How to make a business card yourself on a computer using programs. How to create a business card: design tips, useful services

Hello! Marat Nauruzbaev is with you. I haven’t written on the blog for a long time, there were reasons for that. In the last article, I told you how you can organize it via the Internet, and how I can provide you with assistance remotely. Today I will tell you how to make a business card on a computer yourself, without the help of special online services, where you can make a business card online and save it to your computer, but where there is usually a lot of advertising and some of the functions are paid.

A business card is needed not only for a businessman or a top manager, but also for anyone to modern man, be it an IT specialist, taxi driver, hairdresser, massage therapist, photographer, student, etc.

There are several ways to create a business card, including using the Photoshop graphic editor, the Microsoft Word text editor, online services, or using special programs.

We will consider the simplest one, I think, but effective way to make a business card - a special program called "".

Installing the Business Card Wizard program

The program is paid, but you can try it for free for the first 10 days. To download and install the program, go and click on the button “ Download the program now»

Enter your E-mail and click " Download the program now»

Distribution of the program " Business card master» will download to your computer. Let's launch it for installation by double-clicking on it with the mouse. The standard program installation wizard will launch. We select the language, accept the terms of the agreement, etc... Everything is as usual when installing a standard program...

To scroll through the pictures, click " Back" or " Forward»

Creating a business card from scratch

After installation and launch of the program " Business card master"A window will appear warning you that you are using a trial version of the program with an offer to purchase it or continue using the trial version.

Having purchased full version, You will get the following features

  • Using the program without time limits
  • Saving business cards in various formats
  • Convenient printing of business cards directly from the program
  • Free updates for all new versions
  • Prompt technical support

When you press the button Buy now» You will be redirected to the program’s website to view the program’s capabilities and purchase it. When you press the button Continue"The main program window will open with a selection of basic actions:

  • New business card – creating a new business card from scratch
  • Business card templates - creating a new business card based on ready-made templates
  • Open business card – opens a previously created business card
  • Recent business cards – open business cards from the list of recent business cards

We will create a new business card from scratch, so that you understand all the intricacies of the program and then create business cards based on ready-made templates without any problems.

In general, the program is intuitive and I think you won’t have any difficulties when creating business cards.

So, click on the button “ New business card"and let's start creating :)

Select the card type:

  • Business card– information about the organization and employee
  • Contact card (personal)– contact details of one person (freelancer, lawyer, psychologist, etc.)
  • Advertising card (corporate)– information about the company and its activities
  • Badge (identification card)– contains brief information about the employee

You and I will choose “ Business card", we have an organization, right? :) Click " Next»

In the next tab, select the card format, where you can select a standard business card 90 * 50 mm, the size of a credit card, or set the size of the business card yourself. You can also customize it to a specific cut for printing in a printing house.

Select " Standard business card 90 * 50 mm (Russia)" and click " Next»

In the next tab, select the option of creating a business card from ready-made templates or creating a business card from scratch. We don’t want our business card to be similar to others, so we’ll make it unique. Select " Business card from scratch»

In the final tab, select the composition you like or the location of data on the business card and click “ Create a business card»

We see a “raw” version of our business card in the main window of the program. Now you need to edit it the way you want.

Program " Business card master» allows you to flexibly “configure” a business card, change the background of the business card, insert pictures, swap inscriptions, adjust the size, color, fill, font style and much more...

First, let's create a new record with our data in the program database " Business card master" Yes, you heard right, the program has a database, records of which can be used to create business cards. For example, it is very convenient to use it at a company to quickly make business cards for several employees, and in different templates.

Well, to enter your data into the database, click the button “ New entry»

And we find ourselves in the window for editing database records, where you can create a new record, duplicate, delete a record, and even import from Excel.

We fill in the fields we need (full name, position, telephone, e-mail, etc.)

