Who is Nikita Presnyakov dating? Nikita Presnyakov got married

Nikita Presnyakov – famous actor Russia, career which is rapidly gaining popularity. His family ties with Alla Pugacheva (grandmother) and Kristina Orbakaite (mother) played a significant role in this. There is no need to repeat that Nikita’s popularity was brought only by her star parents. Today Nikita is an independent and self-confident person.

All photos 8

The aspiring actor was born on May 21, 1991 in London. At the moment, his height is 1.85 m, weight is 79 kg.

According to the young star, he did not like being associated only with his parents - Vladimir Presnyakov and Kristina Orbakaite. From childhood, Nikita strove for independence, dreamed musical career. The profession of a film director was a dream for him - this was inspired by the legendary film “The Matrix”. After watching, the guy began to copy his favorite actor Keanu Reeves, began attending martial arts sections, and soon extreme sports were added.

Nikita Vladimirovich also began to show interest in the topic of directing. Seeing such a hobby, his grandmother gave him a camera, with which the guy goes everywhere. The parents were sure that this was just a hobby, but their son proved the opposite. Having entered the New York Film Academy, the guy showed that he was serious. This event happened in 2004, when Nikita Presnyakov was only 13 years old. After studying for five years and successfully passing the exam, the young man received a certificate of completion of school in America.

At the time of his studies, the guy led an active life, traveling from America to Russia and vice versa. In Moscow, Nikita tries himself in cinema. In the film “Indigo,” the young actor was given a minor role, in which he showed himself brilliantly. It is worth noting that a significant incident happened even before graduating from the New York Film Academy. This was not the end of his film career. Soon Nikita Presnyakov starred in four more films - the comedies “Yolki” and “Yolki - 2” and the projects “Ghost Hunt” and “Visiting $kazki” (2013).

The aspiring actor gained popularity in the film industry - starting with minor roles, the son of Kristina Orbakaite and Vladimir Presnyakov achieved heights.

However, directing was at the forefront of his mind. Nikita shot several video clips for domestic and foreign performers, as well as for his friend Tamerlan, a singer from Kazakhstan. The guy also has short films, some of which took part in the screening of student works in New York. In 2014, Nikita Presnyakov, together with his lady love Aida Kalieva, starred in the film “The Case of an Angel.”

The actor also voiced several roles, for example, in the films “Super Team” (2015) and “Cracked Vacation” (2016). The actor also tried himself in music - he took part in the “ShowaStgown” project, where he took an honorable first place, and in the program “Two Stars” - second. His participation in the show “Exactly Exactly” also brought him popularity, in which the guy transformed into various famous singers– F. Kirkorov, his father V. Presnyakov and others. Nikita shared 1st place with Irina Dubtsova. In 2014, he received an award in the “Debut” category at the “Breakthrough of the Year” ceremony.

Personal life

TV journalists do not take their eyes off Nikita. Success in creativity, rapid popularity and relationship with the beautiful Aida - all this attracts their attention to Nikita’s person. While studying in New York, the guy met Aida Kalieva, a girl from Kazakhstan. They soon began an affair, and within a few months they began to live together. At first they hid their relationship, but still the young man decided to introduce the bride to his father, not in person, but on the Internet, and only then with the rest of the star family. The meeting took place over a family dinner, and everyone liked Aida.

In 2013 (after three years of dating a girl), Nikita Presnyakov decides to propose to his beloved. This happened on vacation in Dubai. The guy made a sign with the treasured words and showed it while diving into the water. Aida agreed. But the wedding never happened, the couple broke up, the exact reason for this is unknown. Most believe that the girl was never able to accept Nikita’s schedule.

Within a few months, he has a new girlfriend - schoolgirl Alena Krasnova (17 years old). Those around them admired their romance, but their parents did not consider it serious. The girl's father was also against it, since the guy is much older than his daughter. Soon news appeared that the couple were no longer together; Presnyakov, the youngest, was even credited with an affair with makeup artist Lida, as they were often seen together.

The reunion of the actor and Alena became known when the guy came to her graduation. After that, all questions disappeared, this moment They have a whirlwind romance, harmony reigns in the relationship. Alena is like her own in the actor’s family.

