Names of cocoa. Cocoa powder is a great superfood for our beauty and health.

The value of cocoa has been known since ancient times - the Aztec and Mayan tribes used beans instead of money. At first, the drink made from cocoa beans was drunk cold and used for ritual purposes. And only after the conquistadors delivered the fruits of the chocolate tree to Europe, they began to drink the drink from its fruits hot. Doctors, pharmacists, chefs, cosmetologists - they all know about the valuable substances that this product contains, so they each actively use it in their field. Let's consider the benefits of cocoa for human health and its possible harm.

What is cocoa powder made from?

The technology for extracting powder and oil from cocoa beans was invented by a native of Holland, Conrad van Heuten, in 1828. Later, thanks to her, it became possible to produce chocolate bars.

After the fruits of the chocolate tree ripen, they are cut with a knife. The fruits are cut and the seeds in the form of beans are taken out. The seeds are fermented by placing them in boxes with banana leaves and burlap for seven days. As a result of this procedure, their tart taste disappears and the delicious chocolate aroma intensifies. Next, the seeds are dried in the sun and after that they begin to extract the oil. As a result, a cake remains, which is ground into powder. This is cocoa powder.

As a result of the described process, several types of powder are obtained. In stores they sell both a product that you can simply pour boiling water over and drink, and one that requires cooking. It is important to understand that the first of them contains very few useful substances; manufacturers compensate for their absence by introducing synthetic vitamins.

Did you know? Until the 19th century, cocoa was called hot chocolate and was sold in pharmacies. It was used to treat depression, improve general well-being, heal wounds, and increase sexual desire.

What's included

Let's figure out why cocoa is so healthy and what it contains. Like any product, it contains a number of micro- and macroelements:

  • - 1509 mg;
  • - 655 mg;
  • - 425 mg;
  • - 128 mg;
  • - 80 mg;
  • - 28 mg;
  • Fe (iron) - 22 mg;
  • - 13 mg;
  • - 7.1 mg;
  • - 4.6 mg;
  • Cu (copper) - 4550 mcg;
  • - 245 mcg;
  • - 56 mcg.

As you can see, the fruits of the cocoa tree contain the most potassium and phosphorus. There are few products that can boast of containing so many of these elements.

Here are the vitamins cocoa contains:

  • - 3 mcg;
  • beta-carotene - 0.02 mg;
  • - 0.1 mg;
  • - 0.2 mg;
  • - 1.5 mg;
  • - 0.3 mg;
  • B9 - 45 mcg;
  • E - 0.3 mg;
  • RR - 6.8 mg.
If you are wondering whether there is caffeine in cocoa, then let us tell you - this substance is present in it. In addition, cocoa beans contain proteins, carbohydrates and fats, organic compounds, tannins and dyes, theobromine.

Beneficial properties for the body

After considering the vitamin and mineral complex contained in cocoa, you can understand what beneficial properties it has.

Obviously, such a high content of potassium (half the daily value for humans) and magnesium allows the product, when ingested by the human body, to have a serious impact on the work cardiovascular system, help eliminate bad cholesterol.

Did you know? To get one kilogram of cocoa powder, you will need 40 fruits (1200 seeds).

Calcium included in the composition has a positive effect on bones, bone division, teeth, and muscles. Nicotinic acid has a beneficial effect on hair and stimulates its growth.

Iron cleanses the blood and helps saturate it with oxygen.

Of course Cocoa butter still has more benefits, because it is what is used in medicine. First of all, it is recommended as an excellent expectorant for colds. It also has a powerful immunomodulating effect. When added to tea or milk, the oil can relieve cough, bronchitis, and throat diseases in just two to three days.
In the latter case, it is also recommended to simply dissolve it to soften and heal the larynx. The oil helps with irregular bowel movements or their prolonged absence, and the presence of hemorrhoids.

A therapeutic massage is done externally with oil, it is lubricated problematic skin, cracks, make hair masks. Therefore, the main benefit of cocoa for women is to improve their appearance. After all, women, to a greater extent than men, tend to monitor the condition of their hair, nails, and skin. Cocoa contains all the necessary elements that can make women more beautiful, their skin more toned and youthful, their hair silkier and stronger.

Important! Since cocoa butter is a strong allergen, you should not use it during self-treatment. A doctor's consultation is required.

Men will be interested to know how cocoa is good for them. First of all, the presence of zinc, which has a positive effect on potency. Regular consumption of black and hot chocolate by representatives of the stronger half of humanity will certainly lead to an increase in libido. In addition, zinc is a major building material for sperm. This means that its use with cocoa has a beneficial effect on the condition of the seminal fluid, in particular on the activity of sperm.
Despite the high content of valuable substances, you should not abuse cocoa, especially for those people who are used to monitoring the condition of their figure - 100 g of the product contains 300 kcal. The cocoa drink with milk contains 85 kcal.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

Cocoa is certainly beneficial for women expecting a baby. Firstly, due to the large amount of iron in the composition - chemical element, which takes an active part in hematopoiesis, is contained in the hemoglobin of erythrocytes. For pregnant women, both the first and second steps are very important, since the woman’s body during this period should not have problems with circulatory system, since now the blood volume in it increases several times, a third circle of blood circulation is formed. Providing the baby with the necessary nutrition depends precisely on whether the mother’s blood circulation is normal.

It is also known that during pregnancy, women often suffer from anemia, so almost any product containing iron will now be beneficial.

Natural cocoa powder is rich in magnesium and calcium, which are responsible for the functioning of the nervous system and the condition of bones. Folic acid, which is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, cell division and growth, is very necessary for mother and child. This substance is important for the formation of the neural tube in a child. It is used to prevent its abnormal development in the baby.
And of course, we can’t ignore cocoa’s toning ability - a hot drink lifts your spirits, invigorates, and gives you strength. At the same time, he is able to lift blood pressure. Therefore, gynecologists, when allowing pregnant women to drink this drink, warn that in large doses it is unsafe for both the woman and the fetus. The norm for pregnant women is one glass a day, preferably in the morning and with the addition of low-fat milk. In the first trimester, it is better not to resort to this drink. This period is very important for the formation of the fetus, and gynecologists do not have a clear opinion on whether it is possible to drink cocoa at this time.

For the entire period, you should also avoid consuming ready-made drinks in powders such as Nesquika, which simply need to be poured with boiling water. They contain various additives, flavorings, emulsifiers, and synthetic vitamins that are not beneficial for the child.

Pregnant women who have a tendency to allergies, hypertension, arterial hypertension, or kidney problems should not drink a hot drink.

Important! A pregnant woman whose habit is to drink cocoa should tell her gynecologist about this. Based on the woman’s history and condition, he will decide whether she can continue her habit during pregnancy. He will also tell you in what quantities you can drink the drink.

A mother who is breastfeeding should ask a gynecologist or pediatrician whether she can drink cocoa regularly. After all, due to the fact that the drink is invigorating, it can excite the baby’s nervous system. In addition, it can cause allergic reactions in the baby.
Usually, if the baby is healthy, he has not had diathesis or allergic reactions, then the mother can introduce cocoa into her menu when he reaches the age of three months. In this case, the baby’s condition should be monitored. If his body does not react in any way to this product, then the woman can continue to use it in the future. If a rash appears on the baby's body, the drink should be excluded and returned to it after breastfeeding is completed.

How to choose quality cocoa powder when purchasing

We have already indicated earlier that several technologies are used to make cocoa powder. However, in any case natural product it will be possible to determine if you know what to look for. We reveal a few secrets - how to choose high-quality cocoa:

  1. The first thing to do is pay attention to the color - it should be pure brown, without any additives included.
  2. Next, we smell the product. If it has an appetizing chocolate smell, then it is good and natural. The absence of odor indicates that the powder has undergone extreme processing.
  3. Let's taste it - there shouldn't be any strong bitterness or unpleasant taste.
  4. Cocoa powder should be crumbly and of uniform consistency. The presence of lumps indicates the expiration date or improper storage.
  5. The powder must be crushed, but not to the point of dust.

