Alexey Miller - biography and family of the Gazprom president. Effective top manager: the success story of Alexey Miller Alexey Miller family children

Alexey Miller. Photo: Alexander Petrosyan / Kommersant

In 1984 he graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute (LFEI) with a degree in economics. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

In 1984-1986. - engineer-economist of LenNIIproekt. In 1986-1989 - postgraduate student of LenNIIproekt. In 1990 - junior researcher at LenNIIproekt.

At the end of the 80s. was a member of the Sintez club (Boris Lvin, Dmitry Vasiliev, Nikolai Preobrazhensky, Mikhail Manevich, Andrey Illarionov, Mikhail Dmitriev, etc.); participated in Chubais-Gaidar seminars at Zmeinka.

From 1990 to 1991 he worked in the Committee on Economic Reform (CER) of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council. He was involved in the project of organizing a free economic zone in Leningrad (the committee was headed by Anatoly Chubais).

From October 15, 1991 to 1992 - head of the market conditions department, deputy head of the foreign economic relations department of the Committee for External Relations (KBC) of the Leningrad City Council (Alexander Anikin worked as the head of the department; Vladimir Putin was the chairman of the KBC).

In 1992-96. held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Committee - Head of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the KVS of the St. Petersburg City Hall (replacing A. Anikin).

He oversaw the economic zones "Pulkovo" (where the enterprises of the Coca-Cola and Gillette companies were located) and "Parnas" (the Baltika brewery).

Best of the day

Since October 1995 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Europe Hotel (St. Petersburg).

On September 25, 1996, after the defeat in June 1996, Anatoly Sobchak in the elections for governor of St. Petersburg, following V. Putin, left his position in the city mayor’s office.

In 1996-1999 - Head of the Development and Investment Department of OJSC "Sea Port of St. Petersburg" (the actual owner of the port is Ilya Traber).

From November 1999 to July 2000 - General Director of OJSC Baltic Pipeline System (BPS).

On July 28, 2000, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation (Minister - Alexander Gavrin). Supervised development issues international cooperation in the fuel and energy sector, organizing and coordinating cooperation with international economic, financial and energy organizations on issues of interest to the Russian fuel and energy complex, coordinated work on the formation of a concept and strategy for the development of foreign trade relations and the basic principles of the foreign trade policy of the Russian Federation as it relates to the fuel and energy complex. Oversaw the construction of the BPS and oil terminals in the Baltic.

Since January 2001 - Chairman of the Commission for the development of conditions for the use of subsoil and the preparation of the draft PSA for the Shtokman gas condensate field.

On May 30, 2001, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of OAO Gazprom. On June 13, 2001, he announced a gradual strengthening of the role of the state in the management of the company.

In July 2001, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, A. Miller said that Gazprom advocates increasing the maximum share of foreigners in its capital from 11% to 20% while maintaining a significant stake in the hands of the state. (Interfax, 07/09/2001)

Since September 2001 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC CB Gazprombank.

On December 20, 2001, he became a member of the bureau of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

In 2002-2004 - patron of the strange company Eural Trans Gas. The company with an authorized capital of 12 thousand dollars was registered on December 5, 2002 in the Hungarian village of Csabdy, the founders are three Romanians (Louise Lukacs, Mihai Savu, Anka Negreanu) and an Israeli (Zeev Gordon). Later it was replaced by the RosUkrEnergo company.

For 2003, he included 35 billion rubles (about 1 billion 100 million dollars) in the Gazprom budget item “Administrative and advertising expenses”. ("Newspaper", February 11, 2003).

Since June 2003 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC SOGAZ.

In March 2005, Miller proposed to abandon regulation of gas prices for industry starting in 2006 (about 70% of all gas consumption in Russia). The monopoly is ready to maintain fixed prices for housing and communal services, public sector employees and the population. ("Vedomosti", 03/23/2005)

On May 31, 2005, Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev were sentenced; The Kommersant Vlast magazine addressed several politicians and businessmen with the question: “Do you agree with the verdict?” Miller refused to answer the question (Kommersant Vlast, June 6, 2005).

On December 23, 2005, the President of Sibneft OJSC Alexander Ryazanov said that he would recommend Miller for the post of head of the board of directors of Sibneft (Interfax, December 23, 2005).

Since December 2005 - member of the Government Commission on the fuel and energy complex and reproduction of the mineral resource base.

In 2005, at the end of the year, Gazprombank paid directors bonuses worth $19.6 million, or 5% of net profit. This was 2.3 times more than a year earlier ($8.6 million). Miller himself received approximately $3 million (Vedomosti, December 8, 2005).

On March 31, 2006, he promised that Sibneft would be renamed Gazprom Neft from May 13, 2006 (I didn’t deceive).

Since March 2006 - member of the shareholders committee of the North European Gas Pipeline Company, a company created for the construction of a gas pipeline along the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

On May 24, 2006, the Gazprom board of directors re-elected Miller as chairman of the board for the next five years.

Miller owns $740 worth of Gazprom shares; in three years [in 2009] he can buy back 318,179 shares (0.00134%) for $2.8 million - this is two of his annual salaries (Vedomosti, December 18, 2006).

Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2006).

Awarded the Church Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh for Gazprom’s contribution to the reconstruction of the Church of the Intercession in the village of Nedelnoye Holy Mother of God and restoration of the school (August 2001; awarded by Patriarch Alexy II).

Alexey Miller was born on January 31, 1962 in St. Petersburg. The boy grew up in a family of Russian Germans. Mother, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Miller, father, Boris Vasilyevich Miller. Alexei’s parents worked in the closed military enterprise of the Leninets Research and Production Association.

The guy studied at a specialized gymnasium with a mathematical bias No. 330 in his hometown. Miller's only hobby was football. Alexey passionately supported Zenit and did not miss a single game of his favorite club.

After graduating from school with excellent grades, he managed to enter the local financial and economic institute the first time, from which he successfully graduated in 1984 and received a diploma as an “engineer-economist.” For several years after receiving his diploma, Miller worked in his specialty at the St. Petersburg Research and Design Institute, however, being a capable student, in 1986 he decided to continue his studies in graduate school. Three years later, Miller became a candidate of economic sciences.

After graduate school, the young specialist continued his activities at the St. Petersburg Research and Design Institute as a junior researcher, and in 1990 he transferred to the executive committee of the St. Petersburg Council, where he headed the Committee on Economic Reforms.

The next step in career ladder A successful Russian economist became the Committee on External Relations in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg, in which Vladimir Putin was Miller's immediate superior. This cooperation became a key point in further successful biography Alexey Borisovich.

Thanks to Miller, the first investment zones in the city were developed: Pulkovo and Parnas, where the Gillette, Coca-Cola, and Baltika factories were built. At the same time, Alexey Borisovich introduced the first foreign banks “Lyonsky Credit” and “Dresden Bank” into the territory of St. Petersburg. Miller also developed the hotel business and headed the board of directors of the Europe Hotel.

From 1996 to 2000, Alexey Miller held the position of Director for Development and Investments of OJSC Sea Port of St. Petersburg, and was also the General Director of the Open Joint Stock Company Baltic Pipeline System.

After Vladimir Putin's victory in the presidential elections in 2000, many of his colleagues in the St. Petersburg administration received leadership positions in the Government and state enterprises Russia. Alexey Miller, who received the post of Deputy Minister of Energy, was no exception. For his successful work in his position, experts and politicians predicted the post of Minister of Energy of Russia for the successful economist, but their predictions did not come true. In 2001, Miller became the head of the board of OJSC Gazprom.

In 2002, Miller took the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom. By this time, the organization had undergone major personnel changes. Being far from the energy sector, Miller needed people for whom this field was not alien. A number of leadership positions went to people with whom the new chairman of the board had already worked, other appointments came from the Kremlin, and some managed to retain their posts.

In 2010, the American magazine Harvard Business Review ranked Miller third in the ranking of the world's most effective top managers. In 2013 he took third place in Forbes list, and named one of the most expensive Russian managers.

During Miller's tenure, Gazprom became the world's global energy business leader. The gas giant acquired large assets in the oil and energy sectors, strengthened its position in exports, created strong economic ties with Italian and German corporations, began implementing projects to diversify supplies, and signed strategic agreements for gas supplies to countries in the Asia-Pacific region. At the same time, Miller managed to eliminate actual competition from Gazprom in the gas sector.

In 2018, Miller oversaw the construction of Nord Stream 2, which runs along the bottom of the Baltic Sea, and also supervised the launch of the Turkish Stream, laid through the Black Sea. In the fall of the same year, he reported on the construction of 200 km of the expected 1,200 km of Nord Stream and the laying of the Turkish Stream pipe with the final joint.

As of January 2019, Alexey Borisovich is interested in football and remains a fan of the St. Petersburg club Zenit. He is the vice-president of the Russian Football Union. Miller also enjoys horse riding. Over time, the hobby grew into the fact that the manager holds the position of head of Russian Hippodromes OJSC. The main task set by the president is the revival of domestic equestrian sport.

Vladimir Putin September 9, 2019 had a working meeting with Alexey Miller. The head of the energy company informed the President of Russia about the current work, the progress of preparations for the autumn winter season and the prospects for the implementation of one of the largest projects - “Power of Siberia”. Gazprom’s interaction with Ukrainian and European consumers of Russian gas was also discussed.

Prime Minister of Russia October 18, 2019 held a working meeting with Chairman of the Board of Gazprom PJSC Alexey Miller. The results of the company’s activities since the beginning of 2019, the progress of preparations for the upcoming winter season, as well as issues related to gas transit through the territory of Ukraine were discussed.

Vladimir Putin November 26, 2019 held a working meeting with the Minister of Energy Alexander Novak and Alexey Miller. The readiness of the country’s energy complex to work in winter period. Issues of Russian-Ukrainian interaction in the energy sector were discussed separately.

