Dmitry Buryak divorced. Wife of Forbes billionaire Dmitry Buryak: He kicked me out of the house

Born on December 7, 1957 in Moscow. Father - Buryak Arkady Petrovich. Mother - Buryak Tatyana Alexandrovna.

Since childhood Dmitry He was distinguished by his extraordinary curiosity and desire for the unknown. At the age of 10, he independently went on a geological expedition, where he felt his calling - the study of Nature.

After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze and, after a break associated with military service, graduated in 1985, becoming a geological engineer with a specialty in “Exploration of rare and radioactive minerals.” Then he worked at the Research Institute of the Diamond Industry, introducing new abrasive materials, and from time to time traveling “to the field.” Without interruption from production, he entered the Institute of Culture, where he received a new specialty - director cultural events.

With the beginning of democratic changes in Russia, D.A. Buryak engaged in free enterprise. Collaborated with non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy enterprises.

In 1995, a successful businessman felt that his potential had ceased to be fully realized. He was trying to figure out how to structure his activities to be useful people. Same year Dmitry because of car accident suffered a serious spinal injury. While struggling with the threat of paralysis, he came to understand that the main value human life- health and life itself. Thanks to the talent of doctors and own strength spirit completely defeated the disease and returned to normal life. Then I made a decision: to devote myself and my whole life to people - their health and longevity.

The search for a new business began. By chance Dmitry Buryak met people who told him about network marketing- a progressive system of distribution of goods and services through a network of independent distributors. Dmitry realized the enormous potential of this system.

The choice of product for distribution had already been predetermined by this point - products related to a healthy lifestyle. The organizational experience of previous years came in handy. In just a few months, a huge amount of work has been done to create and produce biologically active food additives that are unique in their properties. In parallel with this, the infrastructure of the new company was formed and a distribution network was built. By the summer of 1996 D. Buryak took a number of steps to create a network Company, after which the official opening of the “Vision International People Group” took place in Moscow. Like-minded people appeared who believed in the success of the new business. This gave them the strength to overcome all difficulties. The distribution network "Vision International People Group" began to take shape, numbering today over 400,000 distributors in Russia alone.

From the very beginning, the main principle of the Company was teamwork for the benefit of the common cause. And those people who stood at the origins of "Vision International People Group" have always adhered to this principle. This Dmitry Buryak, Jean-Marc Colaianni, Roberto Piona, Aram Harutyunyan. Dmitry Buryak- President of Vision International People Group. Today "Vision International People Group" is an international network company distributing dietary supplements and health-improving cosmetics. Its products are distributed in many countries around the world.

For propaganda healthy image life The Company and its distributors constantly organize sports, cultural, health and other events. The most famous people take part in cultural events "Vision" public figures, artists, musicians, famous athletes, doctors, fashion designers. For example, in 1998 in Russia the Company took part in organizing Laima Vaikule concerts, Igor Krutoy’s creative evenings, Evgeniy Kemerovsky’s tour, the Week high fashion in Moscow. In addition, with the help of the Vision International People Group, a match of Soviet basketball veterans was held in Kyiv and concerts by Irina Blokhina; in Kyrgyzstan, under the auspices of the Company, a telethon “Let's fill our hearts with love for mothers and children” was held.

The company and distributors actively cooperate with the Red Cross, constantly holding charity events, donating Vision products to those in need. Orphanages, hospitals and societies for the disabled in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine regularly receive the Company’s products worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Dmitry Buryak- Academician of the International Academy natural products and Biotechnology, Member of the London Directors Club.

Lives and works in Moscow.

Russian businessman Dmitry Buryak kicked his ex-wife and children out of the house. Thus, the famous billionaire left his family without a livelihood.

