Wife of the French Prime Minister. Brigitte Macron

She is 63, he is 39. Their dating story could become a script for a Hollywood melodrama - of course, with a happy ending. Emmanuel Macron is young, handsome, smart, talented and a sex symbol in French politics. Naturally, the French actively discussed his personal life.

The website "24" collected facts about the life of Brigitte Macron and amazing story love with Emmanuel, which is truly breathtaking. Read about how the sexy French politician won the audience, why he babysits other people's grandchildren and why he married his school teacher.

Bridget's family

Brigitte Trogneux was born on April 13, 1953 in the north of France (the town of Amiens) - in the family of a famous chocolatier. She was the sixth and most youngest child. The company of her five-generation confectionery dynasty produces, in particular, macarons. The family business is quite successful and generates a profit of four million euros per year.

First marriage

When Bridget was 21, she first married banker Andre Louis Ozier and subsequently gave birth to three children: son Sebastian and daughters Laurence and Tiffany.

Dating and marriage of Macron and Bridget

The future spouses met when Emmanuel was 15 (!) years old. Brigitte Trogneux then taught French and led a theater group at the private school La providence, where Macron studied.

They first met during the preparation of a theatrical play. Looking at Madame Macron, one can assume that in her youth she was very pretty, and, to be honest, now Bridget is also in excellent shape. Joint classes with the teacher lasted for two years - they spent every evening together, and Emmanuel followed his teacher with his tail and even accompanied her home. Certainly, last fact Bridget's husband didn't really like him.

Just two years later - at 17 - future president France made 40-year-old Bridget a declaration of love. But at that time, the woman already had a husband and three children, so she didn’t even think of taking the guy’s declaration of love seriously.

Macron confidently declared: “No matter what you do, no matter how much you evade me, I will still marry you.”

Emmanuel's father, Jean-Michel Macron, forbade Bridget to communicate with their young son. When Emmanuel was 17 years old, his parents sent him to study in Paris, at the elite gymnasium named after Henry IV. The future spouses continued to communicate through letters.

It’s hard to believe, but a few years later Bridget divorced her husband to be with Macron. At that time, Emmanuel was just beginning his journey in big politics, and Bridget became a teacher at one of the religious schools in Paris. 13 years later they got married.

Their wedding took place in the town hall, on the fashionable beach resort Le Touquet, where Brigitte inherited a luxurious villa, which today serves as the couple’s second home.

During his wedding speech, Emmanuel thanked Bridget's parents and children for supporting their union. The young groom admitted that although he and his beloved are not a “normal couple,” they are still a “real couple.”

Children and grandchildren

The Macron couple do not have children of their own. Answering a question from journalists, Macron explained that this was a conscious decision. He calls Bridget's grandchildren his children. Bridget has three children and seven grandchildren.

At one time, all major media outlets circulated photographs of Emmanuel Macron walking with his wife and carrying bottles baby food for her grandchildren. French publications write that Macron is very grateful to Bridget’s children for being able to accept their relationship.

Bridget's grandchildren do not call Emmanuel “grandfather”, but call him the affectionate English “daddy”.

Elections and support

The couple's love story captivated the French, so it played a small role in Macron's victory in the presidential election.

Bridget is completely dedicated political career husband, she often helped compose speeches for Macron’s political speeches. However, Bridget herself is not going to become politician. According to Madame Macron, she just wants to “be close.”

Age difference

Brigitte Macron is 24 years older than her husband. By the way, the current US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania have the same age difference.

However, unlike the owner of the White House, the French presidential candidate always emphasizes that his wife is his closest advisor.

French economist Marc Ferazzi, best man at Macron's wedding and now a member of Macron's team, described their relationship this way:

Yes, they are not exactly a traditional couple. But they fell in love with each other 20 years ago and since then their feelings have only grown stronger. Their story is very simple and you have to accept the fact that people can just fall in love - and so much so that their love will never wane.

Icon style I

Fashion magazines in France called the country's first lady a "style icon." The woman prefers clothes from the two largest French fashion houses - Dior and Louis Vuitton and can afford it.