Alexey Miller Awards

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class (2017)

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2006)

Order of Alexander Nevsky (2014)

Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (March 2, 2002) - for great services in strengthening Russian statehood and many years of conscientious service

Order of the Cross of the Hungarian Republic, II degree (Hungary) - for services in energy cooperation

Order of Saint Mesrop Mashtots (Republic of Armenia)

Order of Dostyk, II degree (Kazakhstan) - awarded on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 2, 2006 for his contribution to the strengthening and development of cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

Order of Honor (South Ossetia, August 24, 2009) - for services to strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples, great personal contribution to the construction of the Dzuarikau - Tskhinvali gas pipeline

Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (Italy, 12 February 2010)
Order St. Sergius Radonezh II degree (ROC)

Order of the Saint St. Seraphim Sarovsky I degree (ROC, 2009)

Order of Glory and Honor, II degree (ROC, 2013) - in recognition of works for the benefit of the Russian Orthodox Church and in connection with the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra

Honorary citizen of the city of Astrakhan (2008)

Government Prize Russian Federation in Science and Technology (2010)

Order of the Nizhny Novgorod Region "For Civil Valor and Honor" 1st degree (2010)

Order of Labor, 1st class (Vietnam, 2011)

Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (February 6, 2012) - for services to the development of the gas complex and many years of conscientious work

Order "For Merit to the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan" (2012, Kazakhstan Metropolitan District of the Russian Orthodox Church)

Order of Friendship (Armenia) (2015)

Badge of honor “For caring for the beauty of the city” (Government of St. Petersburg, 2016)

Family of Alexey Miller

Alexey Borisovich Miller is the Chairman of the Board of OJSC Gazprom

Miller Alexey Borisovich: Chairman of the Board of Gazprom, biography, salary, family, wife

A. B. Miller- This Chairman of the Board of OJSC Gazprom since 2001, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the oil companies, Gazprombank and Sogaz. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Born on January 31, 1962 in Leningrad. Has a number state awards and titles, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree in 2006. Married, has a son.

Miller Alexey Borisovich is

Family of Miller Alexey Borisovich

Alexey Borisovich Miller was born on January 31, 1962 and was the only child in the family. His parents worked in the closed enterprise NPO Leninets, which developed on-board equipment for aviation. The head of the family died early, the child was raised by his mother. In 1979, he entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute, graduated from the institute, received a degree in economics, and got a job at LenNIIproekt. In 1986 he entered graduate school at LenNIIproekt. He graduated from it in 1989, defending his Ph.D. thesis.

On at the moment Miller A. B. and his wife Irina are raising their son Mikhail. The family lives in two houses - in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Professional experience of Alexey Borisovich Miller

After graduating from the institute, he worked as an engineer-economist in the master plan workshop of the Leningrad Research and Design Institute for Housing and Civil Construction LenNIIproekt of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council.

In the 80s, A. Miller was a member of the informal club of young economists "Sintez", which consisted mainly of his acquaintances from Finek. The members of the club were Anatoly Chubais, Andrei Illarionov, Mikhail Manevich (vice-governor of St. Petersburg, killed in 1997), Mikhail Dmitriev and Alexey Kudrin. The future head of Gazprom later worked with some of them in the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council. In 1990 A. Miller headed a subsection in the Economic Reform Committee of the Leningrad City Council Executive Committee. The deputy chairman of this committee was then Alexey Kudrin, and Anatoly Chubais - deputy head of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council.

But, as it turned out later, the key role in future fate A. Miller played him next place work- in the Committee for External Relations (KBC) of the St. Petersburg City Hall, where his immediate supervisor in 1991 was turned out to be the future of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.

The future head of Gazprom worked at KVS until 1996. in different positions. It is believed that he contributed to the arrival of large Western banks in St. Petersburg, including Dresdner Bank, which later became a partner of the gas holding. A. Miller represented the interests of the city in joint enterprises and oversaw the hotel business - was on the board of directors of the hotel "".

In 1996 in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg has changed - Anatoly Sobchak lost the gubernatorial elections. After this, most of the members of his team, including A. Miller, also resigned from the St. Petersburg administration. He became Director for Development and Investments of OAO Sea Port of St. Petersburg, and in 1999. - General Director of JSC Baltic Pipeline System.

After V. Putin was elected to office in 2000 president RF, his former subordinate A. Miller moves to Moscow and takes the post of Deputy Minister of Energy RF. In this position, he oversaw issues of foreign economic activity and international cooperation in the fuel and energy sectors. Since January 2001 A. Miller headed the commission to develop conditions for subsoil use and prepare a draft PSA for the Shtokman field. The media predicted the post of Minister of Energy for A. Miller, but in the end he received the post of Chairman of the Board of Gazprom after the removal of the seemingly unsinkable Rem Vyakhirev from this post. Thus, the era of the Chernomyrdin-Vyakhirev gas business ended and the era of state-controlled Gazprom began. A. Miller was given the task of changing the structure of Gazprom, returning assets lost during the reign of R. Vyakhirev, and working on the financial recovery of the concern.

Miller Alexey Borisovich is

Awards and titles of Alexey Borisovich Miller

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree;

Medal of the Order “3a Merit to the Fatherland”, II degree;

Order of the Cross of the Hungarian Republic, 2nd class, for services to energy cooperation;

Order of St. Mesrop Mashtots (Republic of Armenia);

Order of “Dostyk” (“Friendship”), II degree (Republic of Kazakhstan);

Order of Honor (Republic of South Ossetia);

Order of Merit of the Italian Republic;

Order of Labor, First Class (Socialist Republic of Vietnam);

Russian Order Orthodox Church Sergius of Radonezh II degree;

Patriarchal charter;

Laureate awards Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology in 2010.

