Characteristics of common birch. Birch: description, types, places of growth

Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region

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Zaraisky Pedagogical College named after V.V. Vinogradov

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Topic: “Birch is the tree of life. »

Listener: Shabalkina T.G.

Checked by: Bogomolova V.M.

Deev E.E.




1.Birch - tree of life

2.Biological description


4.Meaning and application

5. Birch in culture and ethnography. Birch in paganism

6.Birch in fine arts

7.In heraldry

8.Birch in culture Slavic peoples and in Russia

9. In the culture of other peoples


Birch - tree of life

For a long time, birch has enjoyed special honor and respect in Rus'. This is connected not only with the fact that the white-trunked forest beauty has become a kind of symbol of spring, light, love for the motherland, but also with its numerous healing properties. It is no coincidence that the birch is called the tree of life and health.

BIRCH grows in many countries. In Russia, birch groves occupy third place in terms of distribution area after pine and deciduous forests.

Few people know that in addition to the traditional white color of birch bark, it can be yellow, pink, bright orange, dark purple, and black.

In general, there are about 120 species of birch, 64 of which are found in Russia. The lifespan of a tree does not exceed 120 years, with the exception of the so-called iron birch, which sometimes reaches up to 400 years.

Almost everything that birch is capable of producing - bark, buds, leaves, birch sap and even birch mushroom (chaga) in the form of ugly growths on the trunk - is used in folk medicine.

People call the birch the beauty of Russian forests.

Slender, with thin long branches and a spreading crown, it is attractive at all times of the year. Many songs, epics, legends have been written about the birch, and many picturesque paintings have been created. Everyone knows it, it is the most common tree. The symbol and pride of the Russian people. White birch is beautiful both in an open field and in a bright forest clearing. And the white trunks of a birch grove in the background summer grass and bright colors - such a picture will be remembered for a lifetime! There is a lot of light in the birch forests, the air is transparent and clean.

Birch blooms at the end of April and early May, followed by hazel and willow. Her flowers are modest - earrings. And when yellow-lemon leaves appear on the birch, it means September is around the corner.

Birch fruits are easily carried by the wind. It quickly grows where other trees cannot grow in cleared forests, which is why birch is called the pioneer of forests. Birch grows quickly. In a quarter of a century it rises to the height of a five-story building, especially on damp soils. The tree pumps them out for warm summer days up to forty buckets of moisture. And everything from birch goes into business. Medicines are prepared from the kidneys. Brooms and brooms are made from branches. From birch bark - it is separated in paper-thin layers - folk craftsmen make tueski, baskets for collecting mushrooms and berries. Birch firewood is the best fuel in a Russian stove. The wood is used to make plywood, furniture, durable skis, turpentine, wood alcohol, and vinegar.

It is impossible to imagine the life of our ancestors without birch. Their source of light was a birch sliver, which illuminated their homes for many centuries. In total there are more than 140 species of birch trees. They grow all over northern hemisphere- from subtropics to tundra. There are up to 70 species in our country. But some species of birch trees are disappearing due to unwise logging.

Currently, four species of Far Eastern birch and Mingrelian birch, growing in the Caucasus, are listed in the Red Book. The age of birch sometimes reaches 120 years. If you cut a birch trunk in early spring, a clear, slightly sweet liquid will flow out of it - birch sap. It is used to prepare drinks and kvass. But as the proverb says: “Birch trees are worth a penny, but the forest is worth a ruble.” A wounded tree, deprived of its reserves, which are used to form young shoots and foliage, is depleted. In addition, harmful microbes enter the trunk through the wound and cause tree diseases. It’s better to leave the birch alone and not damage it. But its skillful use for medicinal purposes will not harm the tree.

Young birch leaves, unopened buds, and the mulberry mushroom - chaga: fruit nodule-like growths with a cracked black surface have healing properties. They are collected all year round. It is pleasant and joyful to walk in a birch forest during mushroom season. After the rain, yellow, elastic chanterelles appear under the birch trees. Where birch grows in the forest interspersed with pine, boletuses with red and yellow caps rise to the surface. But you will experience special joy when you see the golden, tanned cap of a porcini mushroom, which is considered the king of mushrooms.

Biological description:

birch bark

Many types of birch are widespread and important forest-forming species, largely determining the appearance and species compositiondeciduousand coniferous-deciduous (mixed) forests V moderate And cold parts Eurasia And North America. There are among the birches andbushes. The most famous of themDwarf birch(Betula nana) common in tundraEuropeand North America And mountain tundraSiberia. It does not even reach 1 m in height. INglacialand during the post-glacial period this birch was distributed much further to the south; now it is found there onswamps How relic.

Most birches are very frost-resistant, do not suffer from spring frosts, and toleratepermafrost, penetrate far beyondArctic Circleor form the upper border of forests in the mountains (birchcrooked forest on Caucasus). Birch is more demanding of warmthsubtropicalareas (Himalayan-Chinese, some Japanese and AmericanRiver birch .

