Seeing a varnished parquet floor in a dream. The magic of numbers

Sliding along a shiny, unusually smooth parquet floor, like skating on ice, means entering into some risky ventures.

Laying parquet flooring in your apartment - to interesting news.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Dream Interpretation - I dreamed of a beautiful new apartment

Good afternoon, Alina! “I have a somewhat similar dream, which was previously discussed” - let’s look at this one first. "I'm entering the big new apartment. I enter a huge hall, empty, but in excellent repair. I'm delighted" - this is your tonal. Apparently positive changes are taking place in your life: http: //www. Sunhome. Ru/magic/15900 "this will be my studio! " - accordingly, you begin to be drawn to creativity, as you harmonize with nature and the world - “I see a wonderful landscape below the river, surrounded by a city." “I clearly saw the number 10 in a dream” - in general, this is the number of white magic, let’s not say, which in the modern understanding, and the magic that Moses learned from his father-in-law, “is like a mixture of a metal pipe and a small ladder. And my son tells me, as if jokingly, “it’s so close to the balcony, you might have to jump on it.” - You still shouldn’t relax, because the higher you fly, the more painful it is to fall. Well, in general, everything is going quite well... Save Christ !

Very positive dream images, which entail a favorable period in life. The theme of everyday work and working conditions, service, fulfillment of duty - dominate in a dream; a person is called to put his soul and creativity into his work, and his mood (and possibly his health) depend (in a dream - glass, doors, windows...) on the situation in the workplace and relationships with colleagues. You can count on profit - (... I see greening grass and tree trunks with swelling buds...). There will be new opportunities, partners, productive and pleasant communication with colleagues, agility in performing everyday work, ease of finding necessary information. Also, this could be a large-scale renovation or construction of a summer house, an influx of money from business partners, the appearance of a large amount of money as a result of receiving an inheritance, the appearance of generous investors and the necessary subsidies. New types of activities and obtaining more profitable work are possible.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Old house with windows and a door with glass

Your state of mind comes to peace and tranquility in connection with the long-awaited positive changes (I understand that spring has come). All dream images are favorable and promise clarity of what is happening (sun, clean glass), increasing energy and desire to act (grass), prospects for the rapid implementation of plans (buds are swelling). There is no material / and maybe moral / damage after the winter, that is, after an uncomfortable period of life (the house is intact).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Old house with windows and a door with glass

Good afternoon, Svetlana! "I believe that this dream can be correlated with my business, in which at the moment there are problems. I would like to understand, with the help of respected interpreters, its (dream) meaning, prospects and results. " - if you think so, then so it is. We dream in order to put our minds in order. And the images that are shown are those that a person can correctly understand. "I see myself in my mud hut, which is not far from the Don River. " - support for your family. This is confirmed in your other two dreams: support for your late father and ex-husband. That is, even three clans support you, the ancestors of your current husband also need your prayers, do not forget about them. "The rooms in the house are permeated with light pouring from the windows with clean, transparent windows. I am standing by the plastic white front door with transparent glass, behind it I see green grass and tree trunks with swelling buds. I understand that spring has come. I feel so good from spring, and from the atmosphere in the clean, bright house, and from the transparency of the glass, and from the landscape behind the glass of the door. Although I am surprised that the house is intact after winter and none of the villagers broke the glass trying to break into the mud hut. " - I don’t know what you saw here as an idea about your business. Most likely, simply because this topic interests you greatly. At the moment, I don’t see that there are any serious threats to your business. But specifically in this dream, there are prospects for Your future is bright. What have you done in the past three months, after this dream, that you have problems - you yourself know better.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

To find out your future, sometimes it is enough to remember a plot you saw in a dream. To find out why you dream about gender, you will have to look at several interpreters at once. Not all dream books interpret such a plot in the same way. Sometimes the differences in interpretation are quite significant.

