Praying mantis gray. Who is the common praying mantis, female praying mantis

Praying mantises are predatory insects, classified into the order Bogomolovs of the same name, numbering 2853 species. to his unusual name they owe it not to their angelic character, but to a special hunting pose in which they fold their front legs in the pose of a praying person.

Devil's Flower (Idolomantis diabolica) - This mantis gets its name from its ominous appearance.

The sizes of these insects range from 1 to 11 cm. Appearance praying mantises can be very different, however, in all species of these insects you can find common features. They are characterized by a small, mobile, triangular head and a narrow body with long, jointed limbs, giving them a resemblance to grasshoppers or stick insects. But from a systematic point of view, praying mantises have nothing in common with grasshoppers; stick insects can only be considered their distant relatives, and truly brotherly ties connect these insects with cockroaches.

Many praying mantises, like this feathery empusa (Empusa pennata), have branched antennae. They can be straight or twist into a gentle spiral.

Praying mantises are quite thermophilic, so they reached their greatest diversity in the tropics and subtropics; only a few species have penetrated into the temperate zone, and in cold climates they try to inhabit the warmest biotopes: steppes and dry meadows. But in the tropics, mantises can be found in wet forests, and in rocky deserts. These insects are active mainly during daylight hours, since they track their prey visually. Praying mantises never pursue their prey: like spiders, they are typical ambushers, ready to sit in one place all day long, waiting for an unwary mosquito. In this regard, the vast majority of these insects have developed protective colors, and some have even developed a special body shape. For example, in species that live in dense grass, the straight body of a green or brown-variegated color resembles a blade of grass or a dry stick...

in species living in tropical forest, it is green with lateral outgrowths and looks like a leaf...

In Choerododis stalii, even tiny spots imitate natural damage to the leaf.

Tropical mantises that ambush flowers have a curved abdomen and flat lobes on their legs that mimic flower petals.

Orchid mantises change color as they age: juveniles are white, adults are pink.

The orchid mantis is indistinguishable from the flower on which it lives.

In this parade of camouflage suits, a rare exception is the bright mantis, whose covers have a metallic sheen in all shades of the rainbow.

The difference in color between the two bright praying mantises (Metallyticus splendidus) is due to the different angles of light refraction.

Like other insects, praying mantises have wings: more rigid front ones (elytra) and transparent rear wings, used for flight. Occasionally there are short-winged or completely wingless species (mostly desert ones).

The desert mantis (Eremiaphila baueri) is one of the little-studied species.

Some mantises use their wings for protection; in case of danger, they suddenly open them wide and thereby scare away a potential enemy. Accordingly, the wings of such insects have an intricate pattern.

African spiny mantis (Pseudocreobroter occellata).

Mantises, deprived of such useful weapons of defense, resort to the old, well-proven method, namely, in the face of danger they take an aggressive “hunting” pose. If this does not help, the mantis flies away or, conversely, rushes at the offender and bites him. Some species are even capable of hissing.

This mantis fights to the last, but the forces are too unequal.

Birds, chameleons, and snakes are considered enemies of praying mantises. But they themselves are not born with bast. Praying mantises are very voracious and in a few months of life they manage to destroy several thousand insects ranging in size from aphids to grasshoppers, and sometimes even attack vertebrates. For them, cannibalism is the norm of life, and it sometimes manifests itself at the most unexpected moment. It has long been noticed that after mating, the larger female praying mantis often snacks on her chosen one, in exceptional cases she begins this unseemly activity while still in the process of lovemaking. To reduce the risk of being eaten, the male performs a ritual dance before mating, which helps the female distinguish her partner from her prey and set her up in a peaceful mood.

The praying mantis caught a small gecko.

Reproduction in tropical mantises occurs all year round, species temperate zone mate in the fall. The female lays from 10 to 400 eggs in several portions on grass stems, tree branches, posts, boards (less often in sand). She immerses each clutch in a foamy mass, which, when hardened, forms a capsule - an ooteca. Cockroaches have the same capsules. Depending on the substrate, the ootheca may be sandy, gray or brown. Eggs mature in it from 3 weeks to 6 months, in species temperate zone It is the eggs that are the overwintering life stage.

Ootheca mantis.

Praying mantises are insects with incomplete metamorphosis, therefore their larvae, called nymphs, have a body shape similar to adult individuals, only wingless. Nymphs are insatiable, so they grow quickly; in the process of growing up, they manage to molt from 9 to 55 times. In general, the life expectancy of mantises does not exceed 1 year.

An orchid mantis nymph mimics an ant.