Hobbies of Alexey Borisovich Miller

One of A. B. Miller’s colleagues, who wished to remain anonymous, called him a “careerist.” It is logical to assume that career is Miller’s passion. However, classmates say that when he was Alexey loved to play the guitar and run around football field or cheer for Zenit. According to the businessman himself, his love for the guitar and Zenit remains with him to this day, and besides, he is not averse to taking a ride on alpine skiing or bicycle.

Miller Alexey Borisovich is

A. B. Miller owns purebred stallions - Vesely and Fragrant. Vesely, imported from the USA, took 3rd place on August 12, 2012 at one of the races at the Central Moscow Hippodrome, receiving a prize of 3,000 rubles. Born at the Donskoy stud farm, Fragrant came first to the finish line seven times during his career and remained in the prizes 12 times.

Alexey Borisovich Miller's work at Gazprom

Start work A. Miller in Gazprom was quite sluggish, although he took the news about the change of leadership with enthusiasm - investors decided that it was time for reforms. True, the reforms themselves did not begin immediately. “Non-core” for Gazprom, Alexey Borisovich began updating the team only a few months later. He faced a difficult task, because he did not have his own production gas managers. The first “purges” began in September 2001, and within a year all of R. Vyakhirev’s deputies lost their positions. Including key top managers- Deputy Chairman of the Board Sergei Dubinin and Alexander Pushkin, who oversaw sales in the CIS, Vyacheslav Sheremet, who was responsible for the financial block, Chief Accountant Irina Bogatyreva.

A. Miller had to take people from his past to a number of key positions. This is how his associates in BTS appeared in Gazprom - Mikhail Sereda (now deputy chairman, head of the board of staff), Kirill Seleznev (now head of Mezhregiongaz), Elena Vasilyeva took the post of chief accountant. A. Miller covered the financial block with another “his” newcomer - Andrey Kruglov (an acquaintance from working at the St. Petersburg mayor’s office), who now holds the post of deputy chairman of the board and heads the financial and economic department. The production unit was almost completely preserved. Among the “veterans” of Gazprom, Alexander Ananenkov, who previously headed Yamburggazdobycha, and Yuri Komarov, who held the post of head of the export department (since 2009 - chief executive officer of Shtokman AG), became deputy chairmen. Appointees from the Kremlin also came, including Alexander Ryazanov, at that time a State Duma deputy, and in the past the head of the Surgut gas processing plant (left the post of deputy chairman of Gazprom in 2006).

Experts market and former gas executives concern They predicted A. Miller's imminent resignation. Evil tongues whispered that he was not able to manage such a colossus as Gazprom, and was appointed only temporarily to “clean up” the ranks. According to one of the gas tales, R. Vyakhirev said in a narrow circle that A. Miller would hang himself in his office in a year. However, he not only did not hang himself, but also managed to strengthen his position in such a motley environment. The new head of Gazprom has actually taken root in concern in 2004, finally forming his team, which became a fusion of people from the Seaport of St. Petersburg, BTS, the St. Petersburg mayor's office, V. Putin's protégés and people from the old production block. In 2006 a five-year contract was unconditionally extended with him, and no one had any doubts about its extension.

The first and main task for A. Miller was formulated personally president RF. At a meeting in Novy Urengoy in the fall of 2001. V. Putin clearly outlined the priority: “You need to take ownership issues seriously, otherwise you will leave your mouth open, and you will not only have SIBUR, but also other enterprises". The new team took this slogan very seriously. During a four-year campaign for the return of assets, which was accompanied by active PR, he returned for a nominal fee large stakes of shares transferred to Itera in Purgaz (Gubkin priority) and Severneftegazprom (Yuzhno- Russian), restored over SIBUR, Vostokgazprom, Zapsibgazprom, Northgas (through the court), the main asset, which was returned. to the state under A. Miller, Gazprom itself became: due to the purchase of shares in market in 2003 The 51% stake in the Russian Federation was restored, but 10.74% of the state stake was on the balance sheet of Gazprom's subsidiaries. To ensure direct state control over the gas concern, an adventure was launched to merge two giants - Gazprom and Open joint stock company Rosneft" - by exchanging 10.7% of the shares of the first for 100% of the shares of the second. But in the end, due to a conflict between intra-Kremlin groups, the deal did not take place - Gazprom shares state bought it for , putting it on the balance sheet of Rosneftegaz. After this, it was liberalized (restrictions on trade them on stock market, over the 15 years of the existence of OAO Gazprom, it increased 219 times).

