Grocery cards in Russia. What categories of citizens are entitled to food cards?

According to statistical information, more than 15% of Russian citizens have the right to obtain low-income status, that is, families whose average earnings are lower living wage. Based on such figures and in an effort to improve the standard of living of the population, the Government is implementing social programs additional help. In particular, food packages will be provided for the poor, which include an extensive list of food products.

Legislative regulation of the issue

It has been planned to introduce such privileges for more than three years. But given that the practical implementation of new ideas requires favorable financial soil, food cards have not yet been issued. Therefore, in 2019, a social card for low-income citizens may become operational, giving the right to receive food for free or with significant discounts.

Table No. 1 " Legal regulation question"

After the adoption of a federal law, local developments begin regulations regulating the implementation rules social policy within a subject of the Federation.

As for the timing of the provision of assistance, it is already known when food cards for the poor will be introduced. The implementation of the program will begin in the middle of the current calendar year. But full-fledged activity in this area is expected only from the beginning of 2019. According to the adopted legal acts, the following principles for the implementation of social policy in this area are established:

  • production of individual cards with points, the number of which corresponds to 10,000 rubles;
  • points will be awarded monthly in equal amounts;
  • all funds not spent within a calendar month are canceled on the first day of the following month;
  • You can pay with points in the supermarket;
  • functions for debiting or transferring funds are not available - only purchasing through a payment terminal;
  • the card is valid for one year and the amount on it is not replenished;
  • It is allowed to independently replenish the card with cash, providing 40% bonuses from the deposited funds.

Main concepts

Such cards will not be issued to the entire population. To apply for privileges, it is important to prove your unsatisfactory financial situation. It is also necessary to take into account other conditions for the implementation of the program.

Table No. 2 “Main concepts of the food benefit program”

Living wageSince January 2019, the following subsistence level has been established in Russia: 10 thousand 328 rubles. This is income that should cover the basic expenses of an average family. The amount is minimal throughout Russia, but municipal authorities have the right to change the cost of living upward, based on the capabilities of the local budget
Low-income familyA married couple connected by marriage who has received a certificate from the social insurance authorities confirming the assignment of preferential status. In this case, the average per capita family income is taken into account, which is calculated by summing all official income family members. And then the amount of funds for each family member is derived from the result obtained
Meal ticketSpecial coupons that can be issued in order to receive a consumer package. The provision of products is carried out within the approved list of goods

Important! A coupon does not always guarantee free products. Discounts and promotions are available for certain categories of food items.

Who is eligible for the benefit?

According to the approved documents, the following categories of the population have the right to receive benefits:

  • low-income people (married couples or individuals);
  • citizens who have received preferential status “” (assigned by social security authorities if three or more children are dependent on the parents);
  • unemployed citizens (the person is required to register with the employment service);
  • (a woman who raises children on her own if the father was deprived of paternity or renounced his rights in court).

In addition to the presence of these circumstances, you will have to confirm your earnings, for which:

  • calculate the income of the family (relatives who live together and run a joint household, including parents, spouses and children, grandparents, aunts and uncles) for the past three months;
  • divide the amount received among all family members (even those who do not work).

As for the types of income taken into account, these include: wages, interest on bank deposits, scholarships, remuneration for intellectual work, payments under a commercial real estate lease agreement, alimony, etc.

List of products that can be purchased

On at the moment The list of available products is still being compiled and has not been finalized. But the following rules are already known:

  • All food products recommended for the daily human diet will be included in the accounting;
  • the benefit cannot be spent on alcohol and smoking products;
  • Only domestic goods will be on the list;
  • It is possible to purchase personal hygiene products, but only Russian production;
  • there is a chance that specialty pet foods will be included in the list.

The final list of the food basket will be available by the beginning of summer, immediately before the start of implementation of this program.

The procedure for issuing food cards for the poor

The amount of bonus points is not universal, but will depend on the region of provision, so you can initiate the issuance of food stamps for low-income citizens in 2019 only at your place of registration. To do this you need to follow these steps.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Social Protection in 2019, more than 22 million citizens live below the poverty line. They belong to the category of low-income people - people whose income does not exceed the subsistence level. To help such people, special food cards were introduced in Russia.