Today, Macron actively brings his wife into the world and allows the paparazzi to photograph them together and publish thousands of their pictures in newspapers and magazines. France has not seen such behavior, when a politician himself actively talks about his personal life, since the time of Nicolas Sarkozy, who decided to “imitate the Kennedys” in relations with his already ex-wife Cecilia.

The love story of the new President of France, Emannuel Macron, with his wife has filled the front pages of publications not only in his country, but throughout the world.

She is 63, he is 39. Their dating story could become a script for a Hollywood melodrama - of course, with a happy ending. Emmanuel Macron is young, handsome, smart, talented and a sex symbol in French politics. Naturally, the French actively discussed his personal life.

The "24" website has collected facts about the life of Bridget Macron and an amazing love story with Emmanuel, which is truly captivating. Read about how the sexy French politician won over his audience, why he babysits other people's grandchildren and why he married his school teacher.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron

Bridget's family

Brigitte Trogneux was born on April 13, 1953 in the north of France (the town of Amiens) - in the family of a famous chocolatier. She was the sixth and youngest child. The company of her five-generation confectionery dynasty produces, in particular, macarons. The family business is quite successful and generates a profit of four million euros per year.

Brigitte Macron while working at the school where the future President of France studied

First marriage

When Bridget was 21, she first married banker Andre Louis Ozier and subsequently gave birth to three children: son Sebastian and daughters Laurence and Tiffany.

Dating and marriage of Macron and Bridget

The future spouses met when Emmanuel was 15 (!) years old. Brigitte Trogneux then taught French and led a theater group at the private school La providence, where Macron studied.

Emmanuel and Bridget during a rehearsal for a school play

They first met during the preparation of a theatrical play. Looking at Madame Macron, one can assume that in her youth she was very pretty, and, to be honest, now Bridget is also in excellent shape. Joint classes with the teacher lasted for two years - they spent every evening together, and Emmanuel followed his teacher with his tail and even accompanied her home. Of course, Bridget's husband didn't really like the last fact.

Emmanuel Macron during school

Two years later - at 17 - the future president of France made a declaration of love to 40-year-old Bridget. But at that time the woman already had a husband and three children, so she didn’t even think of taking the guy’s declaration of love seriously.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron (20 years ago)

Macron confidently declared: “No matter what you do, no matter how much you evade me, I will still marry you.”

Emmanuel's father, Jean-Michel Macron, forbade Bridget to communicate with their young son. When Emmanuel was 17 years old, his parents sent him to study in Paris, at the elite gymnasium named after Henry IV. The future spouses continued to communicate through letters.

Bridget and Emmanuel on vacation

It’s hard to believe, but a few years later Bridget divorced her husband to be with Macron. At that time, Emmanuel was just beginning his journey in big politics, and Bridget became a teacher at one of the religious schools in Paris. 13 years later they got married.

Their wedding took place in the town hall, in the fashionable beach resort of Le Touquet, where Brigitte inherited a luxurious villa, which today serves as the couple's second home.

During his wedding speech, Emmanuel thanked Bridget's parents and children for supporting their union. The young groom admitted that although he and his beloved are not a “normal couple,” they are still a “real couple.”

Children and grandchildren

The Macron couple do not have children of their own. Answering a question from journalists, Macron explained that this was a conscious decision. He calls Bridget's grandchildren his children. Bridget has three children and seven grandchildren.

Brigitte Macron with her daughters

At one time, all major media outlets circulated photographs of Emmanuel Macron walking with his wife and carrying bottles of baby food for her grandchildren. French publications write that Macron is very grateful to Bridget’s children for being able to accept their relationship.

Bridget's grandchildren do not call Emmanuel “grandfather”, but call him the affectionate English “daddy”.

Macron with his grandson Bridget

Elections and support

The couple's love story captivated the French, so it played a small role in Macron's victory in the presidential election.

Emmanuel and Bridget during the first round of elections

Brigitte devoted herself entirely to her husband's political career; she often helped compose speeches for Macron's political speeches. However, Bridget herself is not going to become a politician. According to Madame Macron, she just wants to “be close.”

Age difference

Brigitte Macron is 24 years older than her husband. By the way, the current US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania have the same age difference.

