Could there really be a world of wizards, but we are Muggles and may simply not know about it? Does magic exist?

In theory - Yes.

Let's start off with, what is magic? This is a change in time and space, that is, conditionally - this is energy management through various types of manipulations.

But in order to manage, you need to know what, or at least feel it, so how to feel this energy that same "magic" or "the force" from the lightsaber universe? The answer is simple: need good detectors, because even our eyes do not perceive the entire range of “energy” of the surrounding world due to their narrow sensitivity ( only 300 nanometers). What if these people perceive more, perhaps not through their eyes, but through some other sensory organ?

Doesn't look much like what we see in movies, does it? But we still see this through the eyes of another person, another Muggle, it’s like showing a movie to a worm and telling him about what’s happening, transforming the information in his range to the organs he has, I don’t think he’ll understand you, and it’s unlikely can he make a similar film for you, because not only does he not have eyes or ears, he also does not have arms and legs to create.

That is, if these people cause any mutations, any gene have greater perception, greater opportunities for interaction with the world around them, then they can change it consciously, in my opinion this is quite logical.

Of course, not everyone can see and do at the same time or equally strongly (probability theory, how are you doing?), let’s assume that there are weak and strong magicians, for the weak to reach the level of the strong, he needs some kind of strengthening of his abilities, some kind of catalyst that enhances his manipulations over the environment its energy and here you are greeted by magic wands, amulets, any magical artifacts for various purposes(as if you are looking for a circuit solution for the task you need).

It can also be assumed that instruments already with magical power(ready-made things like all sorts of bottles with potions) can also be used by Muggles who are not particularly endowed with the “gift,” akin to how a monkey picks up a pistol with cartridges, not yet knowing what it does and how it actually works.

Regarding fast travel and portals, then in 1 case energy can be moved in different wavelengths (even between elementary particles there are voids, and your wall is not as dense as you think, everything is relative), in order to avoid unnecessary losses/interference/distortion and increase the speed of information transfer, and in 2 you can close 2 points of space (you need to conjure a little with the laws of gravity and, in principle, everything is quite feasible), thereby creating a kind of bridge that will take you from point A to point B (not only portals in space, but in time are quite real).

Modern man is accustomed to the fact that there are two opposing views on reality, two types of consciousness - scientific and magical. Sometimes it seems that modern world It's funny to think that miracles happen. Scientific methods the effects on reality seem solid and logical, and the belief in magic remains in childhood, when it was so easy to believe in fairy tales and.

"Inexplicable" does not mean "does not exist"

But maybe it’s just easier for people to think that everything in the world is predictable and explainable? In fact, this is far from the case. Even in the familiar reality that surrounds everyone, there are many things that people cannot feel with the help of their senses: electromagnetic waves, electrons running through wires, speed of light. But they can observe and record these and other phenomena using special instruments.

But until quite recently, concepts such as, for example, were not recognized by official science and unconditionally belonged to the field of esotericism. Perhaps the methods of explaining and recording phenomena that today are usually classified as magic will in the near future become familiar and completely scientific?

What is magic?

But before deciding whether it exists or not, it's good to understand that . We can say that magical rituals are actions that carry a certain energy impulse, performed in a certain sequence and the desired result. Thus, the magical effect is not too different from the ordinary one in its essence, except for one component - the energy one.

But this component turns out to be the most important in the magical action. The mood that a person receives as a result of performing the ritual helps him change his behavior, see the situation from a new perspective, discover new resources in himself, and believe in himself. And belief in yourself and your success is a powerful force.

The stronger the energy of the person performing magical actions, the more obvious the result will be.
Modern psychologists recognize this, and theologians have been talking about this since ancient times.

As for the ritual itself, the successive manipulations, the words of the conspiracy, pronounced in strictly in a given order, create the right mood, help internal resources mobilize. You can create rituals yourself.

One of the areas of psychology - Simoron - is built on the creation of fun rituals that help change reality.
The only problem is to believe in their effectiveness. That is why most prefer traditional, proven magical methods.

