” by analogy with the English “Topsy-turvy Rhymes” - “poems topsy-turvy, rhymes topsy-turvy.” The name “shifters” partly coincides with the German name “Verkehre Welt” - “inverted world”.

Studying, O.I. was one of the first in Russian literary studies to consider upside-down songs. Kapitsa, her conclusions were subsequently confirmed by English scientists I. Oupy and P. Oupy in the book “Folklore and Language of Schoolchildren,” published in Cambridge in 1959. Around the same time, V.P. Anikin fixed the double name of this form.

At the same time, some researchers make a distinction between them E.M. Levina believes that it is necessary to distinguish between fables and inversions. The difference between Them is observed in the unique nature of the action: in a fable, anthropomorphism becomes the main principle (animals performing the work of people, acquiring human nicknames and qualities).

In a shapeshifter, reverse coordination takes place; the animals do the same work, but do it in an unusual way- they mow the hay with hammers, sew up the caftan with a broom. The time characteristics are also unusual: in fables, the disasters of birds and insects are depicted as a global catastrophe; in shapeshifters, the characters move across the sea on a sieve, and confuse the seasons.

Any deviation from the norm helped the child to seek and find his or her reference points in space. These became associative connections. The inverted world made it possible to look at everyday things differently, to define them, to highlight and emphasize individual qualities.

M.N. Melnikov clarifies that the analysis of texts published by V.I. Dahlem, suggests that fables were created by adults and for adults. Therefore, they cannot be attributed to the creativity of children, rather we're talking about about original adaptations or adaptations of individual forms by the children's audience.

It is no coincidence that shifters were actively used by folk pedagogy, activating cognitive activity child and developing his ability to see the comic:

Cat on a basket

Sews a fly

Cat on the bed


Not so, cat

Not so, little bowl,

Not so skull

Our Ivan is great.

Peculiarities. Fables are distinguished by the playful nature of shapeshifters; Chukovsky considered them a mental game: “The child plays not only with pebbles, cubes, dolls, but also with thoughts.” Having learned to fold waste items, the child begins to turn them into own stories- “The desire to play shifters is inherent in almost every child at a certain stage of his mental life.”

Circle of images children's fables were predetermined by the conditions of peasant life; they contained animals, birds, and insects familiar to the peasant child from childhood. Only they dressed like people: “a goat in a sundress,” “a chicken in boots,” “a duck in a skirt.” The animals performed the same duties: “the hen swept the hut, swept the hut, put the little one under the threshold”, “the cat crushes crackers on the stove, the cat sews a fly.”

Moving animals into an environment that was unusual for them, where they were forced to act in an unusual way, led to the creation of a comic effect. It happened that some animals were attributed the properties of others: “a bear flies through the sky, waves its ears and paws, straightens its gray tail,” “a dog gave birth to a bull,” “a little pig laid an egg.”

The main technique becomes anthropomorphism: animals, insects, birds dressed in human clothes and were endowed with human qualities, properties and vices. They performed the same actions as humans. People also worked and acted in an inappropriate environment: “the men on the street are hitting the hooks (fishing pins), they are catching fish.” Animals were used in an unusual way: “Foma rides a chicken, Timoshka rides a cat”; “The man was plowing mosquitoes and driving them away with a baton.”

Compared to fairy tales, the anthropomorphism of fables has its own characteristics. The similarity was manifested in the humanization of animals, but in the fairy tale the animal appears as a bearer of certain qualities: the fox was distinguished by a crafty disposition, turned out to be resourceful, capable of theft; the bear, on the contrary, is always clumsy and slow-witted.

In fables, the characterization changes. Here are some fabled songs, the first of which features animals in disguise, and the second of which shows costumed animals dancing:

Ulyana, Ulyana,

Get in the sleigh,

Come with us

To a new village.

In the new village

In the old village

You will see a lot of wonders:

Chicken in earrings,

A goat in new trousers,

Goat in a sundress

And the bull is in leather,

Duck in a skirt

Drake in necklaces,

Cow in matting -

There is nothing more expensive!

Our Danila

The brute played out

And cows and bulls

Adam's apples gaped,

Ducks to the pipes,

Cockroaches to the drums;

Goat in a blue sundress,

In linen pants

In woolen stockings,

The ox is dancing

He waves his leg,

The cranes went to dance

Debts to show your legs,

Bang, bang, bang.

A family of goats doing peasant work:

The goat grinds flour,

The goat sleeps

And the little goats

They walk in the barns.

