Rating of the most deadly animals and insects in the world (19 photos). The most dangerous animals in the world What is the most dangerous animal on the planet

We present to your attention our author's rating of the most dangerous animals. During its preparation, many authoritative materials were processed, all data is current and verified. Read the selection and find out how many cute hippopotamuses from cartoons actually destroy, and how little scary sharks from thrillers actually destroy.

20. Ant – 30 people

The most dangerous animals among them are red fiery ones, which relatively often attack people. Each insect carries a very small amount of poison, but they attack in groups, and death usually occurs in people who are allergic to their poison.

19. Buffalo – 10-100 people

The buffalo is an extremely dangerous animal, primarily due to the fact that it has a large mass, massive horns and develops high speed (35-40 km/h). They are dangerous enemies of lions, and also often attack people - primarily hunters. Often attacks vehicles, destroying them very quickly. The data varies greatly, some claim only 1-2 attacks per year, others – as many as 200, we have narrowed the range of these figures to more reliable sources.

18. Leo – 70-90 people

The king of beasts destroys far fewer human lives than the tiger. The main geography of attacks is, of course, in Africa.

17. Bee – 50-100 people

Another dangerous insect, which, however, cannot be compared with mosquitoes, but will leave sharks behind. Thousands of attacks are reported each year, but a very small proportion are fatal, with those most at risk being those who are allergic to bee venom.

16. Deer – 120-150 people

Deer do not kill people themselves, but are directly linked to the deaths of large numbers of people. First of all, in the United States, they lead to a large number of accidents, due to which drivers, their passengers, and sometimes pedestrians die every year.

15. Hornet – 100-150 people

Every year, according to the BBC, an average of 50 to 150 people die worldwide from , sometimes this figure is more, sometimes less, seasonal surges are frequent, for example, in 2013 in China, hornets killed 41 people in just 3 months. In Japan, the Japanese giant is at work, the bites of which claim the lives of 30-50 people every year in this country.

14. Medusa – 100-200 people

The jellyfish has small cells called nematocytes, which are fixed on the victim’s body like a harpoon, and through them a dangerous nerve poison is injected into it through a thin channel. Burns remain at the site of the bite, some go away in a few hours, and some can remain scars for life. One of the most dangerous are box jellyfish or, which kill more people every year than all sharks combined. Its poison can kill an adult in just 30 seconds. Most of the killings occur in Australia, where jellyfish kill 70-80 people a year.

13. Tiger – 100-300 people

Here the data varies greatly, some sources even report several thousand, but data about several hundred annual fatal attacks by tigers on people is more credible.

12. Hippopotamus – 500 people

In Africa (which accounts for all or almost all cases), according to the BBC, hippopotamuses (also known as common hippos) destroy about 500 human lives every year. Despite the cartoon image of good-natured animals, these one of the most dangerous animals are not only quite aggressive, but also ferocious and strong - lions, tigers and other predators suffer from them.

11. Elephant – 500-1000 people

Cute and smart elephants do not get along well with people. Often expecting aggression from people (by the way, people kill an average of 30,000 elephants for profit every year), they attack first. Also, elephants living in captivity, primarily in circuses and zoos, one day cannot stand it and often destroy everything in their path. The largest number of incidents occur in India and China.

10. Crocodile – 2-3 thousand people

9. Scorpio – 3.5 thousand people

Every year, primarily in Africa, scorpions sting more than 1 million people, for about 0.4% of whom the result is extremely unfortunate.

8. Ascaris – 2-5 thousand people

7. Freshwater snail – 5-10 thousand people

6. Bedbug - 10 thousand people

5. Dog – 20-30 thousand people

The most dangerous animals are outsiders

These are the realities - the ranking of the top 20 dangerous animals does not include “hyped” sharks, wolves and other animals. What’s also interesting is that along with them there are other, completely unexpected representatives of the fauna. See the ranking of the most dangerous animals remaining behind the top twenty leaders.

21. Leopard – 30 people

Leopards are inferior to tigers and lions, but are also very dangerous, which periodically attack people, primarily in Africa.

22. Cow – 20 people

As a rule, cows attack people, sensing danger in them, and frankly inappropriate behavior of these domestic animals is often noted. By the way, there is a real one in India - over the past 3 years, only in Punjab because of them there have been accidents, as a result of which 300 people died.

