All organic reactions are needed for the exam. Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry from scratch

The Unified State Exam in Chemistry in 2015 is not mandatory state exams. Typically, this exam is taken by graduates who have long decided which university and specialty they will enroll in. As a rule, the Unified State Exam in chemistry is required for admission to specialties related to medicine, chemistry or food industry. The Unified State Exam in chemistry is not inferior in complexity to either mathematics or physics. Therefore for successful completion exam, you need to start preparing as early as possible. And if knowledge on this subject is practically zero, then without outside help and painstaking independent work The chances of passing the Unified State Exam in chemistry are scanty.

Structure of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry

The Unified State Exam in chemistry consists of 40 tasks, which are divided into three levels of difficulty:

  • First level - tasks basic level. At this level, you need to choose one correct answer from four proposed answers. Each correct answer will be worth one point
  • The second level of difficulty consists of intermediate level tasks. At this level, you should write down the answer to each task. Depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer, answers will be scored from 1 to 2 points
  • The third level of difficulty consists of fairly complex tasks. Answers at this level should be detailed, with full description the entire task solving process. The score at this level of difficulty is from 3 to 4 points, depending on the completeness of solving the task.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry

To begin with, the graduate must decide for himself whether he is ready for passing the Unified State Exam in chemistry. To do this, you need to take trial demonstration tests for the Unified State Exam in chemistry, which can be found. Solving these tests will show your real level of knowledge.

If the level of knowledge is very low, then preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry should start from scratch. To do this, you must enroll in preparatory courses in chemistry. In these courses, qualified specialists will help to significantly increase the level of knowledge, both in the theoretical part of the subject and in solving problems of various levels. If it is not possible to attend such courses, then it is worth finding a tutor who will study individually, which will also help positive influence on fundamental knowledge of chemistry. At the same time, you must independently carefully study and work through topic by topic, reinforcing your theoretical knowledge by solving practical problems.

Algorithm for self-preparation for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry

To independently prepare for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry, you will definitely need basic school textbooks on chemistry, workbooks, reference materials and manuals for preparing for the Unified State Exam.

A student with a zero level of knowledge should prepare for the exam in stages, according to the following plan:

  • Basic concepts of chemistry
  • Nomenclature of inorganic and organic substances
  • Atomic structure
  • Chemical bonds

For each topic, it is necessary to keep notes in which to write down basic concepts, terms and formulas. After each topic, you need to write a test dictation, which will help reveal the real level of theoretical knowledge. Once the theory has been sorted out and studied, it is necessary to begin solving problems that can be taken from training papers for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry 2015 or previous years. When solving problems special attention should be given to solving tasks on chains of transformations. Solving exactly these problems will help you quickly learn large number chemical reactions and consolidate knowledge of chemistry.

The video course “Get an A” includes all the topics necessary to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics with 60-65 points. Completely all problems 1-13 Profile Unified State Examination in mathematics. Also suitable for passing the Basic Unified State Examination in mathematics. If you want to pass the Unified State Exam with 90-100 points, you need to solve part 1 in 30 minutes and without mistakes!

Preparation course for the Unified State Exam for grades 10-11, as well as for teachers. Everything you need to solve Part 1 of the Unified State Exam in mathematics (the first 12 problems) and Problem 13 (trigonometry). And this is more than 70 points on the Unified State Exam, and neither a 100-point student nor a humanities student can do without them.

All the necessary theory. Quick ways solutions, pitfalls and secrets of the Unified State Exam. All current tasks of part 1 from the FIPI Task Bank have been analyzed. The course fully complies with the requirements of the Unified State Exam 2018.

The course contains 5 large topics, 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, simply and clearly.

Hundreds of Unified State Exam tasks. Word problems and probability theory. Simple and easy to remember algorithms for solving problems. Geometry. Theory, reference material, analysis of all types of Unified State Examination tasks. Stereometry. Tricky solutions, useful cheat sheets, development of spatial imagination. Trigonometry from scratch to problem 13. Understanding instead of cramming. Clear explanations of complex concepts. Algebra. Roots, powers and logarithms, function and derivative. A basis for solving complex problems of Part 2 of the Unified State Exam.