Important! Choose cocoa powder made in the country where the chocolate trees are grown.

How to store at home

To ensure that cocoa powder does not lose its valuable properties, it must be stored correctly. Storage is carried out in a place where there is no high humidity, where there is no light, there is good air access, and there are no strong odors. The optimal room temperature is from 15 to 20°C, the humidity level is up to 75%.

If all of the above conditions are created, then when stored in packaging from the manufacturer or in a metal container, the shelf life of the product is 12 months. When stored in packaging made from other materials, the shelf life will be reduced to six months.

How to make a delicious cocoa drink: recipe

Cocoa drink is most often brewed with the addition of milk: half a liter of milk is brought to a boil. A tablespoon of cocoa powder is mixed well with two tablespoons of sugar. Add a little milk to the mixture. Mix everything well until smooth, add the remaining milk, and bring to a boil. It is with milk that the hot drink tastes especially delicious.

Less commonly, the drink is made with water - two teaspoons are ground with two teaspoons of sugar, a little boiling water is added, stirred, and then water is added to the desired volume. Ice cream, marshmallows, and spices are added to cocoa drinks.

Contraindications and harm

Unfortunately, despite a number of useful properties, cocoa can be harmful and has a number of contraindications. So, it should not be used in any form by people suffering from:

Pregnant and nursing mothers and children under three years of age should use this product with caution. Individuals in these categories should consult a physician before consuming cocoa.
Thus, cocoa is an affordable and healthy product containing large number elements useful for the human body. The contents of cocoa beans are used in cooking (for making sweets, baked goods, drinks, chocolate), medicine (folk and traditional), and cosmetology. Like any product that has medicinal properties, cocoa has a number of contraindications. People suffering from any diseases, especially those affecting the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and nerves, should familiarize themselves with them before regularly drinking cocoa or consuming it in any other form.

Section 1. History of cocoa.

Section 2. Biological description cocoa beans.

Section 3. Harvesting and Processing cocoa.

Section 4. The effect of cocoa on human health.

Cocoa is a species of evergreen tree from the genus Theobroma. Previously, this genus was classified in the Sterculiaceae family, but is now classified in the subfamily Byttnerioideae of the Malvaceae family.

The plant originates from the subequatorial regions of the burning continent and is cultivated throughout the world in the tropics of both hemispheres to obtain seeds used in the confectionery industry and medicine.

The word “cocoa” also refers to the seeds of the cocoa tree and the powder obtained from them; The drink also has the same name (some other species from the genus Theobroma are used to produce cocoa: Theobroma bicolor and Theobroma subincanum).

The scientific name of the genus Theobroma was given by Carl Linnaeus. The specific epithet - cacao - is of Aztec origin. As a Russian name for the species, in addition to the word “cocoa,” the expression “chocolate tree” is sometimes used.

History of cocoa

Although cocoa historically comes from burning continent, the history of its cultivation begins in Central America. Archaeological finds of vessels with traces of theobromine suggest the use of this plant, presumably dating back to 1100 BC. e. But it was not cocoa beans that were used, but the fruit pulp containing it, from which the alcoholic drink was produced.

The Aztecs knew cocoa since the 14th century, they considered it sacred and revered it as a gift from the god Quetzalcoatl. However, cocoa beans were not used for sacrifices, but as a means of payment and for the preparation of a tart, spicy drink, different in taste from the now known cocoa. This drink was made from a mixture of water, cocoa, maize, vanilla, hot pepper with the addition of salt. When the Spanish conquistadors conquered Mexico and subjugated the Aztecs in 1519, they quickly discovered that they had "brown" in their hands. In the treasuries of Montezuma II, the last leader Aztecs, the Spaniards found 25,000 quintals of cocoa, which were collected from the population as taxes. One slave was worth, in terms of these “”, about 100 cocoa beans.

As the cocoa craze spread in Europe, cocoa plantations in the European colonies using slave labor also increased. In the 17th century, the main cultivation regions were Guayaquil in Ecuador and Caracas in the Republic of Venezuela, and then Belem and Salvador in Brazil. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Portuguese colony of the island group of Sao Tome and Principe became the largest producer of cocoa. And although slavery was officially prohibited in all countries, this colony continued to illegally use slave labor. This led to a boycott of cocoa imports by Cadbury and other major English chocolate manufacturers.

Cocoa is

In the tropical forests of Africa and burning continent A small beautiful tree with shiny leaves grows. This tree blooms with yellow flowers and bears fruit. all year round. It is noteworthy that the flowers grow directly on the bark of the trunk.

Orange-yellow oblong fruits, similar to ribbed cucumbers, also hang from the trunk. They reach 30 cm in length, 10-12 cm in diameter and weigh from 300 to 600 g. Under the woody shell of the fruit there are from 25 to 50 seeds, incorrectly called cocoa beans. From 50 to 120 fruits are harvested from one tree.

Even the ancient Aztecs, state which were located on the territory of the present Mexico, they prepared a kind of spicy drink “chocoatl” from the fruits of the cocoa tree, which translated means “bitter water”.

The Aztec legend about the cocoa tree is interesting. Once upon a time, in very distant times, there lived a gardener-magician Quet-tzalcoatl, who had a wonderful garden. Among other trees, a “chocolate tree” grew in this garden, from the fruits of which people made the mentioned drink. However, Quetzalcoatl was overcome by pride and imagined himself immortal. For this he was punished by the gods - they deprived him of his mind.

A mad gardener destroyed his entire garden; only one tree survived. It was a cocoa tree, which thus remained the only representative of magical trees!

The Aztecs prepared chocoatl in the following way: ground cocoa beans were diluted in hot water and pepper and vanilla were added to this liquid.

In 1519, the conquistadors led by Hernando Cortes captured the ancient capital Mexico Tenoch-titlan. The palace of the Aztec emperor Montezuma was sacked. In the palace storerooms, the Spaniards discovered large reserves of some dried beans. From these beans, in fact, the Aztecs prepared the drink mentioned above.

However, Cortez did not like this drink. He preferred a drink that was prepared especially for King Montezuma. Roasted cocoa beans were ground together with corn grains at the stage of milky ripeness, honey and boiled sweet agave juice were added to this mixture, then it was all flavored with vanilla.

Back in Europe, Cortez brought cocoa beans and recipes for making “chocoatl” to the Spanish king, from which the chocolate we know came from.

So, Europeans discovered the cocoa tree in the first half of the 16th century. Cocoa seeds began to be exported to Spain, where the first factories for the production of cocoa and chocolate were founded.

A few decades later they learned about cocoa in France. But even there, until the middle of the 17th century, no one except the queen and her entourage drank cocoa. Only in the middle of the 18th century did the drink become widespread.

For the inhabitants of Mexico, from ancient times until the second half of the 19th century, cocoa fruits served as banknotes. At one time, this gave rise to “chocolate counterfeiters” who extracted the contents from the fruits and filled their shells with earth, then the beans were glued together and put into circulation.

Over time, the cocoa tree spread to Africa and now the main producer of cocoa beans is the Republic of Ghana, formerly the Gold Coast. The economies of Nigeria, Cameroon, and Ivory Coast also largely depend on this crop. In 1876 (according to other sources, it was several years earlier), the blacksmith Tette Quarshi from the city of Mamiong visited the island of Fernando Po.

Returning to Ghana, he brought with him a bag of cocoa beans. He sowed them on native land and four years later I assembled the first harvest. An enterprising blacksmith sold the seeds to his friends and neighbors. So, gradually the cocoa culture replaced country all other crops. Today Ghanaians say: “... for us cocoa is the same as the Nile for Egypt...”