After filling out the fields we need, click “ Download data»

We see in the main window of the program that the layout of our business card has changed to reflect our entered data. It became more interesting and we didn’t notice how quickly time flew by :)

Now you can change the background of your business card. To do this, in the section " Project design"(on the right side) programs in the tab " Background» select background options:

  • Plain, indicating a specific color;
  • Two colors, indicating two colors in various combinations. Interesting feature, try it;
  • Texture, with the choice of a specific texture;
  • Ready, with a selection of ready-made pictures;
  • Image, with the choice of image on your computer

For now, I will show you how to make a ready-made picture from the program set as a background, and then how to change the background to any image on your computer.

So, select the option “ Ready" and click on the button " Select picture»

A window will open with a collection of pictures, divided into groups to make searching easier. Select the picture you like and click “ OK»

We see that the background of the business card has changed to the one we need. Has it gotten even more interesting?

To enable the grid, in the " Project design", in the tab " Net» select the size of the grid lines, as well as which lines (vertical and/or horizontal) to show. Click " Enable Grid»

Now let's insert a logo or picture onto our business card. To do this, at the bottom of the program in the line “ Logo"Select inserting a logo either from a file on your computer or from the program directory. For example, choose “ From the catalog", click the image you like and press " OK»

We see that the picture is inserted into our business card template in the center. We move it to the right place by simply clicking on the picture with the left mouse button and without releasing the mouse button, we move the image to the place we (or you 🙂) need...

Now let's edit the size, color and position of our inscriptions in the business card template. To do this, click on the inscription on the business card that interests us and in the section “ Project design", in the tab " Text» set the text format. You can change the font, size, font style, change the text fill to a specific color, gradient or texture. You can rotate text, apply an outline, shadow, and create a transparency effect.

Experiment and achieve the text format you like...

Then we select the next inscription and set our format for it...

Also, don’t forget to move the inscriptions on the business card layout as needed. This is where the “ Net” which we have included above.

By clicking on the inscription we need, we move it to the place we need without releasing the mouse button...

After formatting all the inscriptions, I don’t know about you, but I ended up with a business card like this

Now, as promised, let's look at how to insert “ my” picture as the background of the business card.

The program has the ability to insert a picture from its own directory or from a file. We will consider both options. If you create many different business cards, then it is easier to use an image from the program catalog. Let's copy our own image file to the program's image directory so that we don't have to constantly search for where this file is located.

To do this, we look for a picture on the computer, you can first find it on the Internet, and copy it by right-clicking on it and selecting “ Copy»

Next, paste this file into the folder Pictures programs " Business card master" Typically this folder is located at this path: C:\Program Files\MasterVizitok\Data\Images\Pictures. Go to this folder and right-click on an empty space, select “ Insert»

Now our picture is in the program directory. Now in the program " Business card master", in the section " Project design", in the tab " Background"select" Select picture»

In the new window select “ Other images", look for our copied picture, select it and click " OK»

We see how the background of our business card has changed

You can customize this background by clicking on the " Adjusting brightness and contrast»

By moving the brightness and contrast sliders left and right, we achieve the optimal background color and click “ Apply»

Now let’s insert the image not from the program catalog, but directly into our business card template. Let's insert, for example, our photo into a business card.

Note: In order for the picture to “merge” with the background of our business card, the inserted pictures need to have a transparent background and be in .PNG

To do this, in the main program window, click the “ Add a picture" and select " Picture from file»

Select the image file, namely the file of our photo, and click “ Open»

The photo was inserted into the layout of our business card. Move it to the place we need

Now we can edit this picture a little, namely crop it, make it black and white, flip it horizontally/vertically, and adjust its transparency. In my case, I reflected it horizontally and made it a little more transparent...

If you wish, you can add the final “touch” to our business card - we’ll make it in a frame. To do this, in the section " Project design", in the tab " Background"put a tick in the line " Use frame" Choose a frame color from the standard set or use an eyedropper and copy any color from the one available on your screen

As a result, I ended up with a business card like this. I removed my photo from the business card because it doesn’t look very good :) Not a masterpiece of course, but I like it. You might do better...

I got an idea! Let's post the templates of business cards you created on the blog or in my social group. networks! And the author better work will receive from me a small prize in the amount 300rub. What do you think of the idea? Write below in the comments what you think about this and do you want to participate?