To wealth soilbirch is not demanding. Birch species grow onsandy And loamy, on rich and poor, on wet and dry soils. It is found on damp banks of rivers and seas, in swamps, in swampytundra, on dry rocky slopes, in hot drysteppes. So, for example, Birch Raddeforms forests coveringgorges V mountain forest belt in the mountains Dagestan.

Most birches are light-loving, although there are some that are quite shade-tolerant (Ribbed birch , Woolly birch And Yellow birch .

Birch forest in the areaInari (FinnishpolarLapland)

Many species of birch are pioneers in settling clearings,burnt out, wastelands and outcrops (this isSilver birch: in these places, pure birch stands (secondary forests) are often observed, mainly of the grass type, so birch is often classified as a soil-improving species. Subsequently, the composition of the forest stand changes: birch is replacedspruce, since spruce shoots can exist under a relatively light birch canopy, and young birch trees are shaded by spruce trees and die.

Birch groves and forests mixed with birch are characterized bymycorrhiza-forming species mushrooms, many of whom live in communities exclusively or predominantly with birch. The most common and well-known of them are:

some milkmen (milk mushroom black , pink wave, certain typesRussula - green russula, yellow russula, food russula

Meaning and Application:

The simple and touching beauty of birch gives it high aesthetic value. A slender, white-trunked, light-colored tree that provides a through shade, decorating any rural look at any time of the year, is especially loved in Russia. Since ancient times, the birch has been the image of Russia.

Decorate with birch brancheschurches and dwellings on Trinity.

Leaves are given with alum yellow paint For wool.

In beekeeping, birch is important as a pollen carrier.

Birch splinterwas considered in the old days the best for illuminating peasanthut- it burns brightly and almost withoutsoot.

Birch brooms are harvested as feed for livestock for the winter.

Birch is used more often than other types of wood for harvestingfirewood.


Birch veneer

Birch is wood)

To obtain large, good ornamental material, birch is cut down at 60-80 and sometimes even 100 years of age; onfirewoodthose considered the bestfuel, it is suitable already at 40-60 years old. Birch is of little use for buildings, as it soon rots due to the development of fungus.

Heavy dense birchwoodQuite durable and resistant to splitting. The color is white, with a more yellow core. Used to make high qualityplywood, skis, small carved toys,buttsfirearms.

Growths that occasionally form on the roots, large branches or trunks of birch trees -cap- on the cut they have a peculiar complex and beautiful pattern. Treated burl has long been used to make elegant crafts:boxes, snuff boxes, cigarette cases, decorative furniture parts. Especially appreciatedKarelian birch, which is distinguished by a very complex wood texture. Bird's eye products - special type cap, white with a black pattern - cost the same as gold.

Tar soap

Dry distillation of white bark producestar.

Birch tar is used in medicine and perfumery, mainly as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. In the old days they lubricated ithubscartwheels to reducefriction.

Birch bark

The top layer of birch bark has its own name - birch bark, or birch bark (both spellings and pronunciations are acceptable).

Due to the presence of resinous substances, birch bark is extremely durable.

Two sides of a piece of birch bark

Birch bark has long been used infolk craftsfor productiontueskov, baskets, boxes,buckets, baskets, another kitchenutensils, the simplest shoes (bast shoes), served as writing material (birch bark letter).

Birch bark is perfectly preserved in river sediments,peat bogs, thanks to which the academicianV. L. Yanin opened in Novgoroda whole treasure trove of ancient Russian manuscripts.

There are also many ancientChinese And Sanskrittexts on birch bark.

In former times it was used frommalaria(which was called intermittent fever).

The peoples of the North and Far East used birch bark to makeboatsand housing constructions -chumov.

Novgorod birch bark charter12th century.

Birch sap accumulates nutrients, includingSahara. In the spring, with the beginning of sap flow (before the leaves bloom), these substances begin to rise to the leaves.

If cuts are made on the trunk at this time, a significant amount of water will flow out of them.juice(sap - liquid released from cut vessels in the wood of stems or roots of living plants under the influence of root pressure), containing from 0.43 to 1.13% sugar. The phenomenon of leakage is observed after the first thaw; In the first days, the leakage is insignificant, but then gradually increases and, after reaching a maximum after some time, begins to gradually decrease, and by the time the buds open, it completely stops. The duration of juice flow is several weeks.

Collecting birch sap depletes the tree, and also through wounds on the bark into living ones.fabricspathogens can penetratemicroorganisms, the tree may become sick and eventually die. In this regard, after collecting the juice, it is recommended to cover up damage to the barkvarom or clay.

Syrup based on birch sap paper birchUSA. Alaska

Birch sap is used to prepare various drinks. A large birch tree can produce more than one bucket of sap per day. Juice sometimespreserve, acidifying phosphoric acid. Evaporated birch sap is used for spring feeding of bees.

