Emin Agalarov is a businessman. Emin Agalarov built a palace with glass walls on the shores of the Caspian Sea for his sons

In 1983, he moved to Moscow with his parents, and eleven years later he moved to the USA, where he lived and worked until 2001. Graduated from business school in New York. He headed a considerable number of business projects, and also opened seven restaurants as part of the Crocus Group, including one together with Maxim Fadeev called “Uncle Max’s”.

Since 2006 I have been seriously involved in musical career. Works on both the Russian and international music markets. The list of significant works includes: performing as an invited guest at a Jennifer Lopez concert, Eurovision in 2012 and filming Donald Trump in the video for his own song “In Another Life”.

In 2016, Emin, together with Leps and Sergei Kozhevnikov, organizes the “Heat” festival, at which Kirkorov, Leps, Agutin, Lorak and other popular performers perform Russian stage. In the same year, he went on a tour of fifty cities in Russia for the first time.

Personal life

Until 2015, he was married to the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Aliyeva, Leyla. According to both, they separated peacefully and by mutual consent. The couple has two children - twins Mikail and Ali, and Leila also adopted a girl named Amina, whom she hid from the press for a long time.

According to some publications, today Emin is meeting with Alena Gavrilova- winner of the title “Miss Mordovia 2014”.

Emin Agalarov's apartment

The musician travels a lot around the world, he has living space in Baku and New York, and an apartment in Moscow. These apartments on the top floor of the Agalarov House residential complex in the Krasnaya Presnya area were given to him by his father back in 1997. At that time, the project was one of the three best luxury buildings in the capital and is still included in the list of the most prestigious residential complexes.

The interiors of the entrance lobbies, decorated with elite grades of marble and granite, amaze with their richness and beauty. There are ancient paintings by Dutch masters on the walls, crystal chandeliers are hung everywhere, and there is also a huge and always fresh bouquet of flowers - this business card developer.

In addition to 24-hour security and separate parking, the complex is equipped with Turkish and Russian baths, a swimming pool, a solarium, billiards, a bar and a beauty salon. In general, here you will find almost everything you might need for life and recreation.

The apartment is located on top floor and is decorated in the minimalist style that is popular today. The design is dominated by light, unobtrusive colors, which highlight the interior details and emphasize the light and hospitable character of the owner. All the rooms are filled sunlight due to the many panoramic windows and a simple interior, without unnecessary details and overhanging furniture.

Large and spacious rooms containing not only expensive pieces of furniture, but also many gifts from friends, fans and favorite performers. In one of the aisles there is a huge white vase with the lyrics of the song “Incredible”, and autographed photographs of celebrities hang on the walls.

Like most musicians, Emin has a white grand piano in his living room. This room has a pleasant, warm atmosphere. Here the owner receives friends.

The star has a small music studio in which he and his musicians are preparing for their next performances. This room is mostly filled with professional tools. Emin does not have to worry about the peace of his neighbors, since his father’s apartment is located directly below him. The singer admits that this was done specifically for better sound insulation.

From the studio you can enter the attic with a magnificent view of the Stalin's skyscrapers and Krasnaya Presnya. There is a wooden table and chairs installed here; if you wish, you can sit in the company of friends or admire the evening capital alone.

On average, apartments in the Agalarov House residential complex cost from 3 to 8 million dollars and more.

0 June 13, 2017, 12:35

Performing under the pseudonym EMIN, he has long become one of the most sought-after artists. However, Emin is successful not only as a solo performer: he is responsible for organizing the “Heat” music festival in Baku, in addition, he is the first vice president of the Crocus Group. And now Agalarov has also made his film debut: he is currently starring in the film directed by Marius Weisberg " Night shift", which is scheduled to premiere in 2018.

Despite the huge number of projects that take up almost all of Emin’s time, he was still able to find a “window” in his schedule to talk with the site. The meeting took place in St. Petersburg on film set"Night shift", but the conversation was not limited to the topic of his acting career. Raising children, relationships with women, plans for the future... We managed to discuss a lot!

Emin, it’s worth saying right away that your film debut is a pleasant surprise. How did you get involved in Marius Weisberg’s project “Night Shift”?

