Weapons made from matches. How to make a weapon from wood? Homemade weapons made of wood - drawings

An attempt to classify homemade shooting games from Soviet childhood from memory...
From simple to complex... Match shooters- easy to manufacture, miniature, but fire hazardous.

A match shooter from a clothespin fired a match whether it was burning or not.

The head of the match was wrapped in foil from a cigarette pack, heated by another lit match and psssh, the match flies like a rocket.

The photo shows a remake, but the principle is the same; when a match ignites, a shot is fired from the box grater.

Match shooter from a fountain pen.
From simple to complex... Darts. Simple, but dangerous if it enters a living organism.

Almost "darts", we preferred to use needles from sewing machines they are heavier.

Dart from welding electrode, they threw it into the trees, but it was very dangerous.
Spitting tubes.

A metal tube for spitting plasticine or mastic balls. A large supply of mastic or plasticine was molded directly onto the tube, from which a piece was plucked off and loaded into the tube. Apart from moral damage, such spitting did nothing to its victim. The pipe was also made from a thick rod from a pen and they were shot with grain, which even happened in bursts. And chewed paper or blotting paper could be shot from any chemical pencil in class without arousing suspicion.

This is a beautiful plant that I have known since childhood. When an epidemic of mountain ash spitting from tubes began in our yard, hogweeds appeared to us excellent option for making weapons. Needless to say, everyone walked around with burns afterwards. At a minimum, around the mouth, and at most, someone was talking about a burned stomach and so on. I had a burn on my hand - about the size of a modern five-ruble coin. And only now I learned that it is not the pungent hogweed itself, but that it washes off the UV protection from the skin with its juice. Watch and be careful with him.

We also found long glass tubes at the dump of an electric lamp factory and shot berries far and hard.
Sikalka or dousing.

A sikalka was made from an empty shampoo bottle or a liter plastic bottle"Whiteness." A hole was made in the cork with a hot nail on the stove and half of a ballpoint pen without a refill was inserted into it. All this was sealed with mastic or plasticine.

They also made portable sikalkas from a perfume bottle with a push-button liquid supply. The tip was removed from the ball rod, and the ball was knocked out with a needle and hammer. The resulting nozzle was heated over a fire and fused into the hole in the perfume plug. Each press of the button and a few drops of water fly 5-7 meters. Practiced at school. I couldn't find the photo.

A block, an elastic band from panties and a clothespin. They shot small pebbles, sometimes at each other. The most advanced models broke the bottle. Dangerous if in contact with eyes.

This crossbow model is more serious.

Pocket crossbow.
Slingshots. They were divided into bracket and “stone” ones according to the type of charge.

The staple slingshot was usually made from single-core insulated aluminum wire from electrical wiring. The insulation was carefully cut in a circle near the ends, an elastic band (Hungarian) was attached under it, and everything was ready. Shooting brackets were made from thinner wire. Dangerous if in contact with eyes.

The stone slingshot is much more serious and dangerous. A medical tourniquet was screwed onto a wooden spear and attached to a piece of skin. They shot stones over long distances.
Homemade bows.

They were made from anything. From a stick with an elastic band, a hazel branch with a bowstring, to complex composite structures.

Fantasy had no limits, everything was limited by possibilities.
Homemade crossbows. One of the crowning achievements of children's creativity.

Safety of use was determined by the tension of the bowstring and the type of arrowhead.
From simple to complex...
Air balloons. One of the crowning achievements of children's creativity.

They were usually made from a bicycle pump, to the nipple of which a barrel (smooth tube) was glued using epoxy. All this was attached with electrical tape to a wooden fore-end, plus a rubber band. Loading was carried out from the end of the barrel by wetting it with saliva and laying plasticine, followed by sucking it into the barrel bore (chock!) by sharply cocking the pump handle back.
When it hit a person it left bruises.

Children of the 90s generation did not have newfangled toys and computer games, but there was a wild imagination that allowed him to come up with incredible ways of entertainment. The favorites had something you could shoot with or set on fire. Although these entertainments were considered favorites among children during perestroika, many of them could be harmful to health and even lead to death.


