Iron ore sites. Features of the iron ore industry in Russia

The ferrous metallurgy industry - iron ore industry - is involved in mining and processing iron ore, so that this mineral is then turned into cast iron and steel. Since iron is a fairly common element, it is obtained only from those rocks that contain more of it.

Humanity learned to mine and process this mineral formation later than anything else, apparently because iron ore bears little resemblance to metal. Now it’s hard to imagine without iron and steel modern world: transport, construction industry, agriculture and many other areas cannot do without metal. How and what iron ore is converted into in the process of simple chemical processes will be discussed further.

Types of iron ores.

Iron ore varies in the amount of iron it contains. It can be rich, in which it is more than 57%, and poor - from 26%. Low-grade ores are used in industry only after they have been enriched.

By origin, ore is divided into:

  • Igneous - ore resulting from the action high temperatures.
  • Exogenous - sediment in sea basins.
  • Metamorphogenic - formed as a result of high pressure.

Iron ores are also divided into:

  • red iron ore, which is the most common and at the same time the richest ore in iron;
  • brown iron ore;
  • magnetic;
  • spar iron ore;
  • titanomagnetite;
  • ferruginous quartzite.

Stages of metallurgical production.

The answer to the main question of the article “iron ore: what is made from it” is very simple: steel, cast iron, steel cast iron and iron are extracted from iron ore.

In this case, metallurgical production begins with the extraction of the main components for the production of metals: coal, iron ore, fluxes. Then, at mining and processing plants, the extracted iron ore is enriched, getting rid of waste rocks. Special factories prepare coking coal. In blast furnaces, ore is converted into pig iron, which is then used to produce steel. And steel, in turn, turns into finished product: pipes, sheet steel, rolled products, etc.

The production of ferrous metals is conventionally divided into two stages, in the first of which cast iron is produced, in the second cast iron is converted into steel.

Cast iron production process.

Cast iron is an alloy of carbon and iron, which also includes manganese, sulfur, silicon, and phosphorus.

Pig iron is produced in blast furnaces, in which iron ore is reduced from iron oxides at high temperatures, and waste rock is separated. Fluxes are used to reduce the melting point of waste rock. Ore, fluxes and coke are loaded into the blast furnace in layers.

Heated air is supplied to the lower part of the furnace to support combustion. This is how a series of chemical processes occur, resulting in molten iron and slag.

The resulting cast iron comes in different types:

  • conversion, used in steel production;
  • ferroalloy, which is also used as additives in steel production;
  • casting.

Steel production.

Almost 90% of all mined pig iron is pig iron, that is, it is used in the production of steel, which is obtained in open-hearth or electric ovens, in convectors. At the same time, new methods for producing steel are emerging:

  • electron beam melting, which is used to produce highly pure metals;
  • evacuation of steel;
  • electroslag remelting;
  • steel refining.

In steel, when compared with cast iron, there is less silicon, phosphorus and sulfur, that is, when producing steel, it is necessary to reduce their amount using oxidative smelting produced in open-hearth furnaces.

Open hearth is a furnace in which gas is burned above the melting space, creating the required temperature of 1700 to 1800°C. Deoxidation is carried out using ferromanganese and ferrosilicon, then at the final stage - using ferrosilicon and aluminum in a steel-pouring ladle.

Steel more high quality produced in induction and arc electric furnaces, in which the temperature is higher, so the output is refractory steel. At the first stage of steel production, an oxidative process occurs with the help of air, oxygen and charge oxide, at the second - a reduction process, which consists in deoxidation of steel and removal of sulfur.

Products of ferrous metallurgy.

To summarize the topic "iron ore: what is made from it", we need to list the four main products of iron and steel industry:

  • pig iron, which differs from steel only in its increased carbon content (over 2%);
  • cast iron;
  • steel ingots, which are subjected to pressure treatment to obtain rolled products, used, for example, in reinforced concrete structures, the rolled products become pipes and other products;
  • ferroalloys, which are used in steel production.

Iron ores- natural mineral formations containing iron and its compounds in such a volume that industrial extraction of iron from these formations is advisable. Despite the fact that iron is included in greater or lesser quantities in the composition of all rocks, the name iron ores refers only to such accumulations of ferrous compounds, of which economically you can get metallic iron.

Iron ores are special mineral formations that contain iron and its compounds. A given type of ore is considered iron if the proportion of this element is contained in such a volume that its industrial extraction is economically viable.

There are three main types of iron ore products used in ferrous metallurgy:

— separated iron ore (low iron content);

— sinter ore (average iron content);

— pellets (raw iron-containing mass)

Iron ore deposits are considered rich if the proportion of iron in them is more than 57%. Low-grade iron ores can contain a minimum of 26% iron. Scientists identify two main morphological type iron ore; linear and flat-like.

Linear deposits of iron ore are wedge-shaped ore bodies in zones of earth faults, bends in the process of metamorphosis. This type of iron ore is characterized by a particularly high iron content (54-69%) with a low sulfur and phosphorus content.

Flat-like deposits can be found on top of ferruginous quartzite beds. They belong to typical weathering crusts.

