How to congratulate you on your 30th birthday in an original script. Ideas for a girl’s birthday: celebrating her thirtieth birthday

The scenario for a woman’s 30th birthday “1000 and one wish” is best carried out in a large, friendly and well-known company. You need to choose a presenter and costumes in advance.

Presenter: “So, today is not an easy day. Thirty years ago a tiny star lit up in the sky - (name is called) . She flared up and flared up, and now we see a bright and sparkling woman, for whom we have all gathered here. Therefore, let's drink to our star - Luck, which today is brighter than the Sun."

One of the guests stands up in a long robe with stars, with a snow-white beard and says:

“May luck accompany you in all your endeavors and affairs,
may luck walk next to you,
and this makes your head spin and your heart happy.”

WITH last words he waves his “magic wand” and quietly takes out a pre-prepared gift from the folds of his robe.

Presenter: “How important it is that our affairs - important and not so important - always work out. So let Success have its say!”

The second guest rises, preferably a woman in glasses and a formal suit. Her phone rings, she picks it up and says, “Are you in line for success? Don't count on me. From today I am staying with you (name of the birthday girl) forever". Then the woman turns around slightly and says:

“And I want to say to the birthday girl:

“Success is a bit of luck, multiplied by hard work and well-seasoned with talent.
May the cup of your success always be full, fresh and joyful.”

He takes out a lottery ticket and turns to the birthday girl: “Is this yours? Then here is your first success: you won 2000 rubles (or any other gift) ».

Presenter: “The most happy woman- the one who has two names - Beloved and Mom. And, as you know, if a Woman is happy, then everyone in her family will be happy: children, parents, husband, dog and even our “cockroaches”. So let the life of our hero of the day (name is called) will be woven exclusively from positive aspects. Let's give her Happiness!

The husband gets up (young man) and says:

“When you meet me from work, smile and hug -
my heart is ready to jump out of my chest...
After all, you are my happiness!
And for this I will say “thank you” to Fate more than once,
the one who gave you to me!”

And then he gives her a bouquet of red roses and a kiss. Slow music plays and the young man invites his lady to a romantic dance. They begin to spin, followed by other couples on stage.

After the music has stopped, he says again: “Only parents can say fully what Love is and wish it just as sincerely. So let's hear what kind words they prepared for their beloved daughter.”


“We remember how quite recently
little feet were running across the floor
and your children's laughter was heard everywhere.
But years passed, my daughter became an adult,
She is exactly thirty years old today.
What can I wish for you, dear?
Peace, kindness, warmth?
We wish you with all our hearts,
so that your whole life is full of joy!”

Parents hug their daughter, give her a gift and tell her interesting story from life, associated with the first words she said or pranks.

Presenter: “Money is not the most important thing in life. However, they give considerable confidence in the future, and also allow you to buy a fifth handbag and a sixth pair of shoes simply because they are beautiful. So let’s raise our glasses so that this wonderful person, whose life has just crossed the 30-year mark, will always have Russian, American and European money.”

The presenter peers at each guest in turn: “So, is there an oil tycoon among us? No. Hmm, what about the deputy? Not either. And who is there? A businessman - great, let him share a miracle plot to attract money. Birthday girl, listen carefully.”

The selected guest solemnly says:

“I give you a bag of money. It is not simple, but magical. And I wish you never to know how much money is in this wallet. But no matter how much you have to spend, let them always be enough for new hairstyle, and for oranges for the children, and for a gift for the parents, and for a hearty dinner for the husband. Happy birthday".

Afterwards he hands her a bag with the inscription “bag of money”.

Presenter: “Oh, what do I hear? Did someone sneeze? Be healthy! Oh, exactly: Health to you, our dear hero of the occasion!

And please accept my most sincere wishes:

“The best health is for a yogi who can walk on broken glass and live without food for many months. A Japanese man who eats seafood. A mountaineer who has been tempered by the mountain air. So let you become the fourth person whose health will be admired, and legends will be made about longevity.”

A cake with 30 candles is brought out.