Who remembers homemade slingshots? They were of two types - classic and keyed. The classic ones were cut from a thick hazel branch with a fork, you bought a wide gray rope at the pharmacy, got a piece of leather (you could secretly cut it at home from travel bag and blame it on my sister) and everything was held together with copper wire or blue electrical tape.

Such a slingshot was loaded with smooth pebbles, which were often brought into courtyards along with sand or unripe berries, such as rowan, plum or cherry, which grew in abundance behind the house. The power of the stone shot was sometimes enough to shatter a champagne bottle from 3 meters away. Such a slingshot was valued due to the fact that not everyone had the skills and funds to create it. It could be exchanged for other valuables such as inserts from Turbo, CinCin and Final90.

While walking and having nothing to do, it was possible to make a simpler slingshot - a keyed one. To do this, in a landfill it was necessary to find a thick aluminum wire in a braid and find a flagellum. As a rule, there were no problems with the latter - it was easily obtained from the elastic band of panties. The newer the panties, the better the flagellum. From all this, something like this was assembled (pictured on the left). Such a slingshot fired with dowels - pieces of copper or aluminum wire bent into a horseshoe.


A heavier version of the slingshot was the crossbow. A wooden clothespin was attached to the board, and an elastic band was attached to the other end in such a way as to create a “loop”, the saddle of which falls just on the clothespin. With the necessary stretching, of course. A “bullet” was placed in the elastic loop, the elastic was stretched and clamped into a clothespin. When the clothespin was pressed, a shot was fired. They shot with the same rowan, peas, peppercorns or pellets.


The most advanced version was called self-propelled guns. It's closer to the present firearms. A thick-walled metal tube was sealed at one end (flattened and filled with lead), and a 1 mm hole was drilled near the blind end. The pipe was attached to a wooden stock, usually in the shape of a pistol (again, sometimes the same chair leg was used). “Sulphur” from matches, a wad and a homemade sabot bullet made of lead were driven into the tube using a ramrod. The shot was fired when a special striking frame, released by the trigger, struck the head of a nail inserted into a small hole. The bullet had a very serious destructive force - 15 match heads in a 4mm barrel drove the bullet 5 centimeters into the tree. It would have been better not to end up with the police with a crossbow...

Match shooter

Another lightweight weapon was the match shooter. It was made from wooden clothespins. Do you feel the usefulness of this Soviet device? He shot with ordinary or burning matches at a distance of 10 meters. To make it, a wooden clothespin was disassembled, a file was used to grind out a place for a spring (from the same clothespin), a “barrel” was sharpened, a spring was put on one of the halves, the halves were connected downsides and wrapped with electrical tape. The spring played the role of both the trigger and the pusher at the same time. Sometimes a piece of “chirkash” from a matchbox was attached to the “trunk” so that the match would light itself at the moment of the shot. More often they simply passed the box over it and immediately shot.


Probably only the lazy didn’t play the game of darts; we also loved throwing darts as children. But they weren’t sold or they cost a lot of money. Therefore, almost any boy in our yard could make it himself. In terms of its flight and insertion qualities, the dart turned out to be no worse than the factory one. A piece of paper, 4 matches, a needle, office glue and thread. A homemade target made of notebook sheet and played.


Who had such a revolver that fired such caps? But it was more interesting to poke something sharp at the brown spots and watch them ignite. Or it’s even more interesting to roll up a roll from a strip of piston and hit it with a hammer. Ringing in the ears for 10 minutes was guaranteed!

Who sees the connection?

Scarecrow made of bolts

And here?

I think our generation will easily explain the connection between these objects. They hammered the dowel into the asphalt with a brick, took it out, crushed matches into the hole, inserted the dowel and threw a brick on top... Bang! and the piece of asphalt was gone... :) Matches cost 1 kopeck per box and were freely bought in the store.

And these are already “rockets”

Slate in the fire

I think you can easily remember what happens to slate in a fire :) That's right, nothing good - it shoots a lot. In pieces.

Lamps and picture tubes

It was a sin not to break a fluorescent lamp thrown into the trash. They broke with a loud bang if you threw the lamp end-on onto the asphalt. They didn't think about the environment back then...

