How is geographic latitude determined? What are latitude and longitude? Using a geographic map to determine longitude and latitude

Are you interested in re-evaluating the value of the first 15 seconds of a typical telephone conversation between a job seeker and an employer? In this case, we will draw your attention to a problem that is invisible at first glance: when making an outgoing call from an employer to a job seeker, the basic rules, on which it is customary to talk on the phone in a modern business environment. As a result, in addition to spoiling the first impression of each other and lowering the prestige of the calling company, people sometimes even fail to agree on an interview.

The reason for the problem: despite the apparent simplicity of a telephone conversation, direct training in telephone conversations is mainly carried out for sales specialists and management personnel, i.e. for those whose success depends on business etiquette. But the budget for training HR employees is often cut. Of course, if an ordinary employee is invited to an interview, the HR manager’s disregard for certain conversation norms will go unnoticed by the applicant. However, during a dialogue with senior managers and managers, the HR employee risks showing himself less educated person in matters of professional ethics.

To fill the identified gap, you can use the material proposed below. It will show which structure of an outgoing phone call most effectively emphasizes the HR professionalism (or lack thereof).

The manner in which we communicate over the phone when scheduling an interview is an important indicator of our professional level. Let's match!

Sample text of a competent telephone conversation about scheduling an interview:

“Good afternoon, Irina! (pause). My name is Olga - HR manager of company N. I am calling to arrange a time for an interview for the position of “Regional Representative”. Can you talk for 2 minutes now?”

“Irina, I propose to summarize: we meet with you tomorrow, March 24, at 15:00, at the address: Cosmos, 4, office 3. Let me remind you again, my name is Olga. All the best!”

Outgoing phone call plan

1. Greeting + introducing yourself

Say hello and address your interlocutor by name
Introduce yourself: not only your first name (last name), but the name of the company.

Meaning: from the first seconds it is necessary to get the interlocutor in the mood for a conversation and create an attractive image of the caller. Forget about the expression: “It bothers you”! - it is unlikely to evoke pleasant emotions. Neutral phrases are much better suited.

Example:“Good morning, Alexey! My name is Alena - HR manager at Pero company.

2. Message of the purpose of the call

let the person understand why you are calling, since the applicant may receive many phone calls that are not necessarily related to the job search, and he may not immediately understand what you are talking about;

Give the person the opportunity to “switch” to a conversation with you, put aside current affairs.

Example:“We received your resume for the position of head of the sales department. I’m calling to arrange a time for an interview in our office.”

3. The question of having time to talk

Surprisingly, this is the most often forgotten item! Although, who among us has not had the opportunity to pick up the phone at an inconvenient time: on the road, on the street, during an operational meeting or negotiations?

Meaning: remove all obstacles to continuing the conversation. Imagine, an applicant is at a meeting at his current job, and then you call to offer him another job, you understand...

At trainings people often object to this point: “If a person is uncomfortable talking, he will say so himself, so why ask him about it?”

Think about in what situation you look more respectable:

When they interrupt you and say: “Sorry, I don’t have time right now, call me back”
- or when you control the conversation yourself and ask a question about the possibility of continuing the conversation?

Very important: you need to be interested not just in the availability of abstract time, but in specific minutes: “Anna, do you have 3 minutes to talk now?” This gives both you and the other person a clear direction.

Moreover, if a person refuses to talk, do not forget to find out exactly when it is best to call back.

4. Discussion of the main purpose of the call

5. Recap + farewell

Meaning: State the most important takeaways from the conversation to make sure you understand each other and set a favorable tone for the rest of the meeting. This point can also be called a check of understanding.

There are cases when interlocutors misheard the time of the interview, meeting place and other details. A brief repetition of important points helps to avoid these failures.

Maria Bolokhova - business coach, consultant in the field of human resources management

A few interview rules

Rule #1. At the beginning of the conversation, the ability of the applicant to transfer the topic of conversation into a dialogue format, and not into a “question-answer” mode, plays a role: take the initiative, ask questions.