However, unlike the owner of the White House, the French presidential candidate always emphasizes that his wife is his closest advisor.

Emmanuel Macron with his wife

French economist Marc Ferazzi, best man at Macron's wedding and now a member of Macron's team, described their relationship this way:

Yes, they are not exactly a traditional couple. But they fell in love with each other 20 years ago and since then their feelings have only grown stronger. Their story is very simple and you have to accept the fact that people can just fall in love - and so much so that their love will never wane.

Style icon

Fashion magazines in France called the country's first lady a "style icon." The woman prefers clothes from the two largest French fashion houses - Dior and Louis Vuitton and can afford it.

Brigitte Macron called a "style icon"

Today, Macron actively brings his wife into the world and allows the paparazzi to photograph them together and publish thousands of their pictures in newspapers and magazines. France has not seen such behavior, when a politician himself actively talks about his personal life, since the time of , who decided to “imitate the Kennedys” in his relationship with his now ex-wife Cecilia.

On May 7, 39-year-old centrist Emmanuel Macron won the second round of the French presidential election. 66 percent of voters voted for him. During the period around the elections, the press was interested not only in him political program And election campaign, but also (perhaps no less) personal life. The media are actively discussing Macron’s wife, Brigitte.

She is called the most unusual first lady, and they also question the sincerity of their marriage due to the age difference - Brigitte Macron is almost 25 years older than her husband. Meduza tells why everyone is so surprised by the family of the future president of France - and how he himself reacts to it.

All last month Before the French elections, the press actively discussed not only the likely French president, but also his wife, literature teacher Brigitte Macron (and even her ex-husband and children from her first marriage). The media analyzed in detail her wardrobe, the history of her relationship with Macron and the alleged influence on his political decisions. There were also lists like “Famous couples with large age gaps” and texts about new trend- families where the woman is older.

Benoit Tessier / Reuters / Scanpix / LETA

Back in early April, a month before Macron’s victory, the British Vogue website published an article “How Brigitte Macron is reinventing the image of the First Lady.” The editor of the publication wrote that “this woman is the only one people talk about on both sides of the English Channel for a number of reasons, the most scandalous of which is the age difference with her husband,” and noted that the personality of Macron’s wife could influence the outcome of the presidential race.

Such close attention was really caused by the age difference: Emmanuel Macron is 39 years old, Brigitte Macron is 64. Not a single article about the figure of the future French president was published without an emphasis on this fact, regardless of the tone of the publication - admiring or skeptical. One of the most controversial reactions was cover weekly Charlie Hebdo, which was called sexist. Under the inscription “He works miracles” there is an image of Emmanuel Macron and a pregnant Brigitte - the publication hints that the wife of the elected president can no longer have children. At the same time The New Yorker emphasizes that Macron’s policy is also a new, modern image of the family, where partners are not necessarily of different sexes or have children.

The age difference between Macron and his wife allowed the tabloids (and others) to make all sorts of assumptions based on stereotypes. They argued that Macron is a henpecked, gigolo or homosexual, and his marriage is just a cover. The tabloid press discussed the version that, in fact, Emmanuel Macron leads a double life: he allegedly has a secret affair with the head of Radio France, Mathieu Galle, and the gay lobby is behind his election victory.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron after the first round of the French presidential election. Paris, April 23, 2017

Yoan Valat / EPA / Scanpix / LETA

In an interview with Le Parisien, Emmanuel Macron commented on such press attention to his wife and their relationship. He explained that in modern society relationships between adult men and young women are encouraged, but the opposite situation seems unnatural to most - and causes excessive curiosity, mistrust or condemnation. “If I were 20 years older than my wife, and not vice versa, no one would have thought for a second that our marriage was insincere,” Macron said. “But since she is 20 years older than me, people say: “Well, no, this relationship is abnormal, it’s impossible.”

He added that rumors about his homosexuality show the level of homophobia and misogyny in France. In particular, about the fact that society considers homosexuality a shameful disease that needs to be hidden, and marrying an older woman can only be a “screen.”

