Why does the key fall out of your hands? What to do if you lost your keys

Any loss immediately worsens your mood, especially if a valuable or necessary thing disappears without a trace. Keys undoubtedly belong to the category of extremely unpleasant losses. Just one small object, imperceptibly dissolved in the surrounding space, can make you temporarily homeless, leave you without your favorite job, or block access to necessary things. In addition, the incident promises many unforeseen concerns: a frantic search for the missing bundle, ordering new copies, or even changing the locks, or maybe the entire door.

In such a situation about positive emotions there is no need to talk. The only thing that can at least partially brighten up the “bitterness of loss” is a happy interpretation of the sign. What does the loss of keys actually portend when lost?

“Lack of keys” is a happy omen

In most cases, the disappearance of a ring with a keychain and other jingling contents brings positive changes in fate and financial situation.

  • For absent-minded youth, the loss of a key of any caliber and significance promises dramatic changes associated with personal status. A young and in love flighty person in an instant turns into the head of the family. A carefree girl with an admirer, after a while becomes a respectable married lady. Well, lonely hearts finally find their soul mate.
  • For a person who is already for a long time are haunted by failures, the loss of a key means that the doors to further problems and misfortunes will remain closed forever, and a “white” streak will begin in life.
  • It happens that a whole bunch of office premises disappear at once. For business people, the loss will be a happy omen, as it promises the conclusion of a new and very profitable contract, the establishment of useful connections with partners and suppliers.
  • It’s great if you lost your keys on the eve of an important event. Any exam, interview or negotiation will end in complete and unconditional success, which is not surprising. After all, lock the door in front of you in new life there will be nothing.
  • The “key” sign works great for newlyweds and for a long time married men. An unexpected loss promises a move for these two lucky categories of bewildered people. Old keys make room for fresh copies from the new home.

Unlucky "key" signs

Not every loss of keys can compensate for unforeseen difficulties with a pleasant interpretation.

  • For a married woman, a missing ligament serves as a warning that all is not well with the household. Before the husband begins to show dissatisfaction, and the children do not get out of control, it is urgent to return the reins of power to your own hands. Shake up and do some spring cleaning, get ready delicious lunch, visit the teachers at school.
  • If the keys are from new apartment mysteriously disappear during a move, the sign portends trouble and family problems. Most likely, changing your home will not bring you long-awaited joy, but dissatisfaction with the repairs and location.
  • It is not at all advisable to lose your keys before leaving for long journey. An unpleasant incident will guarantee an unsuccessful trip. You may become a victim of scammers or robbers, get injured, or get the flu.
  • One of the most understandable interpretations of the “missing keys” sign says that crooks have their eye on your property. Such an incident requires immediate action: change the locks, set up the alarm, and always carefully lock the doors.
  • If the keys are not completely and irrevocably lost, but simply forgotten at home, on a visit or at work, then the omen does not bode well either. Absent-mindedness can lead to quarrels with family, friends or colleagues.
  • Beware of losing ancient, rusty master keys. After all, such time-touched things serve as a guarantee of good luck. Most people take good care of rusted or slightly misshapen horseshoes, hammers or nails. They know: the loss of a talisman will certainly lead to the fact that business will no longer be successful, all endeavors will end in complete failure, and luck will pass to the one who discovers the loss.

Keys can open any door - given symbolic meaning small items used in folklore and magical rituals. Signs about keys will help you arrange your personal life, acquire money and avoid danger.

People say: “A correctly used key changes fate.” If a thing was lost or broken, a person considers superstition to be beneficial for his own future.

Folk signs about keys

Signs about keys affect all areas human life: work and personal relationships. Keys are used to open houses, offices, cars and boxes of secrets. Each master key carries its own energy charge. Signs about keys can warn of danger or foreshadow good events: the context is important, how and when the trouble happened.

It is easier for young people to interpret superstition, because in most cases problems with a key promise important meetings and negotiations. Lost Key- a negative omen for adults, accomplished individuals. It is interpreted according to the time of day and the conditions under which the problem occurred with the thing.


If the keys fall on the street, there will be no problems. It's bad when the loss occurs on the way home. An object falling far away from your home is a warning of a difficult day. Keys that fall near the house do not foretell any terrible problems. Minor troubles predict things falling on the doorstep. The keys are falling loudly - wait bad news. Linked keys enhance the negative meaning of the sign.

Dropping an apartment key means:

  • be late for important meetings and ruin the deal;
  • quarrel with colleagues or superiors;
  • forget important documents Houses.

Dropping keys tied together on a table or near a workplace - to protracted conflicts. If they ring at the same time, problems will affect the relationships of family members.