Host: “And now the most charming girl and part-time hero of the occasion must blow out all the candles and make her deepest wish. Don't want to? Come on! With what attempt will the entire candelabra go out, with the first.” To the loud applause of the guests, the birthday girl makes a wish and blows out the candles.

Presenter: “And finally, the last wish for our 30-year-old birthday girl, which we all wish together…”

The guests say in unison:

“Whatever happens, may joy dwell in your soul forever. And with him - delightful dancing, a favorite activity, true friends and sincere laughter. Happy birthday dear (name is called). All the best today and always!”

Host: “What could be more fun than fiery dance?! With this, I declare the opening ceremony of the dance evening open!”

The festive evening ends with dancing...

Anniversary scenarios for turning thirty years old

To prepare a choice of 30-year anniversary scenarios, you need to find out as early as possible where the celebration will take place, how many guests will be present and what the hero of the day expects from this day. We loved these 30th birthday scripts: and . We recommend!

All activities vary depending on common interests event participants, musical preferences, professional activities, material wealth. Some people can afford a luxurious banquet and an expensive entertainment program, while others collect from the world “by string” to please themselves and their loved ones.

What unites all anniversary scenarios? 30 years and 35, and even 40 years are a very young and blooming age, so loud music, cheerful laughter and endless fun are the goal of any banquet project. Gifts and flowers are presented immediately, and guests usually get up from their seats or congratulate the birthday person upon meeting. This can also be done in in a comic form, prepare some kind of prank. Remember the widespread foreign tradition: the birthday boy enters a room where there is no light, and thinks that everyone has forgotten about him, and when the room is illuminated, all his friends and relatives greet him with joyful congratulations and wishes of happiness. At the same time, the room is more reminiscent of a carnival hall, with its decoration, than an ordinary room.

Any scenario can be easily modified to suit your company. Add something new or remove unnecessary things. Competitions can be taken from wedding scenarios. Well, if the event will be held outdoors, then you can include active games in the holiday.

Scenarios for anniversaries - thirty years and older, are not much different from celebrating the 20th anniversary. Except that by this age many people have their own families, so they won’t be able to have all the fun they can. As for the rest, you can do everything that made you happy in your youth.

Scenes for a girl's 30th anniversary

1. Scene: Queen of the Russian Irish - Bianca

Hello friend! You look great, I would say dangerous!
The butt is what you need, your calves are pumped up, you go to the gym, nothing less.
Come on, share how you got to the anniversary, huh?
Do you feel sorry for yourself?

I understand, I also suffer, I hide it from everyone, my age is a secret.
And you haven’t injected anyone, no matter how many years. Tell me - it's a secret!

You look...well...16, no more, you are getting younger every year.
And your daughter looks like you, you have equally delicate skin.

My wishes are to dance and sing in your soul. Why in the shower?
Well, if you can’t sing, no one will listen.

Achieve heights, like Bianca!
Oh that's it, let's go, the drinking begins!

2. Scene: Congratulations from Olga Arbuzova on her 30th birthday

Is there a birthday here? So I'm at the right place.
Let me add your house to Google maps.

I don’t know what to wish for you, mother.
I, as a blonde, haven’t had time to think yet.

But I brought you gifts:
Super cool glasses and slippers!

So, you buy tickets,
And you fly to where there is eternal summer.

You meet a millionaire on the beach
Oil tycoon, or other gentleman.

Don't tell me you're 30 years old
Otherwise you will have to take a return ticket.

You look amazing, just like me!
So young and cool!

Well for now, be happy!
And I ran, otherwise I’m late for the plane!

3. Sketch of congratulations for a woman’s 30th birthday: from the Witch.

Oh, oh, oh, I'm tired,
I came to see you on your birthday!
I made my way through swamps and overgrown forest paths.
I collected nettles, ripe cranberries, and rowan berries for you.
To make tinctures for you,
And bewitch love.

They say that at 30 women are queens!
Well, you, princess, are a young girl.

I'll tell you a secret,
How to preserve your beauty.
Make a potion like this:

You will collect dew from the grass,
A couple of drops of a child's tears,
Hair of a red kitten,
A pair of frog legs,
You fill it with alcohol.
And you drink a spoonful.

