Detailed horoscope for February Aquarius woman.

This month the luminaries are quite favorable to you. The sun is in your sign, Jupiter is shining brightly, so get ready for a new career turn!

Work, career. Aquarius February 2017

Of course, you are far from perfect, but clear progress in business is possible in February. Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries are intensified, it is possible have a nice trip. People you haven't seen in quite a while will appear on your horizon. for a long time. In addition, February will bring many new acquaintances. It will be difficult for you to navigate this abundance of different contacts, and the stars give you advice - calmly build cooperation with your previous partners, they are stable and reliable. And carefully analyze the proposals of new colleagues, keeping in mind the proverb “All that glitters is not gold.” Remember that cooperation with old partners can be modernized and put on a more modern platform. Despite positive changes, February can bring a number of problems. Yes, they will get a sequel conflict situations last month, and the most painful moments will occur in the first and last ten days of the month. Entrepreneurs and bosses are likely to have conflicts with inspection authorities, and those who have escaped such misfortunes may once again let down partners from other cities or countries. Nothing new is expected here, so assess the situation and act accordingly. This month you have more room for maneuver.

Money. Aquarius February 2017

Financial positions this month are quite stable, and solar eclipse February 26 may bring enough a large sum. Or maybe more than one. You can get good money on February 8, 9, 16, 17.

Love, family. Aquarius February 2017

There are so many opportunities in the romantic sphere that you can feel overwhelmed by the abundance of choices. What could be more interesting than a new love affair? Old love unexpectedly resurrected again? You will spend most of the month in these thoughts. In fact, both are possible. As a possibility, this is probably very pleasant, but in real life may cause too much trouble. Of course, you can sit on two chairs, but you can’t build a future on it. Relations with relatives are noticeably intensified, but in the first and last ten days of the month, fermentation between different clans of your relatives is possible. There will be nothing new here, the problems of past months will simply continue. It is possible to travel and meet with relatives living in other cities or countries.

Aquarians are among those zodiac signs that are always open to new acquaintances and meetings. They are constantly in the spotlight. In February 2017, Aquarians will especially intensify their forces in order to recharge as much as possible a large number positive emotions. Men and women born under the sign of Aquarius will spend last month winters are very active. In order not to have to regret rash actions and direct your energy in the right direction, you should look at the exact love horoscope for February 2017.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for February 2017

Representatives of the Aquarius sign sincerely believe that February will not only pamper them with romantic acquaintances, amazing flirting and wonderfully spent days. They dream that February will bring into their lives the very feeling that poets write about - love. No matter how active and open Aquarians value freedom, their heart requires tenderness and affection. Most of the loving representatives of this sign are confident that they will find the courage to bring forward the long-awaited event that their friends and relatives are looking forward to. Love horoscope for February 2017 does not exclude the possibility that it is during this period that Aquarius will have a fateful acquaintance, which will certainly end in a wedding.

The stars are also in a hurry to console lonely Aquarius, promising that a favorable period will begin very soon for them and it will be possible, without fear of a breakup, to build strong and lasting relationships. February will give Aquarius a unique opportunity to win the heart of their beloved: they just need to put in a little effort.

The family horoscope for February is in a hurry to reassure married Aquarians. For them, this month will be marked by a long-awaited thaw in relationships. The couple will finally be able to find a compromise and the fire of feelings will burn with renewed vigor.

Love horoscope for Aquarius woman for February 2017

Aquarius women and girls, although they do not suffer from a lack of male attention, still try to support them exclusively friendly relations. February intends to use her romantic charms to melt the hearts of unapproachable beauties. Unexpectedly for them, a fateful acquaintance will occur in mid-February, after which the life of Aquarius girls will never be the same as before. Most likely, it will be love at first sight. From this moment on, new tender feelings, passion, and flirting will appear in the life of Aquarius. They'll love to enjoy it so much new life that very soon their couple will have serious conversations about marriage.

Lonely girls born under the sign of Aquarius will want to sort out the rubble at work in February and completely forget about their personal lives. But the stars dare to intervene here too, and an unexpected meeting in the park with an old acquaintance turns into an exciting romance. So Aquarius beauties should keep themselves in excellent shape every day in order to be fully prepared when a fateful meeting occurs.

For Aquarius women who are married, February 2017 will allow them to enjoy the most romantic period. This time is favorable for family vacations, so as soon as possible you need to pack your bags and go on a trip. The love horoscope for February predicts a wonderful time for the spouses. And since February is not the best for Aquarius good month For career growth, then it’s not worth wasting your precious time on it. It is better to immerse yourself in family life.