Saving and printing business cards

A message will appear indicating that the saving was successful in the category “ My templates” in the business cards catalog

Now you can save your business card to a file PDF or JPG in the same menu " File" I immediately save the layout for printing, because it can immediately place several business cards on one sheet of paper. To do this, in the menu “ File» select « Save layout for printing»

We set the layout settings according to our preferences and click “ Save»

We choose in which format we will save. I usually save in two formats: " FormatPDF"And " FormatJPG, 100% quality»

Voila! Our business card files have been created. Now you can copy them to a flash drive and print them in some studio on a color printer.

If you have a printer, you can print the business cards you create directly from the program. To do this, in the menu “ File» select « Business cards printing»

We set the print layout settings in accordance with our preferences and click “ Seal»

It is better to print on paper with a density of at least 250 g/m2. Or print it on any paper, but then laminate it somewhere and then cut it into separate business cards.


Well, you and I have learned how to create business cards in the program “ Business card master" We created a business card from scratch, mastering the skills of editing captions and inserting objects into a business card template. Creating business cards using templates in this program is done in a similar way. In addition, in this program you can create reverse side business cards. I reviewed the main functions of the program in detail. It seems to me that the program performs its main function of creating business cards perfectly!

Here is my video on how to make a business card on a computer yourself


There is not always the desire, time and opportunity to contact a printing house with a small order. If you have a printer and minimal design skills, you can do everything yourself. We will tell you how to make a business card yourself and print it at home.

It all starts with preparing the layout and choosing paper. Any home production imposes restrictions on the choice of consumables. Plastic/plexiglass is not suitable for home business card printing. You need light paper: the printer does not print with white ink, text and numbers will not be visible on a dark background.

When printing with an inkjet printer, do not use coated paper or coated cardboard - the ink will bleed. To avoid damaging the printer, choose paper that weighs no more than 350 g/m². For comparison: regular office paper has a density of 80-120 g/m².

The next stage is choosing a design (background, font, graphic elements). Follow the principle of the golden mean. When creating business card designs for company employees, it is better not to be creative. Give preference to a restrained style; excessive pretentiousness is not welcome.

The fonts on the business card must match the same style

The classic order of information is as follows:

  1. Logo (for government agencies - coat of arms and flag).
  2. Company name.
  3. Last name and initials of the owner.
  4. Position held.
  5. Contact information.

Five to seven years ago it was believed that good cards were double-sided. This is a relic of the past. The reverse side is needed for notes/notes. Another mistake is mirroring information in Russian and English.

Foreign and domestic partners must feel an individual approach. If you also work in the international market, order two sets of business cards.

Photos on the card are not recommended. According to psychologists, image visualization is a distracting factor. Focus on coordinates and type of activity.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a business card layout in MS Word

You can create a business card layout yourself or in an online designer using ready-made templates. This can also be done in a regular text editor, MS Word. To do this:

  • create new document;
  • draw a table with the following parameters: two columns, five rows;
  • select the table and go to its properties to adjust the height and width - standard size is 9x5 cm;
  • Enter personal information in the table rows.

This is the easiest way to make a business card with your own hands. The result is obtained without claims to originality, but for its purposes it is quite suitable.

This is what a simple business card layout looks like in Word:

To design a card at a professional level, contact specialists (by the way, we have material on how to choose a printing house) or use special software or web services.

Top 6 popular designers

There are services online that allow you to make your own business card. These are programs that are installed on a computer, online services, plug-ins for graphic editors. Paid and free, Russian and English.

Paid programs have demo versions with reduced functionality or a limited period of operation. Before purchasing, test their capabilities and choose the one that suits you.

The information that should be on the business card is placed on a ready-made template or you choose the color, font, and location of information blocks yourself.