In 1891, the British exported the first political shipment of cocoa beans from Ghana. And 6 years later, the Englishman Rowntree opened the Rowntree and Company Limited chocolate factory in York, from which enterprises soon spun off in Canada, Ireland, Holland, and Australia. Chocolate factories began to be built in the USA, Germany, and Switzerland; in the middle of the 19th century, chocolate production was organized in Russia.

Today everyone knows that chocolate appeared in the ancient culture of the Aztecs, who lived on the territory of modern Mexico. The Aztecs grew cocoa trees, and an amazing powder was prepared from their fruits: a drink made from this powder gave them strength, vigor and energy. Men especially loved to drink this drink, and from its name “chocolatl” comes modern word"chocolate".

In the 16th century Central America came spanish conquerors, and they liked the chocolate too. They brought cocoa fruits to Europe, and taught other Europeans to prepare from them not only a tasty and aromatic drink, but also chocolate, reminiscent of modern chocolate: from cocoa powder with the addition of Sahara and vanilla.

Meanwhile, cocoa is much healthier and more nutritious: it contains less caffeine than coffee, but there are other tonic substances. Theophylline activates the activity of the central nervous system and has a vasodilating effect; theobromine improves performance, but is milder than caffeine; Phenylephylamine improves mood and prevents depression, so even students and schoolchildren are recommended to drink cocoa in order to worry less about passing exams.

Biological description of cocoa beans

A large tree that grows wild on the coast of Mexico, in the tropical forests of the Central and Burning Continent. Reaches a height of 12 m. Branches and leaves are located along the periphery of the crown, where there is more light.

The leaves are alternate, thin, evergreen, oblong-elliptic, entire.

The flowers are small, pinkish-white, protruding directly from the bark and large branches of the tree in the form of bunches. The number of parts in the calyx, corolla and gynoecium is mainly five. The petals are equipped at the base with concave spoon-shaped extensions, turning into a narrow stalk ending in a flat, widened limb. The androecium consists of 3 or 4 stamens and 5 staminodes (undergrown stamens). The ovary contains many ovules in each of the five nests.

Cocoa is

The fruit is large, berry-shaped, similar in shape to a lemon, but equipped with longitudinal grooves, between which there are ridges; contains many large seeds arranged in several rows and surrounded by pulp. The nutritional tissue in them is poorly developed, and the cotyledons are folded. The fruit resembles a large cucumber or an elongated melon and fully ripens in 4 months.

Approximately half of cocoa beans consist of fats (cocoa butter), 12-15% proteins, 6-10% carbohydrates. Cocoa butter is the only vegetable oil that has a solid consistency, and it melts at a relatively low temperature, close to human body.

Therefore, the chocolate bar is hard, but it melts pleasantly in your mouth. Cocoa butter is composed of various glycerides. The most important of them (more than 70%) are oleo-palmito-stearin and oleo-distearin. Cocoa powder is rich in potassium and phosphorus salts.

Cocoa contains a very important physiologically active substance, theobromine. It is an alkaloid that, like caffeine, has a stimulating effect on the human cardiovascular and nervous systems. Chocolate usually contains about 0.4% theobromine, which is a completely safe dose, but sufficient to give the chocolate bar or drink tonic properties that can increase performance and relieve fatigue.

In addition to theobromine, cocoa beans contain 0.05-0.1% caffeine, red cocoa pigment, and substances that create a specific subtle aroma characteristic of cocoa and chocolate. At least 40 volatile compounds provide this pleasant fragrance! Among them, the most important terpene alcohol is linalool. Among the aroma-forming substances there are also esters of lower fatty acids - amyl acetate, amyl butyrate, butyl acetate.

Cocoa is

Cocoa is native to the Amazon rainforest, but is now cultivated in all tropical countries lying between 20° north and south latitude. Only in these latitudes is it warm and humid enough. Cocoa trees do not tolerate direct sunlight; this feature is taken into account on plantations; the necessary shading is achieved by mixed plantings of coconut palms, banana, rubber, mango and avocado trees. Local trees are also partially used. Thus, a certain protection from the wind is created, and the height of the trees is limited to 6 meters, which makes it easier to collect harvest. Without this measure, the cocoa tree could reach 15 meters in height.

In favorable conditions, the evergreen cocoa tree blooms all year round and bears fruit all year round. The first flowers appear on the tree at the age of 5-6 years. Fruits are formed within 30-80 years. When ripe, yellow-green or red, depending on the variety, the fruits reach 30 cm in length and weigh up to 500 grams. The pulp of the fruit contains up to 50 cocoa beans. The tree produces high yields starting from the 12th year of life. It meets twice a year, the first time at the end of the rainy season before the onset of droughts, and the second time before the start of the rainy season. The first one is considered to be of higher quality.

The main cultivation areas are located in Central America and Africa. The largest cocoa producer is the Ivory Coast (Côte D'Ivoire), which produces about 30% of the world's annual crop. Other major producers are (in descending order): Indonesia, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Malaysia and.

The method of breeding also differs from continent to continent. In America these are mainly large plantations, while in Africa they are small enterprises. Cocoa was often used to treat the upper respiratory tract, diseases of the throat and larynx.

Cultivating cocoa trees is very hard and low-paid work.

Cocoa harvesting and processing.

The fruits, growing directly from the tree trunk, are cut with a machete by experienced pickers. Fruit harvesting should be done without damaging the tree bark to avoid infections.

The collected fruits are cut into several parts with a machete and laid out on banana leaves or placed in barrels. White, containing sugar, the fruit pulp begins to ferment and reaches a temperature of 50° C. Seed germination is inhibited by the alcohol released during the fermentation process, and the beans lose some of their bitterness. During this 10-day fermentation, the beans acquire their typical aroma, flavor and color.

Drying is traditionally done in the sun, in some areas due to climatic conditions, in drying ovens. Drying in traditional kilns, however, may render the resulting beans unsuitable for chocolate production due to the smoke flavor. This problem was solved only with the advent of modern heat exchange plants.

Once dried, the beans lose about 50% of their original size and are then bagged and shipped to chocolate-producing countries in Europe and North America.

Valuable product Cocoa butter, obtained by pressing ground beans, is part of modern chocolate, and is also widely used in perfumery for the preparation of cosmetic ointments and in pharmacology.

The dry residue after pressing is ground and used in the form of cocoa powder for making drinks, as well as in food production.

Almost all cocoa imported into Europe was produced in Republic of Venezuela. Since then, produced in Republic of Venezuela local varieties are called “Criolo” (Spanish native, creole), and imported varieties are called “Forastero” (Spanish alien). "Forastero" originates from the Amazon jungle. All variations of cocoa varieties probably originated from these two main varieties. Plants imported later from Trinidad, which are a hybrid of “Criollo” and “Forastero”, were called “Trinitario”. Due to its pronounced aroma, Ecuadorian cocoa also has its own name - “Nacional”.

Thus, cocoa varieties are divided into four main groups:

"Criollo" (e.g. "Ocumare")

"Trinitario" (e.g. "Carupano")

Nacional (e.g. Arriba, Balao)

"Forastero" (for example, "Bahia")

"Criollo" is considered the most elite variety of cocoa. As a rule, it contains less acid, almost no bitterness, and along with a mild taste it has a pronounced additional aroma. Most Forastero varieties have a characteristic cocoa taste, but they are not aromatic and are partly bitter or sour. Nevertheless, for its high yield, Forastero occupies a leading position in the world market. Elite varieties also include the Ecuadorian Arriba cocoa variety. Trinitario cocoa has a powerful taste, light acidity and strong aroma. Since the taste of cocoa depends not only on genetic characteristics, but also on soil and climatic conditions, along with cocoa varieties, the areas where they are grown are also distinguished.

The cocoa beans removed from the fruit are poured into heaps and covered with banana leaves. The temperature there reaches 40-50 °C. In about a week, under the influence of microorganisms, the sugary substances of the beans are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Some of the alcohol turns into acetic acid, which saturates the beans, and they lose their ability to germinate. They take on a chocolate color. The glucoside caco-min, which is part of the beans, is broken down, which reduces the bitterness of the beans.