Dmitry and Margarita Buryak, who lived together for 29 years, filed for divorce in the winter, and they did it in a rather civilized manner. However, immediately after the separation, the 58-year-old businessman kicked his ex-wife and three children out of the door without warning. The youngest, Philip, was 18 years old at that time; until recently, the young man studied abroad at his father’s expense. Now Margarita is facing legal proceedings for jointly acquired property, the value of which is estimated at approximately a billion dollars.

The reason for the breakup was betrayal. Margarita found out that her husband has another family in Ukraine. “I was told that Dmitry has had a second family in Ukraine for more than ten years. He often flew there, because he has another business there,” quotes Margarita.
Buryak reacted negatively to his wife’s desire to file for divorce. After the official separation, Dmitry kicked her out of the house. “The day after the divorce, returning from work, I could not get into not only our house, but also the territory of the village. I had to call the police. But the arriving employee said that the house belongs to me ex-husband and I can’t be there anymore,” said Margarita.

The lawyer representing the interests of Buryak’s ex-wife explained that the mansion, located in an elite village near Moscow, was purchased with money from the general family budget:
“Dmitry himself lives abroad, and he evicted his ex-wife and children to nowhere. He posted security, hired some migrant workers, who even threatened Margarita. Dmitry filed a counterclaim demanding that his ex-wife be deprived of the right to use the house.”
The court satisfied Buryak's demands, and now Margarita's representatives are trying to challenge this decision. On August 31, the Moscow Regional Court will again hold a hearing.
As the publication reminds, Dmitry and Margarita Buryak were once considered one of the most exemplary couples in Russian business. The lovers met when the future bride was barely 15 years old. Dmitry humbly waited three years to take Margarita down the aisle. Together they went through thick and thin - from the businessman’s criminal record at the dawn family life before creating one of the most large networks for sale food additives. Margarita gave her husband three children: two daughters and a son, whom the man called the meaning of his life. Resident of a prestigious Forbes rating presented his beloved blonde with flowers and expensive jewelry, fulfilling her every whim. So that his wife would not sit idle, Dmitry helped her create her own charitable foundation helping children from orphanages. By the way, after the divorce, Buryak stopped funding his ex-wife’s charitable foundation.

The family of billionaire Dmitry Buryak once seemed exemplary. The businessman and his wife Margarita raised three children, did business together and helped each other in everything - the woman has her own charitable foundation MISSIA, which was previously financed by her chosen one, and Buryak himself attracted his beloved to work in one of his companies. Despite the apparent idyll, after 29 years this marriage broke up. The initiator was Margarita - when the woman was informed that her life partner had a second family that lived in Ukraine, she realized that it was time to leave.

The news of his beloved's departure took Dmitry by surprise. Not wanting to put up with the act of the mother of his children, the man stopped financing the project that was dear to her heart and providing for both herself and their common heirs. Moreover, as Margarita herself claims in a conversation with journalists, the billionaire simply kicked them out of the house. One day, the ex-wife of an entrepreneur returned to an elite village, where she had previously lived with her family and was unable to enter the territory. The police officers who arrived at the scene were unable to resolve the situation in favor of the deceived woman, explaining that the housing actually belonged to her ex-husband, and she had no rights to it.

Finding herself literally on the street, Margarita Buryak decided at all costs to achieve the right to divide property with the man to whom she gave three children and for whom she was an exemplary wife for 29 years of marriage. At the moment, Margarita’s lawyers have sent a statement to the prosecutor’s office, which began her declared war for jointly acquired property, which, according to preliminary estimates, is estimated at a billion dollars. According to the lawyer of Dmitry Buryak’s ex-wife, they still managed to get an answer from the billionaire, although they received a counterclaim sent by the businessman to the court.