Today we will tell our reader about life and creative path young actor- Nikita Presnyakov. In addition to working on the set, he creates videos for modern performers and is becoming more popular every day. At the moment, the actor has more than ten films to his credit, where he plays diverse characters. Nikita Presnyakov also does dubbing for foreign films. By the way, do not forget the pedigree of the young actor - if not everyone, then most of the residents know his grandmother post-Soviet space. We'll talk about this in more detail a little further.

Young famous person always attracts the attention of the public, regardless of the type of activity. Even then, everyone is interested in various aspects of a person - creativity, merit or appearance. Our hero is no exception - fans are interested in the young actor’s height, weight, and age. How old is Nikita Presnyakov - this is the question asked by those who are familiar with the rest of his pedigree. The answers are already ready for everyone - the height is just over 183 centimeters, and approximate weight– 78 kilograms. Representatives of the fair sex note that he has an excellent figure.

Nikita Presnyakov will celebrate his 27th birthday this spring. Photos in his youth and now, as you may have guessed, are pointless to compare. Now he is at exactly the age that is called youth.

Biography and personal life 👉 Nikita Presnyakov

The biography and personal life of Nikita Presnyakov rarely goes unnoticed by fans. The young man was born in 1991 in London. Mother Kristina Orbakaite and father Vladimir Presnyakov are very famous musicians in the CIS. In turn, grandmother young artist is Alla Pugacheva. As you understand, such an environment from childhood was able to determine future profession boy.

The musical family has always created a creative atmosphere in the family. From then on, when Nikita began to realize the popularity of his relatives, he realized that he was unlikely to encounter any difficulties in the creative field. But, I decided to change the concept of talent so that achievements would not be put on the same level as family. Therefore, Nikita Presnyakov chooses a slightly different profession.

Already in primary school, the boy is interested in cinema. In his dreams, he sees himself as a director. The most attractive genre is action and adventure. The popular movie “The Matrix” had quite an influence. After watching, Nikita decides to take up martial arts and other extreme sports.

The star grandmother noticed her grandson's aspirations - to encourage him, she gives him a video camera. This fuels Nikita’s even greater interest in art - the first amateur shooting and “acquaintance with film” begin. Having received secondary education, the young man goes to New York, where he studies directing - the film academy helps him in this. The training lasted five years, after which he can boast of a prestigious diploma and acquired skills. By the way, Nikita graduated from the Academy in 2009.

It is to be expected that the personal life of the descendant of the Diva is practically not ignored. In addition to her pedigree, Nikita boasts a fit figure that attracts the attention of the opposite sex. In 2010, he met Kazakh model Aida Kalieva. Romantic relationship lasted about four years, and their acquaintance occurred in America, when Presnyakov was undergoing training. They even have a joint romantic film, “The Case of an Angel,” to their credit. The media talked about the approaching wedding, but it never happened - the couple broke up.

In the same year (2014), Nikita Presnyakov meets a girl who lives not far from his family’s dacha. At that time, Alena was still studying at school and about serious relationship there was no question. But, to the surprise of journalists, they spent a lot of time together. Then various rumors arose - both about a short-term separation and about a secret wedding. Photographs of Nikita in the company of other girls even began to appear, which he did not comment on in any way, and it is difficult to say for sure whether there was discord in relation to the young people.

Already in 2017, the couple started talking about their upcoming wedding. Again, information appeared about separation for several months, which no one can confirm. However, despite everything, the young people began to appear together at various social events. For example, Nikita Presnyakov was a guest at graduation party Alena.

In the summer of the same year, the couple got married. The young people signed their names at the capital's registry office. Afterwards, Nikita and Alena went to continue the event in a cottage community near Moscow.

Filmography 👉 films starring Nikita Presnyakov

Since then, Nikita’s filmography began, which today includes more than ten roles. As a debut, he was entrusted with a supporting character in the film "Indigo", which positions itself as a thriller. After some time, the young actor was entrusted with the main role - the film “Visiting a Fairy Tale” was warmly received by fans.

The first two parts of the New Year's comedies "Yolki" also could not do without the participation of Presnyakov. Here he played a character in love. Now, from under his wing, various short films and video clips are coming out for various performers, with whom Nikita maintains friendly relations.

Besides film set, the actor is trying his hand at the musical field. Thus, he takes several prizes at various Russian song shows. The popular program “Exactly the Same” awarded Nikita Presnyakov first place.

