History of origin and interpretation of the name Tisha. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Tikhon

The name Tikhon is considered to be a name of Greek origin, and to understand its meaning you need to learn more about the history of ancient Hellas. Historians claim that the name Tikhon (Τύχων) comes from the name of the goddess of luck Tyukhe (Τύχη). Her name translates to "lucky lot" or "luck." The same name serves as the origin of one of the epithets of Hermes - Τύχων, which translates as “lucky”. So most exact value The name Tikhon can be considered to mean “lucky”. However, some experts still argue that The name Tikhon means "chance", "luck" or "fate". Most likely both versions are equally correct.

The meaning of the name Tikhon for a child

As a child, Tikhon was distinguished by high motor activity, courage and the ability to easily communicate with completely strangers. The child easily finds friends in a new company, and his courage often leads him to leadership in them. You can also note his unusually mature concepts of honor, friendship and loyalty. Already in preschool age Tikhon begins to take these concepts seriously. He is a true, sincere friend, and he will carry his concept of honor throughout his entire life. Tikhon also defends his right to make decisions himself and leaves last word behind you.

Tikhon doesn’t really like studying, just as he doesn’t like all the compulsory classes. He has good learning abilities, but they are noticeable only in those disciplines that interest him. The boy has excellent inclinations for sports and often achieves great success in it. He will be happy to go to various sports sections and get lost there. free time. By the way, this has a positive effect on his learning. Heavy loads satisfy him motor activity, and this in turn makes him more diligent and calm in class.

Tikhon’s health can be called heroic, especially after he started playing sports. He rarely gets sick even with the “obligatory” colds in autumn-winter period. A child will lay a significant foundation; he rarely gets sick even in adulthood.

Short name Tikhon

Quiet, Quiet, Quiet, Quiet.

Diminutive pet names

Quiet, Quiet, Quiet, Quiet.

Children's middle names

Tikhonovich and Tikhonovna. There is also a colloquial form male patronymic- Tikhonych.

Name Tikhon in English

The name Tikhon is not available in English, which means that transliteration must be used.

Name Tikhon for international passport-TIHON.

Translation of the name Tikhon into other languages

in Belarusian - Tsihan
in Bulgarian - Tikhon
in Greek - Τύχων
in Danish - Tycho
in Spanish - Tico
in Norwegian - Tycho
in Serbian - Tikhon
in Ukrainian - Tikhin
in Czech - Tichon
in Swedish - Tycho

Church name Tikhon(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Tikhon.

Characteristics of the name Tikhon

Adult Tikhon is calmer than in childhood. He becomes solid and a purposeful man possessing enormous vital energy. Playing sports strengthens his will and instills hard work. He knows how to achieve his goal and boldly solves many issues that stand on the way to victory. It is worth noting his balance and slowness. He disapproves of any haste. He likes to carefully calculate everything, and only then get down to business. He is equally conservative in friendship. Often Tikhon's closest friends are still with school age. Tikhon has a lot of friends and comrades, as he attracts with his love of life and kindness.

Tikhon achieves serious success in his work. Here his enthusiasm and iron will help him. The thoroughness with which Tikhon takes on his work instills confidence in the colleagues around him. This positive trait of his usually leads Tikhon to leadership positions. Tikhon himself doesn’t really want to go there, but he won’t refuse either. Usually Tikhon chooses engineering specialties or begins to engage in coaching.

Family life things usually go well for Tikhon, because he has many positive features. He is a reliable man and has enough patience. Tikhon also retains a wonderful sense of humor and charm until old age. This makes him an excellent husband, although some negative traits are still present. He doesn't like anyone homework, including "male".

The secret of the name Tikhon

The secret of Tikhon can be called his explosive character. He demonstrates it extremely rarely and learns to redirect energy in a useful direction. However, there are times when it does explode. It’s just that given the fact that this happens extremely rarely, many people think that his patience is limitless. Don’t be mistaken, otherwise this could end badly for you.

Planet- Neptune.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

Totem animal- Hedgehog.

Name color- Bluish-gray.