“In February, we filed a claim for obstruction by Dmitry Arkadyevich Buryak in the residence of his ex-wife on the territory land plot acquired during marriage,” Margarita Buryak’s lawyer explained the situation. - But until June this case did not move from a dead point. Dmitry himself lives abroad, and he evicted his ex-wife and children to nowhere. He posted security, hired some migrant workers, who even threatened Margarita. Dmitry filed a counterclaim demanding that his ex-wife be deprived of the right to use the house. The court satisfied his demands. He refused us. Which is a gross violation, since this house is joint property. And, despite the fact that Dmitry is the owner, both spouses have equal rights to it. Unless otherwise provided marriage contract, which my client did not enter into.”

In addition, Margarita Buryak wrote a statement to Investigative Committee, the FSB Directorate, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which proves that her ex-spouse not clean at hand. According to the data provided by the woman, the influential businessman was involved in money laundering and also secretly received dual foreign citizenship without notifying the Russian Federal Migration Service. In a word, the ex-wife of Dmitry Buryak entered into a real battle with the billionaire, who, according to her assurances, did everything possible to leave her with nothing.

The next court hearing will take place on August 31, which was scheduled after the woman attempted to appeal the earlier decision. By the way, the president of the MISSIA charitable foundation even intends to appeal to higher authorities in order to get the issue resolved in her favor.

However, later Dmitry Buryak himself hastened to clarify the situation. According to the billionaire, he is ready to transfer the property to Margarita, if only she would leave him alone. The man claims that his ex-wife regularly threatens him.

“Nobody kicked her out. These are her words, not mine. I give her everything, I say: “Rita, live, take everything, I don’t feel sorry.” I don’t come to this house and haven’t been there for years, I just pay for it and for the security so that she’s not on the list of debtors. I actually live in another country. In addition, after reporting to the authorities, I received a message: “If you want everything to be done right, pay something within three days" It is strange that they did not attach this letter to the application. You understand, I don’t even blame her, this man is a twin according to the horoscope, he is a follower. We have a normal relationship, it’s just that now she wants to prove that she also knows everything in life,” said Dmitry Buryak in a conversation with

According to the woman, her husband kicked her out the door, leaving her without a livelihood. Also, the businessman, known as the “king of dietary supplements,” as his ex-wife admitted, supports a second family in Ukraine. Margarita Buryak, who has been married to an influential businessman for 29 years, intends to fight him in court, defending her right to division of property.

The family of billionaire Dmitry Buryak once seemed exemplary. The businessman and his wife Margarita raised three children, did business together and helped each other in everything - the woman has her own charitable foundation MISSIA, which was previously financed by her chosen one, and Buryak himself attracted his beloved to work in one of his companies. Despite the apparent idyll, after 29 years this marriage broke up. The initiator was Margarita - when the woman was informed that her life partner had a second family that lived in Ukraine, she realized that it was time to leave.

The news of his beloved's departure took Dmitry by surprise. Not wanting to put up with the act of the mother of his children, the man stopped financing the project that was dear to her heart and providing for both herself and their common heirs. Moreover, as Maragrita herself claims in a conversation with journalists, the billionaire simply kicked them out of the house. One day, the ex-wife of an entrepreneur returned to an elite village, where she had previously lived with her family and was unable to enter the territory. The police officers who arrived at the scene were unable to resolve the situation in favor of the deceived woman, explaining that the housing actually belonged to her ex-husband, and she had no rights to it.

Finding herself literally on the street, Margarita Buryak decided at all costs to achieve the right to divide property with the man to whom she gave three children and for whom she was an exemplary wife for 29 years of marriage. At the moment, Margarita’s lawyers have sent a statement to the prosecutor’s office, which began her declared war for jointly acquired property, which, according to preliminary estimates, is estimated at a billion dollars. According to the lawyer of Dmitry Buryak’s ex-wife, they still managed to get an answer from the billionaire, although they received a counterclaim sent by the businessman to the court.