Birch in culture and ethnography

Birch in paganism:

Birch - keremet(object of worship) inChuvash village

Since the time of the clan system, birch has been a cult tree and national symbol the majorityFinno-Ugric peoples - Karelian, weigh, Mansi, Khanty, Permians, Komi-Zyryan, Finns (sum) and Finnish Tavasts (eat), - and also the highly revered national tree among the Scandinavians -Swedes And Norwegians.

Rune of Berkana

Eighteenth runeGermanicalphabet, rune of growth and fertility - Berkana- means “birch”, “birch branch”.

Among the Scandinavians, the birch was a symbol of the goddessNerthus, who was considered the great Mother Earth.

Until now in the Middle and NorthSweden“Birch Days” are celebrated between April 22 and May 1. In this case, the so-called “maypole", that is polewith a crossbar at the top, which is decorated and entwined with young birch branches and the first wildflowers, and this object, which actually replaces a natural birch tree, becomes a center for gathering young people and various open-air entertainments, reminiscent in this way of the ancient holiday celebrated at the living, growing Sacred Birch.

Stefan Permsky cuts down a foul birch tree

IN Slavic beliefs the attitude towards birch was ambivalent: according to some traditions, the tree and products made from it, includingbirch bark, were considered amuletfrom evil spirits; in particular,birch brooms, used inbath, were also considered as instruments of ritual purification, and on the eveIvan Kupalabirch branches were stuck above the door to evil spirits did not enter the house. According to other traditions, the birch was considered an unclean tree, in whose branches people settled.devils And mermaids, and which is the embodiment of the souls of deceased relatives; birch was also considered a tree from which evil spirits make their tools - for example,witchesAccording to legend, they fly on birch brooms.

"Semik". Splint. XIX century.

In the vintage Russian female ritual holiday - Semikwhich was celebrated on Thursday in the seventh week afterEaster, the girls went into the forest to “curl the birch tree.” Having chosen the trees, the girls curled them - they tied the tops of two young birches, bending them to the ground. Wreaths were woven from branches. At the same time they sang songs and walkedround dancearound a birch tree decorated with ribbons, bringing it to the village. When curling the wreaths, the girls worshiped, orgot sisters: they hung them on birch branches tied in a circlecross, the girls kissed in pairs through this wreath, exchanged some things (rings, scarves) and after that called themselves godfather or sister.

It is believed that Umay(Umaya), Turkicgoddess personifying the earthlynature, descended to the ground with two birches.

Folk signs

A lot of sap flows from a birch tree in spring - for a rainy summer.

In autumn, birch leaves will begin to turn yellow from the top - early spring; they will turn yellow from below - late.

If the birch tree becomes pubescent, then expect a dry summer, but ifalder- wet.

If there are a lot of earrings on the birch trees - for the harvestpeas(Vladimir province)

If there are a lot of buds on a birch tree in spring -milletthere will be plenty (Chuvash)

If a birch cone is three times in the spring, thenoatswill be born well (Tobolsk province.

If birch buds bloom from below, then vigorous bread (good grain) will be born (Perm province)

In the spring aspenand a good birch tree - there will be vigorous bread (Tobolsk province)

If the leaves on the birch are thick and dark green (with an abundance of summer moisture) - to the harvest and growing bread

When a yellow leaf appears on the birch tree in spots the size of a horse’s head, it’s time to sow winter bread (votyats.)

If the leaves on the birch tree turn yellow at the top, rye should be sown on the first sowing; if in the middle - in the middle, if closer to the root - in the last sowing (votyats.)

When the birch catkins burst, it’s time to sow bread (Chuvash)]

If the leaves at the top of the birch tree have blossomed earlier and more, the grain needs to be sown earlier; if they bloom more in the middle, you need to sow medium; if more flowers bloom below, sow later]

If the birch tree blooms from above, then early sowing is better, if in the middle - middle sowing, if from below - late sowing (about sowing spring grains)

Sow oats when the birch leaf begins to bloom

Russian proverbs, sayings, riddles and jokes about birch

There is a tree, green in color. In this tree there are four lands: the first is for the sick to health, the second is a well for people, the third is light from winter, the fourth is swaddling clothes for the decrepit

The birch tree is not a threat: where it stands, it makes noise (Yarosl province)

The birch bark is white - but the tar is black

The birch is thin, but it teaches reason

For the enemy, birch is a threat

Birch sap with pulp

Green, not a meadow, white, not snow, curly, not a head (riddle)

I’ll climb up the mountain, strip the heifer, lard in my mouth, and skin away (riddle - birch sap)

Birch in fine arts:

Arkady Rylov.

Green noise.1904.

Isaac Levitan.

Golden autumn.1895.