Cocoa is

After fermentation, the cocoa beans are dried in the sun or roasted over a fire. Biochemical processes processing of cocoa beans is giving way processes chemical and mechanical, which create the structure, color and aroma of cocoa and chocolate.

The shells are removed from the beans, then they are crushed and the cocoa butter is squeezed out on hydraulic presses. The cocoa cake remaining after pressing the oil is ground and sifted on the finest sieves to obtain cocoa powder. The size of the powder particle should be within 10 microns. Such fine grinding is necessary so that when preparing the drink, cocoa powder does not settle to the bottom of the cup. Cocoa drink (as opposed to coffee) is, as we have already said, a suspension that must remain stable for at least 10 minutes.

Cocoa butter is not pressed from the beans used to make chocolate. They are crushed into grains, after which they are ground on special millstones into a liquid mass of grated cocoa, which is then mixed with cocoa butter, powdered sugar (approximately added in a 2:1 ratio), a little more vanillin and other aromatic substances are added. Then the whole mixture is intensively ground and chocolate is formed from this mass.

In terms of their nutritional value, cocoa and chocolate occupy one of the first places among all food products. It should be noted that chocolate bars and chocolate powder are products of a different nature. Chocolate powder has its own recipe. The powder contains less cocoa butter. Therefore, for the preparation of liquid chocolate and various chocolate-type drinks, it is not recommended to use chocolate bars - the fat may simply float in the cup. The stimulating effect of cocoa (drink) and chocolate is not as intense as that of tea or.

Therefore, cocoa drinks and chocolate (in bars or drinks) can be given more often to sick children. However, too frequent and abundant consumption of cocoa and chocolate is undesirable. This is because the theobromine and oxalic acid it contains can reduce calcium levels in the body and lead to weakening of bone formations. A wide variety of drinks are prepared from cocoa and chocolate - sweet, flavored, cold and hot.

The effect of cocoa on human health

Cocoa beans contain a large number of substances, some of them very valuable (about 300 different substances in total). The most important of them are: anandamide, arginine, dopamine (neurotransmitter), epicatecin (antioxidant), histamine, magnesium, serotonin (neurotransmitter), tryptophan, phenylethylamine, polyphenol (antioxidant), tyramine and salsolinol. The antidepressant effect is primarily exerted by serotonin, tryptophan and phenylethylamine [source not specified 899 days]. It is not excluded synergistic effect the specified substances. Exemplary chemical composition cocoa is the following:

11.5% proteins

9.0% cellulose

7.5% starch and polysaccharides

6.0% tannins (tannin) and coloring matter

2.6% minerals and salts

2.0% organic acids and flavorings

1.0% saccharides

0.2% caffeine.

Epicatechin, recently discovered in cocoa, has caused quite a sensation due to its health effects. Harvard University professor Norman Gollenberg discovered through research the positive effects of cocoa on humans. He found that epicatechin could reduce the incidence of four of Europe's five most common diseases (stroke, heart attack, cancer and diabetes) by almost 10%. He compared the data available in medical reports on the causes of mortality in Kuna Yala (an autonomous region on the east coast of Panama, formerly San Blas), whose population actively consumes cocoa, and in the neighboring continental part of Panama for 4 years (2000-2004).

The opinion of the scientific community on this issue is ambiguous. Despite the statistical association found between health outcomes and cocoa consumption, this finding may be questioned due to the different living conditions of the population groups studied. Further research is needed.

Scientists from the University of Münster have discovered a new substance in cocoa that promotes the growth of skin cells and thereby wound healing, smoothes wrinkles and reduces stomach ulcers. This substance is called “cocokhil”.

Swiss cardiologists call dark chocolate with more than 70% cocoa content “sweet aspirin.” At the annual meeting of American heart specialists in Chicago in November 2006, a report was presented that bioactive compounds in such chocolate reduce platelet aggregation.

The effects of large amounts of cocoa on the body are still the subject of research.

Cold cocoa is the fastest muscle restorer after sports or heavy exercise. physical work, surpassing in this parameter special drinks intended for athletes.

Along with coffee and tea, cocoa is one of the most favorite everyday drinks of millions. What is the secret here - after all, cocoa drink has a much less tonic effect, for which, for example, morning coffee is so loved. It turns out that cocoa drink is not only very tasty, but also healthy - it contains a large amount of substances beneficial to the body.

Cocoa powder contains tonic substances - caffeine (less than in coffee), theophylline and theobromine, as well as the antidepressant phenylephylamine.

It is rich in protein (12.9%), fatty acids contained in cocoa butter normalize cholesterol levels in the blood. Cocoa contains a lot of fiber and vitamins, especially folic acid (vitamin B9). The mineral composition of cocoa is also varied. For some elements, cocoa powder is a record holder, and for the content of iron and zinc it can be called a leader among products. Zinc plays an important role in human life. It is involved in the construction of many enzyme systems, in the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), without it normal Job cells. Zinc necessary for human development and puberty. It supports hematopoietic function and promotes wound healing. Daily requirement an adult's zinc intake is 15 mg; for pregnant and lactating women, the dose should be increased by 5 mg.

As a drink, cocoa is best consumed for breakfast or drunk in the afternoon with honey and dried fruits. In addition, cocoa powder and chocolate contain the natural pigment melanin, which has the ability to absorb heat rays. It protects the skin from exposure ultraviolet rays which may cause sunburn, and infrared rays, which are one of the causes of overheating and sunstroke. Melanin colors the foods it contains. dark color. In addition to cocoa, it is found in coffee, black tea, prunes, blueberries, dark varieties grapes

Residents of southern countries traditionally drink a lot of coffee and eat dark-colored fruits, replenishing the reserves of melanin, which protects the body from the harmful effects of the sun's rays. Therefore, if you have to spend a long time in equatorial countries, to prevent cancer, include in your diet more foods rich in melanin, especially cocoa, coffee, and chocolate. Cocoa contains purine bases, or purines, which are integral part nucleic acids that provide storage and transmission of genetic, hereditary, information and are directly involved in the biosynthesis of proteins, including enzyme proteins.

All metabolic processes in cells are closely related to nucleic acids, and, consequently, with purines. A certain amount of purines in the diet is one of the conditions for a healthy balanced diet. But only a certain amount! An excess of purines in food, especially with metabolic disorders, is accompanied by the deposition of special needle-shaped crystals in the cavities of the joints and in the urinary tract. This primarily applies to purines contained in animal products (meat, offal, fish), as well as yeast. Purines found in plant foods (coffee, cocoa, legumes) are not so insidious. For many years, it was believed that people with kidney disease and gout should not eat chocolate or drink cocoa. It is not necessary to say that you should not completely abandon these healthy products; we can only talk about limiting them in the diet.

Many of us love cocoa since childhood, but not everyone knows about all its pros and cons.

cocoa is useful for cardiovascular diseases, it lowers blood pressure, dilates blood vessels and reduces risk the occurrence of blood clots. It contains substances that reduce risk cancer diseases. Cocoa promotes liver detoxification and normalizes the functioning of the pancreas, which is very important after the holidays. It also helps in treating diarrhea.

Cocoa contains more than three times more antioxidants. It also contains, which is necessary for beautiful view hair and nails. Cocoa perfectly improves concentration and activates mental activity.

Cocoa can be addictive if you drink more than 3 cups of this drink daily. It can also affect mood swings, so it should not be used by people prone to panic attacks and anxiety. Cocoa is a good invigorator, so you don't need to drink it before bed.

It is optimal if you drink no more than 2 cups of cocoa in the first half of the day, this will invigorate you and give you strength and energy for the whole day. And remember that instant cocoa contains all sorts of chemical additives that will not benefit your body.