But this find in the trash heap was extremely rare and always brought great joy to the boys. They cast lots to see who would be the first to throw a brick at the top lamp (the ray gun of the kinescope). She was the most vulnerable spot kinescope. When the lamp broke, the picture tube, due to the internal vacuum, collapsed inward with a very dull bang that echoed in the courtyards. Neighborhood boys immediately came running to see this action. But more often we found picture tubes with a broken lamp...

Siphon cans

Used cans for carbonation machines (siphon) were also sometimes used. They were filled with sulfur from matches and the hole was closed with a bolt. Then the infernal device was thrown into the fire... I must say that this thing was the most dangerous invention of the yard boys. Personally, I have never made such a balloon. And I categorically do not recommend it to others.


We mixed magnesium, crushed into powder with a file, in a certain proportion with potassium permanganate, which cost a penny at the pharmacy, and wrapped it in a tight paper bag, also wrapping it with adhesive tape. They made a hole and screwed a match to it, so that the head of sulfur was exactly in the hole. They struck a match on the box and abruptly threw it aside. The package exploded with a deafening noise and a bright flash.


In my opinion, every boy had a folding knife as a child, which was a source of pride. With its help they played “country land” and “tanks”. Each game had many types of rules. For example, “countryman”: they drew a circle and divided it equally by the number of participants. Everyone stood in their own area. Then, while standing, they stuck a knife into the enemy’s area and cut off a piece of his land. “I got wounded” (didn’t stick it in) - the move passed to someone else. And according to one rule, you had to stand on your land all the time as long as you can. According to others, you could stand outside, but in the event of a catastrophic reduction in your area, the enemy offered you to stand on it for 3 seconds. If you can't resist, you're out. You could even stand on tiptoes of one leg - the main thing was to hold out for 3 seconds.


Who remembers the magic stones with a specific smell that bubble in water? Carbide is a joy for the finder, for the whole day! When combined with water, it reacted and released the wonderful gas acetylene. It is remarkable because it burns well. Carbide was used in whatever form. And they simply threw it into a puddle, setting it on fire. And they warmed their hands, squeezing the carbide in their palm, immersed in a puddle. And they put it in bottles of water, plugging it with a stopper...

But most effective use carbide was a hand cannon. They took an empty bottle of deodorant or Dichlorvos, cut off the neck, made a hole at the bottom, put carbide inside, spat on it liberally, plugged all the holes, shook for a minute, opened it and brought a burning match to the small hole... VOLLET! !! :)


The truth is that only our generation knows what the connection is between a child’s tumbler or a tennis ball....

But we know what will happen if pieces of this special, magical plastic are wrapped in foil or newspaper, set on fire and extinguished... How much nerve did the guys spend in their garages when such a miracle flew to them from the roof...


How much in this word merged for a child’s heart... And merged in the literal sense of the word. Remember how you scoured garages and searched car dumps in search of old batteries?

They split them and extracted pure lead. They beat out the dried electrolyte and crushed the soft metal into a tin can or bowl.They made a fire and waited for the liquid metal to sparkle in the jar.

And then they did whatever their heart desired!

Russian Simbirsk5 Mar at 0:27

March 4, 2016 at 10:01 pm
Weapons from improvised means

At the market you can find a “rubber hose, high pressure". This is a rubber hose with very thick walls and a small internal diameter. Massive metal nuts dangle at its ends, and the total length can vary from 40 to 100 cm. You can’t imagine how effective this thing is! And the nuts give the projectile a unique charm. It can be used like an ordinary baton or with the help of a “nunchuck” technique. But the most important thing is that carrying such a hose on the street is not a crime! In terms of efficiency, a “high-pressure rubber hose” is much superior to a police baton and nunchucks. We must live in step with our urbanism. century!

And now about the illegal stuff. Find a steel cable with a diameter of 10-15 mm, similar to what is used to clean the sewer. Cut a suitable piece from it and put it inside the “high pressure rubber hose”. Secure. You have created a truly killer projectile! The cable in the middle will give it additional elasticity upon impact.

