Beautiful phrases about the end of summer. Cool short statuses about summer

The collection includes quotes about summer, vacation and relaxation:
  • I want summer not to end, which has not yet begun!
  • August is the month when it is impossible to open a window on a bus, which could not be closed in December. L.L. Levinson
  • I will love you all summer - this sounds much more convincing than all my life and - most importantly - much longer! M.I. Tsvetaeva
  • Ah, red summer, I would love you if it weren’t for the dust, the heat, the mosquitoes, and the flies... A.S. Pushkin
  • The deeper the summer, the more lush the garden. V. Inber
  • It was a beautiful July day, one of those days that only happen when the weather has settled for a long time. I.S. Turgenev
  • It’s good in Siberia in the summer, there is no snow for a whole month.
  • However, at the end of summer it is always sad to remember how it began... Yuri Slepukhin
  • Such a strange summer idleness, in which the days creep by exhaustingly slowly, and time flies incomprehensibly quickly. Evgeniy Grishkovets
  • The head is full of ideas, people have many plans! Lots of sunshine... Summer... Summer... Summer!
  • It's summer, remember? Everything is just beginning! musical "Vacation"
  • The doctor gives me two weeks to live. It would be nice in August. Ronnie Shakes
  • Umbrella manufacturers need to pray for rainy summer. Sandal makers need to pray for a dry summer. Beer producers need to pray for a hot summer. And vodka producers have no time to pray, they need to produce! Stas Yankovsky
  • There is something very special about the warm and bright nights of Russian provincial towns at the end of summer. What peace, what prosperity! I.A. Bunin
  • Autumn is better than winter, spring is better than autumn, and summer is better than autumn, winter and spring combined. Baurzhan Toyshibekov
  • The heat forced women to dress in such a way that the sales of erotic magazines dropped to almost zero.
  • One nature is unchangeable, but it also has its own: spring, summer, winter and autumn; How do you want to give immutability to the forms of the human body? Kozma Prutkov
  • Our winter is very cold. It's good that summer is warmer.
  • Not cooled down by the heat, the July night shone... And above the dim earth the Sky, full of thunder, Everything was trembling in the lightning... F.I. Tyutchev
  • Each season is good in its own way, however... summer is the best in all respects.
  • Our summer is just painted in green winter. Hegel
  • No matter how hard we try, there will still be flies in the summer.
  • Probably everyone experiences a summer in their life when you walk on the ground as if you are flying in the sky. movie "I love you"
  • No one got tired of the red summer. Russian proverb
  • We eat less - we are waiting for summer!
  • Summer is the season of irresponsibility.
  • Summer is designed in such a way that you wait for it all year, and then it comes and nothing happens.
  • Summer is a time of relaxation and love.
  • Summer differs from winter in Russia in that in winter the sweatshirt is buttoned up.
  • Summer is when outerwear looks more like underwear.
  • The summer was warm this year, but I was working that day.
  • Summer is when you don’t want anything and want everything at once.
  • The summer was cold, but with little snow.
  • Summer is a kiss from a sunbeam, a salty sea breeze, strawberries and lots and lots of sun.
  • Summer is the coolest time, when you dream of spending all 90 days so that many things remain in your memory forever.
  • Summer is the best best time of the year! Time to love and be loved!
  • Summer is sunny happiness good mood, the end of depression, beautiful tan and endless joy.
  • Summer is a sea of ​​sun, light, warmth... It's time for joy... It's the sun in the sky... And a bright sparkle in the eyes!
  • Summer in our area is short and cold. And ironically, it also coincides with the rainy season.
  • Summer is when minimum quantity clothing allows you to maximize the appearance of the opposite sex.
  • Summer is like a weekend. It’s just as beautiful, and it goes away just as quickly. June is Friday, July is Saturday, August is Sunday.
  • Summer is an annual, three-month sweet slice in life.
  • Summer is “how to seduce a girl” and “how to seduce a guy.”
  • Summer is the time of year when it's too hot to do things that were too cold to do in winter Mark Twain

Quotes about summer are short and beautiful, colorfully describing the pictures of the sultry season. Which we are happy to dedicate to unbridled fun and new acquaintances. Again and again diving into the transparent sea ​​wave, barely drying out under the scorching sun, we receive a charge of health, vigor and vitality for the entire coming year.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just like sadness, thoughtfulness, love... The whole world is in the eyes of the beholder. In you." Al Quotion.

