How to install a new Wi-Fi router. How to set up a NETGEAR JWNR2000 Wi-Fi router with a PPPoE connection

According to my observations, few of those who were able to independently connect wifi router, if there is wired internet , knew how to do it RIGHT. That is, use it to set up a wireless network and combine different devices into it. As a result, they subsequently encounter difficulties that could have been solved at the local network design stage.

How to connect a wifi router?

Before you start step by step description regarding connecting a Wi-Fi router, I want to draw your attention to one point.

To create a full-fledged local wireless network, you need to buy a device such as a ROUTER, or also called a ROUTER.

The fact is that there are a lot of devices similar in appearance and functionality for various purposes. For example, out of ignorance it is easy to confuse it with a wired router without WiFi, which also distributes the Internet signal to devices. But only with the help of cables - it does not have an antenna.

Another device similar in design appearance— access point. In general, her tasks are slightly different from ours. A characteristic difference between a router and an access point is the presence of several outlets for network cables. While at the point there is usually only one.

The point of connecting a router is that it is now it, and not your PC, that will connect to the Internet via cable. To do this, all the necessary parameters required to connect to the provider, which were once applied on your desktop computer, will now be specified in the router settings. And all other devices will already receive Internet via wifi from it and according to the rules that will be specified in it.

For clarity, look at the diagram:

In order to connect a router at home and set up a Wi-Fi network, I used a dozen models from absolutely different manufacturers. I can say with confidence that in terms of the actual configuration of the WiFi router and connection to the provider, the difference between them lies only in the details of the graphic design of the admin panel. Therefore, having mastered the principle once on one model, you can apply them to others. Today, as an example, I will illustrate with screenshots from two routers - TrendNet TEW-632BRP and ASUS WL-520GC.

How to connect a router to the Internet via DHCP?

The first setting we will look at is setting up a DHCP server.
If previously there was only one computer and it alone received an IP address from the provider, then we can connect many computers and gadgets to the router. This means that it is the router, instead of the computer, that will “communicate” with the provider’s equipment. And within the framework of our home network between these devices, it will itself assign an internal IP address to each computer, laptop, phone, TV and everything else.


  1. After connecting to the power supply, first of all you need to configure the router to communicate with the computer. To do this, insert the Internet cable into the WAN slot on the device. And we connect the other cable, with two plugs, which most likely came with the device, at one end to the computer’s network card. Where there used to be an internet cable. Others - in any of the LAN1, LAN2, LAN3 or LAN4 slots of the router.

    I also want to note that it is better to connect the router to the network through an uninterruptible power supply. I had an unpleasant experience when good device from Netgear faltered due to a power surge in the network. It simply began broadcasting wifi not at 100, but at 2 meters. Of course, I had to buy a new one.

  2. Next we take installation disk, included with the router. And we start installing the drivers and software.
  3. After this, we need to configure the computer to work with the router. Now our network card is configured to connect directly to the Internet through the provider. This means that perhaps the control panel contains some data that is important for us to save and use later when working with the router. To do this, go to the TCP/IP v.4 protocol settings as shown in the diagram:

    For Windows XP: Start > Control Panel > Switch to classic look> Network connections".

    In Windows 7: Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center shared access> Manage network connections > Change adapter settings."

    In the screenshot, I go to the “Wireless Connection” settings, but you don’t have it yet, and since we connected the computer to the router with a cable, you need to select the “Local Area Connection” item:

    If you have something indicated here, then write down this data on a piece of paper. This is especially true for those who have lost their contract for the provision of services and do not know the data for connecting to the World Wide Web. At certain type connections, which will be discussed below, this may come in handy. After this, here, in the network connection settings on your computer, you need to set the IP, gateway and DNS to automatic. We will already enter these parameters in the wireless router itself.

  4. After that, go to the address “”. Typically, configurations with the router occur here, if they did not have to be done at the software installation stage. But look in the instructions for the device to see which way to go to the router’s control panel. Since the default preset IP on different models may differ. Also another popular placement brief instructions— sticker on the bottom of the device. Look there too. If there are no instructions in the instructions, or it is lost, then go to the Control Panel, as I already described above. Only after right-clicking on “Local Area Connection” in the window that appears, click the “Details” button. In the window that opens, look for IPv4 Default Gateway - this is the IP address of the router.

