Mile tarot fortune telling. Fortune telling Tarot layout “Three cards”

To find out the future or clarify a question that worries you, all you need is a deck of cards and the desire to get an answer.

For beginners, the most suitable simple layouts Tarot for “Three Cards”, the variants of which we will cover in this article.

These simple fortune telling can be used in almost any situation, the main thing is to correctly interpret the fallen Arcana.

Possible layouts of the Tarot deck

You purchased fortune telling cards, but don’t yet know how to get an answer to your question? Main recommendation- these are simple layouts at the beginning of practice. They will allow you to get to know the chosen deck better, feel its energy and decipher the mysterious signs. As you gain experience, the layouts can become more complicated.

Let's look at some of the simpler layouts below.

  1. Arcana drawn at random. This great way feel the deck or get a simple answer.
  2. Tarot spread “Three cards”. As the name suggests, this is fortune telling using the three Arcana (most often the Major ones). It will be discussed in more detail in this article.
  3. “Small Cross” layout. There are four cards used here, and you can guess on almost any question.
  4. “Zodiac circle” layout. With its help you can make a forecast for your future.

Technique for divination of the Tarot layout “Three cards”

Since this layout is quite simple (which is very suitable for beginner tarot readers) and for it you only need three cards, they are used in much smaller quantities - only the Major Arcana (there are twenty-two of them in the classic deck). They are quite informative and have their own original title, as well as more ancient than Minor Arcana, therefore they carry stronger energy.

  • So, during fortune telling with the Three Card Tarot cards, you need to shuffle the deck, focusing on what worries or interests you.
  • Be sure to remove the top with your left hand.
  • Then take out three cards one by one and lay them out from left to right (the back should be at the top).
  • After this, you can begin to decipher the fallen Arcana, revealing them in the same way as they were laid out.

It should be noted that in unconventional technology the entire deck is used. This is usually done to find out the importance of the question being asked.

Explanations for the schedule

If your layout has several Major Arcana, then the question is very important. Major Arcana, which carry negative value, indicate a situation beyond your control (the third card in a row signals this especially clearly).

The Minor Arcana of the same suit speak of a contradictory situation.

Tarot fortune telling process online “Three cards”

If you have a constant connection to the Internet, then you can answer your question faster and easier. There is no need to even purchase a paper deck, because you can use special programs.

The online Tarot spread “Three Cards” is very popular on the Internet. With just a few clicks of the mouse you can “pull out” the cards and immediately read their interpretation. At the same time, you definitely need to think about what interests you.

Issues resolved using the layout

As mentioned above, this layout is universal; with its help you can get answers to almost any questions. The only limitation is that they must be simple and clear. It should also be noted that all these questions can be asked by laying out Tarot cards online using “3 cards” fortune telling.

Let's look at several options in more detail.

Alignment for the future

Most often, the “Three Cards” Tarot is laid out in order to find out your future. By combining all the values ​​into one, you can get a comprehensive picture of the issue.

  1. From the first card you can find out the reasons that led to your situation.
  2. The second will tell you what is happening to you now because of what happened in the past.
  3. And the third will show the most likely development option based on the current situation.

However, it should be borne in mind that any changes in the present can completely change your future, so an unfavorable result can always be turned into a positive one.

Tarot spread for relationships “Three cards”

Very often this alignment is used to find out the feelings of another person towards themselves. The technique is the same, only the interpretation is slightly different. Also, when you ask a question, you need to have a good idea of ​​who you are guessing about.

  1. So, the first card will tell you about something that even the person himself does not know, namely about his hidden attitude towards you, what is in the subconscious.
  2. From the second you can find out about the impression you made on the person you thought of, i.e. find out his thoughts.
  3. But the third will show exactly what feelings he has for you.

“Three cards” layout for a specific person

If you want to better understand yourself, your desires and thoughts, because you are at a dead end, then this alignment can help you sort everything out. You can also guess not only about yourself, but also about another person.

  1. First left card will mean physical condition the person they are guessing about (his health, fatigue, etc.).
  2. The second will reveal a person’s priorities and worldview, so to speak, his mental state.
  3. But the third will tell about the internal and emotional state, as well as about spiritual aspects.

Nuances when reading Tarot cards “Three Cards”

To get a correct and clear answer during fortune telling, you should take into account some nuances.