Rule #2. Talking about yourself matters within 30 seconds. At the same time, self-presentation should be interesting: have an emphasis at the beginning and end.

Golden rule: you cannot be late for a meeting with an employer; neat appearance.
However, the most important thing in an interview is your self-confidence. Smile!.. but don't overdo it.

There are only 6 types of interviews that can be used to one degree or another in companies:

1. Biographical interview (represents a series of questions, the purpose of which is to establish the reliability of the information specified in the resume and to obtain detailed information about the education, work experience and competencies of the applicant).

2. Case interview, or situational interview (represents a dialogue between a consultant and a candidate, during which the candidate tries to solve a specific business problem).

3. Projective interview (based on constructing questions in such a way that they invite the candidate to evaluate not himself, but people in general or some character).

4. Interview on competencies (questions are aimed at clarifying the qualities and abilities that will be required to perform job duties).

5. Conversation about nothing (questions are asked about vacations, family, pets and hobbies. Based on your answers, the recruiting manager can guess how you behave with colleagues, subordinates, identify the main character traits, etc.).

6. Stress interview (task stressful situation, where they test your self-esteem and ability to talk about what doesn’t suit you.)

A telephone interview is the primary stage of selecting applicants for an open vacancy. We will tell you in this article how to properly invite for an interview by phone, prepare and conduct an interview.

From the article you will learn:

Why is the telephone interview format so popular?

Telephone interviews are used by employers as a preliminary stage in searching and hiring candidates. With minimal costs, except for time, they allow you to immediately weed out those applicants who clearly do not meet the requirements of the vacancy or corporate culture.

With candidates living in another country locality or out of town, conducting a telephone interview becomes a must if the company is not going to introduce them into unnecessary expenses and spoil its image. For positions that require remote work, this method of interviewing an applicant may be the only option.

The multi-stage candidate selection process can take up to three weeks. But already at the stage of the telephone interview, an experienced recruiter will be able to assess the presence of critical thinking and skills interpersonal communication necessary for effective communication. By eliminating less qualified applicants, you narrow the candidate pool while improving the quality of those remaining and saving time spent on .

Telephone interviews have another advantage. During a telephone conversation, the interviewer is not distracted by external factors and focuses on the meaning of what the interlocutor is saying. This allows you to form a deeper, more holistic portrait of the candidate and an objective one.

It is important to prepare for this interview in advance, whether you are the recruiter conducting the initial interview or the hiring manager accepting final decision. You need to know not only how to properly invite someone for a telephone interview, but also how to correctly interpret his answers to your questions.

Vera Mukhina answers,

HR Director at ENKOR.

Typical picture: HR conducts a face-to-face interview with a candidate and realizes that this could not have been done. There is a formal circumstance due to which the applicant is clearly not suitable. Moreover, this circumstance could have been learned at the stage of telephone screening...

How to invite for an interview by phone?

Rules of business etiquette suggest that the candidate must be given time to prepare for the conversation with the recruiter. Therefore, there should be two phone calls from the company:

  1. You agree on a time when it will be convenient to answer your questions and specify whose call will be outgoing - yours or the applicant's.
  2. The interview itself is over the phone.

In both cases, you should remember and follow the basic rules business communication accepted in the modern business environment. By following these rules, you will create a good first impression of the company and increase its prestige.

How to invite for an interview by phone (example)

Good afternoon, Sergey. My name is Natalya, I am the HR manager at Alfa company. We have received your resume for the position "" and are ready to conduct a preliminary interview by phone. Now would it be convenient for you to give me a couple of minutes and agree on a time for it?

When will it be convenient for you to answer my questions about your resume? Which is more convenient for you - will you call us yourself or wait for a call from us?

Fine. So, we agreed that you will call us on the 15th, Monday, at 10:00. I remind you that my name is Natalya, I will be waiting for a call from you at the appointed time. Thank you. Goodbye and have a nice day.

Pay attention! An invitation to a telephone interview is an example when the applicant himself sets the time for the conversation - also a way to check his commitment and punctuality.

How to conduct a telephone interview?

