Actor Nikita Panfilov: personal life, wife, children photo. Nikita Panfilov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Nikita Panfilov with his wife Ksenia

Russian theater and film actor, who became popular thanks to the role of Igor in the top-rated TNT series “Sweet Life”.

Nikita Panfilov born in Moscow into a theatrical family. Father Vladislav Panfilov– theater director, mother – theater director. They allowed their son to spend a long time in the theater. At the age of five, Nikita appeared on stage in the role of Ivan Tsarevich, and at 14 he was already playing Father Frost.

At school Nikita Panfilov He was engaged in Greco-Roman wrestling and by the eighth grade he became a master of sports. But soon the training was abandoned, and his mother insisted that he go to the theater.

Creative activity of Nikita Panfilov / Nikita Panfilov

At first, Nikita entered the acting department at the Institute of Contemporary Art, but he was almost immediately drafted into the army. After Panfilov I applied to all the famous theater universities, but entered the Moscow Art Theater School, which I successfully graduated from in 2006. He was immediately taken to the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov.

Made his screen debut Nikita Panfilov still a student in the series "Adjutants of Love" where he played Petra Cherkasova. All the TV viewers were crazy about his hero.

Panfilov mainly played in TV series and minor roles in films. Among his works are participation in the films “DukhLess”, “”, the romantic comedy “Loves Not Loves”, the TV series “Inspector Cooper”, “Teacher in Law. Return", "Major" (the role of Stas) and many others. etc.

In 2014, the TNT channel aired the series “ Sweet life ", in which Nikita Panfilov played one of the key characters - the owner of the nightclub Igor. The series was a huge success and was renewed for a second series. The show “The Sweet Life Season 2” began on May 25, 2015. And in it, as in the first season, he played one of the main roles Nikita Panfilov.

Nikita Panfilov: “The main task was to change the characters’ characters as much as possible. Each of the heroes will open up from a completely different side. There will be a lot of new heroes, but there will also be those whom the audience has already seen and come to love. My Igor, for example, will gradually begin to change for the better. Although the way he was in the first season is nothing more than a mask. It’s just that Igor was once offended by a woman..."

Nikita Panfilov. Personal life

Nikita's first wife was an actress Vera Babenko, with whom he studied together. However, the marriage broke up.

Nikita Panfilov found new happiness in his personal life after meeting a girl named Lada. She worked as an administrator for the Army Store program and was involved in the selection of actors for this project. Nikita Panfilov invited Lada to his performance at the Satyricon Theater. After a year of dating, Nikita married Lada. The couple had a son, who was named Dobrynya. The actor was present at the birth, however, what he saw impressed him so much that he swore off carrying out such experiments in the future.

In February 2016, information was leaked to the press that Nikita Panfilov and his wife Lada decided to separate. The couple lived in marriage for five years. Son Dobrynya stayed to live with his mother.

Filmography of Nikita Panfilov/Nikita Panfilov

2005 - Adjutants of Love (TV series)

2005 - Rope of Sand (TV series)

2007 - Atlantis (TV series)

2007 - Gentleman of Detective Ivan Podushkin 2 (mini-series)

2007 - Travelers (TV series)

2007-2008 - Stepmother (TV series)

2008 - Adult Games (TV series)

2008 - Bet on Life (TV series)

2008 - I'll be back (TV series)

2009 - Bros (TV series)

2009 - A house somewhere...

2009 - Blood is not water

2009 - One day there will be love (TV series)

2009 - Bodyguard 2 (TV series)

2009 - Churchill (TV series)

2010 - Angelica (TV series)

2010 - Bros 2 (TV series)

2010 - Wayfarers 2 (TV series)

2010-2011 - Everything is for the better (TV series)

2011 - SpiritLess

2011 - Kamenskaya 6 (TV series)

2011 - Protected Persons (TV series)

2012 - Inspector Cooper (TV series)

2013 -

2013 - Explosion Point

2014 - Construction

2014 - Computer

2014 - Personal matter

2014 - Loves not loves

2015 - Escape from Moscowabad

Nikita Panfilov has already accumulated many bright and notable roles, which allows him to be classified as a popular and sought-after actor. Throughout its creative biography he always had the feeling that his work was not good enough, so Panfilov strives to constantly grow and develop in his profession.

The actor is pleased when passers-by recognize him and call him by his first and last name, however, star fever he is not in danger.

First roles on stage

Nikita was born in 1979 in Moscow. His parents are directly related to the theatrical world: his father, Vyacheslav Panfilov, is the director of the Theater of Eager Comedians; and my mother is staging plays at the Monoton Theater. Rotating in a creative environment, the boy already at the age of five played the role of Ivanushka the Tsarevich, and later reincarnated as Father Frost. IN school years He studied in the sports section, where he perfectly mastered the techniques of Greco-Roman wrestling. The young man not only achieved the title of master of sports, but was also included in the Olympic reserve of the country's national team.