  1. Choosing the right Tarot deck. Some are better at answering only certain questions (for example, the Egyptian Tarot is not suitable for everyday questions, but the Raider-White deck can be used).
  2. Correct formulation of the question. The clearer and clearer your question is, the better the answer will be visible in the layout. Avoid long and confusing sentences; it is better to do the layout again after a while.
  3. Don't rush the arrangement. It must be done thoughtfully, in silence, discarding extraneous thoughts.

As you can see, everything is quite simple if you follow certain rules. You can also use the virtual method of online Tarot reading “Three Cards”.

So, the popular “Three Cards” Tarot layout will help you understand relationships with the opposite sex, find out the thoughts and feelings of another person, and also look from the outside and at your own inner world. By breaking it down into your future, you will be able to see the situation as a whole - its reasons and where everything will lead. Carefully analyze each Arcana that falls out, evaluate it not only with your mind, but also with your feelings, only then will you gain clarity in the answer you receive.

Free fortune telling with Tarot cards online will help clarify controversial issues. We offer many options for free Tarot layouts: card of the day, fortune telling for a situation using one card, “Tree of Lovers” - a layout for relationships, “When will I get married”, fortune telling for infidelity, “Seven-pointed Star”, one of the most powerful layouts - “Mystery” Priestesses" and others.

With our Tarot readings you can learn everything about love and finance, health and career. You will be able to get answers to questions that require a specific yes or no answer and will know whether your wish or expectation will be fulfilled. In addition, you will find forecasts for the future here, get a chance to take advantage of the help of horary numerology, and novice tarot readers will be able to understand the meanings of the Arcana of the deck.

Fortune telling for love using Tarot cards online

What could it be more important than relationships with your loved one! It is love that pushes us to accomplishments and exploits, and its absence deprives us of sleep and appetite. Century after century, poets talk about it, sometimes arguing, sometimes agreeing with each other. But the topic never ends...

By turning to Tarot readings for relationships and love, you can clarify issues of the heart. This layout on Tarot cards is called “Tree of Lovers”.

The layout on Tarot cards “For a loved one” is an excellent tool for clarifying a whole range of issues related to the upcoming marriage. This is fortune telling for a girl (woman) planning to marry a specific man. In it, in 9 positions, all significant aspects of the short- and long-term prospects of this union are considered and forecasts are given regarding the behavior of the future spouse under certain circumstances.

Is there a problem associated with marriage, and if so, what are the circumstances that interfere with it and how to overcome them? There is a way to understand this - ancient fortune telling on Tarot cards.

Online Tarot spread “Will I get married” is a fortune-telling that will allow you to instantly and absolutely free consider the real state of affairs, understand the reasons for the disorder in your personal life and determine the next steps to correct them.

“Feelings of a beloved man for me” – free online schedule on a full Tarot deck, which allows you to predict the prospects of an alliance with a specific person. It is done for relationships that have already begun to form (or have prospects for this).

What could be more terrible than this uncertainty - “there was betrayal or there wasn’t”?! Such thoughts deprive you of sleep and appetite, make you lose faith in true love and loyalty... You need to get rid of such sentiments quickly. At least in order to have the strength to live normally and build your future. And this free online fortune telling for treason using Tarot cards will give you a comprehensive answer to such an ambiguous question.

This tarot card reading is “What does he or she think of me?” – an effective assistant in difficult moments of life, when you are unsure or simply don’t know how your loved one treats you. This is a free online service that will help you navigate his attitude towards you in at the moment and, accordingly, understand how to behave in order to correct the situation.

Did you know that mutual understanding between two people, especially when it comes to love relationships, largely depends on their names? And that the degree of this mutual understanding can be calculated on Tarot cards? On our website you can go for free online test on the compatibility of names in love and marriage with your partner (or partner), who will tell you how the Tarot system interprets your names and how suitable you are for each other.

Fortune telling for the future - online Tarot spreads

Our life mainly consists of everyday life and little things, days run after days, forcing us to rush, think, do something, make decisions. How to live today so that tomorrow you won’t be offended, ashamed, or annoyed for it? The answer to this question is comprehensively given by the card of the day - Tarot and its magical power predictions of the future. In this case, the Tarot card turns out to be an objective advisor and friendly assistant.

Knowing forecasts for a few days is no less important than knowing a year or two ahead. After all, decisions need to be made every day. And have an idea about general atmosphere of the coming week, receiving advice or warnings for every day means getting the opportunity to think through your actions several steps ahead, predict events and, accordingly, choose the best ones from the many options for your actions. “Seven-pointed Star” is a free online fortune telling for the near future, which gives just such a chance.