People have long paid attention to the warlike nature of these insects; one of the Chinese wrestling styles, wushu, is even named after them. Nowadays, praying mantises are one of the most popular insects to keep in home insectariums. In addition, due to their gluttony, they are also useful in agriculture. True, along with aphids, flies and grasshoppers, mantises can also attack beneficial insects. In the USA, they are used to a limited extent in gardens for growing organic fruits. In general, the condition of this group of insects is good. Species such as spotted iris, striped empusa and short-winged bolivaria are included in the regional Red Books.

Mantises are large predatory insects with an elongated body, a triangular head, and forelimbs designed for grasping and holding prey. They resemble sinister space aliens, although they are ordinary natives of planet Earth. The question of what a praying mantis looks like is becoming less and less relevant. In order to go catching a specimen for your entomological collection, this knowledge will soon no longer be required. The common praying mantis is growing in Russia rare species due to the plowing of the steppes, which are its main habitat. It is listed in the Red Book of some Russian regions.

Are praying mantises found in Russia?

The most common insect species in Europe is " common mantis" This species is also found in Russia, because borders do not matter for the distribution of insects. Going for a walk in the steppe areas there is a chance to spot one of its species. However, civilization is increasingly disrupting the habitual way of life of these insects. It is possible to see a praying mantis even on the asphalt in the middle of the city or on your own windowsill. Of course, the further north you go, the less likely it is to encounter such an insect, since it thrives only in arid, hot climates.

Where do praying mantises live in Russia?

The praying mantis lives in the southern part middle zone Russia. It can be seen in Crimea and the Caucasus. The praying mantis settles both in steppe grass and on tree branches. If there is enough food around, it can stay in one place throughout its life. The praying mantis lives everywhere in Russia, except that you rarely see it in northern regions. There are only rare individuals. What types of insects are known and what areas are their predominant habitat:

Due to the large size of the insect, the praying mantis is easy to catch. He will focus on the subject of creative biology assignments for Russian schoolchildren. The insect is kept in a jar with ventilation holes in the lid. They feed them flies and larvae. The food must be alive: the insect is used to hunting and will not eat carrion. It is better not to put praying mantises in one container: the stronger individual will destroy the weaker one in the struggle for living space. So, are there any various praying mantises in Russia, every inquisitive schoolchild knows.

Despite the fact that mantises are accustomed to living in trees or among steppe grass, some species are able to adapt to new urban living conditions. After all, without the ability to adapt to changes, an insect will not be able to continue its species, and who knows, perhaps in the near future, the praying mantis will become as common a creature as a fly for residents of megacities.

This is not surprising, because the insect is very aggressive and even attacks its relatives. Even during mating, the female praying mantis is known to eat the male. In this regard, the question arises, what differences does the praying mantis insect have, why is this representative of arthropod dangerous and useful for humans? Does its size matter? After all, if we take flies and mosquitoes as an example, it becomes clear that even a tiny creature can cause serious harm to health. Thus, mosquitoes spread malaria and other serious diseases. Praying mantises are not small by insect standards. Different species reach from four to nine centimeters in length! Add to this the ability to camouflage and the habits of a predator - there is something to worry about.

Why does a female praying mantis eat the male during mating??

The breeding season for praying mantises occurs from August to September. Males go searching dangerous girlfriends, but family happiness is not expected for predatory insects. The female eats the male directly during mating, starting from the head. After all, the nerve nodes on the abdomen are responsible for the sexual process. Experts have studied this behavior of praying mantises.

In the early stages of research into the biology of these insects, scientists were of the opinion that the female behaved in such a way as to increase the amount of sperm she received from the agonizing male mantis.

Modern entomologists have come to the conclusion that this version is erroneous. After careful research, it became clear that the female praying mantis devours the male only in order to obtain an additional source of proteins for the development of eggs.

Why is there an opinion that the female praying mantis necessarily eats the male during mating? This does not always happen. It is known that especially cautious males are able to complete their mission and quickly get out of the sight of their predatory friend.

Can a praying mantis bite a person??

Young praying mantises behave more modestly than adults, do not attack large prey and do not even try to bite a person. The insects do not pose a serious threat, but they can injure with their claws. An adult can easily survive such a nuisance, but small child It’s better to protect it from meeting an aggressive praying mantis. The predator even hunts small birds and mammals if they were careless to disturb his peace.

Can a praying mantis bite an adult when it encounters it? Of course, such a possibility exists. However, children tend to explore the world around them and are more likely to encounter dangerous insects. It is better to keep very young children away from this creature to prevent pain. Don't frighten kids too much with the praying mantis. In the forest or steppe there are much more dangerous creatures: poisonous snakes, stinging wasps and rodents that carry the infection.

Benefits of the praying mantis

Praying mantises are widely used by gardeners to control pests. Because of their omnivorous nature, they quickly deal with all the inhabitants of the garden or garden, saving plants and vegetables from death. These insects have become loyal allies people in the agricultural sector. However, the main advantage of praying mantises is also its disadvantage. The fact is that along with pests, beneficial insects, such as bees, also die in their paws.