Sweep or wipe

If you dreamed that you were sweeping the floors with a broom, this is a very auspicious sign. The modern dream book promises material well-being. Moreover, it will be possible to achieve it quite quickly. If in a dream you saw a floor that had already been washed, then do not expect obstacles on the way to your dream. It will be possible to achieve what you want quite easily and in as soon as possible. If in a dream a woman washes the floor covering, then in reality she will be able to get out of difficult situation thanks to the help and competent advice of a certain representative of the fair sex. If your husband washed the floors in a dream, divorce proceedings are possible. Moreover Universal dream book believes that it is the spouse who will initiate the separation. Another option for explaining why you dream about a man washing the floor is that he is leaving for a long time on a business trip.

In this regard, it is possible that the relationship will deteriorate somewhat. Watching in a dream how a dead person washes the floors means life changes. Aesop's dream book predicts serious shocks And important events. You may also dream of a deceased person in the role of a floor cleaner if you are currently faced with a decisive choice. If in your night dreams the deceased washes the floor without much pleasure, then your plans will not come true. Shereminskaya's dream book believes that such a plot is a sign of problems and numerous troubles. I dreamed that my mother-in-law was washing the parquet, try to real life do not conflict with anyone. Any quarrel can turn into a serious conflict, which will be extremely difficult to resolve. If your relatives wash the floors in a dream, then your relationship with them will be very good. Women's dream book promises complete absence disagreements.


If a representative of the fair sex dreams that she is urinating directly on the floor, this means that she should beware of evil gossips and envious people. The women's dream book advises not to talk about your plans and personal life. Any altered information about you can be extremely harmful. Wiping after yourself in a dream means preventing the occurrence of gossip. The modern dream book is confident that you will be able to stand up for your honor and save your reputation. If you dreamed that you peed on the floor and felt burning shame, then in reality you will feel embarrassed for your actions. The universal dream book recommends that you apologize as soon as possible to those whom you have intentionally or accidentally caused pain. If the urine pouring onto the floor was dark in color and had bad smell, difficult times are coming. You will have to face financial difficulties, and perhaps even experience the loss of a loved one.

Paint and repair

According to Grishina, painting the floor in a dream means major waste. Grishina's dream book predicts the purchase of a car, an apartment, or a large expensive household appliances. Another option for explaining why you dream of painting a floor is a change in image, goals and views. If you dreamed that the floor in the house was painted white, then in reality you are open to new acquaintances, opportunities and acquaintances. The Wanderer's Dream Book promises many new amazing discoveries and pleasant encounters. If the color of the incomplete coverage was red, get ready to experience a passionate love adventure. But this romance will be very short-lived. If in a dream you laid linoleum or parquet yourself, it means you are ready for radical changes. The modern dream book promises a new position, or a new relationship. Also, if you dream of such a renovation, you should pay attention to relationships in the family. Family connections not as durable as it seems. According to Shereminskaya, gender reassignment also predicts moving to another country.

Dirt and destruction

If in a dream the floor was dirty and full of holes, then you are going through a period of mental suffering and doubt. The universal dream book recommends spending more time with your friends and family. They will help you overcome difficulties with minimal effort. You also dream of dirt and holes when those people you trust are going to set you up in a big way. Surviving betrayal will not be easy. Moreover, if the floor was rotten and there were large holes, then you will have to go through a period of loneliness. Dreaming of dust and debris on an old field promises confusion in thoughts and feelings. You won’t be able to decide for a long time what to do, and only certain life events will help you make the right choice.

Lay carpet

If the carpet laid was beautiful and new, then your position is strong and stable. The Dream Interpretation of the Seasons is sure that only success and promotion await you at work, and mutual feelings in your personal life. Lying on a carpet in a dream means happiness and profit. If there was blood on the rug in your dream, beware of strong competitors. Replacing an old carpet with a new one in a dream means completely changing your life in reality.