Tree- Fir.

Plant- Marigold.

Stone- Chalcedony.

The male name Tikhon can be translated as “quiet”. He is a calm and reasonable boy who causes virtually no trouble to his parents. In childhood, the meaning of the name Tikhon characterizes the child as a balanced and obedient fellow, possessing iron health and endurance. He is not inclined to violently throw out his emotions, is not whiny, and treats others without offense.

A positive and easy-to-communicate boy, he becomes the object of adoration of adults and relatives. The child is very often cited as an example to other children, which often provokes a negative attitude towards him from his peers. However, the boy will not ask for friendship, since he is not used to attaching great importance to the opinions of others.

Since childhood, she loves reading about adventures, has a rich imagination and dreams of traveling the whole world. He studies well and has a passion for humanities, although he shows abilities in almost all subjects. He does not like to speak in public, so he always refuses to participate in school holidays and other events.

He respects sports, will willingly engage in horse riding, swimming, fencing, and the boy is also interested in chess and billiards. Pays considerable attention to his interests, a child with early age shows a love for collecting; he enjoys collecting stamps, candy wrappers, and drink caps.

The boy has many friends, and all because of his love of adventure. Communication with friends, who are usually drawn into all sorts of unpleasant stories, is of great importance for a boy. He does not strive to lead in a team; he prefers the role of a calm listener and observer, and only occasionally can he offer some interesting leisure activities.

In his youth, the meaning of the name Tikhon for a child determines later life young man. Modest and intelligent, thorough and serious, the young man rarely expresses his opinion, although he has a clearly formulated position.

He is not touchy and tries not to get involved in adventures. Treat all kinds of provocations calmly; he can respond to aggression from a stranger with silent calm, which often discourages the opponent, making him feel awkward. Doesn't give of great importance rude words and evil jokes directed at him.

However, it is not worth saying that the young man is completely alien to any emotions. Inside, the young man has a serious thirst for adventure, and has a great sympathy for people with an adventurous character, but simply does not show such feelings outwardly.

The young man dresses modestly but neatly, without giving special significance fashionability or branding of your clothes. Neat and thrifty.


The meaning of the name Tikhon for a boy in love is revealed by such character traits as prudence and the ability to control his impulses. At first it will be very difficult for a man’s chosen one to understand her lover and his level of interest.

In addition, the young man is sensitive. This means that he is able to conquer any woman's heart. Patience and thoroughness of a man will be the key to long and serious relationship with the girl you like.


The interpretation of the name in everyday life characterizes the young man as a prudent husband and a good owner, capable of helping his wife in everything.

The man is a homebody. This means that he does not like to visit guests and long time is on the move. In addition, she loves to receive guests at home, arranging intimate gatherings with friends and relatives, where it is always comfortable and cozy. The young man pays attention and importance to each guest.

He tries to surround his wife with attention, is not demanding in everyday life and is not picky about food. She loves children, can become an excellent teacher for them, and also interest her children with stories about travel and interesting facts.

Business and career

The man is a conscientious and hardworking worker. Suitable professions related to scientific activity, participating in laboratory experiments, may be one of the members of the film crew, an archaeologist. He secretly dreams of traveling, which means he is a little jealous of those people whose lives are much more active than his own.

When choosing a profession, he pays attention to the opportunity to have a free schedule, because he does not like to be tied to work. He is afraid of changes and significant experiments in his life, so he rejects everything new and unknown.

Origin of the name Tikhon

The origin of the name Tikhon is big story. The most important version of where the naming came from is considered to be ancient Greek origins. The naming Tyukhon, whose name in turn was borrowed from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of luck Tyukhe, is etymologically translated as “accident, lot, luck.”

Also, the secret of the name Tikhon is sometimes associated with ancient Roman god Hermes, patron of trade, dexterity, rationality, profitability.

Characteristics of the name Tikhon

Since the characteristics of the name Tikhon allow potential parents to highlight the pros and cons of the character of the unborn child, such information helps relatives decide on methods of raising their child.

