Information on inn. How to get an extract from the Unified State Register at the tax office using your tax identification number or order online for free

Select category 1. Business law (230) 1.1. Instructions for starting a business (26) 1.2. Opening an individual entrepreneur (26) 1.3. Changes in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (4) 1.4. Closing an individual entrepreneur (5) 1.5. LLC (39) 1.5.1. Opening an LLC (27) 1.5.2. Changes in LLC (6) 1.5.3. Liquidation of LLC (5) 1.6. OKVED (31) 1.7. Licensing of business activities (12) 1.8. Cash discipline and accounting (69) 1.8.1. Payroll calculation (3) 1.8.2. Maternity payments(7) 1.8.3. Temporary disability benefit (11) 1.8.4. General questions accounting (8) 1.8.5. Inventory (13) 1.8.6. Cash discipline (13) 1.9. Business checks (14) 10. Online cash registers (9) 2. Entrepreneurship and taxes (398) 2.1. General tax issues (25) 2.10. Tax on professional income (6) 2.2. USN (44) 2.3. UTII (46) 2.3.1. Coefficient K2 (2) 2.4. BASIC (34) 2.4.1. VAT (17) 2.4.2. Personal income tax (6) 2.5. Patent system (24) 2.6. Trading Fees (8) 2.7. Insurance premiums(58) 2.7.1. Extra-budgetary funds (9) 2.8. Reporting (82) 2.9. Tax benefits(71) 3. Useful programs and services (40) 3.1. Taxpayer legal entity (9) 3.2. Services Tax Ru (12) 3.3. Pension reporting services (4) 3.4. Business Pack (1) 3.5. Online calculators (3) 3.6. Online inspection (1) 4. Government support small business (6) 5. PERSONNEL (100) 5.1. Vacation (7) 5.10 Salary (5) 5.2. Maternity benefits (1) 5.3. Sick leave (7) 5.4. Dismissal (11) 5.5. General (21) 5.6. Local acts and personnel documents (8) 5.7. Occupational safety (8) 5.8. Hiring (3) 5.9. Foreign personnel (1) 6. Contractual relations (34) 6.1. Bank of agreements (15) 6.2. Conclusion of an agreement (9) 6.3. Additional agreements to the contract (2) 6.4. Termination of the contract (5) 6.5. Claims (3) 7. Legislative framework(37) 7.1. Explanations of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia (15) 7.1.1. Types of activities on UTII (1) 7.2. Laws and by-laws(12) 7.3. GOSTs and technical regulations (10) 8. Forms of documents (81) 8.1. Primary documents (35) 8.2. Declarations (25) 8.3. Powers of attorney (5) 8.4. Application forms (11) 8.5. Decisions and protocols (2) 8.6. LLC charters (3) 9. Miscellaneous (24) 9.1. NEWS (4) 9.2. CRIMEA (5) 9.3. Lending (2) 9.4. Legal disputes (4)

Identification of taxpayers, both individuals and legal entities, introduced in 1993. The obvious reason for this step was the need to make the accounting of tax payers in the state transparent and to facilitate the work of the tax authorities.

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The correct decoding of the term is “ taxpayer identification number" The task is achieved by assigning each tax payer a unique number to create a clear structured accounting of all enterprises and individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activity on the territory of Russia.

For what purposes may a TIN be needed?

An identifier is assigned to an enterprise at the time of registration and accompanies it throughout its existence. In accordance with its name, this number is an integral sign of a legal entity and can confirm its identity at any time. For example, if there are several companies with the same name. It is possible that they will be registered at the same address, but it is impossible for two enterprises to have the same identifying feature.

TIN for enterprises and organizations consists of ten digits: AAAABBBB10, where the first digits (AAAA) correspond to the code of the tax department that assigned this number to the legal entity, the second four digits (BBBB) correspond to the entry number in the accounting registers assigned to this and only this enterprise, the number 10 at the end is the calculated number that is displayed by a certain algorithm.

The division of the tax authority indicates the number when issuing a certificate (or sends it by mail) stating that the enterprise is registered for tax purposes. In addition, this number must be indicated in each issued tax authority document.

Thus, the TIN is universal hallmark any legal or individual. It is assigned upon creation of an enterprise and exists throughout the operation of the enterprise. Upon termination of its activities in accordance with the established procedure, this number is declared non-existent.