The result of a competent telephone interview will be the right decision- whether this applicant is suitable for your company and whether he meets the requirements of the vacancy. To conduct an interview with a good result, the recruiter must get an idea of ​​the interlocutor’s experience and skills. To do this, he must know when to ask questions and when to listen carefully to the answers.

If during the telephone interview it becomes clear that the applicant may be suitable, the recruiter’s task is to interest the interlocutor in this vacancy. Therefore, a good recruiter provides information about the company based on his motivations, goals and career aspirations. This means that at the beginning of the conversation you need to find out as much as possible about the interlocutor before telling him about the employer.

When inviting an applicant to an initial interview by telephone, the recruiter has the right to decide for himself how to conduct it. The advice that can be given to him is often similar to that received by candidates awaiting such an interview:

  1. Prepare in advance. Find out as much as possible about the interlocutor before the interview, use social media. Study the job description, prepare questions, the answers to which will show whether the interlocutor meets the established professional criteria.
  2. Ensure it is quiet and free from distractions. Do not announce the invitation to a telephone interview or the interview itself and do not conduct it “on the run”, in a noisy place, while traveling on public transport, etc. During the conversation, do not be distracted - do not answer calls, do not check email. A calm, continuous conversation will help you better concentrate, hear and understand each other.
  3. Don't talk too much or quickly. Observe general principles conducting an interview - ask questions, do not allow the interlocutor to be distracted by details during answers, listen to them carefully.
  4. Be prepared for unexpected questions. Just like the candidates themselves, they never know when the non-standard question. If you are prepared for such a situation, you will be able to answer any tricky question correctly.
  5. Tell the candidate about next steps. This must be done when completing a telephone interview. This will eliminate unnecessary calls and emails with questions from the applicant. Conclude by thanking them for their time and letting you know when you will call to report the results of your interview.

If the question arises about how to refuse an applicant after a telephone interview, do not use the phrase “You are not suitable for us,” even though it reflects the true state of affairs. Be clear about the reasons for the refusal, but remember that you may be required to justify it in writing if discrimination is suspected.

Telephone interview, example of a conversation between an employer and a rejected candidate

Unfortunately, we only had one vacancy. Based on the interview results, you took second place, so we cannot hire you now. But, if you don’t mind, we will leave your information in our database and, if a similar vacancy appears, we will contact you again.

Hello again, dear friend!

As you know, there are invited and uninvited guests. But a well-mannered person should greet and communicate with everyone. We can look at employers from the same perspective. How to respond to an interview invitation?

We have already agreed with you , is a project. And any project needs management and control. Reception of incoming calls and invitations, of course, should also not be uncontrolled.

You have sent your resume and are waiting for a response. If the employer is interested in you, he will call you or write to you by email.

It is advisable to always be in touch during the standard working hours of most companies from 9 to 18. If you sleep longer, make sure that your answer does not sound like the sleepy voice of a person who does not understand with whom and what he is talking about.

In order not to slow down during a conversation, you should decide in advance on the following:

  • How to identify “nicanor offices” with which you will not cooperate. More on this below.
  • Prepare your questions for the recruiter
  • Prepare answers to common questions

Features of a telephone conversation-interview

  • The first words you say are akin to an interview. It sets the tone for the rest of the conversation. If the caller hears something like “Who is this?” in a dissatisfied tone - consider that the conversation did not take place. A friendly “hello” is a completely different matter.
  • The main tool for communicating on the phone is voice. He is the only one) I recommend smiling slightly during a conversation. A smile gives the voice a pleasant and welcoming emotional background.
  • Each proposal or question from the recruiter should be confirmed with the words “good”, “understandable”, “excellent”, “of course”.
  • If speaking is inconvenient, ask for an apology and suggest a time when you will call back yourself.
  • If the conversation is interfered with by interference, such as traffic or other noise, it is also advisable to postpone the conversation. You may not hear important information

Recruiter's goal

  1. Find out your interest in the job and the vacancy.
  2. Make sure that you are not deprived of the gift of speech and know how to conduct a dialogue. Avoid such pearls: “I wrote this in my resume...”. Like, what don’t you understand? The recruiter may decide that you are from the cohort of gloomy @ovnyuks who are not hired anywhere.
  3. To clarify some issues. For example: from previous jobs, your area of ​​residence, salary expectations. Sometimes you need to clarify your experience and skills that are critical to the job.