Under A. Miller, Gazprom set a course for business globalization. In 2005 the head of the organization set the task of becoming a noticeable speculator on the world market. At the annual meeting in 2007. he stated that the goal had been achieved and "the transformation of Gazprom from companies"national champion" into a global energy business leader." During this time, Gazprom received assets in the electric power industry, the oil sector (having purchased Sibneft in 2005), assigned priority to export directions (the share of Russian gas in imports in Europe in 2007 amounted to 40%), acquired good relations with the German E.On and BASF, the Italian ENI, began implementing projects to diversify supplies - gas pipelines through the Baltic and South Stream through the Black Sea, signed a number of strategic agreements on supplies supply of gas to the Asia-Pacific countries, which are still not organized, pushed through the decision to abolish state regulation on domestic gas prices.

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At the same time, under A. Miller, the gas sector was virtually liquidated - they bought it from Itera Control mostly Active- Sibneftegaz, 20% of NOVATEK shares also went to Gazprom, foreign shareholders of the Sakhalin-2 project were forced to transfer Control the Russian concern, TNK BP - to sell Kovykta, access to the export pipeline is still distributed by Gazprom, taking into account its interests, it also received the status of a single gas export operator. In addition, the loud conflict with the Supplies gas to Ukraine has definitely tarnished the reputation of the Russian Federation on the world stage.

Miller Alexey Borisovich is

Alexey Miller's salary

Remuneration of the chairman of the board of the Russian gas company Holding Gazprom Miller A. B. for 2010 will amount to over 20.6 million rubles. In 2009, the remuneration of the head of Gazprom amounted to 17.4 million rubles. Thus, the size of Miller's bonus at the end of 2010 increased by 18 percent compared to the previous year.

The remuneration to ordinary members of the board of directors who are not employed in the civil service will amount to 17.6 million rubles. Council members participating in the work of committees under the council will receive 18 million rubles, and committee heads will be assigned a bonus in the amount of 18.7 million rubles.

In November 2012, Russian Forbes compiled a rating of the highest paid Top Managers in Russia, and Miller took second place in it. The publication estimates that he earned about $25 million a year.

Sources of the article "Miller Alexey Borisovich" - free encyclopedia Wikipedia Org - website of OJSC Gazprom Gazprom Ru - news portal Lenta Ru - news portal Vedomosti Ru - news portal, promotions, courses, politics, economics Rbk Ru - news portal Huizhu Dipi Ru - archive of reference and biographical texts Wikisource Org

Investor Encyclopedia. 2013 .

See what “Miller Alexey Borisovich” is in other dictionaries:

    MILLER Alexey Borisovich- (b. January 31, 1962, Leningrad), Russian statesman, entrepreneur, chairman of the board of the joint-stock company Gazprom (see GAZPROM) (since 2001). In 1984 he graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute (LFEI), according to him... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Miller, Alexey Borisovich- Wikipedia has articles about other people with this last name, see Miller. Alexey Borisovich Miller In 2009 ... Wikipedia

    Alexey Borisovich Miller 2001 Occupation: Chairman of the Board of OJSC Gazprom Date of Birth: January 31, 1962 ... Wikipedia

    MILLER Alexey Borisovich- (b. 01/31/1962) Deputy of V.V. Putin, Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall, in 1991–1996. Born in Leningrad. He received his education at the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute named after. N. A... Putin Encyclopedia

The role of natural gas for the stable development of the world economy in the long term cannot be overestimated. In the coming years, the importance of Gazprom, the largest transnational gas holding company, will steadily grow, which will require its leadership to make many fateful decisions in the full sense of the word. Fortunately, the company has been headed by an experienced top manager for more than 15 years, under whose leadership the company has won many victories - Alexey Borisovich Miller.

Each of Gazprom’s successes receives worthy coverage in the press, but the person behind these achievements – his individual career path, managerial approach and outstanding personal qualities – sometimes remains in the shadows.

Meanwhile, Alexey Borisovich Miller is one of those specialists who today are commonly called self-made men: having started his work as a junior researcher, he subsequently took the post of head of the largest state monopoly.

AlexeyMillerborn on January 31, 1962 in the city of Leningrad. In 1979, he entered the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics and five years later (in 1984) he graduated from his alma mater with a diploma in economics.

The first place of work of the future head of Gazprom was LenNIIproekt, now the largest research and design institute for housing and civil construction. At this research institute, he subsequently defended his PhD thesis and worked as a junior researcher for about a year.

In 1990, AlexeyMillerwas invited to the Committee on Economic Reform of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council, and a year later he moved to the Committee on External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall, where he worked until 1996 as deputy head and head of the department of foreign economic relations. The duties of the young economist included the development of the first investment zones in the city. In particular, he oversaw the investment zones Pulkovo (where the factories of the Coca-Cola and Gillette companies were built) and Parnas (where the complex of buildings of the Baltika brewing company was located). In addition, it was AlexeyMillerbrought the first foreign banks to St. Petersburg, such as Dresden Bank and Lyon Credit. He was also involved in the hotel business - he was the chairman of the board of directors of the Europe Hotel.

In 1996, AlexeyMillermoved to work at OJSC Sea Port of St. Petersburg, where he took the chair of director for development and investment. Obvious managerial talent and the experience gained in previous positions allowed him to successfully continue his career as a manager.

In 1999Millerwas appointed General Director of OJSC Baltic Pipeline System, and already in 2000 became Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia.