Summer rain. At first it’s like a light touch. Then stronger, more abundant. He pounded on the sidewalks and roofs, like the keys of a huge piano. Ray Bradbury

June. Which beautiful word, how sweet it sounds! He exudes blissful laziness and sunlight. Patricia Highsmith "The Talented Mr. Ripley"

I want to get lost in the caress of the waves, I want to forget myself and just float. Where life is colored by the soft light of the setting sun. Al Quatin

Just being alive, watching the sun rise over the glittering snowy hills, is the greatest treasure on earth. JK Rowling.

The pleasure of life is drawn from our encounters with new things, and therefore there is no greater happiness than constantly changing our horizons, meeting each day under a different sun. Jon Krakauer

To live you need sun, freedom and a small flower. Hans Christian Andersen

“... evening came, some strange evening, when the summer heat of the day began to gradually cool down and the white light of the scorched sky imperceptibly turned into greenish twilight” Viktor Pronin.

There is nothing better than spending the summer in the forest, giving your head a rest before studying and returning home, to the city, to the noise, cold, dirty air, where there is too much large number people are in too limited a space. Simon Hawke.

Everyone who has ever spent a summer by the sea remembers it later as a blessing. Summer rituals, unchanging sensations, the taste of salt on the lips... Muriel Barbery

In the summer it's so easy to seem in love. Green warm twilight wanders under the branches. They turn every word into a mysterious and vague sign...” Sergei Dovlatov.

Summer nights are the wildest, the most restless. Justin Torres.

Tears are the summer rains that pour into the soul. Alfred Austin

Such a strange summer idleness, in which the days creep by exhaustingly slowly, and time flies incomprehensibly quickly. — Evgeniy Grishkovets

Summer is the furnace in which God burns the magnificent colors of autumn. Heinrich Bell, "The Cross Without Love"

A wonderful summer was beginning: peace and tranquility in nature, the pleasant coolness of the lake, bonfires and songs and, who knows, maybe fleeting love. Simon Hawke.

So summer has come, in the coolness of the forest the white, porcelain-like “night beauty” began to smell, and the handsome man of our forests, fireweed, stood in the sun in his full magnificent stature by a tree stump. Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich

Summer came, and the wind was summer - the warm breath of the world, unhurried and lazy. You just have to get up, lean out the window, and you will immediately understand: here it begins, real freedom and life, here it is, the first morning of summer. Ray Bradbury. Dandelion wine.

“There is something very special about the warm and bright nights of Russian provincial towns at the end of summer. What peace, what prosperity!” I.A. Bunin

“You just have to get up, lean out of the window, and you will immediately understand: here it begins, real freedom and life, here it is, the first morning of summer.” Ray Bradbury

“When I contemplate the wonders of a sunset or the grace of the sea, my soul bows in awe of the Creator.” Gandhi

Warm quiet evening, and it feels like the whole Universe is looking at us with love. It’s so beautiful, our summer. Elchin Safarli.

What a bliss it is to be with yourself again, to go deep into yourself and enjoy the silence of the forests! Knut Hamsun. The last consolation

The air is so fresh and tart that even the bitterness of young greenery can be felt on the tongue. It's the beginning of summer, what more happiness could you wish for? Veronica Ivanova.

Can you smell the air? August has arrived. Goodbye summer. Ray Bradbury.

There is no complete happiness with anxiety; complete happiness is calm, like the sea during summer silence. Alexander Herzen

You came into my life like summer comes - suddenly, without warning, like the glare of sunlight entering a room in the morning. Mark Levy

How nice it is to sit on the veranda on a summer evening; how easy and calm; If only this evening would never end! Ray Bradbury. Dandelion wine

Summer spoils us from the very beginning to the end warm weather, have a fun holiday, ripe fruits. At this time of year, life seems wonderful and carefree.
Section topic: beautiful quotes short about summer.