I guarantee success.
You will be younger than everyone else!

Well, it’s time for me to go home, the goblin is waiting for me at home.
He's jealous - just creepy
Come visit us sometime!

Scenes for a man's 30th anniversary

1. Scene: Big Russian Boss at the anniversary

Big Russian Boss: Yo, you're 30 years old? You're a cool kid, just like me. But this is not certain.

Come on, tell me how you are doing? What kind of chicks are these?
What's your lady like here, huh? This busty one, or this one with glasses?

What do you drive, a Lamborghini or a bicycle, huh?

What do you eat for lunch: Pho-bo, Romaine, seafood?
Or maybe you're chewing Doshirak noodles? What fruit are you?

I am Big Russian Boss - a cool guy. Made his first million in Miami.
How are you, young hero of the day, with your money?
I have a lot of problems, call me, I’ll borrow them, no questions asked.

What are you doing in life, where are you wandering?
Do you squat at the entrance or do you play sports?

Do you dance, sing, rap? What do you get high from?

Well, bro, you're cool, like me. You look powerful.
And the fact that you are thirty, come on, that’s not true!

2. Funny scene: From the girl of your dreams

Hello handsome! Here I am!
In a dream you called me
And I finally decided
Come and surprise you!

I am the woman of your dreams!
And a beauty queen!

Look what a butt, breasts,
And the lips are just cool!
Eyelashes, nails, everything,
I replaced everything
What only I could do!

I've been pumping my abs for a whole month
And now she appears before you!

I am a goddess, you must agree!
Touch me with your hand...
Don't be afraid, soft, alive,
But I am a businesswoman in life.

I run a beauty salon
With any master I am on first terms.
Do you want to be corrected too?
Shave something
Let them put it in.
Touch up, cut,
Will they get a tattoo?

Don't you want to? In vain...
Others will come running.
Well then, be yourself
And so man you are cool!

Well, I have to go, bye, kiss,
I envy myself
God created this...

3. Impromptu scene: From the car of the 30th anniversary hero

To congratulate the hero of the day - young man dress up a girl in a car costume. You can do it yourself. Two tires are placed on each shoulder. Large glasses on the eyes - instead of headlights.
The guest is given a piece of paper with the text, which she sees for the first time, without preparation. At the same time he gives gifts: seat covers, wet wipes, car fragrance, snow brush.

Auto: Hello driver, I am your car.
You drove me around... Why?!
I worked for you with all my heart,
It froze under the snow and gathered dust in the heat.
Had me mercilessly
He farted all over the seat for me.
The salon was smoked for me, it wasn’t wiped,
And I played music until I had a migraine.

I'm giving you a chance to fix it,
Change seat covers.

In winter from snow brush cleanse
Napkin don't forget to wipe.

And most importantly in the salon - aroma,
So that it doesn't smell like a thousand soldiers.

And please don't break the rules.
Always let pedestrians pass
Don't speed up too much, I beg you
We don't need risk with you!

The specifics of age, as well as gender, influence what should be Scenario for a woman's 30th anniversary.

30 years is a pleasant date. The moment has not yet arrived when ladies begin to actively hide theirs or at least be reluctant to admit it. Life is not yet at its end. Therefore, one should most likely not include overly pathetic and sad notes in the script. It is best to make the event solemn, but at the same time do not forget about humor, otherwise this anniversary will be remembered exclusively as a dull event.

Practice shows that most often birthday girls decide to celebrate their holiday traditionally. The program consists of gatherings in a cafe or restaurant, where a host is invited to enliven the event. This is followed by dancing and other elements of the standard set. Specific nuances depend on the taste of the customer and his financial capabilities.

Original idea for the anniversary scenario of a middle-aged woman - a Chinese-style tea ceremony. The oriental hall with fans, draperies, lanterns and other paraphernalia of the eastern country will create a special mood. AND entertainment program here it should be appropriate - it is worth inviting Chinese dancers, it is also worth choosing oriental music. You can invite a hieroglyph writing master who will give guests a short excursion into the art of calligraphy.

