M bus description. New tools for building M-Bus networks

The development of high technologies simplifies the operation of modern services, including in the public utilities sector. The need for a person to take readings from meters and transfer them to the control point is completely eliminated by introducing the m-bus system, which organizes a full-fledged modern control center that receives readings in automatic mode. The standard was approved by the regulatory documentation of 1997 EN-1434-3 and GOST of 2006 EN-1434-3-2006. The system has become widespread in Eastern and Western Europe. With its help, it is possible to take readings from water, heat, gas, and electricity meters in residential and industrial buildings.

Organization of a dispatch network for taking readings from meters

European standard m-bus - a system for collecting data from energy metering devices. Using this standard, it is possible to organize the collection of data on consumption recorded by meters from hundreds of devices. For this purpose, cable systems are laid - m-bus buses, to which the device is connected.

The m-bus system has clear advantages that allow it to be used to create appropriate dispatch networks:

  • stable transmission of information from a large number of non-initiative sources over distances of up to several kilometers;
  • the system is inexpensive and does not require large expenses for its installation and operation;
  • the system is easily restructured and supplemented with new data sources;
  • allows for a complete snapshot of the real state of meter readings, taking data simultaneously from many sources;
  • readings can be easily taken from instruments located in hard-to-reach places;
  • The system can be optimized to suit customer requirements.

M-bus protocol

Data is transmitted through the system using noise-resistant protocolmbus. This protocol is used in the one master - many slave scheme. Each network segment uses one master that sends requests and receives responses from each device. This scheme allows you to avoid conflicts in the network. Data is transferred over the bus in serial mode. To transmit a data bit, the master changes the bus voltage. Each of the devices listens to this signal, learning which of them receives the request. The device being accessed transmits data bits in response, changing the bus voltage, which are read by the master.

M-bus master

The m-bus master is the central device that controls the operation of the network. A computer or other device can act as an m-bus master, saving data from devices and sending signals to retrieve data. The m-bus master also powers the devices via a cable connection. The system can additionally include various sensors (pressure, temperature, smoke), which are also powered by the m-bus master.

Bus and hub in the m-bus network

In the m-bus network it is possible to retrieve data from large number devices. However, it is impossible to lay a cable from the server to each of the devices, so the network uses an m-bus hub, which connects many devices and then connects directly to the dispatcher’s computer or to the Internet. The hub also acts as an archiver. Without it, the m-bus system takes current meter readings, but with a hub it is possible to take readings saved by the device. This device is controlled from the dispatcher’s computer and organizes the transfer of data from devices, storing information from them and sending them via a signal to the control computer. There are concentrator models for 25, 60 or 250 subscribers. Hubs can act as a repeater, so it is possible to build a network of several hubs, subordinate to which are built in other hubs that have their own subscribers.

Data is transmitted via copper twisted pair - m-bus. The device can be connected to the bus using a 2x0.75 mm2 telephone cable, the length of which can be 1-5 meters. Depending on the remoteness of the dispatch computer, an RS232/USB interface is used to connect the hub to a computer or modem. Limitations on the length of transmission cables are due to the increasing resistance of the conductor depending on the increase in length. Changing the bus voltage level, which is a signal during data transmission, is difficult. The number of connecting Slave devices is also limited. The maximum number can be 250. How quickly data is transferred on the network depends on the electrical capacitance of the bus. Typically it is in the range of 300-9600 bps.

Repeaters used to expand a network usually provide visual information about network congestion. The devices have an indication, through which you can determine the operating mode and the possibility of adding devices. For example, on a Hydro-Center 60/250/Memory repeater, m-bus indication can be in the following modes:

  • green color means up to half the tire load;
  • yellow - the bus load exceeds 100%, the device is operational, but a warning is issued that adding more devices to the network is unacceptable;
  • red - this is a critical overload of the device. It needs to be rebooted and checked for service.

Converters for m-bus network

The m-bus network interface uses a voltage of 36V. Network-connected devices equipped with other interfaces (for example, RS232, RS485) operate at different voltage values, so special converters must be installed in front of them. Converting voltage levels. An example of such a device is the m-bus 10 converter. This m-bus converter allows you to connect up to 10 metering devices. He works on the network like a master. The device contains indicator diodes that display the power status and data transfer mode. Converters are also used in systems where it is necessary to convert and transmit data from a network that operates in m-bus to a system that transmits telemetry data, for example, SCADA. NPE-Modbus is used as such a device.