Among the disadvantages of the boy’s character, it is worth noting the child’s isolation, absent-mindedness and some detachment from the outside world. Complete immersion in one’s inner world threatens to make it difficult for the child to adapt to others, so when raising their child, parents should develop openness and the ability to show emotions in the child.

Immersing himself in himself, a young man often solves deep philosophical questions without focusing on real life, which makes him very vulnerable.

The advantages of character are equanimity, independence, modesty in behavior and moderation in statements. Reaches great success in studies, knows how to concentrate on one issue for a long time.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – aquamarine, amber.
  • Name days - January 9, March 5, May 27, June 29, July 9, October 17, 18, December 9.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name – Cancer.
  • Patron planet - Moon. Color – red, white, orange.
  • Favorable plant - lily, nut.
  • The totem animal is the dove.

Famous people

  • Tikhon Zhiznevsky (1988) – Russian actor theater and cinema. The most memorable films with the actor’s participation are “Savages” (2006), “At the Game” (2009) and “At the Game 2. New level"(2010).
  • Tikhon Dzyadko (1987) – Russian correspondent and presenter. Until 2013, he worked as a presenter and journalist at the Ekho Moskvy radio station. On at the moment is co-host television program“Dzyadko” on the Dozhd channel.
  • Archimadrite Tikhon (1958) – clergyman, member of the Supreme Church Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. Worldly name - Georgy Shevkunov. He has a reputation as a person close to the Kremlin and is the spiritual mentor of V.V. Putin.

In different languages

Translation of the name Tikhon into English language- Tikhon, Tikhon. On French the name is translated as Tikhon, into Spanish - Tico (Tiko), into Ukrainian - Tikhin, Tikhon, diminutive form - Tishko, into Belarusian - Tsihan. In Danish, Swedish and Norwegian the name sounds like Tycho (Tiko).

In Japanese the name sounds like Rakki (ラッキー), which means Lucky, in Chinese translated as 吉洪 (Jí hóng).

Name forms

  • Full name: Tikhon.
  • Options - Tico.
  • Derivatives, diminutive and abbreviated forms - Tisha, Tishka, Tihosha, Tikha, Tiko, Tikhonka.
  • The declension of the name is Tikhon-Tikhon.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Tikhon.

People often associate the masculine address - Tikhon - with such characteristics as calm and silence, mistakenly believing that this nickname is derived from the word “quiet”. In fact, the name is translated differently: “chance” or “fate.”

Origin of the name

It is little known that the goddess Tyukha herself, who personified good luck for the ancient Greeks, owes her appearance to the name Tikhon. The meaning of the name for a child predicts prosperity and protection for him higher powers throughout life's journey.

General characteristics

Little Tisha has a rich imagination and insatiable curiosity about everything that happens around him. He bombards adults with countless questions, trying to understand how the world around us. The boy’s modesty prevents him from starting a conversation with his peers, so his friends are mostly girls and younger boys.

Tihonchik enjoys a quiet pastime reading fairy tales and adventure literature. When reading adventure stories and novels, he always imagines himself in the place of the main character, and is mentally transported to where the actions take place.

Tikhon studies well at school, but self-doubt and excessive modesty prevent him from becoming the best. Every time he answers at the board, he becomes timid, lost in words, and that’s why he gets low marks.

Closedness and fear of being ridiculed do not give Tisha the opportunity to participate in various school events. And although the boy sometimes wants to show off in public, the boy lacks the determination to express such a desire.

To prevent Tikhon from growing up as a weak-willed and passive person, his parents must instill in him a strong-willed spirit and a sense of confidence from the cradle.

Tisha rarely chooses a profession according to at will. Often his parents make the choice for him. Subsequently, the owner of the name does not strive for promotion; he is quite satisfied with a small salary and a low position.

Positive character traits

Tikhon is modest. Even living in material well-being and wealth, he tries not to show it: he dresses elegantly, but without pretentious frills, and does not buy expensive accessories and gadgets.

The guy does not like the fuss around him and does not seek to attract attention, but there are always many friends around him who know how to appreciate his kindness and ability to smooth out conflict situations.