This indicator is necessary to clarify data about the company - a potential partner, for maintaining tax records and conducting settlement transactions, being a mandatory banking detail.

About ways to clarify the TIN of organizations

There is a significant difference between the identifier of an individual and the same for a legal entity. It consists in the fact that the TIN of individuals is personal data and is not published. The identifier of a legal entity can be made public and it is not difficult to find it, if necessary.

Information about the full details of a legal entity can be found on the Internet.

The TIN is unique for all organizations and it is possible to use it to clarify the compliance of the declared data. If it is necessary to carry out a transaction through a banking institution, you must indicate the TIN. If such information is not available, you can always check it online.

This will take much less time than calling the organization you are interested in, especially since the employee who answers the phone may not know the number you are interested in. In addition, he may accidentally or intentionally make a mistake during transmission.

An identifier by name can be obtained by visiting the nearest branch of the Federal Tax Service. Despite the fact that this data is freely available, before going to the tax office you need to take your own documents with you. To obtain the information you are interested in, you must:

  • arrive at the office of the Federal Tax Service;
  • introduce yourself by presenting documents;
  • Ask the person in charge to check the TIN of the organization you are interested in.

That's all there is to it. However, if due to some circumstances it is inconvenient or undesirable to appear at the tax office, such information can be found online and free of charge. There is a page on the Federal Tax Service website where all data about any enterprise can be obtained by its name:

  • website address;
  • You can also obtain the necessary data on the website, which belongs to the Unified Federal Register of Legal Entities.

The methods for obtaining data on both sites are the same, but the Federal Tax Service information is more complete.

The algorithm for obtaining information on these sites by name is simple:

  1. Log in to one of the specified addresses.
  2. On the Federal Tax Service website, in the “Search by” field, select “Name of legal entity.” There is no need to do this on the Federal Register website.
  3. In the “Search” field, enter the name of the company.
  4. When searching on the Federal Tax Service website, you will need to enter the number from the picture.
  5. Click the “Login” or “Search” button.

As a result, data will be obtained in which all the search words will appear. There may be several such names of organizations. The Federal Tax Service website makes it possible to narrow the search by entering additional information, for example, the address of the organization, codes, abbreviations of the form of ownership. The most reliable result can be obtained by specifying the address: region, city, etc. The bottom line is that in one region it is impossible to register two enterprises with the same name.

In this way, unambiguously correct information will be obtained.

Search by business address

You can find out the TIN and name of an organization by knowing only its address. There are also two options for this:

  1. Visit the tax office. The Federal Tax Service database contains not only tax identification numbers, names of organizations and other information, but also the addresses assigned to them. In this case it is necessary:
    • Arrive at the Federal Tax Service office.
    • Introduce yourself and present documents.
    • inform the responsible employee of the address of the enterprise and ask to clarify the TIN. The requested information will be provided.
  2. To search by address on the Internet, you need to go to the Federal Register website indicated above.
    • In the “Address” line, you must indicate the address that is available.
    • Click "Search".
    • As a result, all data about the organization located at the specified address will be displayed.

If you are not sure of the accuracy of the name of the company, but the address is known, it is better to enter it in a simplified way. Street names can be identical to the names of alleys, dead ends, etc., so it’s easy to make a mistake. You should enter an address with certain conventions, for example: “Tver Decembrists 12”, and after receiving the list possible options, choose the appropriate one based on indirect data.

If the name of the enterprise is not in the found options, you need to look at the type of activity. As a rule, this data is sufficient.

Determination of the organization's TIN according to the BIC

BIC – bank identifier. There is no direct search for this code, but finding it in a roundabout way is not difficult:

  • if there is a BIC, most likely the name of the bank is also known. It is enough to call this bank and ask to clarify the necessary data;
  • when the bank is unknown, you need to enter this code in the search engine in the form “bik........” and the system will display the name of the bank and all the details associated with this code, including the TIN.