23. Horse – 20 people

Like Indian stray cows, it is difficult to include in this rating, since many deaths are associated with violations of safety regulations, and most of them during active interaction with horses, thus, the culprits of the deaths are often the people themselves. But one way or another, we will take them into account in the ranking beyond twenty.

24. Shark – 5-20 people

Such a dangerous killer, feared by millions of people, ended up at the very bottom of the rankings. It’s amazing how much the shark has taken up residence in the mind of a person in the role, and probably primarily thanks to Steven Spielberg’s “Jaws” and other films. Various sources, most notably the University of Florida, note that the number of shark-related attacks and deaths is decreasing annually. Today, an average of 50-100 cases of shark attacks are recorded worldwide every year.

25. Bear – 10-15 people

How many animals do people kill?

Of course, no animal can compare with humans in killing people in relation to animals. It is unlikely that anyone will ever be able to come up with minimally accurate figures, but, according to a number of official sources, we kill more than 100 billion animals a year for meat alone. Thus, throughout the entire planet, people kill for food 3000 animals per second.

PHOTO: animalplanet.com, moya-planeta.ru, discovery.com, bbc.com, nat-geo.ru, wikipedia.org, stgeorgeutah.com, burrard-lucas.com, interfax.ru

The fauna of our planet is so diverse that it accommodates a huge number of insects, reptiles, and mammals that are able to withstand external threats using fangs, spines and teeth. But there are representatives of the fauna that are small in size, whose appearance does not cause fear, but they have found another way of defense or attack - these are tentacles, teeth, claws or a poisonous sting.

The most formidable weapon is the venom of some individuals, which poses a mortal danger to humans. One type of poison causes excruciating pain, another causes cardiac arrest, and a third causes paralysis of the nervous or respiratory system. But the result in most cases is death! All representatives of the animal world can hardly be called dangerous in the full sense of the word: their behavior is driven by hunger and self-preservation instincts. As a rule, animals that are dangerous to human life and health do not attack for nothing - they simply protect their territory and their offspring from encroachment.

Let's get acquainted with ten ferocious animals on the planet that are not recommended for humans to disturb, since the threat of attack is high.

1. Spotted dart frog

These cute little frogs inhabit the tropical forests of Costa Rica and Brazil. The unusual bright color amazes with the abundance of shades of colors: yellow, green, blue and orange. The poison of this frog is capable of killing 2 huge elephants or 20 people!! Cases of human death have been recorded just from touching this cute creature. It is interesting that in captivity, spotted poison dart frogs stop producing poison, due to the fact that the food does not contain the special types of insects that are required for this process.

2. The most dangerous arachnids are the banana spider.

Outwardly it is not so scary, but it occupies an honorable place in the Guinness Book of Records as the most sinister killer. This title was received and well deserved - most people died from the poison of the greenish spider. It is dangerous because it does not have a specific habitat - it can live anywhere, so it is better to know the killer spider by sight!

3. Australian box jellyfish or sea wasp – Chironex fleckeri

Sometimes this representative of cnidarians is awarded the palm in the list of the most dangerous creatures on the planet. Box jellyfish live in warm Asian and Australian waters and have many species, but it is the sea wasp that is considered the most dangerous. This pale blue beauty weighs about 2 kilograms, has 15 three-meter tentacles and is the size of a basketball. Everything that gets caught and entangled in the long tentacles of the box jellyfish is affected by poison, which simply dissolves the prey. A person caught in her arms can still get out onto land, but the pain he experiences will be simply hellish. Rescuers say the pain of cutting off the affected limb will not be as severe as a sea wasp sting, which leaves deep scars for life. Three minutes after the poisonous sting of the jellyfish, brain functions are disrupted, shock to the nervous system occurs and the heart stops. Between 1884 and today, 63 deaths have been recorded as a result of a human encounter with a sea wasp.

4. Ringed Octopus

This tiny octopus, no larger than a tennis ball, is an incredibly dangerous creature. “Where is his poison?” you ask. If you make this baby angry, his skin becomes dark in color, and the spots on it begin to glow brightly. When he attacks, the person completely loses his sight and dies from suffocation. The most dangerous thing about this sweet baby's poison is that an antidote has still not been found today! The insidious octopus lives in Japanese and Australian waters, and a person has only one salvation - to take certain precautions.