General information

The Ministry of Industry and Trade planned to introduce food stamps - cards intended for low-income people - back in 2015, but as of today the program has not yet been implemented. Coupons are issued as part of a special program that is aimed at:

  • support for socially vulnerable families, large families, the poor and the disabled;
  • strengthening the position of Russian manufacturers in the market;
  • improving the quality of products consumed by the population.
Important! The Ministry of Social Protection clarifies that only persons who submitted documents were taken into account in the category of low-income people.

Main concepts

Key definitions of the government program are shown in the table:

Russian legislation includes poor people, large families, and unemployed citizens registered with the labor exchange in the concept of the poor.

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Why are they needed?

The system of social coupons in 2019 provides low-income citizens with the opportunity to purchase minimum food packages with public funds. Cards are issued only to citizens who provide documents.

Important! Freelancers and unemployed people who are not registered are not entitled to cards.

Legal basis

Social food cards designed to support low-income people will be introduced only in 2019, latest news about the program emphasize the use of several legal documents:

  1. , or the Law on Minimum Wages.
  2. Document of the Ministry of Industry and Trade “Strategy for the development of trade in the Russian Federation for 2014-2016.” and the period until 2020."
  3. - the officially employed population can focus on it.
  4. - a definition of the concept of low-income people was made.
  5. - the procedure for calculating average income for families and single citizens is indicated.
Download for viewing and printing: Important! For officially employed residents of the Far North, coefficients and allowances are not included in the cost of living.

How much will the coupons be issued?

Next year, program participants will receive food cards with a balance of up to 10 thousand rubles annually. Every month, depending on the citizen’s income and the regional minimum wage, 850-1400 rubles are credited to the account. Funds cannot be accumulated - they will expire in a month. The list of goods is strictly limited by law.

Interesting to know! The Ministry of Industry and Trade notes that the money burning system will encourage people to buy necessary products rather than spend them on expensive things.

What products are available

The owner of a card serviced by the Mir payment system can purchase only Russian products, and only goods included in the diet of the average Russian. Food stamps are used to get free:

  • meat and fish;
  • bread and pastries;
  • dairy products;
  • water and vegetable oil;
  • seasonings, salt and sugar;
  • fruits, vegetables.

In 2019 full list not yet known, but the government plans to add pet food, personal care products and household chemicals. According to the provisions of the program, sweets for the child are surplus, parents pay for them from their own funds.

Important! Social food assistance does not apply to cigarettes and alcohol.

Where to buy

Next year, food stamps can be used to pay at participating stores. The Ministry of Industry and Trade does not rule out the opening of social canteens, where payments from the poor will be withdrawn from this card.

How to apply for food stamps

Government bodies have not yet come to a unified procedure for obtaining a food card. The exact algorithm for citizens will be developed only after the project comes into force. Experts are considering an approximate course of action:

  1. Collection necessary documents- certificate of belonging to the category of low-income people, statements of salary, pension, scholarships at the place of work, study, from the pension fund.
  2. Submitting a package of papers to the social security authorities at the place of residence or registration of the person.
  3. Handing out a card to a person.
Important! It will no longer be possible to withdraw or transfer money from food stamps.

When will cards be introduced in 2019?

Many citizens are interested in the question of when social food cards will be introduced for people from the low-income category. The government assures that this issue will be resolved in 2019.

Who is eligible to claim benefits?

To prove a difficult financial situation and the opportunity to receive government assistance, a person must calculate his income:

  1. Add up funds from official sources for 3 months - pensions, alimony, scholarships, salaries, compensation.
  2. Divide this number by 3.
  3. Divide the result by the number of all family members, taking into account pensioners and children.

If the final number is below the subsistence level, the family has the right to food cards.

Interesting to know! In 2019, on the basis of and from January 1, the federal minimum wage is established at 11,280 rubles and the regional minimum wage is no less than the federal one.

What is a point payment system?