Love horoscope for an Aquarius man for February 2017

Aquarius men have been trying to please their significant other in every possible way for several months now. In February, their efforts will finally be noticed and appreciated. A favorable period will come for the Aquarius couple. This is a good time to make plans for the future and share dreams.

In February, the feeling of loneliness will forever leave the heads of Aquarius men, and they will be able to completely immerse themselves in love experiences. The old romance will finally stop bothering them and it’s time to start a new one. The stars recommend that Aquarius take a closer look at their immediate surroundings in February. Perhaps among them is their long-awaited and true love.

The love horoscope for February for family Aquarius men will give you the opportunity to even remember what flirting is and real passion. The other halves will surround the spouses with such attention and tenderness that Aquarians will forget about the whole world.

Aquarians do not expect outside help, and Aquarius recognizes the horoscope for February 2017 as correct only because it has a strong confidence in personal strength. The success of any business is possible if you understand the situation in detail and take responsibility for its solution.

You are more focused than ever, and this should be used to prove your competence to others - this is a chance to get promoted, achieve new heights and choose the right way in solving problems with the opposite sex.

You can convince and try to use this gift of yours in the right direction in February. If you are in sales, the time has come to try new forms of communication with the customer, you may want to present yourself differently new project, or solve the problem in a completely different way than always. You can be an innovator, you can choose your own path and even see a new niche in which you can develop a business - go for it and don’t look back at past mistakes, don’t listen to advice from incompetent people, if you have experience or understanding of the situation in this area.

Do not spare time for your family, children, they will support you in everything more than ever, go in for sports together, relax together, bring them up to date, share new ideas, and you will be surprised by unexpected advice or a new idea.

It's time to think about your health and physical fitness. Don’t put off going to the doctors, especially since you already feel that it’s time to treat chronic diseases.

Health and sports

You can deny that it’s time to take care of yourself, you can claim that you are no less strong in spirit than in body, but there are all the signs of ill health on your face.

Chronic diseases should have been stopped last year, but now is the time when you will be successfully treated. Do not delay going to the doctor if you have cardiovascular diseases, if you suffer from allergies or if you suspect one.

Do not rush to self-medicate, as you will only make things worse. Under no circumstances take medications without discussing with your doctor, and do not prescribe treatment for yourself. Avoid antibiotics. Back pain may well turn out to be heart pain, and as soon as you feel any kind of ailment, do not wait, ask for help.

Sports and quitting smoking are what will get you in great shape. In February, all opportunities are open to you; if you start playing sports in February, it will stay with you for a long time. Limit alcohol and very high-calorie foods, at least until April, your body should now work to renew itself.

Love and relationships

Aquarius's love horoscope for February 2017 can be viewed differently, but the result of any of his attempts to make changes in his personal life will only be disappointment. If you want change, it's worth waiting. You are not ready, you are not confident, it is just a desire or even a whim.

Now you should stay in a relationship in which you are confident and know, stable and simple, albeit boring, as it seems to you. This is not the time to change your life. You will deeply regret if you decide to divorce or break ties with the person who is now with you. Your thoughts are purely a whim, and you yourself will understand this at the end of February.

Be sincere with the person close to you, try to correct mistakes, find reasons for dissatisfaction, but under no circumstances break off the relationship.

Free Aquarians in February are prone to tossing and going to extremes. Control yourself, don't let your emotions lead you. You must be reasonable, first of all.

Don’t believe gossip, don’t tell people you don’t know about yourself, don’t rush to trust in everything. The moment will come when you will realize that you closed your mouth in time.

Finance and shopping

This month is the time for serious, expensive purchases that you have been planning for a long time. You will be able to evaluate all the shortcomings and choose the right option, do not rush into buying expensive equipment second-hand, compare prices and risks, most likely you will have to turn to professionals who will recommend a really high-quality item.

Cars and real estate can be purchased on credit and a mortgage, but choose carefully and do not settle for the first option.

If you want to invest money, do not agree to new projects, do not sponsor someone else's business. Your money should work only for you. Otherwise, you will redirect the financial flow in someone else’s direction, and for a long time you will not be able to turn it in your direction.

If you borrow money, do not be lazy to draw up this agreement, since there is a possibility of ruining the relationship. Don’t be afraid to ask, the main thing is to explain why you need money and clearly fulfill all obligations.

