Live with feeling full version. Live with feeling

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The Desire Map


Published with permission from Sounds True

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© Danielle LaPorte, 2013

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2015

* * *

For you

lose the ability to be surprised


suffer from hunger

to be filled with love


come to life

a little more than yesterday

and now the new, true

the reef of recognition is growing

in you

and for you!

As is your desire, so is your will.

As is the will, so are the actions.

As are your actions, so is your destiny.

Book one

Outlook: Program Overview

When you begin to understand who you are without trying to change who you are, you undergo a transformation.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

It all started on New Year's Eve by the fireplace.

About eight years ago, I decided to calmly celebrate the New Year at home, with my family. The baby is sleeping (yay!). Your favorite unhealthy snacks are on the table (chips with all kinds of sauces, help yourself). Light music. There is a fire burning in the fireplace. The New Year is coming, and my heart is filled with aspirations and hopes. It's time to let your imagination run wild. Goals! Plans! Lots of plans!

I pulled out a large chalkboard, divided it into columns: home, love, money, work, etc., and began writing down my goals with my husband. We came up with an idea, kissed, crunched chips and discussed the next goal. Buy a new kitchen table. Pay off loans. Give the child to the pool. Lose ten pounds. Invest in buying a cool piece of art. Start cycling to work. Celebrate your wedding anniversary in Hawaii. Arrange a garden. Cut costs. Deal with publishers. Buy new cowboy boots. Find a church. Go to yoga...

Husband: Let's go to Australia while the child is still small and it's easier to do.


I ( I don’t want to go to Australia with a child, I’m avoiding the answer): Do you think Dick Clark is going to show up for the New Year's ball drop today, or will Ryan Seacrest do it?

And I’m also terribly tired of this sofa. It's too big for this room. Let's buy another one!

Husband: I like this sofa.

Me: I want a new Macbook Pro! With huge RAM.

Husband: You definitely deserve a new car, dear!

Me: Well, yes, isn't it?

We weren't visualizing goals in the full sense of the word, but we weren't making a simple to-do list either. Still, my board was missing something. Everything seemed to be there, but there was some kind of emptiness felt, or something. Great... but not inspiring. I pulled out a marker of a different color and began to write down positive feelings in each of the columns.





Earth. Nature. Environmental friendliness.




True love.


Me: How would you like to feel at work?

Husband: Decisive. Confident. Enterprising.

And everything changed. The process was turned upside down. And then we started from the beginning.


Instead of discussing external goals, we began to discuss how we would like to feel in different areas of our lives.

This was a much more exciting experience. And our list began to change.


Host a reception once a month.

Buy a KitchenAid food mixer to make pasta.

Design and make thank you cards.

Record a CD with tantric music.

Go on a canoe trip.


The list visually began to look more beautiful. Psychologically, it was perceived not as another list of to-dos, but rather as an invitation.

Now fast forward a few years. It's New Year's Eve again. The fireplace is burning. Ryan Seacrest takes over from Dick Clark. The idea of ​​“feelings and goals,” as we called it, became an unspoken tradition that changed our view of the future.

We wrote down a few positive emotions and then asked ourselves: “What can we do to feel this way?»

This simple question forced us to look at our lives differently, formulate goals differently, and solve everyday problems. Gradually he led us to very significant changes. I gave up the usual system of setting goals, and after this there was no need to make to-do lists and torment myself with all sorts of time management, which, I must admit, completely exhausted me.

But that was just the beginning. As I began to focus on the emotions I wanted, I began to feel a surge of energy. I realized that I was heading towards something important.

At the end of the year, when I pulled out and read my vision card again, I wasn’t upset or angry that we didn’t go to Paris or that I couldn’t lose ten pounds. I saw the year I lived in a different light. I realized that my trips to New York and my yoga classes gave me exactly the feeling I was looking for. There was progress. Much more often than before, I was in the emotional state I always wanted.

This way of planning life turned out to be much more flexible and gentle and, interestingly, much more motivating. I was able to clearly see how unfulfilled goals were replaced by worthy alternatives, and often the latter turned out to be even better than planned. In addition, I saw where my life was running counter to my true desires, in which areas I did not feel free enough or lacked creativity.

I decided to try a new approach before the end of the year. I revised my plans for my birthday in May and again in September, as the autumn atmosphere encourages me to get cozy and take on something serious. As Gretchen Rubin wrote in her book The Happiness Project: “September is the second January.”