But friends and relatives of the birthday girl can organize a surprise for the hero of the occasion. Try to invite all the classmates and fellow students of the hero of the day that you can find. Such an unexpected meeting for her will be a great joy.

In general, the more pleasant surprises there are, the better. Such moments are perfectly remembered and leave the best impression of the event.

When drawing up, it is necessary to take into account the character of the birthday girl. Especially with humor. Because if you overdo it, the result will be great resentment towards you and complete misunderstanding on the part of the birthday girl. Professional organizers will be able to create a scenario that is universally suitable for any person, and will also take into account the preferences and character traits of a particular person.

The portal I Want presents its version of the scenario for a woman’s 30th anniversary


30 years old is a wonderful age. The woman already has a family, children, a husband, and also a job. But at the same time, her youth, her charm and beauty remain with her. And of course, this date should be celebrated solemnly, perhaps at home, and perhaps in a restaurant or cafe.


For this holiday we offer you light, and free topic, entitled "Women's Happiness". Suitable for decorating the hall balloons, themed posters, of course, fresh flowers, because not a single woman can do without them. We decorate the place where the Jubilee herself will sit in a special way to distinguish her from the rest.


Hello dear guests,

Friends, acquaintances, relatives,

It was not by chance that you came here to us,

I'll tell you everything briefly, but in detail,

Exactly 30 years have passed

How did (name) come into the world?

And this means that it is her anniversary,

And we must celebrate it quickly,

Wish her more power in everything,

May she always have true feminine happiness with her!


But for us to start the holiday,

We’ll have to invite the hero of the day here in chorus!

And so we took a breath and shouted one-two-three, (name), come out!

(Anniversary girl comes out)


Here she comes out a beautiful lady,

All so fashionable, as if from Milan,

And she lacks only one thing for a woman,

Well, her inspirer is bringing her everything!

(the husband gives the hero of the day large bouquet from more than 30 inflorescences of her favorite flowers)



Well, then you go to the table,

Look at your guests

Pour everything into glasses of wine,

And captivate your gaze on me!

(The hero of the day goes to the table)

Presenter (toast):

For real women's happiness,

Which can only be

So that bad weather avoids you (name),

So that your husband can love you without memory!

(musical break, meal)


First I announce

Family couples are invited!

Competition "Blind Breakfast"

Each pair is given a plate of fruit: banana, grapes, tangerine. The women are blindfolded and, at the command of the leader, they begin to feed the men by touch. The couple that finishes breakfast the fastest wins. Prize: a set of fruits for each person.


We played a little with you,

But at the same time they didn’t forget about the hero of the day,

You will listen to congratulatory ditties,

And eat salads at the same time!

(ditties are rehearsed in advance)


30 years is a wonderful age,

Don't even look in the mirror,

You are absolutely beautiful without any doubt,

Right from the feet to the chest!

Three dozen have flown by

And I won’t give them to you,

As if 18 is bold,

You can walk again!

A woman's happiness is not easy,

It's hard to find

You have everything in your power,

You are the best in the world!

Anniversary Birthday,

There's nothing left to say

Everyone here needs, without a doubt,

Sing and dance loudly!

We sang ditties for you,

And now it's time

Place all the glasses,

Pour all the wine!



And now for the family, for the relatives.

For dear ones,

What gave us such a person,

Like the 8th wonder of the world!

(musical break, meal)


And now new competition, and for everyone,

May success await you all there!

Competition "Portrait of various artists"

Everyone is welcome to participate. We divide into two teams. Each person is given a stand and a white sheet, which is placed at a distance of 4-5 meters. Markers are also provided. At the command of the presenter, each participant from the teams hurries to the stand and draws one of the facial features of the dear Anniversary, then runs up to her, says a compliment and returns to the team. Compliments cannot be repeated. The winner will be judged by the Jubilee, whose compliments and, accordingly, portrait she likes the most, that team wins. Prizes: a good, high-quality pen for everyone.


These are artists, eloquent,

What beautiful portraits you have,

Let's drink to all of you,

At this solemn, festive hour!

(musical break, meal)


Now I ask everyone to dance!

(guests can dance if they wish)


And now I give the floor to the guests,

And I also congratulate the hero of the day!