Let's look at the six simplest and most popular services:

  1. "Card holder." Russian-language online service for making business cards yourself. Cards are stored in account user, accessible from any device: PC, smartphone, tablet.
  2. Business Card Generator. English-language service with the ability to create cards in Russian. No registration required. The user selects an image (gives a link to the logo), font size and type, and enters information. The service generates a file in .pdf format and offers to print or save it.
  3. Editor.printdesign. One of the popular paid business card designers. Supports printing in standard, vertical and euro format. It is unique in that it allows you to order images and emblems. That is, you can create an exclusive logo directly on the website.
  4. OffNote. Web service with a clear interface. Its special feature is the ability to save layouts in .png, .doc, .pdf formats.
  5. "Business Card Master" A program with many customizable parameters: 150 templates, the ability to select backgrounds, graphics, fonts. The finished file is saved in the database. Convenient cropping, print option directly from the menu.
  6. Easy Card Creator Express. Program with preview option. Compatible with most printers on the market, regularly updated (the list of its own original effects/styles is expanding).

Business card layout in Easy Card Creator Express

Business cards format

Standard format for Russia business cards- 90x50 mm. There are no strict requirements for its compliance. At the same time, business accessories (business card holders, purses, notebooks) are oriented towards this standard. By printing cards at a different size, you may create inconvenience for those you give them to.

In Europe the standard is 85x55 mm. For partners from EU countries, we recommend making business cards of this size. Americans order cards measuring 88.9x50.8 mm, Japanese - 91x55 mm.

When printing business cards, add 2-3 mm for trimming

What to print on?

In this case, printing is not necessary. The cards are printed at home using a printer. It could be:

  1. Laser. Advantages: good color rendition, excellent performance. Disadvantages: high cost, inability to use a relief base - toner does not adhere to it.
  2. Jet. Advantages: low cost of printing, relative cheapness of the printer itself. Flaws: low speed, printing on coated paper requires special ink.

To obtain high-quality business cards you need a printer with high resolution(for example, 5760x1440). It can be color balanced and printed with waterproof ink. Suitable equipment models: Epson Stylus Photo P50, Epson Stylus Photo R2000, HP Photosmart 385.

The Epson Stylus Photo R2000 will print both business cards and bright photos with cats

Laminating business cards at home

Business cards are laminated to extend their service life, add gloss, and make them presentable. To perform the procedure at home you will need:

  • transparent film with adhesive backing;
  • stationery knife.

The film is cut to A4 format and business cards are carefully glued. It doesn’t always work out the first time, but with experience the process is underway easily. When laminating with thermal film, you will need an iron or soldering iron.

The process is shown in the video:


  • Business cards can be printed at home.
  • Layouts are created in computer programs and online services, use the text editor MS Word.
  • When choosing a printer, you need to focus on the weight and type of paper it can print on.
  • Business cards are printed on laser and inkjet printers. The latter are preferable for small runs.
  • Lamination extends the life of a business card.

Using Microsoft Word, you can not only view and edit text documents, but also create colorful business cards for yourself and your company. For this, the program has everything: a set of templates, tools for text processing and graphics. Therefore, if you are interested in how to make a business card and do not want to overpay for designer services, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the methods self-creation cards in Microsoft Word 2010. The method will be relevant for versions 2007, 2013 and 2016.

The main task of a business card is to convey information to the client, which should be easy to read and concise. It is at this moment that all people make the mistake of filling a tiny piece of paper with a cloud of information that, in fact, is not needed at all.

On a business card of one tone (preferably), which must match the color of the products offered, you must indicate your full name. person or company name, company logo and position of the person, address, phone number and e-mail. Writing an advertisement costs only back side business cards and only if necessary.

When designing a business card, you should use the following recommendations:

  • You should not use more than 2 fonts on one business card;
  • The font must match the color of the background color or logo. A deviation of one tone is allowed;
  • Font size – 10-14 (tp). Smaller letters will not be seen by clients, large ones will merge with the picture.

Only by correctly choosing the color and font of a business card can a person count on the fact that it will at least be read.

Working with standard business card templates

Any version of Microsoft Word has ready-made business card templates. Let's look at how to create business cards using them.