Birch is perhaps the most “Russian” of all types of trees. It is difficult to imagine a plant so praised by the classics of all generations. This is not surprising: the rare grace and power combined in her image inspire people to create. But, in addition, it is also a very valuable representative of forests, providing not only wood. Today we will talk in more detail about these beauties, find out what types of common and rare birch trees exist.

Birch is one of the most common plants in our country. There are about a hundred species of birch trees, growing not only in Russia, but also in the forests of North America and throughout Europe. All varieties of birch trees can be divided into two large groups:

  • trees (their height varies between 30-50 meters, and the trunk width can reach 1.5 meters);
  • shrubs (large, small and creeping species).
  • Wood. Birch wood has a high degree of strength, which allows it to be used for the production of plywood products.
  • Burls are growths that can form on birch roots, trunks or branches. In cross-section, the burl has a very interesting pattern, which, after processing, allows it to be used for making various crafts.
  • Tar is a special substance extracted from this tree by dry distillation. It is used in medicine, as a rule, as part of various ointments or tar soap.
  • Dye . With certain processing, a yellow dye can be obtained from the leaves of the plant.
  • Pollen bearer. fishery, as it is an important pollen carrier.
  • Birch bark is top layer bark, characterized by strength and durability (thanks to the resins contained in the composition). It is used as a flammable substance or material for various crafts.
  • Birch sap, which is extracted in the spring, is very useful. It is used both raw and as a component of various decoctions and syrups. In addition, birch sap can be used to feed apiary bees.
  • Medicine. Decoctions and infusions from various parts of birch are used in medicine as diuretics, bactericidal or antipyretic agents. Next we will try to find out what types of birch trees exist.

Popular types

As mentioned earlier, there are a large number of varieties of birch trees. Today we will talk about some of the most popular of them.


The most common variety of birch in Russia is silver birch. It looks like a tree, up to 3 meters high with smooth white bark. In young trees, it is noticeable that the top layer of bark peels off easily. In “retired birches,” deep gray furrows are visible, penetrating the entire upper layer of bark. The trunk of this variety is quite flexible, straight with drooping branches, wedge-shaped leaves and earring flowers.

The average lifespan of this tree can be from 100 to 120 years. The tree becomes an “adult” by the age of 8, at which time the color of the bark also changes: from brown it becomes white. It is also worth noting that silver birch becomes drooping in old age; young representatives of the species have ordinary straight branches.

This plant is distributed throughout the country, but most often it can be found in the central regions and Western Siberia. Due to its unpretentiousness, it can grow in various climatic regions: it is found both in the tundra and in the steppe. Birch grows quite quickly, occupying any free plot of land, displacing other tree species.

This plant is widely used in economic activity person. So, resinous birch trees are almost collected in early spring, and young leaves are collected immediately after that. Birch bark is usually collected from the middle part of a growing tree or dead wood. Early spring Birch sap is also extracted, which due to its composition (water, chemical elements special order and organic compounds) has mass beneficial properties. It is known that up to 10 tons of sap can be obtained from one hectare of silver birch. All year round Chaga is also collected ( medicinal mushroom, who chose the trunks of this type of tree as his place of residence).


Dwarf birch appearance much more reminiscent of a low-growing branchy shrub than a tree familiar to everyone. Its other name “Ernik” seems to emphasize the predilection of this shrub for the formation of thickets. It grows in northern Russia, as well as in Europe, Canada and China. It can be found in the Alps or mountainous areas of Scotland. In our country, it can most often be found in Yakutia, Chukotka, Kamchatka or the Amur region. This is understandable, because this plant prefers mountainous or marshy areas and damp soils.

Dwarf birch is a shrub whose growth usually does not exceed 2-2.5 meters. The trunk of the dwarf species is also smooth, but the foliage is small (up to 2 centimeters), with a darker upper part. The branches are usually straight. The bark is not the usual white, but brownish-brown. It is important to note that this shrub grows very slowly, but is one of the most frost-resistant in the world. It is rarely used in economic activities: only among the northern tribes it is used as fuel or reindeer feed.


Karelian birch is a variety of low-growing trees, distinguished by the presence of a strange growth on the trunk (burl) and a very beautiful patterned cut of wood. It grows, as the name implies, in Karelia, but not only. This type birch is also found in other territories of Russia, as well as in Lithuania. This species is divided into three more varieties: low-growing, medium height, tall.

When processed, the wood gives dark brown and yellowish shades. The unusual pattern of wood allows the Karelian tree to be used for making dishes, boxes, vases, watches and any other souvenirs.


Paper birch is a fairly powerful tree, the growth of which easily reaches 30 meters. It got its name because of the wide, dense bark, which, being pink in young animals, becomes white over time. The leaves of this tree are quite large, reaching a length of 10 centimeters. This plant is very unpretentious and can grow in any soil, with any lighting.