Your tasks

  1. Show that you are a well-mannered person and have the gift of speech.
  2. to questions.
  3. Find out if the company is right for you. Ask your questions.
  4. Write down the time and place of the face-to-face interview, and the recruiter’s contacts.

What questions to ask?

  1. Territorial location of the company. If it's important. Although it is advisable to look at this before sending your resume.
  2. Company name, website availability?Is it concluded employment contract? White company or gray? If everything is according labor code- they always say this is an advantage.
  3. What criteria are used to evaluate work? The ratio of variable and fixed parts of payment.
  4. Ask the manager of the vacancy looked at the resume or not. It is better for you that your resume is approved by the decision maker (the one who makes the decision). It happens like this: you talked with a recruiter, but the decision maker didn’t like the resume. You cannot influence this order, but you need to know. By the way, it makes sense to carefully ask the recruiter to show the decision maker’s resume before the meeting.
  5. How many meetings will there be, on the same day or on different ones? What format will the interview take? They won’t always say, but trying is not torture.
  6. Be sure to contact by name. Why is this important - in article

You are unlikely to have time to ask all the questions. This is not necessary so as not to be considered a bore. Choose the ones that are most important to you. In conclusion, thank you for the call and talk about what you agreed on.

How to calculate “Nikanor’s office”

It’s sad, but a call you don’t expect is most often a reason to be wary. For example, they say that they represent a certain trading company that is recruiting specialists.

What to ask:

a) Company name . If something vague like “trade and production holding” - typical name“Nikanor’s office.” Not having a website is the same thing.

No serious company hides its name.Always has a website.

b) Job title? Should reflect the functional direction. The head of an unknown direction, the head of a department of an unknown reason - the name was probably made up from thin air.

c) Functional responsibilities?

The list must be specific. The catchphrase in various leftist offices is “resolving organizational issues.”

If there are no clear answers, it’s worth continuing the conversation if you’re ready to try your hand at network marketing and other similar “works”.

They often say - we’ll tell you the details at the meeting. This is an attempt to delay the interview and process it there.


  • If you did go for an interview -don't pay money!Training, some kind of fee. This is always a 100% scam.
  • Never don't leave your documents ! They can be used for fraud, such as obtaining a loan.
  • Remember - in the labor market the employer pays for everything

If you receive an email

I’ll say right away that the companies to which you sent your resume on job sites never write to you by email. They answer through the website or call.

If you received a letter from someone unknown, it is most likely “Nikanor’s office” or spam.

If you received a response from the company you sent by mail, that’s good.

Your answer should be short and to the point.


Hello, Ivan Ivanovich!

Thank you for the invitation. I will be glad to come to your office at such and such a time (indicate dates and times that are convenient for you. If already proposed, confirm).


Full name, telephone

If you have questions, ask, there is no need to be shy.It should be clear where, when, with whom and on what issues you meet.
One way or another, before answering, you need to understand what kind of company it is and whether you are ready to work with it.

Thank you for your interest in the article. I would appreciate your comment (at the bottom of the page).

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Have a nice day and good mood!

With the advent of such an option for recruiting newcomers as recruiting via the Internet, over five years it has reached a state that all interviews conducted with job seekers on the Internet via email or text chats have ceased to bring the desired results as they were at first. Therefore, over time, such a concept as interview scripts and sales.

The problem is that almost all options for inviting an applicant to the remote work we offer have become extremely similar and simply become boring. This is precisely what began to alarm applicants when candidates were invited. Although, despite this, some of the most active participants in the project continue to recruit more or less successfully, as

Imagine, a person who has been looking for some kind of remote work for a long time already has little trust in earnings in Oriflame, and every time he is asked about what you offer him by correspondence, he receives stereotypical and identical answers in an interview with you. And in the end he finds out that we are talking about Oriflame. And he encounters such an interview with an invitation to join the project almost every time.