Identifier by OGRN code

Codes and TIN are closely interconnected. Finding out the identifier by OGRN is available on the same sites as by company name. For this it is enough:

  1. Login to any of the sites listed above.
  2. If the search is carried out using the Federal Tax Service, enter the option “OGRN/TIN” in the “search by” field. Enter the OGRN code in this field.
  3. On the Federal Tax Service website, repeat the numbers from the picture.
  4. Click “Search” (“Login”).
  5. The search result will be reliable data about the organization that interests the seeker, including the TIN.

Indicating an incorrect TIN, intentionally or unwittingly, may be part of a scam when concluding contracts of one kind or another. Reasons for checking may include:

  • indication as legal address residential apartments, as a rule, businesses prefer to have their own office;
  • if the owner of an enterprise occupies several responsible positions in it, especially those related to financial liability, for example – director and chief accountant;
  • if an organization is registered immediately before the conclusion of a transaction, such an “office” may turn out to be an ordinary company – a fly-by-night company.

Search by OKPO code

It should be taken into account that this identifier is assigned only to persons, enterprises and organizations that do not form a legal entity. In this case, you can clarify the TIN of such entity. Knowing you need to request and receive within 15 minutes enterprise data and information on financial statements.

Checking the validity of the code

You can check the correctness of the identifier yourself by calculating the last two digits using the appropriate method. However, it is much more convenient to use the capabilities of the site http://www.egrul.ru_test.inn.html. To do this you need:

  • enter the TIN in the field;
  • click the “Check” button.

The system will show the result of the check. If everything is fine, you can then check all other data of the organization.

You should remember the importance of correctly indicating the TIN; you cannot save time and not check the ID of the transaction partner; this can save you from unplanned losses and troubles associated with such a situation.

Where to go to solve this problem

The above describes step-by-step actions to clarify or clarify the TIN. The choice of options is small, these are:

  • official websites of the FMS or federal register;
  • personal visit to the tax office.

On the sites you can quickly and effortlessly get full information about subjects of interest.

When visiting a Federal Tax Service office in person, you may be required to write an application for the issuance of such a certificate. You will have to wait approximately three days for a response or receive it by mail within five days. The method of obtaining a response will need to be indicated in the application.

All information of this nature is provided free of charge.

In this material, I have combined many ways to check the organizations with which you are going to cooperate. Checking a company is actually quite simple: just follow the steps according to the checklist below. Almost all of the above methods for checking companies are free.

Must be one of the most useful services. It is not for nothing that disputes continue to this day about whether the list of information provided constitutes a disclosure of tax secrets.

In the future, the service should become an effective tool for identifying ephemeral scams.

However, as of August 1, 2018 (when its full version should be launched), the service is “knocked out.” There is no time frame for restoring functionality.

One of the main services for verifying legal entities. You can search by TIN or by organization name. The service is on the website tax office and it is free to use. The result of the company search is current information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the form of an extract.

The most important thing that allows you to check the service (and what is very often ignored when concluding a deal! - which is simply a paradox) is the reality of the organization’s existence.

In the statement you can see the following information:

  • about the director;
  • about the founders;
  • date of creation of the legal entity;
  • information about reorganization, liquidation, etc.;
  • size of the authorized capital;
  • OKVED codes and other information.

An extract from the “Check yourself and your counterparty” service can also be used to join a claim in the event of a legal dispute in arbitration courts.

You can check it like this: individual entrepreneurs, and YUL.

The service allows you to “break through” the company’s debts, which have already reached the point of forced collection by the bailiff service.

Allows you to evaluate:

  • the presence and total amount of debts of the organization (and, accordingly, its relations with other companies);
  • presence of claims from the tax inspectorate, Pension Fund, etc.;
  • the likelihood of bankruptcy of a legal entity.

Through this database You can also find the debts of the director of the organization and its founders. This can also tell you a lot about them, and in some cases may have direct consequences for you (for example, challenging transactions).

Also very important files reflecting disputes in arbitration courts throughout Russia.

On the one hand, the presence of disputes in the courts is an indicator of the real activity of the company and this gives some confidence that you are not dealing with a fly-by-night company.

However, for a deeper analysis, it is better to study the most typical court decisions for a given legal entity and especially pay attention to whether there are court decisions related to its bankruptcy. Also look at how regularly your potential counterparty pays off with its partners and how demanding it is in its relations with them.