The situation is very interesting, I’ll start from the very beginning. Director Marius Weisberg and I have been friends for almost 20 years, and it was clear that sooner or later something in the field of cinema would happen in my life. And then Marius came with the “Night Shift” project. He showed me the filmed 20 minutes of the film, saying that there is one character there - Chernyavsky, who is one hundred percent me. The filming process, as Weisberg predicted, was supposed to take ten days, and in my case it was impossible to find that much time in my schedule. In general, we thought, tried, searched, and I agreed. And I didn’t regret it!

Tell us more about your role in the comedy film.

The film is generally about classmates who life paths separated. My role is really comical: I play the owner of an elite car dealership - a businessman. As you understand, it wasn’t that difficult for me to get used to the role =)

The main character of the film, as planned by the scriptwriters, agreed to a part-time job - striptease. Don't you have similar scenes?

I don’t dance according to the script, but I want to persuade the director (laughs).

If you imagine that your role would still involve such a scene, would you agree to star in it?

Actually, it's unlikely. It would be too hot for the screen (smiles).

You have a very busy concert schedule, you work a lot, but at the same time everyone knows how much you love your children. How do you manage to find time to meet with them?

FaceTime on the phone helps us - I'm always in touch with them. Soon I will return to Moscow for a few days for work, get back on schedule and again fly to see my children every weekend. Because of the tour in America, I haven’t seen them for more than three weeks, and I think that now I’m making up for the time of my absence. I plan to spend a lot more time with them this summer.

Yours ex-wife Leyla Aliyeva adopted a girl, and you, as it became known, are taking part in her fate. Can you tell us how the children get along with each other?

They became friends immediately, from the first day. But for me she is dear, my child.

Are her sons jealous of her?

There is probably no jealousy. There are some misunderstandings regarding toys. Sometimes they say: “This is mine, dad, she touches my toys.” And I explain that she can do anything, she’s a girl. This is a person dear to us, so my attitude towards her, of course, is exactly the same as towards my sons.

You strict dad? Can you spank me or put me in a corner?

I have to be strict, because my boys are very rowdy. And during my absence they somehow manage to go beyond what is permitted, so I have to put on a stern face. I can’t slap you, I can shake you and say: “What are you doing?”

Are you raising your children the same way you were raised as a child?

I raise things a little differently. I grew up in different conditions: the Soviet regime, we lived quite modestly, at first we had a one-room apartment, then a two-room apartment. My children are growing up in fairly prosperous conditions: in large houses, there are nannies and security guards. If I could be happy about a bottle of Coca-Cola brought home, then my children will no longer be surprised by this. As my grandmother said: “In our childhood, our parents tried to hide our lack of income from us, but in modern world sometimes you have to hide your wealth from your children." I think I'm up to the task.

You have a lot of fans, girls shower you with compliments, in a word, you are not deprived of female attention. Give advice on what a woman should do if her man is so popular and if others are constantly paying attention to him? How not to be jealous, to feel like the only one in the eyes of your loved one?

Patience is the only salvation. I understand everything, I myself have a jealous character, so I can say for sure that this is a heavy burden that is difficult for any woman to withstand and also for any man whose other half is known.

Since we're talking about women, I can't help but ask what kind of girls you like. It is clear that a woman should have a zest and so on, but do you have any weakness? I don’t know, snub noses, for example?

I don't want to draw any frames. I might also like a snub-nosed girl. Now I began to understand that men still pay attention to blondes more often. But in general, it has always been important for me to communicate with a person so that I like him or vice versa. If we talk about character, then I like soft and calm women. Those with whom you can agree.

How do you feel about the fact that now many girls, in pursuit of beauty and thousands of likes, change themselves to suit modern standards: they enlarge something, build something up. Do you even notice when a girl looks unnatural, or do men not pay attention to this?

If a person has some kind of defect, for example, a nose twice as large as that of the average person, then this can be corrected. And if a girl is pretty and wants to further improve her appearance, then in my opinion, this can only ruin her. I prefer natural beauty.

There is such a humorous saying: “When you quarrel with your girlfriend, think carefully: you want to be right or happy.” How do you feel about him? Are you ready to forgive women's weaknesses? What are you not ready to forgive? Is it possible to forgive betrayal?

I am not ready to forgive anything at all: neither deception, nor betrayal, nor any other betrayal.

And if you look from the other side? Should a wise girl forgive?