The textbook contains material for preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry.
43 topics of the Unified State Exam program are presented, tasks for which correspond to basic (28), advanced (10) and high (5) levels of complexity. The entire theory is structured in accordance with the topics and issues of the content of control measurement materials.
Each topic contains theoretical principles, questions and exercises, tests of all types (single-choice, matching, multiple-choice or number-based), and tasks with a detailed answer.
Addressed to teachers and high school students high school, as well as university applicants, teachers and students of chemical faculties (schools) of pre-university training.

Samples of metals are given: lead - copper - mercury - sodium - gold - silver - tungsten.
Identify these metals by physical characteristics:
a) very soft (cut with a knife);
b) painted yellow;
c) has a matte surface;
d) has the greatest refractoriness;
e) liquid at room temperature;
f) painted red;
g) has a metallic luster and high electrical conductivity.

Copper samples were obtained from the starting substances: red Cu2O, black CuO, white CuSO4, blue CuSO4 5H2O, dark green Cu2CO3(OH)2 and yellow-brown CuCl2. Should (yes, no) the resulting copper samples be different:
a) by color,
b) by melting point,
c) by the ability to become covered with a black-green coating in city air?

1. Theoretical sections of chemistry
1.1. Modern ideas about the structure of the atom 8
1.2. Periodic law and Periodic Table chemical elements DI. Mendeleeva 17
1.2.1. Patterns of changes in the chemical properties of elements and their compounds by periods and groups 17
1.2.2-1.2.3. General characteristics metals of the main subgroups of groups I-III and transition elements (copper, zinc, chromium, iron) according to their position in the Periodic Table
system and structural features of their atoms 24
1.2.4. General characteristics of main nonmetals
subgroups IV-VII groups according to their position in Periodic table and the structural features of their atoms 30
1.3. Chemical bond and structure of matter 44
1.3.1. Covalent bond, its varieties and mechanisms of formation. Polarity and energy of covalent bonds. Ionic bond. Metal connection. Hydrogen bond 44
1.3.2. Electronegativity and oxidation state of chemical elements. Valence of atoms 52
1.3.3. Substances of molecular and non-molecular structure. Type crystal lattice. Dependence of the properties of substances on their composition and structure 59
1.4. Chemical reaction 68
1.4.1-1.4.2. Classification of reactions in inorganic and organic chemistry. Thermal effect of the reaction. Thermochemical Equations 68
1.4.3. Reaction speed, its dependence on various factors 80
1.4.4. Reversible and irreversible reactions. Chemical balance. Shift of equilibrium under the influence of various factors 88
1.4.5. Dissociation of electrolytes in aqueous solutions. Strong and weak electrolytes 98
1.4.6. Ion exchange reactions 108
1.4.7. Hydrolysis of salts. Aqueous solution environment: acidic, neutral, alkaline 115
1.4.8. Redox reactions. Corrosion of metals and methods of protection against it 128
1.4.9. Electrolysis of melts and solutions (salts, alkalis, acids) 144
2. Inorganic chemistry
2.1. Classification of inorganic substances. Nomenclature of inorganic substances (trivial and international) 149
2.2. Characteristic chemical properties simple substances- metals: alkali, alkaline earth, aluminum, transition metals - copper, zinc, chromium, iron 170
2.3. Characteristic chemical properties of simple substances - nonmetals: hydrogen, halogens, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, silicon 177
2.4. Characteristic chemical properties of oxides: basic, amphoteric, acidic 189
2.5-2.6. Characteristic chemical properties of bases, amphoteric hydroxides and acids 193
2.7. Characteristic chemical properties of salts: medium, acidic, basic, complex (using the example of aluminum and zinc compounds) 199
2.8. Interrelation of various classes of inorganic substances 202
3. Organic chemistry
3.1-3.2. Theory of structure organic compounds: homology and isomerism (structural and spatial). Hybridization of carbon 205 atomic orbitals
3.3. Classification of organic compounds. Nomenclature of organic compounds (trivial and international). Radical. Functional group 213
3.4. Characteristic chemical properties of hydrocarbons: alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, dienes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene and toluene) 220
3.5. Characteristic chemical properties of saturated monohydric and polyhydric alcohols, phenol 239
3.6. Characteristic chemical properties of aldehydes, saturated carboxylic acids, esters 247
3.7. Characteristic chemical properties of nitrogen-containing organic compounds: amines, amino acids 255
3.8. Biologically important compounds: fats, proteins, carbohydrates (mono-, di- and polysaccharides) 259
3.9. Relationship between organic compounds 267
4. Methods of knowledge in chemistry. Chemistry and life
4.1. Experimental Fundamentals of Chemistry 272
4.1.1-4.1.2. Rules for working in the laboratory. Methods for separating mixtures and purifying substances 272
4.1.3-4.1.5. Determination of the nature of the medium of aqueous solutions of substances. Indicators. Qualitative reactions to inorganic substances and ions. Identification of organic compounds 272
4.1.6. The main methods of obtaining (in the laboratory) specific substances belonging to the studied classes of inorganic compounds 284
4.1.7. The main methods for producing hydrocarbons (in the laboratory) 286
4.1.8. The main methods for obtaining oxygen-containing organic compounds (in the laboratory) 292
4.2. General views O industrial methods obtaining essential substances 298
4.2.1. Concept of metallurgy: general methods obtaining metals 298
4.2.2. General scientific principles chemical production(using the example of the production of ammonia, sulfuric acid, methanol). Chemical pollution environment and its consequences 300
4.2.3. Natural springs hydrocarbons, their processing 302
4.2.4. High molecular weight compounds. Polymerization and polycondensation reactions. Polymers. Plastics, rubbers, fibers 303
4.3. Calculations using chemical formulas and reaction equations 311
4.3.1-4.3.2. Calculations of volumetric ratios of gases and thermal effect in reactions 311
4.3.3. Calculation of the mass of a solute contained in a certain mass of a solution with a known mass fraction 315
4.3.4. Calculation of the mass of a substance or volume of gases based on a known amount of a substance, mass or volume of one of the substances participating in the reaction 321
4.3.5-4.3.8. Calculations: mass (volume, amount of substance) of the reaction product, if one of the substances is given in excess (has impurities) or in the form of a solution with a certain mass fraction of the substance; practical product yield, mass fraction(mass) of substance in mixture 324
4.3.9. Calculations to find the molecular formula of a substance 328
Answers to tasks for independent work 333