Information on the bankruptcy of legal entities is officially published in Kommersant. There you can find information not only about the fact of declaring bankruptcy, but also other information provided for by bankruptcy legislation (for example, about meetings).

Also useful in this regard is the “Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information”

A non-state service is an aggregator of court decisions of arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction. Possibility of searching by judges, by regions, by specific representatives.

The greatest usefulness is when searching for decisions of courts of general jurisdiction in relation to the director and founders of a legal entity.

The check is useful because:

  • allows you to find out whether the organization is a small or medium-sized business (in some cases this matters);
  • shows that the organization submitted reports in the last reporting period, since it is on the basis of this data that the status is assigned.

Direct usefulness, of course, for state and municipal organizations.

However, if your potential counterparty is on this “black list,” this is a reason to think about his honesty.

Despite the fact that at the top there is the inscription “Prosecutor General’s Office...”, the service shows planned and completed inspections of other regulatory and supervisory authorities (for example, labor inspection). Of course, such inspections may result in administrative suspension of activities, large fines and other penalties if violations are detected. Therefore, the service is very useful.

Useful, for example, in the case of purchasing equipment with identification numbers or cars for your organization. The information in the register is of an official nature.

In case of purchasing real estate (buildings, offices, structures), checking these registers is mandatory!

Currently, there are two essentially independent registers - the cadastre and the Unified State Register. Information about the object must be requested from both registers.

You can use both the official website and websites that are partners of Rosreestr. Through partner sites, statements can be received in no more than a few hours, through the official service - in a week.

Example of a quick statement website:

The extracts contain information about the owners, encumbrances, legal claims, as well as real (legally significant) characteristics of the object.

Of course, if a transaction is concluded for the supply of office supplies, this check is not necessary.

But it is useful if you hire a specialist to perform certain work or services (for example, a lawyer or an auditor). Allows you to verify the qualifications of the specialist.

The only problem is that the Rosobrnadzor website barely works every now and then. But maybe you'll get lucky.

This database does not yet contain all documents, but it is being updated.

Faced with an unusual situation? In our article we will tell you how to check an organization. This knowledge will not be superfluous, as sometimes it can help: find out the authenticity of the company, check the reliability of the partner. So, what data can you use to check an organization:

  1. By its name.
  2. According to the assigned TIN.
  3. By main state registration number (OGRN).

Let's look at each point in more detail.

Check by name

You can check the organization by name on the Internet. To do this, you just need to type it into a search engine; it’s rare that a company doesn’t try to appear there. Next, from the site you can find out the company’s address, its tax identification number and other data that will be useful for searching. It would also be a good idea to check on - the tax authorities’ website, enter the name of the organization and if one exists, the computer will show it. You can go to: and get information there. To check the license number of this organization, you need to follow the following links:

  • Licenses of companies hiring people to work abroad -
  • Travel agency licenses -
  • Tour operators -
  • - type the name of the organization into a search engine.

But, it is worth considering that checking a license is not 100% accurate; you should also contact the authorities that issued it for clarification.

We check by TIN

You can also check the organization’s TIN on the computer. What is an organization's TIN - this is a taxpayer identification number, that is, any organization must register with the tax office when opening. To search for our company, you need to go to the website, fill in the data known to us in the empty fields and search. Or Please note: the TIN of the organization consists of 10 digits, the individual entrepreneur - 12.

We check according to OGRN

OGRN – record number of information about the legal entity. face mostly state register. It consists of 13 digits, which have their own special meaning. You can check the OGRN of an organization on the Internet, on the federal tax website - For the same purposes, you can go to, but this service is only available for subscribers. You can also contact the tax office and send a written request asking for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about this organization. This information is not closed, the response usually comes within 6 business days.

On these sites you can not only check the presence of an organization, but also find out about other useful information: when it was founded, who is in charge, where it is located, whether the company’s address has changed or not, whether there are tax debts, whether the owner has changed or not. Sometimes this data is enough to form an initial opinion about the activities of a particular organization. And be careful, don’t be lazy to double-check the information.

When making a decision to cooperate with a company or individual entrepreneur, the question of the reliability and honesty of the Counterparty constantly arises. This applies to the situation when an Individual orders a product or service, and to the situation when a Legal Entity begins cooperation with a new Supplier / Partner / Client.