North American species of birch. It is a tree up to 25 meters high. Young plants have a pyramidal wide crown, which with age begins to droop, forming a ball. The bark is of an unusual dark color (mostly cherry or red). It has fairly large leaves, up to 12 centimeters long, with pubescent veins along the perimeter. In spring, the tree blooms profusely, producing a large number of long catkins. The tree grows quite quickly and lives a long time. Prefers deep, moist bud.


This is a large tree, reaching 30 meters in height. The homeland is considered North America(hence the other name - American birch). It has a very interesting bark color, which can be light orange or gray, or reddish-brown. The leaves are also large: up to 12 centimeters. The plant is very tenacious and grows quickly. Prefers moist but drained soils. It can live calmly for up to 300 years.


A relatively short tree (up to 15 meters), it can often grow as a gnarled shrub. Distributed in desert valleys, rivers and swamps of Western Siberia, Altai or Mongolia. The bark is yellowish-gray or even pink. The leaves are quite small.


A low tree, distinguished by a 15-meter white trunk and a wide crown, which is formed by branches directed strictly upward. The leaves are shiny, small (up to 6 centimeters). Immediately after formation, the foliage is sticky and very fragrant. The plant tolerates shade and marshy soils well.

Far Eastern

Perhaps the hardiest plant in this group. It is a slender, straight tree with a 30-meter trunk and a spreading crown. Very shade tolerant. Young plants, for example, are not able to develop at all unless they are in the shade. Prefers foothills. Far Eastern birch can be found in Primorye, Khabarovsk Territory, as well as in the vast expanses of China and North Korea.

It is distinguished by the presence of a shaggy wide trunk covered with light yellowish bark. The leaves are oval, large and dense. This type of birch can live up to 80-100 years.


This is a representative of the flora of mountains and mountain clearings, dark coniferous forests Eastern Siberia, Far East of Russia and Korea. It is a 15-meter tree with a large number of fluffy buds. The leaves are wide, up to 9 centimeters, covered with soft edges along the lower veins.

Rare species

There are also rare species of birch trees. These are, first of all, squat birch, Daurian birch, Schmidt tree, red birch, Dalecarlian birch and Erman birch. We will talk about them in more detail.

From the video “Varieties of Birch Trees” you will learn a lot of interesting things about this plant.


Another deciduous fluffy plant from the large birch family. Most often it can be found in the wetlands of Western Europe, Mongolia and the European part of Russia. The plant is a shrub with a height of 1 to 1.5 meters. The branches are straight, the leaves are quite small (up to 3.5 centimeters). The bark of this type of birch is smooth, often dark or brown. The squat birch is included in the Red Book of several regions and republics of Russia. This plant is used medicinally as a component of certain types of medicines.


A tall plant (up to 25 meters tall), which requires a lot of light and moisture to grow. Daurian or Korean birch grows in the Far East, Mongolia, China, Korea and Japan. It is noted that the places where it grows can be considered very successful for agriculture.

It has an original openwork crown: in young plants it is pinkish or red, in adult plants it is dark gray or brown. The peeled layers of birch bark do not fall off, but remain hanging on the trunk. The leaves are oval and dark green. Coal is usually produced from Daurian birch, and its wood is also used to make all kinds of crafts.

Birch Schmidt

It is also called iron birch. The plant can reach 20 meters in height. It is distinguished by a wide, low-set crown, which can start at a level of 8 meters. The bark of the tree is usually dark, gray or brown. It grows in the rocky regions of Primorye, China and Japan. This type of birch tree loves light. Under good conditions, the life of this type of birch can reach up to 400 years.


Red birch, as its name implies, is distinguished by its unusual bark color, ranging from red to yellow and gray. This is a low tree, about 5 meters tall. It grows only in Kazakhstan and is on the verge of complete extinction.


Very beautiful plant, having small thin foliage and long weeping branches. A fairly frost-resistant plant that grows in the European part of Russia and the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Birch Erman

Tree 15-20 meters high with a spreading crown. The bark of this type of birch is dark gray, brown, and sometimes yellowish in color. The leaves are quite large (up to 14 centimeters). The upper half of the leaf is usually dark green, and the lower half is light. This tree is very undemanding to soil and can grow on rocky surfaces. Distributed in Kamchatka, the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Kuril Islands, in the eastern part of Russia and Japan. Used in the production of coal or decorative crafts.

Photo 3. Silver birch Photo 4. Squat variety of birch

Video “Common birch”

In this video you will learn a lot of interesting things about this tree.

Birch (lat. Betula) belongs to the deciduous plants of the dicotyledonous class, the birch family, the order Beeceae, the genus birch. The tree borrowed its Latin name from the ancient Gaulish language. The Proto-Slavic name comes from the word “to turn white, to glow.”

Birch - description and characteristics.