According to the then press secretary of the Ministry Oleg Smirnov, Miller coordinated all international activities of the department. It was thanks to his efforts that the Ministry of Energy managed to establish cooperation with OPEC and, as a result, maintain a fairly high price for oil on world markets.

The date May 30, 2001 can be called fateful for the entire energy industry in Russia: it was on this day that Miller was elected chairman of the board of Gazprom OJSC. In the same year, he first took the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprombank - and went down in the history of the company as a leader, under whose leadership a huge number of strategically significant projects were implemented.

Today PJSC Gazprom maintains close business ties with thousands of enterprises in Russia and abroad. In a special project of the Business of Russia portal leading partner companies of the gas giant and its subsidiaries.

One of the strategic directions of development of PJSC Gazprom increasing the technological effectiveness of gas transportation networks, which means that its subsidiaries prioritize high technologies, the construction of new gas pipelines and the optimization of existing nodes. However, the most important task remains the same - a safe and uninterrupted supply of gas to the consumer. In the Republic of Tatarstan this problem is successfully solved Gazprom Transgaz Kazan LLC. Today, the region has a widely developed gas infrastructure, and the gasification level is 99.37%.

Among the company's achievements is participation in the unprecedented project for the country to create the innovative city "Innopolis", as well as a promising project for the reconstruction of the Minnibaevo - Kazan gas pipeline. Construction of three new gas distribution stations, as well as reconstruction of another gas distribution station as part of of this project will provide additional gas supply for Kazan in the amount of more than 3 billion cubic meters of gas per year, as well as gas supply to the Investment Technopolis "Smart City Kazan", the International Convention and Exhibition Center, the International Trade Center, facilities for the world championship in professional skills and a number of other strategic buildings under construction objects of the republic.

The management and team of Gazprom Transgaz Kazan LLC cordially congratulates the Chairman of the Board of Gazprom PJSC Alexey Borisovich Miller on his 55th anniversary!

Thanks to your extraordinary leadership talent and the professionalism of a modern manager, our country continues to remain successful in strategic gas policy both within Russia and throughout the world! Your work at the head of Gazprom is always focused on the future, and we believe that together with you we will make this future bright, warm and comfortable for every person! I wish you health, happiness, prosperity, new achievements for the benefit of Russia, further development and prosperity of PJSC Gazprom! General Director of Gazprom Transgaz Kazan LLC Rafkat Kantyukov


Gas locomotive of the economy of Tatarstan

January 18, 2017 at 5:55 am

Gazprom Transgaz Kazan LLC is one of the largest budget-generating enterprises in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Another subsidiary PJSC company Gazprom, which has achieved significant success in its activities, - CJSC Gazprom Armenia- supplies the domestic market of the Republic of Armenia with gas.

The main activities of Gazprom Armenia CJSC are transportation, storage, processing, distribution and sale of natural gas, production and sale of electricity, reconstruction and expansion of existing gas transmission and gas distribution systems and underground gas storage. Ensuring the reliability of gas supply and safe operation of facilities gas industry- these are the two cornerstones on which the company stands.

Over the past few years, Gazprom Armenia CJSC has invested over $900 million in the gas and energy sector of the republic.

Dear Alexey Borisovich! On behalf of the team of Gazprom Armenia CJSC and from me personally, please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday! Thanks to your professionalism, leadership talent and determination, PJSC Gazprom has been demonstrating outstanding performance indicators for many years and is constantly developing with an emphasis on the future! You know how to set strategic goals in the field of energy security - this is one of the most important and necessary qualities! We are sincerely proud that Gazprom Armenia CJSC, being a subsidiary of Gazprom PJSC, makes a significant contribution to the development of the gas industry and energy sector of our country. Once again, I congratulate you on your anniversary, I wish you good health, unquenchable energy and all the best! Chairman of the Management Board - General Director of Gazprom Armenia CJSC Grant Tadevosyan


Guarantor of Armenia's energy security

January 19, 2017 at 6:36 am

CJSC Gazprom Armenia occupies a leading and stable position in the backbone sector of the economy of the Republic of Armenia - energy.

Among the international partners of PJSC Gazprom are: SE "Srbijagas" (JP "Srbijagas")- state supplier of natural gas in Serbia. The director of Srbijagaz, Dusan Bajatovic, spoke about how the companies’ partnerships are developing today and about the future plans of the Serbian state-owned enterprise in an interview with Business Russia.

Dear Alexey Borisovich! With all my heart I congratulate you on your 55th anniversary! In our difficult times, you have been successfully leading one of the world's largest energy companies for many years! Yours high professionalism, determination, foresight, talent to make the right decisions, attentiveness to people and an extremely conscientious attitude to business are admirable. You have shown yourself to be a person who always treats others with understanding and never abandons business partners in difficult situations. I would like to thank you for your trust and cooperation and wish, first of all, good health and good luck to you and your loved ones! I wish you success on your professional and personal path, new opportunities, prosperity and happiness! Director of the State Enterprise "Srbijagaz" Dusan Bajatović


Strong partnership is the path to success

January 27, 2017 at 7:39 am

Director of State Enterprise "Serbijagaz"

Dusan Bayatovic

We believe that it would be useful for representatives of PJSC Gazprom to consider in the future the issue of establishing a gas hub in Serbia

Another long-time partner of PJSC Gazprom Joint Stock Company "Specialized Registrar - Holder of Registers of Shareholders in the Gas Industry" (JSC "DRAGA") provides services for maintaining registers of shareholders of gas industry issuers and their subsidiaries, as well as a whole range of services that ensure the implementation of corporate actions of issuers, including such significant ones as such as holding general meetings of shareholders, repurchases and acquisitions of shares, preparation of issues securities, programs for updating data in shareholder registers.