The insect mantis, what makes it dangerous and useful for humans is its aggressive gluttony. It bites furiously, fighting all living creatures, it is useful as an entomophage, destroying garden pests. In any case, the insect cannot but attract the attention of both scientists and ordinary people.

Arthropod insects from the order Praying Mantises got their Russian name due to the fact that their forelimbs are similar to human arms, bent in the hands.

While in ambush, they take a wait-and-see attitude. In the photo of praying mantises you can see this behavioral feature. This posture is associated with the position of the body of a person reading a prayer.

Description of insects

These arthropod insects have an elongated body with a triangular head that rotates around its axis. Mantises notice enemies ready to attack them from behind.

Look what a praying mantis looks like, the photo demonstrates complex structure bulging eyes. They are located on the sides of the head; the insect also has 3 additional eyes.

Many segments form antennae. Oral apparatus the gnawing type is directed downwards.

A special feature is the pronotum, which expands upward. The body consists of 10 segments. On the latter there is a pair of appendages that serve as olfactory organs.

Most varieties of mantises have wings and can fly. The front pair of wings, narrower than the rear, are used as elytra.

The wider pair of wings at the rear may be brightly colored and even patterned. In addition, there are praying mantises without wings, similar to larvae.

Insects have well-developed forelimbs. The tarsi have 5 segments and 2 large claws. In addition to the tarsus, the limb includes the tibia, coxa, femur, and trochanter. The femur and tibia have spines.

During the eating process, the mantis holds the victim between the lower leg and thigh. The other legs of the insect have a typical structure for arthropods. The praying mantis breathes through the tracheal system.

The female praying mantis is larger in size than the male.

There are species that reach 16-17 cm in length, but there are also varieties no more than 5 mm.

The coloring of the body has a camouflage character. The color literally blends with the environment.

Some representatives of praying mantises resemble leaves, sticks or flowers, others are colored like tree bark, lichens or ashes that are carried by the wind after a fire.

Insects can have different colors: green, brownish, yellow and even contrasting. The color of the same individual may change after molting.

Enemies of arthropod insects

Praying mantises can become prey for snakes, chameleons, bats and birds. Having encountered an enemy, the insect tries to scare the attacker.

The praying mantis adopts a terrifying pose and makes terrifying sounds. But when the enemy turns out to be stronger, he flies away.

How long does a praying mantis live?

Each species has its own life expectancy. It can vary from 2 to 11 months.

Natural habitat

Praying mantises live in most Asian and European countries in the south and central part. Insects can be found in Africa, South and North America, as well as in Australia.

Praying mantises feel great in tropical and subtropical climate. Insects live in steppes, deserts and meadows. The only reason The reason they leave their habitat is a lack of food.

Most species of mantises are active during the daytime.

What do praying mantises eat?

These arthropods are predators, so they mainly feed on other insects. Predators hunt flies, mosquitoes, bees, bumblebees, butterflies, beetles and cockroaches.

The largest representatives of this order attack small amphibians, birds and rodents.

How do praying mantises reproduce?

In insects, the transformation cycle is not complete. Mantises are characterized by sexual demorphism. Those that live in the tropics breed year-round. For inhabitants of temperate climate zone The breeding season begins with the onset of autumn.

Males look for females to mate with. They dance a ritual dance so that their partner does not see them as her food. In order for offspring to appear, the process of fertilization is required.

When a female praying mantis lays unfertilized eggs, they become nymphs.

Often the male dies after fertilization. The partner eats it, thereby replenishing its supply of nutrients.

There are varieties in which the male praying mantis remains alive after fertilization.

The female lays eggs on trees or tall grass. She has to squeeze them out of her ovipositor.

With the help of a sticky secretion from special glands, it protects fertilized eggs, which end up in a kind of capsule. The female, depending on the variety, can lay 10-400 eggs.

The capsule or edema can be of various shades from light yellow to gray. After laying eggs, the females soon die. Praying mantis larvae hatch from eggs at varying intervals - from 3 weeks to 6 months.

Photo of a praying mantis

Paws folded as if in prayer, a pose full of humility and sorrow - before you is a praying mantis - one of the most extraordinary creatures on earth, which cannot be confused with someone else, but can easily be mistaken for a twig, leaf or blade of grass.

Common praying mantis: close-up photo.

Mantis on cucumbers.

About 3 thousand now known species mantises belong to the largest order of mantises - arthropod insects with incomplete transformation. One of the most common species is the religious mantis ( Mantis religiosa), a member of the true praying mantis family, named by Carl Linnaeus due to its characteristic, prayerful posture.

Having examined the praying mantis more closely and learned its true character, it becomes clear that behind the deceptive humility lies a cunning, cruel and merciless predator, far from being a saint, but rather vicious.