“In February, we filed a claim for obstruction by Dmitry Arkadyevich Buryak in the residence of his ex-wife on the territory of a land plot acquired during marriage,” Margarita Buryak’s lawyer explained the situation. - But until June this case did not move from a dead point. Dmitry himself lives abroad, and he evicted his ex-wife and children to nowhere. He posted security, hired some migrant workers, who even threatened Margarita. Dmitry filed a counterclaim demanding that his ex-wife be deprived of the right to use the house. The court satisfied his demands. He refused us. Which is a gross violation, since this house is joint property. And, despite the fact that Dmitry is the owner, both spouses have equal rights to it. Unless otherwise provided for in the prenuptial agreement, which my client did not enter into.”

In addition, Margarita Buryak wrote a statement to the Investigative Committee, the FSB Directorate, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in which she proves that her ex-husband is dishonest. According to the data provided by the woman, the influential businessman was involved in money laundering and also secretly received dual foreign citizenship without notifying the Russian Federal Migration Service. In a word, the ex-wife of Dmitry Buryak entered into a real battle with the billionaire, who, according to her assurances, did everything possible to leave her with nothing.

The next court hearing will take place on August 31, which was scheduled after the woman attempted to appeal the earlier decision. By the way, the president of the MISSIA charitable foundation even intends to appeal to higher authorities in order to get the issue resolved in her favor.

However, later Dmitry Buryak himself hastened to clarify the situation. According to the billionaire, he is ready to transfer the property to Margarita, if only she would leave him alone. The man claims that his ex-wife regularly threatens him.

“Nobody kicked her out. These are her words, not mine. I give her everything, I say: “Rita, live, take everything, I don’t feel sorry.” I don’t come to this house and haven’t been there for years, I just pay for it and for the security so that she’s not on the list of debtors. I actually live in another country. In addition, after reporting to the authorities, I received a message: “If you want everything to be done right, pay something within three days.” It is strange that they did not attach this letter to the application. You understand, I don’t even blame her, this man is a twin according to the horoscope, he is a follower. We have a normal relationship, it’s just that now she wants to prove that she also knows everything in life,” said Dmitry Buryak in a conversation with

To the Investigative Committee, the FSB department, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to her testimony, Dmitry Buryak is kicking her out of the house and is going to sue the jointly acquired property. Besides, socialite accused her husband of creating an organized crime group and of receiving dual foreign citizenship - Ukraine and Greece, without notifying the FMS authorities.


"Yes, mine ex-wife wrote a statement to the relevant authorities. From love to hate, as they say, there is one step,” said Buryak, “But this is information that borders on science fiction. There is a type of people who know that a person has money, and they undertake to write some opuses, like this one, about seven passports and so on. She wrote to the investigative authorities, spoke at the podium, wrote to social networks, but I’m not afraid and I don’t lose anything from it.”

According to the billionaire, Margarita lives quietly in her house and no one kicks her out of there. Their children study in Switzerland, France and the USA. At the same time, Dmitry is ready to give ex-wife whatever she wants. “I give her everything, I say: “Rita, live, take everything, I don’t mind.” I don’t come to this house and haven’t been there for years, I just pay for it and for the security so that she’s not on the list of debtors. I actually live in another country,” quotes the oligarch. “I don’t need this house, I don’t need this money, I just need peace. I think what she’s doing is stupid, because life is so beautiful that it’s hers.” there is no need to waste on negativity. There should be a positive perception of any situation. I have already told her that I am ready to rewrite everything for her as she wants, but she cannot calm down."

“I give her everything, I say: “Rita, live, take everything, I don’t mind.”

Let us remember that Dmitry and Margarita Buryak were once considered one of the exemplary couples in Russian business. They met when Margarita was barely 15 years old. Dmitry waited three years to walk his beloved down the aisle. Together they endured a lot - from a businessman’s conviction at the beginning of their family life to the creation of one of the largest chains selling nutritional supplements. Margarita gave her husband two daughters and a son, whom he called the meaning of his life. So that his wife would not sit idle, Dmitry helped her create her own charitable foundation to help children from orphanages. By the way, after the divorce, Buryak stopped financing him.