  5. Now, finally, go to the address indicated there through the browser (http://IP ADDRESS OF YOUR ROUTER). And we find the DHCP Server item in the menu (in Trendnet it is combined with WAN) and set the range of values ​​​​for possible IP addresses of devices within your local network. For me it was like this: Start IP -, End IP And of course, opposite the DHCP Server item there should be an Enabled parameter. Domain Name or Host Name is the name of the future home wifi network. Let me make a reservation right away that the screenshots below were taken from my devices, which are already working or have been working for several years. Their interface is in English, so it would be difficult for a domestic beginner to figure out what’s what without help - I hope these pictures will help you. Most modern firmware and software are already in Russified form, so it will be even easier to understand.

    This is what it looked like on Trendnet (highlighted in red):

    And here it is in ASUS:

Setting up a computer connection to the router via LAN

Now we will set the parameters for our wifi network at home - IP and router mask. For Trendnet this is the same item (see Figure 1, highlighted in green), for Asus - the WAN & LAN section - at the very bottom of the settings page. In the first case I set IP, in the second - This is the address within the local network at which we can access the admin panel through a browser. And through which computers will access the Internet. Mask - default,

Connecting a WiFi router to the Internet via the WAN port

These were all the flowers, now the most interesting part is setting up the external connection of the router to the Internet.
There are several types depending on the provider settings. This happens in the WAN menu.

There are several other options for connecting to the provider’s equipment, but I didn’t come across them. Therefore, I will not talk about them for now.

How to encrypt your WiFi connection

If you did everything correctly and saved all the settings, then all devices that support wifi should now see new network with the name you specified. However, the question of how to connect wifi at home is not yet closed. The home wifi network turned out to be open, that is, anyone can use your Internet access for free. In order to ruin everyone and make the wifi network at home accessible only to its owner, you need to protect the wireless network.

There are several methods, I have used two in my practice: WPE (or Shared Key) and WPA. The latter is more reliable, so I'll consider it. Go to security settings. In Trendnet this is the “Security” menu item, in Asus it is “Wireless > Interface”.

Select WPE or WPA Personal (PSK, TKIP) from the menu and set a password for authorization - from 7 to 64 characters. And we save. I show you how it was for me:

Well, now to access the Internet through your router, you need to enter a password. The final touch remains - so that there are no problems with connecting various devices to the router and with the operation of programs, we will manually set the DNS server. Setting this parameter is located in the same place where you entered the parameters for connecting to the Internet. We activate the function of manually assigning DNS servers and enter the IP from Google there:

  • DNS-Primary (or DNS Server 1):
  • DNS-Secondary (or DNS Server 2):

You can also specify one of the Yandex servers (for example

As you can see, connecting wifi through a router and making a wifi network at home is quite easy. I hope everything works out for you too!

Now for dessert, a traditional video on connecting a router, which will tell you even more clearly about the typical settings for working with the network.


To provide optimal level signal reception in all rooms of your apartment (from 1 to 3 rooms) and adjacent rooms, follow a simple rule: the fewer walls between the router and your gadget, the better. If you think about how to achieve this result, you will quickly realize that very often optimal place to place the router - this is hallway or corridor(although the layouts now, of course, are different).

Respectively, It is NOT recommended to place a Wi-Fi router:

  • In places with limited space - niches, behind cabinets, sofas, on a bookcase shelf, etc.;
  • Below - on the floor, under the table, and so on;
  • Next to the equipment there is a TV, a refrigerator, a computer, a microwave oven, and a home wireless telephone. Maintain a distance of at least 1-2 meters;
  • Near radiators and in any other places where the air temperature exceeds 40 degrees - otherwise the router will heat up and will not be able to cool down;

More useful advice- install a router as high as possible, ideally, hang it on the wall or place it on a shelf at a height of at least 2 meters. This way you will get ideal Wi-Fi coverage in your apartment.

By the way, place the router as far away from you as possible... pretty much good for health:). After all, even today scientists and doctors have not come to a final conclusion about whether wireless Internet is harmful to the body. But enough facts have already been collected that make you at least think about it. For example, at one time the so-called "Copenhagen" experiment Danish schoolgirls. In 2013, five girls germinated plant seeds for 12 days, both with and without Wi-Fi radiation. As a result, the seeds in six trays standing in an isolated room grew normally, while their “buddies” standing next to the Wi-Fi routers were unable to grow. And several sprouts even turned brown and withered! And in 2010, Dutch scientists tested trees for the effects of Wi-Fi. After three months exposure to Wi-Fi signal, the ash trees “participating” in the study began to show signs of radiation sickness(“lead” reflection on the leaves)!