I did not limit myself to revising the wish list and went further - I began to find out the origin and meaning of different words and from all of them I chose the most important ones for me.

So, I have four feelings to focus on: This seems like a pretty comfortable and inspiring number. And suddenly it dawned on me: I'll make a reminder. In your diary. About the four senses. Every day they will determine my choices.

(estimates: 2 , average: 1,50 out of 5)

Title: Live with feeling. How to set goals that you are passionate about
Author: Danielle Laporte
Year: 2013
Genre: Self-improvement, Foreign applied and popular science literature, Personal growth, Foreign psychology

About the book by Danielle Laporte “Live with feeling. How to set goals that your soul is passionate about"

Each of us has a dream that we probably think about every day and try to find ways to achieve it. Everyone has goals, aspirations, desires, and here we are also looking for ways to become better, to achieve more. But what if things aren't really what we think? What if that desire that we have always dreamed about is essentially something we no longer need?

The book “Live with feeling. How to set goals that your soul is passionate about" by Danielle Laporte will help you understand yourself and your life by putting everything into perspective. Sometimes we get so used to our thoughts and aspirations, not noticing that we no longer need it.

Thanks to the book “Live with Feeling. How to set goals to which your soul lies”, you will be able to find the true desires and aspirations that you need right now and from which you can get maximum benefit and benefit for yourself.

Everyone knows that you need to strive only for what your heart lies in. This way we will be sure that it will bring us joy and pleasure, we will be able to fully devote ourselves to the task, make every effort, and in the end we will get what we have long dreamed of and become truly happy.

Danielle Laporte wrote an excellent guide on how to dream correctly and what exactly to dream about. In his book “Live with Feeling. “How to set goals that your soul is passionate about,” she gives a lot of examples. In addition, there are many exercises and tasks here; you can not just read the book, but also work on yourself, take notes on some points, and fill out tables. All this is very difficult, but very exciting work on yourself, which, although it will take a lot of time, the result will truly amaze you.

The book “Live with feeling. How to set goals that you really want" is unique in that it inspires and forces you to start taking action. Thanks to it, you will be more positive, stop complaining about life, stop making excuses and proving anything to others. You will be able to better understand what is happening around you.

In any area of ​​our lives, events occur that we must either agree to or not. The book “Live with feeling. How to set goals that your soul is passionate about" by Danielle Laporte will help you make the right decisions that will benefit you and will not hurt the feelings of others.

The book “Live with feeling. How to set goals that your soul is passionate about” talks about life, about fairly simple things that we sometimes do absolutely wrong, which leads to setbacks and failures. Danielle Laporte, thanks to her simple manner of presentation, helps change lives for the better. You will be honest with yourself, achieve harmony and true happiness.

Published in Russian for the first time.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Live with Feeling” by Danielle Laporte. How to set goals that you love" in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Live with Feeling” by Danielle Laporte. How to set goals that your soul is passionate about"

Chasing meaningless goals leads to exhaustion. By struggling to chase a dream that doesn't bring you joy, you're just asking for trouble.

You can get everything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want.

A desire can be anything, but it is not nothing. It is the interface between you and that which is greater than you. No desire is meaningless or inappropriate. If it pulls you along, even just barely, it will lift you to a higher level. Desire lives where the divine principle is. Each desire is of great importance and entails enormous consequences, and therefore any of them deserves your attention.

The main idea is to do simple, natural things every day that align with your true, desired feelings. These small, regular actions will not change your life overnight, but gradually, day by day, they will change it for the better.

When we feel good, grace comes to us. In other words, if relaxing a little (or a lot) makes you feel happier and more fulfilled, then the Universe will help you succeed.
Be simpler in your work - and your results will improve.
Criticize less - and everything will work out.
Think less and you will become more creative.
Spend less time on work and get more results.
Sell ​​less and you'll sell more.
Persevere less and you will move further.

Now I turn to harmony with the Soul. I change the goal “Earn X dollars on Y project” to: “Get the idea across to as many people as possible. Feel free." I change the goal “Launch Project Z by spring” to: “Make Project Z incredibly wonderful. Launch as soon as it is ready."