Here is a photo of praying mantises different types from all over the world:

Red mantis, photo taken on the island of Crete.

Orchid mantis. Habitat: India and Indonesia.

Orchid mantis in all its glory.

Praying mantis Phyllocrania paradoxa. Habitat: Madagascar.

Mantis Devil's flower. Habitat: East Africa.

Mantis Blepharopsis mendica. Habitat: North Africa, Asia Minor.

Mantis, we are finding out the type of insect.

What does a praying mantis look like?

Praying mantises - enough large predators, growing up to 15 cm in length, with females being much more massive and heavier than males. Long body insects are equipped with well-developed front and rear wings, which spread out like a chic fan to intimidate enemies.

The front legs of mantises are folded in prayer only when at rest, and their main purpose is to capture and hold prey, sometimes much larger than the mantis itself. Their thighs and legs are covered with rows of large and sharp spines, to which the mantis presses the caught victim, and the hind limbs of the insects are well adapted for walking.

Mantis on flowers.

Mantis on a flower, photo No. 2.

Praying mantises can engage in cannibalism.

Mantis. The photo was taken in the Moscow region. Camera smartphone NOKIA LUMIA 1020.

The most remarkable feature of praying mantises is their triangular head with huge eyes, so mobile that these insects are the only ones that can easily look behind themselves with one turn of their heads.

The mouthparts of mantises are excellently developed, and their powerful jaws do an excellent job of grinding large and tough prey.

The art of camouflage

Praying mantises have a reputation unsurpassed masters camouflage, skillfully using camouflage colors to blend harmoniously with the surrounding landscape. For example, individual African species praying mantises turn black in order to successfully hunt on fire sites.

Most predators are colored in a rich, grassy color green, there are beige and brownish specimens, and only 5 Asian species from the family Metallyticidae they are distinguished by their blue-green color with a metallic tint.

Cunning insects can not only mimic the color of foliage, stones and trees, but also skillfully imitate leaves, shoots, grass stems and even fruit seeds with the position of their bodies.

Where do praying mantises live?

Today these insects are found in southern Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia and are very numerous throughout their range. Praying mantises adapt well to different biotopes and, when there is an abundant food supply, prefer sedentary image life.

Despite their frightening appearance, mantises are highly valued by farmers of all countries, they welcome them and try to use them as an effective biological weapon to combat insect pests of agriculture.

In America and a number of Asian countries they are kept as pets - exterminators of flies and mosquitoes, and lovers of exotic insects decorate their insectariums with them.

Common praying mantis (Mantis religiosa).

Common mantis, or religious mantis.

Common praying mantis.

Common praying mantis in the grass.

Mantis, macro photography.

A praying mantis on top of a cliff, against the backdrop of the Black Sea coast.

Hunting mantis

Mantises spend most of their lives in their characteristic position, waiting for prey, and thanks to their excellent vision, they mark the victim from afar and quickly attack when the prey is within reach.

Sometimes, young mantises, in order to survive, feed on their weaker brothers.

Praying mantises eat various insects, hunt small snakes, frogs and lizards, attack birds and rodents, practice cannibalism on occasion and will not refuse to feast on their own offspring.

These fearless and arrogant predators are not afraid to demonstrate their superiority by frighteningly bristling their wings and throwing them forward. long paws, raising his butt in the air and rushing into battle. If the potential victim turns out to be stronger, the mantis retreats and flies away.

Mantis defensive stance.

Mantis defensive stance.

Common mantis, or religious mantis (lat. Mantis religiosa).

According to legend, one of the most famous styles of Chinese wushu - tanglangquan or "mantis style" arose after a famous master observed the technique of a duel between two insects, when a large cicada was unable to escape from the iron grip of the mantis.

Reproduction and dance of the praying mantis

Mantises owe their fame partly to the original behavior of females, who eat males after or during mating. This feature is explained by the need of females for high doses of protein necessary for the development of eggs, so males have to resort to various tricks to avoid death.

Praying mantises mating. Transcaucasian praying mantis (Hierodula transcaucasica).

At the end of the last century, researchers studying the Chinese mantis noticed how males, during courtship, perform an eerie but effective dance in front of the female in an attempt to make them perceive themselves as a partner, and not as a food object. It is difficult to judge how well the dance really works, however, about half of the matings end quite happily for the males.

The female lays from 10 to 400 eggs, which she places in a capsule - an ooteca, and hangs on bushes, grass and tree branches. In the larval stage, the insect resembles a worm, and after hatching and molting, it turns into a full-fledged praying mantis. Having been born, the offspring, for the purpose of self-preservation, tries to quickly hide from the mother’s eyes.

The life of mantises is interesting and short, most individuals live 6 - 7 months, and only specimens overwintering in the ooteca are able to live for a year.