It depends on the man. There are men for whom you want to forgive. There are girls like that too, but my character doesn’t allow me, unfortunately.

You are not only an artist, but also a businessman. Now you are also acting in films. Where does this energy come from and what happens next? What else would you like to try?

Energy comes from the desire to realize one’s projects, to realize oneself as a person in different directions. That is, if I touch something, for example, today it is cinema, then immediately on the basis of this many new ideas and projects are born, because you see all the possibilities. The same thing happened with music. First I started singing, then I met many producers, got involved in the festival and the Zhara music channel. And now I have many ideas that do not yet exist on the “canvas” of Russian show business.

Yes, a network of advanced fitness clubs. This business is not as creative as, for example, music or cinema, but I think it will be successful. It’s interesting, because now there are many other clubs available.

How do you plan to attract customers, will your network be different from everyone else?

Everyone. I travel all the time to different countries, in hotels I try to go to sports clubs and spas. Everything that I have seen there over 20 years, I am integrating into the network. This fitness club will not only be the best in Russia, it will be able to compete with the world, because we have invested there all the best that was and is in this area.

Have you already thought of a name?

Yes, the name was chosen right away - Crocus Fitness.

Which other foreign performer would you like to record a duet with?

My dream is Sade. In general, in October we want to organize a big solo concert in London at the Palladium. Duets are also planned, including with foreign guests. All detailed information we will share soon.

Photo Press service archives

Emin Agalarov - bright star, which has rapidly risen on the horizon of modern show business. It’s hard not to love his songs, it’s hard not to remember his image. A languid voice, attractive appearance, sparkles in his eyes - fans go crazy for him. What do we know about Emin’s biography? We tried to find the most reliable and interesting facts from the life of a popular singer, which we will gladly share with our readers.

Emin Agalarov, biography: childhood

In the sunny capital of Azerbaijan, the city of Baku, on a winter day - December 12, 1979, Emin Agalarov was born. His parents, mother Irina and father Aras, had known each other since school and, after graduating from university, immediately sealed their relationship by marriage.

Emin was 4 when his parents left their hometown and moved to live in Moscow. But when the boy was old enough to enter school, he was sent to Switzerland for private education. When difficult times came in the 90s, Emin’s father and mother were also forced to leave Moscow and move to the United States; this was required by the family business. At the age of 15, after Emin graduated from a private Swiss school, he moved to his parents in the USA, where he successfully entered New York University to study business management.

What Emin Agalarov looked like as a child, photo:

Already during his studies, the guy developed the skills of a businessman, which he inherited from his father. Emin opened his first online store, and soon Emin’s first real clothing store appeared in New Jersey. Then there were a couple of shoe boutiques on Madison Avenue and in New York itself.

In 2001, Emin left the states and returned to Russia. It was during this period that he received the position of commercial director of Crocus City Mall. The businessman also has several brand boutiques, owns the UBOAT watch brand and is the owner of the Crocus City Hall Concert Hall.

Emin has been drawn to music since childhood. Even as a 10-year-old boy, he admired the work of Elvis Presley. His first performance took place in New Jersey as part of the Mic Night project. Emin was 18 years old at the time. It was during that period that the future artist realized that between amateur creativity and professional activity there is a huge difference. And he set out to overcome it at all costs.

In 2006, the first album of the singer Still was released, which Alagarov released under the name Emin. From then to this day, Emin has created 6 albums, four of which were released in Russia, and two are international releases, the singer did them in collaboration with producer Brian Rowling.

Emin's English-language songs often became popular hits and occupied leading positions on the European charts. In 2011, Agalarov was nominated for a Grammy Award, and in 2012, the singer performed at Eurovision as a special guest. In Russia in 2014, Emin received the well-deserved Golden Gramophone award for the song “I live better than anyone else.”

Now Emin is working on promoting his latest albums and organizing concert tours around Russia.

Personal life of Emin Agalarov: wife, children

Since childhood, Emin has become accustomed to everything luxurious, rich and beautiful. It is not surprising that his chosen one was the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Leyla Aliyeva. The couple met by chance in 2005, on ski resort in Switzerland. There was immediate sympathy between them, and soon a serious relationship began.