By shape a fable is a short plot sketch, an everyday picture with specific content without a beginning or ending. Let's give an example of a fable where the characters are insects: cockroaches, mosquito, louse, flea:

The cockroach was chopping wood,

A mosquito walked on the water

My feet got stuck in the mud.

The flea raised -

My stomach was torn.

The louse was heating the bathhouse,

Gnitka cooked lye,

The louse went to steam

I fell out of a frenzy,

Hit the tub edge-on,

Thank God I died

The whole world is tired of it.

Plot completeness of the description, saturation with specific details, visual inconsistencies determine the semantic capacity, accurate and spectacular transmission of actions

Compositionally the upside-down consists of action pictures arranged in a chain and loosely connected to each other. It involves a rearrangement of the object of action or features that characterize different objects. Sometimes this verbal fun “takes on the character of a game of slip of the tongue”:

Where has this been seen?

Where have you heard this?

So that the hen gives birth to a bull,

The piglet laid an egg,

The armless man robbed the cage,

He put it in the bosom of a naked man,

The legless man ran skipping

The ending in fables is absent or does not affect the main content, being perceived as a complete summary:

The nit made alkali,

The louse went to steam

I fell out of a frenzy,

I hit the tub on the edge.

Thank God I died

The whole world is tired of it.

Some researchers believe that the opening, on the contrary, plays an important semantic role: “it immediately emphasizes that we are talking about nonsense, a fable that is not believed in.”

Narration in a fable it is told from the first or third

Our Danila

The brute played out.

I lived with my mother

In a pine hut.

Slept on a pillow

On a feather bed.

The nature of rhyme in fables is varied. The most common adjacent rhymes are:

And the owner is putting on his shoes on the stove,

And the bear hangs around on the road,

And the pig is pushing oats under the bridge,

And the frog in the yard sings songs.

An example of cross rhyme combined with internal rhyme:

The goat sows flour

The goat is sowing

And the lambs are cool

They play the pipe

And white-sided magpies

Legs top top,

And the owls from the coal

The eyes clap-clap.

Internal rhymes are often found in combination with paired rhymes.


Young blackbird.

Changelings vary according to the genre model; sometimes it’s a short joke:

Eh, my boots are on cotton wool,

And the underwear is creaky.

Yes, I'm on a piebald cart

On a pine horse.

But maybe a whole song:

The bast is belted by a man.

A village was driving in the middle of a man,

Look from under the dog the gate is barking;

The gate is colorful, the dog is new.

The man grabbed the dog

And let's hit the stick.

The dog pressed the barn

Yes, she ran away.

The hut came to the man

There the woman is kneading the dough.

There are reversals in the form of a narrative:

I got up in the morning, put shoes on my bare feet, put on an ax, tucked three skis into my belt, belted myself with a club, and supported myself with a sash. I did not walk along the wrong path; he tore up mountains near the basts; I went into an open field and saw a cow milking a woman under an oak tree. I say: “Auntie, mommy, give me one and a half cups of unleavened milk.” She didn't give it. I went out into the street: there was a husky dog ​​(like a dog barking) at me; How should I defend myself? I saw a sleigh on the road, grabbed the sleigh from the shaft, gave the husky a whip and went home.

In this case, the plot unfolds as unusual story, which happened to the narrator himself. EAT. Levina believes that even when there are “motives of prosaic fables, repetitions rhythmically organize them.”

...Yes, not a chicken on the stupa soyagnilas,

A cow took a ride on skis,

Yes, the pig built a nest in the spruce tree.

Yes, she made a nest and brought out children.

Little children and little pigs.

The little piggy is still hanging by branches,

Hanging on the branches and flying though.

Butt-eared pig

I built a nest on an oak tree,

Piglets piglets

Exactly sixty.

Released the piglets

All according to little bitches.

The piglets are squealing

I want to fly.

O.I. Kapitsa noted that fables are accompanied by so-called “big songs.” In most of them, the characters are animals that act like people. She considers the following to be the most common: “Goat”, “Matchmaking of an Owl”, “War of the Mushrooms”, “Tickety”, “Death and Funeral of a Mosquito”, “Let’s go, little wife, to make a house”, “I lived with the priest”.

Similar songs by P.V. Shane calls them satirical and buffoonish. “Almost all of them,” he notes, “are distinguished by a clear satirical character, the meaning and purpose of which have been smoothed out over time, as a result of which they have largely lost interest for people of older generations. But, thanks to the abundance of alliterations, tautologies and rhymes, as well as the ease of remembering their simple musical motives, they, so to speak, asked for their invaluable services to mothers, nannies, and mentors, for whom they were the most desirable, the most convenient and suitable means of borrowing and amuse your own and others' little ones in a pleasant way. These little ones, having grown up into adolescence, begin to use these same songs and jokes with pleasure.”