Meters with the ability to transmit data over a network

Energy metering devices used in m-bus systems are equipped with a special module. Heat meters that include such a module can be of two types. In the first type, the m-bus module is built into the device, in the second it is additional. The module is a printed circuit board that supports data transfer function. The presence of such a module must be noted in the device passport. The bus wires are connected to the screw terminals of the meter. The maximum possible diameter of the connected wires is 2.5 mm, and the bus voltage is no more than 50V.

Lately we have been paying a lot of attention to the issues of connecting third-party devices to the ASUD-248 system.

This is due to the logical desire to integrate within unified system supervisory control and management of engineering subsystems that ensure the functioning of serviced objects.

Connected devices can be, for example, heating and ventilation controllers, heat energy and water meters, various sensors, actuators, etc.

A third-party device connects to the ASUD-248 system via a specific physical interface, data exchange occurs according to a set of rules supported by the device: a protocol.

They often use the terms M-bus, Modbus, RS-485, Ethernet, Computer network, etc. - some of which define the physical interface for connecting devices, and others a set of data transfer rules.

When communicating with design organizations and customers who are directly faced with the task of connecting third-party devices to the ASUD-248, you often encounter confusion in the definitions of “interface”, “protocol” and related issues, for example:

  • "Modbus is an interface?"
  • "Modbus and M-bus are the same thing"
  • "The device has RS-485 - can it be guaranteed to be connected to the ASUD?" and so on.

It should be noted that in essence the terms “interface” and “protocol” express the same concept - a description of the procedure for interaction between two objects. This fact, in our opinion, in the scope of the topic under consideration, can also lead to some ambiguity.

Therefore, for definiteness, we will agree that by interface we mean precisely the physical (hardware) interface - the data transmission medium. Under the protocol - a set of described rules for transmitting data over a particular interface.


RS-485 is an interface. It determines the requirements for the communication line (cables), regulates the electrical parameters of the communication line and other parameters related to the transmission of a signal from one device to another.

RS-485 does not say anything about the rules for exchanging data between devices.

Consequently, the mere fact that a third-party device has an RS-485 interface is not enough to guarantee connection to the automated control system. The data exchange protocol needs to be clarified.


RS-232 is also an interface (similar to RS-485).


Modbus is a communication protocol widely used in industry. It defines the rules for sending data when devices interact.

We can implement dispatch and control of almost any device if it supports this protocol.

There are several modifications of this protocol:

  • Modbus RTU.
  • Modbus TCP/IP.
  • Modbus ASCII (currently not supported in ASUD-248).

The word "Modbus" itself does not say anything about the interface between devices.

The Modbus protocol can operate over RS-485/RS-232, computer network and other interfaces.

Therefore, if it is known that the device supports the Modbus protocol, you should clarify what physical interfaces the device has and whether they are supported in ASUD-248.

For more information about connecting devices that support Modbus, see


The situation is somewhat different with M-Bus.

First of all, it should be noted that despite the consonance in Russian transcription, M-Bus has nothing to do with the Modbus protocol.

The term M-Bus can simultaneously imply both a physical interface and a data transfer protocol.

Typically, M-Bus support is implemented only in metering devices: heat meters, electricity meters, water meters, etc.

If it is indicated that the meter supports M-bus, you should always clarify what is meant:

  • only physical interface
  • physical interface and protocol (usually)
  • only protocol.

Those. The device can support the M-bus protocol, but the connection interface is, for example, RS-485. Or the device has an M-bus interface, but the device developers implemented their own exchange protocol. In this case, to connect to ASUD-248, it is necessary to agree on the exchange protocol.

For more information about connecting M-Bus, see

The article is devoted to the M‑Bus communication protocol, intended for building an energy metering system, the features of the M‑Bus architectural bus and ADFweb equipment for M‑Bus networks.

LLC "Krona", St. Petersburg

For all our love for freedom, we have already become accustomed to the networks that entangle us. Networks of asphalt roads on the ground and wires in the air, the invisible Internet and data collection systems in production... And each network has its own rules that allow you not to get confused in its intricacies, but to use it for your own benefit.