The photo shows Nikita Panfilov as a child with his family.

Despite the creative profession of his parents, Panfilov did not seek to follow in their footsteps. At first he wanted to enter medical school, and then applied to the police school, however, these attempts were unsuccessful. Then his mother advised him to become a student at the Institute of Contemporary Art, where his brother was already studying. However, Nikita did not finish his studies at the university, as he went to serve in the army. Returning home, the young man again received acting education at various universities and only at the age of 22 became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. Already in student years he received the role of Icarus in the play “The Siege,” which took place on the stage of the Chekhov Theater.

The path to popularity and success

After graduating from university, the aspiring actor continued his career at the Chekhov Theater, where he was involved in such productions as “Playing the Victim,” “The Last Day of Summer,” “Ondine,” “The Seagull” and others. His debut in cinematography took place at the age of 25, when the television series “Adjutants of Love” was released. Then his filmography was replenished with works in such films as “Travelers”, “Bros”, “Blood is not Water”, “Everything is for the Better”, “Duhless” and others. Having played the role of Stas Agapov in the series “Major”, Nikita received a prize, becoming best actor background. His work in the series “Sweet Life”, where Igor acted as his hero, did not go unnoticed. Even then, the actor became recognizable to the audience, who followed the development of this story with pleasure.

Still from the film “Churchill”.

But fame general public he received it after filming the series “Dog”, playing the role of Max Maximov in it. It should be noted that Panfilov was not always noticed by directors, but in order to somehow survive the time of inactivity, he immersed himself in theatrical projects. From latest works The actor can be noted for his roles such as Kolya from the action movie “Hammer”, Igor from the series “Sweet Life” (seasons 2-3), Max Maximov from the detective series “Dog” (seasons 2-3). IN at the moment Nikita works for film set films “Bullet”, “Winners”, “Presumption of Innocence”, which are scheduled for release in 2018.

Divorce from wife and new marriage

Panfilov attaches great importance not only to his career, but also to his family, which occupies great place in my personal life. With my future wife He first met Lada on Channel One, where he took part in the filming of the program. The young people began dating, and a year later they got married. When his wife gave birth to their son Dobrynya, the actor was nearby, counting his presence important point. But after a few years, harmony and mutual understanding between the spouses disappeared. According to Nikita himself, his wife did not like his frequent tours, as well as the attention of his fans. And after some time he found out that his wife was dating another man.

Actor with son.

After breaking up with his wife, the star of “La Dolce Vita” was depressed for some time, but thanks to his communication with his girlfriend Ksenia, his interest in life returned. We met her on Instagram. After correspondence, the young people met and never lost touch. At first they lived in two cities: he played in Moscow, and she worked as a doctor in St. Petersburg. The girl managed to try her hand at cinema, starring in episodic roles in the TV series “Revenge” and “Dog”.

In the photo Nikita Panfilov with his wife Ksenia. Instagram panfilov_nikita.

In 2017, the couple formalized their relationship, becoming official husband and wife. Now the actor’s wife is preoccupied with caring for her family and home. She not only does housework, but also finds time for her favorite activities - sewing and drawing. Panfilov cannot boast of thick hair, but he has a courageous figure and the image of a brutal man (his height is 190 cm; weight is 87 kg), which his many fans have long appreciated.

Handsome Nikita Panfilov excites the hearts of many Russian TV viewers. What is known about the actor’s personal life, read our article.

Nikita Panfilov was married more than once. The first wife's name is Vera Babenko. Like Nikita, Vera works in the field of art. Panfilov's first wife is an actress. It is unknown why the lovers broke up. Nikita Panfilov prefers not to talk about his personal life with his first wife.

Nikita and Vera met when they studied together at the Moscow Art Theater School. Perhaps their marriage did not last long only because the lovers were too young for serious relationship. Vera Babenko herself also prefers not to comment on her marriage to Nikita Panfilov.

Nikita Panfilov’s second wife’s name is Lada. Some sources indicate that the girl came to the theater to film a story about Nikita for Channel One. Behind the scenes, the young people started talking, and the actor realized that he was obliged to invite Lada on a date. Somewhat later, Nikita began to constantly invite the girl to romantic meetings. He always reserved seats for her in the first theater at his productions. After a year of communication, the young people got married.