Forgetting a fallen thing means loss of attention. Superstition warns: something important is eluding a person. Trouble will come during the period of time in which the fall occurred. Signs promise minor troubles that a person can cope with.


Losing keys is a multifaceted sign that has different interpretations. It is positive for young girls and negative for business people. Losing the keys near the house or in front of the apartment is a sign of long-awaited news. If the day before a person was faced with urgent matters, the problems can be solved in one fell swoop. Losing the keys means changes in your personal life:

  • a successful period begins for the young lady: the girl may meet her beloved or receive an offer to get married;
  • sowing keys - to end the conflict between spouses;
  • For a married woman, loss promises betrayal by her husband;
  • For lovers, loss is a sign of shared happiness; soon the newlyweds will move to a new home.

Lost keys outside a house or apartment are a sign of lost opportunities. Business people can suffer from their own pride and overconfidence. If the keys are missing and lost in the house, illness cannot be avoided: any family member will get sick.

If the master keys were found after a few days, the belief promises a solution to the problems. Found related items are a sign of well-being. For business people, successful searches foretell success in signing a lucrative contract.

Lose a bunch

A rusty key is a sign of stagnation and problems. There is no need to store old things; it is better to get rid of them. You should be extremely careful with the bundle: if the whole set is lost, you won’t have to wait long for trouble. Losing a ligament when moving means difficult living conditions in a new place.

If on the road there are problems with the door: the key is broken or the key is lost - superstition warns of great risk get injured or have an accident. The property remaining in the house will suffer from an accident or after a raid by robbers. Losing a connection on the eve of important negotiations means failed agreements. People who have lost their new bundle will have to save their property from scammers.


Stolen apartment keys are a real problem. This sign is dangerous for young families. A stolen item foreshadows a series of failures and a test for lovers. A loss that is not found promises business people difficulties with the legal side of the agreements. For the family, this belief is a warning about a protracted crisis.

Keys that constantly disappear are a magnet for problems. They need to be changed urgently. There is no point in rejoicing over the return of the theft: the item will no longer be useful. The sign promises constant minor troubles, attracted through a recent theft.


The keys break to warn the owner of the house: if the little thing is damaged, robbers or scammers will encroach on his home. If only one key from a whole bunch is broken, you should pay attention to strengthening security: install an alarm, change the locks and get an armored door.

What you can't keep at home. Keys, Locks - what does it mean? Named in Honor of the Deceased.

Folk signs about the cross

Finding a thing under the door means uninvited guests. Such finds are thrown on the floor and passed over. After this is carried out general cleaning in the house, taken out unnecessary trash and garbage. Finding a pendant in the shape of a key means quick promotion. A decorative master key attracts new opportunities and prosperity. Found keys, if possible, are returned to the owner: a good deed will bring good luck.

House keys or car keys are small in size, which is why they can easily fall out of your jacket or trouser pocket when you are walking down the street, shopping in a store, or riding a bus. The noisier the environment around you when you lose your keys, the less likely you are to hear them fall down. But what to do if you lost your keys? What can be done in this unpleasant situation?

The site "" (site) will try to give several useful tips in case the keys are lost, and perhaps this information will protect the reader from committing rash and hasty actions.

What to do if you lost your keys - try to find them

A. Check pockets thoroughly

The most important thing is not to panic. If the reader has lost the keys to his house, then this is not as scary as if he, for example. First, you need to carefully examine all your pockets, not forgetting to feel the lining. It happens that a small key leaks into a pocket hole, getting stuck behind the lining of the jacket, so the check must be thorough. A small metal key can be easily felt with your fingers, no matter where it is located.

If you don’t have your keys with you, proceed to checking all the pocket compartments of your bag or backpack (which you usually take with you). Again, don’t forget to feel the lining. To increase the efficiency of the search, it is better to get all the unnecessary things.

B. Contact household members

On next step we will assume that the keys were left in keyhole doors. If you can’t verify this yourself, it’s better to contact your household and ask them to do it for you. It often happens that the key, forgotten in the lock, has long been removed by your relatives and lies at home.

In addition, one of your relatives could mistakenly take away the keys that you are trying to find, so a phone call will be useful in any case.

B. Check key storage locations

What to do if you lost your keys somewhere at home? First of all, we advise you to check all the places where keys are usually kept in your home. It also wouldn’t hurt to inspect the drawers of the sideboard and shelves located in close proximity to the corridor and front door. House keys left somewhere on a shelf are often hidden by caring household members in the first drawer they come across, away from children’s hands and the eyes of strangers.

If he lives in the house small child, it would be a good idea to look into his toys, since children often like to take adults’ things.

D. Try to remember

Without succumbing to panic attacks, you need to try to remember the environment in which you saw the keys last time. Perhaps it was in a cafe and you left them lying on the table. Maybe you went to visit someone and dropped your keys there. Perhaps the last time you held your keys in your hands was sitting on a park bench or somewhere else.