Don't skimp on your health; most likely you will have to pay for treatment, and this will be the most profitable investment. Do not rush to buy medications yourself, even if you have already had to treat this disease, because most likely you will need to buy completely different medications.

Career and business

The horoscope for Aquarius for February 2017 is, first of all, the direction of his activities in the field of business development, or strengthening his importance, strengthening himself in the workplace as a professional.

It is worth paying attention to your colleagues who reach out to you, try to be useful, and give advice. Most likely, they are interested in joint success, but it cannot be ruled out that they want to “rake the coals with someone else’s hands.” Be careful what you say, don't reveal all your plans, be self-reliant above all, and if you need help, turn to outside experts.

You can start a new business in a completely new direction, you can change your job, but it’s better to try to develop what you have, open up new opportunities for your business, and expand in new directions.

Don’t stand still, don’t waste time, February is a month of guaranteed bountiful harvest if you get down to business, study new trends, and decide to invest.

Creative Aquarians can, without fear, try themselves in new role, in a new business, and most likely it will be quite profitable. Don’t be afraid to go to the publishing house, show your work, but be careful with the issue of copyright, be sure to protect yourself from the possibility of being copied.

Aquarius men

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius - a man may sincerely not understand, and only because there are some notes of antagonism in him. But this will not last long, as he will have to understand that everything depends only on him. The main thing is not to let too much time pass, otherwise you will face a deadline. And it will be very disappointing that you had so many chances and did not take advantage of them.

Everything is great at work, but if you get a little more involved in your work, you will develop that enthusiasm that will help you become one of the most promising employees. There will be a person in your life who will provide protection, and until next summer your finances will be in that unshakable state. There will come a time for you when you can decide to make purchases you never dreamed of. But such a chance will only be given to those who show that they can rely on it.

On love front calm and even some distrust of the surrounding ladies. There is a desire for new, bright, turbulent relationship, and maybe you will have an affair with a completely new, hitherto unknown woman. It will only break you, make you weaker, and you will lose a lot of time understanding what you really want.

Don’t make hasty moves, don’t strive to be useful and interesting to everyone, and believe in your strength.

Women - Aquarius

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius - a woman opens with surprise, but listens and adjusts her financial situation by the end of February.

You think that there is no chance of achieving the maximum, but in fact, you talk about it too much, and thus all your energy goes into discussion and analysis. It’s as if you are living this and are already achieving success, but only in your imagination, but in real events and you no longer have the strength to act. Therefore, get down to business more decisively, even if there are some difficulties, but having studied the essence more deeply, you will become a professional.

In your personal life, you will be pleased with some shift towards peace, and you will want changes. Relationships that drag on and interfere with your development, freedom of communication, and self-expression will sooner or later end on their own, but in February you should not start changes, as you may make a mistake and lose something important.

Trust your family, do not look for deception and signs of betrayal. You now have a mistrust of many, but your loved ones should not suffer for this reason. This feeling will leave you, but you may not return your relationship with them to the established one, which for a long time was built exclusively on trust and love.

For Aquarius, February 2017 will be an original month in many ways, although situations will likely arise when it will be necessary to act according to an already existing and clearly established template. Saturn, one of your key patrons in the celestial band, will be strong enough to completely block negative impact Mars, who will decide to prevent your victory on any fronts in life. In terms of work, this means that suddenly you will feel that the situation has changed radically. This will happen approximately at dawn in the second ten days of the month. Around the same time, the “love front” will also undergo significant metamorphoses, although here the priorities will be fundamentally different. Overall, this month can be extremely successful for you if you are ready to face the circumstances. No significant problems are expected, but delays and slowdowns in the implementation of projects may occur. The sun will suddenly stop helping you, so in the work area you should clearly not establish too close relationships with management, but in the area of ​​personal relationships, on the contrary, distancing will be a mistake. In both cases, the outcome can be very unpredictable, so you need to act thoughtfully.

In February 2017, Aquarius is unlikely to have any fundamentally new opportunities in terms of work; rather, old positions will reveal themselves in a new way. This especially applies to your relationships: be attentive to those around you. Now the winners will be those who have the most complete and extensive information base. In general, the dynamics will now fade into the background, although in no case should you stop without a real reason. However, analytical issues, cooperation and deep planning will play the first fiddle. If we're talking about about implementing a new project, you need to think very carefully about all the risks and probabilities. Nothing complicated, just don't chase two birds with one stone. A competent approach will allow you to permanently increase the profitability of your business. If Aquarius does not work for himself, then he will have the opportunity to change the situation in the most dramatic way. Simply put: maybe it's time to open your own business? Not necessarily right now, but February could be an important month for project development. Although there is some risk here. Because of the position of the Sun, you should not talk too much about your plans. How more people If he knows about it, so much the worse. In short, keep your mouth shut and don’t rush to recruit a team of potential partners.