In other sources, the story of how Nikita Panfilov and his second wife met is presented somewhat differently. Based on another version, Lada worked as an administrator of the Army Store program. The girl was selecting actors. For the first date, Nikita invited Lada to Satyricon. A year later, the lovers got married. Exact date wedding is unknown. Biographical materials dedicated to actor Nikita Panfilov indicate that he got married for the second time in 2010.

Fans of Nikita Panfilov considered his marriage with his second wife ideal. No one could have thought that their relationship was just “ beautiful picture"for the public. There was complete misunderstanding between the couple. Nikita Panfilov’s personal life with his second wife was not happy. The fact is that the girl was terribly jealous of the actor for his fans.

Perhaps Lada’s jealousy had reasons for this. Nikita Panfilov is very interesting man with a pleasant appearance and voice. Many girls began to admire him a few years ago, when the series “Sweet Life” was released (Nikita played the handsome Igor). His hero is a flighty guy for whom one-night stands are a matter of course. Lada believed that fans perceive Nikita this way - too approachable.

Nikita’s wife was not embarrassed by the fact that they had a son in their family. The girl believed that having a child would not affect her husband’s “cheating.” By the way, my son’s name is Dobrynya. Quite an interesting combination with the patronymic - Dobrynya Nikitich.

Details of the divorce of Nikita and Lada Panfilov

In an interview, Nikita says that Lada’s jealousy sometimes reached the point of madness. The man could not even think that his wife had such problems with trust. The girl categorically did not want to put up with the fact that the actor was constantly in the center of female attention. Apparently, Lada did not realize with whom she was connecting her fate when she married Nikita. Excessive attention to his person is purely a work aspect.

The presence of an army of fans suggests that the actor is truly popular with the public. Lada did not want to admit it. The girl dreamed that her husband would belong exclusively to her. Unfortunately for her, this could not happen. Otherwise, Nikita Panfilov had to break with acting once and for all. But the actor himself did not want this.

A little later, Nikita Panfilov will tell the press in an interview why his personal life with his second wife did not work out (see photo). After another quarrel, Nikita deleted social networks status "Married". Lada followed the example of her lover.

Moreover, the girl changed her last name to her maiden name and deleted photos together from the Internet. The couple broke up at the end of 2015 and beginning of 2016.

From unverified sources it is known that Lada has a son from her first marriage. Despite the divorce, Nikita sees both his son Dobrynya and Lada’s son from his first marriage. The actor considers it necessary to participate in the upbringing of both boys.

Actor Nikita Panfilov: p public "harassment"

When Lada and Nikita divorced, things went wrong in the actor’s life. hard times. Who would have thought that ex-wife will engage in public harassment of Nikita on the Internet. The situation worsened when Lada found out that ex-husband a girl appeared. She wanted in every way to prevent Nikita from establishing her personal life.

Things reached the point of absurdity - Lada called the relatives of Nikita’s girlfriend and his relatives, among other things, to convince them that Nikita was not a match for her.

The actor says that if his ex-wife had put as much effort into saving their marriage as she put into destroying his personal life, they would not have divorced.

In his interviews, the actor says that in lately communicated with Lada exclusively through lawyers. Contact with ex-wife one on one became simply impossible. Nikita Panfilov’s now ex-wife was the first to file for divorce. The actor did not suffer for a long time and quickly established his personal life.

Nikita Panfilov's new darling

Nikita's current chosen one is Ksenia Sokolova. At the time of meeting Ksenia, Nikita was still married. However, they no longer lived together with Lada. You shouldn't accuse an actor of treason. He for a long time tried to save the marriage, but he failed. When Nikita began dating Ksenia, his feelings for Lada had long faded away. The ex-wife could not believe that the actor never cheated on her during the marriage.

Nikita does not hide his girlfriend from the public. Lovers often appear together on social events. Ksenia Sokolova recently graduated from medical school. The girl has already managed to appear in several domestic films in episodic roles. Previously, Ksenia had no experience working in cinema.

Nikita Panfilov says that he is happy with his new chosen one. The girl supported the actor as best she could during the difficult period of divorce. Now Ksenia is trying to go to filming with her lover as often as possible.

Are Nikita and Ksenia married?

Some Russian publications managed to write that Nikita and Ksenia got married. The reason for such rumors was the appearance of photographs on Nikita’s social network, taken during the wedding celebration. To intrigue subscribers, the actor supplemented the photo with hashtags that are popular among newlyweds.

Did Nikita Panfilov really decide to become a husband for the third time? Let us remind you that information about changes in the actor’s personal life appeared in 2017. It turned out that the photos were taken during the wedding ceremony of Panfilov’s close friends.

Journalists wrote that Nikita Panfilov married for the third time long before this photo appeared. The young people decided to legitimize their relationship without arranging a magnificent celebration.