In 2014, the young man assembled a musical group, which is now called Multiverse. They have performed many performances at concert venues across the country. In addition to the creative side of life, junior Presnyakov I have hobbies. In particular, he is interested in parkour and skateboards, and likes to spend time doing extreme jumps. Computer animation and graphic effects also attract the musician, and he develops his skills in this direction.

Family and children 👉 Nikita Presnyakov

The family and children of Nikita Presnyakov are of interest to fans and journalists no less than their biography young man. It’s not surprising, because it’s all thanks to the pedigree.

As you already know, the parents of the young actor are Kristina Orbakaite and Vladimir Presnyakov, famous musicians. Mom, in addition to musical creativity, is engaged in acting. Most of the residents of Russia know that the creative “tree” continues - Nikita’s grandparents are Alla Pugacheva and Mikola Orbakas. Thanks to such roots, a young talent can easily break into any field related to art. But Nikita Presnyakov tries not to take advantage of such privileges and earn everything with his own labor and talent.

Despite the fact that the relatives of the young people are looking forward to grandchildren and great-grandchildren, it is too early to talk about children. Of course, journalists have already launched false information several times about Alena’s pregnancy, which has not been confirmed. Nikita himself notes that he is not against children, it’s just that everything needs its time, especially in relatively early age. All relatives and fans can only wait and hope that soon they will decide to continue the star family.

Wife 👉 of Nikita Presnyakov - Alena Krasnova

Nikita Presnyakova’s wife, Alena Krasnova, was born in the spring of 1997. The age difference between the young people is six years. Before meeting the actor, she almost never appeared at various events, even though she is the daughter of a well-known businessman.

The future spouses met in holiday village in the Moscow region. It is noteworthy that the houses of their families are very close to each other - this became a fundamental factor. In addition, thanks to joint photographs on social networks, Alena’s popularity among golden youth began to grow. For a short time, the young people separated due to age and other circumstances.

Wedding 👉 of Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova

Last July, the wedding of Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova took place, which turned out to be very colorful, and photographs appeared in many publications. At that time, the young girl was twenty years old, and the actor was 26.

The couple went to the capital's registry office to exchange rings and formalize the relationship. Afterwards, Nikita and Alena went to a luxurious residence, which had been prepared in advance for the event. Even then, the first headlines began to appear that the Diva’s grandson, Nikita Presnyakov, had married Alena Krasnova. Also, in addition, photographs were released where the girl appears in a luxurious dress, and the young man is dressed in a classic tuxedo.

Some of the invited guests immediately said that this event was the wedding of the year (photos of which can be found on the Internet). Not surprising, because everything was of the highest standard - an expensive cake, fresh flowers and celebrities who came to congratulate the newlyweds. Dmitry Koldun gave the young family a motorcycle. Thanks to Alla Pugacheva, Nikita and Alena were able to buy their own apartment. To surprise the guests, the newlyweds performed an unusual dance, which everyone remembered for a long time. After his wife graduates, Nikita plans to move to America together.

A little later, the first rumors spread that Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova were expecting a child - journalists really love this topic. Official sources say that the couple are only planning for continuation of the family, but nothing is known about specific dates yet and is unlikely to happen in the near future.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Nikita Presnyakov

Today, young people are increasingly using social networks - it’s hard to imagine modern man without Internet. Especially if they are related to creative activity and are public figures.

Therefore, Nikita Presnyakov’s Instagram and Wikipedia are increasingly a place where fans of his work “gather”. They discuss various moments from his life and other news of contemporary art. Not surprising, because thanks social networks You can save time and money, and in addition, you can notify fans about any changes.

By the way, it was thanks to Instagram that fans and journalists learned about new girl Nikita Presnyakov. The first photographs appeared there showing both young men. If you want to stay informed latest news, we recommend subscribing to official pages actor so as not to miss the new short film or the performance of his group, which are still ongoing. We also recommend keeping an eye on acting career– this year they are already promising several films with the participation of the younger Presnyakov.


Birth and early years

Nikita's parents are singer Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. and singer and actress Kristina Orbakaite, maternal grandmother - Alla Pugacheva, paternal grandparents - composer and saxophonist Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. and singer Elena Presnyakova. Nikita Vladimirovich Presnyakov has a maternal brother Denis Ruslanovich Baysarov and a sister Claudia, and on June 5, 2015, Nikita Presnyakov had a paternal brother, who was named Artyom. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a director. Entered the New York Film Academy in 2004. Graduated from it in 2009.

