Alexander Abdulov talks about Irina Alferova. The love story of Alexander Abdullov and Irina Alferova

Alexander Abdulov dreamed of becoming a legend and in reality became one of the most popular and beloved actors, whose life is shrouded in secrets and speculation. Women loved him, he reciprocated.

He had many novels, including several truly significant ones. He lived with Irina Alferova for 14 years. They were one of the most beautiful acting couples Soviet cinema. Alferova and Abdulov were married. But behind the external harmony was hidden difficult life two very different people. Irina Alferova once admitted to director Mark Rudinshtein that she spent almost every day of this marriage in tears. So says the filmmaker himself in the new documentary film Channel One “Alexander Abdulov. Don’t part with your loved ones.” But the majority of those who knew the couple still consider Abdulov’s love affairs to be the main reason for the separation. Irina Ivanovna claims that she did not know about her husband’s infidelities. It was simply impossible to catch him, so to speak, by the hand.

“Of course, many were in love with him, and he probably fell in love. I didn’t know this, he hid it very carefully, and they hid everything from me. Because if I found out about some real case, I would have left right away. But he [Abdulov] could not be caught doing this...” Alferova said.

As Abdulov’s friend and colleague Georgy Martirosyan says, Alexander first saw Alferova on the screen, in the film “Walking Through Torment,” and immediately noted the beauty and talent of the young artist. They met later when Mark Zakharov invited Alferova to play at Lenkom. And then, on tour in Yerevan, Abdulov began to actively court Alferova, although he was still in actual civil marriage with Mosconcert dancer Tatyana Leibel. Be that as it may, Abdulov and Alferova soon began to live together, and the actor raised her daughter from his first marriage, Ksenia, as his own.

Not only they themselves, but also friends and acquaintances, for example Mark Rudinshtein, tried to save the marriage of Alferova and Abdulov. He even specially organized a joint performance for them at the next Kinotavr film festival.

“I did a lot to reconcile Alferova and Abdulov. At Kinotavr there was a number when they rode out on two horses in the circus and sang their song. And then they sat on the embankment and both cried... I hoped that I would be able to somehow reunite this couple, but, alas, I miscalculated. Alferova herself told me how he [Abdulov] sometimes treated her badly, brought women into the house, and she was forced to set the tables and everything else,” said Mark Rudinshtein.

Although many believe that the reason for the divorce was Abdulov’s infidelity, there are other opinions. For example, the spouses have completely different temperaments. Patient and correct Alferova dreamed of a quiet family happiness, uncontrollable and explosive Abdulov could not stand silence. But the actor’s mother claimed that the actors divorced due to the lack of a common child.

Children are a separate topic in the life of Alexander Abdulov. Some women who were next to him said that he for a long time I didn’t want to become a father, believing that children could interfere with work. Others insist that he always dreamed of children.

Abdulov was able to experience the happiness of fatherhood, however, already at the age of 53 and, alas, not for long. His daughter Evgenia was not even two years old when Abdulov died. But as the actor’s friends say, Alexander Abdulov was truly happy with the mother of his own daughter, lawyer Yulia (nee Meshina).

Alferova also found what she was looking for. After her divorce from Abdulov, she remarried actor Sergei Martynov, with whom she still lives.

“Love is something that is not understood by the brain. As soon as she becomes reasonable, calculating, that’s something else. Love is crazy, crazy and whatever you want it to be. Over time, it develops into a habit, life goes on, and that’s it. And at first it’s an unearthly state, when you don’t walk, but fly, when you can go crazy from the touch of a hand - a completely uncontrollable process.”

From an interview with Alexander Abdulov.

For Irina Alferova, since her youth, the phrase: “Die, but don’t give a kiss without love” was a rule of behavior. She did not torment her fans, did not play with them like a cat with mice, and did not single out anyone. Some mothers of young sufferers were openly perplexed: they say, who does she want? Is it really a prince on a white horse?! “I kept quiet and knew to myself that I needed just one. And I waited for fate to give me this meeting,” the actress later recalled.

She waited - and waited. Young Alexander Abdulov, then just Sasha, turned out to be the spitting image of a prince from a fairy tale. Tall, broad-shouldered, with sad eyes and a smile beautiful face. They seemed made for each other.

Prince named Alexander Abdulov

But they might not have met. At that time, Irina Alferova was in poverty: life with her first husband, Bulgarian businessman Boyko Gyurov, was not going well. No apartment, no registration, no money... And in her arms - a one and a half year old child. Alferova was not hired - who needs an inexperienced actress who has not worked a day on stage? They say that Irina’s friends helped her: someone rented a room in a communal apartment, someone donated money from time to time. She already wanted to return to her parents in Novosibirsk. How long will she have to suffer herself and torment little Ksyusha?! Leave, just leave!

