Irina Pechernikova unfinished novel. Irina Pechernikova: personal life

Irina Pechernikova was born on September 2, 1945 in the city of Grozny. Soon the family moved to Moscow and settled on Leninsky Prospect next door to the Maly Theater actress Rufina Nifontova. The girl secretly placed flowers under her door, and one day she plucked up courage and called: “What does it take to become a movie actress?” “That’s it,” it sounded briefly, and the door slammed. But this was enough. “Everything” was taken literally. Irina, like an obsessed person, began to do everything in a row: figure skating, fencing, gymnastics, shooting, a motorcycle, horses, and enrolled in a theater studio.

She entered the theater school the first time and already in her second year at the Moscow Art Theater School, Pechernikova was invited to an interesting and complex role in the play “The Winter of Our Anxiety.” It was prestigious, responsible, and the young actress fell into childish euphoria, naively believing that everyone in the theater was incredibly happy about her arrival. But one day she accidentally heard - there were thin partitions between the dressing rooms - a conversation between two artists: “Of course, who else, if not her, should be given a role in this play? Our girl is no mistake. She manages to live with two at once - with Massalsky and with Puzyrev.”

Irina Pechernikova then hid in the scenery and cried for a long time. The teacher saved her from despair, then he said words that gave the actress strength: “Remember, remember forever, if they talk about you, it means you are either an extraordinary woman or a talented actress. You will cry when they stop.” And Irina Pechernikova remembered and no longer cried when she was registered either as a wife or as a mistress to Tikhonov, and to Smoktunovsky, and to Bogatyrev, and to Vysotsky...


Irina Pechernikova’s track record includes the Moscow Art Theater, Lenkom, the Mayakovsky Theater, the Maly Theater... When Mikhail Ivanovich Tsarev, the actress’s guardian angel, took her to the Maly, he immediately warned: “Our theater is special, imperial. Get ready: you will be there are at least two years. And you, in my opinion, are edible." And they ate...

And why love, the actress recalls, she came and took all the repertoire roles. There were enough actresses of her age in the troupe, but Irina Pechernikova not only took away their jobs, but also their hope. She took it and grabbed it all! Of course, Tsarev defended, and when he was gone, a lot changed, so much so that I didn’t want to go to the theater and Irina Pechernikova left. She left the relationship, left the theater - just like that, to nowhere. This is probably not easy, but it is also very important, because the process of dying erases the good that was.

Great movie partners

For the first time in cinema, Irina Pechernikova starred in the title role of Donna Anna in the musical drama directed by Vladimir Gorikker “The Stone Guest” based on the opera by Dargomyzhsky together with the brilliant Vladimir Atlantov. Colorful, unforgettable shooting. The audience immediately fell in love with it beautiful girl. It seems that Irina Pechernikova was still the darling of fate. She started her film career with fantastic success. And God did not offend his partners: Tikhonov, Vysotsky, Smoktunovsky, Dal...

In Stanislav Rostotsky's cult film "We'll Live Until Monday," young Pechernikova and middle-aged Vyacheslav Tikhonov played atypical Soviet school teachers. The appearance of Irina Pechernikova on the screen became a sensation. The actress had natural charm, captivating femininity, special emotional appeal. In a duet with Vyacheslav Tikhonov, the undisputed idol of the public, her heroine is Natalya Sergeevna Gorelova - a teacher English language, was not lost, but became his worthy partner.

Best of the day

With Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Irina Pechernikova starred in the film “First Love” based on Turgenev, directed by Vasily Ordynsky. She was very afraid of him and, frankly speaking, did not perceive him well. He constantly grumbled, was nervous, and made bilious jokes at the young actress. It was a bit difficult to work. The situation was defused by a huge elk, which one day began to devour with appetite the outfit of Pechernikova’s heroine, Zinaida. And in the bushes Innokenty Mikhailovich was writhing with laughter, this brought the actors closer together. Later, Smoktunovsky admitted that he was very embarrassed by the jockey suit, which unnecessarily emphasized and tightened him manhood. That's why he had a blast with his lovely partner.

With Oleg Dahl, Irina Pechernikova first starred in the serial film about Soviet intelligence officers “Omega Option”, where there was no role for her - just episodes. She went only because her favorite artist played there and she had wanted to work with him for a very long time Pechernikova admired Dal, but they were similar in some way. They met for the second time in Anatoly Efros’s television play “Pages of Pechorin’s Diary,” Pechorin, Pechernikova, “Princess.” Mary. And then there was the television film “Personal Happiness” by Leonid Pchelkin. It was very weak. Everyone soon forgot about it. But it was on it that the actors became friends.

Irina Pechernikova became friends with Vladimir Vysotsky for a long time and took this friendship reverently and very seriously. Probably for this reason, at one time there was a rift between them, they parted forever. Then the actors met on the set of “The Tale of How Tsar Peter Married a Blackamoor,” but the funniest thing is that in the film they had to portray insane passion in bed. The scene was conceived as grotesque, everything had to look very funny, Vladimir Semenovich carried Irina in his arms with a plaster leg, she always managed to break her legs during filming. It was just some kind of disaster!

Vysotsky was silent, but the actors couldn’t pull off the scene of crazy passion in bed. Poor director Mitta was gloomy and loudly indignant: “You ruined my seventh take!” Then the actors concentrated, played something, but never made peace and did not speak.