5. The most dangerous snakes - Inland taipan and Egyptian cobra

An interesting fact is that this snake has a shy disposition and tries to avoid proximity to other animals. But this type of taipan is the most poisonous and dangerous– the lethal dose of poison is 30 mg / kg of body, and with the next bite it delivers 44 mg, and can inject a total of 110. The snake reaches a length of 2 meters, it lives in the central part of Australia, where there is a small population. Its poison is called taypaxin - it is the recognized strongest toxin that science knows, and its effect is asphyxia and paralysis of the brain and muscles. Despite this, no deaths from a taipan bite have been recorded, and herpetologists say that this modest, quiet snake could live peacefully in a human terrarium if not for its poisonous insides.

Egyptian cobra— The graceful beauty of golden brown color, living in African forests, poses the greatest danger. Its glands secrete an incredibly powerful poison that can kill a person in a couple of hours. A huge elephant dies from the bite of an Egyptian cobra in just 3 hours! The poison causes paralysis of the respiratory system - the victim dies from painful suffocation.

6. Bear

The animal amazes with its size, menacing fangs and powerful clawed paws. Today, the world knows eight species of bears, and their habitats are Asia, South and North America, and Europe. You are familiar with the most terrible representatives, with impressive body sizes and ferocious habits - these are brown and polar bears. Most bears are considered omnivores, but there is an exception - the polar bear. This carnivore, eating only animals, is not afraid of humans and has no enemies. The formidable bear is ready to eat everything that has flesh and blood - and its brothers are no exception! When meeting a bear, it is useless to run - it can reach speeds of about 60 km/h. But they do not attack humans so often, since you rarely see people in their habitats. But cute panda bears prefer only food of plant origin.

7. African elephant

Although the elephant is a herbivore and has no enemies, this animal kills about 500 people every year, mercilessly impaling them with its tusks and trampling them under its massive feet. This is the largest animal on Earth, capable of causing a lot of harm to humans over its 70 years of life. You will be surprised to know that elephant aggression is a consequence of the cruel attitude of people. The elephant has excellent hearing and sense of smell, and is most dangerous during the mating season, as testosterone levels increase 60 times! A strong and powerful animal can be obedient, but during the rutting period, as soon as it sees another male or person, it can give chase and attack.

8. The lion is the most dangerous member of the cat family

We all admire the power and beauty of the King of Beasts, combining the perfect balance of strength and speed. This predator is the only one that requires a team to hunt, but driving down a larger prey is not a problem! He rushes at a speed of 50 km/h, despite his impressive weight of 150-250 kg, and is able to jump over a fence while holding a cow in his powerful tusks! There was an aggressive lion in Kenya that killed 135 people.

9. The most dangerous fish

  • Fugue— The delicious meat of this fish is considered a delicacy among Asian peoples, although this spherical specimen is incredibly poisonous. If the cook prepares the fugu incorrectly, the person will die painfully - first there will be complete paralysis, and then the respiratory organs will fail. And if the cook does not correctly remove all the poisonous parts when cutting the fugu - voila! Dinner will be the last of your life.
  • Stone fish— The ominous-looking aquatic resident is truly dangerous, although she never attacks a person without reason. It uses poison only for protection, and when it enters the body, the person experiences incredible pain, and then paralysis and tissue death occurs.
  • Piranha“Everyone is familiar with these miniature, seemingly inconspicuous fish, at the sight of which there is absolutely no fear. But in the mouth of these dangerous underwater creatures there are several rows of small and razor-sharp teeth, ready to grab onto the victim and tear off pieces of flesh from it. They attack fish, marine animals, and rarely people. But you've all seen horror movies when a helpless victim is thrown into a pool with hungry piranhas, and after a while only bones remain.

10. Scorpio Leyurus

Not all scorpions are potentially dangerous, but a bite from this black beauty will lead to death. Leyurus is small in size, lives in Africa and the Middle East, and when it bites, the victim will experience severe pain, paralysis and death.

We will talk about animals that are capable of causing harm to humans by any means, techniques, means - be it weight and aggression, claws, poisons, teeth, stinging, swallowing alive, suffocation. Today we will talk about the most dangerous animals in the world.

By the way, animals include insects, birds, snakes, and fish. Therefore, we will consider all living beings, ALL - in the literal sense. By the end of the article it will become clearer what we are talking about. But in general, the most dangerous animals are not tigers, bears, scorpions, sharks, but... creatures that are much smaller and, at first glance, much more harmless, but let’s talk about everything in order.