Negative character traits

Outwardly, Tikhon is always calm and unperturbed. However, in his heart he is suspicious and worries after a wrong word or wrong deed. When making a decision, he doubts for a long time and cannot dare to act.

The young man is afraid to defend his opinion. He is ready to turn a blind eye even to serious grievances, just to avoid a scandal and prevent a serious quarrel.

In love, Tikha also does not risk taking the initiative. He will never speak first to the girl he likes, his behavior will not reveal that she has charmed him, and he will wait for the first step from the lady. Tikhon will not be a leader in the family; he is quite capable of being content with the role of “henpecked”, indulging his beloved wife in everything.

Zodiac sign

  • The sign of Cancer is most suitable for the modest Tikhon; it will instill confidence and strength of character in the boy.
  • Neptune, responsible for spiritual development and the development of fantasy, patronizes Tikhon.
  • Gray and blue colors clothes will reward the guy with luck.
  • Chalcedony will protect the owner of the name from the envy of others and damage.


Quiet, Quiet, Quiet, Tisha, Quiet, Tishik, Quiet, Quiet, Quiet, Quiet.

Name options

Tiko, Tsihan, Tykhin, Tikhoneg.

Historical figures

  • 1546 – ​​1601 – Danish astronomer and alchemist Tycho Brahe.
  • 1644 – 1719 – statesman in Rus' during the time of Peter I Tikhon Streshnev.
  • 1864 – 1935 – Russian journalist Tikhon Polner.
  • 1900 – 1970 – Russian writer Tikhon Syomushkin.
  • 1900 – 1984 – Soviet scientist Tikhon Boldyrev.
  • 1901 – 1991 – Soviet Major General Tikhon Abramov.
  • 1902 - 1980 - People's Commissar of the USSR and statesman Tikhon Mitrokhin.
  • 1902 – 1984 – Soviet ophthalmologist Tikhon Eroshevsky.
  • 1904 – 2000 – Russian geobotanist Tikhon Rabotnov.
  • 1910 – 1941 – Soviet partisan Tikhon Bumazhkov.
  • 1913 – 1944 – senior sergeant, hero of the Second World War Tikhon Litvinenko.
  • 1913 – 2007 – composer Tikhon Khrennikov.
  • 1917 – 1993 – son of Princess Olga Alexandrovna Tikhon Kulikovsky-Romanov.
  • Born 1987 – radio host and television journalist Tikhon Dzyadko.
  • Born 1983 – football player from Estonia Tikhon Shishov.

Name day

  • January 09
  • March 05
  • 07 April
  • May 27
  • June 16, 29
  • 09 July
  • 01, 02, 26 August
  • 09, 17, 18 October
  • December 09.

Meaning of the name Tikhon

Happening or lucky. “Successful”, “Bringing happiness” (Greek) Tisha is a healthy, calm, obedient and non-tearful child, very similar to his mother. He begins to read early, has a passion for adventure literature, imagining himself either as a noble robber or as a scout. However, this boy, surrounded by numerous friends and comrades, has plenty of adventures in life. The adult Tikhon is an independent, solid man. He is used to thinking about his actions and not giving in to his feelings. The most emotional are the “winter” Tikhons, but their emotions are aimed at establishing justice - as they understand it. Unfortunately, in the struggle for truth they often fail. “Winter” Tikhons are good-natured, non-offensive, and can appreciate a joke even directed at them. “Summer” Tikhons are great optimists and lovers of life; they are generally unfamiliar with Bad mood. They love fishing - but not the process itself, but what it can bring. By the age of thirty, Tikhon has discovered his talent as an inventor, but he has difficulty bringing his inventions to life. Tikhon's family life is going well. His house is open to guests, but he himself does not like to pay visits - he is difficult to climb. Some Tikhons collect medicinal herbs and treat various ailments with them. These are proud people who are not used to imposing their society on anyone.