The lack of precise terminology led to the fact that in the first collection of “Russian Folk Songs” P. Shein placed these songs in the children’s section, and in “Velikorussa” he transferred them to the group of humorous songs for adults.

Among the big songs, we will first point out the song about the “goat”, widespread among Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians. O.I. Kapitsa gives more than 10 versions of the song. It tells that grandma's favorite goat went for a walk in the forest, and there he was torn to pieces by wolves. Professor V.N. Peretz points to the prototype of this song, found in a collection of Polish songs by Gintovt and Rudnitsky dating back to 1713.

Here is the beginning of the most common version of this song:

Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with my grandmother,

Grandmother loved the goat very much.

The goat decided to take a walk in the forest,

Gray wolves attacked the goat,

All that remains are the goat's horns and legs.

After each line the refrain “That’s how, that’s how” and two last words. Gradually, the text, which is simple in structure, develops into a full text different events a song where a goat meets wolves and dies.

At the beginning, grandma's goat boasts:

Kill seven wolves

Sew a fur coat for Baba.

The goat turns out to be a coward and, when meeting the bunny and the little fox, he asks:

Aren't you my death?

Won't you eat me?

The animals respond to this

I am not your death

I won't eat you.

I'm already a bunny

I'm already white.

The goat then encounters seven wolves who attack him. The grandmother finds only his remains and arranges a wake for her pet. O.I. Kapitsa also gives an option with a happy ending, in which the goat deals with the wolves and returns home unharmed:

Oh you, grandma,

You, Varvarushka,

Open the gates

Take the goat.

The song ended up in a children's book and was widely used for pedagogical purposes. O.I. Kapitsa believed that it provides material for active children's games with singing for little ones, since “of all the big songs, it is especially close to children in form and content, which explains its popularity.” S.Ya. Marshak adapted the song into a play for the children's theater and for the Petrushka Theater. Obviously, O.I. Kapitsa is referring to S. Marshak’s play “The Tale of the Goat.”

No less common in terms of the number of variants is the song “Matchmaking and Wedding of an Owl”, in which birds act. It clearly shows a satirical orientation. The characteristics of the birds that are offered to the bullfinch as a wife are distinctive. All of them are endowed with human qualities:

I would take a jackdaw - she has a club foot.

I would take the crow - she’s black.

I would take a swallow - she is fidgety.

I would take the cuckoo - it’s sad, etc.

At the same time, the groom is trying to find out and business qualities to his bride:

Do you, little owl, know how to spin and weave?

Do you know how to plow arable land?

Collections of children's fairy tales include the song “War of the Mushrooms”:

War was starting

In broad daylight.

It’s already started to fire,

The smoke just started pouring out.

As they said to the war

To our entire village,

Thought about it White mushroom -

Colonel to all mushrooms,

Sitting under the oak tree,

Looking at the mushrooms.

He turns to different mushrooms, but everyone refuses to go to war: the saffron milk caps say:

We are rich men

Not to blame for the regiments

Openki answer:

Our legs are very thin

We are not going to war, etc.

Finally, the milk mushrooms agree:

We guys are friendly

Give us sabers, guns,

We are protectors of the village,

We are going to war.

Children's songs are a parody of historical songs composed at the end of the 18th century under the influence of the Pugachev uprising. The lyrics ridiculed those who refused to go fight.

The songs “Let’s make a house, little wife,” and “I lived with the priest” are built on a number of onomatopoeias and names that characterize animals. The first song lists the animals purchased for the farm, the second - the animals given by the master to the worker for his service. Here's how the animals are characterized:

And the heifer is a boaster,

My mother-pester ram,

Kozinka Bela-Rusa,

Piggy-pockmarked pig,

My duck is a float

My goose is a water sponge, etc.

Here's an example of onomatopoeia:

Kozynka - meke-keke,

Lamb - bya-bya, bya-bya,

Svinushka - rumbling, rumbling,

Turkey - shuldy-buldy,

Goose - ha-ga-gaga, etc.

Interaction of fables with literary forms. M.N. Melnikov and E.M. Levin shows the appearance of shapeshifters based on the book tradition: “A suitcase was sailing on the sea,” “The hut was walking along the bridge...”, “It was in January, the first of April.”