Why is another M‑Bus protocol needed? The computer community involved in the energy metering process needs its own “game conditions” optimized for taking readings from meters. To control the consumption of energy resources, a specific network is needed - as simple and cheap as possible, allowing the connection of many slave devices to the master device, spreading over several kilometers. A special protocol serves all these tasks.

M‑Bus (“Meter-Bus”) is a European standard for building distributed systems for data collection and commercial metering of energy consumption (heat, water, gas, electricity, etc.).

The M‑Bus standard is described and approved regulatory documents EN‑1434–3 (1997), GOST R EN‑143403-2006 dated 01.09.06. Today, this standard is supported by most leading manufacturers of energy metering devices and is increasingly used to solve energy metering problems in Russia.

The main advantages of the M‑Bus standard:

Easy to build a network;

High noise immunity;

The length of communication lines is up to several kilometers;

Simple network segmentation;

Large number of metering points;

Ease of gradual network expansion;

Passive power supply for slave devices;

Minimum costs for installation and operation of equipment.

M‑Bus architecture

The data transmission medium for the M‑Bus standard is copper “twisted pair”, and there are no strict requirements for the network architecture. However, M‑Bus equipment developers do not recommend using a “ring” type architecture, or using looped fragments for network segments.

But the M‑Bus network architecture can simultaneously include elements of the “bus” and “star” typologies, which allows you to create flexible and arbitrary network structures.

The data exchange protocol between devices of the M‑Bus network is based on the principle of “one Master – many Slaves”. Each network segment requires only one Master device, which sends requests and receives responses from Slave devices (maximum 250 devices per segment). This completely eliminates the possibility of conflict situations within the M‑Bus network segment.

All Slave devices are connected in parallel to the Master device via the M‑Bus bus (twisted pair), and the polarity of connecting the devices to the bus does not matter.

Data transmission via the M‑Bus is carried out in serial mode in both directions. The bus maintains the nominal voltage level from the Master device to provide power to the Slave devices. To transmit a data bit, the Master device changes the voltage level on the bus, which is perceived by all Slave devices. Having recognized its address in the request, the authorized Slave device transmits data bits, changing the current consumed from the M‑Bus. These changes are read by the Master device.

The physical length of the M‑Bus is limited by the active resistance of the wires, which, due to the current consumption of Slave devices, reduces the supply voltage in the network as it moves away from the Master device. The data transfer rate in M‑Bus networks is limited by the electrical capacity of the bus and ranges from 300 to 9600 baud. The limitation on the number of Slave devices in one network segment is determined by the power of the voltage source of the Master device and the maximum addressing capabilities - up to 250 devices.

However, despite all the advantages of the protocol, its use in dispatch control systems of automated process control systems and ASKUE until recently was difficult for the following reasons:

There was a small selection of equipment on the market for building M‑Bus networks;

This equipment was too expensive;

There was a lack of reference and technical documentation.

This situation changed with the appearance on the domestic equipment market of the ADFweb company, which specializes in the production of equipment for working with industrial protocols. At the end of 2010, the company introduced a line of equipment for M‑Bus networks. Information about these devices is presented in Tables 1 and 2.

Group of companies (GK) "Teplopribor" (Teplopribory, Prompribor, Heat control, etc.)- these are instruments and automation for measuring, monitoring and regulating the parameters of technological processes (flow metering, heat control, heat metering, control of pressure, level, properties and concentration, etc.).

At the manufacturer's price, products are shipped both from our own production and from our partners - leading factories - manufacturers of instrumentation and automation equipment, control equipment, systems and control equipment technological processes— Process control system (much is available in stock or can be manufactured and shipped in the shortest possible time).

Dispatch with M-Bus and RS485

Below are two comparative examples of specifications for dispatching heat meters of an apartment building via a wired circuit using M-Bus and RS485 interfaces:

1. Commercial offer with M-bus

Object - multi-apartment residential building with 53 ultrasonic heat meters TSU-Du20:
1 entrance 10 floors, 1st floor non-residential premises, from 2 to 9 floors there are 6 apartments, 2 water meters per apartment, on the 10th floor there are 6 apartments, 2 water meters per apartment

Type Qty Unit price, rub. Amount, rub.
Ethernet Converter 1 9 350,00 9 350,00
Power supply IP 1 3 630,00 3 630,00
Mbus/RS485 converter 1 7 160,00 7 160,00
Total: 20 140,00
Including VAT 18% 3 072,20

Total amount for CP with PC: RUB 410,662.00.