High-grade iron ores are mainly sent for smelting in open-hearth and converter production or for direct reduction of iron.

Main industrial types of iron ore deposits:

  • — stratified sedimentary deposits;
  • — complex titanomagnetite deposits;
  • — deposits of ferruginous quartzites and rich ores;
  • — skarn iron ore deposits;

Minor industrial types of iron ore deposits:

  • — iron ore siderite deposits;
  • — iron ore layered laterite deposits;
  • — complex carbopatite apatite-magnetite deposits;

World reserves of proven iron ore deposits amount to 160 billion tons, containing about 80 billion tons of pure iron. Largest deposits Iron ore is found in Ukraine, and the largest reserves of pure iron are located in Russia and Brazil.

The volume of global iron ore production is growing every year. More than 2.4 billion tons of iron ore were mined in 2010, with China, Australia and Brazil accounting for two-thirds of production. If we add Russia and India to them, their total market share will be more than 80%.

How ore is mined

Let's look at several main options for iron ore mining. In each specific case, the choice in favor of one or another technology is made taking into account the location of mineral resources, the economic feasibility of using one or another equipment, etc.

In most cases, ore is mined using a quarry method. That is, to organize mining, first a deep quarry is dug approximately 200-300 meters in depth. After this, iron ore is removed directly from its bottom using large machines. Which, immediately after extraction, is transported on diesel locomotives to various plants, where steel is made from it. Today, many large enterprises mine ore, provided they have all the necessary equipment to carry out such work.

You should dig a quarry using large excavators, but you should take into account that this process can take you quite a few years. After excavators dig down to the very first layer of iron ore, it is necessary to submit it for analysis to experts so that they can determine exactly what percentage of iron it contains. If this percentage is at least 57, then the decision to mine ore in this area will be economically profitable. Such ore can be safely transported to plants, because after processing it will definitely produce high-quality steel.

However, that's not all, the steel that comes from iron ore processing should be checked very carefully. If the quality of the mined ore does not meet European standards, then it is necessary to understand how to improve the quality of production.

The disadvantage of the open-pit method is that it allows the extraction of iron ore only at a relatively shallow depth. Since it often lies much deeper - at a distance of 600-900 m from the surface of the earth - it is necessary to build mines. First, a mine shaft is made, which resembles a very deep well with securely reinforced walls. From the trunk to different sides Corridors branch off, called drifts. The iron ore found in them is blasted, and then its pieces are lifted to the surface using special equipment. This method of extracting iron ore is effective, but at the same time it is associated with serious dangers and is expensive.

There is another way to mine iron ore. It is called SHD or borehole hydraulic mining. Ore is extracted from the ground in the following way: they drill a deep well, lower pipes with a hydraulic monitor into it, crush the rock using a very strong water jet, and then lift it to the surface. This method is safe, but, unfortunately, it is not yet effective. Thanks to this method, only about 3% of iron ore can be extracted, while approximately 70% is mined using mines. However, specialists are developing the method of borehole hydraulic extraction, and therefore there is hope that in the future this option will become the main one, displacing quarries and mines.

Iron ore is one of the mineral formations. Among its constituent elements there is iron and various compounds. If the ore contains a large proportion of iron, then it is classified as iron. The main production of iron ore comes from magnetic iron ore. Iron compounds occupy about 70% of it.

Iron ore reserves in the world

Within the Russian industrial complex, the main share falls on ore mining. In general, the country contributes no more than 6% to world production. In total, there are about 160 billion tons of this fossil on the planet today. Taking into account the share of iron in it, the reserves of this particular substance are estimated at 80 billion tons.

Iron ore reserves in various countries the world are as follows:

  • Russia and Brazil – 18% each.
  • Australia – 14%.
  • Ukraine – 10%.
  • China – 9%.
  • Canada – 8%.
  • USA – about 7%.

The remaining 15% is distributed in various shares among other countries of the world.

Experts divide iron ore products into several categories, namely:

  • with a high iron content (more than 50% of the composition);
  • privates (25–49%);
  • poor (less than 25%).

Magnetic iron ore is characterized by the highest iron content. On Russian territory its reserves are located mainly in the area Ural mountains. This ore also occurs in large quantities in Sweden and in some of the US states.

Current reserves of various ores in Russia today are about 50 billion tons. In terms of its reserves, the country ranks third in the world, behind only Australia and Brazil.

Ore mining methods

Now there are several basic methods of ore mining. For each case, the choice is made individually. When making decisions, specialists evaluate a number of factors, including the economic feasibility of operating certain machines and units, the location of iron ore and some others.

Career way

The bulk of iron ore mining sites are developed using open-pit mining methods. At the initial stage of work, it involves preparing a quarry of a certain depth (on average 300 meters). Next, other equipment is included in the work. The ore mass is removed from it using large dump trucks.

Typically, the rock is immediately transported to specialized enterprises for further production of iron ore products, including steel.