Network devices of the home-small office class are represented by a very wide selection. A separate class is routers, that is, combined systems designed to connect to the Internet provided by your provider and further broadcast (distribute) traffic to one or many network devices. A local network can be wired (100 Megabit or 1 Gigabit), and also wireless, working using the Wi-Fi protocol. We’ll look at how to set up a router at home in detail in this review.

The user has already decided on the choice of model, or, moreover, the purchase has already been made. This could be a 100-megabit, or “state-of-the-art” gigabit router model, with one Wi-Fi band or two. However, without proper configuration, it is unlikely that you will be able to unlock maximum functionality.

Installation and connection

First of all, it is worth deciding whether “wired” connections will be used, or whether the entire local network with Internet access will be organized entirely “via Wi-Fi”.

Based on this (that is, from the number of “wired” lines), the installation location of the router is selected. At the same time, the length of the cord “from the provider” (in the figure – “green”) should be as short as possible. But don’t rush to change anything: when you turn it on for the first time, the cable must “reach” the computer (from which the router will be configured).

Remember: the router, like other devices (for example, a modem), receives power from an external unit. A similar adapter is plugged into a 220 Volt outlet. When choosing a location for installation, you need to take into account safety rules.


Almost every router can be installed in a horizontal position (on a table, on a shelf). On the body, specially for this purpose, rubber inserts (“legs”) are provided. At the same time, not every device allows for a vertical installation of the case. If you install a horizontal case vertically, overheating of the internal hardware (and various other troubles) is possible. How to install a router at home - the user decides first, and only then, chooses a specific model. A definite advantage will be the ability to attach to a vertical surface (that is, to a wall). Be careful when choosing.


Any router, as a rule, contains 4 hardware ports for the local network. It is necessary to determine which devices (computer, laptop, TV set-top box) will be connected “via cable”, and all others will be able to access the network exclusively via Wi-Fi.

Port assignment

Let's look at how to connect a router at home yourself (without violating the warranty rules).

  1. Connect the LAN cables (ports 1-4), if any, to be used.
  2. Connect the provider cable to the router’s “Internet” port (another name is the “WAN” port).
  3. Then, connect the router's power supply, plug it into a power outlet.

That is, turning on the power supply is the last thing to do.


Any kit supplied at retail, in addition to the router itself, includes two “devices”: a power supply, as well as a power cord (patch cord). During the initial (first) setup, we recommend using the supplied cord. That’s right, you will make sure the router is working.

Before you connect a wifi router at home, the first time you connect it “next to the computer”.

If the router is new, the next step is skipped. Turn on the power to the router (it is not necessary to connect the power cords). After 2-3 minutes, press “reset” (hold for 5 seconds or more - read the instructions), all settings will be reset to factory settings.

Also, you need to check that the PC’s network card is set to “auto” mode (IP, DNS). You need to look: “Connection properties” – “TCPIP protocol (v4)” – “Properties”. It should look like in the picture (install, click “OK”):

Setting up a network card

Now, with the router's power off, you connect its port (from 1 to 4) to the PC's network card. What is done using a patch cord.

Then, turn on the power. It is advisable to restart the computer. How to set up a router at home is described in detail in the instructions.

After turning on, you need to wait 2-3 minutes. Then, the local connection will be established (which means the device is working):

Open your browser. In the address bar, you type the IP address of the router (web interface address):

What it is equal to (for your router) - see the instructions. In the same place, they provide “login” and “password”:

Without knowing the “login with password”, you will not get to the settings page, and you will not be able to further configure the router.

Note: if you want to set up a connection with your provider, you need to connect the cable to the “Internet” port (to the “WAN” port). What is done before power is applied.

Port assignment

Web interface

All settings are performed by the user in the web interface. This is a set of tabs (pages) displayed by the browser. Each page configures one thing: Wi-Fi network (name, range, etc.), Internet connection (WAN port properties)…

Note: Once you've made all your changes in one tab, save them before moving on to another. Saving many settings “at once” leads to damage to the device!

However, the advice given above does not apply to modern models. You need to remember that some types of settings will “take effect” after a reboot. You can reboot the router by clicking reset “in one click”.

In conclusion, let's look at how to set up a WiFi router at home, where the wireless network is “seen” only by you. Necessarily:

  • 1. Come up with a name for the Wi-Fi network (by setting it in the SSID field):

Wi-fi settings

The name can then be “hide” (check “hide access point”).