The word “magic” among the people often has such synonyms as “ sorcery», « magic», « witchcraft», « witchery" The first encounters of every person with magic and witchcraft occur at the very early years his life - for childhood. And each of us probably had the most favorite fairy tales in which magic was present.

To the child’s question: “Does this happen?” - the parents condescendingly answer: “Well, of course not!” And between many of the things that the old people talk about folk tales- Truth. AND Witchcraft and magic have always existed on Earth, exist and will exist.

Another thing is that in fairy tales miracles happen instantly, but in life they take time, sometimes quite a long period. AND "miracles" always have a natural shell, scientific explanation. However, the facts of human influence both on objects and on other people through the direct mental efforts of one individual are obvious.

This means that it is possible, ultimately, to make changes, with the help of some purposeful idea, an all-consuming passion, and on a larger scale, to influence the surrounding reality. For faster and more accurate fulfillment of desires, magicians use.

There is an opinion that in ancient times people had many of the capabilities that they struggle to achieve modern magicians. After all, in people living today, 95% of the brain sleeps even while awake!

Moses and Kabbalah

It is said that during Moses' first ascent to the mountain, he received . These secrets told what a person could do. But people were not ready to accept freedom inherent in Kabbalah. And, having descended from the mountain, Moses was shocked by what he saw: people served the idol, sinned recklessly, caring more about the body than the spirit. And Moses destroyed the slabs that brought great knowledge to humanity!

For the second time, when Moses climbed the mountain, God gave him slabs with the 10 commandments, but with the opposite meaning. Seeing human ignorance, instead of the secrets of Kabbalah, the Lord sent them commandments about what people should not do. Something similar is happening to all of humanity as a whole. It’s funny, you see, to entrust a 2-3 year old child with driving a complex car on a busy highway! This is roughly the same situation with the knowledge of the great Kabbalah.

Although, to be honest, even in our time, most people can hardly be counted among the cohort who are ready to truly accept freedom. There are very few people living on Earth today who are capable of think independently. The majority in our time follows various doctrines of political or religious groups, continue to create idols for themselves and bow to them. And only a small fraction of the population gradually begins to think and awaken from centuries of hibernation.

They are the ones who make the first attempts to influence nature and humans with the help of their consciousness, sometimes resorting to the help magical rituals And . These are the actions commonly called magic. Meanwhile, taking into account Crowley’s words, any actions, any changes that occur in accordance with your will can already be attributed to magical actions.

you are waiting for a bus that is obviously late. But you really want the bus to come! And then he turns the corner! Of course, there are many explanations for this case that are quite satisfactory to both physicists and ordinary average people. But in fact - you committed magical effect, because you wanted this with all your willpower - the arrival of the bus.

Candidate of Philosophy R. F. Dodeltsev in his book “ Modern Magic" leads even more shining example. It relies on the actions of the person who wants to open the door. So he takes the door handle with his hand, turns it and opens it... Based on everything stated above, he has already performed a magical act.

That is, magic is not at all something supernatural and transcendental, as many around believe. Isn't it modern man considers lightning and thunderclaps supernatural? Even eclipses of heavenly bodies today's scientists have learned not only to explain, but also to predict. Imagine what would have happened to a scientist who correctly predicted an eclipse of the Sun in the 16th - 17th centuries? Its exactly would be accused of witchcraft and simply - simply burned at the stake, like an ardent sorcerer and heretic!

Lack of education
and the narrowness of thinking forced people to deify many physical phenomena, because they did not know how to explain it. Now the stories about that terrible time when the Inquisition dominated seem absurd and implausible to us. But it was! Science is moving forward by leaps and bounds. Phrases such as: “If I can’t see it, it means it simply doesn’t exist” have long come to mean a person who is narrow-minded.

Molecules, atoms and neutrons are also not visible to our eyes, but no one doubts that they exist. Of course, the presence of these physical phenomena scientifically proven experimentally. But isn't it magicians and sorcerers prove it every day us our existence and power? The only problem so far is that scientists cannot explain this phenomenon.