One would think that this is just another invention of the “yellow press”, if not for one “but”. On the social network VKontakte, the man changed marital status to "married".

In the wife column, Ksenia Panfilova is listed. This means that the young people really got married, since Nikita’s chosen one has already managed to change her last name.

How did Nikita Panfilov meet his current chosen one?

Nikita says that he and Ksyusha met on the social network Instagram. When the girl liked several photos of the actor, Nikita for some reason decided to go to her page and in response gave several likes. Usually an actor doesn't do this kind of thing.

Later Ksyusha wrote to him: “Hello, how are you?” Nikita answered her. This is how their correspondence began. Later, the girl admitted that it was not she who started the dialogue, but her friend, who at that time had Ksyusha’s phone number.

Nikita says that she usually does not respond to fans on social networks. He himself did not expect that he would find a new darling on the Internet.

If not for the intervention of Ksyusha’s friend, the young people would never have met. It turned out that new darling Nikita Panfilov - closed person. Ksyusha is not ready to let strangers into her life. Despite the fact that she was not the one who started the dialogue, the girl still decided to continue communicating with Nikita. They corresponded for a long time, and then the actor invited new girlfriend to Moscow. The girl flew to him from St. Petersburg. Later, Ksyusha’s mother will tell you that her daughter has never been so angry with anyone before.

Nikita Vladislavovich Panfilov. Born on April 30, 1979 in Moscow. Russian theater and film actor, TV presenter.

Father - Vladislav Vladimirovich Panfilov (b. 1953) - head of the Moscow Theater of Eager Comedians, associate professor at the Academy for Advanced Training of Workers in Art, Culture and Tourism.

Already at the age of 5 he played Ivan Tsarevich on stage for the first time, and at the age of 14 - Father Frost.

“So everything was probably predetermined. Because no matter what path I chose in my youth, life still led me to the acting path,” the actor admitted.

He didn't do well at school exact sciences, but excelled in the humanitarian field.

“At school I was a brawler, I was a terrible student. Then I calmed down and came to my senses. At the institute, one A was not enough to get a honors diploma,” he said.

He was engaged in Greco-Roman wrestling, by the eighth grade he became a master of sports and entered the Olympic reserve of the country's youth team.

After school, I tried to become a doctor and went to enter medical school. “I came - and there all the applicants were dressed up, in bow ties, suits, all dressed up, all beautiful, and I was in sports uniform... And so the profession of a doctor remained in fantasies,” he recalled.

I tried to enter high school the police, but to no avail. “And thank God!” he said later.

When he didn’t turn out to be a doctor or a policeman, “my mother said: “So that you don’t sit at home doing nothing, go and enroll where your brother is studying.” That’s how I got into the theater,” Nikita said.

He entered the acting department at the Institute of Contemporary Art, but did not finish his studies due to joining the army. After the service, I decided to continue my studies and submitted documents to the Shchukinsky and Shchepkinsky Higher Theater Schools, VGIK, and the Moscow Art Theater School. He went to the Shchepkinsky School and the Moscow Art Theater School. I decided to choose the Moscow Art Theater, where I studied on the course of the Honored Artist of Russia Igor Zolotovitsky.

As a student, he made his debut on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov as Icarus in Evgeniy Grishkovets's play "The Siege".

He graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School in 2006.

Served in Moscow for 10 years art theater named after Chekhov. However, he left the theater stage for filming. As the actor noted, “I don’t strive to join any theater, just for the sake of being in the troupe.” At the same time, he dreams of playing the role of Mitya Karamazov on the theater stage.

The actor's first fame came with his debut film "Adjutants of Love", in which he embodied the image of the romantic Pyotr Cherkasov.

Nikita Panfilov in the film "Adjutants of Love"

Then there were a number of other successful roles, but the most iconic and, as the actor notes, his most beloved film in which he starred was the Russian blockbuster "Duhless", where he played Misha Voodoo.

“Dukhless is one of the first full-length films where everything came together: the role itself, the atmosphere on set, the director, and the guys with whom I played. All this adds up to a piece that will forever remain in the memory. The film is very unique, and I remember him vividly,” Nikita emphasized.

Nikita Panfilov in the film "SpiritLess"

The film “Spiritless” not only brought success to the actor among the audience, but his work was noted by directors and since then he has received offers for filming. As mentioned above, in the end I even had to leave the theater stage - because I did not have time to act in films and perform in the theater at the same time.

He then played leading roles in the action movie “Point of Fire” and the film “The Judge.” The project “One Day There Will Be Love,” in which he appeared as stuntman Vitek, was successful; the films “Blood is not Water,” “I’ll Be Back,” “30 Dates,” “Major” and many others were also popular with viewers.