Then there were supporting roles in "Classmates", in "The Blue Carbuncle", in "An Extraordinary Summer". The actress starred in the film “Man Changes Skin” and the film “Ambulance 34.” There has been some kind of, admittedly, slight creative lull with interesting roles. And so director Arkady Kordon invited Irina Pechernikova to one of the main roles in the psychological drama “Alarm at Dawn” about the Russian scientist Vernadsky, brilliantly played by Georgy Taratorkin.

The miracle has come...

Irina Pechernikova called herself “Radiant”. Known in the 70-80s as one of the first beauties of Russian cinema, the actress after many years almost complete oblivion suddenly experienced its rebirth. She became a participant in the TV show "Beauty Formula". Thanks to the talent of plastic surgeons, she looked twenty years younger, and it was precisely the transformation famous actress was regarded as major success show. With external changes came internal ones. Irina Pechernikova herself called everything that happened to her a miracle. Maybe also because she's been waiting for it for so long...

The film world also appreciated the changes great actress. Offers began to come in to act in films, but Irina Viktorovna did not want to work in TV series, she was simply not interested in them. The actress began to patiently wait for serious offers, a deep play or the same role in a movie. It so happened that at one time Irina Pechernikova raised the bar high and today she does not want to lower it at all.


1966 The Stone Guest

1968 We'll Live Until Monday

1968 First love

1973 By at will

1973 Opening

1973 Manuscript by Academician Yuryshev

1974 Cities and years

1975 Omega Variant

1976 The tale of how Tsar Peter married a blackamoor

1977 First joys

1977 Birds of Our Hopes

1977 Two captains

1978 Personal happiness

1978 Schedule for the day after tomorrow

1979 Man Changes Skin

1979 Extraordinary Summer

1979 Man Changes Skin

1979 Blue Carbuncle

1982 34th ambulance

1985 Alarm at dawn

1991 Anna Karamazoff

Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema. Honored Artist RSFSR (1988).

Irina Pechernikova. Biography

Irina Pechernikova born on September 2, 1945 in the city of Grozny. She moved to Moscow with her family. She lived on Leninsky Prospekt.
Irina entered the theater school the first time, and already in her second year at the Moscow Art Theater School, Pechernikova was invited to an interesting and complex role in the play “The Winter of Our Anxiety.”

In 1966 she graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School and began working at the Moscow Theater. Lenin Komsomol, and since 1968 - in Academic Theater them. Vl. Mayakovsky. In 1978-1990 she played at the Academic Maly Theater.

When Mikhail Ivanovich Tsarev took her to the Maly Theater and immediately warned her: “Our theater is special, imperial. Get ready: you will be eaten for at least two years. And you, in my opinion, are edible.” The actress recalled that there was really nothing to love her for, since she came and took all the repertoire roles.

In the movies, fate Irina Pechernikova turned out well. Already the first paintings brought success, all-Union fame and the title of one of the main beauties Soviet Union. Her partners were outstanding actors: Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Oleg Dal and others. Some of the best film works of the actress are considered to be her roles in the films “We’ll Live Until Monday”, “ 34th ambulance“,” “The Tale of How Tsar Peter Married a Blackamoor,” TV series “Two Captains” (1976). Pechernikova was friends with Vladimir Vysotsky. The actress starred a lot in the second half of the 1960s and in the 1970s. In the 1980s, Pechernikova devoted all her creative energy to the Maly Theater.

Irina Pechernikova She was married three times. The first husband was a Polish musician Zbigniew Bizon. Pechernikova's second husband was the famous actor Boris Galkin. Both marriages were fleeting.

In the 1990s, due to the collapse of the Soviet Union Irina Pechernikova was in a protracted creative crisis. Problems with alcohol were added to creative failures and lack of demand. The actress managed to cope with life's adversities and find love in Alexandra Solovyova, who became her third husband in 1997. They lived in marriage for three years, but a tragedy occurred: actor Alexander Solovyov died. Pechernikova has no children.

In 2010, the actress was again invited to films and television. So, she became a participant in the TV show “ Beauty formula" The actress also starred in the TV series “The Last Reproduction” "(2007), "Indian Summer" (2011), "Don't leave me, Love " etc.

About life and creativity Irina Pechernikova removed documentary « Irina Pechernikova. The cure for loneliness».

Irina Pechernikova. Filmography

Indian Summer (TV series 2011)

The Last Reproduction (mini-series, 2007)

Don't Leave Me, Love (mini-series, 2001)

Anna Karamazoff (1991)

Alarm at Dawn (1985)

Children of Vanyushin (TV, 1982)

34th ambulance (1981)

Month long days(miniseries, 1979)

The Extraordinary Summer (mini-series, 1979)

Blue Carbuncle (TV, 1979)

Man Changes Skin (miniseries, 1978)

Classmates (TV, 1978)

First Joys (mini-series, 1977)

Personal Happiness (mini-series, 1977)

Birds of Our Hopes (1976)

The Tale of How Tsar Peter Married a Blackamoor (1976)

Martin Eden (TV 1976)

The Two Captains (miniseries, 1976)

Pages of Pechorin's magazine (TV, 1975)

Omega Option (miniseries, 1975)

Discovery (1973)

Cities and Years (1973)

Of my own accord (1973)

The Love for Three Oranges (TV Movie 1970)

First Love (TV, 1968)

We'll Live Until Monday (1968), Top250: 242

The Stone Guest (1966)

She suddenly changed everything at once. Addresses, passwords, appearances. Spotlights - to the starry sky, applause - to the sound of birches. Her stage now is a vegetable garden with radishes and cucumbers, bows to burdock weeds, in the auditorium - Siberian Nina Ivanovna and grandmother Tasya, the postwoman.