Firstly, 1 teaspoon of cocoa (10 grams) contains only 23 kcal, while one piece of chocolate contains over 50 kcal. Secondly, the secret of cocoa is the wealth of plant antioxidants - flavonoids, including the especially valuable microelement epicatechin. Epicatechin improves cerebral circulation and short-term memory, and effectively lowers blood pressure. Cocoa contains many times more epicatechin than berries, red wine or green tea.

People who drink cocoa have half the risk of diabetes or diabetes work hearts. Flavonoids, which regenerate mitochondria, have such a positive effect on the human body. energy centers myocardial cells and skeletal muscles. Unfortunately, because flavonoids have a bitter taste, industrial production indexes remove them from chocolate bars, and milk and sugar further weaken their effect.

Cocoa is also a rich source of magnesium, which helps cope with stress, relaxes muscles and helps build strong bones. Large quantity gland contained in natural cocoa beans is effective weapon against anemia. Chromium helps maintain appropriate levels of glucose in the blood. By regularly enjoying cocoa, we can feel good every day.

The chocolate tree is the only plant that contains anandamide. This trace element affects the brain, causing euphoria and increasing endorphin levels. In addition, cocoa increases the level of serotonin in the body, a natural antidepressant.

Cocoa is also a rich source of tryptophan, which the brain uses to produce the feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin, as well as phenylethylamine, which is called the “chocolate drug.” These microelements have a psychostimulating effect - they lead to euphoria, increase endurance and the ability to endure pain.

Due to the high content of bioflavonoids, cocoa neutralizes the effect of reactive oxygen species, which harm DNA cells and lead to tumor growth processes. Medical research has shown that cocoa is especially effective against oxidative stress ( free radicals have a destructive effect on cell membranes). It causes cancer of the small and large intestine. This is a very significant fact, because due to the constant exposure to toxins that enter our body with junk food, the digestive organs are often subject to pathology.

None of us are immune from age-related disruptions in the functioning of our personal processor - the brain. And if it seems to us that old age is somewhere far away, then close people live next to us, parents, grandparents, who want to maintain a clear consciousness for the rest of their lives. Cocoa improves cerebral circulation, memory and concentration. In older and older people, it prevents the development of senile dementia.

Cocoa is useful to drink for people who have had colds or infectious diseases, since the rich composition of the drink helps the body restore lost strength. For patients with heart failure, cocoa brings relief due to its high potassium content.

And not so long ago, scientists concluded that this drink promotes longevity, as it contains many useful antioxidants.

Thanks to these substances, drinking cocoa prevents many diseases and helps delay the aging of the body.

Regular consumption of cocoa promotes productive brain function. The antioxidant flavanol contained in cocoa beans improves cerebral circulation and normalizes blood pressure, and therefore cocoa drink, like chocolate, is useful for people who have weak blood flow in the blood vessels of the brain.

Some scientists even believe that cocoa contains much more antioxidants than red wine and green tea - recognized fighters against free radicals. Natural polyphenols contained in cocoa fruits prevent free radicals from accumulating in the body, and thereby prevent the occurrence of cancer.

Of course, it was previously known that cocoa contains many antioxidants, but a detailed comparative analysis was carried out recently, and now we know which drink is healthier.

By the way, it is better to replace fashionable energy drinks that are unsafe for health with a cup of aromatic cocoa: this way you can get energy, a surge of strength, nourish your cells, and at the same time not cause any harm to the body.

Since cocoa contains purine bases, its consumption is not recommended for certain diseases - for example, gout and kidney problems. Of course, you should limit the amount of cocoa in your diet in these cases, but it is hardly worth giving it up completely.

Purines are part of nucleic acids that are responsible for the functioning of the mechanism of heredity, storing and transmitting genetic information. Protein biosynthesis and metabolic processes are associated with nucleic acids, so purines must be present in the human diet - in certain quantities.

But an excess of purines causes the accumulation of uric acid in the body and the deposition of salts in the joints, as well as kidney and urinary tract diseases. However, in this regard, those purines that are found in animal products are more dangerous, and cocoa powder is not one of them.

Of course, during exacerbations of diseases such as gout, you should not drink cocoa, but it would be unreasonable to give it up forever and deprive the body of many useful substances.

By the way, drinking cocoa in large quantities is harmful for everyone, but the same can be said about the abuse of other foods.

Cocoa is not given to young children under 3 years of age, as the substances contained in the drink may have too stimulating an effect on their nervous system.

If you have constipation, it is not advisable to drink cocoa, since the tannins it contains will aggravate the problem; Cocoa should be consumed with caution and little by little if you have diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Considering the energy properties of cocoa, it is best to drink it for breakfast or afternoon snack, with dried fruits and honey.

Children and teenagers can drink cocoa with milk, cream, sugar, but adults are better off adding them less often - this makes the drink too rich and high in calories. If you want to drink cocoa with milk, you can use soy milk. Drinking cocoa at night is not recommended.

Sweet sauce recipe: Mix one and a half cups of sugar with a glass of water. Bring the resulting liquid to a boil over medium heat and cook for 30 seconds. In a bowl, mix a glass of cocoa with a glass of water. Slowly pour the cocoa into the pan, stirring constantly. Cook over low heat until the broth thickens.

Cocoa from the pharmacy

cocoa is included in many strengthening drugs that improve mood, help lose weight and fight cellulite. Cocoa tablets are recommended to be taken as a dietary supplement if there is a lack of motivation to act, fatigue, apathy, weakened memory and concentration. Other cocoa-based vitamins relieve tension and agitation and help with sleep disorders. Special vitamins for people at risk of heart disease strengthen the heart and cardiovascular system.

Cocoa for the body

Cocoa in cosmetic preparations improves blood circulation and refreshes the appearance of facial skin. Being a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins A and E, it successfully fights free radicals that cause premature aging of the body. It is thanks to its wonderful properties that cocoa is included in many cosmetics skin and hair care. But any homemade mask made from natural ground cocoa beans will bring a more noticeable effect.

Face and body mask recipe: Mix 2 teaspoons of homogenized cheese in a bowl with a spoon of cocoa and a pinch of cinnamon. Place the bowl over a steam bath and wait for the cocoa to dissolve. Then remove the mask from the heat and wait until the mass cools down. Apply the mask to the body and face, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, the mask can be washed off and the procedure repeated after a week. The mask perfectly cleanses the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it.

Recipe for a rejuvenating face mask: mix cocoa, natural yogurt and olive oil in equal proportions. Apply to cleansed facial skin for 20 minutes and rinse warm water. Olive oil can be replaced with honey or any other oil. This mask is ideal for dull, aging or sensitive skin that requires intense stimulation and deep hydration.

Hair mask recipe: dissolve 2 teaspoons of cocoa in a mug of coffee, spread the mask over the entire length of the hair and leave for 15-20 minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times a week. Cocoa mask adds shine dark hair, and with the addition of coffee it makes the color deeper and more saturated.

Cocoa classic

Use 1 full teaspoon of cocoa powder per cup. Cocoa is brewed with boiling water and mixed thoroughly. Then add a spoonful of honey and mix again. Add water and add 2 teaspoons of soy milk (preferably dry milk) or 2 teaspoons of cream.


Two yolks are ground white with a spoonful of sugar. Then add a teaspoon of cocoa to the mixture and mix again.

Hot chocolate

Three slices of dark dark chocolate should be dissolved in a glass of hot water, brought to a boil and simmered briefly (one minute) over low heat. Pour into a cup and add a teaspoon of honey.

Viennese chocolate

Dissolve 50 g of chocolate in hot water (100 g) and cook, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous mass is formed, then cool. Add the yolk to the cooled mixture, place on low heat or a water bath and, stirring, heat slightly to about 70 degrees. Remove from heat and beat with a spoon. Serve with whipped cream.