Nikita Panfilov in the film "Angelica"

Nikita Panfilov in the film "30 Dates"

The actor gained enormous popularity from the series released in 2014 on the TNT channel. "Sweet Life", in which he played one of the main characters - the owner of the nightclub Igor. The series had this great success, that after the first season there was a continuation.

Nikita Panfilov in the film "Sweet Life"

"Sweet Life" is overall a very high quality product. The script was written over many years, each character is a separate person from real life, existing, living now. The actors were selected very difficult, meticulously. In my opinion, everyone approached each role very correctly,” says the actor, noting that the role in this film is one of the most successful in his career.

An interesting project became a series "Dog", in which he plays the main character - Maxim, once the best investigator. His life changed dramatically: his beloved wife left for best friend, and Max himself was fired from the authorities. But suddenly a shepherd appears in his life, which he saves from death and takes home. Together with the dog Max, they unravel one crime after another.

Nikita Panfilov in the series "Dog"

A striking work on screen was the role of lawyer Nikolai Andronov in the retro drama "Winners". The events of the film take place in late XIX century in St. Petersburg. In the center of the plot is Panfilov's hero, a brilliant lawyer and brilliant speaker Andronov, who gained fame as a defender who never knows defeat in court. The enthusiasm surrounding his person hurts the ambition of the famous prosecutor Gushchin, who urgently arrives in the capital to prove his professional superiority over the upstart Andronov. The prototype of the main character is a real historical character - a St. Petersburg lawyer.

Nikita Panfilov in the series "Winners"

Regarding the heroes whom he embodied on the screen, Panfilov says that, as a rule, he is not like them: “In life, I am very different from my characters. I am a completely different person. And from some of my heroes I am completely far away. How, for example, in “Major.” But if you choose from all the roles, then most of all I resemble myself in “The Travelers.” But most often it’s the exact opposite.

Of the domestic actors, he likes Maxim Sukhanov.

Nikita Panfilov in the program "Without ceremony"

“In our time, I think, you simply cannot be an absolutely sincere person with everyone. Otherwise, you can simply lose everyone. Somewhere you have to remain silent, think before telling someone what you really think. It’s not for nothing that they say “silence is golden.” The truth is appropriate when it concerns some of your personal interests, then yes, and I think it’s probably not worth it to just meddle with your truth in someone else’s life. in general, they are rarely exclusively themselves,” says the actor.

“I do acting for the soul and I get great pleasure from it. And so that people would run after me and recognize me - no, I don’t need that. Stardom is superfluous, it interferes with work. And woe to the actor who became a star,” - Panfilov is sure.

Nikita Panfilov's height: 190 centimeters.

Personal life of Nikita Panfilov:

As the actor said, he first fell in love at the age of 13. "Her name was Yulia. We walked holding hands, rode bicycles, I gave her flowers. The first kiss was a little later, at about 15 years old. At that moment I thought I was going to die - my heart jumped out of my chest. Emotions during the first sex - It’s also hard to convey. I couldn’t catch my hands then - they were shaking so much!” Nikita recalled.

I got married for the first time while I was a student. His first wife was an actress. The marriage did not work out, they broke up with a scandal and have not communicated since then.

As Nikita notes, the marriage of two actors “is not good.” “Actors are deceitful people, but in a family there must be trust and sincerity. At least one of the spouses must not be an actor,” he noted. Nikita also accused Vera of treason: “I saw Vera’s correspondence with another man, and at first I didn’t even believe it. And then, when I realized the betrayal, I thought, why is it possible for her, but not for me? After that, I went into all serious troubles.”

After divorcing him, Vera Babenko married Pavel Bykov and took his last name.

Nikita Panfilov's first wife Vera Babenko (Bykova)

The actor admitted that he was in love with him during the filming of the series “Adjutants of Love.” However, “she was married and immediately said that we could only be friends,” he said.

He was also credited with an affair with Ekaterina Vilkova, however, Panfilov claims, “we were just friends.”

He met his second wife Lada by chance in 2009. She works on Channel One as an actor administrator in the “Army Store” program. Once, for the plot of the program, an actor was needed who served in the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and who starred in a military series. Panfilov fit these parameters.

Lada, who was 22 at the time, came to his theater and interviewed the actor. And then they started a relationship. On their first date, he invited her to the Satyricon theater for the play “Richard”. And since then the couple has not separated.

In 2010 they got married.

In March 2013, the couple had a son, Dobrynya. Nikita was present at the birth and, according to him, received such an impression that he remembered it for the rest of his life.

“It’s just “Auschwitz” and “Buchenwald” combined! I didn’t think it would be so scary when my wife gave birth. I haven’t worried for so long. Lada and I gave birth for 13 hours: I pushed with her, held her hand, but in extreme moments, of course, he went out - it’s impossible to look at it,” he admitted, adding that he would never go to childbirth again.