It’s two hundred kilometers to Moscow, two hundred kilometers to the nearest store.

To old life- a whole abyss.

Since April, Irina Pechernikova has been out of access. Please call later. Sometime in October...

“Dad, are you going to die?”

On one far from wonderful day, 12 years ago, the star of the film “We'll Live Until Monday” canceled her “Mondays”. She quit the theater and sold her luxurious apartment on Tverskaya. And she went to the village, into the wilderness. Away from everyone. From myself - first of all.

Why do you think I left Maly? - Irina Viktorovna smiles sadly. - Who survived, drove me away? No, I just didn’t want to go there. I went to theaters, went to movies - what I saw then, to put it mildly, left me indifferent. You know how it happens in love. I realized that for some reason I don’t run to performances and don’t spend the whole day preparing for them. So the love has passed. And I left. Nobody understood why...

In the mid-90s, many broke down. The wind of change bent Pechernikov almost to the ground. Some kind of island of bad luck. No job, no money. She wasn’t particularly glamorous before, but here she doesn’t even have anything to feed the dog. There is also trouble with my father. The old man became dizzy, he fell, hit himself very hard, and became blind from the shock of pain. “ Ambulance” recorded a fracture of the femoral neck. At 86 years old - a terrible diagnosis.

He just started walking away. He lay there, he didn’t want to eat, he didn’t want to talk. - says Pechernikova. “I just couldn’t figure out how to get him out, how to make him live.” How to prove that it is still very necessary? And I came up with an idea. She came to him and said: Dad, where are you going? You're dying, have you decided to leave? And I’m buying a house, I need to remodel it. And who will lead me? You are abandoning me, and it is a sin to abandon your child. He says: what can I, a blind man, do? Dad, I told him: I am your eyes, and you are my everything, with you I am not afraid of anything. And he lived in this village house for another six years...

“I thought: just not to drown”

She had been looking for her home for almost a year. I wandered around the Moscow region: one village, another, a third - everything was not the same. I wish I could find a small farm, somewhere on the outskirts, away from prying eyes and unnecessary questions.

She's so tired of people...

One day Pechernikova saw what she was looking for. The house stands among ancient trees, on a high hill, with a stream nearby. It was just a dream. She was woken up by a call from her friend: “Ira, why is your voice like that?” “Well,” she complained, “I spent a year of my life searching, and still nothing.” - “Oh, I have friends, their house is exactly as you say. They are leaving for Germany forever, they want to sell.” Pechernikova instantly shook off the remnants of sleep: “Let's go!”

A house among centuries-old trees, a high hill, a stream... I immediately said: I’m buying, I didn’t even bargain. Then it turned out: I overpaid three times. The owners boarded up all the holes, all the gaps. After the first rain, I realized that my hut was half rotten. Like the picture before my eyes now: a dad, who is nearly 90, blind, is sitting on a chair. Holding an umbrella in his hands. And I rush around the house, collecting all the basins, all the pots. So as not to drown... But this is all nonsense. I was afraid that my father would lie there and say: take me back, I feel bad here...

They somehow survived the first summer. A month later, my father got up. The case when medical error It turned out to be a good thing - in fact, there was no fracture, only a severe bruise. With the help of his daughter, he began to go down from the porch, sit in the sun and talk into a voice recorder about his new theory of microworlds.

A former geophysicist at the end of his life decided to argue with old man Einstein. Irina did not interfere - for the first time in for a long time she saw: he wants to live - isn’t that the most important thing?

No, it wasn’t boring,” Irina Viktorovna immediately dismisses the question. - I did literally everything: I cut down weeds, planted some greenery, made the house cozy. Previous summer residents came here for mushrooms and raspberries, the owner is an artist, and sometimes she also painted landscapes. That is, the house was absolutely unkempt, abandoned - practically a garbage dump. By evening I already hated all this with a fierce hatred. And in the morning I woke up, looked at what I did yesterday, and I felt good. And then, I was happy that dad began to walk, he began to joke. And all the time he distracted me from work so that I would read to him Poincaré, Einstein...

“And at night we communicated with the stars”

A village is not a village, a hamlet is not a hamlet. There are only three houses and one hut, almost a barn. Which, oddly enough, was chosen by actor Alexey Loktev, another faded star of Soviet cinema. The one who once “walked” “through Moscow”, but stopped and looked back - 200 kilometers from the capital. One day he came to visit Pechernikova. Seeing a house on a hill and a stream, he exclaimed: “Irka, how happy you are!” Yes, it remained that way. The first guy in the village.

Then there were two men. He has arrived. Her man.

Pechernikova met actor Sasha Solovyov, Handsome from the film “Green Van,” in Feodosia. Where both were treated by the famous doctor Dovzhenko. She then had a dark period. In 1986, my mother died, then Mikhail Tsarev, artistic director of the Maly Theater. Relations with the new management did not work out. And the actress broke down. Love for Sasha became the thread that pulled her from the other world...