I want to be incredibly rich! Is this greed?
I want to be loved! Is this addiction?
May be. Or maybe you are being controlled by what Buddhists call a “hungry ghost.” A hungry spirit is a predatory part of our psyche; time is not enough for it, and it requires constant feeding - attention, pleasure, comfort, any emotions we desire. This spirit is always afraid, always empty and always dissatisfied.

Once you take a sober look at the feelings you so passionately desire, you will be surprised to discover that there are many ways to achieve them.

Choose the word that resonates most with you: Soul, spirit, source of strength, Buddha nature, essence, pure energy, vortex, God, divine nature, true self, light, love. I chose the word “Soul” with a capital “S” to make it sound more significant and command more respect.

But to do this, you need to constantly ask yourself: “Am I being too persistent? Is my desire for freedom pure, or does it contain a mixture of emotions? In my desire to be free, am I harming myself or others? Am I looking for unusual ways to escape reality or am I living a natural and pure life? In other words, how neurotic (frostbitten, harmful, ineffective) are my actions, words (all forms of communication) and thoughts about liberation or awakening?

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Hello, dear friends!
I bring to your attention a review of the book Live with feeling. How to set goals that you are passionate about Danielle Laporte from the publishing house MYTH.

Just yesterday they sent it to me, and today I’m already writing a review))

I fell in love with this book at first sight. Excellent cover design, inspiring color palette that says “the book will be very valuable and interesting.” From the first pages I realized that this was exactly what I had been waiting for a long time. Lately I’ve been thinking about the same thing as the author, but I couldn’t express everything so accurately and clearly in words.

And when the MIF publishing house sent me this book, I was happy. Hurray!)) Dreams come true. And I'll tell you, this is really true. For me, this book became a wonderful simulator. Having completely agreed with the author with most of the ideas on the first pages of the book, then, as I read more deeply, amazing things began to happen))

As a result, I can say with confidence that for me this book has become an excellent thinking simulator, because... in some aspects I disagreed 80% with the author. But the more I read, the more I became inspired by Danielle’s ideas in everything.

I am sure that I have already intrigued you)) Let me lift the veil of secrecy)) why I got such a strong double impression from this book. In fact, everything is simple: I, like the author of the book, believe that goals should and can be achieved using unconventional methods and means. And the classical scheme has also become unattractive for me, in many cases even incomprehensible when the question is posed:

“The generally accepted definition of a goal is: “A goal is
it is a conscious, planned and achieved result of activity at a certain point.”

Recently, it has become more and more obvious that many have begun to manically strive to achieve goals, often overstepping their feelings and sensations, their well-being, living in constant stress. As a result, when they achieve goals, they no longer experience any joy, but as Danielle aptly noted, “turning into goal-programmed automata,” they move on to the next one.

Therefore, I, like the author, prefer to solve problems in a different way, guided by my heart)) and go towards goals intuitively.
Danielle has a great approach in this regard - defining goals not based on what car or house you want to buy, but on the feelings and sensations that you want to experience.

And here, indeed, I completely agree with the author, miracles begin - because you listen not to your mind, but to your soul. But... I don’t agree with the author on the question of how to achieve goals based on this approach in some aspects of the theoretical part))

But I will not impose my personal opinion, friends, I am sure that each of you will discover amazing opportunities in this book)) Because the book is read in one breath very easily and there is much more information between the lines than in words))

Let's look at the structure of the book and I will focus on the most interesting points.
So, as we said above, the book consists of two main parts. The theoretical part - the basic concept of the author's views of the book - is located on the first 160 pages.

Here the issue of desires, intentions, sensations, and emotions is revealed in a very detailed and multifaceted way. Danielle covered this topic beautifully, illustrating the most important points with lively stories and great quotes. I would say that the quotes in this book are simply incredible. From many you can make cards with thoughts for every day or place them on your desktop so that you can return to them again and again and be inspired))

Particular attention is paid to the question of what situation currently prevails in our society:

“Our productivity-obsessed society views feelings as pathological.”

This part of the book also raises questions such as:
- how to be honest with yourself,
- how to define and follow your goals and dreams,
- secrets of motivation - inspiring self-discipline,
- the influence of negative emotions on our lives,
- why you should respect your desires, and many others.

Danielle reveals this issue on such a multi-level basis that it becomes obvious that the time has come for transformation, the time when we achieve our goals and dreams using non-classical methods. Only then can you be happy every moment when you hear, understand, respect your desires and feelings, listen not to your mind, but to your heart and soul.