A year is a long time. And a lot can happen during this time - great love and career take-off, moving and changing jobs. The “Circular Alignment” fortune telling will help you understand exactly what to expect from the next twelve months and what they will be marked by. You will go through the milestones of each of them online, and this will allow you to understand in one minute exactly how you should behave, what you should avoid and what to pay attention to. So, here it is - a free way to lift the veil of mystery, which every time appears before us in the form of hopes, fears and anticipations from the next life cycle.

The Celtic cross is a universal tool for resolving any issues. Celtic cross online and for free - a convenient opportunity to use it constantly. Ask your question mentally and make a layout. Everything is very simple - just a single click of the mouse and now you have a complete picture of the situation, covering all its aspects.

Tarot forecast by date of birth for the year is a proven method of prediction, which, moreover, makes it possible to comprehensively analyze this time period. We will teach you how to correctly calculate the number of “your” Arcana, under the influence of which you will have to live over the next year. And then all you have to do is read your forecast, which - and there is no doubt about it - will provide good food for useful thoughts. In a word, count, read and get ready to live another – maybe difficult, but perhaps, on the contrary, very successful – year of your life.

This is an online reading of fate. It contains about a dozen positions in which it answers in detail all the basic questions that concern every person when he tries to embrace and comprehend his life as a whole. Use it to determine your capabilities, find out what you can aspire to in your career or personal life, find out what echoes of the past influence your life now, understand what you shouldn’t “go for”, because it’s useless...

Fortune telling on the question and meaning of Tarot cards

“Horseshoe” layout – the best way getting answers to specific practical questions. It is done on the Major Arcana of the Tarot, consists of 7 positions, which outline the prospects of the plan, possible difficulties associated with its implementation, problems that have not been resolved in the past and can still affect it, etc. This is a free online fortune telling that you can safely use whenever you have doubts or worries about some business, undertaking, or expectation.

Diagnosis of Aura on Tarot cards is a kind of emergency “ ambulance"if you want to quickly get a complete picture of your energy state. The layout considers key aspects regarding possible external influences on your biofield, the state of the aura at the moment and gives recommendations on what to do if you have problems in this regard. The layout works online and can be used absolutely free.

The “Three Cards” Tarot layout is suitable for analyzing any situation, event or issue! This is truly the most universal Tarot layout, suitable for all occasions. You can determine the meaning of card positions in this fortune telling yourself or choose suitable ones.

Approximate values ​​of card positions that will help you analyze the past, present or predict the future are presented below, but you can also use this layout as a clarifying or additional one to any other Tarot fortune-telling.

Possible values ​​of cards in positions 1 - 2 - 3:

  • past - present - future;
  • what will happen - how will it happen - what to do;
  • the cause of the problem - the main thing in the problem is the solution;
  • where - who - why;
  • what - why - how;
  • the essence of the problem - prospects for solution No. 1 - prospects for solution No. 2;
  • feelings - thoughts - actions;
  • the essence of the situation - actions to harm - actions to benefit;
  • the desired goal - what will speed up its achievement - what interferes with its achievement;
  • what a person thinks about - what he wants - where he is / what he is doing;
  • my condition today - how the day will go - advice of cards for today;
  • main event of the day - mood of the day - surprise today

    If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before fortune telling, we recommend.

    Scheme and meaning of the cards of the “Three Cards” Tarot layout

    So, focus and... look at the schedule!

    MAP 1

    You lead the Knight of Cups, personifying the warm atmosphere of love, peace, and goodwill. Fulfillment of desires, declaration of love. Implementation of creative ideas. Favorable cash offer. Favorable resolution of issues through a friendly meeting. Guest. Arrival of news. Caring for friends, reconciliation and peace. An honest and intelligent young man, possibly a relative. Attractive, progressive.

    MAP 2

    You see the Five of Cups, showing farewell, grief for what was destroyed, lost, which must be overcome in order to see a new goal and ways to achieve it. Deep sadness due to failures, disappointments, dashed hopes. Loss of a partner, loneliness, the path of loss, tears and pain. Deprivation of a source of bright emotions. Abortion. Inability to navigate the situation, breakdown of will.

    MAP 3

    Before you is the Queen of Pentacles. She is a reliable, grounded, caring woman, rational, prosperous, and able to enjoy life. An extraordinary personality capable of achieving great heights in his chosen activity. A patroness, a boss who knows how to get her way. Strives to inner harmony, willingly shares his experience. Also – the need to believe in your talents and intelligence, to demonstrate your rationality and pragmatism.