She didn't leave. Fate finally rewarded her for her patience: one day, accidentally getting to a rehearsal in Lenkom, Irina Alferova dared to talk with the main director, Mark Zakharov, and she was accepted into the troupe. There she met her prince. His name was Sasha Abdulov.

...The theater was on tour in Yerevan. IN free time lovers walked through the park: the foliage rustling under their feet, the piercing blue of the sky - the perfect backdrop for a romantic date. Alexander asked: “Will you take me as your husband?” “If you carry it in your arms across the entire park, I will answer!” He grabbed her and did not let go of his precious burden even when the park was far behind. Returning to Moscow, they got married.

“Irina Alferova and I had a brilliant wedding: there were two of us. We were at the registry office, then at the church, then we came to the hostel and celebrated the wedding there,” Abdulov later recalled. The newlyweds settled in a hostel, and later, thanks to the efforts of Evgeny Leonov, they received an apartment. Alexander found common language with two-year-old Ksyusha, who began to call him dad. (He worried about her until his last days, rejoiced at her wedding and, as if real father, was jealous of Ksenia towards other men).

Irina Alferova and Alexander Abdulov. What fairy tales are not written about

Fairy tales often end with the words: “After the wedding, they lived happily ever after.” In the life of the most beautiful couple in the country, everything was, alas, not so. Alexander turned out to be the leading actor of the Theater. Lenin Komsomol, a favorite of director Mark Zakharov - the actor was, as they say, in great demand. Rehearsals, premiere shows, tours. Filming, filming, filming. Some even thought that he had “unhealthy popularity.”

While her husband was shining, Irina vegetated in the crowd. Alexander was not going to bother for his wife: “My Irka is very beautiful and talented. They’ll take her without me!” But they didn’t take it. Moreover, everyone around - both spectators and journalists - as if by agreement, admired her unearthly beauty, but for some reason no one exclaimed: “Lord, how talented she is!” How amazingly, how soulfully he plays!” Alferova did not dare to leave the theater; she kept waiting for a real, big role, but it never came. And when, on the advice of Evgeny Leonov, Irina asked the director to include her as the second cast in “An Optimistic Tragedy,” she received a decisive refusal.

And then there are these constant calls from my husband’s fans... Both angry and supposedly sympathetic: your husband is completely cheating on you, ah-ah! How. Irochka, you didn’t know this? Oh, poor you, poor... naive. Beauty has never stopped a single man from cheating!

Subsequently, Abdulov honestly admitted his love for women: “Yes, I’m a womanizer, a womanizer. Thank God it’s not blue.” To the actor’s credit, he never flaunted details, believing that “it’s not masculine to establish yourself in women’s circulation.”

Don't part with your loved ones

Yes, the then Sasha Abdulov was not created for a quiet family life. As people say, his “skin was on fire” - he loved gathering noisy companies around him, spending time in restaurants, going fishing. He had no intention of leaving Irina. Where to go? For what? From a beloved woman, an object of tenderness and endless admiration?! How could this fit in with his endless hobbies? Yes, it could - man's love completely different.

Irina didn’t demand anything from him, she avoided a showdown in every possible way - she couldn’t and didn’t want to. And when she starred in the video of singer Alexander Serov, rumors spread about their alleged romance. Viewers, as often happens, confused the screen fairy tale with life. There was no romance, and there could not have been: despite the abundance of fans, Alferova did not waste her time on affairs, she still loved her husband.

Yes, she loved him, but she could no longer live with him. In 1993, the couple separated. Later, in an interview, she admits: “You see, Sasha has done a lot in his life, but that’s how he is! And I understand him. I just need something completely different in my life. And everyone needs him! To all women!

Star couple Irina Alferova and Alexander Abdulov. Life after love

On the set of the film "Sheriff's Star" the actress met Sergei Martynov. He turned out to be unambitious and, despite his external beauty (it was not for nothing that in the seventies and eighties of the last century he played both fairy-tale princes and White Guard officers), absolutely indifferent to the flattery of fans. Sergei became not only a husband for Irina, but also a guardian angel.