Assistance for low-income individuals is awarded in bonus points corresponding to the amount of 850-1400 rubles. Food certificates have several restrictions:

  • No points are collected. If a person has not spent all the money in current month, the account is reset to zero;
  • points are not cashable. Cards are used to pay for purchases only at retail outlets that are partners of the state project.

A citizen can deposit his own money on a card account at 30-50% monthly.

Important! To date, the government has not specified whether own funds along with the points.

Experience of the USSR and foreign countries of past years

Grocery cards- not new for Russia. The system was popular in several states.


Food stamps began to be issued back in 1917. The programs were launched periodically due to supply crises. The apogee of the coupon system fell in 1988-1991, when salt and vegetable oil. Since 1992, after the free trade law, certificates have become irrelevant.


Free food has been provided to low-income Americans since the early 1970s. Monthly social benefit equals 115 dollars. The US has no plans to abandon the system.

United Kingdom

The program was introduced after the end of World War II due to food shortages. It was reintroduced in 2014.


Citizens have been receiving food cards since the 1960s, but now social support is in crisis. Cigarettes have ceased to be included in the list of preferential goods since 2016.

Kirov region

Cards for large families in the amount of 3 thousand. in the Russian Federation they were issued only at the regional level.

Trade experts and ordinary Russians like the idea of ​​using grocery cards. According to a survey by VTsIOM, more than 80% of respondents are in favor of introducing the program. Next year’s state budget already includes funds for the implementation of the coupon system.

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January 16, 2019, 00:47 March 3, 2019 13:28

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has begun the practical implementation of the idea of ​​​​introducing grocery cards. In June, the department announced a competition for the preparation of analytical materials and justifications for the formation of targeted food assistance to those in need. The tender was won by the Optconsult company, offering to conduct the study for 4.5 million rubles. The Ministry of Industry and Trade reported that analytical data should arrive at the ministry by September, after which officials will begin developing a concept for targeted food assistance. As the general director of Optconsult Dmitry Melnikov told Izvestia, the Ministry of Industry and Trade intends to propose changing the approach to identifying those in need of food assistance and providing it only to those whose incomes do not exceed the subsistence level (regardless of the social category of the citizen - pensioner, disabled person, etc.) .

As the main form of targeted food assistance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will be offered, according to Melnikov, a transfer to a card cash from the budget, with which the poor can purchase food. Social cards already in force in the region or special bank cards “introduced to implement a targeted assistance program with the participation of one of the banks can be used for accruals.” Russian Federation».

In the event of an unstable market situation, hyperinflation or a shortage of certain necessary products in the country, a mechanism for receiving food aid in kind should be provided, when a citizen can directly receive a set of products using a card, Melnikov noted.

He said that experts intend to propose new technique definitions of those in need.

Now social support is provided to certain categories of citizens: pensioners, veterans, large families, and so on. If you look at each category, there are citizens with different levels average per capita cash income. It would be fair to provide assistance from the standpoint of the subsistence level, says Melnikov.

According to him, the system being developed proposes issuing food cards to those families in which the average per capita income per family member is less than the subsistence level.

From the point of view of guidelines, the amount transferred to a social or special bank card should increase income to the level of the subsistence level. We will strive for this, but we should proceed from the real possibilities of the budget,” explains Melnikov.

He said that he also considers it necessary to finance food assistance from both the regional and federal budgets, giving the program federal status.

Melnikov emphasized that analytical materials“Optconsult”, which are being prepared for the Ministry of Industry and Trade, will be of a recommendatory nature.

For now these are just proposals. Proposals on which our customer (Ministry of Industry and Trade) must express his opinion. The final decision rests with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and other departments,” Melnikov clarified.

Let us recall that the proposal to introduce food cards in Russia was contained in the report of the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov to a government meeting in October 2014. The official referred to the experience of the United States, where a similar program is already operating. According to it, citizens registered in social services as low-income earn the right to receive a special bank card. The state regularly transfers subsidies for it, which can only be spent on food.