At the same time, many call the story of the relationship between Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron romantic, inspiring and breaking stereotypes. Anna Fulda, journalist and author of the recent biographies of Macron, that he had to fight for the right to live the way he wants: “It was not the most obvious and simple choice, it did not fit well into the way it is customary to build a family.” While working on the book, she talked not only with Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, but also with his relatives. By words writers, at one time Macron’s parents took the news of his novel negatively. “You have already lived, but he has not. You will never be able to give him children,” Fulda quotes the future president’s mother, Françoise Macron, as saying.

Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Trognier met in college when he was 15 and she was 39: Trognier was his literature teacher and led a drama club. In addition, she was married; she has three children from this marriage. A year later, Macron told his parents about their affair - they were horrified and sent their son to study in Paris. Before leaving, he promised Brigitte that he would return and propose to her. And so it happened: in 2006, Brigitte Tronier divorced, and in 2007 she and Emmanuel Macron got married. It is unknown when exactly the relationship began between them. Brigitte Macron herself said that “no one will ever know when our history became love story. This will forever remain our secret." Macron's adviser and witness at his wedding to Brigitte Marc Ferracci argues that Emmanuel Macron could never have gone all this way without his wife: “He needs her presence.”

The wife of the current 25th President of France, Brigitte Macron, has quite a noble origin. She is more than 25 years older than her husband, and successfully copes with her responsibilities as First Lady.

Macron's wife: photos now and in her youth

The story of Brigitte Macron

Brigitte Marie-Claude Tronier is the sixth child in a family of famous chocolatiers. Her father is Jean Tronier for a long time was the owner of a chain of confectionery stores.

Despite her prosperous childhood, Brigitte mastered the profession of teaching French and Latin.

Her family had lived in Amiens since 1872. When Brigitte married the future President Macron, many of her relatives moved to live in Paris.

Before her second marriage, Brigitte Tronier was married to banker Andre Ozier. In this marriage, the woman had three children:

  • Sebastian;
  • Lawrence;
  • And Tifeng.

The couple divorced in 2006, but the whole family keeps in touch with her. Today, Brigitte has seven grandchildren.

The work of the First Lady of France

Brigitte Macron taught at the behest of her soul. She is certified in Liberal Arts. For some time, the first lady worked as a teacher in Paris and Strasbourg.

In 1991, Brigitte left for her homeland to work there at the Jesuit Lyceum. After three years of work, it was at this lyceum that she met Emmanuel Macron.

Macron was a teenager then, and was in the same class as her daughter Laurence.

Brigitte Macron at school

Since the future Mrs. Macron led a theater group in addition to her main job, she became close to Emmanuel during the production of plays.

Parents of teenager Macron were shocked by his relationship with an adult woman. They sent their son to finish his studies in Paris. Emmanuel did not stop communicating with Brigitte at a distance, and promised to marry her as soon as he became an adult.

In 2007, Macron kept his promise and married Brigitte, who by that time was already divorced. Her first appearance as a politician’s wife took place in 2015.

Then Brigitte actively helped her husband during the election campaign. When Macron became president, he decided to strengthen the status of the first lady by making her activities transparent and official.

In August 2017, the French President issued a “charter for transparency in the activities of the President’s wife.” So Brigitte acquired certain responsibilities, which she does for free in her new status.

Private life of the first lady

In numerous interviews, Brigitte Macron has repeatedly said that her relationship with her husband is very simple and sincere. They love to go out into nature together. Emmanuel Macron was even seen babysitting Brigitte's grandchildren.

The first lady fully supports all her husband’s decisions. In public, this couple also does not hide their feelings; they can easily be seen hugging and kissing.

Brigitte's elegant style also helped her win the favor of the French public. At 64 years old, the bold and progressive woman is not afraid to wear minis and tight trousers. Although in lately She is increasingly seen in elegant suits in delicate and restrained shades.

President Macron's wife: photo now

The love story between the French president and a simple teacher causes a mixed reaction in society. Some people don’t believe in such stories, while others sincerely admire the courage of this couple.

Brigitte Macron, née Tronier, does an excellent job as First Lady. She always attends official events with her husband, accompanies him on trips, and does everything possible to help him in such a responsible and high position. She also promotes her own social projects.