  • 2. Setting the “country” - will change the list of available channels (there are 14 in total, for the 2.4 GHz range).
  • 3. Wi-Fi network, can operate in “b/g” or “n” mode (it is the fastest), if you don’t know, “mixed” is recommended.

In this model, you can set the maximum number of Wi-Fi users (zero means “auto”). You may have different settings (read the instructions in detail).

Hiding the name is a method to protect your network. Traffic encryption (WPA2, WPA), password login (PSK) are considered “advanced” methods. To install them, there is a separate tab (“Wi-Fi Security Settings”).

We hope the information will be useful.

Many of us are sure that setting up a router for home use is a very difficult task for the average user. Of course, if it is possible to call a specialist from your Internet provider, and possibly for free, then the idea of ​​setting up Wi-Fi can immediately be thrown onto their shoulders. But if the call to a specialist is paid, you can set it up yourself without much difficulty.

So, we got our hands on a router. It doesn’t matter whether it’s brand new from the store or used. Where to start setting up and what exactly we really need for Wi-Fi to work.

What we will need to do:

  1. Reset settings to factory defaults if we use a used router. If using a new one, skip this step;
  2. Connect the router to a computer, laptop or laptop and, accordingly, to the Internet;
  3. Log in to the administrative panel of the router;
  4. Enter your provider’s network access data;
  5. Block access with an unauthorized password.

Methods for setting up a wi-fi router

  1. Auto. Using a special wizard program, which is located on the software disk included with the wireless router. All you need to do is insert the software disc into your computer's optical drive.
  2. Manual. Using the router's web interface. The setup is done via a PC browser.

The first method is the easiest: router setup wizard will ask you to enter the necessary data (in the best case, it is enough to select your Internet provider from the list) and the program will configure the wireless connection itself. You will need to refer to the user manual to find out when to turn on the power to your wireless router - before or after running the setup program, as this is important for the setup program to work correctly.

Of course, it may happen that your provider is not on the list offered by the program. In such situations, you have to manually configure the router through its web interface. I will dwell on this procedure in more detail and describe the 3 main steps of setting up the router:

  1. setting up a connection between a computer connected to the router’s LAN port and the router itself to gain access to its web interface
  2. setting up an Internet connection (WAN port parameter) using data from the provider
  3. setting up a wireless network, including setting security parameters (password, choosing an encryption method, etc.), as well as physical parameters such as signal strength and wireless channel selection

This is, of course, not all; you can optionally configure other parameters related to protection and additional functions, but the latter depend on the router model.

Static and dynamic IP addresses

Information about what type of IP address you received from your provider is very important when setting up your router. If
your computer, which was previously on a wired connection, had a specific IP address (usually specified in the contract), then your IP address - static.

If nothing is mentioned about IP, and, let’s say, there is only a login and password, then the router will receive
it automatically. So your IP address is dynamic.

How to reset your router

Resetting your router (returning the router settings to factory settings) is necessary when problems arise during setup, you get confused, or something goes wrong. For such cases, there is a special button on the body of the wi-fi router - RESET. At what point to press it and how long to hold it pressed, it is said in the user manual, or focus on the change in the behavior of the indicators on the front side of the router, which will tell you if the reset was successful.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is the only way to change forgotten password on the router.

This completes the theoretical preparation for setting up. Next, I will go into detail about each of the 3 steps.

Setting up a connection with a router on a computer

  1. Connect the LAN cables (ports 1-4), if any, that will be used.
  2. Connect the provider cable to the router’s “Internet” port (another name is the “WAN” port).
  3. Then, connect the router's power supply, plug it into a power outlet.

That is, turning on the power supply is the last thing to do.

Any kit supplied at retail, in addition to the router itself, includes two “devices”: a power supply, as well as a power cord (patch cord). During the initial (first) setup, we recommend using the supplied cord. That’s right, you will make sure the router is working.

Before you connect a wifi router at home, the first time you connect it “next to the computer”.

A. If DHCP server is enabled on the router by default, which automatically distributes IP addresses to connected
devices, make sure that automatic acquisition of a network address is also enabled on your computer. To do this, follow these steps:

2. In the local network connection status window, click on “Properties”.

3. After that, in the next window, select “Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click on the “Properties” button.