But also old love does not rust: ten years after their divorce, Abdulov told reporters: “I had one wife - Irina Alferova.” He invited her to his entreprise performance; they starred in the same film (“Trap”). It’s rare that someone manages to maintain warm, family relationships after a breakup. They saved it. Heavy, terrible disease Alexandra Abdulov, Irina Alferova worried about his death, as only a loved one can worry, dear person. Probably, if they had not divorced then, they would have lived together until his last days. What a pity that history does not know the subjunctive mood. What a pity…

At first glance at this tall, handsome man with slightly sad eyes, Irina Alferova was sure that she would definitely not succeed with him. After many years, she realized that the first impression was correct. But then the lover Abdulov managed to convince her.

Carried in my arms

He shone on the Lenkom stage, she captivated the country with her role in “Walking Through Torment.” Both were young, talented, beautiful - and seemed to each other perfect couple. But Alferova did not agree to marry Alexander Abdulov for a long time. He proposed marriage while on tour in Yerevan, during a walk in the park. And I received the answer: “If you can carry me in your arms across the entire park, I will agree.”

Abdulov did it. The 23-year-old actor was not embarrassed either by the fact that Ira was older, or by the fact that she already had a daughter from short first marriage. “He could make a holiday. I enter the apartment and there are orchids all around. Orchids are everywhere. Above, below, left, right,” Alferova will later remember her life with Abdulov. He considered her Ksyusha my own daughter, and this one beautiful family soon began to be perceived as exemplary. They did not hesitate to demonstrate their happiness: the three of them hosted the morning children's program “Alarm Clock” on television, and happily posed for photographers at home. But when the door closed behind the journalists, the fairy tale gave way real life.

"He is for everyone"

Alexander Abdulov was a holiday man. Friends, parties, skit parties, night gatherings meant a lot to him. His energy was enough for everyone, he loved to please and be happy, he loved to be loved. Having lived for many years in this atmosphere of eternal holiday, Irina was tired. The atmosphere in the theater was also oppressive: from the very beginning, her marriage to the main star of Lenkom was perceived as her way to break into the main roles. And she endured it, was content with roles in the crowd, but did not complain to her husband.

The crisis came in the early 90s. After 17 years of marriage, Alferova found out that Abdulov was cheating on her - and this was the last straw. “You see, Sasha has done a lot in his life, but he is SUCH! And I understand him. I just need something completely different in my life, but I understand why he did all this. Everyone needs Sasha! To all women! He’s for everyone!” she justified her ex-husband. For Abdulov, the divorce seemed to open his eyes. All the petty affairs were a thing of the past, he only needed Ira - but Ira left him. He swore off marriage and for many years He really lived as a bachelor until he met Yulia Meshina. Many did not believe in their marriage, but in 2006 Abdulov still decided to get a second stamp in his passport. And at the age of 53 he became a father for the first time: Julia gave birth to his daughter Zhenya.

It seemed that the story with Irina Alferova was forever in the past. But fate brought the former spouses together again.

"Part of my family"

Calling divorced Abdulov and Alferova to play the roles of husband and wife was a bold idea of ​​the directors of the series “Trap”. At first it seemed unrealistic, but when Abdulov was asked directly if he would mind playing with Ira, he asked hopefully: “Did she agree?”

Alferova reacted the same way. What added piquancy to the situation was that according to the script, the characters participated in a sex scene. “As a result, they looked very organic in the frame. We all had the impression then that if we and our cameras had suddenly disappeared somewhere, leaving them alone, they wouldn’t have stopped…” said series director Vladimir Krasnopolsky. But if this could still be attributed to high professionalism, then the “chemistry” that instantly arose between ex-spouses on the site, it was impossible to explain anything other than the remaining mutual feelings. In the presence of Irina, Abdulov joked especially loudly, and she laughed like a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl in love.

Already married to Yulia by that time, Abdulov never brought his wife to film set, when his “ex” was there. And if Yulia called on the phone and Irina was nearby, the actor looked a little guilty - and he quickly ended the conversation. “I have no resentment or remorse towards this woman. And I’m always glad to see her,” Abdulov admitted. “Ira and Ksyukha are part of my family and will remain so as long as I live.”...Almost immediately after filming “Trap,” Alexander Abdulov was given a terrible diagnosis: lung cancer, stage four. At the funeral, both of the actor’s wives sat next to each other, both blackened with grief. On the ninth day Irina came to ex-husband to the grave to say goodbye once again. Like him, she had no grudges left towards him - only gratitude for their great and enduring love.

A long period of getting used to each other is behind us. However, the madness of love is also left behind. But there is respect, a certain amount of reverence, common holidays, dreams, goals. And yet they diverge. Why? This question has been raised more than once regarding the most beautiful couple Soviet Union. Alexander Abdulov and Irina Alferova.