The future wife of the head of state and the standard French women born in the north of France in large family. Little childhood Biddy passed in a secured and friendly family: spouses Tronier were engaged in baking and producing sweets.

Having grown up, BrigitteTronierdevoted herself pedagogical activity. In her hometown of Amiens, she gave French lessons in high school and at the same time led a theater arts club. At the next lesson, her fateful meeting took place withEmmanuel. The acquaintance slowly grew into affection and romantic feelings of the future head of state for his teacher. At that time Bridgetwas legally married to Andre LouisOzier and raised three children.

Two years later, Emmanuel’s parents sent him to study at an elite Parisian gymnasium, but the relationship did not end there. After several years Bridgetdivorced, moved in with her lover and began teaching at a religious school. In 2007, the couple officially registered their marriage and got married.

Today, 64-year-old Bridget Macronalready has seven grandchildren, and the newly-crowned President of France dotes on the kids. The First Lady helps and supports her husband in every possible way in his political career.

The French President considers his wife to be his main adviser and faithful assistant, and numerous journalists and photographers note the harmony of the couple.

What Macron's wife looked like in her youth: photo

Bridget Macron in her youth she wore her hair with bangs, which were divided into two sides. The length of the hair always corresponded to the classic bob. The profession obliged the teacher to choose elegant and discreet outfits, and in everyday life Bridget I always dressed fashionably and stylishly. Especially Bridget I loved chiffon scarves.

Wife MacronI didn’t use a lot of makeup when I was young. Natural features were emphasized by a wide smile and well-chosen color scheme clothes. Appearance current wife The president has always been distinguished by her brightness. An open look and upturned nose still give the impression of a sincere and optimistic person.

Fresh, smiling and energetic - this is what the wife looked like Macronin her youth, whose photo is now actively circulated on the Internet and printed publications. In clothesBridgethas always preferred dresses and skirts that perfectly demonstrate her proportionate figure and slender legs.

Changes in the style and appearance of Brigitte Macron

Brigitte Macron is in excellent shape for her mature age. She always accompanies her husband at receptions and meetings. The wardrobe of the President's wife is dominated by suits and dresses of a fitted silhouette, which emphasize the waist.

Another love of Macron’s wife is expensive accessories from famous designers. She prefers classic jackets and military-style coats, and brightens up her wardrobe with biker boots and leather trousers.

Now the president’s wife not only follows modern trends and tries to match fashion trends, but also dresses in more restrained styles and muted colors.

The main features of Bridget's current appearance are a pronounced tan and beautiful slender legs. The First Lady openly demonstrates her affinity for high heels and dresses above the knee.

Tanned skin together with blond hair create an impression that is unconventional for the French style. This complements the unique image of Macron’s wife, who remains herself in everything.

Madame Macron often uses powder with reflective particles to hide existing wrinkles.

Experts agree that plastic surgery she didn't. Bridget's face shows signs of natural skin aging, but her facial features have not changed.

Natural attractiveness is maintained not only through good genetics, but also through regular professional care. The First Lady is not a supporter of radical methods plastic surgery, but cosmetology experts suggest a SMAS facelift. This procedure preserves the natural oval, maintains the eyebrow line and tightens the chin.

The impressive difference between Bridget and her husband is 24 years. The same number of years lived separates the current US President Donald Trump and his wife. The styles and appearance of Slovenian fashion model Melania Trump and ex-teacher Bridget Macron are often compared in the press: stylists notice similarities in the choice of outfits for official events.

The classic style always looks elegant, and spectacular combinations of styles and shades help to advantageously emphasize the advantages of the figure.

Brigitte Macron tries to live up to the worthy image of the first lady of the state in everything. However, she reserves the right to express her personality through clothing and appearance. Modern outfits and fashionable accessories help complement the image of an energetic and smart woman with an active life position.

Photo sources: answersafrica.com, www.france24.com, www.thefamouspeople.com, newsperuse.com, www.lookfabulousforever.com, www.usatoday.com, www.usatoday.com, www.independent.co.uk, vacancies- mediterranee.info, www.harpersbazaar.com.au, www.vilaglato.info, www.lexpress.fr, theduran.com, www.lastampa.it, themysteryvault.com, www.lepoidsdesstars.fr