4. In the “Properties: Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” window on the “General” tab, the switches should
be in the “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server automatically” position. If not, install them in desired position and close all windows by clicking “Ok”.

B. If The router is assigned a static IP address by default, follow these steps.

1. Find the default IP address in the router's user manual (often it is indicated on a sticker located on the bottom of the device). Repeat steps 1-3 above.

2. In the “Properties: Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” window, on the “General” tab, set the radio buttons to “Use the following IP address” and “Use the following DNS servers”. If this is not the case, set them to the desired position and close all windows by clicking “OK”.

3. In the “IP address:” field, enter the IP address, the last number (after the dot) of which is greater than the corresponding number in the router’s IP address. For example, if the default address for your router is, you can enter

4. In the “Subnet mask:” field, enter the value, and in the “Default gateway:” and “Preferred DNS server:” fields - the IP address of the wi-fi router.

Close all windows by clicking the “OK” button. Now everything is ready to configure the router.

Setting up a router using the wizard

There is nothing tricky about this procedure. Insert the software CD that came with your Wi-Fi router. Launch the installation wizard by accepting license agreement upon request.

Click next until you are asked for wireless connection information. Enter the SSID of the wireless network (the name of your network that will be displayed when searching) and password in the appropriate fields, or leave the suggested ones, they can be changed later.

Connection settings internet wi-fi The router will detect it automatically. If your connection type uses a login and password, then you can enter them later, in the web interface, and in any other case you can use it if the Internet does not appear after automatic setup. Just don’t forget to write down the Login and password to access the router’s web interface (if the router generates them itself, in the installation wizard window).

At the very end of setting up the router, you will automatically go to its web interface to manually configure your Internet connection.


If you did everything according to the instructions of the installation wizard and did not receive any error messages, but, unfortunately,
We have not received any connection to the Internet, there are 2 possible solutions to the problem:

  1. As I wrote above, you need to enter additional connection settings in the web interface.
  2. It is possible that the provider allows access to its network only to devices with a specific MAC address - an individual device number. It works as follows: the provider’s equipment remembers the MAC address of the client device when it first connects to the network and subsequently allows access only to it. This information may not be included in the connection setup information. To eliminate this problem, routers have a special function for cloning and manually entering the MAC address, which I will talk about a little later.

Setting up a router manually (using the example of an Asus router)

If you cannot set up a connection using the wizard or you need to configure any parameters that are not provided in the router installation wizard, you can make the settings manually through the web interface.
Open any browser and type the router's IP address in the address bar:

Enter your name and password in the appropriate fields in the window that appears (their default values ​​are indicated in the router user manual) to access the web interface. Please note that after setting up your connection, it is recommended to change your username and password for security reasons.

Some manufacturers use or to log into the panel

In the LAN section of the router interface, select the “DHCP Server” tab and check the “Enable DHCP Server” - “Yes” box. This will allow the router to automatically distribute IP to devices connecting to it.

In the WAN section in the “Internet connection” tab, select the type of Internet connection.
Which type of Internet connection should you choose, look in the documents issued to you by your provider or use the article: “How to determine the type of Internet connection.”

The most common Internet connection options

  1. With dynamic IP (Auto IP or DHCP)
  2. With a static IP address (Manual configuration of the WAN IP address setting field, mask, gateway...)

We will consider the 2nd option, with a static IP address. As soon as you select it, the fields for entering parameters will become active static connection- “Setting the WAN IP address”, which must be filled in according to the data received from the Internet provider.

Click “No” and fill in all fields one by one.

It is worth noting that in this case the IP address and other network parameters are fixed; they should be entered exactly as specified by the provider.
If you select the option with a dynamic IP address, or PPPoE or L2TP, then the setup is simplified and the router will receive all connection parameters from the provider automatically. Only for the last two connection types you need to specify the name and password provided by the provider (or in rare cases, the “Service Name”).

Complete the settings by clicking the "Apply" or "Save" button.

In some cases, the provider binds the user to the MAC address (physical address) of his computer so that no one else can connect instead of him. In this case, attempting to access the Internet using the router will become impossible.

To avoid this, the MAC address of the router's external interface should be changed so that it matches the MAC address that your ISP assigned you to (usually the address of your computer's network interface).

This operation is called MAC address cloning, however, this function in the router web interface does not always have the same name.
To clone the MAC address of your computer, which was connected by cable to the Internet before installing the router, enter it in the MAC field of the “Special requirements of the Internet service provider” section in the WAN section, Internet connection tab.