Mbus based dispatch

2. Commercial proposal with RS485 for the object

The object is an apartment building with 53 ultrasonic heat meters TSU-Du20:
multi-apartment residential building, 1 entrance, 10 floors, 1st floor non-residential premises, 6 apartments from 2 to 9 floors, 2 water meters per apartment, 6 apartments on the 10th floor, 2 water meters per apartment.

Type Qty Unit price, rub. Amount, rub.
Ethernet Converter 2 9 350,00 18 700,00
Power supply IP 2 3 360,00 7 260,00
Total: 25 960,00
Including VAT 18% 3 960,00

Total amount for CP with PC: RUB 451,462.00.
* — System unit(computer-PC) is supplied upon customer's request.

RS485 based dispatching

Additional information about interfaces and protocols

1. Difference between M-Bus and ModBas

M-Bus interface (Meter-Bus)- standard physical level for fieldbus based on asynchronous interface. This name also refers to the communication protocol used to communicate between devices on this bus. The M-bus interface is mainly used for metering devices electrical energy(electricity meters), thermal energy (heat meters), water and gas flow meters.

Modbus protocol- an open communication protocol based on a master-slave architecture. Widely used in industry to organize communication between electronic devices. Can be used to transmit data via serial communication lines, RS-485, RS-422, RS-232, and TCP/IP networks (Modbus TCP). There are also non-standard implementations that use UDP.
"MODBUS" and "MODBUS Plus" should not be confused. MODBUS Plus is a proprietary protocol owned by Schneider Electric. The physical layer is unique, similar to Ethernet 10BASE-T, half-duplex over one twisted pair, speed 1 Mbit/s. The transport protocol is HDLC, on top of which an extension is specified for transmitting MODBUS PDU.

2. Difference between RS485/RS422 interfaces and RS232 and USB

a) RS-485 interface

Interface RS-485 (English Recommended Standard 485), EIA-485 (English Electronic Industries Alliance-485) is a physical layer standard for an asynchronous interface. Regulates the electrical parameters of a half-duplex multipoint differential communication line of the “common bus” type.

The RS-485 standard has gained great popularity and has become the basis for the creation of a whole family of industrial networks, widely used in industrial automation.
The RS-485 standard uses a single twisted pair of wires to transmit and receive data, sometimes accompanied by braided shielding or a common wire.
Data transmission to RS485 is carried out using differential signals. The voltage difference between conductors of the same polarity means a logical one, the difference of the other polarity means zero.

Since the RS485/422 interfaces are implemented on differential communication lines, their noise immunity is very good. Typically, cable installations with a characteristic impedance of 120 ohms are used. Matching resistors must be installed at the ends of the lines. RS485 lines can be up to 1 kilometer long.

RS422 interface is a “light” version of RS485. It has reduced transmitter output currents and therefore less load capacity. To improve these parameters, data repeaters are used.

The RS485 interface implements the main principle of data exchange. It can address up to 63 ports. Strictly speaking, RS422 is a radial interface, but many equipment manufacturers supplement it with the possibility of trunk connection and partial compatibility with RS485 (with reduced load capacity parameters).

b) RS232 interface

RS232 interface built on unipolar data lines. Therefore, its performance and maximum length cables are small. RS232 is used to connect peripheral equipment to control computers. RS232 is a radial interface, so there is no concept of an address in it. These factors help improve the efficiency of the interface to data acquisition systems and peripheral equipment.

c) USB interface

USB (USB, English Universal Serial Bus - “universal serial bus”) is a serial interface for connecting peripheral devices to computers. The USB interface has become widespread and has actually become the main interface for connecting peripherals to household digital equipment.

The USB interface allows you not only to exchange data, but also to provide power to a peripheral device. Network architecture allows you to connect a large number of peripherals even to a device with one USB connector.