She is the first woman with whom he legitimized his relationship before God and people. He is her passion, her pain. Let their marriage not last 20 years (the stars were married for 15 years). But fans and friends still wonder: why did Abdulov and Alferova divorce?


Alferova was born and raised in a family of lawyers. Your beauty and luxurious hair the girl inherited it from her mother, who in her youth dreamed of being an artist. But it didn’t work out.

Irina and her mother were very close. The mother supported her daughter in everything. She even accompanied Irina to Moscow to enter GITIS.

The girl’s creative path began at the Novosibirsk amateur theater. After graduating from school, Irina could not imagine her later life no stage. A small theater studio was not enough: more serious training was needed. Alferova understood this. She set off to conquer Moscow.

Irina entered GITIS on the first try. In her first year, the girl married the son of a Bulgarian diplomat. She gave birth to a daughter, Ksenia. Lived in Bulgaria calm and measured family life. She acted in films and played on the theater stage. What went wrong is unknown.

Evil tongues claim that Alferova vegetated in poverty. Most likely, the relationship has simply run its course. And the young artist managed to fall in love with Moscow. The couple separated, Irina left, and daughter Ksenia remained in Novosibirsk for a while.

At first, Alferova huddled in corners, took on roles in the crowd, did not live, but vegetated. Joy knew no bounds when Mark Zakharov invited her to the Lenkom troupe...


Abdulov was born in Tobolsk in a huge creative family. Father is the director of the Fergana Drama Theater (Abdulov Jr. spent his childhood in Fergana). Parents really wanted Sasha to play. He got his first role at the age of five.

But the boy was not passionate about the theater. He lived his own boyish life. He went in for sports, was fond of music... My father insisted on enrolling in the Shchepkinskoye Theater. But Sasha didn’t do it. Abdulov went to the Faculty of Physical Education at the Pedagogical University. I studied for a year. And in the spring I entered GITIS.

Already from his second year, Alexander performed on stage. After the graduation performance young actor noted Mark Zakharov. And he didn’t just notice, but invited him to main role in the drama “Not on the Lists.” Now Abdulov worked at Lenkom...

They met...

Both are beautiful and talented. On the one hand, they simply could not be together. On the other hand, this beautiful couple initially doomed to divorce (too many envious people and “well-wishers” around).

Irina starred in the film “Walking Through Torment.” The role in the film promised fame to the young artist. Alexander played on the Lenkom stage. They met. A rake and a womanizer, Abdulov could not help but notice beautiful Irina. If an actor likes someone, he will do everything to win the favor of the object of passion. All his women are talking about this today.

Abdulov knew how to look after. He knew how to turn everyday life into a holiday. The rapprochement of young beautiful artists was rapid.

Lenkom went on tour to Yerevan. Alexander and Irina walked in the dark evenings and dined together. Abdulov proposed to Alferova. The girl decided to joke: “If you carry me in your arms across the park, I’ll give you the answer.” Abdulov finally suffered. Alferova said: “Yes.”

In 1976, the actors got married. The wedding was very noisy and crowded: Irina and Sasha went to the registry office together, got married together in the church, and then celebrated this celebration in the hostel.

Abdulov quickly found a common language with Alferova’s daughter Ksenia. They made the children's show “Alarm Clock” together. Can you imagine how many fans this program had? Not only children, but also adults watched it. Of course! Then there was something to talk about for a whole week! How did Alexander look at Irina? How did she answer him? What did you say? This was the first star couple, who showed her relationship to the whole country.

Outwardly everything was very good. Then why did the actors get divorced? Although others were more surprised why they had been together for so long?

It is difficult to call a couple a single whole. Irina craved more attention from her husband and his support. Alexander couldn't give it to her. Abdulov is a holiday man who contains many characters. It was very difficult for him to sit still. It is even more difficult to change... Over time, the difference in characters began to be felt more strongly.

Alexander’s love adventures and calls from his fans from frank confessions, revelations in the yellow press. Abdulov acted endlessly, went on tour, and shone on the theater stage. And Irina could only wait. And wait forever.

Naturally, this state of affairs could not pass without leaving a trace. The last point for the couple was the role of Alferova in the video of Alexander Serov. It is unlikely that Abdulov believed the evil gossip: Irina was always faithful to the artist. But the timing of the events coincided. Clip - serious conversation - divorce.

Irina and Alexander did not throw mud at each other, did not share anything and did not make trouble. They managed to keep it even after the divorce. warm relations. Each one began a different, new life.