Let's say you were unable to get a “high pressure rubber hose”. Then cut a piece from a regular rubber garden hose and stretch it over a piece of regular water pipe. It will also be a very good device.

There is another very interesting device called a “baton with a shifting center of gravity.” Take a piece of water pipe 50 cm long and stretch a rubber garden hose of a suitable diameter onto it. Plug the ends of the pipe with metal plugs on the threads - any mechanic can do this. Now the essence of this project: fill the inside of the pipe with the smallest shot to 1/3 of the volume. If you pour more or less, the weapon will lose its effectiveness. During the swing, the shot moves into the handle, and the swing itself is performed almost effortlessly. When struck, the shot rushes to the end of the baton, giving it additional inertial mass. It is very effective and dangerous weapon! A blow from an inertial baton will likely fracture the skull and break the bones of an opponent.

Another device, as old as time. Previously, saboteurs used it with pleasure, and it is called “Black Jack”. Find a piece of good durable tarpaulin and stitch it to make a kind of hose, 35-40 cm long. You need to stitch it with very strong synthetic threads, using a triple seam. Sew one end of the hose in the same way. Turn it inside out. You have got something like a large tarpaulin condom, but do not rush to pull it over your penis, but fill it completely with a mixture of sand and small shot in a 50/50 ratio. Tie the end tightly so that the mixture does not spill out, and tie a loop of durable material to it. leather strap to wear on your wrist. A Black Jack blow to the back of the head can “turn off” the victim for several minutes, and, unlike an inertial baton, without serious traumatic consequences.

If you really have nothing at all, but need to act impromptu, then take your sock, fill it with sand, tie it and act in the same way.

An ancient weapon of shock-crushing action. The flail is easy to make from available materials, and it has high impact efficiency, even compared to a baton.

The greater impact force is provided, again, by the inertial effect.

First make the handle. Make something like a wooden baton from bog oak, 40 cm long. If you are too lazy to tinker, then just take a piece of steel water pipe of the same length. Be sure to fit a durable leather loop on the handle to attach it to your wrist! Attach a piece of strong and thick synthetic cord, 30 cm long, to the striking end. If the baton is wooden, then it can be attached using a thick and long screw or as in nunchucks: through one longitudinal and two transverse holes.

In ancient examples, leather straps or chains were used for this purpose. This is the most reliable solution. Just make sure that the links of your chain are strong and welded, and not just riveted.

We put a weight on the free end of the chain or rope, which is the main impact projectile. It's a matter of taste! I will only say that the optimal weight of the load for the dimensions I have given is approximately 500-700 g. Then decide for yourself. I took a ball from a large bearing with a nut welded to it (for fastening the chain). You can also take just a large heavy nut or even an ordinary stone braided with leather straps. But the classic form is still a steel ball. Gourmets weld small blunt spikes onto it or grind out polyhedrons instead of a ball. Both are very harmful to the health (of the victim). The brush I described is portable enough to be carried under a blanket and used even in small spaces.

The handle and chain serve as an additional lever arm, which accelerates the ball, giving it great acceleration for impact. You will never achieve this effect with a simple baton.

Have you noticed that in our book we constantly maintain a section “for the laziest”?

Take a piece of strong chain 70-100 cm long and attach any weight weighing up to 1 kg to its end. The free end is wrapped around the brush. This semblance of a flail is somewhat less effective and convenient than classic version, but much easier to manufacture.

It couldn’t be simpler... Such a brush can be made in literally half a minute from scrap materials. Take a large towel, tablecloth or piece of sheet. Place any heavy object in the middle (It seems that somewhere Stephen King even used a toaster in this capacity). Twist the towel into a rope so that the heavy object is wrapped inward, in the middle. Now fold the ends of the towel and hold them tightly in your fist. Here's a homemade flail for you! Despite its simplicity, it is very effective and can be used in various crisis situations when no other weapon is at hand.

Chemical flail

What can people not think of! Take a glass bottle of lotion or triple cologne. These bubbles are made of thick glass and have a narrow neck. Fill the bottle with battery electrolyte and close tightly. If you do not want to cause serious bodily harm to your enemy, then fill it with “Commercial ammonia alcohol 25%”, which is sold in hardware stores as a detergent - the enemy will be in deep shock and knee-deep in snot!