The second part of the book is not just a workbook, it is a combination of reflections, inspiring stories and practical tasks and exercises.

And the most memorable moments from the book
In general, after reading the book for the second time, I came to the conclusion that this is a work by Danielle Laporte, which is worth reflecting on and savoring the brightest moments. And I would quote many of Danielle’s phrases in my project. Here are the most favorite ones:

“The universe does not give out rewards for the sweat shed and the time spent.
Be simpler in your work - and your results will improve.
Criticize less - and everything will work out.
Think less and you will become more creative.
Spend less time on work and get more results."

The author's style is so bright that it seems that sometimes the waves of the ocean are raging, and then the morning breeze and a cool breeze wraps you in a soft blanket, the sun gently caresses with its rays, and now you are rushing towards your dreams on a magnificent horse. Your dress made of the finest silk flutters in the wind, a smile shines on your face and... you have opened the doors to your new life, full of miracles and amazing adventures))

I am sure that it is also much more pleasant for you to achieve goals without rigidly planning your life according to hours and minutes of tasks, living in constant stress in order to realize your plans, and to move through life easily confidently, understanding your feelings and desires, to follow your dream - the foreway of a new bright life.

Happy reading, friends!

Alexandra Rudamanova,
author's school of intellectual
development "Neuronics"

Danielle Laporte

Live with feeling. How to set goals that you are passionate about

The Desire Map


Published with permission from Sounds True

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© Danielle LaPorte, 2013

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2015

* * *

For you

lose the ability to be surprised


suffer from hunger

to be filled with love


come to life

a little more than yesterday

and now the new, true

the reef of recognition is growing

in you

and for you!

As is your desire, so is your will.

As is the will, so are the actions.

As are your actions, so is your destiny.


Book one

Outlook: Program Overview

When you begin to understand who you are without trying to change who you are, you undergo a transformation.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

It all started on New Year's Eve by the fireplace.

About eight years ago, I decided to calmly celebrate the New Year at home, with my family. The baby is sleeping (yay!). Your favorite unhealthy snacks are on the table (chips with all kinds of sauces, help yourself). Light music. There is a fire burning in the fireplace. The New Year is coming, and my heart is filled with aspirations and hopes. It's time to let your imagination run wild. Goals! Plans! Lots of plans!

I pulled out a large chalkboard, divided it into columns: home, love, money, work, etc., and began writing down my goals with my husband. We came up with an idea, kissed, crunched chips and discussed the next goal. Buy a new kitchen table. Pay off loans. Give the child to the pool. Lose ten pounds. Invest in buying a cool piece of art. Start cycling to work. Celebrate your wedding anniversary in Hawaii. Arrange a garden. Cut costs. Deal with publishers. Buy new cowboy boots. Find a church. Go to yoga...

Husband: Let's go to Australia while the child is still small and it's easier to do.

I ( I don’t want to go to Australia with a child, I’m avoiding the answer): Do you think Dick Clark is going to show up for the New Year's ball drop today, or will Ryan Seacrest do it?

And I’m also terribly tired of this sofa. It's too big for this room. Let's buy another one!

Husband: I like this sofa.

Me: I want a new Macbook Pro! With huge RAM.

Husband: You definitely deserve a new car, dear!

Me: Well, yes, isn't it?

We weren't visualizing goals in the full sense of the word, but we weren't making a simple to-do list either. Still, my board was missing something. Everything seemed to be there, but there was some kind of emptiness felt, or something. Great... but not inspiring. I pulled out a marker of a different color and began to write down positive feelings in each of the columns.




Earth. Nature. Environmental friendliness.




True love.

Me: How would you like to feel at work?

Husband: Decisive. Confident. Enterprising.

And everything changed. The process was turned upside down. And then we started from the beginning.

Instead of discussing external goals, we began to discuss how we would like to feel in different areas of our lives.

This was a much more exciting experience. And our list began to change.

Host a reception once a month.

Buy a KitchenAid food mixer to make pasta.

Design and make thank you cards.

Record a CD with tantric music.

Go on a canoe trip.


The list visually began to look more beautiful. Psychologically, it was perceived not as another list of to-dos, but rather as an invitation.