(guests take turns congratulating the hero of the day and giving gifts)


Women's happiness is always needed

It doesn't matter what the years are,

It is irreplaceable, necessary,

Only then will everything around be nice!

(sounds "Women's happiness")

(the holiday continues... but without a presenter)

Galina Petrova

Even more anniversary scenarios

30th anniversary for « anniversaries

It is better to invite guests to the celebration not by telephone, but with the help of beautiful invitation cards, which can be sent by mail or given personally to relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Where and with whom to spend the anniversary.

A young woman’s 30th anniversary can be celebrated in a narrow family circle at home or in the country. If the weather permits, you can organize a picnic in nature or rent a gazebo with barbecue in the recreation area.

With your closest friends you can sit in a cafe or visit a sauna, play bowling or billiards, go to a disco or have a picnic on the beach on a fine summer day. If you like thrills, play paintball with friends or go to a karting club.

You can celebrate your 30th birthday at work with your colleagues by having a tea party during your lunch break or at the end of the working day.

And if you plan to invite many guests to your 30th anniversary, then best place There will be a restaurant for the celebration.

Anniversary decoration.

Whatever place you choose, you need to decorate it. The decoration of your holiday may consist of balloons and fresh flowers. You can post birthday girls everywhere different periods her life, draw congratulatory posters or wall newspapers.

Organization of the anniversary.

To prevent guests from getting bored, there should be a toastmaster at the anniversary who controls the order of toasts and congratulations, and also entertains the people with jokes, songs and competitions. The role of presenter can be taken on by one of the birthday girl’s friends or relatives. It is even possible that the hero of the day will want to spend her evening herself.

The celebration should begin with the presentation of gifts. Then the presenter can talk about the hero of the day, starting with early childhood, alternating their stories with toasts, additions, congratulations and good wishes to the hero of the occasion. The presenter can read telegrams and greeting cards sent by relatives and friends of the birthday girl.

Scenario 30 summer anniversary for a young woman may include a variety of games, competitions, quizzes and skits. For victories in competitions, guests can receive souvenirs from the hero of the day - things that allegedly belonged to her before (her favorite rattle, toy, book, pen with which she wrote at the institute, etc.) or a portrait with her autograph and a kiss.

Your celebration must include a dance program. Music for dancing should be selected taking into account the tastes of the birthday girl and recorded in advance.

30th birthday scenarios for a woman

In order not to create a 30th anniversary scenario for a young woman yourself, you can choose ready-made option to your taste.

  • Anniversary script for a woman
  • Anniversary script in French style
  • Scenario “Giving a Holiday”
  • Anniversary scenario for a woman at work
  • Scenario “Anniversary on Olympus”
  • Scenario "Women's Friendship"
  • Script "To a Girlfriend"
  • Scenario " Cool anniversary»
  • Anniversary script in oriental style

Scenario for a woman's 30th birthday.

and experience and wisdom can make many desires come true.

Subjects: The holiday is best spent among relatives and close friends, at home, or in the country, in nature.


Yes, 30 years is not little,

Oh, how good it is,

You are incomparable, your title is mother,

Well, what kind of wife are you?!

And today, on this holiday,

We all welcome you

May the celebration be a success

Preserving all the impressions!

Our dear (name), we are glad to all gather here today on the occasion of such a magnificent holiday, your birthday. And not just an ordinary Day, but an Anniversary Day, because a wonderful round date has come to visit you - 30th anniversary.

(the presenter hands flowers to the hero of the day, music and applause sounds)


Well, now let's pour some wine,

And let’s all say a toast in unison,

We drink to (name)

With 30 years of life experience!

(musical break, meal)


I ask everyone to sit where they are,

But to take part in the joy,

I have questions for you,

And success awaits you in your answers.


The competition is called: "Q&A". Everyone is welcome to participate. The presenter asks a question; whoever answers correctly first receives a prize (answer).


We can't scatter it,

Otherwise there will be trouble?

(answer: salt)

Every day with her 2 times,

Do your teeth have a feeling of ecstasy?

(answer: toothbrush)

This is the writing thing

Is this a ball......?