Unlike tea and coffee, cocoa contains very small amounts of caffeine, which proper preparation will help avoid adverse reactions. After all, cocoa is not only a tasty, but also a healthy drink, both for children over 2 years old and for mothers.

It would seem that there is something special about the preparation of this delicacy. Dissolve cocoa powder in hot water and drink to your health. But! To make cocoa tasty, tender, aromatic and give a boost of energy, it is better to cook it with milk, not with water!

Cocoa recipe:

1. To prepare a drink from cocoa powder, you will need milk or water.

2. To prepare 1 liter of cocoa, you need to bring 1 liter of milk to a boil.

3. Cocoa powder should be mixed with sugar and diluted with a small amount of cold milk/water. In a separate bowl (for example, a large glass), dilute 5 dessert spoons of cocoa and 5 teaspoons of sugar with hot milk so that a thick, mushy mass is obtained.

4. After boiling milk/water, add diluted cocoa. Bring to a boil again, remembering to stir.

Cocoa can be drunk both cold and hot. It is best to serve cocoa with not too sweet baked goods (biscuit, cookies).

Cocoa is

Cocoa is recommended for use for enhanced nutrition, for example, after a debilitating illness. Then the drink is enriched egg yolks: grind the yolks with sugar, then add warm cocoa; Heat the drink, but do not bring it to a boil, and beat with a whisk. Yummy is ready!

Cocoa is

In the morning, cocoa will give you vigor and energize you; in the evening, you can drink a cup of cocoa to lift your spirits. As mentioned above, cocoa can be given to children over 2 years of age in quantities of no more than 50 ml per day and 4 cups per week. It is best to cook it for breakfast. It will come in handy if your child doesn’t eat well in the morning. You can offer honey and dried fruits along with cocoa as a dessert.

Over the next three years, the world's leading cocoa producers from Ivory Coast to Indonesia will increase bean processing to 50 percent of the world's harvest in order to increase their income, experts suggest international company cocoa.

In recent years, the expansion of processing industries has led to the fact that cocoa bean-producing countries independently process about 43 percent global product volume.

Organization Barry Callebaut AG, the chocolate supplier to Nestle and Hershey, plans to open a processing plant in Indonesia by mid-2013.

Now producing countries understand that they need to invest in added value and most governments of these countries are actively promoting the expansion of processing production.

All cocoa-containing products are extremely rich in flavonoids - biologically active compounds plant origin. Flavonoids are very beneficial for human health: they reduce blood pressure, effectively prevent the formation of blood clots and improve the circulatory system, neutralize the so-called free radicals - reactive oxygen species that damage tissues and cells and thereby prevent the development of diseases initiated by inflammatory processes (including atherosclerosis ).
The fatty acids contained in cocoa butter normalize cholesterol levels in the blood. Cocoa butter is useful for colds and sore throat. It is enough to dissolve a small briquette of cocoa butter in a glass of hot milk to soothe a sore throat.
Cocoa seeds contain theobromine, which is similar in composition to caffeine. Theobromine stimulates the nervous system, enhances cardiac activity, dilates coronary vessels and bronchi.
But in medicinal purposes Cocoa is rarely used due to the presence of oxalic acid, theobromine and purine bases. It is not recommended to consume cocoa for elderly people and children, as well as for patients with urolithiasis, gout and increased acidity gastric juice.
Cocoa, like coffee, should be stored in a sealed container and not placed next to strong-smelling foods.

Cocoa is a product of processing the seeds of the chocolate tree.
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) is from the genus (Theobroma) of the family (Malvaceae). It comes from America and is cultivated all over the world in the tropics of both hemispheres to obtain seeds used in the confectionery industry and medicine.
The word "cocoa" also refers to the seeds of the cocoa tree and the powder obtained from them; The drink has the same name.
History of cocoa

The Aztecs called cocoa kakauatl (“bitter water” - this word was later transformed into “cocoa”) and believed that they received precious cocoa beans from the great god Quetzalcoatl (who, by the way, also gave them maize). And among the Quiché Indians, the goddess Shkakau (“cocoa giver”) was considered the patroness of cocoa beans.
The first Europeans to see cocoa beans were Christopher Columbus and his crew: in 1502, during their fourth voyage, they captured a canoe loaded with strange “nuts.” Then the Spaniards had not yet realized what wealth they had encountered: the gold they coveted for the Aztecs was a cheap metal and did not make them dizzy, but cocoa beans were the measure of wealth and a means of payment (by the way, on the Yucatan Peninsula they served as a bargaining chip until mid-19th century).
In 1519, the bearded Spanish general Hernando Cortes landed on the coast of Mexico, and the Aztecs considered him the embodiment of the one who had returned to them. good god Quetzalcoatl, who was always depicted with a beard. At a reception held in honor of dear guests, the Aztec leader Montezuma treated the Spaniards to a thick drink made from cocoa beans with vanilla, hot pepper and spices, which was served in bowls made of pure gold. The Aztecs called this drink chocolatl (“foamy water”) and believed that it gave men strength, including sexual strength, and was very dangerous for women and children. From the Aztec chocolatl came the Spanish (and then pan-European) chocolate - “chocolate”.
In 1527, Cortes returned to his homeland and brought with him not only cocoa beans, but also a method for preparing a magical drink. Over time, the Spaniards adapted it to their tastes: they added it and began to serve it. The result was a drink that we now know as “hot chocolate.” It was prepared in a special vessel - with a short spout, a long wooden handle and a lid with a hole for a whisk in order to foam it well. The chocolate drink was thick and very greasy - a film of oil floated on its surface, which had to be removed with a spoon.
Only in 1828, the Dutchman Coonraad van Houten invented a special press with which 2/3 of the cocoa butter could be squeezed out of roasted beans. The remaining powder became the basis of a new drink: hot chocolate, thick, fatty and foamy, turned into the easily soluble cocoa we know today.
cocoa tree
The cocoa tree is called Theobroma cacao in Latin. The first part of the Latin name Theobroma translates as “food of the gods.” The second part of the name cacao comes from the Aztec language, where cacahuatl means "seed".
The cocoa tree grows in tropical rainforests, reaching a height of 10-15m. The leaves of this evergreen plant are large and round, small pink-red cocoa flowers grow directly on the trunk and branches of the tree. This flowering feature is called “cauliflory”; It is also found in other trees of the tropical forest. This is how nature has adapted to the possibility of pollination of tropical jungle plants by butterflies that cannot reach the crowns of tall trees. However, despite all the efforts of nature, pollination of cocoa flowers is not very active: even a completely mature tree bears only 30-40 fruits.
Flowering of cocoa begins approximately in the fourth year of the plant's life, but peak fruiting occurs in 9-10 years. Juicy cocoa fruits are covered with a partially woody shell. The fruits ripen for about four months, changing their color from green to yellow as they ripen, and in some varieties of cocoa, from reddish to brown.
The cocoa fruit contains about 50 almond-shaped seeds, immersed in a sticky liquid, which, when exposed to air, hardens into a whitish-pink, sour-sweet pulp. The seeds are surrounded by a dense two-lobed skin. One cocoa tree can produce up to 4 kg of seeds.
After cleaning, fermenting and drying cocoa seeds, the resulting beans are ready for further processing. They are oval, slightly flattened, 2-2.5 cm in size, covered with a brown shell (cocoa shell). During further roasting of the beans, this shell is easily destroyed and removed. Cocoa shell is considered healing and is used in pharmacology.

Types of cocoa seeds

Almost all cocoa imported into Europe was produced in Venezuela. Since then, local varieties produced in Venezuela are called “Criolo” (Spanish native, creole), and imported varieties are called “Forastero” (Spanish alien). "Forastero" originates from the Amazon jungle. All variations of cocoa varieties probably originated from these two main varieties. Plants imported later from Trinidad, which are a hybrid of "Criollo" and "Forastero", were called "Trinitario". Due to its pronounced aroma, Ecuadorian cocoa also has its own name - “Nacional”.
Criollo - for example, "Okumare".
"Criollo" is considered the most elite variety of cocoa. As a rule, it contains less acid, almost no bitterness, and along with a mild taste it has a pronounced additional aroma. Used to make chocolate highest quality, but is very rarely used in its pure form, since this variety is very rare and expensive, and it is also becoming less and less common.
The pod is generally elongated and varies in color from green to purple-red when ripe.
Production of this variety accounts for less than 3% of world cocoa production.
Gives chocolate an exceptional taste.