Tie the bubble into a piece of mesh (fishing, household, homemade, etc.) and attach this “knot” to a meter-long rope with a loop at the end. Now all you have to do is spin this projectile well and break the bubble on the enemy’s head! Think about the consequences for yourself...

Brass knuckles are perhaps the most common folk weapon, after the knife. A punch is more natural than a knife, and a reinforced one with brass knuckles can cause terrible damage! Additionally, brass knuckles make the fist heavier and thereby also increases the force of the blow. Brass knuckles are made mainly of metal. Simple "fist amplifiers" are cast from lead.

Hitting with brass knuckles has always been considered dishonorable. It can crack a skull like a nut, break a jaw or forearm bones if the opponent tries to defend himself with his hands, as in boxing. Add to this the torn muscles and crushed soft tissues, and the effectiveness of brass knuckles will become clear to you.

The simplest brass knuckles are ordinary “fist amplifiers”. This is something like an oval rod or plaque that is held in the hand. Such brass knuckles protect the finger joints from being knocked out when hit, say, in the jaw. More dangerous brass knuckles protect fingers and cause heavy lacerations. They are made in the form of characteristic “frames” adjusted to the brush.

Even more dangerous are brass knuckles, in which the striking surface is equipped with spikes, protrusions or blades. You will laugh, but an ordinary pocket knife can be used as a brass knuckles.

Stiletto file (sharpening)

Choose a small triangular or round file. Sharpen its shank like an awl using another file. Place a wooden handle on the shank. It should fit tightly enough so that it does not accidentally fall off. Outwardly it looks quite harmless, but just remove the handle, and you have a stiletto in your hands!
Weapon. Weapons from improvised means

Take a knitting needle with a diameter of 1.5-2 mm made of elastic steel wire. Aluminum and other “soft” knitting needles will not suit you. Sharpen it as sharp as possible. To the end where the knitting needle has a “knob” or loop, firmly tie a loop of leather strap or synthetic cord. In the place where the handle will be, evenly wind several layers of thick thread, soaking it with glue.

This is a very convenient weapon. Place the loop around your wrist and pass it along the back of the hand between the middle and ring fingers so that it passes onto the palmar surface. Here you need to choose the length of the strap.

The knitting needle is clenched in a fist. Now it's enough to do a little rotational movement brush and the knitting needle itself will jump from a direct grip to a reverse one. From the outside it looks very impressive, especially if there are two knitting needles: one in each hand.

The knitting needle is very comfortable to wear. It is enough to pierce the lining of the jacket from the inside and insert it there, and the head with the strap will remain outside. Or pierce the inside of your trouser pocket and push the knitting needle through it inside onto your thigh, and the head and strap will be in the pocket. Due to the fact that the knitting needle is thin, the blow is strong and penetrating. This weapon can kill when hit in the neck or eye. A blow to the stomach causes a painful shock, and a blow to the limbs is very painful!

Take a regular measuring tape, but be sure to use a steel tape. Sharpen both edges of the tape on a knife sharpening stone. The sharpening length is 1-1.5 m. Tie a fishing sinker weighing 20-50 g to the end of the tape. You have a very dangerous whip. When struck, the edges of the tape will cut like blades. The technique is the same as with a whip.
Weapon. Weapons from improvised means

The device is familiar to everyone, but underestimated by many. A projectile fired from a powerful slingshot is only slightly inferior in strength to a rifle bullet.

In stores like "Sporting Goods" or "Hunter" you can now buy a real hunting slingshot. It is an exotic-looking frame with a handle and a wrist rest. Instead of ordinary rubber bands there are rubber tubes. Shoots steel balls, which are sold with it. From a distance of 20-30 m, such a slingshot can shoot a rabbit in the head or lay it flat. The weapon is silent and absolutely legal! It's just expensive.