Walk, lie down, fall

Seeing your footprints on the flooring is a sign of success. If in a dream you walked barefoot on the floor, then it will not be easy to earn a rush. A universal dream book promises long work that requires complete dedication. If you dream that you are sitting or sleeping on the floor, pay attention to the condition of the surface. Cleanliness around speaks of order and stability, untidiness predicts numerous troubles. Miller believes that falling to the floor from a height and hitting it painfully is a severe shock.

Various interpretations

If you dreamed of a wooden floor, it means that your family is based on emotional relationships, not economic ones. If he fails in a dream, then the marriage will crack. The female interpreter strongly advises having more heart-to-heart conversations with your other half. Scattered sand is a sign of doubt and suffering. The more sand there was, the stronger the experience. Sweeping or wiping the floor in a dream means getting rid of suffering. Eastern dream book I'm sure you'll be able to cope heartache and become only stronger after the experiences you have experienced.

If you dream that there is earth scattered on the floor, then you will have to be nervous about the inheritance. If you dreamed of hair on the parquet floor, get ready to go to long haul. If you dreamed of a new and clean carpet, then everything planned will come true exactly as you planned. Aesop recommends not wasting your time on trifles, but focusing on main goal. If you dreamed about wet tiles, you should be more careful with your actions and words.

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it Parquet, But necessary interpretation sleep dreaming Parquet in dream in dream Have you seen this symbol? Try it! My dream: I wanted to go down the elevator, but an official I know didn’t let me do it and began to repair it floor in the elevator, which for some reason turned out to be parquet.Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-super"

    If dreamed about it parquet floor: See in dream parquet floor- rare dream parquet in dream: Lay it yourself in dream parquet- such dream predicts that you will discover a quality in yourself that you did not suspect, and this discovery will change a lot in your life. Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Parquet floor floor in a government institution - dream Wash floor in dream- a harbinger of success in work, with the condition that you will not contradict your superiors and defend your innocence. In addition, you will benefit from being more forgiving of the shortcomings of powerful people. If you dreamed, What floor a hole opens up underneath you and you fall into a hole - this means that someone...Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Floor, dreamed in dream, personifies the main areas of life: well-being and personal life. Why dreaming This symbol is often explained by the dream book by its condition. Watch in dream on how floors a dead person washes - to life changes. Aesop's dream book predicts serious upheavals and important events. Also dream about deceased as a launderer floors maybe if you are currently facing a decisive choice. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magenya"

    See wooden floor- the dream speaks of the health of loved ones: strong and stable - to good health and recovery, but rotten and rotten - threatens with serious illness, and sometimes death. Parquet– patronage at work or in the financial sphere. I dreamed about it burning floor(lit) in dream– to conflicts and showdowns with their protectors. What was on semi?Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Putting parquet floor in your apartment - to interesting news. Spring dream book. Why dreaming Parquet according to the dream book: Parquet– To a good, solid career at work. Why dreaming Parquet according to the dream book: Parquet clean and shiny to see in dream- you do not believe that you can do the work entrusted to you well. If you're sliding along parquet in dream- you will be faced with a difficult choice. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Putting parquet floor in your apartment - to interesting news. I dreamed about it Parquet, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Parquet in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream Have you seen this symbol? Try it! Read more

    Dream book "name-sonnik"

    I dreamed about it parquet in dream- mostly yours dream means that you really value material wealth. Concrete floor or covered with linoleum in dream– often means that your opportunities in real life do not always correspond to your desires now. Floor- Modern dream book. Read more

    Dream book "sonnikonline"

    Why dreaming parquet according to the dream book - “Vanga’s Dream Book”. If dreamed about it parquet floor: See in dream parquet floor- rare dream, which predicts the emergence of new ideas for you, the implementation of which will ensure a comfortable existence and recognition for yourself. Stow parquet.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    WHY DREAMING Floor IN DREAM, DREAM Floor DREAMED, INTERPRETATION SNA. Fell in dream on floor portends illness. A rug or carpet on semi Parquet floor floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities. Read more

