Climate in Brazil by month. Description of the weather in Brazil throughout the year

Brazil is interesting and unique at any time of the year. A piece of paradise where you want to return again and again. In the north of the country there is the equator line, and in the south there is the Tropic of Capricorn. Water Atlantic Ocean wash the eastern shores. The Amazon Lowland occupies a huge territory of the country.

Weather in Brazil now:

According to archaeological research, the Amazon was once the bottom of a huge sea. And now this is the most mysterious lowland on our planet, which has not been fully studied. Interestingly, there are still many places in the Amazon where no civilized person has set foot.

Proximity to the equator determined the average air temperature. Needless to say, it's summer here all year round: on average 25-28 degrees at any time of the year! In the south, in the mountains, it is a little cooler, in the central part it is drier, and on the coast there is always high humidity. Winter differs from summer only a large number rains.

Climate of Brazil by month:

Spring (Brazilian autumn)

Since Brazil is located in the southern hemisphere, the seasons here are turned upside down. Autumn (in the understanding of Brazilians) begins in March-April. There are few holidays at this time, because the entire population is busy harvesting. What grows in Brazil? That's right, coffee, and the best in the world. It is all the more surprising that Brazilians themselves prefer cocoa.

In addition to coffee, Brazil exports a huge amount of apples. And an abundance of fruit can be observed in local markets: from bananas, of which there are over 30 varieties, to exotic cherimoya, cocona, jaboticaba and noni.

Summer (Brazilian winter)

Winter lasts from May to August. This best time for traveling through the Amazon jungle because wild animals are less aggressive in winter. Ocelots, jaguars and pumas hide in dense thickets of trees. And there really are a lot of monkeys: howler monkeys and monkeys, bald uakari and pygmy marmosets. In addition, in the jungle you can see a sloth sleeping peacefully on the branches, meet a capybara or a South American harpy - the most bird of prey. And, of course, caimans and huge anacondas.

Autumn (Brazilian Spring)

When in the northern hemisphere globe Autumn comes, in Brazil spring comes in September. The rainy season begins, with its heavy tropical downpours and stormy thunderstorms. Nature is renewed, and the lush vegetation of the tropics turns into a carpet of flowers. There are especially many orchids, their heady aroma makes your head spin. Cacti and palm trees, of which there are more than 100 species, bloom here, as well as hevea (a valuable supplier of rubber) and incredibly beautiful water lilies.

On September 7, Brazilians celebrate Independence Day. Surely, these people love and know how to celebrate. In the morning, a festive military parade takes place in the capital, and folk festivals throughout the country last until the morning.

Winter (Brazilian summer)

The hot Brazilian summer begins in December. This period - from December to March - is the best time for swimming. Most main holiday summer - New Year, or Reveillon. Brazilians do not have a traditional chiming clock. On December 31, it is customary to dress in white clothes, give each other gifts, drink champagne and forgive old grievances. And at midnight, Rio residents go to the coast, admire the fireworks and throw white flowers into the ocean waves. The spectacle is unforgettable!

Another grand event takes place in February - the Rio Carnival. An event of global scale, because millions of tourists come to this week of samba, unbridled fun and tequila.

Brazil seems like a country of eternal summer, but in fact, even in this hot, sunny country there is a division into seasons. Only the seasons in Brazil are confused in comparison with our latitudes: after all, this country is located in Southern Hemisphere, and therefore when it’s winter here, it’s summer for Brazilians, and vice versa. True, winter in Brazil is warm and quite suitable for beach holiday. And summer is simply sultry! Be sure to look at the country and its people!

Winter in Brazil

June, July and August are the Brazilian winter. But it’s not like ours: snow doesn’t fall here, people don’t wear fur coats. The average temperature in June – August during the day is from +21 to +25, at night from +18 to +21, the water warms up to +20. In El Salvador - 3 - 4 degrees higher.

So the climate of Brazil is quite suitable for relaxation during this “harsh winter time"on the beach. Moreover, it is better for young children, elderly people and those suffering from hypertension and cardiac diseases to come on holiday to Brazil during this period.

If you have difficulty withstanding acclimatization during sudden temperature changes, it is also better to fly to this country in June - August: the difference between the weather in Russia and Brazil at this time is not as sharp as in December - February. And the prices are encouraging: the season is considered low, the cost of tours, hotels and air travel is reduced.

The cheapest direct flight to Brazil in May will cost 64,000 rubles round trip.

What about traveling around the country?

June–August is the dry season in the Amazon. This is the best time for jungle trekking. There are fewer mosquitoes than in the rainy season, and the trails are dry. For water tourism in the Amazon, of course, the period is not the most suitable - not all rivers are navigable at this time, the water level drops by seven meters even in the great Amazon. But fishing is excellent due to the low water level in the rivers!