Shock flashlight

An original thing can be made from an ordinary flashlight. Take a long flashlight with round batteries. The flashlight must have an additional locking switch, and not just one button. Take out the glass and unscrew the light bulb. Carefully break the bulb cylinder so as not to damage the spiral. Glue a small paper bag in the form of a wide cylinder and fill it with aluminum gunpowder

Carefully screw the light bulb without the cylinder into place. Place the cylinder with the mixture on the light bulb so that the spiral is inside. Secure with glue. When assembled, the paper bag is located inside, in the cavity of the reflector and should not protrude outward.

Do not insert glass! Instead, put on some suitable plastic cap. The result was a completely harmless-looking weapon. If necessary, remove the cover, turn on the switch, point the flashlight towards the enemy and press the button...

The current from the batteries instantly heats up the coil of the light bulb and ignites the gunpowder. The bag explodes with a blinding flash. This fiery jet, concentrated by a reflector, flies into the enemy's face. A burn and long-term blindness are guaranteed for him! The device is effective at a distance of no more than a meter.

Thermite match

Winked signalmen have special thermite matches that they use to weld overhead line wires. This match is similar to a hunting match, but with thermite coating. Tie several small fishing hooks tightly to the match shaft and put a suitable cap on them so as not to get caught yourself. Place this design in a box, along with the grater, and carry it with you.

When asked: “Let me light a cigarette!”, you slowly pull out a match, remove the cap, strike it and hang it on the person asking for it. The hooks cling tightly to the fabric. The match begins to burn and burns a decent hole in the surrounding material. When trying to shake it off, the enemy will receive nothing but a severe burn on his hands. I do not recommend that you stand like an idol and watch his coat burn with a sad fire. Better hit him on the head with something heavy...
Sugar, of course, is not harmless anyway, but this method of use makes it completely terrible weapon. Any confectioner will tell you that boiled sugar can cling to anything, and its contact with the skin results in unpleasant burns, while the caramel can continue to burn. Even though sugar is not cheap product, in the 17th century it was used out of desperation as a weapon. The defenseless Chinese ship Sapman was able to repel the Dutch pirates by throwing boiling sugar at them. At least 14 people suffered a “sweet” death, and the Dutch lost the battle. Today, boiling sugar is often used in prisons in prisoner fights.

Shooting toys can be bought in a store without any problems, but you can successfully make them yourself. On the pages of the site The Secret of the Master are considered various designs cool toys from the simplest to the more complex, which, in addition to gaming and experimental purposes, can bring practical benefits, for example, in protecting crops from pests at the dacha.

How to make an office cannon with your own hands

A simple gun design invented to carry out “office wars”. The projectile is a sheet of paper or a light ball crumpled into a ball. The gun does not allow firing in a straight line, but it shoots well with a canopy, which allows you to bypass obstacles in the form of office partitions;). The gun can be easily made with your own hands from a plastic bottle and rubber bands. For details, watch the video and.

How to make a rubber gun with your own hands

Rubber gun

A simple wooden automatic three-shot pistol. The pistol fits comfortably in the hand. It is cut out of plywood with a hand jigsaw; you only need to cut out 4 parts. The gun fires rubber bands. With such a pistol it is easy to organize a small airsoft game in an apartment or on the street. We look at the drawings of the gun stencil (link at the end of the blog). Load your homemade pistol carefully according to the instructions. For safety reasons, wear safety glasses.

How to make a vortex cannon with your own hands

A wonderful weapon for children's games and experiments. The gun shoots... with air, an invisible toroidal vortex erupts from the barrel, which moves in the direction of the shot for some distance. A safe thing for children to play with weapons and remotely “destruct” toy buildings. Design details are shown in the video and.

How to make a pneumatic machine gun with your own hands

If you have an air compressor with a receiver on your household, then you have every opportunity to do game console to the compressor. The weapon was adapted to the available ammunition - rowan and pea, and accordingly the machine guns were called rowan launcher and pea launcher. The design of a homemade machine gun is simple. It is based on manual blowing, which makes it easy to control the weapon. For manufacturing details, see the video.