But the thread suddenly broke. Sasha's wife called. She said for a long time that she had little son, that it was very difficult for them alone... Irina had already mentally let him go, deciding that you couldn’t build your own on someone else’s happiness. And suddenly he returned. He said that he had become free, that his son had grown up and now there was nothing holding him back in that family.

Sasha hired a team, and they repaired our house over the summer. It was so romantic. When you collapse on the porch, exhausted. And the greatest pleasure is to smoke. Stars, the night sky, and we sit and look: a star: now down, now up, now to the left, now to the right. I look: he is also watching. “Sasha, is this a UFO?” - "Don't know". They sat like that all night. I remember I ran into the house, found a map of the starry sky, and from it I figured out what it was main star constellation Aquarius called Arcturus. And I really loved Kazakov’s story “Arcturus, the Hound Dog” about a blind dog. “Sashka,” I say, “this is not a UFO, this is our Arcturus.” And we went out onto the porch at night and talked with Arcturus.

“After Sasha’s death, I walked along our paths for two years”

Sasha did not live to see the 21st century only a few days...

Pechernikova was not surprised if he disappeared for a while - Solovyov himself was out of work: no, he was not without work, he was looking for it. And I didn’t find it. But when Sasha didn't come to New Year, she became scared.

For almost a month, Pechernikova searched for her husband: in hospitals, in morgues. I called a thousand people. And finally I found it. She was told that the police found Sasha lying in the snow and sent him to Sklif. An autopsy showed that death was caused by trauma to the cervical vertebrae. “This is very similar to being hit with a baton,” she thought. She knew: Sasha and the police are a special story: he not only didn’t like them, he hated them...

After Sasha’s death, I did nothing in the village for two years, just walked through the forest. - Irina Viktorovna speaks slowly, slowly, it is felt that words are difficult for her. - Along those paths where Sasha went fishing, where we walked, where we picked mushrooms. In the third year I only realized that I couldn’t just walk and remember.

And I started uprooting three-meter-high weeds... Now I have a lawn near my house. The lilac that Sasha and I planted. Then some bushes appeared and I began to get involved in gardening. I have a red Japanese maple, ginga is a tree that is millions of years old; I have a flamingo maple...

“The village saved me,” she says. Without her hands, everything here will fall into decay. Without her strong hands. And she has to be strong and not become limp. The nearest store is almost an hour's walk with her small, unhurried steps. Pechernikova doesn’t care. There is a lot of work, I recently became interested in growing flowers, and I bought all kinds of literature. Now he creates his own flower theater in the garden. Sometimes it’s only at six o’clock in the evening that she remembers that she didn’t have poppy dew in her mouth.

Well, how could it be otherwise? It is necessary, for example, to treat or feed a plant - it is sick for something. I feel like I have no strength, but I still go and do it. And in the morning, imagine, he hands me this leaf from a dry twig, a paw. It’s as if he’s saying: don’t mow me off the lawn, I exist. There is gratitude for everything you do, they all say thank you: from the smallest flower to a huge tree... Or a vegetable garden. Well, I don’t like gardening.

I don't like it! But when cucumbers appear there, I can eat them all day: instead of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

“Irka, where did you unearth such beauty?”

Now they have a real woman’s kingdom on their farm. There are no men left: Pechernikova’s father and husband left within a month of each other. Last fall, Alexey Loktev died. I went to a film festival and didn’t return - I got into a car accident near Blagoveshchensk. Neighbor Nina Ivanovna’s son doesn’t stop by often...

From April to October Pechernikova is out of access. From April to October she forgets about everything. That life is in full swing somewhere, that a movie is being filmed somewhere, that maybe directors are calling her at home. After all, although Pechernikova left, she is thinking of returning. For now, she is just looking closely at the world of people, listening. At two in the afternoon and at nine in the evening, the actress goes to her flowerbed - the only place where she takes her mobile phone - that, perhaps, is the whole connection with the outside world. But in order to dramatically change your life again, you need to be ready for it. Perhaps it's not time yet...

You know, I never get sick in my village. - Pechernikova’s eyes light up. - In Moscow - all flus, colds - everything is mine. And here, even some bad thoughts might appear... In the house, you’re thinking about something - you go out onto the porch. And everything dissolves. Such beauty and cleanliness around... To tell the truth, I don’t often invite people here. Only the closest ones. And everyone who comes asks me the same question: “Irka, where did you unearth such beauty?” Or they say: “I want to live here, I don’t want to leave.”

Is it possible, they ask, to buy something like that? I answer: there is no such thing anymore! Nowhere! Even dad said: there are some special vortex flows here...

Irina Viktorovna Pechernikova. Born on September 2, 1945 in Grozny. Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1988).

Her parents met while studying at the geophysical faculty of Leningrad University. The distribution included Checheno-Ingushetia. Three children were born there - a son and two daughters. Irina was the youngest.

Then she and her family moved to Moscow. She lived on Leninsky Prospekt.