For informational purposes, the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) presented documents regulating the structure of the Unified State Exam KIM. You can learn about the main innovations from the specification. As we see, new version The CMM version contains 2 parts, consisting of 40 tasks of varying complexity. By the way, there was a decrease maximum score for completing all the work - in 2015 it is 64 (in 2014 - 65).

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry?

Learning the language of chemistry

Like any other subject, chemistry needs to be understood, not crammed. After all, chemistry is a continuous interweaving of formulas, laws, definitions, names of reactions and elements. Here it is important to master the chemical “language”, and then it will be easier - you will be able to notice some patterns, learn to understand and compose chemical formulas, and also operate with them. As we know, “the one who walks masters the road.”

What books will help you successfully prepare for the Unified State Exam 2015 in chemistry? Pay attention to the collection of tasks "Unified State Examination - 2015. Chemistry." (2014 ed.) authors Orzhekovsky P.A., Bogdanova N.N., Vasyukova E.Yu. A lot of useful information can also be gleaned from the educational and methodological manual “Chemistry, preparation for the Unified State Exam - 2015” (Book 1 and 2) by V.N. Doronkin.

Using tables correctly is half the success

To prepare for the Unified State Exam in chemistry “from scratch,” it is important to carefully study 3 tables:

  • Mendeleev
  • solubility of salts, acids and bases
  • electrochemical voltage series of metals

Note! These reference tables are included with each option exam paper. The ability to use them correctly ensures that you receive more than 50% of the information needed in the exam.

Writing formulas and tables

Knowledge of which sections of chemistry will be tested on the Unified State Exam? The FIPI website provides access to an open bank of Unified State Examination tasks in chemistry - you can try your hand at solving problems. The codifier contains a list of content elements tested on the Unified State Exam in chemistry.

It is better to outline each topic studied in the form of brief notes, diagrams, formulas, tables. In this form, the effectiveness of preparation for the Unified State Exam will significantly increase.

Mathematics as a basis

It is no secret that chemistry as a subject is “saturated” with various tasks on percentages, alloys, and the amount of solutions. So knowledge of mathematics is very important for solving chemical problems.