How to make a gas gun with your own hands

When repeating this design, strictly follow the safety rules. You are building a gas gun at your own risk and take ALL responsibility for the construction, use, consequences of using this device, as well as for any damage caused. The authors summarized the accumulated experience in building potato cannons and tried to use ready-made elements in the design. In total, three types of guns of different calibers were designed.

Mini gun 32 mm caliber

The gun is made by hand in the shape of a pistol and shoots small balls. A reliable piezo spark source will not create problems. The gun is used for target shooting competitions. Requires some experience when loading. See production details

Gas apple potato gun 50 mm caliber

Gas gun

This is a serious design in terms of sound and projectile. The main application is to imitate the sound of a hunting rifle shot to scare away birds. A reliable budget gun, but only if used correctly and sparingly. Strictly follow safety rules and assembly recommendations. See how to make an Apple Gun

As you already understand, we will be talking about homemade self-defense weapons. If you are interested in DIY self-defense weapons, then you have come to the right place. These kinds of items may be needed in many cases and are completely to different people- from a little defenseless girl to a strong man weighing a hundredweight. Much depends on combat training, on a person’s physical and psychological indicators, and if all this is at a low level, then it will be very difficult for him to defend himself without means of self-defense. But also, a lot depends on how many people are attacking you, and what kind of training they are. Weapons for self-defense will help you protect yourself from an attacker if you are not sufficiently prepared, or if there are many such attackers.

Weapons for self-defense

So, let's look at weapons that you can make with your own hands.

  1. Flail
  2. Club
  3. Nunchakus
  4. Sling
  5. Brass knuckles
  6. Yawara
  7. Slingshot
  8. Samopal
  9. Other

Each self-defense weapon has its own characteristics, and not all weapons on the list are legal. For example, self-propelled guns and brass knuckles can be punished to the fullest extent of the law.


Roughly speaking, a flail is a weight on a rope, a shock-crushing weapon that can quickly subdue an attacker. You can use anything as a load - nuts, a stone, a hammer, a lead block, or, in principle, any heavy object. We will also need a rope with a loop at the end, which will be put on the hand so that the rope does not fall off. The rope does not need to be put on your hand, but tied to a handle of a convenient length made of wood or other material. The length of the rope from the load can be different, but the optimal one is 40-50 cm. We tie the rope to the load, make a loop at the end and that’s it, we have a serious weapon ready. The weight of the cargo should be 150 grams or more. Of course, such a weapon can easily harm an attacker, but when using any of the listed items, the main thing is not to become a criminal yourself. The weapon works on a swing and the working part of the weapon is the load that needs to hit a certain part of the body. The brush can be carried with you everywhere, as it is compact. You can put it in your purse or pocket, and it will help you out at the right time.


The baton is the simplest and most well-known item of self-defense. There are many types of batons that can help you get out of a difficult situation. You can use the simplest straight baton, the two-handled baton, which has more wide range actions. You can use two short clubs for self-defense, with the help of which you can defend yourself very effectively. As a last resort, any stick that is not very long and fits well in the palm will do. We can also use bits, which are also quite effective. Unfortunately, we cannot carry a baton in our purse. At best, it can fit in a backpack.


The weapon is effective, interesting, but not as simple as it might seem. You need to learn how to use it, and when you pick it up for the first time, the main thing is not to break your forehead, because almost every person who picks up nunchucks for the first time hits himself on the head with them. Be careful with this weapon, and before using it in a real-life situation, learn how to use it - believe me, it's worth it. Nunchakus, in to a greater extent became popular thanks to the legendary martial artist Bruce Lee. After watching films with Bruce Lee, you will be able to appreciate such weapons as nunchucks. They consist of two pieces of wood, or pieces of any other strong material. At home, we can simply connect two pieces of wood with a rope. We make holes at the ends of the segments in the middle, about 2-3 cm, and holes through the entire diameter, which passes through the central hole. In the middle we get a drilled letter “T”. We take a rope, stick one end in on one side and take it out from the center, and the other end on the other side, and take it out from the center in the same way, and for convenience you can use wire. It turns out that from the center, we will have two ends of the rope peeking out. Next, we insert the ropes into the center of another segment, take them out on the sides and tie them at the top. Nunchucks can be small and can be carried in a purse, backpack, or in the belt of your pants.