According to her, as a child she was an eccentric child and was constantly mischievous. She was even kicked out kindergarten. “Since the third grade, I was in charge in the yard, I fought often. I was always coming up with something, organizing some kind of games. Then we were floating somewhere on a raft: there was a construction site nearby, a pit with water, and we were up to our ears in mud, because that the raft overturned. They were Martians at the same construction site: they were “flying” among the beams of the second and third floors, and periodically a delegation of parents came to mom and dad and informed them that the children were forbidden to hang out with me,” she recalled.

The neighbor was the Maly Theater actress Rufina Nifontova. Irina secretly placed flowers under her door, and one day she plucked up courage and called. “What does it take to become a film actress?” she asked. “That’s it,” she heard in response, after which the actress closed the door in her face.

IN school years Irina was involved in figure skating, fencing, gymnastics, shooting, motorcycles, and horses. And then she enrolled in a theater studio.

Irina Pechernikova - Alone with everyone (02/25/2016)

She entered the theater school the first time, and already in her second year at the Moscow Art Theater School, Pechernikova was invited to an interesting and complex role in the play “The Winter of Our Anxiety.”

It was there that she first learned what theatrical intrigue was when she accidentally overheard (there were thin partitions between the dressing rooms) a conversation between two actresses: “Of course, who else, if not her, should be given a role in this play? Our girl is no mistake. She manages to live right away with two - with Massalsky and with Puzyrev." Irina Pechernikova then hid in the scenery and cried for a long time. But the teacher consoled him: “Remember, remember forever, if they talk about you, it means you are either an extraordinary woman or a talented actress. You will cry when they stop.”

Subsequently, Pechernikova no longer paid attention when it was attributed to her that she was the mistress of this or that director (although there were many novels in her life).

In 1966 she graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School and began working at the Moscow Theater. Lenin Komsomol, and since 1968 - at the Academic Theater. Vl. Mayakovsky.

In 1978-1990 she played at the Academic Maly Theater.

Pechernikova recalled that when Mikhail Ivanovich Tsarev took her to the Maly Theater, he immediately warned: “Our theater is special, imperial. Get ready: you will be eaten for at least two years. And you, in my opinion, are edible.” And she really took all the repertoire roles in the theater.

Pechernikova's roles in the theater:

1966 - “Molière” by M. Bulgakov - Armande Bejart (Lenkom Theater)
1969 - “Two Comrades” (Mayakovsky Theater)
1990 - “Jazzman” (Theater on Malaya Bronnaya)
1977 - “The Fiesco Conspiracy in Genoa” - Leonora (Maly Theater)
1977 - “This Little Land” - Snezha (Maly Theater)
1978 - “Jealous of herself” - Dona Magdalena (Maly Theater)
1979 - “King Lear” - Cordelia (Maly Theater)
1979 - “Handsome Man” - Zoya Okoyomova (Maly Theater)
1980 - “Challenge” - Sofya (Maly Theater)
1983 - “Vanyushin’s Children” - Inna (Maly Theater)
1983 - “The Morning Fairy” - Adela and Angelica (Maly Theater)
1984 - “On the Eve” - Elena Stakhova (Maly Theater)
1985 - “Phaedra” - Arikia (Maly Theater)
1986 - “The Man Who Laughs” - Deya (Maly Theater)
1987 - “The Game” - Irina Skvortsova (Maly Theater)

In the cinema, the fate of Irina Pechernikova was successful. Already the first paintings brought success, all-Union fame and the title of one of the main beauties of the Soviet Union.

Her partners were outstanding actors - Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Oleg Dal and others.

She was on friendly terms with Pechernikova.

The actress starred a lot in the second half of the 1960s and in the 1970s.

In the 2010s, the actress was again invited to films and television; she became a participant in the TV show “Beauty Formula”. Thanks to the talent of plastic surgeons, she looked twenty years younger, and it was the transformation of the famous actress that was regarded as the main success of the show.

Personal life of Irina Pechernikova:

She was married three times.

With her first husband - a Polish musician Zbigniew Bizon- met thanks to a personal tragedy.

Then Irina had just become famous throughout the country - after her role in the film "We'll Live Until Monday." However, during the next filming, the actress jumped into a snowdrift and landed on a huge stump - breaking both legs. Doctors said she would now limp. right leg all my life.

She was only 23 years old. She was lying in a cast, and friends, in order to shake up Irina, decided to give her a cultural outing to a concert of the Polish jazz group "Bisons".

Pechernikova not only liked the music of “Bisons”, she also liked the ensemble’s soloist, Zbigniew Bison. By the middle of the first concert, she already realized that she had fallen head over heels in love with him. Zbigniew also immediately noticed Irina in the auditorium: small, thin, with a cane in her hand, but so cheerful, and her eyes sparkling. The singer often toured, he was not surprised by enthusiastic fans, but here Zbigniew felt a spark run between him and Irina.

In the evening, Irina and Zbigniew were already drinking tea together in a cafe. Pechernikova forgot about all her illnesses. She recovered so quickly that she surprised all her doctors. Zbyszek breathed new life into it.

When the Bisons group returned to Poland, Ira and Zbyszek continued to communicate. Every day she received from him beautiful postcard and she herself wrote letters to him in Russian. They missed each other very much. When they wanted to see each other again, it turned out that Ira could only go abroad to visit a relative or fiance. “Oh, it’s impossible, right? Please - we are the bride and groom!” - she decided. Zbigniew came to Moscow for the wedding. And after registration, Pechernikova left with her husband for Poland. I gave up everything: both theater and cinema.