People are accustomed to hypnosis, to the fact that psychics give answers to questions, to which no one could answer. Scientists come up with names unexplained phenomena. But no one can yet thoroughly explain all the ins and outs of the strange phenomenon popularly called magic. History proves to us that every discovery on earth has always been met with hostility by the majority of ordinary people.

For example, with what reverence, and in some cases even with outright horror, electricity was greeted! And let’s be honest, how many copies were broken until the computer with the notorious Internet entered our lives so firmly that today it is difficult to find a clergyman who does not have it. Even within the monastery walls there is access to special theological sites.

Magic and religion

Very difficult
the question of whether practicing magic contradicts belief in God. I will surprise you by saying - no, it does not contradict. If God were disgusted by the fact that so far only some individuals are mastering the skills and knowledge of the occult, why should he stop all this?

And one more thing: based on the expression that every hair on our head is counted, and nothing in the world happens without the permission of our Lord, how did He give magicians such knowledge and skills?

Disputes about the existence of magic have been going on since ancient times. For many centuries, this teaching was on the verge of reality and the otherworldly, and attempts to get to the bottom of magic do not stop to this day.

It seems to many that magic exists, because it is not for nothing that fortune tellers, seers and alchemists successfully work in the magical field and not only carry out various rituals and conspiracies, but also predict the future. Do they really have occult knowledge or should their activities be regarded as charlatanism?

Magic is understood as a teaching that allows one to turn to certain secret forces in order to influence events in the present and future. Magical practices include fortune telling, witchcraft, astrological forecasts, spells, Alexandrian chemistry (alchemy), as well as the work of mediums and necromancers.

Magic is divided into white and black, differing depending on the purposes of magical rituals. It arose in the primitive period and was associated with people’s beliefs in the other world.

Over time, priests and shamans began to appear in society, who were engaged in magical practice and treatment of diseases, and in the Middle Ages, with the spread of Christianity, magic began to be viewed as a kind of evil and sorcerers were burned at the stake.

Today the attitude towards it can be called twofold. Some people believe in secret powers and turn to fortune tellers at every opportunity, others categorically deny. And yet, the fact that magic has survived and survived to this day makes us wonder: perhaps what lies behind it is not superstition, but real knowledge based on life experience?

Black magic is associated with dark concepts such as " absolute evil" and "lower forces". For there are no moral or ethical barriers, they perform rituals that cause pain and evil to other people - they cast damage, the evil eye, they use spells for curses, the crown of celibacy, love spells.

Does black magic exist? The possibility of its existence is supported by many interesting facts and stories described in different eras. In particular, voodoo sorcerers who practice black magic in Haiti are credited with the ability to steal the souls of living people, revive the dead and summon evil spirits.

Unlike black magic, white magic is designed to bring good, aimed at creating and helping every person. White magicians are asked to heal from diseases, cleanse from vices, strengthen fortitude, remove damage and the evil eye. There is an opinion that white magic is inherent in each of us, and a person just needs to awaken it.

Any white sorcerer will say that in order to fulfill good desires, you must first work on yourself, try to get rid of fears and complexes, gain knowledge that will help develop your personality and fully enjoy life. If we consider white magic from this position, we can reliably say that it exists.

The main idea of ​​elemental magic is that our world is a combination of four elements - earth, fire, air and water. To achieve any goals, it is enough to use one or another natural element in spells and rituals.

Thus, to improve relationships in the family, rituals are performed with fire, and to get rid of material difficulties, rituals are performed with earth. An elemental magician works with only one element that corresponds to his energy structure. The magicians themselves will answer without hesitation that elemental magic exists, but in order to dominate the elements, it is necessary first of all to subjugate one’s own body and material desires.

Love magic involves the use of love spells and spells for love purposes. Most often, women who want to improve family relationships or get married resort to it. Many who have turned to love magic claim that the rituals gave positive results.

This kind of divination has taken place for many millennia, and interest in it does not subside even in our time, and women, like many centuries ago, continue to go to sorcerers in the hope of finding happiness in their personal lives.

If you answer the question whether love magic exists, you can confidently answer that yes, it does, but whether it brings results is rather a matter of faith and the internal capabilities of each person.