JSC DRAGA: We provide corporate support to the GAZPROM group, implement the development strategy

January 17, 2017 at 12:25 pm

JSC DRAGA provides a whole range of services that ensure the implementation of corporate actions of issuers in the gas industry and their subsidiaries

Gazprom is a global energy company whose strategic goals include not only ensuring the reliability of energy supplies, but also increasing operational efficiency and using scientific and technical potential. In this regard, the interest of specialists in the capabilities of domestic defense enterprises is not accidental.

FSUE "RFNC-VNIITF named after. academic E. I. Zababakhina"- one of the enterprises of the State Corporation Rosatom, which has close partnerships with PJSC Gazprom. Joint projects include developments in the field of improving gas transportation processes, the creation of power plants using solid oxide fuel cells, and technologies for intensifying hydrocarbon production.

Dear Alexey Borisovich! We know you as an economist, an effective top manager, and the head of the largest domestic company. We appreciate your contribution to strengthening Russian statehood and developing international cooperation. We note with satisfaction that PJSC Gazprom is showing professional interest in the enterprises of the State Corporation Rosatom. For the RFNC-VNIITF team, cooperation with PJSC Gazprom is the implementation of new, interesting projects, these are extraordinary large-scale problems, for the solution of which we have physicists and mathematicians, specialists in gas dynamics and numerical methods, programmers, designers and testers. Our computing power and production base allow us to manufacture non-standard high-tech equipment, simulate gas transportation processes, study the properties of materials in complex natural conditions, in underwater mode. The result of cooperation with PJSC Gazprom was the modeling of combustion processes of hydrogen-containing mixtures in order to determine safety thresholds, assessment of its capabilities in conducting “civil” tests of any type of impact - from static, dynamic and climatic to testing for radiation resistance of materials. From the RFNC-VNIITF team, I congratulate you on your 55th anniversary! Thank you for your cooperation, for giving us “food for thought” and the opportunity to demonstrate the potential of RFNC-VNIITF in the production of high-tech civilian products. Good health to you, good mood, bright new business ideas and inexhaustible energy for their implementation! Happiness, joy and prosperity to you and your family! Director of RFNC - VNIITF Mikhail Zheleznov


Gazprom and RFNC-VNIITF: territory of cooperation

January 25, 2017 at 8:37 am

RFNC-VNIITF is one of the enterprises of the Rosatom State Corporation, which has close partnerships with PJSC Gazprom.

Partner of PJSC Gazprom from the engineering industry LLC "Electrotyazhmash-Privod" (LLC "Lysva Plant of Heavy Electrical Engineering "Privod"), specializing in the development and production of electricity generating and drive equipment, control equipment for the fuel and energy complex, metallurgical, nuclear, chemical and other industries.

At the facilities of PJSC Gazprom, several hundred units of Elektrotyazhmash-Privod machines are in constant operation, many of them with an operating time of several hundred thousand hours.

The management and team of Elektrotyazhmash-Privod congratulate the Chairman of the Board of one of the leading energy companies in the world - PJSC Gazprom, Alexey Borisovich Miller, on his anniversary.

Dear Alexey Borisovich! We are grateful to you for your trust and are always ready to use our experience and the latest technological achievements to fulfill the tasks set by PJSC Gazprom. We hope our cooperation will become stronger in the future! On this holiday, we wish you new professional success, new victories and achievements, easy overcoming of any obstacles and brilliant implementation of all your plans. Good health, prosperity, happiness to you and your loved ones!


Electric machines "Electrotyazhmash-Privod": more than 60 years on the market

January 20, 2017 at 5:27 am

The reliability of electric machines of the Privod brand has been confirmed by decades of successful work at Russian and foreign enterprises.

Vympel LLC(Stupino, Moscow region) is another organization that assists Gazprom PJSC in achieving its goals. Since 2011, it has been providing enterprises in various industrial sectors with a full range of services to ensure the operation of material handling equipment, from the supply of spare parts to commissioning.

Vympel General Director Dmitry Gusarev told the Business of Russia portal about the new trends in the field of Russian industrial safety.

We solemnly congratulate Alexey Borisovich Miller on his 55th birthday and wish effective solutions, continuation of widespread gasification, expansion of export markets, continuous progress in the complex and necessary activities of PJSC Gazprom! And also, of course, good health and energy to achieve your goals! Management and team of Vympel LLC


Vympel LLC: it’s safe with us!

January 17, 2017 at 12:54 pm

General Director of Vympel

Dmitry Gusarev

We offer a full range of services to ensure the safe, smooth operation of material handling equipment

Partner of PJSC Gazprom in the field of oilfield services - .