(answer: pen)

He will create a “clack” on the keys,

Is this what everyone needs...?

(answer: keychain)

We spend it every day

Is she too lazy to jump into the bathroom?

(answer: toilet paper)

You won't be able to eat without her.

After all, you put food on it?

(answer: spoon)


You have all received gifts,

Have you forgotten about (name)?

It's time to congratulate her everyone,

I want to invite everyone to my family!

(congratulations to all family and friends)


Let's sing and have fun,

Let our triumph sparkle,

And the wine is spilled,

Even if it’s a little sinful!



We've all been sitting with our hands folded for a long time,

And it’s like we’re all dying from boredom,

I want to stir you up

We will be holding a competition!


The competition is called "Samodelkin". It requires 4 pairs (female + female, and male + male). Each pair is given a set (paints, paper, balloon, plate, plasticine, markers). Task: within a certain time, each couple must create a gift for the hero of the day from all of the above. Then they congratulate and present this gift. The winners are determined by the strength of applause (but the hero of the day has the deciding vote). Prize: 2 souvenir figurines.


In honor of the bright date - 30 years,

I want to hear wishes from you all,

To leave a bright idle trail,

May your memories be warm (emphasis on “and”)!

I want us all together to say so many kind and sincere wishes,

exactly how old is our dear Anniversary hero!

(everyone speaks in turn, without repeating)


Let the glasses be whole,

Let the mood soar

Let the music sound like fanfares,

And may (name) have success!

(musical break, meal)


What kind of holiday is there without dancing?

There probably aren't any

Let's make it blush

So that the light comes on in your eyes!

I suggest we all dance. And the best dancer will have a pleasant surprise.

And, of course, our dear Anniversary will determine it!


Let them say general words

Friends have been waiting for this

And now I will call them,

And I give them the microphone!

(congratulations from all acquaintances and friends)


For congratulations, a splash of wine,

So that life would be good,

So that there are true friends,

And so that they always exist!

(musical break, meal)


I ask you all to forgive me,

But I'm a little tired already

It's time for me to drink some wine (smiles),

I sang and shouted to you!

But in conclusion, on my own behalf,

I will also say, congratulations,

Everything is done with soul and love,

With a wonderful feeling of admiration:

(addresses the hero of the day)

Let your life be bright,

May your life be wonderful

Let there be a lot of warmth in her,

And let love rule in her!

Let your husband be your king

And you will be his queen,

So that you can admire the palace,

In which children's laughter frolics!

So that everything is as you want,

So that all your wishes come true,

So that all your cherished dreams,

We were looking for excuses in life!

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There is no need to cry and say goodbye to your twenties. Celebrating turning thirty isn't all that bad - especially if you decide to throw a great party with balloon releases and cake. Since we are ready to offer you some ideas with excellent cool photos stand with ideas - everyone will say “There’s no point in regretting your twenties!” You deserve it worthy celebrate your 30th birthday . The best way to start the new decade is with a party - we have no doubt that at 30 your best years still to come.

1. BAR PARTY– this is a great reason to have a great time and enjoy champagne. What could be better than a holiday with neon and glitter?

2. BRILLIANT PHOTOS : There are so many good things going on at this party, from the number 30 made out of tinsel to the cupcakes with signs on them. All this is worth capturing as a memory. If there are a lot of such photographs, you can use old photographs as decoration.

3. "ADULT" CAKE on the occasion of the 30th anniversary: ​​The fact that you met your friends when you were 21 years old also cannot but be mentioned on this day. But you can still (as before) order a cake, full glasses of beer and other delicious dishes.

4. NUMBER 30 FROM MATCHES Candles are placed at 29. Now that you are already 30, you can use new styleput the number 30 out of matches and set them on fire.

5. BALL CHANDELIER with your photographs. Favorite photos of you and your friends attached to helium balloons will fly right above the heads of your guests. They will be able to take photos on the fly and remember good life moments with you.

6. THIRTY ANNIVERSARY IN CHANEL STYLE No. 30 If you love fashion very much, you should celebrate your 30th birthday in Chanel style. The combination of black and white will never go out of style. This great way celebrating your anniversary.