Save the settings by clicking the "Apply" button.

How to find out the MAC address of a computer

To find out the MAC address of your computer and enter it when setting up an Internet connection on the router,
do the following:

1. Click on the computer icon in the task tray (tray), click “Network and Sharing Center”

and in the window that opens, select “Local Area Connection”.

2. Click on the "Details" button to see the MAC address.

The MAC address will be located in the Physical Address field.

Configuring Wi-Fi settings manually

If you did everything correctly and specified the correct connection parameters, then after rebooting the router you will have access to the Internet from the computer on which you made the settings. Open your browser and type
address of any website, for example MediaPure.Ru. The site page has opened, so you can start
to setting up a wireless network (wi-fi).

In the router web interface menu, select the “Wireless” section, “General” tab.

Please note that some routers support wireless networks in two bands at once (5 GHz and 2.4 GHz). Set up a wireless network in the more popular 2.4 GHz band.

Specify the wireless network operating mode. Best option- universal setting, ensuring compatibility with both new and old versions of the Wi-Fi standard. It is called “Mixed” or “Auto” (automatic mode).

Enter the network SSID (Network name that will be displayed when scanning) in the field of the same name. Select a security option in the “Authentication method” field, I recommend WPA2-Personal, read why in the Wi-Fi section. Enter the password (or key) in the WPA Pre-Shared Key field. This key and network name (SSID) will be required to set up access on your wireless devices, so it is recommended that you save them to a file or write them down somewhere safe.

It is recommended to hide the SSID so that your home wireless network was not visible from the outside, but you will still be able to connect to it, since you already know the SSID. To save the settings, click on the “Apply” or “Save” button. By the way, a wireless network in the 5 GHz band is configured in the same way.

For fans of video instructions

Attention! Be careful when updating your router firmware. The need for it is determined by incorrect operation of the router and communication problems. Carefully read the section of the user manual about updating the router software and strictly follow the recommendations. Updating the router firmware is a last resort; you should not resort to it unless absolutely necessary, since initial setup There is no such need for a wireless network.

Materials from were used to create this article

Good day!

Many users are intimidated by setting up a Wi-Fi router on their own, and when purchasing it, they also order a service to connect and configure it.

In my opinion, the price for this service in many stores is too high (sometimes up to half the cost of the router) - especially since many can cope with this operation on their own (you just need to figure it out a little).

I also want to immediately add that if in the future you need to change your password, settings for Internet access (or anything else), you will still have to go into the router settings and figure it out yourself...

That is why I wrote this small instruction article, with pictures and explanations of each step. I hope the step-by-step presentation of the material will help you figure out how and what to do.

And so, let's go in order ☺...

Addition! You can also read my other article on how to connect and configure the Tenda FH456 (N301, F3) router from scratch -

Step-by-step instructions: connecting and setting up a Wi-Fi router

Selecting a location and placing the router

Many users make one mistake - namely, they place the router next to the computer (for example, on the system unit). No, for testing and initial setup this is acceptable, but for permanent job devices are not good in all cases.

The fact is that depending on where your Wi-Fi router is placed, the level of network reception in different corners your home. Significantly reduce the Wi-Fi signal: load-bearing thick walls, mirrors, metal doors, etc.

Therefore, you need to position the router so that it is approximately equidistant from all devices that will connect to its network (and also so that there are minimal obstacles to the network signal). An example of unsuccessful and successful placement of a router in a 2-room apartment is shown in the layout below.

On the issue of choosing and placing a router in an apartment

An article about how you can strengthen your Wi-Fi signal -

In general, I think the message is clear: depending on the location of the router, the quality of the network signal, speed, errors, etc. will depend.

Connecting the router to the computer

A typical router delivery consists of (example in the picture below):

  • the router itself;
  • power supply;
  • network cable (usually 1-2 m long). Used to connect the router to a PC (laptop) and configure it;
  • operating instructions;
  • antenna (there may not be an antenna - in some routers it is built into the device body).

Those. there is everything you need to start connecting and setting up the device.

The connection itself comes down to the following:

  1. Connect the router with a network cable (which comes with the router) to a computer or laptop. By the way, please note that the router, as a rule, has 4 LAN ports for this (most often marked yellow). On some routers, the marking may be Ethernet instead of LAN;
  2. disconnect the Internet cable (coming from the provider) from system unit computer and connect it to the router: to the WAN or Internet port (usually marked in blue);
  3. connect power to the router and turn on the device;
  4. If everything is done correctly, various LEDs on the device will begin to blink...