Not only has Oriflame begun to be perceived by many as an intrusive and undesirable phenomenon, but when they receive offers in the form of text in interviews to become an Oriflame consultant, people, in principle, do not want to figure it out for themselves and simply blindly believe in negative stereotypes about MLM . Whatever one may say, the overwhelming majority of applicants are seekers of pure freebies, like not investing a penny, but getting millions.

This does not happen in principle, anywhere and never. There are still some business expenses, the only question is what? You need to invest a lot of money in any typical type of business, but you don’t need to invest in Oriflame. And this is the purest truth. MLM gives everyone the opportunity to earn gigantic amounts of money with very little spending!

Here - key point any interview with an applicant. This should be the first point of your interviews, regardless of whether you conduct them by mail, chat or phone. Next, I’ll tell you why it’s much better to conduct interviews by phone or Skype, rather than, for example, by mail.

If you want to know something on the topic or anything else, then I’ll be happy to talk with you - my VK page .

Inviting a candidate by phone

As I said above, for various reasons, the trust of job seekers for remote earnings on the Internet in Oriflame has been quite undermined. A very small percentage of actively working consultants, conducting interviews by mail or social networks, build their branches quite well. What about the rest? There are two options: either sharply strengthen your recruiting efforts using established methods (which not everyone can do), or try to switch to interviews with candidates over the phone, inviting them to the business in a personal conversation.

Human psychology initially works in such a way that, regardless of the topic of conversation, if one wants the second to accept his views and come over to his side, then the second will subconsciously be more inclined towards the first if the interview is live, for example, over the phone. Accordingly, there will be much more trust, and the effect of your invitations to the candidate by phone to join the project will be much more significant.

And to make the effectiveness of your invitations through telephone interviews even higher, you should talk to the candidate not simply, as you do in ordinary communications with anyone, but using strong motivational moments in conversation. The manner of conversation, intonation, the words you use and other subtleties - all this greatly influences the final result of telephone interviews.

How to structure a conversation correctly when inviting a candidate over the phone

Everything is simple here, although many people don’t understand how to actually conduct a conversation with a recruit. More precisely, everyone or almost everyone understands, but not everyone understands how to achieve the desired result from a telephone interview, so that the recruit agrees to register with Oriflame immediately after talking with him.

Start with the fact that everything you use in negotiations via email or in chats with invitations to join a project can be used in the same way when communicating on the phone. Unless the volume of text will be much larger. But what is important here is not the spoken text in pure form, but a certain basis for conducting an interview. If you have it, you will be able to conduct a great conversation while recruiting over the phone.

Moreover, initially you should fully know the answers to all the expected questions of your interlocutor, and, believe me, there won’t be many such questions. All other options will be components of the main questions regarding the work you propose. Moreover, prepare for the conversation in such a way that your answers “bounce off the teeth” - it will not be possible to structure an interview over the phone effectively in any other way.

For example, among the most common questions asked by applicants, you can hear these most frequently asked:

How long does the initial stage of work last?
What is the piece rate?
When will I start receiving my salary?
How much will I receive?
Why are my passport details required?
When will I receive my first money?
Tell me, is this Oriflame?
How is payment made and what are the guarantees?
What will my responsibilities include?
What is the essence of your work?
Is it necessary to get a formal job?
What will I be paid for and how much?

As you can see, some questions are repeated, only in different words. Accordingly, knowing the answers to all of them, you can easily conduct an interview effectively inviting newcomers to Oriflame.

The main component of a telephone conversation

Main component successful interview with a candidate is not about knowing all the answers to many of the applicant’s questions (this point comes in second place). It lies in something else - in the ability to interest the interlocutor in a conversation so much that, figuratively speaking, his “eyes are burning” in the end, and he himself would ask you to register him in Oriflame as soon as possible. When conducting a telephone interview, you should exude natural optimism and confidence in what you have to offer. Your communication style should also be relaxed and always genuine.