  • Open a text document. Click “File”, “Create”, select “Business cards”.
  • Next, you need to select the “Template Samples” category, where you can see an example of business card design.

  • After reviewing, you can edit the template or start creating your own business card.

Creating a business card using ready-made templates

To create a business card, you should complete the first step indicated above. Next you need to select a category. We will look at an example using templates from the “Cards” section.

Here we are looking for a suitable layout. If the ready-made templates do not suit you, go to the Microsoft website and download new ones.

Click “Download” and double-click to open the document.

The document will have a set of identical templates available for editing. If you click on each of the elements, the boundaries of the blocks will be displayed. We enter our data.

Since each of the blocks will have to be duplicated, we recommend using the copy and paste functions.

The finished sheet of business cards can be printed and cut.

How to create business cards using tables?

To create a business card own design You can use tables in Microsoft Word. The instructions for performing the actions are as follows.

  • Go to the “Page Layout” tab and select “Margins”. We select “Narrow”, which is most suitable for creating tables.

  • Next you need to create cells that will serve as business cards. The optimal quantity would be 10 pcs. business cards on one sheet. Therefore, we create a table of 2 columns and 5 cells. To do this, click “Insert”, “Table”. Next, either click “Insert” or draw a table.

  • Left-click on the mark at the bottom of the page and stretch the table across the entire sheet so that you get 10 identical cells.

  • Right-click on the corner of the document and select “Table Properties”.

  • In the “String” tab, set the height to 5 cm.

  • In the “Column” tab, set the width to 9 cm.

  • Now, in order to remove the indents that are created automatically when creating a table, in the “Table Properties” in the “Table” tab, click on the “Options” button.

  • In the new window you need to set the value “0” for all fields. Only after performing these steps will the text be positioned evenly in each cell.

  • Now let's move on to creating the business cards themselves. If you plan to add a company logo or some kind of picture, then you should insert it first. It is advisable that the picture does not have a background.

  • Using markers, place the image in the cell of the business card. Next, right-click on the image and select “Text Wrap” and click “Behind Text.” Enter the text.

  • You can also change the font color and background. To change the font color, select the text and click on the “Change text color” button.

  • The fill color can be changed using a special button.

  • After filling out the business card with the data, you can click the “Save” or “Print” button.

The business card is ready. In this way you can make cards for any purpose, not only business cards, but also invitations and discount coupons.

For information on how to create business cards in Word, watch the video:

Of course, I personally will never use Word for this. Firstly, because a Word document is not suitable for professional printing, and secondly, the program’s tools are not suitable for graphic designer. But perhaps these facts do not bother you and you decided to make a business card yourself and print it on your home printer.

Making a business card in Word.

  1. Making a background for a business card

Everything is simple here. First, create a new document, click: “insert” -> “drawing”. We choose from those available on your computer or download from the Internet.

  1. Set the dimensions.

Right-click on the background image and select “size”.

I advise you to proceed from generally accepted standards and make the size 9 cm by 5 cm.

  1. We place the text.

In order to position the text, we need to go: “insert -> inscription”.

The text area is highly customizable and we can see the settings options in the window below, as shown in the screenshot.

Set up the text area and enter information.

Then we remove white background and change the color of the letters - this is done very simply.

Please note that no one will undertake to print such a product for you and the only option for you is to print on your own printer at your own peril and risk. Due to the fact that Word is not intended for these purposes at all, it is worth thinking: “is it necessary”?

Making a business card online

The need for business cards is only growing, and therefore there are now a lot of online programs to create business cards. You can also download small applications or business card templates for this purpose. In order to find the necessary editor, just enter in a search engine: “business card wizard free download” or something like that.

In this article I will look at several possible options to create business cards online and then download the layout to your computer for printing.

MS Word makes it possible not only to execute and prepare office documents.

Using built-in Word templates and their usual elements on a special panel, you will be able to create various kinds documents, including cards for yourself or any company.

Microsoft Word contains all the parameters necessary for this, with which you can approach the creation of business cards.
After the listed methods and techniques, you will not even need special programs and agencies for creating business cards.