But the famous Iguazu Falls are not very pleasing to tourists at this time. Firstly, it can be quite cool here: from +10 to +25. Secondly, the waterfalls are not as deep as during the rainy season, and you rarely see an impressive rainbow. So it is better to devote your Brazilian holiday in June - August to visiting the historical and cultural sights of the country: since the temperature is lower than in summer, excursions in winter Brazil are quite comfortable.

Autumn and spring in Brazil

These seasons are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere compared to the Northern Hemisphere. From September to November the temperature in Brazil gradually rises, from March to May it falls.

But in general, the weather in Brazil at this time can be called moderately hot:

  • In September the temperature is from +22 to +38/from +19 to +22/+20 (day/night/sea);
  • In October from +25 to +28/from +20 to +22/from +20;
  • In November from +25 to +29/from +20 to +23/+23;
  • In March from +27 to +30/from +23 to +24/+22;
  • In April from +27 to +30/from +21 to +23/+22;
  • In May from +26 to +29/from +20 to +23/+20.

Keep in mind that in Salvador it is 3 - 4 degrees warmer than in Rio de Janeiro (including the water temperature), and in Sao Paulo it is just as cooler.

When planning a vacation, it is important to take into account the beginning and end of the rainy season. The weather in Brazil in October and September is still dry, so in general the holiday will be the same as in June - August, only hotter. In May the weather is about the same. It’s good to relax on the beach: it’s hot, and the prices are not as high as in the high season. Hiking trips through the jungle and city tours are attractive.

The rainy season already begins in November. Brazil in November is ideal for traveling through the Amazon and visiting the Iguazu Falls: they are already filled with water, but prices have not yet risen as in the high season. The rainy season ends in March, partially covering April.

How much money do you need to vacation in Brazil?

So, have you already decided in which month you want to visit Brazil? Now you need to plan your expenses and find out whether you need a visa to Brazil. Good news: If recently you needed a visa to enter Brazil, now this country has introduced a visa-free regime for Russians.

If you are traveling to Brazil on your own, you have a greater choice of hotels: you can even find inexpensive ones hostel for $25 – 30 per night. "Economy" at the hotel it will cost $75 – 100. During the Christmas and New Year holidays, as well as during the carnival period, of course, prices rise significantly.

You can spend money on food in different ways. For example, lunch in cheap cafes for $4 – 6, at McDonald's and pizzerias for $7 – 8. Or visit restaurants where a solid meat or fish dish costs from $10 to $25, and a whole dinner with wine costs from $30 to $50. Or visit famous, fashionable establishments with a bill starting from $100. Very interesting option, by the way - Mario’s restaurant in Rio de Janeiro: pay about $70 per person and eat whatever you want - oysters, lobsters, crabs... Well, all sorts of salads, appetizers. The selection is huge and can be devoured. seafood delicacies in unlimited quantities.



The world is becoming more accessible to tourists every day: new hotels are opening, transportation is being improved, and tour operators are competing with each other. Now distant Brazil has become quite accessible to tourists from Russia. A real revolution in tourism has been made over the past decade by the Internet, thanks to which an ordinary person Wide opportunities have opened up for choosing the best offers on the tourism market. What a tour...

Brazil for a tourist is a country bright colors, fiery Latin American rhythms, colorful carnival, carefree relaxation. Brazil is a journey through the Amazon on a comfortable boat or extreme hiking through the jungle. Brazil is home to the amazing Iguazu Falls and the amazing wealth of fauna and flora in its reserves. Brazil is colonial architecture, haciendas, cathedrals, mansions, and at the same time...

Summer in Brazil, which occurs in December, January and February, can rightfully be called high season. Firstly, the Christmas holidays, which begin for Western Christians at the end of December, smoothly transition into New Year's, and then February comes with its grandiose carnival. Secondly, at this time the Amazon is full of water, and Iguazu Falls are the most beautiful. Thirdly, the beaches of Rio and Fortaleza are…

Brazil is a country where it is always hot. It's hot everywhere, but in each place differently. Brazil's territory is divided into three climatic zones: equatorial, tropical, subtropical. That’s why the change of seasons is unusual here. The seasons in this country are opposite to the European seasons. Summer months November, December, January, February and March are generally considered to be. Therefore, if you are planning a trip to Brazil, feel free to go to this country during these months.

Brazil: weather by month


It's a rainy month. It is hottest during this period on the tropical coast. Temperatures can rise to +32 degrees. It is less hot in cities that are located on flat terrain. For example, in Sao Paulo, average temperature during the daytime it is about +28 degrees, and at night about +17 degrees.