  • June. What a beautiful word, how sweet it sounds! He exudes blissful laziness and sunshine. (Patricia Highsmith)
  • Yes, summer consists of familiar rituals, each has its own usual time and its own usual place.
  • You can love winter and carry the warmth within you, or you can prefer summer while remaining a shard of ice. (Sergey Lukyanenko)
  • There is something beautiful in summer, And with summer there is something beautiful in us. (Sergey Yesenin)
  • Tears are the summer rains that pour into the soul. (Alfred Austin)
  • I want to plunge into a sea of ​​adventure. Run barefoot on damp grass in the morning. Pack your backpack and go explore the forest. Collect a huge bouquet of daisies and give it to your mother. Write a bunch of letters to your friends who live far away. And during the summer I will do all this. (T. Aibergenov)
  • Summer reigned all around. Suddenly it was completely clear and yet overwhelming. During the long winter you always have time to forget that summer is magic.
  • Most cold winter I learned that there is an invincible summer inside me. (Albert Camus)
  • How nice it is to sit on the veranda on a summer evening; how easy and calm; If only this evening would never end! (Ray Bradbury)
  • Only dreams of summer, of a new life, heal me.
  • Probably everyone experiences a summer in their life when you walk on the ground as if you are flying in the sky.
  • Summer came, and the wind was summer - the warm breath of the world, unhurried and lazy. You just have to get up, lean out the window, and you will immediately understand: here it begins, real freedom and life, here it is, the first morning of summer. (Ray Bradbury)
  • In order to forget a person, you can’t think of a better time than summer. (Jeffrey Eugenides)
  • Vague, restless melancholy of three long spring months somehow calmed down. In the final week it burned out - it flared up, exploded and crumbled to dust. Without regret, he turned to face limitless possibilities summer. (Francis Scott Fitzgerald)
  • Taking a breath of the unsteadily trembling September air, short summer melted - but the soul still did not want to part with its pitiful remains. Old T-shirt denim shorts, beach sandals... (Haruki Murakami)
  • - Well, what is this? We'll be completely late! - Yes. But if we don’t hear the first nightingales, we’ll be late for the whole summer! (“Locomotive from Romashkovo”)
  • And if summer is the time to run away from home towards the unfulfilled dreams of the teenage soul, then late autumn- time to return. (Al Quotion)
  • Can you smell the air? August has arrived. Goodbye summer. (Ray Bradbury)
  • Yesterday's summer is a funny mistake.
  • The day was ending. It would seem that at least last day The passing summer could have revealed a little more taste and meaning... (Haruki Murakami)
  • Scientists say that people are less tolerant of heat than cold, and every summer I agree. But as soon as winter comes and gets really stiff in the cold, my body challenges the previous agreement. (Miguel Grace)
  • Summer is a small life. (Oleg Mityaev)
  • It was July - the time when the alchemy of summer transforms the forest into a bright mass of greenery merging together, when you feel dizzy from the smells of the pulsating sea of ​​wet leaves and indefinable aromas of earth and fruits, when you stop seeing the world in its true light, time and space become empty words, and the echo of bygone times persistently sounds in the enchanted consciousness. (Howard Phillips Lovecraft)
  • A summer night, when the merciless sun disappears, but you can still smell it in the air, when you go out into the street just like that, without noticing the threshold of the door where you used to perform the ritual of pulling on your jacket, hat and boots, clearly separating here and there. The limit of what is permitted is erased by heat. (Al Quotion)
  • For early spring- there is a sign - Alas, the short summer is coming! (Shakespeare)
  • My favorite time year - June, early summer. When everything is still ahead. This is how you have to live, without looking back. And believe that all summer is ahead, and all winter is behind. (Natalia Andreeva)
  • This summer burned us, dried us down to our very nerves.
  • Summer rain always carries with it the smell of the sea. (Banana Yoshimoto)
  • Enjoy the summer of your life - winter always follows. (Harry Harrison)

When we are at home in the summer, it seems to me that every day is wasted.

If you think you're fat, come to the beach and you'll see that it's not so bad)))

Yakut schoolchildren do not write essays on the topic “How I spent my summer.” Who is interested in these two or three days in the life of children...

The summer was cold, but with little snow.

Summer is when the minimum amount of clothing allows you to maximize the appreciation of the opposite sex.

Something is wrong with my receptors... I don’t feel summer at all(

I want this: May, June, July, July, July, July, July, August...)))

I am a summer lover, a summer lover, a summer addict... And I have a great plan for this summer!

Cooing phrases about summer

The water grabbed her, lovingly hid her from the summer heat, seeping into her hair, getting into all the folds of her body...

Summer reigned all around. Suddenly it became completely clear and yet overwhelming. It takes a long time to forget that summer is magic.

Fresh cooing phrases about summer

Probably, everyone has a summer in their life when you walk on the ground as if you are flying in the sky!

In the summer, women dressed impressively drive men into a state of passion...

It was a wonderful morning, as happens at the end of spring or, if you prefer, at the beginning of summer, when the delicate colors of the grass and leaves turn into brighter and richer colors and nature looks like a beautiful girl, captured by the vague trepidation of awakening femininity.