Name days: June 16 (29), July 2 (15), August 13 (26) NAME DAYS: April 7 (March 25) - St. Tikhon (Velavin), Patriarch of All Russia (Russian). April 24 (11) - martyr Tikhon. May 27 (14) - righteous Tikhon. June 29 (16) - St. Tikhon, Bishop of Amafupta: Rev. Tikhon of Medyn, Kaluga (Rus.) and Rev. Tikhon of Lukhov, Kostroma (Rus.) July 9 (June 26) - Rev. Tikhon of Lukhov, Kostroma (Rus.) (finding of relics ) On the first Sunday after July 12 (June 29), Peter's Day (movable celebration) - Rev. Tikhon Sokolovsky. August 26 (13) - St. Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Zadonsk (Russian). October 9 (September 26) - St. Tikhon (Belavin), Patriarch of All Russia (Russian).

Numerology of the name Tikhon

Soul Number: 3.
Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away. If there is a patient mentor and advisor, this can be one of the relatives or simply close person, “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 8

Body number: 4


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, crabgrass, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Tikhon as a phrase

T Firm
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
X Her (Cross, Cross, Cross out, Cross out, Cross out)
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Tikhon

T - intuitive, sensitive, creative personality, a seeker of truth who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
X - attitude to succeed in life on our own, gain authority, an independent position in life. A person is sensitive to what people say about him. This letter in the name reminds that its owner must behave in such a way as not to violate any moral law.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
Short form of the name Tikhon. Quiet, Quiet, Quiet, Quiet.
Synonyms for the name Tikhon. Tico.
Origin of the name Tikhon. The name Tikhon is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Tikhon translated from Greek means “fate”, “chance”. This name was formed from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of luck Tyche, which literally translates as “accident, lot, luck.” Therefore, the owner of this name will always be lucky, no matter what business he undertakes.

This name came to Russia from Byzantium. This name has nothing in common with the word “quiet”. The patron saint of this name is Tikhon of Zadonsk, who is also called Saint Tikhon and the Wonderworker of Zadonsk. They believed that he could work miracles, which is why they called him the Wonderworker of Zadonsk. People believed that it helped to get rid of various burdens, troubles and adversities. The name Tikhon was common among the common classes, but since the 1920s it has increasingly become used among monks.

The name Tikhon gives its owner independence, thoroughness and good-naturedness. Outwardly, this man looks calm and calm, but in his soul he lives full of feelings life. As a child, Tikhon likes to imagine himself as a robber or pirate, and as he grows up, adventures appear in real life. Tikhon never makes decisions rashly; he is a proud man who does not consider it necessary to impose his society. Tikhon, born in the summer, has an optimistic and cheerful disposition. “Winter” Tikhon is the most emotional, kind and never remembers insults.

Thanks to Tikhon’s inherent patience, he will make an excellent worker. He has developed imagination, therefore, he can realize himself in the creative profession of an artist, musician, actor, sculptor. At about thirty years old, Tikhon may discover his talent as an inventor, but he rarely brings his ideas to life. Embody life plans Tikhon is hampered by his inherent invisibility, so he needs to learn to be more active and bright.

If Tikhon manages to maintain his balance, then there will be no problems family relationships he won't have it. His family life flows measuredly and calmly. Thanks to his patience, Tikhon will be an excellent owner. His house will always be noisy from guests, while Tikhon himself does not like to visit. In general, this man is extremely slow to move; he can be called a homebody. As a recreation, Tikhon loves to collect medicinal herbs and often practices healing. Tikhon, born in the summer, enjoys going fishing, but is not interested in the process, but in the result.

Throughout his life, Tikhon always has many comrades and acquaintances, although none of them can be called a true friend. However, Tikhon does not like to communicate; his phlegmatic character gives him prudence and thoughtfulness. As a rule, Tikhon's friends become people who are prone to adventure, or who are like himself, dreamy people who create the most incredible pictures in their imagination. Tikhon loves to share his fantasies with friends. This “quiet” person at first glance may be completely different at heart, and you can understand whether this is so or not only by calling him to openness. In the "quiet pool" of it inner world There may be completely unimaginable “devils”, which, nevertheless, will probably forever remain in Tikhon’s soul.