January is characterized by high levels of humidity.


You need to remember that for European countries February is winter period, then for Brazil it is the height of summer. It can rain almost the entire month.

Naturally, it is hottest in the south and southeast of the country. In such a famous city as Rio de Janeiro, unbearably hot and also very characteristic high level humidity. Here February is the hottest month of the year.


The rainy season continues this month. In the south of the country the sun is still scorching. The water is very warm, it can warm up to + 27 degrees. The coast is also characterized by high humidity and high temperature compared to other regions of Brazil.


If we look at the climate of Brazil in more detail. The country is characterized not by three climatic zones, but by six. These zones determine the level of humidity and amount of precipitation in a particular city. The winter period ends in April. April is characterized by an average air temperature of about +27 degrees. This month the weather becomes more moderate and there is less precipitation. Only in the northeast does the rainy season continue.

The weather remains varied in May. The climate depends on where part of the country is located.

For example, in Brasilia, in Sao Paulo, the average daily temperature is about +29 degrees, the amount of precipitation is decreasing. This is due to the fact that these cities are located on a plain.

In Rio de Janeiro the weather is cooler and it rains more.

The northeast has very high humidity. And in the Amazon region the rainy season begins.


The weather in Brazil in June is surprising with its dramatic difference

June is transition period for winter. Temperature and humidity in one region can be completely different from another. In the south of the country it predominates subtropical climate That's why the weather here is cool. Usually the temperature is not higher than +20 degrees. But in the southeast it is already much warmer.

On flat terrain the weather is always warmer in June. For example, in Belo Horizonte the temperature during the day can rise to +30 degrees, at night it can be about +15 degrees. And there is little precipitation in this area.


Most cold month in Brazil it is July. And it’s not surprising, because it’s winter. In the northeastern part of the country, there is quite a lot of rainfall in winter.

Of course, Brazil is a warm and sultry country. But sometimes even here frosts can occur.

It's getting chilly in southern Brazil. Daytime temperature during the day is about +19 degrees, at night – about 12 degrees. It continues to rain in this area.


By August, the climate in Brazil becomes drier; rain moistens the soil only a couple of times a month. If you are going on vacation to Brazil in August, then it is best to visit the cities located on the southeast coast. In these regions, the water temperature reaches 26 degrees. But if you cannot stand the heat, then the southern states will be the ideal place for you; during the day the temperature here is about 20 degrees, and at night the thermometer drops to 11-13 degrees.


You will probably be surprised, but September is the period of the beginning of spring. The states located in the northeast of Brazil have a hot climate in September. After August, the climate in Brazil does not become more humid; it rains 5-6 times throughout September. The temperature is quite high, the thermometer reaches 35 degrees. Therefore, if you want a “golden mean”, then it is best to go to the zone tropical climate, the average night temperature here is up to 15 degrees, and during the day it does not exceed 30 degrees.


The northeastern regions of Brazil are almost the hottest, in addition to the drought in October, temperatures here reach 40 degrees. It happens that the temperature exceeds 40, and the number of rains during the month drops to 2-3 times. In the capital of Brazil, the city of Brasilia, which is located on a plateau just over 1 km high, relative humidity very low, which makes this city dry almost like the Sahara Desert.


November in Brazil is the very middle of spring and the temperatures are very high, especially in the northeastern regions. Here the temperature is about 30 degrees, and at night it can reach 25 degrees. Humidity also increases, and very noticeably. Only in the Amazon the humidity is not as high as throughout Brazil in November, so this is definitely the place for you if you like a warm, dry climate. Also, if you cannot stand the heat, then there is nothing for you to do in Rio de Janeiro, because the heat there during the day is unbearably hot. And the nights are no less hot and very humid.


It is in December that spring ends in Brazil and the long-awaited summer begins. When we are sitting in warm clothes waiting for the New Year, in Brazil everyone is swimming and sunbathing, because the thermometer exceeds 36 degrees, but you will not feel the oppressive heat, since everything will be brightened up by the high humidity. December in Brazil is considered in the summer month, and is also rightfully recognized as festive.

The weather in Brazil varies greatly from month to month, as one month could be very dry and hot, and the next month cooler and cooler conditions prevailed. humid climate. Based on this, it follows that you should choose the travel time based on your preferences, that is, according to convenient weather.

Also the weather in Brazil is almost completely opposite to the weather in European countries, since in Brazil December is the height of summer. A weather in Brazil in June on the contrary, it turns out to be winter, but, of course, winter is not as severe as Russian winter. In winter in Brazil, temperatures still hover around 20 degrees.