There are parodies of modern popular songs:

At the edge of the forest

Winter lived in a hut.

She cooked people...

Such texts contain motives of intimidation that are organically included in the structure of the genre. This circumstance brings parody songs closer to “ scary stories"and shows that the genre has not lost popularity in the modern children's environment.

I bought a lamb bagel
At the market early in the morning
I bought a lamb bagel:
For lambs, for sheep
TEN poppy rings,
NINE dryers,
EIGHT buns,
SEVEN cakes,
SIX cheesecakes,
FIVE cakes,
FOUR crumpets,
THREE cakes,
TWO gingerbreads
And I bought ONE roll -
I didn’t forget about myself!
And for the wife - sunflowers.

A ship runs across the blue sea,
The gray wolf is standing on the nose,
And the bear fastens the sails.
Zayushka leads the boat by the rope,
The fox looks slyly from behind a bush:
How to steal a bunny
It's like breaking a rope.

I went to the bast mountain to tear up.
I see: the lake is floating on ducks.
I cut down three sticks:
One is spruce, another is birch, the third is rowan.
Threw a spruce tree - did not approve,
Threw the birch tree - threw it.
I threw the rowan tree and it hit.
The lake fluttered up and flew away,
But the ducks remained.

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late at dawn
The lady is traveling on foot
In a chintz carriage.

A hare sits on a pine tree -
He built himself a nest there.
And who cares
Why don't hares have wings?

All the birds flocked:
Tap-dancing sisters,
Cuckoo friend;
He narrowed his eyes;
Crow Bride
She sat down.
Only there is no groom.
Should I call the rooster?

The old hare is mowing hay,
And the fox is raking.
The fly carries hay to the cart,
And the mosquito throws.
They took us to the hayloft -
A fly screamed from the cart:
“I won’t go to the attic,
I'll fall from there
I'll break a leg,
I'll be lame."

Knock, knock, look at the gate:
That's right, someone is coming to visit:
The whole family is coming
A pig is walking ahead.
The goose tuned the harp,
And a rooster with a trumpet.
The cat and the dog were surprised -
They even made peace.

The turnip danced with the poppy,
And parsley with parsnips,
Corn with garlic
Our Tanya with a Cossack.
But I didn’t want carrots
Dance, dance,
Because I couldn't
Dance, dance.

Turu, turu, shepherd boy,
Viburnum footrest.
Where did you fly this summer?
Where did you spend the winter?
- At the Tsar's in Moscow,
In the golden lip.
-What is the king doing?-
- Turu writes a note,
He breathes on the girl.
- Girl, girl,
Go get some water.
- I'm afraid of the wolf.
- Wolves at work,
Owl in the swamp.
- Sovanka, Sovanka,
Shaggy legs,
We ran along the path.
Popov's guys
The peas were threshed
The chains were broken,
They left the barn,
Water the chicken.
Like a feather from a chicken
It rolled
A village near Ivanovo.

Shadow-shadow, shadow,
There is a fence above the city.
The animals sat under the fence.
We boasted all day:
The fox boasted:
- I am beautiful to the whole world!
The bunny boasted:
- Go and catch up!
The hedgehogs boasted:
- Our fur coats are good!
The bear boasted:
- I can sing songs!

Timoshka in a basket
I drove along the path.
The dog on the strip hums,
The bear on the chain breaks,
Agathon is putting on his shoes on the stove.

Fuck, bang, bang,
A mouse rides on hedgehogs.
- Wait, prickly hedgehog,
I can't bear to go any more,
You're very annoying, hedgehog!

Our harrier has
From a dear friend,
Forty tubs
Salty frogs,
Forty barns
Dry cockroaches,
Piglets –
Only the legs are hanging.

Nonsense, nonsense,
These are just lies!
“The chickens ate the rooster,”
The dogs talk.

The hut walked along the bridge
And she waved her tail,
Got caught on the railing
It landed right in the river.
There is noise in the river, there is ringing in the river!
Those who don't believe, get out!

Sheep were walking along the road
My feet got wet in a puddle.
One two three four five,
They began to wipe their feet,
Who with a handkerchief
Who is a rag
Who has a holey mitten.

Between heaven and earth
The pig was rummaging
And accidentally tail
Clings to the sky.

Nonsense, nonsense,
These are just lies!
Hay being cut on the stove
Hammer crayfish.

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late at dawn
Baba was walking
In a chintz carriage.

There's nonsense on the fence
Fried jam
The chickens ate the rooster
One Sunday.