Formation and beginning of a career

His first acting job was in the film “Indigo”, where he played a small role (2008). Then he played Pasha Bondarev in the films “Yolki” and “Yolki 2”. In 2014, 4 films with the participation of Nikita Presnyakov will be released, in two of them he played leading roles. In parallel with his acting, Nikita’s directing career also developed. He participated in the filming of video clips for Russian and Indian rap artists, and shot a video for the Kazakh singer Tamerlan Sadvakasov. Nikita's credits include several short films.

In 2010 he took part in the first season of " Cruel Games"on Channel One, where he became a finalist in the 5th game. In 2012, he won the transformation show “ShowaStgown” on the Ukrainian New Channel. In 2013, in a duet with Olga Klein (a participant in the first season of the vocal TV show “The Voice”), he took second place in the fifth season of the show “Two Stars.” In 2014, he shared first place in the transformation show “Exactly” with Irina Dubtsova, they had 345 points each.

In parallel with his participation in the show “Exactly”, Nikita created his own music group called "AquaStone" (now "MULTIVERSE").

On October 21, 2014, at the award ceremony “Breakthrough of the Year 2014” according to the magazine “MODA topical” he received an award in the “Debut” category.


On February 21, 2015, the group's first single, “RADIATE,” was released. The album of the same name is ready for release, exact date not yet named. On September 23, 2015, the group presented their first video for the song “Vystrel” (Russian version of their song “One Shot”).

Personal life

I dated a native of Kazakhstan, Aida Kalieva, for 4 years. The couple starred together in the film “The Case of an Angel.” Aida and Nikita were preparing for their wedding. But on June 15, 2014, on his VKontakte page, Nikita announced that they broke up with Aida on March 9, 2014. Since May 2014, he has been dating Alena Krasnova.


  • He enjoys skating and doing tricks on a skateboard.
  • Interested in computer animation and graphic effects.
  • Doing parkour.



  • 2008 - Indigo - first guy, friend of Zakhar.
  • 2010 - Christmas trees - taxi driver Pasha Bondarev.
  • 2011 - Christmas trees 2 - Pasha Bondarev, private of the Presidential Regiment.
  • 2014 - Hunting for a Ghost - Zach, hacker.
  • 2014 - Cops from Peretop - Dima Stechkin.
  • 2014 - Corporate event
  • 2014 - The Case of an Angel - musician named Mozart.
  • 2015 - Intersection in space
  • 2016 - Maximum Impact
  • 2017 - Midshipmen IV - Alexander Korsak.

Voice acting

  • 2012 - Reef 3D - Share.
  • 2015 - Superteam - Amadeo.

Nikita Presnyakov - photo

Nikita Presnyakov is not only the son and grandson of star representatives of our national stage, but also a completely self-sufficient personality who has managed to declare himself as a singer, musician, actor, director and music video director.

He himself is not very pleased if they begin to associate him with the star family. Nikita himself is a very talented and original person, and he will definitely prove it. His fame and popularity will only gain momentum over time.

Nikita was born not in Russia, but in London, in the family of Kristina Orbakaite and Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Needless to say, from the very early childhood he was surrounded by a creative atmosphere. Perhaps it was precisely in order to avoid the influence of his parents that he even then began to think that he would like to choose a profession not as an actor or singer, but as a director.

Since childhood, he was passionate about cinema, he especially liked films in the action genre, where there is a lot of dynamics, special effects and combined filming. The film “The Matrix” made the most significant impression on him. It was after watching the film that he became interested in combat sports, which at an older age were joined by more extreme sports, such as parkour and skateboard racing.

Nikita's parents were involved in raising Nikita, but his grandmother took part in this process Active participation, in particular, she actively suppressed all attempts by her grandson to contact bad companies.

She was also the first to notice that Nikita was interested in directing and gave him his first camera for his 8th birthday. The boy was inseparable from the gift, and only once again made sure making the right choice future profession.