Many of us are interested in the following question - does magic exist Is it real or is it just an invention of people with a good imagination? Is there something mysterious and mysterious, hidden and inaccessible in our lives? Magicians and insiders say that all the answers lie in the vast stores of knowledge that our ancestors left us. They are not accessible to everyone, and they are not easy to decipher.

But there are trusted persons to whom all the secrets and mysteries of the Universe are revealed. Some of them decided to devote their lives to white magic, some preferred to practice witchcraft. They have a special flair and see the world from a completely different perspective.

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It is these unique people who need to be asked: does magic really exist and how to master it?

For several centuries, humanity has been trying to get answers to these questions. Lots of experiments, contacts with subtle matters, communication with otherworldly spirits- here is just a small part of these attempts.

Unfortunately, the current rhythm of life alienates us from natural forces and eternal concepts. We lose our natural connection with reality and stop feeling the prompts of the Universe.

Is magic fiction or reality?

Not everyone these days believes that magic exists. It seems to them that magic is only possible on the pages of fairy tales or in movies. Let's still figure out this issue - who is right and who is wrong.

Each of us has our own protective shield. It consists of many energy sparkles that interact with each other and are in constant movement. There are stronger flows, and there are weaker ones. But they are all individual.

By the way, all disputes about the presence of this energy shield have long died down, since it has been proven by many scientific studies.

So is there really magic? Does black magic exist? How does it manifest itself?

So, this is the ability to control energies that cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is the impact on the bioenergetic field of another person that is nothing less than magic.

Yeah, sure, it doesn't look like a fight fireballs or movement in time and space. But by changing the energy around a person’s body, you can cause damage, bind his soul or take over his will.

Now let's move on to the details. Human life consists of many aspects - all of them are subject to universal laws. The biofield is connected with the Universe. It's like a second immune system, without which we become vulnerable and weak.

Any hole can cause an energy infection - a disease that cannot be treated with conventional drugs.

Many will say that this is an ordinary fiction, not supported by facts. Why associate every failure with something mystical? But still, the fact remains that a full and healthy biofield is the key to success.

As a professional magician, I can say that damage is the superposition of one (stronger) bioenergy field on another. In some cases this happens spontaneously, and in others it happens intentionally. Negative influence causes a whole stream of failures and troubles - popularly this period is called the “black streak”.

Since ancient times, people have turned to old grandparents for help - to relieve the child’s fear, to remove the crown of celibacy. And their conspiracies really helped and still help. Isn't this the real proof of the existence of magic?

And calls from the other world - have you heard of them? For example, a mother loses her only son. She is killed in her grief, stops eating and sleeping. Her eyes are not dry from tears.

Nothing can bring her back to peace, but then the phone rings. The woman picks up the phone and her son’s voice tells her: “Mom, don’t worry, I’m fine.” The mother's heart calms down, because she knows that her child is in a safe place.

And there are a huge number of similar cases. If you still have doubts about whether magic exists or not, then you have not encountered the world of magic. But don't worry - everything is ahead.

Manifestations of magic in human life

Meet something mystical in Everyday life It’s possible every day – we just don’t notice it. Someone was lucky to see prophetic dreams, someone gets what they want, you just have to think about it, and someone has a strong inner instinct.

Or here’s another common example – energy vampirism. Sometimes one person dominates a group of others without having much physical strength. It turns out that the whole secret is in the unique energy.

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The tendency to clairvoyance is a clear manifestation of magic. Agree, each of us has such an acquaintance (and perhaps it’s you yourself) who knows in advance what will happen in the near future. He himself cannot explain where this knowledge came from, but, nevertheless, everything is so. Later it turns out that all his assumptions are prophetic.

Some people have healing powers. For example, you have a headache. You took one pill, then a second - but the pain does not subside. And then a work colleague touched the back of your head a little - and the suffering stopped. What is this if not magic?

People who practice magic always have a special atmosphere in their home. You can feel it right from the start.

And even if such life phenomena do not lend themselves to generally accepted logic, they exist. Be more observant, and you yourself will answer the question: is there magic?

And for dessert, look at this short video– I don’t know how they do it, but it’s impressive!

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site