In Poland, Ira really missed her parents, friends, and the theater, and one day she asked her husband for leave: “Zbyszek, let me go to Moscow. I’ll arrive in a month.”. And when she returned, happy, full of impressions, Zbigniew understood: Irina must return to her homeland. "When in once again he put me on a train (I was going to filming),- recalls Pechernikova, - he walked along the carriage, and I realized that he was saying goodbye to me.".

Pechernikova left for a month, but never returned. "We came to the conclusion that Irina will live in Moscow, and I will stay here and see what happens", - said Zbyshek. Now he lives in Sweden, teaches, and has adult children.

Pechernikova's second husband was an actor.

She met him when she served at the Maly Theater. At that time, he was a graduate student and staged a graduation performance. And I fell in love with Irina even before we met - with her portrait that hung in the theater. After a couple of months of dating, he came to her with a marriage proposal. Pechernikova later said that she herself did not know why she agreed. "I shouldn't have married him., - she is sure. – We could just be in love.".

They lived with Galkin for a year. Boris Galkin lived for Pechernikova, and Pechernikova lived for the theater. She very quickly realized that she didn’t really love Boris - at that moment she didn’t need a family, she only needed a stage. Irina filed for divorce.

Pechernikova considers the main love of her life to be the actor who has been waiting for her for almost 30 years.

Their first acquaintance took place in 1969 at the Mayakovsky Theater at the premiere of the play "Two Comrades", in which Irina played main role- Soloviev brought her flowers when the artists came out to bow.

For the sake of Pechernikova, Solovyov got a job at the Maly Theater. But she didn’t notice him for a long time.

Irina Pechernikova's main love

In the 90s, Irina began to have a bad streak - there were no roles. Along with work, the meaning of life disappeared. Irina began to forget herself only after a glass of champagne, then only after a couple of bottles. This went on for two years.

Pechernikova decided to undergo treatment. Irina found out the address of one of the clinics in Ukraine. I arrived and took my place in line. And it was there that she encountered Alexander Solovyov - he came to the clinic with the same problem as Pechernikova.

In 1997, in a small church on Arbat they quietly got married.

Irina Pechernikova and Alexander Solovyov

They did not separate for a minute, they tried to do everything together. We cleaned the house together, went shopping and always cooked lunches and dinners together. As Pechernikova said, they seemed to have a presentiment that the time allotted to them together was running out.

On December 26, 2000, a passer-by looked into the 68th Moscow police station and reported that a decently dressed man was lying around the corner in a flower bed. His face seemed familiar to the detective on duty, but he could not remember where exactly he had seen him. The man was registered as an unknown person and sent to the Sklifosovsky Institute. After a week of resuscitation, without leaving a coma, he died. It was Alexander Solovyov.

What Pechernikova feared more than anything else happened: Soloviev drank and either got into a fight, or simply fell, but they found him in an unconscious state.

Pechernikova arrived home only on December 30th. She was not in Moscow for five days. No one was waiting for Irina at home. She decided that Sasha was offended by her and left home. This happened before, Alexander could get angry over a trifle and wander around among friends for a week, and then rush home with a huge armful of flowers and gifts and beg for forgiveness on his knees.

On December 31, at ten in the evening, Pechernikova set the table, put two candles and glasses and sat down to wait for her husband. But Alexander did not come. Irina was already starting to lose patience. “Okay, maybe he’ll come with a gift at exactly 12,” she reassured herself. With the first chimes, Irina realized that something had happened to her loved one. She fainted.

Ira began calling friends and acquaintances, but no one had seen Alexander. Day after day, Pechernikova searched for Solovyov. He vaguely remembers how the days passed: calls to friends, conversations with the local police officer, trips to hospitals and morgues. She made friends among the orderlies of emergency rooms and intensive care units. And she spent her evenings in church, where she prayed for her beloved to return.

After a week of resuscitation, without leaving a coma, an unidentified patient, who was brought to the Sklifosovsky Institute straight from the street, died of a cerebral hemorrhage. This happened on January 1, 2000. And two weeks after all the New Year’s festivities, the 68th police department remembered the open case. The detective came to the morgue to fill out the paperwork. The policeman looked at Solovyov: “Where did I see him anyway... I remembered! He acted in a movie! “Green Van” with Kharatyan.”

Two days after the funeral, Irina Pechernikova was taken to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with serious nervous breakdown. She spent six months in the hospital. They tried to bring her back to life, and most importantly, to teach her to sleep. Several years of depression and loneliness followed. Pechernikova drank sleeping pills, fell into a heavy sleep, and then another unnecessary morning came. I didn't want to live. Pechernikova could not smile, speak, or even be near people; she went into the forest and cried until she was hoarse. She went to the village, tried to lose herself in her work, uprooted stumps in an overgrown area, pulled weeds, planted flowers. Gradually, Irina was able to return to normal life.