Now fast forward a few years. It's New Year's Eve again. The fireplace is burning. Ryan Seacrest takes over from Dick Clark. The idea of ​​“feelings and goals,” as we called it, became an unspoken tradition that changed our view of the future.

We wrote down a few positive emotions and then asked ourselves: “What can we do to feel this way?»

This simple question forced us to look at our lives differently, formulate goals differently, and solve everyday problems. Gradually he led us to very significant changes. I gave up the usual system of setting goals, and after this there was no need to make to-do lists and torment myself with all sorts of time management, which, I must admit, completely exhausted me.

But that was just the beginning. As I began to focus on the emotions I wanted, I began to feel a surge of energy. I realized that I was heading towards something important.

At the end of the year, when I pulled out and read my vision card again, I wasn’t upset or angry that we didn’t go to Paris or that I couldn’t lose ten pounds. I saw the year I lived in a different light. I realized that my trips to New York and my yoga classes gave me exactly the feeling I was looking for. There was progress. Much more often than before, I was in the emotional state I always wanted.

This way of planning life turned out to be much more flexible and gentle and, interestingly, much more motivating. I was able to clearly see how unfulfilled goals were replaced by worthy alternatives, and often the latter turned out to be even better than planned. In addition, I saw where my life was running counter to my true desires, in which areas I did not feel free enough or lacked creativity.

I decided to try a new approach before the end of the year. I revised my plans for my birthday in May and again in September, as the autumn atmosphere encourages me to get cozy and take on something serious. As Gretchen Rubin wrote in her book The Happiness Project: “September is the second January.”

I did not limit myself to revising the wish list and went further - I began to find out the origin and meaning of different words and from all of them I chose the most important ones for me.

So, I have four feelings to focus on: This seems like a pretty comfortable and inspiring number. And suddenly it dawned on me: I'll make a reminder. In your diary. About the four senses. Every day they will determine my choices.

I started talking about the idea of ​​Desired Feelings, as I called it, at seminars. “Once you get clear on exactly how you want to feel, your goal setting and planning process will change dramatically!” – I explained. People came up to me and asked: “How can we find our desired feelings?”, “God, you spoke so well about goals and feelings. I always knew about this! Is there some kind of template to work through them?”

My theory is called: Strategy of Desires. I talked about it in my book “Light the Fire!”, and this section became the most discussed. I was overwhelmed by a wave of reviews. People posted pictures of their desired feelings on blogs and on refrigerators. They were discussed on Facebook and Twitter. There was even a tag “lists of feelings.”

Meanwhile, I began to work the idea even deeper. As a meditative practice. Like a system. As an exploration of your relationship with desires. Like a prayer. Like a sermon on how important it is to make informed choices.

My ideas took shape in a program that I called “Map of Desires.” In a short time, the program became very popular: many wanted to learn about a new way to turn ideas into reality.

The stories of people who used the “Wish Card” stunned me. They quit their jobs, started doing something completely different, reached new levels of relationships with loved ones, and discovered their true selves. But no matter what changes they wrote to me, they all had one thing in common: true desires released power in them - and gave them joy.

Essentially, you are upending your usual procedure for achieving goals. We usually make lists of tasks, lists of things to do before we die, and strategic plans—everything we want to have, experience, and experience. These aspirations are driven by our inherent desire to feel a certain way.

Danielle Laporte

Live with feeling. How to set goals that you are passionate about

The Desire Map


Published with permission from Sounds True

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© Danielle LaPorte, 2013

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2015

For you

lose the ability to be surprised


suffer from hunger

to be filled with love


come to life

a little more than yesterday

and now the new, true

the reef of recognition is growing

in you

and for you!

As is your desire, so is your will.

As is the will, so are the actions.

As are your actions, so is your destiny.


Book one

Outlook: Program Overview

When you begin to understand who you are without trying to change who you are, you undergo a transformation.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

It all started on New Year's Eve by the fireplace.

About eight years ago, I decided to calmly celebrate the New Year at home, with my family. The baby is sleeping (yay!). Your favorite unhealthy snacks are on the table (chips with all kinds of sauces, help yourself). Light music. There is a fire burning in the fireplace. The New Year is coming, and my heart is filled with aspirations and hopes. It's time to let your imagination run wild. Goals! Plans! Lots of plans!