Rumor has it that Leila’s high-ranking father did not at first favor his daughter’s newly made friend. But the girl in love did not listen to anyone and continued her relationship with Emin. A year later, the couple announced their engagement.

Photo of Emin Agalarovas by his wife Leila:

In 2006, Leila became the official wife of Emin Agalarov. Even before him, the girl was accustomed to the high life and already at the age of 20 became the owner of large foreign real estate. She also owns a significant stake in the Azerbaijan Aviation Company and a stake in a mobile communications company.

Considering Emin’s wealth and all of Leila’s possessions, it is not difficult to imagine the scale of their wedding. The newlyweds continued their celebrations for several days, first in Azerbaijan and then in Moscow. Outside observers agree that the couple are very suitable for each other. Both have excellent foreign education, both are smart, successful in business and good-looking.

When Emin Agalarov’s wife, Leila, two years after the wedding gave birth to her wife with two twin sons, she began to spend most of her time with the children in London. Although Emin himself was more in Moscow at that time. It was then that the couple was bombarded with rumors about a supposedly imminent or already completed divorce. But the family denied these rumors. Today the couple are happily married and live together.

Today, Emin Agalarov has strong family, raises two sons, develops his family enterprise Crocus International and continues his musical creativity. We will expect new successes and beautiful songs from the singer Emin, and wish him good luck in all areas of life.

A bright, charismatic personality, a musician, an incredible creative, a financial genius and even a talented developer... it would seem that it is possible to fit all this into one person? Not only is it possible, such a person is right in front of your eyes. Emin Agalarov, or rather, Emin Oras-ogly, if full name - famous singer and a direct participant in elite business circles. One of the leaders of the large company “Crocus Group” and a worthy example for modern young men to reach. Success is his middle name. But the road to this point was not easy and far from smooth.

Emin Agalarov: life and family.

The singer was born in the city of Baku, predetermined by the Western horoscope as Sagittarius, since the date of his appearance was December 12, 1979, and also became a Sheep (Goat) according to the East. In early childhood, Emin's family left the glorious city and moved to Moscow. The move was dated 1983. The boy was sent to study at a Swiss private school, and in 1994 his parents left Russia and moved to the United States. The reason for the move was the work of his father, who then headed a joint venture with American colleagues. Until 2001, Emin lived in Switzerland, after which he went to New York to attend Marymount Manhattan College, where he graduated with a graduate degree in business management. financial sector" The names of the parents are Aras and Irina Agalarov, and they are an example of the case when people walk through life hand in hand from the school desk and have been married since graduating from universities. By the way, Irina is a graduate of a pedagogical institute, and once worked at the ministry in as a translator, and after that she was a teacher English language at school. Aras is a native Polytechnic Institute, and now the owner and president of the global empire “Crocus Group”, one of the richest people Russian Federation, candidate economic sciences, with the consequent authorship of his own books on this topic. My sister Emin's name is Sheila Agalarova

A little more about studying.

Emin Agalarov's parents came to the conclusion that studying in Switzerland was not effective enough for the boy. Living in the USA, in addition to studying, the young man also earned his living by working in the company of his dad and at the same time trying his hand at his own business together with his friends (they opened clothing and shoe stores). Emin’s father, Aras Agalarov, gave his son a lesson that a child should learn to earn money on his own in order to learn to feel the weight of money, its price and realize how difficult it is to work on his own.
Now, Emin Agalarov is a successful businessman, who has worthily held the position of vice president in his father’s organization since 2012. The young man is leading such large projects as the Vegas shopping mall chain, many elite restaurants and another Crocus City Mall shopping mall. It is here that Emin Agalarov realizes his impeccable skills as a developer, searching, implementing and progressing innovative, original solutions, organizing the most interesting leisure activities for guests of the shopping center. Later, Emin came to the position of commercial director in his father's company.

Emin and music.