Forastero - for example, "Baya"
Most Forastero varieties have a characteristic cocoa and strawberry flavor, but they are not aromatic and are partly bitter or sour. Nevertheless, for its high yield, Forastero occupies a leading position in the world market.
The pod is green to yellow when ripe.
The production of this variety accounts for 85% of world cocoa production.
Trinitario - for example, "Carupano".
This is a hybrid, something between "Criollo" and "Forastero". Developed in Venezuela in 1727. Trinitario cocoa has a powerful taste, light acidity and strong aroma.
The pod can be of various colors, belonging to "Criollo" and "Forastero".
The production of this variety accounts for 10-15% of world production.
Trinitario produces excellent chocolate, valuable for its taste and nutritional properties.
Nacional - for example, "Arriba", "Balao".
Since the taste of cocoa depends not only on genetic characteristics, but also on soil and climatic conditions, along with cocoa varieties, the areas where they are grown are also distinguished.
The main cultivation areas are located in Central America and Africa. The largest cocoa producer is the Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire), which produces about 30% of the world's annual crop. Other major producers are (in descending order): Indonesia, Ghana, Nigeria, Brazil, Cameroon, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Malaysia and Colombia.

Cocoa processing products

The fruits growing directly from the tree trunk are cut by experienced pickers. Fruit harvesting should be done without damaging the tree bark to avoid infections.
The collected fruits are cut into several parts with a machete and laid out on banana leaves or placed in barrels. The white, sugar-containing pulp of the fruit begins to ferment and reaches a temperature of 50 C. Seed germination is inhibited by the alcohol released during the fermentation process, and the beans lose some of their bitterness. During this 10-day fermentation, the beans acquire their typical aroma, flavor and color.
Drying is traditionally carried out under the sun, in some areas, due to climatic conditions, in drying ovens. Drying in traditional kilns, however, may render the resulting beans unsuitable for chocolate production due to the smoke flavor. This problem was solved only with the advent of modern heat exchange plants.
Once dried, the beans lose about 50% of their original size and are then bagged and shipped to chocolate-producing countries in Europe and North America.
The main products of cocoa bean processing are cocoa liquor, cocoa butter and cocoa powder.
Cocoa mass (cocoa mass, cocoa paste, cocoa liqueur) is a purified or semi-purified mass produced by grinding (grinding) cocoa beans. Contains at least 48 percent cocoa butter. The name liqueur arose due to the liquid consistency of this raw material, and not to the alcohol content. Ground beans - Cocoa liquor, also called unsweetened chocolate, remains liquid when warm and hardens when cooled.
There is a distinction between cocoa mass for the production of cocoa butter and cocoa mass for the manufacture of chocolate. Cocoa mass, intended for processing into cocoa butter and cocoa cake (cake), is ground into very small particles, since the extraction of cocoa butter is easier, the smaller the size of the cocoa mass particles. The required particle size is achieved faster at earlier stages of cocoa grinding, when there is still a sufficient amount of butter in the cocoa.
Cocoa liquor is a key ingredient in the chocolate industry. Cocoa mass is used to make chocolate by adding the following ingredients: cocoa butter, sugar, milk, emulsifiers and cocoa butter equivalents. The content of different ingredients depends on what type of chocolate is made. Cocoa liquor intended for chocolate production does not require final grinding. Undoubtedly larger size particles is preferable because in this case, to obtain chocolate of the same taste, it requires less cocoa butter than using cocoa liquor with final processing.
Cocoa butter is produced by pressing cocoa nibs, is a light yellow (whitish) fatty substance, has a hard and brittle consistency when room temperature, characteristic smell, quickly and completely melts in the mouth without a residual waxy aftertaste.
There are natural cocoa butter and deodorized (subjected to additional processing).
Cocoa butter is used as a fat base for the production of various confectionery products, as well as in the perfume and pharmaceutical industries. By the way, cocoa butter is the only natural fat that melts exactly at the temperature of the human body.
Cocoa powder is a product obtained by grinding cocoa cake, which is formed after the extraction of cocoa butter from finely ground cocoa mass (cocoa liqueur).
There are natural and alkalized cocoa powder.
Natural cocoa powder is obtained from grated cocoa, untreated with alkalis. This powder has a slightly acidic reaction.
Alkalized powder is obtained from grated cocoa (or cocoa nibs) treated with alkalis. This powder has a slightly alkaline reaction. When cocoa products are treated with alkalis, the taste, aroma and color of cocoa powder improves. Depending on the degree of alkalization, this variety is divided into weakly, moderately and highly alkalized powder.
Pure premium quality cocoa powder has a delicate taste and rich cocoa aroma, which is obtained by mixing high-quality cocoa beans.
Cocoa powder is widely used in the confectionery, baking and dairy industries. Without it, it is almost impossible to produce chocolate glaze (except white); it is widely used in the production of sweets, confectionery bars, chocolate spreads, cakes, rolls, cookies, dragees, breakfast cereals and other products.
In addition, several types of drinks are produced based on cocoa powder.
Cocoa drinks
Cocoa powder, obtained by one of the methods described above, is flavored with vanillin, cinnamon, cassia and other spices or essential oils. A small amount of salt (about 0.5%) is also added, which can be mixed with materials used in alkalization.
Aromatic substances or vanillin in powder form are mixed with cocoa powder, and the size of their particles should not be larger than the particles of cocoa powder. Such powders are better than essences and essential oils, which can “float” to the surface of the prepared drink and are more susceptible to oxidation processes.
When properly prepared, cocoa powder can produce a cocoa drink with a rich and pleasant aroma. To do this, grind cocoa powder with the addition of a small amount of milk or water, then add hot water or milk to the paste and beat (optional). Another method of preparation involves boiling this mixture. IN lately Thanks to the convenience and speed of preparation, the “instant” cocoa drink became popular.

Instant cocoa

In addition to traditional hot liquid chocolate, cold chocolate drinks have become widespread.
They are made from regular cocoa powder with the addition of food-grade wetting ingredients to help achieve the desired degree of dissolution. Used as a wetting agent soy lecithin, however, it contributes to the development of extraneous aromas, since it has its own, albeit weakly expressed, flavor and aromatic properties. Therefore, special types of lecithin, its substitutes and synthetic phospholipids are currently used to prevent the development of extraneous aromas.

Liquid chocolate

As a drink, hot liquid chocolate has largely replaced the cocoa drink. It's easy to make and most chocolate powders can be used to make cold drinks.
Chocolate typically contains 70% sugar and 30% cocoa powder. Some types of such chocolate powder are simple mixtures using flavoring additives, but most often the technology of heat treatment and agglomeration of sugar particles and cocoa powder is used. According to experts, it improves the chocolate aroma.
One way to make liquid chocolate is to boil sugar syrup until supersaturated, then quickly mix it with cocoa powder and dry it.
In another method, only part of the sugar is first used, and the rest is added in granulated, dust-free form. This mixture is then instantized (treated with wet steam), dried and sifted through a sieve with relatively large mesh. In this way, instant cocoa powder is obtained.
Some types of liquid chocolate contain dairy ingredients in addition to sugar - most often it is skimmed milk powder, since the dry substances of whole fat milk reduce the shelf life of chocolate powder during storage. After some time, milk fat begins to impart extraneous flavors to the drink, so in some recipes skimmed milk powder with vegetable fat fillers is used.
Liquid chocolate, like cocoa powder, has additional flavor, and due to its high sugar content it is usually stronger than the pure chocolate flavor.