When the young man grew up, he entered the New York Film Academy, which surprised his parents. Moreover, he not only entered, but also successfully studied there, passed the exams and received a diploma. It must be said that he was considered one of the best students in his year. During his studies, Nikita lived in two cities - New York and Moscow, regularly moving from one to the other.

Success in cinema and music

Nikita's film debut as an actor took place in Russia. It was the film “Indigo”, the guy got a small role in it. Filming took place while the young man was studying at the film academy.

Two years later, he starred in “Yolki” and “Yolki-2”, then there were roles in other projects. It must be said that starting with small roles, he gradually progressed and is now receiving work of a larger scale from directors, and they are beginning to offer him leading roles.

Despite the fact that Nikita does not refuse offers from directors, he sees himself in the future as a director of his own films. Currently, he has shot many short films, as well as a number of video clips. He had the opportunity to work not only with Russian, but also with Indian performers. He also shot a video for his Kazakh friend and singer Tamerlan Sadvakasov.

Nikita's short films were shown in New York at a festival among other student works.

Nikita actively takes part in various television shows. For example, in the parody show “Exactly” he managed to achieve significant success and take first place.

Although the talented young man is going to devote himself to directing and cinematography, and not to build musical career, however, two years ago he created his own group, which is now called MULTIVERSE. The group performs music in the alternative rock genre.

Personal life

Nikita is not married yet. While studying in New York, he met a girl, Kazakh by nationality, Aida Kalieva, who studied there to become a screenwriter. The young people began an affair, and later they began to live together. After some time, Nikita introduced his parents to his beloved through an Internet connection. Things were heading towards a wedding, the young man even proposed to the girl, but in June 2014 it became known that the relationship had ended.

Later, Nikita began an affair with Alena Krasnova, whom he had known since childhood. Alena’s parents were Alla Pugacheva’s dacha neighbors. Now the girl has grown and blossomed. The young people are dating, but are not yet thinking about marriage.

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Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova - famous couple V Russian show business. Despite the fact that Alena initially had nothing to do with the world of stars, thanks to her chosen one, the girl became a very popular person discussed in the press. In this article we will try to shed light on the relationship between lovers, and also reveal the secret of who Alena’s parents are.

Before we talk about Alena Krasnova (whose daughter this is, and how the young people met), let's remember what fans and admirers of Nikita Presnyakov know from his biography.

The young man was lucky to be born in star family. His parents are Kristina Orbakaite and Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Nikita was born in 1991 in London.

The boy was immersed in a creative atmosphere from early childhood. He could well realize himself in the musical field thanks to his eminent relatives. When Nikita grew up, he finally realized that he did not want to connect his career only with music.

The guy wanted to achieve something himself, so he chose a slightly different field of activity - video making. This was preceded by Presnyakov’s childhood passion for cinema. Nikita really liked the Matrix trilogy. Imitating the main character, he practiced martial arts, as well as extreme species sports.

Relatives and friends did their best to encourage Nikita’s passion for cinema. They even gave him a camera so he could try himself in this field.

After graduating from school, Presnyakov entered the Film Academy in New York. He graduated from higher education in 2009 with a bachelor's degree.

Nikita Presnyakov on the set of the film “Yolki 2”

Nikita played his first film role in the Russian science-fiction thriller “Indigo” (2008). Here the young man got a small role.

Nikita Presnyakov’s first leading role was in the film “Visiting $kazki.” You can also meet a young man in the comedies “Yolki” and “Yolki-2”. There he played the role of a taxi driver in love with singer Vera Brezhneva.

Nikita Presnyakov during participation in the show “Exactly”

In addition to filming films, Nikita took part in the musical project “ShowaStgown”. Here he took first place. In addition, the son of Kristina Orbakaite took part in such television projects as “The Voice” and “Two Stars”.

Presnyaky’s popularity came from his participation in the show “Exactly the Same.” Here Nikita tried on many interesting images, including the image of his famous father, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr.

In 2014, Nikita assembled his own musical group. The first name is AquaStone. Somewhat later, the team began to be called Multiverse. Together with his team, Nikita took part in the “New Wave”.

Alena Presnyakova: biography

Thanks to her star boyfriend, Alena Krasnova in a matter of time became a media person in Russian show business. Fans of Nikita Presnyakov are very interested in the biography of his girlfriend. We will try to uncover the mystery of whose daughter this is - Alena Krasnova.