In February 2016, Nikita left his wife and divorced her. He later said that he learned about his wife’s betrayal, which was a complete shock for him.

It soon became known that the actor was dating Ksenia Sokolova. As Panfilov said, the ex-wife tried to interfere with his new relationship: “She called my grandmother, my parents, Ksyusha’s mother, Ksyusha herself, assuring her that she didn’t need a person like me. If Lada had contributed to saving our marriage, at least a tenth of the energy that she expended on the desire to destroy my union with Ksyusha For some time now I have been communicating with Lada only through a lawyer.”

In the fall of 2017, reporting that even her closest people did not know about her. The actor considers marriage registration to be an elementary formality. Much higher value Panfilov gives the wedding ceremony.

“We didn’t tell anyone about the wedding. Neither my parents nor Ksyusha’s relatives knew that we went to the registry office. Then everyone was terribly offended at us. Personally, I just wanted to get married, but in our country this is impossible without a stamp in the passport. I wouldn’t have gotten married like that,” he said.

Filmography of Nikita Panfilov:

2005 - Rope of Sand - Chest
2005 - Adjutants of Love - Pyotr Cherkasov
2006 - Chasing an Angel - Boris, Nikolai’s bodyguard
2007-2008 - Stepmother - "Prince", Moscow producer (uncredited)
2007-2008 - Atlantis - lawyer from Australia
2007 - Travelers - Dolphin
2007 - Ivan Podushkin. Gentleman of Detective 2 - John Stewart
2008 - I'll be back - Grafov, young poet
2008 - Ondine - actor / fisherman
2008 - Bet on Life - Moth
2008 - About the hare
2008 - Adult Games - Sasha "Prince", Moscow producer
2009 - Churchill - Vlad, Svetlana's fiancé
2009 - Bodyguard 2 - Van Damme
2009 - One day there will be love - Vitek
2009 - Blood is not water - Yura
2009 - Little Humpbacked Horse - Catfish, man
2009 - Bros - Alexey Shmelev, "Bumblebee"
2010-2011 - Everything is for the better - Alexander Kostin
2010 - Pathfinders-2 - Valera, "Dolphin"
2010 - Bros-2 - "Bumblebee"
2010 - Angelica - Pasha - lead singer of the false group "Airplane"
2011 - Tresk - Vygodsky in his youth
2011 - Urgently to number 3 - Yan Kachko
2011 - Protected persons - Alexey
2011 - SpiritLess - Misha Voodoo
2012 - Teacher in law. Return - Taras, Vagon's secretary
2012 - CLICK for luck
2012 - Inspector Cooper - Oleg, Ninochka’s husband
2013 - Explosion point - Alexey Romanov (Kid), terrorist
2014 - Sweet Life - Igor
2014 - Major - Stas, major drug addict
2014 - Personal file - Pavel Anatolyevich Terentyev, lawyer
2014 - Calculator - Mathias
2015 - Sweet Life-2 - Igor
2015 - Dog - Max Maximov
2015 - Londongrad. Know ours! - Vlad Komarov
2015 - Klim - Dmitry Zuev, robber
2015 - How I became Russian - Oleg
2015 - Bastions of Russia (documentary) - presenter
2015 - 30 dates - Oleg
2016 - Sweet Life-3 - Igor
2016 - Major-2 - Stas Agapov
2016 - Eight
2016 - Sixteen-year-old whiskey (short film)
2016-2017 - Dog-2 - Max Maximov
2017 - Escape from Moscowabad
2017 - Dog-3 - Max Maximov
2017 - Salyut-7 - Igor Zaitsev, cosmonaut
2018 - Revenge
2018 - - Nikolay Andronov, lawyer
2018 - - Kirill Romanov, major
2018 - Presumption of Innocence
2018 - Dog-4 - Max Maximov
2018 - Revenge

The roles of Nikita Panfilov in the Moscow Art Theater:

"Amadeus" (Peter Schaeffer; director Mark Rozovsky) - Salieri's footman
“Playing the Victim” (Presnyakov Brothers; director Kirill Serebrennikov) - The Third Black Sailor, Woman in the Pool, Verkhushkin
“Kizhe” (Yuri Tynyanov, Kirill Serebrennikov and Alexey Syumak; director Kirill Serebrennikov) - Officer
“The Little Humpbacked Horse” (Peter Ershov and the Presnyakov Brothers; director Evgeny Pisarev) - Peasant, Seller, Man on Fish, Catfish
“The Siege” (Evgeny Grishkovets; director Evgeny Grishkovets) - Icarus
“The Last Day of Summer” (Vyacheslav and Mikhail Durnenkov; director Nikolai Skorik) - Gena
“Don’t part with your loved ones” (Alexander Volodin; director Viktor Ryzhakov) - Massovik, Nikulin
“Tartuffe” (Jean-Baptiste Molière; director Nina Chusova) - Valere
“Ondine” (Jean Giraudoux; director Nikolai Skorik) - Knight Hans
“The Seagull” (Anton Chekhov; directors Oleg Efremov and Nikolai Skorik) - Yakov

Nikita Panfilov Birthday: April 30, 1979 Place of birth: Moscow Occupation: theater and film actor.