It is believed that the African elephant is larger, more aggressive than the Indian elephant, and cannot be trained. These are cunning, intelligent and cautious creatures, despite their size - they can move silently; there have been cases when elephants took hunters by surprise, sneaking up from behind unnoticed.

There are cases when elephants in India trampled people for no reason and destroyed their homes. Elephants that are separated from the pack (especially during the mating season) are especially dangerous, and if something happens to the calves, they are aggressive, angry animals - they can kill a person in an instant. An elephant can run quite fast - about 40, sometimes 70 km per hour.

Elephants kill several hundred people every year—about 600.

“This animal is so large that one awkward movement is enough to cause fatal harm to another animal or person. For example, in some countries, elephants have learned to steal beer made from rice. As a result, drunken animals trample from ten to hundreds of people every year.”

Yes, besides being aggressive, elephants are smart:“Elephants are one of the four most intelligent animals, which also includes monkeys, dogs and dolphins. Elephants have excellent memory. The elephant remembers the person who treated him badly all his life. When meeting, he may even try to take revenge. He remembers places where he felt bad and tries not to appear there again.”


The lion is considered the king of animals, there are legends about his nobility, strength, etc., but the lion is, first of all, a predator, and he can easily attack people and even kill them. It’s only in zoos that lions and lion cubs are cute; if you release them, they will kill a lot of people; there are often cases where lions have harmed or killed zoo keepers and trainers.

“A lion can kill a person very easily and very quickly. But, as a rule, lions do not hunt people. Although, there are tragic exceptions. For example, the famous man-eating lions from Tsavo, who killed more than a hundred people building a railway in the depths of the African continent. And only nine months later these animals were killed.

In Zambia (in 1991), a lion killed nine people. It is known about an entire pride of lions that lived in the area of ​​Lake Tanganyika and over three generations killed and ate from 1,500 to 2,000 people, so lions are considered one of the most dangerous animals in the world.”

“A hungry lion is very dangerous. In the wild, lions eat mostly zebras and wildebeest for lunch and dinner. The Majestic King of Beasts Well, if the hunt was unsuccessful for some time, then hungry animals can attack a person. In one sitting, an adult can eat up to 30 kilograms of meat. Lions kill about 250 people every year.”

Centuries-old practice shows: a wounded lion or an old lion almost always becomes a cannibal; he cannot hunt for his usual prey, and the person becomes an easy and almost unprotected bait. Many lions turn to cannibalism (especially females) under threat of starvation due to a number of unsuccessful hunts. However, some, having tasted human blood, hunt people even when there is an abundance of large game.

Approximately 1,200 people are killed annually by these huge cannibal cats. And in total, at least 100,000 maned “animal kings” live in various regions of the world today.


“Another very dangerous African animal. The problem is the rhino's poor vision: it attacks any moving target without even determining whether it is dangerous for it. You won’t be able to run away from a rhinoceros: it can move at speeds of more than 40 km/h.”

“The rhinoceros follows a simple tactic: if anything moving gets in its way, it knocks over “it” with the full weight of its two-ton carcass and tramples it into mince with its tumbo-shaped legs. A large animal, a rhinoceros (for example, an African black) mercilessly rips open with its long and sharp horn.

Rhinoceroses are almost blind - they distinguish only general outlines and movements no further than seven meters from themselves. However, these colossi have very sophisticated hearing and sense of smell. Individual specimens of white rhinoceroses (also dangerous to humans) weigh three and a half tons and measure 4 or even more meters from the tip of the tail to the nostrils!”

Rhinoceros kills several dozen people a year.

African bull (African buffalo)

“This massive horned creature, which lives in the African savannas, uses its horns when attacking.

Every year, up to five thousand people die because of the African buffalo. Thus, it is believed that more hunters died from these large bulls than from lions.”

Weighs about 700 kg, length 3-4 meters, height 1.8 m. Attacks by an entire herd are especially dangerous, then the victim has no chance of survival.


At least 2 thousand people die every year from crocodile teeth. These creatures live in Africa and off the coast of Australia. They often lurk in bodies of water under the guise of logs and attack suddenly and unexpectedly.

Hippopotamus or hippopotamus.

“This massive animal is one of the most dangerous in Africa. The hippopotamus is very aggressive towards people; it often attacks people, and does this for no apparent reason.