These trees, with the exception of a few dwarf species, reach 45 meters in height, and the birch trunk can reach 1.5 meters in girth. Young birch branches are usually reddish-brown and covered with small “warts.” The buds on the branches are arranged alternately and are covered with sticky scales. Small, bright green leaves with pronounced veins have the shape of an equilateral triangle with two rounded corners, and they are serrated along the edges. In spring, young birch leaves are usually sticky.

The birch bark covering the trunk can be white, yellowish, with a pink or brown tint. Some species are characterized by brown and gray trunk The upper part of the bark, birch bark, peels off easily from the trunk. The old trees below are covered with rough, dark bark with deep cracks.

The root system of birch can be branched, superficial, with numerous thin shoots, or deep, with roots slanting deep into the depths. It depends on the conditions in which the tree grows. In the first years of life it grows slowly, after 3-4 years the growth rate increases.

How long does a birch tree live?

The birch tree is a typical representative of dioecious plants pollinated by wind. It has both female and male “earrings”, which immediately fall off after pollination. The average lifespan of these trees ranges from 100 to 300 years, although specimens have been recorded that have exceeded the 400-year mark.

Types of birch trees, names and photos.

Due to polymorphism, the exact number of birch species has not been established. However, most scientists are inclined to believe that there are more than 100 of them. There is no single classification, but the most successful is the division of the genus into four groups:

  • Albae - includes birch trees with white and birch bark color close to this shade.
  • Costata - distinguished by a ribbed trunk and rough leaves due to the veins protruding from below.
  • Acuminatae are large-leaved trees that grow in subtropical conditions.
  • Nanae - includes all low-growing birches with small leaves.

Several types of birch trees are described below:

(lat.Betula pubescens)

A tree 15 - 25 m high has a trunk diameter of up to 80 cm. Young trees, which are often confused with alder, have red-brown bark, which over time acquires a snow-white color. The crown of a young birch is narrow, slender, and with age it becomes wide and spreading, with branches directed upward. Fluffy birch grows in Siberian forests, in the European part of Russia, in Western Europe and the Caucasus. The variety is winter-hardy, shade-tolerant, and does not particularly need sun. Prefers well-moistened soils and thrives in wetlands.

Silver birch(warty) (lat. Betula pendula)

The most common type of birch, growing up to 25-30 m and having a trunk diameter of 75-80 cm. Young trees have brown bark, which turns white by 10 years. The lower part of the trunks of old trees turns black and becomes covered with deep cracks. The branches of birch are covered with a scattering of many resinous formations that resemble warts, hence the popular name of the species - warty birch. The branches of young trees characteristically hang down, which is why birch is often called silver birch. Grows throughout Europe, North Africa and Asia. The most extensive range from Ural mountains to Kazakhstan. The variety is frost-resistant, easily tolerates drought, but is demanding on the sun.

Birch Erman(stone) (lat. Betula ermanii)

Yours official name stone birch was named after the German physicist and traveler Georg Adolf Ermann. Among the birch trees it is considered a long-liver; individual trees can live up to 400 years. With a relatively low growth of 12-15 m, Erman's birch has a diameter of a usually curved trunk of up to 90 cm. The bark is brown or dark gray, flaky, and becomes covered with deep cracks with age. The branches are erect, warty and pubescent in young trees, and form a very beautiful, wide, translucent crown. The species is cold-resistant, shade-tolerant, unpretentious, grows well on rocky lands. It does not tolerate excess moisture well; on swampy soils it is replaced by downy birch. Grows in Buryatia, Yakutia, on Far East, in China, Japan and Korea.

Cherry birch(sticky, sweet) (lat. Betula lenta)

Tree average size, 20-25 m in height, trunk diameter up to 60 cm. The crown of young growth is pyramidal in shape, with age it becomes rounded, transparent, with drooping branches. Cherry birch is distinguished by its uneven, dark brown, almost cherry-colored bark, covered with pronounced cracks. The bark of young trees has a spicy, aromatic odor. This birch grows quickly, preferring well-drained, light and moist soils, and is considered a long-liver. Possessing average winter hardiness, it often freezes in severe winters. Due to the increased demands on growing conditions, it never becomes a dominant plant. The cherry birch is native to North America, from Maine to the southern slopes of the Appalachians. Grows well in the Baltic countries, Belarus, and is found in the Central Black Earth region of Russia.

Black birch(river) (lat. Betula nigra)

The most heat-loving species of birch trees, up to 30 m high and with a trunk diameter of more than 1 m. The openwork crown of wild trees is formed by oval or ovoid leaves, dark green on top and whitish or gray below. Tree bark may be rough, gray or brown, and sometimes there are smooth and even birches with creamy pink bark that peels off like paper. A thermophilic species of birch, it is widespread in the United States from New Hampshire to Texas and Florida.