As it turned out, Emin is a comprehensively developed person, which is why musical activity in no way interferes with the singer’s successful business activities. WITH early childhood the boy had a penchant for music, carefully listening to the perky performance of Elvis Presley, and it was not for nothing that some critics noted that his performance style was quite similar to Elvis’s style.
"Open Mic Night". This was the name of the show in New Jersey, in which 18-year-old Emin Agalarov made his real debut. The guy lived with dreams of music. But his first album was dated 2006, its title was “Still”.
Afterwards, three more albums - “Incredible”, “Obsession”, “Devotion” Emin released in Russia and two albums - “Wonder”, “After The Thunder” were released as a result collaboration with the great producer Brian Rowling. Thanks to their collaboration, Emin Agalarov and his songs consistently remain at the top of the European music charts.
Of course, the young man is also known in Russia. Here he performs his concerts at Crocus Hall. Emin with his song “All I Need Tonight” was the only one speaking on behalf of Russia in charity project David Lynch, along with such participants as Moby, Dave Stewart, Alanis Morissette, Iggy Pop.
And in his homeland in Baku, Emin was invited as a special guest on the Eurovision program. As it became clear, Emin sings mostly in English, but, of course, there are several songs in Russian. By the way, the singer signs albums and posters with the pseudonym “Emin”.

Emin's personal life.

In 2006, along with the release of his first album, Emin Agalarov married the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Leyla Aliyeva. The couple played their wedding a little - a lot - 2 times. The first time - in my native Baku, the second time - in Moscow. The couple received congratulations from Vladimir Putin and even from George Bush.
Emin was endlessly in love with Leila, and he asked the girl’s parents for permission to court her. Two years after the wedding, the couple had two wonderful twin sons - Ali and Mikail. Unfortunately, Emin has the opportunity to see his children only once a week, since he lives in Moscow, and the children and their mother are in London. There Leila is actively working in the field social activities: is the head of the cultural foundation and publishes the magazine.

Video about the singer's life.


It is worth believing that such a successful and famous young man is subject to various rumors and speculations from those around him. Not so long ago, for example, it was rumored that Emin had gotten divorced. But the singer said that such gossip was born due to the separation of the spouses, and even in different countries. Plus, the singer and businessman are constantly seen surrounded by beautiful women, this also plays a significant role in conversations.

Video - answers to tricky questions.

Emin Agalarov is a man who has become the idol of many. A guy who made all his dreams come true through endless work on himself and perseverance. Also, combining manners, intelligence, education and a sense of humor, he is a wonderful husband and the best father for your boys.

Emin Agalarov is one of those who causes envy among many young people. And this is not surprising! The young man is rich, has a good appearance, sings well, has connections in upper echelons authorities in several countries and enjoys the attention of women. Moreover, he has a huge army of fans who are interested in everything related to their idol. After his divorce from Leyla Aliyeva, everyone was curious who would become his girlfriend. Finally, in the summer of 2016, reports appeared in the media that Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova were a couple. This article will tell you about the personal life of lovers before they met each other and how their romance developed.

Who is Emin Agalarov

The singer's name has been on everyone's lips for a long time. Emin is 37 years old and released his first album in 2006. It is difficult to list all the singer’s professional awards. Among the most significant are the Golden Gramophone, Song of the Year, Fashion People awards, etc.

In addition, Emin is a successful businessman and the son of one of the richest people in Russia - Aras Agalarov. He serves as the first vice president of his father's group of companies, the Crocus Group.

Emin Agalarov’s biography, personal life and creativity are constantly in the spotlight of thousands of fans, both in his homeland (Azerbaijan), and in Russia, and in neighboring countries.

who is she and what does she do

And Emin Agalarov and his new girl They learned early what fame is. However, if the springboard to success young man became his parents' money, then in the case of the girl, her father and mother rewarded her with model appearance.

In general, about the youth of Emin Agalarov’s current girlfriend, Alena Gavrilova, on at the moment practically nothing is known.

The girl was born in the capital of Mordovia, Saransk, in 1987. She was graduating from the most ordinary high school when I decided to take part in a beauty contest. Unexpectedly for everyone, Alena received the title “Miss Saransk” and the right to take part in republican competitions. After a long preparation, which included training in stage behavior, working with a choreographer, etc., the long-awaited performance took place on the main stage of the capital of Mordovia. To the delight of friends and relatives, Alena was recognized as the most beautiful girl republics. Now she was waiting for an all-Russian competition and a trip to Moscow.

Life in the capital

Although the country was recognized by another participant in the Miss Russia 2004 competition, Alena Gavrilova was among the 10 finalists. The charming girl was noticed by representatives modeling business. After the completion of the competition, Alena received an offer from several well-known agencies and remained to work in the capital.