Having remembered the place where the keys were last seen, you need to return there or call to try to find the lost item. If this happened in a cafe or other similar establishment, the forgotten item will definitely be returned to its owner. If your keys are lost in the park, you will have to search the entire area near the place where you were previously.

In the event that the keys cannot be found anywhere, full understanding and confidence comes that they have been lost, and you will have to think about how to get into your own house or apartment. And here there are also several options for action, which we will talk about later.

What to do if you lost your keys - how to get home

A. Spare set of keys

It is for such cases that it is recommended to keep a spare set of keys. You can keep it with your closest relatives or neighbors whom you can trust. If this precaution is taken in a timely manner, then picking up spare keys to the house will not be difficult. The task of finding keys is also simplified when you do not live yourself, and the second keys are, for example, with your wife or husband, who at the moment are at work. In this case, you just have to wait for the arrival of household members who can open the door with their own key.

If there is no such spare or second set, we will act differently. Let’s make a reservation in advance that there is no one left in your apartment (or house), and the front door is tightly locked.

B. We break the door

In order to open a locked door in the most rude way, you need to call a locksmith from your building management or HOA. The consequences of hacking in this case will be the most severe. On the other hand, living in big city, you can turn to the help of professionals - special companies that provide this type services. In this case (if you contact specialists), the door will be opened in the most accurate way possible, for which you will have to pay a little.

B. We are trying to get inside

CAREFULLY! If your apartment is located above the second floor, it is humid outside rainy weather or you are afraid of heights, taking these actions is strictly not recommended!!!

The idea is to try to get into your apartment through an open balcony or an open window. As a means of access, you can use a ladder, which can easily be borrowed from an understanding neighbor. When making your way through an open window, it is important to take precautions so as not to fall or fall. If there is a person nearby who is guaranteed to cope with this operation, you can resort to his help, thanking the person with money.

At the same time, keep in mind!!! Not every door can be opened even from the inside!!! It all depends on the locks and the principles of their operation.

What to do if you lost your keys - how to stay safe

Having realized that the keys to the house are irretrievably lost, it is better to start replacing the door locks. If you are often not at home, you live without relatives and family, attackers can take advantage of this.

Of course, the likelihood that someone finding the keys to your house will immediately go to your address to remove all your valuables is too small. But where are the guarantees that the keys were not stolen intentionally? Where are the guarantees that you have not become a victim of the criminal plans of scammers? Where are the guarantees that the key was lost and not stolen from your trouser pocket? There are no such guarantees. Therefore, in this situation, it is cheaper and easier to change the locks than to be robbed, rather than worry about losing the key for days on end.

In traditional symbolism, keys signify knowledge and success. They can open doors that are locked, including portals to the other world - hence the famous Catholic symbol of the keys of St. Paul, denoting power over life and death. Possession of a key gives a person access to locked rooms, both literally and figuratively, in a mystical sense. The key is also a symbol of freedom and liberation from shackles. In modern romantic thinking, a necklace in the shape of this item can symbolize "the key to my heart." This is a symbol of love, similar to the heart sign. Therefore, dropping the keys is an alarming sign and often signals the collapse of an existing relationship.

The key as a symbol of power

Keys have been seen as a symbol of power and might for many centuries in many societies around the world. Therefore, for many powerful but superstitious people, dropping the keys in front of the door is a sign indicating the imminent loss of former power and position.

Keys in heraldry

To understand what the sign of fallen keys may mean, you need to look at the meaning of this object in European heraldry. Heraldry is the science of coats of arms, reflecting many secret and symbolic ideas about objects familiar to us.

In heraldry, the key is one of the most common symbols. The location of the keys on the crosses - both Latin (Catholic) and Greek (Orthodox), and sometimes on St. Andrew's, refers us to the Christian symbolism already mentioned above, and also suggests that true faith is the key to bliss and eternal afterlife. Such a diverse interpretation makes this symbol truly universal, and therefore the signs associated with it can also have many meanings. If you are a believer and accidentally dropped your keys in front of the door, this may be a sign of an imminent loss of faith associated with the fear of excommunication from the Divine throne and the impossibility of entering Heaven.

Since the 14th century, crossed keys, gold and silver, have been part of the official coat of arms of the Holy See (now Vatican City). Absolutely all popes, without exception, included keys in their coats of arms, from the first documented holder of this title, Pope Innocent III, who first sat in the See of St. Peter in 1198, to Antipope Benedict XIII, who ascended in 1397, from a conservative and aggressive pope Julius II of the Renaissance, to the current peace-loving and liberal Pope Francis. Many dignitaries and church orders were inspired by the example of popes.