It’s quite a good self-defense weapon, but in order to use it, you need to first prepare it, load it, and only after that you will be able to stop the attacker. A sling looks like this: a rope with a “pocket” in the middle, like a slingshot, into which a stone is placed. At one end there is a loop that fits over the finger and onto the second knot. We put a stone in our pocket and, with simple movements, send the stone to the target. That’s the whole principle, but the point is that you need to know how to use this weapon, and here at first too - the main thing is not to harm yourself. To make a sling, you need rope and a thick piece of material for the “pocket” - leather is ideal. It doesn’t take much intelligence to attach cut leather to a rope, so we won’t consider this.

Brass knuckles

It's time to look at the brass knuckles. It's pretty ancient weapons, the existence of which many people know. Brass knuckles are a weapon with shock-crushing action. To use brass knuckles, they put it on the fingers, clench a fist and strike with the fist in which the brass knuckles are clamped. Due to the fact that an object is clamped in the palm, the blow is intensified, and the blow is also many times more powerful due to the weight of the brass knuckles, and due to its outer part, which is the working part. The sides of the brass knuckles can also be the working parts. If, when striking with a fist, the main points of contact are the knuckles of the thumbs, which are not so large area, then when striking with brass knuckles, the point of contact is the entire striking part of the brass knuckles, which allows you to influence a wider area. There are different brass knuckles, but they have the same principle. Brass knuckles can be made at home from lead or wood. Made of lead: make a mold and pour molten lead into it. Made of wood: we cut it out, but the weight will be significantly less.

Brass knuckles can also include fighting rings, and the simplest fighting ring can be made at home from a large nut that can be put on your finger. On the machine, we sharpen the nut to fit the finger and sharpen the top as needed.

I want to replace that mastery of brass knuckles or a fighting ring is practically impossible without practicing striking techniques. First, learn how to do it, and only then think about using brass knuckles.

This is such a simple weapon for self-defense. But that's not all. Let's continue.


Yavara is also an ancient weapon of self-defense, but to use it, you also need a little, or maybe a lot of training. Yawara represents wooden stick, which is longer than the width of the palm. She can be stabbed at various points on the body, and these blows will be quite painful if you have the preparation. Yavara can be made from an ordinary stick by sharpening it on a machine or with a knife.

A similar weapon is the Kubotan. In Yawara and Kubotan different story, but, nevertheless, they are similar in principle of operation. The main difference between the kubotan is that there is a hole on the edge for a ring on which you can hang anything—keys are the most convenient.

Yawara and kubotan can be carried both in your pocket and in your purse. The main condition is the ability to use it.


The slingshot, despite its innocent appearance, is a rather dangerous weapon. If the slingshot has a powerful, good rubber band, then the slingshot projectile can fly long and fast, which will allow it, if it hits the body, to cause pain and leave a bruise, and if it hits the head, it can simply cause pain, and there may be more serious consequences - it all depends on the rubber band and the projectile. A slingshot can be purchased, and the most suitable slingshot is one that has a forearm support. You can make a slingshot yourself from wood or reinforcement. But the main thing here is to find a good elastic band and shells.


Samopal is the most serious weapon for self-defense among those listed. You can charge a self-propelled gun with anything - bent nails, salt, pellets. The self-propelled gun consists of a handle and a pipe. The handle is for convenience, and so as not to get burned, and we fill the pipe with gunpowder (sulfur) and charge. A hole is made on top of the pipe so that the sulfur in the middle can be set on fire. The pipe must have thick walls so that it does not burst, and be well riveted at the end so that it does not swell. This is a very dangerous weapon for self-defense, which I suggest not using at all.


For other weapons, I can suggest the following:

opener. The most ordinary can opener can become a real weapon in the right hands.

Screwdriver. As a specialized item it does not pose any threat, but if used as a weapon it becomes very dangerous.

Scissors. Regular nail scissors, which can serve as a piercing weapon, or heavy household scissors, which can be used as an impact weapon, are perfect for self-defense.

Fork. An ordinary fork can also become a stabbing weapon.