7. CANDIES ON STICKS : There's nothing better than celebrating a birthday with a little reminder of the old ones good times. In our case – the 80s! The lollipops will remind you of your favorite moments in the 80s - what you were like as a child!

8. FUNNY BAG for the 30th anniversary: ​​30 years old, of course, is a respectable age, and it’s worth hiding. This fun bag will help you with that.

9. KISS STICKERS ON CANDY : kiss goodbye to 20 years, wishes for entering the third decade and other special tags-icons pasted on candies.

10. 30 WISHES: There is no better idea than this. Each guest writes birthday wishes for a guy or girl, and attaches a balloon to each wish. No one will ever forget such wishes, like blowing out candles.

11. CASSETTE THEME: You are old enough to have crossed the 30-year mark. You're old enough to remember the days before iTunes and CDs. Why not use cassette tapes for your party? And yes, mix tapes will definitely cause a stir.

12. 30TH ANNIVERSARY IN GATSBY STYLE : Without a doubt, there were a lot of cool moments when we were 20+, but it's time to remember those days. Costume: flowing dresses, feathers and coffee pearls.

13. SET OF PROPERTIES "OBSENCY THIRTY" : This is not true, but this humorous prop may well amuse you. If your guests disappear, just look at the flashing camera.

14. DYLAN'S CANDY BAR "Time Capsule": to sweeten the party, and your guests remember the past. These capsules represent all the sweets and will make everyone remember the candy stores of our childhood.

15. 30 YEARS INscription ON EVERYTHING : Yes, it's true. You just turned 30 and have achieved a lot. “Reminders” will be on all food.

16. BOWTS: These huge bows look very bright and fun. Add these photos to your photo collection and they will always remind you of the 80s (as well as Cyndi Lauper).

17. BRIGHT and FUN + lyrical memory song, it will remind you of the past. The best way to start the party is with one of your favorite childhood songs. Complete the look with fun DIY hubcaps.

18. SELECTION OF PARTICIPANTS : You can tag any meal, sandwich, or even cake with these cute tags on a stick.

19. Chocolate two-tier cake: Thirty doesn't mean you have to grow up. It's better to celebrate with your favorite cake from childhood. And of course, don’t forget to fill it with milk for soaking!

20. GOLD AND PINK + Wishes at the stand: This year you should forget about standard cards. gold ribbon, pink flowers and wrapping paper, as well as gel pens (remember those?) - and your guests will leave you their birthday wishes.

Hares song:
Every year on this day
Let's get together.
Not then again
Sit at the table:
On your birthday
We are without falsehood and flattery
From the heart and with the mood
Let's sing about it...

And we don't care
And we don't care
What will we eat?
What will we drink?
We have known for a long time
That's the way it is.
It's your birthday
Must be kind.

We have come to you
Not for dinner at all
The generosity of a kind soul
We managed to find out
It's your birthday
That's why we need
So that you can be congratulated
And tell you...

Host: Yes, indeed, that grass is not easy,
Over the summer it has grown thickly green.
You should have bunnies, mow all the greens,
Put it in the pockets of our hero of the day. –
Are you ready? Let's start!

(“The hares” are offered a bush of “grass” hung with dollars. Their task: cut off all the bills with scissors and put them in the basket. Who is faster?)

Presenter: Dear hero of the day! The “hares” and I wish you to always have a light heart and heavy pockets. Let's drink to that!


A remake of the song “Autumn”, a motorcycle cake is awarded.

Who is this….. - this is the leader!
…. - this is happiness and a tsunami
The happiness from which
We are so warm and tender
In general, Zaha stay with us!

….., …… – you are the best of all!
……,…… - you are a joy for everyone!
You are wonderful, so kind
….., you are just a hero!


1.Dance competition:

Gypsy - tambourine, scarf, earring
Russian - kokoshnik, flower
Chukotka - hat, mittens, ribbon with ornament
Lezginka - burqa, saber
Eastern - turban, monist scarf

Couples (man, woman) participate, draw out an envelope, it contains half a word, you need to find the other half, and this will be considered a pair.