Dwarf birch (low-growing, dwarf) (lat.Betula nana)

This type of birch grows in the tundra, in mountainous areas, and is found on the plains. It resembles a bush with strong branching or is a low tree, the trunk of which is surrounded by warty branches. Birch bark is dark brown in color, young shoots are densely pubescent. It prefers acidic or slightly acidic soil for growth and tolerates heavy, waterlogged soils well.

Karelian birch (lat.Betula carelica)

This type of birch can reach a decent height of 5-8 m, but often has the form of a small bush. The trunk of the Karelian birch is often covered with numerous irregularities (tubercles or swellings) and is distinguished by an unusual pattern reminiscent of marble veins. Karelian birch wood is highly valued in exclusive furniture production; cabinetmakers use it to make luxurious crafts.

Surely many of us have the image whole Russia associated with the appearance of an ordinary white birch. Its descriptions are often popular with poets, musicians, painters and other artists, attracted by the simple beauty of Russian wood.

"The Country of Birch Calico"

As this was clearly noted by the great poet beloved by many. Birch is used as a metaphorical detail, even compared to the soul of the great people of our fatherland.

Numerous songs, poems, paintings, passed down from generation to generation, are dedicated to the beauty and uniqueness of the beautiful birch tree.

Perhaps this is why the description of birch for children, including in the visual arts, even from school, is so important for their spiritual growth and developing a sense of patriotism, expanding their emotional responsiveness, as well as developing a love for nature. It is important that the vocabulary will be significantly expanded after becoming acquainted with unique picturesque images.

Love for beauty, which is the nature that surrounds us, formed in early childhood, is able to protect the soul from callousness, make it kinder and more sympathetic. And this is an undeniable truth.

And the main question that faces teachers and others is how to help children see and hear the world around us. Therefore, it is no coincidence that when raising a child they use the descriptive image of a white beauty.

Where to start?

Birch is always good. Any season of the year makes it unique and elegant. Everyone is familiar with her green earrings, silk braids, silvery dew, white bark. All this is such a characteristic description at all times. The birch tree has retained its appearance from time immemorial.

And at the same time, each season has its own characteristics and images.

The tenderness of spring foliage, the shine and aroma of pointed leaves are charming. The pink reflections of the waking sun's rays, timidly running across the snow-white bark, enchant the eye.

Green sprinkled garlands on long thin twigs of branches falling to the ground in summer time, confirms the triumph of nature, blooming in all its glory.

The description of a birch leaf with its unique carving at any time of the year often becomes the central theme of many lyrical works.

The gold of the birch “clothing”, shining under the blue azure of the autumn sky, dresses up the whole earth with stunning shades, saturating the farewell ceremony until spring with a unique colorful decoration. It is not for nothing that autumn was the favorite time of year of our great poet, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: “... The charm of the eyes!... The lush decay of nature, the forests dressed in crimson and gold...”

And, of course, a fabulous winter, which turns the beautiful birch tree into a huge fountain of snow splashes and ice floes frozen on the branches and sparkling with a diamond shine in sun rays clear frosty day.

Historical background

A characteristic and quite interesting description of birch for children can be conveyed through folk signs and peasant folklore.

The sacred tree, which our common ancestors, the Slavs, considered the birch to be, personified beauty, the radiance of light and the purity of a woman.

The white-trunked beauty was honored on a holiday specially designated for her, according to church canons - Semik, when she received special attention. Young girls decorated the birch tree with ribbons and flowers, wove wreaths on their heads, sang songs and danced around it.

In addition to the festivals dedicated to the folk tree, there were many peasant signs and sayings identified and invented by farmers and simple observers of nature.

Many signs were associated with sowing. So, they sowed bread when the birch catkins burst, and oats - when the leaves were already blooming.

If in the spring they tried birch sap and it turned out to be tasteless, then it was believed that there would be a rich harvest of bread.

The birch tree also suggested what the summer would be like. If it blooms its leaves before the alder, then the summer will be dry. If it's the other way around, it's rainy.

It was also a great coincidence that they talked about spring. came if the top began to turn yellow first, the later - from the lower side. And snow covered the ground late, if in early October the birch tree was still standing.

As can be seen from the examples, a lot is said about the birch tree in riddles, fairy tales, and poems.

"February Azure"

It would seem, what does birch have to do with it? But even here, it turns out, you can easily raise the level of education for children by expanding their horizons when meeting very famous work painting.

The snowy birch tree often attracted many painters, brief description which can be found out by studying reviews, the history of creativity and directly the paintings of great Russian artists.

So is Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar. He painted a picture widely known to the public, and not only in Russia, under the picturesque title “February Azure.”

Having created his masterpiece and later telling the story of its creation, the landscape painter recalled that at that time there were wonderful, sunny February days: “Something unusual was happening in nature. It seemed that she was celebrating some unprecedented holiday of the azure sky, pearl birches, coral branches and sapphire shadows on lilac snow.”

Therefore, having looked at this work at least once, you easily remember the image of a birch tree and are quickly transported to that fresh winter mood that its author put into the picture.