When preparing a quarry this method For mining, the largest and most massive excavators are used. Once the process reaches its completion and the equipment reaches the lower layers of the ore mass, the resulting samples are analyzed immediately before the start of iron ore mining. Based on its results, the specific proportion of iron in its composition is determined.

The decision to begin development and extraction of iron ore is made if the analysis shows the presence of iron in an amount of more than 57%. This option will be economically beneficial. Otherwise, a special commission decides on the need to extract such material along with possible options improving production quality.

Has a lot of advantages. Its main disadvantage is that the development and extraction of ore bodies can be carried out at shallow depths.

Mine method

In practice, the ore is often quite deep. This necessitates the development of mines. Their depth reaches several hundred meters – up to a kilometer. Initially, its trunk is organized, which has external resemblance with a well.

Specialized corridors extend from the mine shaft. They are called drifts. This is one of the most effective ways ore mining. At the same time, it is the most financially expensive and dangerous.

Borehole hydraulic production

SHD is a hydromechanical method. In this case, production involves organizing deep well, which includes pipes equipped with a hydraulic monitor. Next, using a jet of water, the rock breaks off and moves upward.

This option is characterized by low efficiency but high safety. In practice, it is used in 3% of cases.

Rock beneficiation methods

In any case, the enrichment procedure is preceded by grinding of the raw materials. At the next stage, enrichment is carried out directly using one of the methods:

  • gravity separation;
  • magnetic separation;
  • flotation;
  • complex technique.

Greatest practical application received the option of gravitational separation. It has a minimal cost. For implementation, machines such as a centrifugal machine, a vibrating platform, and a spiral are required.

Due to the presence of substances magnetic properties, the magnetic separation option works. It is relevant in cases where the others are ineffective.

In practice, a complex effect on ore is often required through several beneficiation methods at once.

Video: Iron ores of the Urals

In textbooks on the world around me in the first, second, third, and fourth grades I study stones, ores and minerals. Often the teacher assigns homework to prepare a message, report or presentation about some ore of the student’s choice. One of the most popular and necessary things in people's lives is iron ore. Let's talk about her.

Iron Ore

I'll talk about iron ore. Iron ore is the main source of iron. It is usually black, slightly shiny, turns red over time, very hard, and attracts metal objects.

Almost all major iron ore deposits are found in rocks that were formed more than a billion years ago. At that time the earth was covered with oceans. The planet contained a lot of iron and there was dissolved iron in the water. When the first organisms that created oxygen appeared in the water, it began to react with iron. The resulting substances settled in large quantities on the seabed, compressed, turned into ore. Over time, the water receded, and now man mines this iron ore.

Iron ore is also formed at high temperatures, for example during a volcanic eruption. That is why its deposits are also found in the mountains.

There are different types ores: magnetic iron ore, red and brown iron ore, iron spar.

Iron ore is found everywhere, but it is usually mined only where at least half of the ore is iron compounds. In Russia, iron ore deposits are located in the Urals, Kola Peninsula, in Altai, Karelia, but the largest iron ore deposit in Russia and in the world is the Kursk magnetic anomaly.

Ore deposits on its territory are estimated at 200 billion tons. This represents about half of all iron ore reserves on the planet. It is located on the territory of Kursk, Belgorod and Oryol region. There is the world's largest quarry for iron ore mining - Lebedinsky GOK. This is a huge hole. The quarry reaches 450 meters in depth and about 5 km in width.

First, the ore is blasted to break it into pieces. Excavators at the bottom of the quarry collect these pieces into huge dump trucks. Dump trucks load iron ore into special train cars, which take it out of the quarry and transport it to the plant for processing.

At the plant, the ore is crushed and then sent to a magnetic drum. Everything that is iron sticks to the drum, and anything that is not iron is washed off with water. The iron is collected and smelted into briquettes. Now you can melt steel from it and make products.

Message prepared
4B grade student
Maxim Egorov

Iron ore are natural mineral formations that contain iron in large quantities and such chemical compounds that its extraction is possible and advisable. The most important are: magnetite, magnetite, titanomagnetite, hematite, hydrohematite, goethite, hydrogoethite, siderite, ferruginous chlorites. Iron ores vary in mineral composition, iron content, beneficial and harmful impurities, educational conditions and industrial properties.

Iron ores are divided into rich (more than 50% iron), ordinary (50-25%) and poor (less than 25% iron) Depending on chemical composition they are used for smelting cast iron in natural form or after enrichment. Iron ores used to make steel must contain certain substances in the required proportions. The quality of the resulting product depends on this. Some chemical elements(besides iron) can be extracted from ore and used for other purposes.

Iron ore deposits are divided by origin. Usually there are 3 groups: magmatic, exogenous and metamorphogenic. They can be further divided into several groups. Magmatogenous are formed mainly when various compounds are exposed to high temperatures. Exogenous deposits arose in valleys during the deposition of sediments and Metamorphogenic deposits are pre-existing sedimentary deposits that were transformed under high and temperature conditions. Largest quantity iron ore is concentrated in Russia.

The Kursk magnetic anomaly includes the Prioskol iron ore deposit and the Chernyanskoe iron ore deposit.