2. Obstacle course

One participant from two teams leaves. Participants remember the route, their eyes and legs are blindfolded. The commands say the way. Whoever is faster will hear the route more accurately.

3. Matchbox
Couples participate by placing boxes on each other's noses to the music, to see which of the couples can do it faster.

4. Children's
Sleeveless vest
October icon

Four teams each have something for the birthday boy. Exercise:
At what age did the birthday boy wear and use the item?
How can it be used in real life?

5. Scene “Turnip”
Seven players-characters from the fairy tale Repka take part. The presenter distributes roles.

1. Turnip - every time it is mentioned, he raises his hands above his head in a ring and says: “Both-on.”
2. Grandfather rubs his hands and says: “Well, well.”
3. Grandma waves her fist at grandfather and says: “I would kill him.”
4. Granddaughter - rests her hands on her sides and says: “I’m ready.”
5. Bug - "Woof-woof."
6. Cat - “Pshsh-meow.”
7. Mouse - "Pee-pee."
8. The sun - stands on a chair and looks, and as the story progresses, it moves to the other side of the “stage.”

The fairy tale has begun.....

Grandfather "Tak-tak" planted the "Oba-na" turnip. The "Oba-na" turnip grew big and big.
Grandfather “Tak-tak” began to drag the “Oba-na” turnip out of the ground: he pulled and pulled, but he couldn’t pull it out.

The grandfather called, “Well, well,” the grandmother, “I would kill you.” The grandmother “I would kill” for the grandfather “Tak-tak”, the grandfather “Tak-tak” for the turnip “Both-on” - they pull and pull, they can’t pull it out.

The grandmother called, “I would kill” her granddaughter, “I’m ready.” The granddaughter “I’m ready” for the grandmother “I would kill”, the grandmother “I would kill” for the grandfather “So-so”, the grandfather “Yes-so” for the turnip “Both-on” - they pull and pull, they can’t pull it out.

The granddaughter clicked “I’m ready” to the bug “Woof-woof”.. The bug “Woof-woof” for the granddaughter “I’m ready”, the granddaughter “I’m ready” for the grandmother “I would kill”, the grandmother “I would kill” for the grandfather “So-so” ", old man, "Well, well," by the turnip, "Both, on" - they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The bug called "Woof-woof" to the cat "Pshsh-meow." Cat "Pshsh-meow" for Bug "Woof-woof"., Bug "Woof-woof". for the granddaughter “I’m ready”, the granddaughter “I’m ready” for the grandmother “I would kill”, the grandmother “I would kill” for the grandfather “So-so”, the grandfather “So-so” for the turnip “Both-on” – pull and pull, They can’t pull it out.

The cat clicked “Pshsh-meow” on the mouse. Mouse for the cat "Pshsh-meow", Cat "Pshsh-meow" for the Bug "Woof-woof", Bug "Woof-woof". for the granddaughter “I’m ready”, the granddaughter “I’m ready” for the grandmother “I would kill”, the grandmother “I would kill” for the grandfather “Tak-tak”, the grandfather “Tak-tak” for the turnip “Both-on”. They pull and pull, pull and pull... They pulled out the turnip!

Roles: Curtain, Throne, Princess, Prince, Kiss, Window, Dragon, Dragon Heads, Dragon Tail, Horse, Clouds, Sun, Trees, Wind.

The curtain opens...

Castle. The Princess sits on the Throne in the palace... Enters Prince Charming... Sends an Air Kiss to the Princess... They begin to be nice... At this time, an evil Dragon flies into the Window... with three Heads and a huge Tail..., grabs the Princess... and flies away... The Prince goes to save bride... He saddles his Horse... and rushes like an arrow to the Dragon's Cave... Clouds cover the sun..., Trees creak anxiously..., The wind knocks the Horse off his feet... and prevents the Prince from approaching the cave... The Dragon appears... Its three Heads spew out flames and smoke... The battle begins... The Prince cuts off the first Head..., the second and the third... The Dragon's body convulses..., the Tail swings from side to side. .. The Princess runs out..., trips over the Tail... and almost falls... The Prince picks her up... They kiss... The Tail continues to dangle...
The curtain is closing...