1. Select a background and texture for a business card in Word

Most of the time when creating postcards, cards or business cards is spent on design.

Typically, textures and other background images, including fonts and so on, take a very long time to select. All these elements must be combined and complement each other as much as possible.

Choosing a color for the background is far from just adding your favorite shade to the background.

How to choose a business card color, general rules and orientation:
- consider the audience for whom business cards are made;
- take into account the fact that the color must correspond to the activity or product;
- consider the meaning of the chosen shade and its perception by a person.

As a rule, a business card is small in size, which means it is best to avoid using many colors and textures with text.
All information is presented in a clear form. Enter the name of the organization, the name of the representative of the organization, his position, enter the address, contact information and company logo.

Font selection and text placement

You should use the following guidelines when choosing text and fonts:
- You should not use more than two different fonts. It is advisable to write inscriptions in the same style so that people are not distracted;
- you can use "font families" to match each other various shapes characters;
- the color of the text (font) should “look” or contrast with the shade or image on the background of the business card;
- the size of the letters must be acceptable, from 10 to 14 fonts.

2. Use Word templates

Each version of Word includes a certain number of ready-made templates for creating certain elements: business cards, title pages, postcards, advertising brochures, etc.

To go to the built-in templates for creating business cards, go to "Create".

Find the "Recommended" tab and select the desired document type and overall design from the suggested recommendations. Click on it and open it in a new Word window.

Most often, the design of business cards is located entirely on the sheet, about 8 - 10 copies per A4 sheet.

3. Use of ready-made templates and their additional loading

If some templates are missing in Word, or they don’t exist at all, go to the official Microsoft website and download them.

The business cards required for us can be found in a special section on the official website "Cards"

A Microsoft Word user can access these databases online. To do this, enter the program and try to create a document by selecting the "Cards" tab

Of course, to perform this action you will need an Internet connection. Wait a while for existing designs to load into a specific category.

Select the required design from the list provided and create a document using the corresponding button.

The file is now opened in the required mode. In this mode you can correct and change the business card to your liking

To use a pre-thought-out, that is, completely ready-made design from the Internet, you should download a template, which is usually located in the .doc or .docx extension. You can open this type of file in any version of Word.

Download and then open the required template, make all the necessary amendments to the information that is already on the business card.

After changing all the necessary items, you can proceed to printing the document.

Advice: To ensure that the basic page parameters are not violated during printing, it is best to save business cards in PDF format.

The great advantage of working with standard templates is their versatility and versatility. They can be used on any version of MS Word.

If not all fonts are installed on your PC, then only certain inscriptions may look different.

4. Tables for creating business cards in Word

In order to create a new business card yourself, without a template, you can use regular tables, or create a special element in the “Canvas” mode.
We will look at this method.

Word 10, 13, 16 instructions

Before creating, set the required document markup. To do this specifically, click on the "Layout" tab. Next, select all the required field options. In the next drop-down list, select "Narrow".
The type provided is best for postcards and cards.

Now draw or create a table consisting of two columns and five rows.

The table you create will become the outline for your cards. Extend the created table to cover the entire sheet.

Go to the "Properties" of the table and set the height to 5 cm and width to 9 cm.

We remove indents that were automatically set after creating the table. You need to remove them so that the labels are displayed evenly in each cell.

Go to properties, and then table parameters. For margins you need to set the value to "0 cm". Save your changes.

Now let's create the text of the business cards. But first, align all the characters using a ruler in Word

The text can be set in the business card field at your discretion.
To create a background, right-click on an empty cell. And then open the special “Fills” window and select the best background.

To add a logo or pictures to the business card field, you need to use the “Insert” tab, and then select a picture or shapes.

To repeat (copy) an already created design, select the table and use the copy keys CTRL + C to paste it into the remaining rows using the key combination CTRL + P.

The logo will have to be moved to a separate cell.

Creation Word business cards 2007

To create business cards in Word 2007, you need to go to the “page layout” tab. Select "Margins", and then select "Narrow Margin".