Its slowness is very deceptive: an angry hippopotamus is very fast and can easily catch up with a person. A hippopotamus attack in the water is especially dangerous: they easily overturn boats and chase people.”

“At the zoo, these clumsy and fat animals at first glance seem very funny and amusing when they open their mouths to

so that zoo guests treat them with all sorts of goodies. However, in nature, these animals are far from harmless, as they can develop enormous speed (especially in water).

For example, during mating games, these fat men turn into real wild creatures that are capable of killing anyone who interferes with them. Traits that make the hippopotamus considered a very dangerous animal:

— the fangs of the animal, the length of which can reach half a meter, are very dangerous;

- hippos are not afraid to attack small boats passing by, and therefore can even overturn them;

“A female hippopotamus, when protecting her baby, can reach speeds of up to 35 kilometers per hour.”

Hippos kill 3,000 people annually. This is one of the most dangerous animals, more dangerous than a crocodile.


“For example, in Britain, wolves are the main characters in fairy tales. However, they really exist and kill people all over the world. Wolves are especially dangerous when young animals are around them, when they are hunting and when their females are pregnant.

The global wolf population numbers at least 100,000 individuals. They kill approximately 400 people every year.

In the Indian state of Ita Pradesh in 2002, a pack of 10 wolves killed 42 local residents, most of whom were women and children. Only when a group of hunters tracked down and killed the leader of the pack, the rest left for another area. If you are attacked by a wolf, try to use the technique of experienced hunters: stick your hand as deep as possible into the wolf's mouth. Of course, the risk is extremely high, but you can either strangle the aggressor, or the following will happen: the blood flowing down your arm, entering the windpipe of the animal, will cause it to choke. In this way Zayda managed to escape death.”

Polar and brown bears

“The wild polar bear is a powerful and voracious predator, reaching a length of 2.5 meters and a weight of 800 kg. Although there are specimens that reach a length of 3 meters and weigh 1600 kg. It feeds on any type of animal that inhabits the place where it lives: fish, seals, walruses, the remains of dead whales and seals. It won't give him much trouble to catch up with a person. And therefore it is better not to catch the eye of this predator, otherwise there will be practically no chance of salvation.

Thanks to his developed vision, hearing and sense of smell, he is able to see or smell a person 100 meters away. And since he is always hungry, he will not mind eating fresh meat and will definitely attack. Statistics say that every year about 15-17 people die from polar bears in polar countries.”

The white bear runs fast, and in captivity is not at all cute and cuddly; it overtakes a person and kills him without a chance of life.

The victims of brown bears, including in Russia, are often people who enter the animal’s territory and behave incorrectly or aggressively.

Several dozen people become victims of bears every year.

Monkeys (baboons)

There is no exact data on the victims of these rabid monkeys, but it is reliably known that at least one hundred cases of brutal attacks by these animals on humans, several with fatal results, are recorded annually.

“Monkeys often attack children and even adults, taking their food, robbing them, and taking things they like. If there are a lot of them attacking at once, then it is difficult to somehow resist them. They also raid agricultural areas for food and lay waste to them. Among monkeys, the most aggressive species is baboons. They are quite large, reaching a weight of 25 kg. Baboons are not afraid of many predators, with the exception of leopards and lions.

However, there are those brave souls who are ready to fight a leopard and most often win it. Baboons have an insidious, evil, unbridled and hot-tempered character. Sensing danger, they become enraged and attack the enemy. An angry baboon can tear a predator or a person apart. Therefore, if you meet a baboon, it is better not to extend your hand to him, expecting a handshake, because it is difficult to understand what will be in his head at that moment and you can count on anything. It’s better not to take risks.”

Shark and killer whale

Despite the menacing stereotypes about the cruelty of sharks and their aggressiveness towards people, no more than 20 people officially become victims of sharks every year.

The killer whale, although the most ferocious ocean predator (there are versions that it is the largest and most ferocious in general), usually does not attack people. Officially, over a couple of decades, only a few cases of killer whale attacks on humans have been recorded.

By the way, 5 times more people die annually from tick bites in Russia alone.


The scorpion is the most dangerous spider; about 5,000 people die from its bites every year.

“Scorpions of the genus Androctonus are considered very dangerous animals, which claim several human lives every year. The name of this scorpion comes from its large tail, on which there is a powerful sting for injecting poison into the victim.