In the 16th century, the scientist Benzoni invented a recipe for making liquid chocolate. He came to the King of Spain and told him about healing properties product. They decided to keep this a secret. Many were even executed for revealing the secret. For a long time, chocolate was quite expensive and accessible only to very rich people.

Only in the 20th century, after cocoa was significantly cheaper to produce, did it become possible to buy chocolate at affordable price. Thanks to the name “royal dessert,” it has become a widely known and popular delicacy for those with a sweet tooth.

Today, dark chocolate is made using cocoa mass, sugar and cocoa butter. At the same time, it is possible to change the taste using different sugar consistencies. Milk chocolate is also on sale. It is made in the same way as bitter, only it is added powdered milk. Sometimes they use country milk, which makes the bar much softer and the taste more delicate.


In order to obtain this wonderful product, the first step is to roast the cocoa beans. The second stage of cooking involves heating at high temperatures and grinding. Cocoa butter is formed. Consequently, the cocoa liquor turns out to be half liquid.

By the consistency of the finished product, you can determine its quality. If it is not very thick, then we can conclude that more oil was produced, and the grinding was higher. That is, less thick cocoa is considered better. It grinds easier and mixes well with sugar. Consequently, the process of eliminating moisture and volatile acids is facilitated.

Cocoa beans can be divided into two types.

  1. Elite variety. Such fruits are characterized by a mild taste and a special aroma with many different shades.
  2. Common variety. Such beans have a bitter taste with elements of astringency and a fairly bright aroma.

Ordinary varieties are quite common on supermarket shelves. It is very rare to find an elite variety of beans.

It should be noted that a large number of microorganisms do not survive the frying stage, and even heat-resistant bacteria and spores die during sterilization. So the product is completely safe and suitable for consumption.

The cocoa bean kernel is the most valuable part. The shell is of no value. Therefore, the main task of any manufacturer is to separate the shell from the core using special equipment. After all, it is precisely this that has the cellular structure from which the grated product is obtained.

Grated cocoa contains a huge amount of elements beneficial to humans.

  1. Potassium. Helps reduce swelling and is necessary for the normal functioning of capillaries and blood vessels. Improves brain activity.
  2. Magnesium. Improves mood, relieves fatigue and irritability. Helps get rid of headaches.
  3. Nicotinic acid. Accelerates the metabolic process, normalizes cholesterol levels, helps eliminate toxins and cleanses the body.
  4. Phosphorus. Supports normal growth of bone tissue in the body. Reduces pain in arthritis.
  5. Iron. Increases hemoglobin. Stimulates productive brain function.

Alkalized cocoa

Cocoa was given this name due to its rich color. It turns out quite dark. It is also obtained from cocoa products when they are processed using alkaline salts. Alkalized cocoa is better soluble in water and has less acidity.

This product is used to prepare high-quality dessert products. If you add it to the dough, it will not spread at high temperatures and will retain its rich color. Also, it is alkalized cocoa that is used to prepare “Dutch cocoa”, which does not need to be boiled.

Use in cooking

Cocoa powder is mainly used in cooking. In production, such a product is obtained using special equipment that squeezes out some of the butter from grated cocoa. The result is a mass that is added during the preparation of natural chocolate, various cakes, pastries and other desserts.

However, using grated cocoa in its original form is considered more useful. Then the finished culinary product is considered prepared according to GOST. It has a pronounced taste and pleasant aroma. Such products improve mood, increase performance and are quickly absorbed in the body.

Many experienced housewives have learned to use grated cocoa to prepare various sauces and doughs. Consider several recipes.

  • Solid chocolate. Take cocoa butter and powder (1:3). Together with powdered sugar, place them in a small saucepan with a thick bottom and place on low heat. Wait until you get a homogeneous mass. Remove the container from the heat and beat the mass with a blender, and then pour it into pre-prepared forms. Allow to cool slightly and place in the refrigerator until completely set.

  • Glaze. For this you will need sugar (200 g), butter (80 g), cocoa powder (60 g) and milk (80 g). You need to mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil, leaving to simmer for 10-15 minutes. This is very easy recipe, accessible to any housewife.

  • Potato cake. Melt the grated cocoa and butter in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil so that the product is not bitter. At this time, take regular cookies, grind them in a blender and add condensed milk. Mix all the ingredients obtained and make “cutlets”. Then they are placed in the refrigerator to cool. You can also add nuts or honey to taste. Children love this dessert.

  • Brownie. This is one of the most popular desserts. To prepare it, soften the butter (100 g) and beat it with sugar (100 g). Then you need to melt the grated cocoa in a water bath (100 g), beat 2 eggs well with a mixer. Mix everything, don’t forget flour (70 g), baking powder (0.5 tsp) and a pinch of salt. The resulting dough should be poured into molds and baked at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

These are the easiest recipes that can be used in home cooking. In addition, many people adore the sweet and healthy drink made from cocoa. If you use it instead of tea, serotonin (the hormone of happiness) is produced. Some even treat depression this way. It should be noted that cocoa contains a little caffeine, which helps strengthen the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of cancer. That is, such a product only brings benefits.

Grated cocoa is also used in cosmetology. It is used to make face and body masks, wraps, and scrubs. It has the property of regenerating cells, removing fat deposits and rejuvenating the skin.


The product can have both positive and negative effects on the body. Cocoa should not be consumed by those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The product causes irritation to the mucous membrane and accelerates the production of gastric juice. It is also not recommended for use by children under 4 years of age due to the caffeine content. A person with diabetes or kidney failure should think twice before consuming it.

Cooking rules according to GOST

All manufacturers are faced with such a requirement as a state standard. Many stick to it, others invent high-quality counterfeits to make the product cheaper. The GOST rules include several points.

  1. There must be cocoa brown(light or dark). The use of light gray product is not permitted.
  2. The taste and smell must correspond to cocoa powder, there should be no various impurities and additives.
  3. Flavored additives may only be used in accordance with standards approved by the Ministry of Health.

To avoid purchasing low-quality or counterfeit products, you need to make sure that the composition does not contain chemicals, cocoa cake and flavorings. It is not recommended to indulge in powders with high sugar content. You should not be tempted by instant drinks with flavor enhancers and other unsafe substances in their composition.

It is better to buy natural grated cocoa. But it is worth considering that it does not dissolve in milk at all; to prepare a drink from it, you need to add boiled water.

To learn how to make chocolate from real cocoa beans, watch the video below.

Cocoa powder– the basis for preparing healthy, aromatic and tasty drinks. But not only drinks; depending on its characteristics, this substance is used by confectioners to create various products.

What is cocoa powder made from? From cocoa beans, and this process consists of several stages. There are traditional methods of processing cocoa, which are being widely replaced by more efficient modern technologies.

The first stage is the collection of ripe fruits, followed by the extraction of grains and the removal of all excess. In order for cocoa beans to acquire color, taste and smell, they are fried. Roasting parameters depend on the type of cocoa and what the resulting products will be used for in the future.

Next come the most critical stages of the technological process. Roasted beans are crushed into small pieces using special machines, and the husks are released. Technologists call this husk cocoa shell. Sometimes it is added to cocoa powder, which significantly reduces the cost of the product, but also degrades its quality.

The resulting grits are heated and passed through special millstones or dryers. Cocoa liquor is the product formed at this stage. Cocoa butter is actually extracted from it. The process of extracting fats from cocoa beans was developed in the early nineteenth century in Holland. Since then it has been used, only on more modern equipment.

After extraction of fats, the cake remains. This is the raw material for the production of cocoa powder. It should be noted that the degree of oil extraction depends again on what characteristics are needed for the resulting products.

The cake is ground to a very fine powder, the particle size of which can be up to 16 nanometers. The smaller the particle size of the powder, the better it dissolves in water or milk.