I pulled out a large chalkboard, divided it into columns: home, love, money, work, etc., and began writing down my goals with my husband. We came up with an idea, kissed, crunched chips and discussed the next goal. Buy a new kitchen table. Pay off loans. Give the child to the pool. Lose ten pounds. Invest in buying a cool piece of art. Start cycling to work. Celebrate your wedding anniversary in Hawaii. Arrange a garden. Cut costs. Deal with publishers. Buy new cowboy boots. Find a church. Go to yoga...

Husband: Let's go to Australia while the child is still small and it's easier to do.

I ( I don’t want to go to Australia with a child, I’m avoiding the answer): Do you think Dick Clark is going to show up for the New Year's ball drop today, or will Ryan Seacrest do it?

And I’m also terribly tired of this sofa. It's too big for this room. Let's buy another one!

Husband: I like this sofa.

Me: I want a new Macbook Pro! With huge RAM.

Husband: You definitely deserve a new car, dear!

Me: Well, yes, isn't it?

We weren't visualizing goals in the full sense of the word, but we weren't making a simple to-do list either. Still, my board was missing something. Everything seemed to be there, but there was some kind of emptiness felt, or something. Great... but not inspiring. I pulled out a marker of a different color and began to write down positive feelings in each of the columns.




Earth. Nature. Environmental friendliness.




True love.

Me: How would you like to feel at work?

Husband: Decisive. Confident. Enterprising.

And everything changed. The process was turned upside down. And then we started from the beginning.

Instead of discussing external goals, we began to discuss how we would like to feel in different areas of our lives.

This was a much more exciting experience. And our list began to change.

Host a reception once a month.

Buy a KitchenAid food mixer to make pasta.

Design and make thank you cards.

Record a CD with tantric music.

Go on a canoe trip.


The list visually began to look more beautiful. Psychologically, it was perceived not as another list of to-dos, but rather as an invitation.

Now fast forward a few years. It's New Year's Eve again. The fireplace is burning. Ryan Seacrest takes over from Dick Clark. The idea of ​​“feelings and goals,” as we called it, became an unspoken tradition that changed our view of the future.

We wrote down a few positive emotions and then asked ourselves: “What can we do to feel this way?»

This simple question forced us to look at our lives differently, formulate goals differently, and solve everyday problems. Gradually he led us to very significant changes. I gave up the usual system of setting goals, and after this there was no need to make to-do lists and torment myself with all sorts of time management, which, I must admit, completely exhausted me.

But that was just the beginning. As I began to focus on the emotions I wanted, I began to feel a surge of energy. I realized that I was heading towards something important.

At the end of the year, when I pulled out and read my vision card again, I wasn’t upset or angry that we didn’t go to Paris or that I couldn’t lose ten pounds. I saw the year I lived in a different light. I realized that my trips to New York and my yoga classes gave me exactly the feeling I was looking for. There was progress. Much more often than before, I was in the emotional state I always wanted.

This way of planning life turned out to be much more flexible and gentle and, interestingly, much more motivating. I was able to clearly see how unfulfilled goals were replaced by worthy alternatives, and often the latter turned out to be even better than planned. In addition, I saw where my life was running counter to my true desires, in which areas I did not feel free enough or lacked creativity.

I decided to try a new approach before the end of the year. I revised my plans for my birthday in May and again in September, as the autumn atmosphere encourages me to get cozy and take on something serious. As Gretchen Rubin wrote in her book The Happiness Project: “September is the second January.”

I did not limit myself to revising the wish list and went further - I began to find out the origin and meaning of different words and from all of them I chose the most important ones for me.

So, I have four feelings to focus on: This seems like a pretty comfortable and inspiring number. And suddenly it dawned on me: I'll make a reminder. In your diary. About the four senses. Every day they will determine my choices.

I started talking about the idea of ​​Desired Feelings, as I called it, at seminars. “Once you get clear on exactly how you want to feel, your goal setting and planning process will change dramatically!” – I explained. People came up to me and asked: “How can we find our desired feelings?”, “God, you spoke so well about goals and feelings. I always knew about this! Is there some kind of template to work through them?”

My theory is called: Strategy of Desires. I talked about it in my book “Light the Fire!” , and this section became the most discussed. I was overwhelmed by a wave of reviews. People posted pictures of their desired feelings on blogs and on refrigerators. They were discussed on Facebook and Twitter. There was even a tag “lists of feelings.”