Height: 190 cm Weight: 87 kg Zodiac sign: Taurus Eastern horoscope: Goat
Best films: "Duhless" (actor). Best TV series: "Major", "Sweet Life", " Londongrad. Know ours,” “I’ll be back” (actor).

Nikita Panfilov: biography

Nikita Panfilov – Russian actor theater and cinema, TV presenter. He gained fame thanks to his participation in the films “Major”, “Sweet Life”, “Dog” and “Duhless”. From a popular and sought-after artist a whole army fans, and the biography, films and personal life of Nikita Panfilov are incredibly interesting to fans.

Nikita Vladislavovich Panfilov was born into a Moscow theater family on April 30, 1979. Vladislav Vladimirovich, Nikita's father, is the head of the Moscow Theater of Eager Comedians. The actor’s mother is the director of the Monoton Theater. With such creative family it's no surprise that Nikita grew up behind the scenes.

Actor Nikita Panfilov photo view

The boy's future was predetermined already at the age of 5: at this age, little Nikita played the first role of Ivan Tsarevich on stage. And although Nikita himself did not dream of becoming an artist, his mother already saw a theater and film star in her son. The boy himself first wanted to become a surgeon, and then an athlete.

By the way, the actor had every chance to connect his life with sports: back in elementary school the father sent his son to the Greco-Roman wrestling section. Dad dreamed that Nikita would become a champion. And the son really lived up to his father’s hopes for some time. In the 8th grade, Panfilov became a master of sports and entered the Olympic reserve of the country's youth team. But then he gave up wrestling because the guy was tired of constant training, traveling and competitions. Nikita decided that he should agree with his mother and become an actor.

Pictured is film actor Nikita Panfilov

After graduating from school, the guy entered the Institute of Contemporary Art in the acting department. But he didn’t manage to finish his studies there - Nikita was called up to serve in the army. Having repaid his debt to his homeland, the young man immediately submitted documents to the Shchukinsky and Shchepkinsky higher theater schools, VGIK and the Moscow Art Theater School. I went to Sliver and the Moscow Art Theater School, eventually choosing the latter. He studied at the course of the Honored Artist of Russia Igor Zolotovitsky.

Panfilov graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School in 2006.

Theater and films with his participation

The creative biography of Nikita Panfilov began in his student years. Panfilov made his debut on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov as Icarus in Evgeniy Grishkovets's play "The Siege". The work was favorably received by critics and viewers.

While working at the Moscow Art Theater, Nikita Panfilov systematically built a career as a professional actor. Among the actor's roles were the images of the knight Hans in the play "Ondine", Stepan in the production of "Marriage", Nikulin in the theatrical masterpiece "Don't Part With Your Loved Ones" and many others.

As a student, the Russian actor made his debut on the screen. First film role young artist became the role of Pyotr Cherkasov in the famous TV series “Adjutants of Love”. All the spectators were in love with Nikita's hero. People began to recognize the man on the street. And yet Panfilov mostly played minor roles. The most successful works are the romantic comedy “Loves Me Not,” the TV series “Inspector Cooper”, “Teacher in Law. Return", "Major".

Among best works The Russian blockbuster “Duhless”, in which the actor played Misha Voodoo, stands out among the actors. This film also starred Danila Kozlovsky, Arthur Smolyaninov, Sergei Belogolovtsev, Maria Kozhevnikova. This project became a kind of reboot in the artist’s career. After the film “Duhless”, Panfilov played the main roles one after another in the action film “Explosion Point” and the film “Personal Affair”.

Nikita Panfilov in the film "SpiritLess"

Many of the characters played by this actor can be called bright and colorful. These include the roles of stuntman Vitek in the series “One Day There Will Be Love”, the calculating guy Yuri in the film “Blood is Not Water”, the poet Lev Grafov in the film “I’ll Be Back”, freelancer law enforcement agencies Max Maksimov in the series “Dog”. Nikita Panfilov's films are interesting and help to reveal the versatility of the actor's talent.