The symbol of the key, when considered in a little more detail, has many aspects: it refers both to the authority of the administration of the atonement, and to the knowledge of the secret Christian doctrine and the power of binding and liberation. From a heraldic point of view, the golden key defines power that extends to the heavenly realm, while the silver defines spiritual power on earth. In civil heraldry, keys are always interpreted as a symbol of strength, and we can find them on the coats of arms of castle owners, as well as captains or governors, honorary commanders of ancient fortresses. But on the other hand, keys are also a symbol of obedience and submission when they are associated with the tradition of offering the key to the city, which we can become familiar with by looking, for example, at one of Diego Velazquez’s famous paintings called “The Surrender of Breda.”

In this painting from 1635 we see how the humble Dutch commander gave the keys to the city to the victorious and charming Genoese Ambrosio Spinola, firmly in the vanguard of the Spanish army.

Today, keys are more often found on the emblems of companies, shops and hobby groups than on coats of arms or paintings. But even now, drawn on digital screens, surrounded by bright neon lights, chipped into futuristic seals or cast in iron, they still remain a symbol of great virtue and nobility. Therefore, if your keys fell in front of the door, the sign behind this seemingly insignificant event may foreshadow the imminent surrender of all life values ​​and positions.

Keys to all doors

All Door Keys, or "skeleton keys", are keys that can open multiple locks. English name skeleton key (skeleton key) was assigned to them due to the belief that they were created from various fragments of keys lost by someone. That is why the English of the Renaissance believed that dropping keys was a bad omen.

However, now "skeleton keys" are used as amulets and talismans throughout the world. Nowadays they exist to help the owner realize all his most secret and important dreams.

The key as a symbol of well-being

Among the Jewish midwives there once existed one strange, but... interesting tradition: a woman giving birth, shuddering in paroxysms of prenatal pain, was given a key to hold. Before this, it was specially consecrated in the synagogue and was intended to “free” the baby from the shackles of the mother’s womb and ensure his safe entry into our world. IN Eastern Europe there was a belief that the key attracts to its owner good thoughts, and therefore it was believed that he was able to prevent everything bad dreams. For this purpose, keys were hung above the door of the house, like Indian dream catchers. In those days, it was believed that fallen keys were a sign promising depression and unwanted flow anxious thoughts, coming "from the Evil One."

Dropping your keys is a bad omen

Dropping your car keys is as bad an omen as dropping your house keys when closing or opening the front door. Representatives of older generations advise in such cases to linger for a while, set aside a couple of minutes for prayer and drink a glass of water. How much this helps is up to you to judge. We can only say with confidence that this sign exists not only on post-Soviet space, but is also known in the West.


Summing up what has been written, we can state that dropping the keys is not the best omen, which is confirmed by human experience over the last thousand years, collected in folklore and folk beliefs. Dropped keys, depending on the context, can mean:

  • loss of power, authority, status and position;
  • loss of faith;
  • defeat on love front;
  • loss of connection with your own home.

But do not be discouraged, because signs are only an object of faith, and modern science does not yet have any evidence to support their veracity. Therefore, the choice of what exactly to believe, as always, remains yours.

Every loss of something valuable to a person is a special sign. There are many folk signs associated with losses. If you have lost something, don’t be lazy to find out the meaning of this sign, in case it helps you find out something important.

Sign of losing a ring

Losing a ring is a bad omen. If you have lost a ring, then this promises separation from the one who gave it to you. It is believed that rings are jewelry that connects two energies - the energy of the one who wears it and the energy of the person who gave it. When the ring is lost, the connection between people is severed. If a wedding ring is lost, it threatens a quick divorce or unhappiness in the family.

Sign of losing a cross

There are several versions about this loss. From a religious point of view, the loss of a cross means that God gives the opportunity not to bear one’s cross. This means liberation from karma and destiny. Higher powers as if they give you the right to choose, a chance to choose your own path or correct the situation.

From an esoteric point of view, losing a cross is a bad omen. In this case, the person simply loses his amulet, his protection.

Sign of losing an earring

Losing an earring is a sign of happiness. If an unmarried woman loses her earring, then very soon she will find her soul mate. For a woman in marriage, such a sign means the beginning of changes, which may also be associated with a new relationship.

Sign of losing your keys

If you constantly lose your keys, you're in trouble. If you don’t lose your things very often and suddenly, somehow, you lost your keys, then this promises incredible luck. It’s another matter if you forgot your keys - this sign promises quarrels with loved ones. If the keys were lost on the road, you will have troubles along the way or bad acquaintances.

Always follow the signs that fate gives you. Sometimes simple events and phenomena conceal sacred meaning Once you know it, you can change your life for the better. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.10.2014 09:46

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