One of the reasons why this scorpion is considered dangerous is its proximity to human habitats. Unfortunately, these representatives often hide in the cracks of stone or brick walls. If you are a scorpion enthusiast, you can find it in many countries in Asia and North Africa, including Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, India, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.”

Poisonous frogs

“These poisonous creatures mainly live in South and Central America, as well as on the island of Madagascar. These deadly animals are distinguished by the fact that they have poisonous glands on their backs that produce deadly toxins.

For example, the poisonous substance of one golden frog, which lives on the island of Madagascar, can kill 10 people. The most poisonous frog is the terrible frog. So, just one gram of venom from this extremely dangerous creature can lead to several thousand deaths.”

There is no data on the number of victims.

Poisonous jellyfish

“The box jellyfish has won the honorary title of “the most poisonous creature in the ocean.” While not quite a jellyfish, it possesses a series of long tentacles that can reach three meters in length, adorned with microscopic stings that can cause unbearable pain or rapid death in an unlucky victim.

It is believed that the venom of this animal is enough to kill 60 people. And while not many people have suffered an untimely death from box jellyfish tentacles, contact with this venomous specimen can cause death before you even reach shore.”

The venom of a box jellyfish is considered the most deadly in the world, but, fortunately, encounters with this creature are rare. About 100 people die from box jellyfish venom every year.

The number of jellyfish is constantly increasing, experts attribute this to global warming.

Dangerous fish. Piranhas

“The razor-sharp teeth of these bloodthirsty fish kill more than 300 people every year. Aggressive piranhas attack any living thing that accidentally enters their abode.”


“Not a large number of people die from tick bites, or more precisely from infection with various diseases carried by ticks. According to statistics (approximate) from CCHF, Encephalitis, Q fever, etc. In Russia, about 50-100 people die every year. The data is not mine."


According to official reports - From the bites of the most poisonous snakes (taipan, cruel snake, epha, cobra) 50 thousand people die a year.

Mosquitoes, mosquitoes

According to official statistics, every year mosquitoes infect about 700 million people with various ailments, causing 2 to 3 million people to die per year.

From Wikipedia: “Different species of mosquitoes are estimated to transmit various types of disease to more than 700 million people per year, in Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico, Russia and much of Asia, with millions of deaths—at least two million people.” die from these diseases every year, and the incidence rate is many times higher than officially registered.”

According to Wikipedia, it turns out that even our Russian mosquitoes are not as harmless as we thought. Do you believe it? I have not yet heard of cases of someone contracting, for example, malaria from a Siberian mosquito.

In the wilderness, among swampy areas, it is perhaps possible for the existence of huge mosquitoes that can cause some kind of disease. But by and large, local mosquito bites cause maximum swelling at the site of the bite, but not dengue fever. However, statistics are stubborn things...

Important points: aggression of dangerous animals is often provoked by the person himself, and not only by momentary behavior.

Elephants in search of food, since people have cut down forests, go to populated areas, go hungry or during the mating season. Forests are cut down because there is not enough space for everyone due to the growth of cities and the need for wood materials.

Bears go to populated areas in search of food, since people also massively destroy the flora and territory of bears, causing them to starve and maladapt.

Global warming, which occurs mainly due to the destruction of human natural reserves, makes many animals, including dangerous ones, inadequate and they more actively attack people.

The film by the national geographer “The Ruthlessness of Wild Nature” shows the harsh, cruel laws of this very nature: the hungry and strong eat those who are weaker at the moment. Hippopotamuses, which kill several thousand people a year, are very gentle towards their cubs and they themselves often need to defend themselves from cruel predators, and a newly born buffalo calf (buffaloes kill about 2 thousand people a year), losing its balance, hurries after its mother, and rhinoceroses get stuck in a swamp... And another predator invades this territory - man. To film dying animals, to catch dying species for a trophy, is extremely rare in order to help.

Let's compare the statistics - who kills whom more often: animals, people, or people, animals. For example, for rhinoceroses:“More than 1,004 rhinos were killed by hunters in 2013, an increase from 668 rhinos killed in 2012. These data were officially published…”, while rhinoceroses kill several dozen times less people per year.

The black rhinoceros is officially declared extinct.

Sharks:“It is estimated that the chance of a person being attacked by a shark (for those who go to the beaches) is 1 in 11.5 million, and the chance of dying from such an attack is 1 in 264.1 million. The average annual number of drownings in the United States is 3,306 people, and deaths from sharks - 1. For comparison, people kill 100 million sharks every year.”