When making a payment (prepayment) for goods or services, you must clearly understand that the Supplier will fulfill all its obligations, deliver the goods or provide the service accurately and on time.

It is important to check the Counterparty and choose reliable companies to eliminate possible delivery risks poor quality goods, lack of warranty service.

For Legal entities, verification of the Counterparty is the main action to prevent financial and tax risks. The Federal Tax Service strongly recommends checking Counterparties and exercising Due Diligence using all available open and legal sources of information. The easiest way to Check a Counterparty is to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs on the tax website. To obtain more complete information, it is recommended to use the CHESTBUSINESS counterparty verification service.

On the CHESTNYBUSINESS portal, you can check for free the Contractor of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur using information from official open sources (Federal Tax Service, Rosstat, etc.)

The data on the portal is updated daily and synchronized with the service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation*.

To check the Counterparty for free by TIN / OGRN / Full Name / Name, use the search bar:

To do this, enter the company’s INN or OGRN in the search bar.

If you do not have exact details, it will be enough to enter the company name. If the name is common and your request produces a list, it is advisable to clarify your request:
. enter the company name + director's surname (for example: TEKHPROM IVANOV)
. or: company name + location (for example: TEKHPROM MOSCOW)
. or all parameters at once (for example: TEKHPROM IVANOV MOSCOW)

A brief algorithm for checking a Counterparty (how to identify a reliable Counterparty using CHESTESTNYBUSINESS.RF):

  1. The organization must exist, its status must be Active.
  2. The company should not be in the special registers of the Tax Service (FTS), otherwise a red inscription will appear on the card under the name of the company. For example:
    There is no connection with a legal entity by legal entity. address (according to the Federal Tax Service).
  3. Companies that have been operating for less than a year have increased risks (determined by the date of registration). According to statistics, every 3rd company ceases operations within the first year.
  4. The company must be located at the registered address. The company does not have to have an address mass registration. How many companies are still registered at this address is indicated in the card below the address. Bulk addresses are often used by unscrupulous or shell companies.
  5. The company's activities must coincide in meaning with the actual activities of the company.
  6. Head (director) of the company. If you know who the head of the company is, check this data. There are cases when companies are registered in the name of nominal managers, i.e. persons not participating in the activity. This is one of the main signs of unscrupulous companies.
  7. Check the number of employees. A company without own employees and the material and technical base may not fulfill its obligations.
  8. Check for registration with extra-budgetary funds. Without registration, for example with the Pension Fund, a company cannot contribute funds to the Pension Fund.
  9. Authorized capital of the company. The minimum in the Russian Federation is 10,000 rubles. The larger the authorized capital, the lower the risks when working with the Counterparty.
  10. It is also worth paying attention to Financial indicators(does not apply to companies that have existed for less than a year). Please pay attention to the articles: “Net profit (loss)” - an unprofitable company may have financial problems. The article “Fixed Assets” shows the presence of Property in the company's ownership.
  11. Particular attention must be paid to the data Arbitration Court(a separate tab in the card of a Legal Entity or Individual Entrepreneur on the CHEST BUSINESS portal). Availability of court cases for non-fulfillment of obligations and claims for collection cash to the organization being inspected, indicates the unreliability of the Counterparty.
  12. Check the FSSP data. Availability enforcement proceedings speaks of the forced collection of funds from the audited company.

We wish you to work with reliable, honest Contractors!
Convenient, comfortable work when checking Counterparties on the portal!

* Unified State Register of Legal Entities/ Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs are open and are provided on the basis of clause 1 of article 6 Federal Law dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”: Information and documents contained in state registers are open and publicly available, with the exception of information to which access is limited, namely information about identity documents of an individual . On the website ZACHESTNYYBIZNES.RF you can check the Counterparty for free and exercise Due Diligence. All instructions and requirements presented on the website ZACHESTNYYBIZNES.RF are not mandatory and are advisory in nature. Recommendations are given for possible reduction of economic risks. When concluding transactions, taxpayers must first of all take into account the provisions of the Constitution Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Due to the principle of freedom economic activity The taxpayer carries out business activities independently at his own risk. The administration of the website ZACHESTNYYBIZNES.RF is not responsible for possible economic losses/cases of lost income and does not give any guarantees or assurances to third parties.