Filmography of Irina Pechernikova:

1967 - The Stone Guest - Donna Anna
1968 - First love - Zinaida Zasekina
1968 - - Natalya Sergeevna Gorelova, English teacher
1968 - Shield and Sword
1970 - Love for Three Oranges - Smeraldina
1973 - Cities and Years - Rita Startsova
1973 - Discovery (Manuscript by Academician Yuryshev) - Lisa
1973 - At my own request - Polina Ryazanova
1975 - Option “Omega” - Elena Ivanovna Skorina, Sergei’s wife
1976 - The tale of how Tsar Peter married a blackamoor - Countess Louise de Cavaignac
1976 - Birds of Our Hopes - Dina
1976 - Two captains - Maria Vasilievna Tatarinova, Katya’s mother
1977 - First joys - Liza Meshkova
1978 - Personal happiness - Irina Zamyatina, local theater actress, Ilya’s wife
1978 - Classmates - Tonya, Lobanov’s mistress
1978 - Man Changes Skin - Valentina
1979 - Extraordinary Summer - Liza Meshkova
1979 - Blue Carbuncle - Katarina
1981 - 34th ambulance - Lelya
1985 - Alarm at dawn - Natalya Egorovna
1991 - Anna Karamazoff - Uzbek
2001 - Don’t leave me, love - Tasya, Gennady’s wife
2007 - Last reproduction - Vassa Andreevna

Living life is not a field to cross

Actress Irina PECHERNIKOVA: “Only at the age of 51 did I understand what true love»

The actress will celebrate her anniversary on a small farm in Yaroslavl region 200 kilometers from Moscow. It will be impossible to reach there even by mobile phone - telephones in that wilderness do not work. But it is very beautiful there - there are forests, meadows, and a river all around. Pechernikova spends most of the year on the farm, only returning to Moscow for the winter. When she bought a dilapidated hut in order to escape on earth from the lack of money of the early 90s and to heal mental wounds, Irina Viktorovna did not suspect that the temporary shelter would turn into her real home. What will she remember on her birthday? About how, after the premiere of Stanislav Rostotsky’s film “We’ll Live Until Monday,” fame suddenly fell upon her, and domestic and foreign critics dubbed her young star with the doe eyes of the “Soviet Audrey Hepburn”? Or about how hard it was for her at the “imperial” Maly Theater, where, according to Mikhail Tsarev, a “quite edible” actress, she was successfully “eaten” in just a few years, as a result of which she was left without work and without a livelihood ? About how she even started drinking out of despair, so much so that she had to turn to the famous doctor Dovzhenko for help?

And, of course, she will not forget about her only true love for actor Alexander Solovyov - the famous Handsome Man from the film “The Green Van”. Amazing story their relationship is over terrible tragedy. Alexander simply left home one day and never returned. A week later, Pechernikova found him in the morgue of the Sklifosovsky Institute. He was found on the street with a broken head, the injury turned out to be fatal. She still doesn't know how she survived it all. But this fragile little woman, whom life has subjected to incredible trials, has one amazing quality: for every little thing she earnestly thanks fate and people, and for any negativity she blames only herself.


- Irina Viktorovna, do you regret anything in your life?

- Only about some professional blunders, which, like all of us, she made from time to time. Remembering my work, now I understand: some things could have been played better, some things could have been done differently. In everything else, including in my personal life, despite everything, I consider myself a very happy person.

- Is women's happiness primarily love?

For a very long time, the main thing in my life was work. Maybe that's why my only love I met you very late. Although before that I lived and thought that I loved. And her first husband, Polish musician Zbyshek, for whom she went to Poland for two years, leaving everything behind. And her second husband, famous actor and director Boris Galkin, whom she met at the Maly Theater, where he staged his graduation performance. We lived with him for six years, but our family never worked out...

- But why?

I still only blame myself for this. I devoted too much time to the theater and too little to the person who was next to me, as a result I simply ruined his life.

Only when I got married at 51 did I understand what true love is. It turns out that this is a completely different feeling, which cannot be compared with anything I have experienced before. This is a daily, hourly, every minute need for a person - when you literally cannot live without him. This is when you are bursting with joy just because you are together, because of this, happiness seems huge, and all troubles and sorrows seem small and insignificant. Therefore, when such a feeling finally comes, you immediately understand it: this is it!

Do you agree that your love story with actor Alexander Solovyov is clear proof that you cannot escape fate?

Maybe. I first saw Sasha back in 1969 - after the performance handsome boy with bright blue eyes, a student at GITIS, gave me flowers. Later he admitted that he had already fallen in love with me, but was too timid to come up and confess. We met again in 1986, but he was married to his classmate, he had a small son - I couldn’t build my happiness on someone else’s grief.

For eight whole years we dated and broke up, and again we were drawn to each other. I tried my best to erase this feeling from my heart, until one day Sasha came and said that his son had entered college and there was nothing stopping us from being together anymore. We even got married, but our happiness did not last long - on the eve of the new year, 2000, Sasha died... And literally the next day my dad died.

- What helped you during the most difficult periods of your life?

When something truly terrible happens to you, the world around us simply ceases to exist for you, it seems that there is nothing else but you and your pain. But over time, you remember that there are people who are much worse off than you. And there are always such people, you just need to think about it more often and feel sorry for yourself less. This “therapy” helps me a lot.

- You recently wrote the book “I Lived Until Monday.” Who or what is it about?