Probably in the life of every person there was one, that special summer that he will never forget!

Summer... We installed an air conditioner at home. I experienced an orgasm!!!

Summer has come! Long live the diet!

The air is so fresh and tart that even the bitterness of young greenery can be felt on the tongue. It's the beginning of summer, what more happiness could you wish for?

It was nice to feel the warm breath summer night over hot sidewalks. It’s like walking on the hard crust of freshly baked bread. Hot streams insidiously wrap around your legs, get under your dress, cover your whole body... Pleasant!

Fame can be compared to apples winter varieties: They grow in summer but are enjoyed in winter.

Summer is when outerwear looks more like underwear!

Okay, this summer I still look like I am, but by next summer I’ll definitely lose weight!

No matter how hard we try, there will still be flies in the summer.

And only the aroma of blooming roses - a flying prisoner locked in glass, reminds us in cold and frost that summer was on earth. Flowers have lost their former shine, but have retained the soul of beauty...

What are the best cooing phrases about summer?

Winter has passed, summer has come, thanks to the party for this!

I wish everyone a summer without the Internet!

I have long forgotten what summer smells like. Everything was different before: the smell sea ​​water and distant ship whistles, the touch of a girl’s skin and the lemon scent of hair, the breath of the twilight wind and timid hopes. Now summer has turned into a dream.

I can do anything! I can do anything! I'll lose weight before summer!

Crap!!! Why don’t mosquitoes have such a principle: “Don’t eat after six?”

Happy New Summer!!!))) To the whole planet!!!)))

Autumn is good only if summer in your soul is not over yet.

For some, winter is just around the corner, but for me, summer is just around the corner.

How I spent the summer... With a glance...)

Summer is an annual, three-month sweet slice of life...

An ideal vacation is when it doesn’t end: summer, vacation and money...

In Siberia, summers are generally warm, you can walk around in an unbuttoned down jacket...

What's good about a hot summer - not a single woman will say that she lacks warmth...

Our summer is just winter painted green.

My summer wouldn't work without you.

Summer is a winter dream, spring anticipation and autumn memories...

Top-notch cooing phrases about summer

With a cool head and clean hands, hot on our heels - towards summer!

It seems to me that somehow summer is going away too quickly... It could be a little slower. I don't have time...

Every summer I start playing my game “eat half a watermelon - spend the night in the toilet”...)))

Ah, red summer, I would love you if it were not for the dust, the heat, the mosquitoes, and the flies...

I'm leaving the Internet, not for long, just for the summer...

But where did summer go? When I was little, it seemed to me that there was no end to summer. It stretched out before me like an endless season. Now this is a fleeting moment.

Summer is not when it's warm, summer is when there is money.

All that remains from our childhood is the singing of cicadas and the resinous heat of the sun...

The summer ended without fulfilling any of its promises.

The older I get, the more boring summer gets...

I think it’s time to ask June now. June, do you know that spring is over? And we want a summer kiss!

Is Indian summer cold? What women, what summer!

Summer doesn't happen twice a year.

Summer this year is like love. You keep waiting for it and waiting, but it doesn’t come.

There is nothing sadder in the world than the thought of the end of summer...

Cooing phrases about summer for classmates

In summer, a person consists of 80% kvass and 20% cucumbers...

Summer in our area is short and cold. And ironically, it also coincides with the rainy season.

Never mind your problems - June has arrived!

On the first day last month Summer, for some reason, you understand especially clearly that life is a very short thing...

I was riding in a minibus today... As a matter of fact, the deodorants given to men on February 23rd are OUT!!!

The summer was warm this year, but I was working that day.

Summer... The time when it’s easier to breathe, when it’s easier to love someone, it’s easier to dream about someone, it’s easier to desire someone!

Well, even if it’s not on the sea, well, even if it’s not on the beach! I'll show you my little swimsuit in an open field!

On summer time I'm looking for relatives in Egypt. Aunts and uncles, respond! Where are you? Urgently... I miss you very, very much...

Take summer in your hand, pour summer into a glass - into the tiniest glass, of course, from which you can take a single tart sip; bring it to your lips - and instead of a fierce winter, a hot summer will run through your veins...

The summer heat opens the city's skull, exposing its white brain and bundles of nerves that hiss like wires in night lamps.

Summer nights are not made for sleeping!

Some rest in the summer, others - where it is summer.

Winter, cold and frost... and I really want to hear the sound of a warm summer shower, open the window wide and take a deep, “washed”, light breath, fresh air... close your eyes and smile :)