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Brazil - huge country, most of whose territory is located in the tropics. The climate in some of its regions is very diverse, but mostly hot. Let's look at the weather features and find out how the climate of Brazil changes by month.

Features of weather conditions in Brazil

The extension of the territory became the reason for the allocation of six different types climatic conditions countries:

As you can see, each of these climatic zones greatly influences the weather conditions of a certain area and causes the formation of characteristic flora and fauna. Large territory Brazil is influenced by an equatorial and tropical climate.

Summer. Climate of Brazil from December to March

At a time when snowstorms are raging and frosts are cracking, Brazil is warm and humid. This is due to the fact that the seasons there are directly opposite to the European seasons. Brazilian summer begins on December 22 and lasts until This time of year here is characterized by the presence of heavy rainfall and warm temperature air. The thermometer in December shows an average temperature of +33 ˚С during the day and +25 ˚С at night. Average temperatures are 3-4 degrees lower. And in its central part they are +29˚С during the day and +19˚С at night.

The heat subsides at the end of January, and February is no longer so hot. The average daily temperature can vary from +27 ˚С to +32 ˚С depending on the area. As already mentioned, in winter months Brazilian weather is different high humidity. In December there are 15-25 rainy days.

This air helps warm the water on the coasts. At this time, the indicator can reach +29 ˚С.

Autumn. What is the climate like in Brazil from April to June

Brazilian autumn begins on March 22. can be described as moderately hot. In the northeast, the average daytime temperature is about +29˚С, and in the central part of the country this figure is 1-2 degrees lower. Accordingly, at night the thermometer reaches +23˚С and +17˚С.

In April and closer to May, average temperatures drop another few degrees. The water in the seas is still warm - +27 ˚С. Rains can last 10-20 days in one month.

Brazilian winter (July-September)

The beginning of the Brazilian winter is June 22. It lasts until September 21. At this time, there is a significant decrease in air and water temperatures. This becomes especially noticeable in the southern part of Brazil. Frosts can occur here from July. The average temperature in July, June and August ranges from +11 ˚С to +15 ˚С at night and from +25 ˚С to +27 ˚С during the day. In the southern regions, temperatures during the day can drop to +17 ˚С.

The quantity at this time decreases significantly. In September there are usually 3-5 rainy days.

Spring. Climate of the country from October to December

September 22-December 21 is the period of the Brazilian spring. It's time for something hot and dry season. In the northeastern regions of the country, the average daytime temperature ranges from +32 ˚С to +34 ˚С. In the center of Brazil, the same figure is + 30˚С. Night temperatures can vary from +11 ˚С to +25 ˚С depending on the area. On the coasts of the country the climate is milder, not so hot and there is more rainfall.

The tourist season begins in October and lasts until March, when it fully shows itself hot climate Brazil. Photos of travelers who have visited this tropical country are striking in their colorfulness. Picturesque nature, formed against the backdrop of such specific weather conditions, makes this country very attractive for tourists.

Friends, so I visited South America just as I dreamed. Perhaps Rio de Janeiro could be called an ideal place for a beach holiday, if not for the sweltering heat below +30, and on some days the air warmed up to +37. In 10 days I got caught in the rain twice, it’s hard for me to describe what’s going on outside at this temperature, it’s just wild. But the water is ideal, it never dropped below 27, and on particularly hot days it warmed up to +30. All days were clear and sunny, except for 2 rains, great time for the beach. I didn’t notice much wind even near the ocean. Generally ideal conditions warmth and sun, if you don’t mind the wild heat at +35 at times

Let me say right away, the weather is HELL, I wouldn’t have flown, but the miles from Alpha Bank were disappearing, so I decided to choose a city where I had never been. It's hellishly hot outside and phenomenal humidity, which makes being outdoors unbearable. The temperature during the day did not drop below 32 for me, and this was with large quantities rains and cloudy skies (the sun appears permanently). It turns out that this is the rainiest month of the year)) Let's talk about the positives, it's the ocean, it's perfect for all 9 days the scoreboard showed +30, I didn't care that it was cloudy, I didn't get out of the water. By the way, at night and don’t hope for salvation, +25 will not let you relax.

It’s better not to fly in January, unless like me it’s free. Wait until April/May (minimum rain) and rush there!

My wife and I decided to take a break from our cold weather and chose Sao Paulo. We were there for ten days. The flight from Moscow was long, but it was worth it. We were accommodated in a three-star hotel. The room is cozy, good room. The weather was hot, it rained about once during our entire vacation. During the day +30-34, and at night +16-18. Good climate for relaxation. We are thinking of going again next year. The nature there is very beautiful, magnificent.