Of course, not everyone can, when communicating live, conduct a conversation naturally, instantly answer any questions from the applicant and, with their lively and enticing monologue, win the interlocutor to their side. But, be that as it may, learning how to conduct a telephone interview correctly is not at all difficult - the main thing is desire, faith in success and, of course, no deception of the applicant.

A selection of high-quality videos will help you understand all the subtle and complex psychological aspects of conducting a conversation with a recruit so that the effectiveness of a telephone interview with a candidate is as effective as possible. During live communication, your interlocutor’s trust in you will be many times greater.

Now a little theory. I will tell you how to behave when talking on the phone.

The purpose of the person answering the phone is- invite the candidate for an interview if he meets the requirements of the vacancy.

The product of the person answering the phone- the best candidates who came to the company for an interview.

Table 3.5List of programs for maintaining a database of candidates

Program Description Pros Cons Price
Word To put it simply, it is an explorer with a specific folder system. First, folders are created with the name of the field of activity - this is the 1st level, then in each of the areas folders are created with the names of positions - this is the 2nd level. In the required folder you put resume files with the applicant’s full name and date of admission, for example: Ivanov_ Ivan_Ivanovich_15.01.2006.s1os. Easy to use; does not require special training; easy to adapt to perform any task; easy to make any additions or changes Low level of protection - folders can simply be deleted from the PC; they can be damaged by a virus; if handled carelessly, it quickly becomes cluttered with different resumes; lack of detailed search capabilities; all processes must be carried out manually; it is not visible which resumes are in progress and which candidates are considering offers
Excel In this program you can only conduct brief information about the candidates. You create a file with the name of the field of activity, then sheets with the names of vacancies and enter information about the candidate in the fields. You can make your ratings and comments Allows you to clearly see the progress of work with candidates; easy to use; easy to change and expand There is no full resume of the candidate; information cannot be entered simultaneously by more than one user; low level of security; all records are kept manually
Access A more advanced option for BDS. Has networking and search capabilities. Developed by a programmer based on company requests. The databases in this program are quite diverse, from the simplest to the oversaturated with information. Possibility of network use; the ability to search by parameters and events; some functions are automated There is no clear program standard; no protection; with a large amount of information becomes irrelevant Determined by the BDS developer
The Bat A mail program that has an “Address Book” section. You can conduct BDS in it. First, you create an address book for a specific position, enter candidates and their resumes into it. With simple settings mail program turns into a convenient tool for storing information about candidates, making it easier to work with them Allows you to create a separate cell for each candidate; there is a simple search option; you can work over the network; convenient when sending letters; allows you to enter full information about the candidate It is not specialized, therefore, with large volumes it can become littered; no special protection other than backup; there is no single database of all applicants, but only separately for each address book; resumes may be duplicated $50 license
1C: 7.7 Payroll and personnel accounting software. When modified by a programmer, it can become very interesting program with great possibilities. Required additions: search parameters and reporting Possibility of additional programming; quick search; the ability to export information to Excel; ease of use Needs adaptation to specific tasks, as it is designed only for personnel records management; For use by several specialists, a network version is required


Everyone knows how important the first impression is. In our case, it develops upon the first contact - a telephone call. By showing respect to the interlocutor, we show how important he is to us. It all starts with good manners.

Service - it is the action of helping another person. We provide a service to the candidate, on the one hand, and to the manager for whom we are hiring an employee, on the other.

You should have a clear description of the vacancy and the requirements for the candidate before your eyes. Be prepared to give him detailed information on how to find your office. The conversation with one candidate should not exceed three minutes.

When answering calls, consider the following factors.

1. Positive attitude. Attitude is a certain direction of thoughts and feelings. How you speak is just as important as what you say. Your intonation during a telephone conversation is more important than in a polite conversation. Does your voice sound interested, friendly, sincere? Or does it feel antagonism or boredom? Does it suggest that you are doing the person a favor by talking to them? We must be interested, sincere, helpful and friendly.