If shown schematically, the Wi-Fi router becomes like an intermediary between your computer and the Internet cable from the provider (see picture below).

Important! Connecting the router to a PC (laptop) using a network cable is necessary for the initial setup of the device. Subsequently, the cable can be disconnected and the router placed in a more convenient place.

Configuring network card settings

Before going into the Wi-Fi router settings, you need to properly configure network card(especially if you previously had different default settings).

First you need to open a tab in the control panel - Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections . The easiest way to do this is to press the Win+R button combination, enter the command ncpa.cpl and click OK.

How to open network connections|| ncpa.cpl

Then you need to open select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and open its properties.

In the "General" tab, set to obtain an IP address and DNS server automatically. Save settings.

Obtain IP address and DNS server automatically

Such settings are suitable in 99.9% of cases, because... at your Wi-Fi router in local network looks at the active DHCP server - which will give a free IP address to your computer/laptop.

Entering the router settings (device IP address)

To go into the settings of a Wi-Fi router, you need to know its IP address (which you just need to enter into the address bar of your browser and go to it).

Each router has its own IP address for settings. In most cases he , but there are exceptions:

  1. address for D-Link and NetGear routers: ;
  2. address for TrendNet routers:

Important! Also pay attention to the stickers on the body of your Wi-Fi router - almost always the IP address is indicated on these stickers. By the way, on the same stickers you can find the login password for accessing the web interface.

After you enter correct IP address to enter the router settings and press Enter - you will see a window asking you to enter your login and password (example in the figure below).

As a rule, in most cases both the login and password will be admin. If you can't log in, try leaving the password field blank.

I discussed in more detail how to enter the router settings, what passwords and logins, IP addresses, and what to do if you can’t log in in this article:

Setting up a router (router)

If the password and login were entered correctly, then you should be taken to the web interface (with a bunch of different settings, links, etc.). Each manufacturer and different router models have a different interface.

But there is one thing in common: the menu is usually located on the side or on top. The basic settings in the menu are also identical and can be set in a similar way. So, having looked at how one router is configured, you can configure another by analogy...

As an example, I’ll take such a popular brand of routers as TP-LINK (with “green” firmware in Russian).

Cloning the MAC address of an old network card

The fact is that many providers charge extra. protection that checks the MAC address. And if the MAC address does not match (or has been changed), access to the network is blocked.

To clone a MAC address, in TP-LINK routers you need to open the “MAC Address Clone” link (in the “Network” section). If you have an English version of the firmware, then look for a link like "MAC Clone".

Addition! Not long ago, I published separate instructions on cloning a MAC address on my blog. -

MAC address cloning

Setting up Internet access

Setting up Internet access mainly depends on the network design of your Internet service provider. The necessary parameters for accessing the network must be specified in the contract for the provision of Internet connection services. Most often, PPPoE is used in Russia (note: a dynamic IP address is issued upon connection. To access you must enter your login and password).

It is impossible to open the WAN (Internet) tab in the router and first specify the connection type (for example, PPPoE, see “2” in the figure below). It is also necessary to indicate username and password (see “3” in the figure below, data can be taken from the agreement with the Internet provider).

All that remains is to save the settings. In most cases, you do not need to enter anything else. Now the router can access the Internet - and the Internet should now appear on the computer that is connected to it with a network cable.

All that remains is to configure the wireless network...

Setting up a Wi-Fi network

To set up a Wi-Fi network, you first need to open the "Wireless Settings" tab (or in English "Wireless Settings"). In this tab you need to specify the network name - i.e. the name of the network that you will look for to connect on your gadgets: tablets, phones, etc. (in some cases, if there is a bad signal, it makes sense to select a channel.).

Then you need to open the “Wireless Network Protection” tab (or in English "Wireless Security") and select the type of protection. Today one of best types encryption is WPA2-PSK, which is the first in the list (we select it).

PSK password is the password that you will need to enter when connecting to a Wi-Fi network.

Actually, after saving the settings, the router will reboot, and then you can connect to the Wi-Fi network and use the Internet.

That's all the setup...

I understand that in this article I did not consider many subtleties that in particular cases can have a great impact on the operation of the network. But, probably, all of them cannot be provided for in one article.

As I work on the site, I will touch on this issue more than once...