As a result, the smallest creatures at first glance - mosquitoes - take revenge on everyone for their larger brothers...

Bottom line: the most dangerous animal is, of course, man.

In one of the New York zoos there is a cage with the inscription “The most dangerous animal in the world.” When the visitor timidly looked there - he discovered himself, he saw his reflection in the back wall of the cage, which was mirrored...

The most dangerous animals in the world according to desjat.ru. The rating includes representatives of the animal world that are the most dangerous to humans. You've heard a lot about most of the animals on the list. Horror films have been made about them and books have been written. You may be learning about some of them for the first time. Accurate data on deaths in the world from this or that animal are very approximate, so choosing the Top 10 most dangerous animals in the world is quite problematic. However, there are quite obvious dangerous animals, about which everyone needs to know at least minimal information.

The most dangerous animals in the world. Top 10


Second in the ranking are snakes. Not all snakes on earth are dangerous. 450 species are poisonous, and about 250 species of snakes are capable of killing humans. Most deaths occur from bites of snakes from the genus Ephas (Latin Echis - a genus of snakes from the Viper family). Their poison is very dangerous for humans and can kill in a few minutes or even seconds.

In third place on the list of “The most dangerous animals in the world” are scorpions. In total, 1,750 species of scorpions are known, of which 25 are poisonous and pose a threat to humans. Scorpion venom can cause uncoordinated movements, vomiting and even death. The site of a scorpion bite swells, turns red, itches, and hurts.

Next on our list are crocodiles. Dangerous, mostly large, individuals, which kill hundreds of people around the world every year. The list of the most dangerous species includes the Nile crocodile, marsh crocodile, American alligator and black caiman. Crocodiles are ranked fourth on the list of “The Most Dangerous Animals in the World.”


In the middle of the ranking of the most dangerous animals are hippos, which are very aggressive towards people. Usually, they attack for no apparent reason. Moreover, this large animal can attack both on land and on water. Cases of aggressive behavior of hippopotamus towards humans are very frequent. According to some data, the hippopotamus is the most dangerous animal in Africa. Much more people die from its attacks than from the fangs and claws of lions and leopards.

We move from land to seas and oceans. Sixth place in the ranking of “The most dangerous animals in the world” is occupied by the great white shark. By the way, this type of shark is also called man-eating sharks. The name speaks for itself. People, of course, are not the preferred “food” for these animals, but are often the target of attacks by white sharks. A large percentage of encounters with a white shark end in death for humans.

The grizzly bear is a subspecies of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) found primarily in Alaska and western Canada. The grizzly bear ranks seventh in the ranking “The most dangerous animals in the world. Top 10." Typically, grizzly bears avoid meeting people, but if contact occurs, it poses a huge danger to humans. Grizzly bears are especially dangerous if they are disturbed while eating or while a female and her offspring are nearby.


The African lion is eighth in our ranking. Incidents with man-eating lions have been officially recorded. A case of hunting a pack of man-eating lions in the late 1940s became widely known. Then professional hunter George Rushby managed to destroy a group of African lions, which, over the course of three generations, according to some sources, killed and ate from 1,500 to 2,000 people.

Elephants also made it onto our list of "The Most Dangerous Animals in the World." In India, for example, there are frequent cases of elephant attacks on people's homes at night. Mostly males exhibit aggressive behavior. At various times in India, elephants have caused the death of hundreds of people. Thus, in Jharkhand alone, between 2000 and 2004, elephants caused the death of about 300 people.

Box jellyfish are inhabitants of warm tropical seas that can be deadly to humans. They complete the list “The most dangerous animals in the world. Top 10." Chironex fleckeri - jellyfish that live in Indonesia and Northern Australia, have tentacles covered with stinging cells containing strong poison. Burns from tentacles can kill a person in a matter of minutes; they cause excruciating pain. The venom of this jellyfish has multiple effects on the human body, simultaneously affecting the nervous system, skin and heart.

Although man calls himself “the king of nature,” he will turn out to be just a weak and defenseless creature if fate brings him face to face with some dangerous predator. It’s better to watch “our smaller brothers” from the sidelines.

For example, from a TV screen or in a zoo cage. And not only large animals can harm our frail bodies. There are a lot of small living creatures in the world that can easily send us to the next world.