Nikita Panfilov in the film "Dog"

The detective series “Dog” is another popular film in the actor’s cinematic biography. It is known that during the filming of the next episode Panfilov was injured. In the episode with the trick “hitting the head with an ashtray,” Nikita’s partner, miscalculating his strength, caused damage to the artist. Doctors immediately arrived on the set to help the actor. Now the back of Nikita Panfilov’s head is “decorated” by a scar.

"Sweet Life"

In 2014, the TNT channel released the series “Sweet Life”, in which Nikita Panfilov played one of the main characters - the owner of the nightclub Igor. The series was a tremendous success, receiving a continuation in season 2, and in mid-2016, season 3 of the beloved television series appeared. In this film, as in season 1, the actor plays Igor, but now the hero changes into better side and opens on the other, bright side.

Nikita Panfilov is one of the most experienced actors among the entire cast of La Dolce Vita. But the artist claims that his novice colleagues are very talented and grasp knowledge on the fly. They are fun and easy to play with.

After “The Sweet Life,” the artist gained more popularity and more offers from directors. Between the first and second seasons of the series, Nikita Panfilov had a fruitful year. The actor starred in several projects, including “Major”, “The Calculator”, “Londongrad” and others.

Personal life

Nikita Panfilov’s personal life did not work out right away. Nikita's first wife was actress Vera Babenko, with whom he studied at the Moscow Art Theater School. But the marriage did not last long and soon broke up.

Nikita Panfilov with ex-wife Lada photo

New happiness knocked on Panfilov’s door after meeting a girl named Lada. The woman worked as an administrator for the Army Store program and selected actors for the project. Nikita invited Lada to a performance at the Satyricon theater, and a year later the young people got married. A son was growing up in their family, whom his parents named Dobrynya. The actor was present at the birth of the child and considers this test the most difficult in his life.

In 2016, the media started talking about the couple getting a divorce. Nikita deleted the “married” status on social networks, and his wife Lada Panfilova, according to some reports, even changed her husband’s last name. It turned out that the couple separated back in 2015.

At the end of 2015, the actor met a girl named Ksenia Sokolova, she is a doctor by training. Joint photos Nikita and Ksenia soon began to appear frequently on Instagram.

Nikita Panfilov and Ksenia Sokolova photo

At the time of their acquaintance, Panfilov was still officially married. In 2016, the actor received a divorce from Lada. As follows from one interview, Nikita Panfilov’s wife was the first to file for divorce, despite the man’s efforts to save the marriage.

Nikita Panfilov and Ksenia Sokolova are happy together. According to the actor, the girl supported him in difficult moments of the divorce and is always with him during filming.

Nikita Panfilov now

At the end of 2016, Nikita Panfilov told representatives of HELLO magazine! about the difficulties of communicating with his ex-wife, saying that Lada turned his life into a living hell. The actor suggests that his ex-wife is trying to destroy his union with his current lover, and the further situation can only get worse.

Panfilov claims that he survived his wife’s betrayal, but managed to get over himself and forgive her.

“For some time now I have been communicating with Lada only through a lawyer. Unfortunately, I admit that the negative situation that my ex-wife is fueling can only get worse in the future,” notes the Russian actor.

Nikita believes that the woman wants her son to forget his father.

“Lada was the first to file for divorce. I fought for my family for six months. I wouldn’t wish such torment on anyone,” Panfilov added.

Nikita Panfilov photo

In May 2017, the NTV channel hosted the final stage of the semi-final competition of the children's vocal competition “You are Super!” 13-year-old Ruslan Chvanko from Tobolsk amazed the jury with his operatic vocals from the very first episode. The boy had long dreamed of meeting Panfilov. The contestant said that he imagines himself as the hero Nikita from his favorite TV series “Dog.” This helps Ruslan feel confident not only on stage, but also to be brave in life.

Ruslan was absolutely delighted when Nikita appeared on stage.

“Ruslan, you are super, you are great! I take my hat off to you. You a real man“There have been very serious trials in your life, but you, without looking back, are moving to new heights,” said the artist, encouraging the contestant.

Hearing kind words from his favorite artist, the boy believed in himself and his strength.


Filmography - movie roles Vmkipedia

2005 Rope of Sand - Chest

2005—2006 Adjutants of Love - Pyotr Cherkasov


2007Chasing Angel episode

2007 Ivan Podushkin. Gentleman of Investigation 2 - John (episode "The 13 Misfortunes of Hercules")

2007 Chasing an Angel - episode

2007—2008 Stepmother - Prince, Moscow producer

2008About the hareNikita

2008 Adult Games - Prince, Moscow producer

2008 Bros - Alexey Evgenievich Shmelev (“Bumblebee”)