Memorable images of birch trees

The description of birch for children of grade 3, as well as other age categories, can be continued according to the precisely observed characteristic “birch” features, some of which have become almost - blond birch, sticky notes, delicate spring greenery, earrings and an emerald-colored outfit, silk curls, a white-trunked beauty, lacy foliage, solemn garlands... This list can be continued indefinitely, comparing the slender and fair beauty with poetic images.

Children can be given an example of other types of terms used in science, including such a characteristic phrase as “silver birch,” a description of which can be read in biology textbooks.

About the name

The word “birch”, in Latin betulus, is translated as “blessed”, “happy”. This is associated with healing power birch sap, which has a magical effect.

As a version, there is an assumption that the name was formed from batuere - “to flog”, “to beat”. Most likely, because the tree rods served as convenient devices for punishment.

The third assumption is based on the similarity of the name and the word bhe, meaning “white”, “light”, “pure”.

Biology about birch

The description of birch for children can be continued by citing biological characteristics.

The crown, trunk and roots are the main components of a tree, like other similar types. Distinctive Features are: a clearly defined trunk, the presence of lateral branches and apical shoots. This is its basic biological description. The birch tree initially grows at a relatively slow pace, but after a few years the development becomes rapid.

Biologists estimate that the tree is about 120 tall and grows up to 40 meters. However, there are varieties of it as a shrub, including those that develop with their shoots on the ground.

The root system of birches is represented by powerful superficial and deep underground branches, thanks to which the tree is quite stable. However, the central main stem dies. Further life activity is carried out due to lateral shoots, which form a large number of roots.

The white color of the tree bark is due to the presence of betulin, which is a white resin. The outside bark of the main part of the trunk is covered with smooth birch bark, easily peeled off in strips. Below, the tree has a darkly colored trunk with large cracks giving it a rough appearance.

A description of birch for children can be given through comparison with other similar representatives of groves. Where there are many different trees - both young and old, thin-trunked, short and tall - the bright bark especially stands out. And the birch grove seems weightless and full of freshness and purity.

Benefits of wood

Birch is especially loved by scientists studying history. It is known that in ancient times the cost of parchment reached sky-high levels. And birch bark and its properties made it possible to use it as a material on which various letters were placed. It was thanks to them that information about ancient life and features of life.

Boxes, bodies, boats, shoes were also items that could only be obtained thanks to this tree.

Birch is also useful for humans as a simple plant. It purifies the air and gives coolness in hot weather. summer day. In addition, this and valuable material, from which you can get boards, furniture, paper.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the birch was, is and will be a symbol of our great Motherland. It is good both in summer and winter. And it will please the eye for a long time if we maintain a good attitude towards nature.

Birch has been considered a symbol of Russia since ancient times. And there is not a single person who does not know this tree, because it is widely used in industrial sectors, medicine and for garden decoration. And also in many books you can often find artistic descriptions of birch in poetry and fairy tales.

General description

Birch is a tree that has a clear change in leaf cover, and it belongs to the Birch genus. Botanists have established that this plant has about a hundred species, most of which stretch up to 30-35, and sometimes 45 meters. In the midst of such diversity there are bushes that are both very large and very tiny, expelled. Life expectancy is on average 200−250 years. The tree is undemanding to soil. Sandy, clayey or infertile lands are suitable for it. Loves water and mainly grows near seas, rivers and swamps.

Numerous fairy tales, poems, and riddles that are passed down from generation to generation can show all the beauty and inimitability of a slender tree. This is probably why the description of birch for children, including in artistic skill, is very important for their spiritual development and education of patriotic feelings, revelation of humanity, as well as the formation of love for all living things.

Features of cultivation

If you want to plant a birch tree near your home, you must remember that large sprouts with an open rhizome, even planted at the right time, do not always take root - some of them die, or their crown dries out. Therefore, it is better to purchase seedlings with an earthen lump or in a container . Basic rules for caring for wood:

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Classification of species

The Birch genus is numerous and is found throughout the world. The habitat ranges from hot subtropics to regions with very cold air. IN middle lane Russia and in areas with moderate weather conditions, these trees create light groves, having quite a wide variety of species:

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Application of birch

IN food industry, veterinary medicine, industry, folk medicine and cosmetology, birch has found very wide application, because it has healing capabilities due to the presence of many useful components in the petals and buds.

Medicinal properties

A decoction of the leaves is used by herbalists as a disinfectant, antiseptic, diuretic and choleretic drug in the preparation of various infusions. Birch petals have a large amount of:

The juice collected in early spring can be used for preventive purposes against blood diseases. Chaga tea ( birch mushroom) relieves headaches, improves appetite and gives strength.

Tar is used mainly as an antiallergic and antimicrobial agent; it is included in soaps, various balms and lotions that are used to treat skin diseases.