Now some regions already have food assistance cards. They are usually issued to certain categories of the population, regardless of income. This is the situation, for example, in the Kirov region.

This is a pilot project, cards have been issued large families in a number of areas of the region. In the future, the program is planned to be extended to the entire region, the ministry reported. social development Kirov region.

General Director of the Institute of Scientific and Social Expertise Sergei Rybalchenko said that in the United States food cards are also issued depending on the income of citizens, and not on their membership in a particular social group.

In Russia, such an approach will require a revision of certain provisions of existing social policy. The state is unlikely to be able to provide for all the poor. First of all, it is important to provide for families with children - this is the most large category poor in the country,” says Rybalchenko.

He noted that it would be logical to also direct the targeted food assistance program to help local producers.

It is now assumed that only domestic products can be purchased using cards. In a number of categories, it would be possible to narrow the choice to local producers in order to support them, noted Rybalchenko.

According to Rosstat, in 2014, 11.2% of the Russian population, or 16.1 million people, had incomes below the subsistence level. The cost of living is determined separately for the working population, for pensioners and for children. The amount is set by regional authorities quarterly and varies greatly depending on the subject. For example, in Moscow the cost of living is 14.3 thousand rubles (hereinafter - per capita), in Yamalo-Nenets District- 14,241 rubles, in the Sakhalin region - 13,631 rubles, in the Tyumen region - 9,605 rubles, in Perm region- 9292 rubles. In Russia as a whole, in the first quarter of 2015 the cost of living was 9,662 rubles.

When will food cards for the poor be introduced in Russia in 2019? Basic concepts on the topic, the amount allocated, the list of available products, the mechanism for applying for benefits - these aspects are touched upon in the proposed article.

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The unfavorable economic situation in the country has an impact on the well-being of Russians. To date large number people and families are considered poor. In this regard, the state is taking various measures to improve the quality of life of citizens.

One of the promising innovations is the provision of social food cards to the population. According to experts, this innovation will improve the economic situation in the country.

General information

The idea of ​​introducing food cards for low-income Russian citizens was put forward by the Ministry of Industry and Trade in 2015. Today, the spread of this type of assistance no longer seems impossible.

Grocery cards are intended for citizens who cannot fully provide for their lives. More than 22 million people are recognized as low-income people in Russia.

This is the official figure, in practice there are much more. It is estimated that about 15% of the population needs additional government support.

  • assistance to low-income citizens of the Russian Federation, large families and other vulnerable categories of people;
  • supporting domestic producers, strengthening the Russian economy;
  • improving the quality of nutrition of the population.

Main concepts

Basic concepts on the topic of the article are presented in the table:

Low-income citizens These are citizens of the Russian Federation whose monthly income is below the subsistence level established in a particular region
Grocery cards These are food coupons issued to low-income categories of citizens.
Ministry of Industry and Trade This is the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Russian Federation
Living wage This is an amount sufficient for a person’s normal life, ensuring his health, basic nutritional needs, non-food products, and a minimum set of services

Who has the right to them

Food cards will be provided to low-income families and citizens in the near future.

To do this, they will need to confirm their difficult financial situation, namely, prove the fact that their monthly income is below the subsistence level established in the subject of residence of the citizen.

To do this, a person must calculate his income as follows:

  • low-income citizens;
  • large families;
  • single mothers;
  • unemployed (persons registered at the labor exchange).

Legal basis

The main document regulating the procedure for assigning and issuing food cards is the Document of the Ministry of Industry and Trade “Strategy for the Development of Trade of the Russian Federation for 2014-2016. and the period until 2020."

It addresses the following issues:

  • agricultural markets;
  • development of trade in Russia;
  • food support for populations considered low-income.

The Ministry is also involved in issues of food cards agriculture Russian Federation. The main goal is to regulate the agro-industrial complex and the market for agricultural products.

The ration card program is still in the development stage, but it is already nearing completion and implementation in the coming year.

Questions of interest

Experts believe that the introduction of food cards will significantly improve the situation of citizens of the Russian Federation, and will also support the domestic economy.