Tikhon's name day

Tikhon celebrates his name day on January 9, March 5, May 27, June 16, June 29, July 9, August 1, August 2, August 26, October 17, October 18, December 9.

Famous people named Tikhon

  • Patriarch Tikhon, Saint Tikhon of Moscow ((1865 - 1925) in the world - Vasily Bellavin; Bishop of the Orthodox Russian Church, since November 21 (December 4), 1917, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, the first after the restoration of the patriarchate in Russia. Canonized by the Russian Church as a saint by the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church on October 9, 1989.)
  • Tikhon Boldyrev ((1900 - 1984) a major Russian Soviet scientist epidemiologist, an outstanding specialist in disinfection, anti-epidemic protection of troops and civilian population, prominent health organizer)
  • Tycho Brahe ((1546 - 1601) Danish astronomer, astrologer and alchemist of the Renaissance; the first in Europe to begin conducting systematic and high-precision astronomical observations, on the basis of which Kepler derived the laws of planetary motion)
  • Tikhon Kulikovsky-Romanov ((1917 - 1993) son Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna (1882 - 1960) and Colonel N.A. Kulikovsky (1881 - 1958), grandson of the emperor Alexandra III and Empress Maria Feodorovna, nephew of Emperor Nicholas II)
  • Tikhon Bumazhkov ((1910 - 1941) one of the first organizers partisan detachments during the Great Patriotic War, Hero Soviet Union (1941))
  • Tikhon Khrennikov ((1913 - 2007) Soviet composer, People's Artist USSR (1963), Hero of Socialist Labor (1973))
  • Tikhon Polner ((1864 - 1935) Russian journalist, historian, publisher)
  • Tikhon Syomushkin ((1900 - 1970) Russian Soviet writer, laureate of the Stalin Prize, second degree (1949))
  • Tikhon Abramov ((1901 - 1991) participant Polish campaign Red Army (1939), Hero of the Soviet Union (1945), Major General (1955))
  • Tikhon Mitrokhin ((1902 - 1980) Soviet statesman, people's commissar, minister of the rubber industry of the USSR (194 - 1948))
  • Tikhon Streshnev ((1644 - 1719) Russian statesman, confidant of the first Russian Emperor Peter I, Moscow governor, senator)
  • Tikhon Alekhine ((1913 - 1970) Hero of Socialist Labor)
  • Tikhon Kiselyov ((1917 - 1983) Soviet statesman and party leader, Hero of Socialist Labor (1977))
  • Tikhon Rabotnov ((1904 - 2000) world-famous Russian geobotanist, together with L.G. Ramensky and I.V. Larin, was one of the most famous specialists in the field of meadow science and grassland management)
  • Tikhon Eroshevsky ((1902 - 1984) Soviet ophthalmologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, Hero of Socialist Labor, head of the Kuibyshevsky Department of Eye Diseases medical institute, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences)
  • Tikhon Shishov (Estonian footballer)
  • Tikhon Tikhonov ((1875 - 1932) professor at the Department of Mechanical Technology of Metals of Tomsk Institute of Technology(now Tomsk Polytechnic University). One of the founders of the science of metal cutting. Tikhonov’s main brainchild is the TTI mechanical workshops, which served as the basis for the creation of the Metalist plant (now TEMZ named after V.V. Vakhrushev). Tikhonov’s scientific developments in mechanical technology were the first in the Siberian region, many of the scientist’s ideas were developed in their works by his students: I.N. Butakov, Yu.V. Grdina, A.N. Dobrovidov, A.M. Rosenberg, etc. He has the title : state councilor.)
  • Anthony ((1889 - 1976) in the world - Tikhon Golynsky, archbishop (?), leader of the Catacomb Church in Russia)
  • Tikhon Litvinenko ((1913 - 1944) participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, senior sergeant)
  • Tico Torres (real name - Hector Samuel Juan Torres; permanent drummer American group"Bon Jovi" is the oldest member of the group)