Below is the Top 10 most dangerous animals in the world, most of which, thank God, we are unlikely to encounter in everyday life.

At the feet of this good-natured and seemingly quite peace-loving big man, several hundred people die every year, whom the elephant mistook for his enemies and trampled underfoot, like beetles crawling onto the asphalt. These giant animals can be extremely aggressive in nature.

It will be impossible to escape from an angry elephant - it is able to reach speeds of up to 40 km/h. Particularly dangerous are single elephants, which for some reason were expelled from the herd.

Apparently, they realized that they had nothing to lose and were ready to trample on anyone who looked askance in their direction.

This overweight and, at first glance, clumsy creature can accelerate over 40 km/h and impale anyone who seems too suspicious on its horn. And the whole point is the poor vision of this thick-skinned giant.

He attacks everything that moves, without really thinking about the consequences.

The rhinoceros does not care at all who is in front of him, which means that he is unlikely to stop at the sight of a tourist clicking his camera, trying to take a good shot.

Typically, lions do not attack people, preferring to avoid creatures from whom it is unknown what can be expected. But there are also exceptions, thanks to which the lion got into our top.

Among lions, “serial killers” often appear, so-called man-eating lions.

For example, in the early nineties of the last century in Zambia, one of these lions tore and devoured nine people. And not far from Lake Tanganyika, a whole pride settled, for which for three generations the main object of hunting was local residents. The lions from this pride managed to kill almost two thousand people.

4. Grizzly Bear

This bear does not like it when anyone else enters its territory. Due to its excessively large size, it is not able to climb a tree in case of danger, so it prefers to strike first.

As soon as he suspects that you are planning some kind of meanness or want to deprive him of food, he will immediately attack.

Particularly dangerous are mothers who, like all creatures, try to protect their cubs from obvious or imaginary threats.

How many films have been made about this underwater predator, how many books have been written, but people are still not afraid to swim in an ocean full of sharks. Divers, swimmers, surfers, shipwrecked sailors and other unfortunates who come into the predator's field of vision find themselves in the mouth of this insatiable fish.

The white shark is an ideal killing mechanism, created by nature over millions of years of evolution.

She can smell blood from a great distance. However, people do not remain in debt, mercilessly exterminating sharks without any twinge of conscience. Or maybe underwater predators are simply taking revenge on us in this way for innocently killed relatives?

Despite the fact that in children's cartoons the hippopotamus most often represents a kind and lazy creature, in fact it is one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. For some reason, the hippopotamus has an extremely negative attitude towards people.

He is ready to attack a person without any reason. Just because he wanted to.

The obesity of a hippopotamus in no way affects its mobility - the angry animal easily manages to catch up with a person who is vainly trying to escape by fleeing. And on the water he turns into a real monster - he overturns small boats and attacks people caught in the water.

Several thousand people die from scorpion stings every year. There are a huge number of species of scorpions in the world. All of them are more or less poisonous, but only 25 species are capable of stinging a person to death.

Scorpios prefer to live in southern latitudes, where it is warm and there is enough food for them.

Often these small creatures climb into people’s homes, where they find victims for their next fatal bite.

In childhood, mothers often scare their naughty children with crocodiles. There are also rumors that they live in the sewers of some megacities, where they feel at ease and feed on homeless people and plumbers.

If a person falls into the mouth of a crocodile, then it will not be easy to escape, since the predator immediately drags the victim under water.

The crocodile attacks quickly and mercilessly. The most dangerous species for humans are Nile crocodiles and saltwater crocodiles. Every year, hundreds of people become a delicacy for these aggressive monsters, whose ancestry dates back to the era of dinosaurs.

Snakes are one of the most disgusting and hated creatures by people.

Despite the fact that snakes rarely attack people without special reasons, these reptiles kill thousands of innocent people every year with their poison.

Not all snakes have deadly poison, only 250 species, but this is more than enough to keep several billion people at bay, who experience uncontrollable fear at the sight of reptiles wriggling and crawling from place to place.

According to statistics, the mosquito is the most dangerous of all living creatures on Earth. The thing is that this small and terribly annoying insect at night with its squeaking carries a lot of deadly diseases - all kinds of fevers, malaria, tularemia, and so on.

Every year, more than a million people become infected with serious diseases from mosquito bites, 600 thousand of whom die from malaria.

The mosquito has become a real scourge for residents of underdeveloped countries located near the equator.