    Dream book "SleepExpert"

    What does it mean if dreamed about it floor? Find out the whole truth about dream FLOOR in our dream book!Dirty floor- expect changes for the worse. Rug or carpet on semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor- build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Parquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities. If anyone will dream that he is floating in the rapid current of the river and cannot get out of it, he is in danger, illness or long duration trial. Sail in dream By big river predicts upcoming danger. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Parquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream dreamed in dream battlefield - dream Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Parquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities. If you dreamed a well-cultivated field, prosperity awaits you. An uncultivated field is a harbinger of failures caused by your laziness and passivity. If you saw in dream battlefield - dream predicts a sudden fatal passion that will bring you misfortune. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Parquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities. Soaps in dream floor- success in your work awaits you, provided that you do not contradict your superiors and defend your point of view. Be tolerant of the shortcomings of powerful people. If you dreamed what opens up underneath you floor and you fall, it means that someone is trying very hard to ruin your...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Rearing floor dreamed, why dreaming in dream rearing floor semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Disassembled floor dreamed, why dreaming in dream Disassembled floor?Rug or carpet on semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Parquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities. If you will dream a mown field from which the grain has already been harvested - this portends failure. See a green field or spacious fields ears of bread - promises the peasant bountiful harvest, and for everyone else - a happy period in life. See in dream a plowed field - portends that you will soon achieve prosperity and your path to...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Floor cold dreamed, why dreaming in dream Floor cold?Rug or carpet on semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "advice"

    Meaning sleep Parquet V modern dream book. Had a dream what are you doing in the apartment renovation and putting parquet, - this means that you have an opportunity to prove yourself in an area in which you clearly do not have enough experience. Parquet in Vanga's dream book. See in dream parquet floor- rare dream, which predicts the emergence of new ideas for you, the implementation of which will ensure a comfortable existence and recognition for yourself. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Child is dirty floor dreamed, why dreaming in dream The child is dirty floor?Rug or carpet on semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Floor future child dreamed, why dreaming in dream Floor Future child? Rug or carpet on semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Sow grain crops in dream in dream in dream will dreamParquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Mom wrote on floor dreamed, why dreaming in dream Mom wrote to floor? To select an interpretation sleep enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free of charge in the alphabet).Rug or carpet on semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Mirror floor dreamed, why dreaming in dream Mirror floor?Rug or carpet on semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Sow grain crops in dream means good prospects for the future. It is believed that sowing wheat in dream- a sign of the birth of a son, and sowing rye in dream- a harbinger of the imminent birth of a daughter. If you will dream If birds in the field are pecking at seeds, then losses await you. Parquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Marble floor dreamed, why dreaming in dream Marble floor?Rug or carpet on semi portends concessions on your part when concluding a trade deal. Parquet floor– build your own house. See cement floor in a government institution - dream means that you will be dissatisfied with your situation and will make attempts to change it by taking up new activities.

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Dream Interpretation - Field

A dream in which you walk through an uncultivated field, enjoying complete peace, means liberation from addiction and living in full accordance with your desires and capabilities.

Seeing a boundary line in a field is a sign of separation from former friends and a harbinger of loneliness. Seeing a plowed field in a dream foreshadows the imminent achievement of success under favorable circumstances.

Seeing ears of grain, foreshadowing a bountiful harvest, means health, prosperity and profit.

A mown field with stacks of straw promises failure and sad experiences. A green winter field means the onset of a happy streak in your life.

To see how a field is plowed and harrowed - a dream means that, willy-nilly, you will put things in order in all your affairs.

A field in which combine harvesters are threshing mature ears of corn portends a favorable turn of events for you.

A hemp field means a quarrel with a friend, a field with beetroot or a potato field means success, which can unexpectedly turn into disappointment.

A birch tree growing alone in the middle of a field is a sign of unfulfilled hopes.

Interpretation of dreams from