About those with whom I acted and worked in the theater. When over time I lost interest in my manuscript, one journalist told me: “You can’t give up such work halfway,” and she helped me finish the book. Only then did something about me appear there, and initially I remembered the people with whom fate brought me together: about Oleg Dal, for the sake of the happiness of playing with whom I agreed to a small role in the film “Omega Option”, about Volodya Vysotsky, with whom I was friends and who was a little in love with me, about Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Yura Bogatyrev and Vyacheslav Tikhonov, in whose presence I was always a little shy and therefore wanted to seem smarter than I really was...


- One of the most persistent stereotypes of viewers is to believe that the life of beautiful actresses is a fairy tale...

- So in real life I’m not at all beautiful.

This is the so-called film effect - I'm just photogenic. That's why they rarely recognize me on the street or in the subway. Sometimes I come home, turn on the TV, not knowing that they will show one of my films, I see a face on the screen and think: “Wow, what a beautiful woman! And only then do I realize that it turns out to be me. I always look much better on film and photographs than in real life.

As for the fairy tale that supposedly surrounds the lives of actresses, God gives us tests not by appearance, but by strength of spirit and the ability to withstand these tests.

Although I wouldn’t destroy this very fairy tale. There must be some kind of aura of secrecy, otherwise now everything is somehow too much for show, too much unnecessary frankness, coupled with shameless lies, is spilling onto the pages of newspapers and magazines. I don’t like this, and I can’t help but feel sorry for the people who read all this.

- Why aren’t you filming now - there are no offers or you’re not satisfied with the quality of modern cinema?

Do you really not understand? After the repertoire that I had in the cinema and especially in the theater, now I simply have nothing to play. As an actress I am very happy. Yes, my two roles would be enough to consider myself successful in the profession, and I had a lot of them.

Maybe I don't own it complete information about current cinema, but what I see on TV fills me with horror. For some reason, everyone thinks that since I’m not filming, they should feel sorry for me. Yes, you should be happy for me! Thank God that I am not involved in all this!

I don’t blame anyone: the actors are not to blame - they are put in such conditions, they are forced to somehow survive. But I, like each of us, had a choice, and I made it, telling myself: you can’t lower the bar. Let me have those films and performances in which I have already managed to act, I will endure. Although it is very difficult to live on the pension that I receive.

- Actors don’t like to answer questions about their favorite roles, and yet... Do you have one?

Perhaps one of my favorite works is Maria Vasilievna Tatarinova in the film “Two Captains”. Associated with her funny story. The fact is that Lena Prudnikova, who played Katya (according to the script and Kaverin’s novel, my daughter), and I studied together at the Moscow Art Theater School, only I had already graduated, and she had just entered. We are only three or four years apart in age. And when I was invited to an interview with director Evgeniy Karelov, she and I entered together.

Lena is larger in build and taller than me, so at that moment I didn’t feel like her mother at all, even if only according to the script. So I bucked. “Put us side by side,” she said to Evgeniy Efimovich, “and look: what kind of mother am I?!” And suddenly he told me an amazing phrase: “Irina, I didn’t call anyone else for this role except you. I don’t care about the age or status of your heroine, I need the image of a woman whom three men love all their lives. And in my opinion, only you can create it.”

Such a compliment, of course, made my knees weak, and I left without saying a word. And three days later I called and said that I was terribly worried, because I wasn’t sure that I would succeed, but I really wanted to try. And I’m very glad that I got to play such (!) a woman.


- What do you do when you are not working in cinema and theater?

Something that I was deprived of all the previous years, when I worked a lot. All free time I spend time in nature, read and travel a lot. Moreover, these are not necessarily foreign voyages, of which I have had many in the past: I have seen Warsaw, Stockholm, and London. But even trips around the Russian provinces can be very interesting if you are observant and know how to enjoy the scenery.

I spend six months a year on a small farm in the Yaroslavl region, where I once built a house for my dying father and thereby extended his life by several years. It cannot be said that I avoid active life, but I try to limit it - I live slowly, without fuss. On TV now I only watch programs about animals, travel and... weather forecasts.

- How do you like the current weather?

This summer has been very difficult for me. I can't stand the heat at all, for me better than any rain, frost, but not sunny. When the thermometer starts to approach 30 degrees, I become completely incapacitated and stupid. But I am very worried about the life of my plants, which need to be protected - watered and saved. I have to go out into the sun, and for me it’s torture.

- And how many plants do you have?

I have a small garden, but I can’t do without it. The nearest store from us is very far away, you can’t run around, so I plant the bare necessities - cucumbers, zucchini, carrots and lots and lots of greens.

The soil there, of course, is not very good, rocky, but I try to fertilize it - with compost, manure, sawdust. I also really love coniferous trees, so I plant not only spruce and pine trees, I even have ginkgo biloba. In its homeland, this tree reaches 40 meters in height, but mine is knee-deep - they say our climate is not suitable for it. But it doesn’t die; every year it grows at least a few centimeters. I also have a willow - amazingly beautiful, with a twisted trunk. So many ornamental shrubs- red, purple, blue, they grew very big. Lots of flowers. In the spring, everything is covered with irises, the ground seems to be covered with a carpet, there are thousands of them (from several flowers they have multiplied so much).

Even local grandmothers come to me on excursions. They are not lazy to walk a couple of kilometers from the village to our farm to see what I have growing.

- Flowers love you!

I love them too, so our feelings are mutual. Plus, I have the second level of Reiki (this is universal life energy), so I can help them and treat them from flower diseases.

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