It is possible that if Alena had been born and raised in a simple, average Russian family, she would never have met her chosen one. It turns out that the girl's mom and dad are far from last people in Moscow. Alena Krasnova's parents are very rich people. It is known that her father is a big businessman. The girl's mother is a housewife. She is raising children.

Alena is not the only daughter in this family. She also has a sister. She is 4 years older than Alena. It is known that in the summer of 2015 my sister got married. Alena prefers not to reveal the girl’s name in the press.

There is also information that Krasnova has another sister who is 13 years younger than her. Unfortunately, this information has not been confirmed, so we do not undertake to say that this is actually true.

From the biography of Nikita Presnyakov’s chosen one, it is known that she was born on March 8, 1997. The girl is 6 years younger than the young man. However, this fact does not in any way prevent lovers from building strong relationships.

A native Muscovite, Alena studied at three different schools in the capital. Numbers educational institutions are listed on the girl’s VKontakte page. Another interesting fact from Alena's biography. She received her education at the Kovcheg-XXI Lyceum.

After graduating from school, Krasnova became a student Russian Academy National economy and public service.

It is known that Alena Krasnova’s parents wanted to send the girl to study abroad, namely to England. However, she wanted to stay in her homeland.

The girl says that she was simply not ready to move. In addition, she did not want to be separated from her family and friends.

In her early childhood, Alena was involved in dancing and gymnastics. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why she is in such great shape now. It is known from unverified sources that Krasnova has a musical education.

Alena's relationship with Nikita began when the girl was 17 years old (2014). At that time, the girl was studying at school. Read below how the relationship between the young people developed.

How did your parents react to Krasnova’s choice?

For an eleventh-grader, an affair with a celebrity turned out to be a real test of stamina and endurance. Nikita’s fans constantly wrote to the girl, wanting to know first-hand how relationships between young people were developing. Naturally, they were interested in absolutely all the details from the lives of Nikita and Alena, right down to whether the lovers had XXX. Alena confidently held the defense.

To all questions of an intimate nature, the girl answered that “she is still small.” Accordingly, there can be no talk of any intimacy. Fans could only guess whether Presnyakova’s girlfriend was really telling them the truth.

Alena Krasnova's parents had mixed opinions about her chosen one. The father reacted calmly to the news about the star fan. Mom said that Nikita was too old for her.

Now, most likely, both parents have a favorable attitude towards Presnyakov. Otherwise, the wedding would be out of the question.

It is possible that the parents have an adequate attitude towards their daughter’s chosen one, since he, like Alena, is a representative of the “golden youth” of Russia. If this were an ordinary guy with no star parents, Krasnova’s loved ones would not have treated him so cordially. At least that’s what many of Presnyakov’s fans think.

Personal life of Alena and Nikita

A few days ago, information appeared in the press that the lovers would very soon officially legalize their relationship. Their wedding is scheduled for July 27. Nikita chose this date. A young man believes in the magic of numbers, and seven is very lucky number, which, according to the guy, will bring real happiness to their family.

Kristina Orbakaite is pleased with the choice of her son and blessed the lovers for the wedding. It is worth recalling that Nikita’s loved ones have known his chosen one since Alena’s early childhood. The fact is that Alla Pugacheva’s dacha borders on the dacha of Krasnova’s parents. Recently, the young people have been living in an apartment that was given to Nikita by the Primadonna.

The relationship between Nikita and Alena began in the summer of 2014. Let us remember that at that time the girl was going to go to 11th grade. Nikita's father was sure that nothing serious could happen between the young people. After all, Alena Krasnova’s parents are rich and serious people who do not want publicity. If the girl connects her life with Nikita, then publicity will definitely not be avoided.

The lovers spent the whole summer together. Somewhat later, Nikita introduced the girl to his mother. Kristina Orbakaite really liked Alena.

The lovers celebrated the New Year separately. Alena decided that she no longer loved Nikita, so they shouldn’t be together. Already in January, photos appeared in which Presnyakov was having fun in the company of another girl. However, this did not last long. Closer to Alena's graduation, the couple reunited again.

After that, the girl was in no hurry to throw out loud words “I love” under every photo with Nikita. She said that she did not want to make any plans for the future.

This year Presnyakov proposed to his girlfriend. This happened on Alena's birthday. Krasnova answered “Yes.”