The sphere of feelings and emotions in February 2017 will require a careful but prompt approach from Aquarius. Now, under no circumstances should you rely on relationships that cause you doubts, even the smallest ones. Don’t delay resolving issues that arise “here and now.” This is a successful time, extremely successful in preventing any family conflicts. It is not necessary to spend as much time as possible with your family; it will be enough to communicate in a timely manner with those household members who may become a source of conflict. Under no circumstances should you “disown” problems in which you, in theory, should not be involved at all. If you see a real opportunity to help, you need to do it. The second month of 2017 will help lonely Aquarians seriously reconsider their positions in life and, perhaps, will lead them to a situation from which there will be only one way out - hand in hand with the one (or the one) whom you call your “soul mate”. A significant nuance is that solar energy, as already noted, will not take the most favorable position in relation to your sign. This means that evening and night time will be the most successful. During the day, it is better to avoid bright, dramatic manifestations of feelings. And don’t rush to plunge headlong into the pool; control yourself, otherwise you may find yourself in a difficult situation.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for February 2017 for the zodiac sign Aquarius, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Aquarius sign: Personal horoscopes for the Aquarius sign:

In February, Aquarius will have a hard time, because it is at this time that the patron planet will make certain demands on them, which not everyone will be able to fulfill. Will stress affect the love life of representatives of this zodiac sign? You can find out everything related to the romantic feelings of Aquarius in February 2019 in the accurate love horoscope.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for February 2019

In February, people of the Aquarius sign will feel the powerful support of the stars in matters of the heart. On the love front, they will not have any negative events, with the exception of a number of difficulties that can be resolved as quickly as possible. short terms. Aquarians will feel that something needs to change in their relationships with their significant other and this should be done as soon as possible. In February, representatives of the sign will be able to improve the situation in their personal lives, surprising their chosen ones with resourcefulness and ingenuity.

February 2019 will seem good for Aquarius for making new acquaintances. It is at this time that all opportunities will open up for people of this sign. In February, Aquarians will be able to realize their long-standing plans, which will help them become an enviable match.

This February, Aquarius will be able to visit many new places thanks to romantic dates. Throughout the month, the most important way to distract yourself from life problems for Aquarius there will be a love sphere. In February, representatives of the sign will be able to gain strength while being with their family or close to their spouses, spending time with their loved ones.

There are also those Aquarians who will be a little less lucky just because of the absence of a loved one nearby. The love horoscope encourages them not to despair. Temporary separation will benefit the couple, and very soon the relationship will move to a fundamentally different level. Minor adversity awaits only those Aquarius who have not yet found happiness in love. For now, the stars only predict the possibility of dating and flirting.

Love horoscope for Aquarius woman for February 2019

What awaits Aquarius women in February greatest success among other zodiac signs. Throughout the month, girls will feel the admiring glances of the opposite sex. The love horoscope predicts many invitations to dates, surprises, flowers and sweet gifts for them.

In February, luck will not bypass those Aquarius girls who have the status of faithful wives. The love astrological forecast promises them that there will be no adversity in family relationships will not arise. The only thing Aquarius women should avoid is showing dissatisfaction. They will need to constantly encourage their husbands and, as far as possible, not notice their occasional mistakes.

The most exciting time will begin for Aquarius brides. Contrary to expectations, February will not bring them fatigue and will not make them feel exhausted. On the contrary, the stars will not be stingy in showering Aquarius girls with energy so that preparations for the wedding go even better.

Love horoscope for an Aquarius man for February 2019

Spotlight on Aquarius men in February this year feelings and emotions will become. They have to worry and doubt a lot before becoming truly happy. The horoscope recommends that Aquarius men work on their self-esteem. Otherwise, all the chances that the stars give them in February will remain unused.

In the middle of the month, Aquarius will be able to focus on their goal of winning the heart of their beloved girl. There is no need to put things off for a long time; it is best to invite your beloved to marry you as soon as possible. In February, the chances of getting a positive answer are extremely high.

The last month of winter will be successful for Aquarius in terms of dating. A bright streak will also begin for those who have already tied the knot. As for intimacy, the stars promise to make it frequent and colorful. That is why February will be remembered for a long time by the courageous wards of Uranus.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for other months of 2019