These goals will be achieved due to the fact that funds from the state budget can only be spent on Russian-made products.

In 2019-19, it is planned to introduce electronic grocery cards or certificates for the purchase of goods in Russia.

Funds will be transferred to them monthly (different in each region of Russia), which will expire if not used. These cards can be used to pay for essential goods at any grocery store.

What amount will be allocated?

The start of the Ministry of Industry and Trade program in test mode is scheduled for the second half of 2019. The innovation will come into full effect in 2019.

The amount of payments per program participant will be about 10 thousand rubles per year. Funds will be credited to electronic cards every month. You can pay by card at grocery stores like a regular bank card.

However, you cannot transfer funds or withdraw cash from it, since the system will be serviced by points.

The support system will consist of awarding points, with one point being equivalent to one ruble.

Citizens will be provided with special plastic cards, which will receive points monthly (from 850 to 1,200 rubles, depending on the region of residence of citizens). Unspent funds will expire at the end of the month.

The card can be refilled by the holder himself, and about 40% of the amount of his own replenishment will be awarded as a bonus. And cash withdrawal from the card will not be possible in order to avoid spending funds on other needs.

List of products that can be purchased

The provided food cards can be spent only on certain types of goods, without which it is impossible to create a balanced human diet.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has not yet provided an exact list of products, but the goods that will definitely be included in it are known.

These include:

  • meat and fish products;
  • bread products, flour;
  • eggs, dairy products;
  • salt, sugar, spices;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • dried fruits;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil.

Also, the number of products provided may include food for pets, human hygiene products (soap, washing powder), seeds and seedlings for summer residents.

The issue of inclusion in the list of provided products is being considered medicines. Of course, the benefit will not apply to alcohol and tobacco products.

The important point here is that only Russian-made goods can be purchased with food cards. This rule introduced to support domestic producers and strengthen the Russian economy.

Mechanism for issuing food cards for the poor

The exact mechanism for issuing food stamps is not yet known. However, it is indisputable that the card will be provided only after the citizen has officially confirmed his low-income status.

The main document required is certificates confirming the low level of family income. You will also need to write an application and undergo an interview with a specialist.

Documents for issuing food cards will need to be submitted to the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

The support will be exclusively targeted, that is, it will be available to people who are officially recognized as poor.

After receiving a food card, you can use it to pay for purchases in grocery stores like a regular bank card.

The only difference is that money cannot be transferred or withdrawn, and only goods that are on the list of acceptable ones can be paid for.

At the end of the month, unused points will expire. This function was introduced to avoid the accumulation of funds and encourage the population to buy fresh products.

Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said that the program to help low-income citizens of the country is still under discussion with interested departments. It is necessary to allocate funds from the budget for it and, in addition, it is necessary to prepare a system for selecting those in need of support.


After this, Manturov noted, it will be possible to talk with the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Agriculture about how much funds are required for the program. “According to our preliminary calculations, every budget ruble invested will provide plus one ruble for the economy as a whole. The program itself should be effective,” the minister explained.

Earlier, the Ministry of Industry and Trade explained how the project to introduce food cards would be implemented in practice. Low-income Russians will be given special cards with points that can be spent exclusively on food. At the same time, only domestic food products without harmful additives will be on the list of those allowed for purchase. It will not be possible to purchase any alcoholic beverages using low-income cards.

The list included flour, dairy, meat, fish products, cereals, pasta, potatoes, vegetables and melons, fruits and dried fruits, sugar, salt, drinking water, eggs, vegetable oil, meat, fish, milk.

Food cards can be used at all stores participating in the assistance program. The system will operate on the basis bank cards"World". It will not be possible to cash out points from ration cards. You won’t be able to accumulate them either: with the end of the calendar month they will burn out. It was assumed that such cards would be put into effect in 2016, but the program was postponed.

The only question that remains unresolved is: by what criteria will low-income Russians receive such cards? For example, to receive subsidies for housing and communal services, there is a lower income limit for each family member. In order to designate such a feature when issuing food cards, it is proposed to establish the term “need” in the legislation.