Although Gavrilova failed to become one of the most famous top models in Russia, she regularly posed for glossy magazines and demonstrated toilets from famous ones on the catwalks. Russian designers. In particular, the girl repeatedly participated in shows of Valentin Yudashkin’s collections.

Personal life (civil marriage)

During the All-Russian beauty contest, Alena Gavrilova was noticed not only by representatives of modeling agencies. She drew the attention of the owner of the Russian Standard holding, Rustam Tariko, whose fortune at that time was estimated at 5 billion US dollars. At that time, he was on the verge of divorce from Tatyana Osipova, who gave him two daughters - Anna and Eva.

There were rumors that Tariko had cheated on his wife before, but the last straw in the woman’s cup of patience was her husband’s relationship with Alena Gavrilova. Be that as it may, the businessman divorced and began to live with a beautiful model, who was not at all embarrassed by the fact that the man was 25 years older than her. True, Tariko had no intention of marrying Alena. At least during the entire time they were together, Rustam never proposed to her.

Birth of a child

In 2007, the girl gave Tariko a son, Ruslan. For him, as a Muslim, the birth of a boy was a great joy, and he literally idolized the baby.

In addition, the businessman spoiled Gavrilova as best he could. In 2008, he made a beautiful, broad gesture by purchasing at Natalia Vodianova’s charity ball for $320,000 the right to name an orchid recently discovered in Madagascar, Alena.

However, the fairy tale did not last long. In 2009, reports appeared in the media about the breakdown of relations between Tariko and Gavrilova. The way Alena treated Osipova came back to her like a boomerang. Journalists learned that the businessman had an affair with an even younger beauty, Sofia Rudyeva, who received the title “Miss Russia 2009.” The most interesting thing was that Gavrilova, thanks to the patronage of Tariko, herself participated in the organization of this beauty contest.

Personal life of Emin Agalarov

While Alena Gavrilova was building a relationship with Rustam Tariko, the singer was not alone either. In 2006, he married This marriage was a union of equals, since both families were not inferior to each other in either wealth or influence. Of course, it was rumored that the young people united their destinies at the request of their parents, but wedding photos both the bride and groom were glowing with happiness. Leila gave Emin two sons. However, the appearance of children did not strengthen this union. His wife moved with the boys to London, and Emin very soon got tired of living in two countries. When Leila and Emin realized that they were better off without each other than together, the marriage broke up. However, the singer and his ex-wife They remained friends, meet often and raise children together.

The beginning of a new romance

The first reports that Alena Gavrilova and Emin Agalarov were together appeared in the summer of 2016. However, subsequently the young people reported that they had been dating since the spring.

The seriousness of the relationship between Alena and Emin Agalarov, whose biography and personal life is constantly discussed in the press, can be evidenced by the fact that the young man introduced the girl to his father and sons. He went with her on vacation to Saint-Tropez, where his relatives were. There, in a private setting, the Agalarovs celebrated Alena’s birthday, who simply glowed with happiness.

Good love

In April 2017, Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova appeared before the audience in the singer’s new video. The song it was filmed on was called Good love. The filming of the video, directed by him, took place in several villas in Beverly Hills. During the work, a curious incident occurred. The police arrived, called by neighbors. They were frightened by the noise coming from the villa, where someone was constantly being “drowned” in the pool.

Anniversary in purple tones

Your 30th anniversary new love Emina Agalarova - Alena Gavrilova - celebrated August 7, 2017. The party was organized on a grand scale. 3 dresses were ordered for this event. First, Alena dazzled everyone with her chic pale lilac dress. In it, she posed against the backdrop of a stand completely strewn with roses and decorated with the initials AG. Then the girl came out to the guests in a golden, short dress. Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova danced a slow dance. At the same time, the singer repeatedly kissed his girlfriend in front of the guests. A photo of Emin tenderly hugging Alena was published on Instagram and greatly pleased the performer’s fans and those who like his new girlfriend. They began vying with each other to make assumptions about how soon Emin would propose to Alena. However, the year is already ending, and information that the young people are going to get married still has not appeared.

Now you know what kind of relationship connects model Alena Gavrilova and Emin. How long their relationship will last and whether it will develop into something more is unknown. In the meantime, the young people are happy and feel good together.