2. Speed. You need to pick up the phone on the third ring (if it is in tone mode). This rule has been tried in practice, and everything suggests that it would be useful to follow. When talking on the phone, don't speak too slowly or too quickly. A well-proven method in practice is to pay attention to the client’s communication speed and try to maintain the same pace on your part. This will allow you to communicate “on the same wavelength.” When communicating on the phone, you should not raise your voice or make the other person wait too long. Be polite and competent!

3. Volume your messages must reach the listener across distances. At the right volume, the listener can comfortably perceive your words without straining or moving their head away from the receiver. Make sure that the other person can hear you without making any effort. I'm sure you know what it's like to try to understand someone who is muttering something under their breath. Make sure the other person understands you correctly.

So, you have formed a list of candidates with whom you need to interview, you need to find out how interested they are in changing jobs. I use several options to invite candidates:

Phone call;

Letter to email;

SMS from a free site.

Candidates usually indicate mobile and home phone numbers on their resumes. It is better to make a call to your home phone in the evening, since during the day the candidate is at work or attending other interviews. The optimal time to call is from 19 to 22 hours.

In Appendix 3 you will find an example of telephone conversations with the candidates you found, and in Appendix 4 - with candidates who responded to the vacancy you posted.

I give examples in two versions. Option 1 is my personal life experience, based on the principles of conducting such negotiations in the Forum-NTS company, and the second - expanded - is based on the standards of negotiations in Western companies.

In Appendix 5 you will learn how to properly send offers via SMS and email.

After you have talked with the candidate by phone and clarified a number of questions, be sure to write down the information received

information. Also write down your opinion about the candidate - later you will be able to compare this data and make a decision on selecting or eliminating the applicant.

Let's look at what difficulties may arise during telephone conversations with a candidate and what needs to be done in such cases.

1. The candidate receives the same salary that you offer, but is highly qualified and wants to change jobs. Tell him about the intangible advantages of the company, and also about the fact that the payment is clarified during an interview with the immediate manager and directly depends on the candidate’s qualifications.

2. Your candidate is underqualified or, conversely, overqualified for this vacancy. You must immediately tell the candidate that your client needs a specialist with different experience. Then try to get information from him about specialists whom he can recommend. \ mind. Let the candidate know that you will definitely keep him in mind and regularly notify him of any new vacancies.

3. The candidate does not communicate well, is slow, and does not show strong interest. Perhaps he is interested, but there are serious reasons for rejecting your offer (works a long time at his place of work, it is inconvenient to get to new job, promised salary increases, etc.).

Make him feel that this work is floating away from him:

Apparently, you are perfectly arranged. I'm afraid I'll only waste time if I introduce you to my client.

..“Think about it at home. And if my offer still interests you, /call tomorrow morning - I will introduce you to my client.

The candidate has information about specialists who may apply for the vacancy, but wants to offer them the vacancy himself. Explain to him:

I have information that can influence this person's decision, but you don't.

I understand that you care about him, but keep in mind that he might not want you to know about his plans. I won't tell him how I knew his name. So how can I find it?

/ Why should you burden yourself with my work?!

Don't take away my opportunity to make someone happy.

The candidate is afraid that information about a job change may become known not only to you, but also to his managers.

Ivan Ivanovich, confidentiality is the first commandment of my profession. If I don't follow it, I'll lose all my clients. I won't do anything that could jeopardize your position.

Build trust, describe your position and provide basic information about the company:

Question:“What is the name of the company?” The candidate may tell you that he knows his industry and all the companies operating in it. He can also say that he has already been to interviews in many of them.

Answer.“The company asked for confidentiality and not to mention names until the recruiter interviewed the candidate.” Question:“How do you know my name?”

Answer.“You have received excellent feedback from someone who appreciates you and your work. “He asked that his name not be used for now.”

"My job is to find the best people in the industry. And such outstanding person“It’s not hard to find people like you.” at

"From one of our assistants whose job it is to find people like you."

At this point, the stage of initial negotiations ends, and we move on to assessing the candidate and the important stage- interview.