The company specializes in enhancing oil recovery through the use of physical and chemical technologies to align the injectivity profile of injection wells and the inflow profile of production wells. The goal is to increase oil recovery from reservoirs by regulating the injectivity profiles of water injection wells, creating filtration barriers along the paths of preferential filtration of water injected into the reservoir and the recovery of oil from water-flooded intervals and zones. This area of ​​oilfield services is in great demand among oil producing enterprises. Western Siberia. The company provides services to enhance oil recovery to such oil companies as PJSC Gazprom Neft, PJSC NK Rosneft, JSC NK RussNeft, JSC NK NEFTISA.

On the day of his 55th birthday, I would like to wish Alexey Miller, first of all, good health, as well as achievement of even higher indicators in ensuring natural gas needs of the population of the Russian Federation. We also want to gasify the most extreme and inaccessible corners of Russia, because this will only strengthen the economic situation in the country. The team of Regionservisneft LLC


High-tech oil production

January 30, 2017 at 5:38 am

Regionservisneft LLC - solving problems of increasing the efficiency of oil production using technology.

OOO Manufacturing plant"Mekhmash", founded in 2001 in the hero city of Tula, was initially focused on providing wide range metal machining services. Since 2009, Mekhmash has also been actively developing products for the oil and gas industry.

The business partnership between PP Mekhmash LLC and PJSC Gazprom began in 2010 and allowed the company to develop steadily. During this time, Mekhmash became a manufacturer and supplier of products for the projects: “Expansion of the UGSS to ensure gas supply to the South Stream gas pipeline, stage I (Western Corridor), “Expansion of the UGSS to ensure gas supply to the South Stream gas pipeline, II stage (Eastern corridor), “Main gas pipeline Krasnodar region- Crimea", "Increasing gas supply volumes to the southwestern regions Krasnodar region"," Power of Siberia gas pipeline.

Alexey Borisovich Miller (January 31, 1962, Leningrad) - Russian economist, chairman of the board of Gazprom.


He received his secondary education at school-gymnasium No. 330 (Leningrad), from which he graduated with honors.

1984 – graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. He was one of the Leningrad economists-reformers, whose leader was A. Chubais.

Alexey Miller is a Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Professional activities

1984-1986 - was an engineer-economist at LenNIIproekt. Soon he became a graduate student here.

1990 - becomes a junior researcher at LenNIIproekt;

1990-1991 - works in the Committee responsible for economic reform of the Lensovet Executive Committee.

1991-1996 - works in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall, where he holds the post of deputy chairman. It is worth mentioning that the chairman of this Committee was V. Putin. Under the leadership of the future president, Miller was involved in the development of investment zones in St. Petersburg, namely Pulkovo (the Gillette and Coca-Cola factories were built here) and Parnas (the buildings of the Baltika brewing company were built). In addition, he brought the first foreign banks to St. Petersburg (Lyon Credit, Dresden Bank).

1996-1999 - holds the post of director for investment and development of the seaport of St. Petersburg.

1999-2000 - is the general director of the Baltic Pipeline System company.

2000-2001 - holds the position of Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia.

2001 - becomes chairman of the board of Gazprom. The press characterized this appointment as Putin’s desire to completely control the gas empire. Miller, in turn, stated that he intends to strengthen the role of the state in Gazprom.

2002 - became deputy chairman of the board of directors of Gazprom. In addition, he heads the boards of directors of Gazfond, Gazprombank, Gazpromneft and SOGAZ.

2012 - becomes chairman of the board of directors of the Russian Hippodromes company.

In 2012, Forbes compiled a list of the highest paid Russian top managers, in which Miller took second position. The publication estimates that he earned about $25 million in one year.

Marital status

Alexey Miller and his wife Irina are raising their son Mikhail. Personal life is not discussed. Free time tries to spend it quietly family circle.

According to Alexey Miller, business is something between war and art. Some of Miller’s colleagues are confident that he achieved success thanks to his diligence and hard work. According to Alexey Borisovich himself, he always tries to achieve his goal, to believe in himself and his partners.

As soon as A. Miller took up an important post at Gazprom, they began to speak about him as follows:

  • “His main advantage is his ability to bow”;
  • “Walks along the wall”;
  • “Arrogant, complex, touchy, unpleasant to talk to”;
  • "Zero Manager";
  • "Prepared figure";
  • “He lives like a shadow and serves like a shadow.”

However, in 2010 A. Miller took 3rd position in the list of the best top managers in the world. This list published by the Harvard Business Review. CEO performance was measured by shareholder returns.

Miller is annoyed by buffet tables, banquets and noisy companies. His hobbies include playing the guitar and skiing. In addition, he owns 2 stallions – Fragrant and Vesely. The latter took a prize in one of the races at the Moscow Hippodrome in 2012. In turn, Fragrant came to the finish line first 7 times, and was a prize-winner 12 times.

Alexey Miller is vice-president of the Russian Football Union. He is a fan of Zenit.

Advice from Alexey Miller: “Dreaming is useful! After all, what is planned can become reality.”