We check our level of knowledge and skills with the help of demo version KIM Unified State Exam 2015 in chemistry, prepared by FIPI. The demo version allows the graduate to get an idea of ​​the structure of CMMs, types of tasks and their levels of complexity.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in chemistry “from scratch”? Study the material meaningfully, ask questions, try to understand the essence. There are also numerous Internet resources at your disposal, with the help of which you can sort out “incomprehensible” moments. It is possible to successfully pass the Unified State Exam – believe in yourself! And our video will reveal to you some secrets of preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry.

Greetings to schoolchildren who have entered 11th grade! Last academic year the most memorable and important in a student’s life. After all, you need to finally decide on the choice of your future specialty and subjects for exams. This time I have chosen for you useful material about how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in chemistry.

We will help you prepare for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam

Theory for preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry

Preparation for the exam always begins with studying the theoretical part. Therefore, if your knowledge of chemistry is at an average level, improve the theory, but reinforce it with practical exercises.

In 2018 year of the Unified State Exam in chemistry consisted of 35 tasks: the first 29 questions require choosing an answer from those proposed, or writing a digital answer after calculation, the remaining 6 tasks require providing a complete, detailed answer. For the first 29 answers you can score a maximum of 40 points, and for the second part of the Unified State Exam- 20 points. Possibly in 2019 Unified State Exam structure in chemistry will remain unchanged.

The main theoretical questions in the Unified State Exam in chemistry cover the following topics:

  • The structure of the atom in the modern understanding.
  • Periodic table.
  • Inorganic chemistry (chemical properties of metals and non-metals).
  • Organic chemistry (fats, proteins and carbohydrates).
  • Experimental chemistry in theory (working and safety rules in the laboratory, methods for obtaining a certain substance).
  • Ideas about methods for obtaining the required substances and elements in an industrial version (metallurgy and methods for producing metals in production, chemical industry).
  • Calculations using formulas and chemical equations.

Plan preparation for the Unified State Exam in chemistry

1). Create an annual plan with hourly calculations and a choice of preparation days. For example, study chemistry for 2 hours a day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

2). It is best to involve in preparation loved one(parents or sister/brother). If this is not possible, then team up with another student planning to take the Unified State Exam in chemistry. This way you will feel each other’s support and at the same time push you on if one of you is lagging behind. This is a unique way of motivation, and the classes will be more interesting.

3). Calculate the time to complete each test task. This way you will know in advance how much time to spend on a question, and if you get stuck on something, you can move on to another task and return to the unfinished task later.

4). As you approach the exam, try to maximize your nutrition and sleep. The examinee should feel rested.

Advice! During the exam itself, you need to decide on the difficulty of the tasks. The items that are easiest for you to understand are best left for the last 30 minutes of the exam. The tasks of the second part will bring you high score, so it is recommended to start with them, but it is advisable to adhere to the planned time for completing each task. Answers to simple questions can be given at the end of the exam.

Books for preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry

You can independently prepare for the chemistry exam by studying textbooks and methodological manuals. This method is the most difficult, since the student will need maximum concentration, the ability to independently understand the material, perseverance and self-discipline.

Among the popular textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry are:

  • “Unified State Exam. Chemistry. Big reference book" (authors - Doronkin, Sazhneva, Berezhnaya). The book describes in detail the main sections of organic and inorganic chemistry, as well as general chemistry. The manual contains tasks for the practical part. The book contains 560 pages. Approximate cost is about 300 rubles.
  • « Chemistry tutor"(author - Egorov). The book was created for in-depth study of chemistry in preparation for the Unified State Exam. “Tutor” consists of theoretical questions and answers to them (thematic testing), as well as practical tasks according to difficulty levels with detailed explanation solution algorithm. The book contains 762 pages. Approximate cost is about 600 rubles.

Courses in chemistry: preparation for the Unified State Exam

The most popular and in a simple way Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry is accepted by attending group courses or an individual tutor. Self-discipline and independent analysis of materials are not required here. A chemistry teacher will schedule a visit and help you understand simple and complex problems within the approved program.

The material provided in chemistry courses is usually based on questions and topics from last year's USE. The teacher takes into account the most common mistakes students and gives full analysis such tasks.

Chemistry website for preparing for the Unified State Exam

Distance learning is popular now, so you can take advantage of the opportunity to prepare for the Unified State Exam in chemistry using online lessons. Some of them are free, some are completely paid, and there are online lessons with partial payment, i.e. you can watch the first lesson for free, and then decide to continue training on a paid basis.