Prophecies of Nostradamus and Vanga about Donald. The world-famous prophet Edgar Cayce predicted the fate of the United States and Donald Trump

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When the election results in America were not yet known, political scientists had already begun to predict how the person of Donald Trump would influence the history of the country.

Lovers of mysticism also joined the meeting of analysts. They did several analyzes of the works of famous predictors such as Nostradamus and Vanga, and came to stunning conclusions.

Scientists involved in the interpretation of the prophetic tales of Nostradamus express the opinion that new president America is the real personification of the Antichrist, who will help ignite World War III! To support their statements, they quote the following lines from the prophetic books:

“A false tornado hiding madness Will force Byzantium to change its laws. The one who will leave Egypt will be the one who wants the Edict, which changes the exchange rate of money and the standard of gold, to be abolished.

During a big dispute, a tornado will come. The one who violated the agreement will raise his head to Heaven And with a bloody mouth will swim in blood, On earth his face will be anointed with milk and honey.”

The interpreter of Nostradamus's prophecies, Artut Evans, explains that the words “false tornado” symbolize Trump, in whom “madness is supposedly hidden.” The site of Ancient Byzantium is now Istanbul, and Donald Trump has taken an extremely aggressive position towards Turkey after the failed coup.

After these words, Artout Evans concluded: “Donald Trump was betrayed by someone, so he is now furious. He will talk a lot about blood in the name of religion, but in the end he will choke on it. The land of milk and honey mentioned in the prophecy is Israel. And Trump publicly spoke about his intention to become a neutral mediator between Israel and Palestine. The last line talks about his attempts to demonstrate friendship and the fact that he will end up on the ground..."

By the way, Nostradamus’s predictions about Donald Trump largely overlap with the prophecies of other psychics. Thus, the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, who died in 1996, at one time made a number of interesting statements about American realities.

At first, the soothsayer predicted that a black man would become the 44th President of the United States, which happened to Obama many years later. And then she shocked with a much bolder forecast. According to Vanga, Barack Obama will become last president USA!

The reign of the 44th President of the United States will lead the country to economic crisis, due to which it will erupt new war North and South and the death of the entire country will occur...

And the impetus for all this will be Great War, unleashed in Syria! Formally, Donald Trump has not yet taken office - this should happen only on January 20. It is on this date that the inauguration of the new president is scheduled. In the meantime, the whole world froze in anxious anticipation, fearing that Vanga’s prophecies would come true...

Yes, the prophecies of Vanga and Nostradamus are terrifying, but this does not mean that they will come true. In the end, everyone can interpret the words of clairvoyants in their own way. Do you think these prophecies will be confirmed, or will our future be happier?

Before America had time to announce the first results of its elections, political scientists around the world began to unanimously wonder how the personality of Donald Trump would influence the course of history.
Fans of esotericism also joined the friendly chorus of analysts. They analyzed the works of such famous soothsayers as Nostradamus and Vanga, and came to unexpected conclusions.
Interpreters of Nostradamus' predictions claim that the newly elected US President is the living embodiment of the Antichrist, who will unleash the Third world war! To prove their words, they cite the following lines from the book of prophecies:

“A false tornado hiding madness Will force Byzantium to change its laws. The one who will leave Egypt will be the one who wants the Edict, which changes the exchange rate of money and the standard of gold, to be abolished.
During a big dispute, a tornado will come. The one who violated the agreement will raise his head to Heaven And with a bloody mouth will swim in blood, On earth his face will be anointed with milk and honey.”

The interpreter of Nostradamus’s prophecies, Arthur Evans, explains that the words “false tornado” symbolize Trump, in whom “madness is supposedly hidden.” The site of Ancient Byzantium is now Istanbul, and Donald Trump has taken an extremely aggressive position towards Turkey after the failed coup.

After these words, Arthur Evans concluded: “Donald Trump was betrayed by someone, so he is now furious. He will talk a lot about blood in the name of religion, but in the end he will choke on it. The land of milk and honey mentioned in the prophecy is Israel. And Trump publicly spoke about his intention to become a neutral mediator between Israel and Palestine. The last line talks about his attempts to demonstrate friendship and the fact that he will end up on the ground..."

By the way, Nostradamus’s predictions about Donald Trump largely overlap with the prophecies of other psychics. Thus, the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, who died in 1996, at one time made a number of interesting statements about American realities.

At first, the soothsayer predicted that a black man would become the 44th President of the United States, which happened to Obama many years later. And then she shocked with a much bolder forecast. According to Vanga, Barack Obama will become the last US president!

The reign of the 44th President of the United States will lead the country to an economic crisis, due to which a new war between North and South will break out and the death of the entire country will occur... And the impetus for all this will be the Great War unleashed in Syria!

Formally, Donald Trump has not yet taken office - this should happen only on January 20. It is on this date that the inauguration of the new president is scheduled. In the meantime, the whole world froze in anxious anticipation, fearing that Vanga’s prophecies would come true...

Yes, the prophecies of Vanga and Nostradamus are terrifying, but this does not mean that they will come true. In the end, everyone can interpret the words of clairvoyants in their own way. Do you think these prophecies will be confirmed, or will our future be happier?

The Hong Kong clairvoyant who predicted Donald Trump's victory in the US elections gave a forecast of what the year will be like for leaders largest states. CNN journalists approached her with this request.

Priscilla Lam promised the 45th President of the United States success in the warm season - spring and summer, since he was born “in the year of Fire.” But in the cold months of autumn and winter, according to the fortune teller, Trump will face difficulties: the country will face protests.

Indeed, the voices of Trump's opponents in the United States do not subside. For example, the tabloids recently reported that activists environmental organization Greenpeace, dissatisfied with the new administration coming to power in the United States, staged an unusual protest. They climbed onto a construction crane in downtown Washington and hung from its boom a huge banner with the words “Resist!”

The fortune teller predicts success for the Russian leader. She promised Putin good year, the Russian economy will also prosper. About the Russian President, Priscilla Lam said that “The Dragon is strong and can go anywhere: it can swim in the water or fly in the air, it is filled with enthusiasm.” The alignment of the stars makes Vladimir Putin a strong leader and a bright thinker.

Let us remind you that the media published Nostradamus’ prediction about fate Russian President. In one of the works of the world famous soothsayer Michel Nostradamus, the term northern king is mentioned, we're talking about about the ruler from Aquilon, which decipherers correlate with the Russian Federation.

“The northern king from Aquilon will help set everything right,” the Russian Dialogue publication quotes the text of the prediction. In addition, experts associated this saying with the events that are about to happen in Syria. Will intervene in resolving unrest in Syria Russian leader, who will restore order there. Thus, Vladimir Putin, under whom the Russian Federation actively began to fight international terrorism in Syria, is destined to become the person who will rid the world of the global terrorist threat.

The media reported the discovery of a new, previously unknown prophecy of the blind seer Vanga - it talks about Syria, the fall of Damascus and “a man from Russia.”

Let us recall that Vanga is one of the most famous clairvoyants - if you believe the statements of many journalists, the blind Bulgarian seer “accurately predicted the beginning of wars and armed conflicts, natural disasters and social change around the world."

According to Vanga’s friend, journalist Dimitry Gachev, Vanga predicted the war in Syria long before it started. “It was a Lebanese journalist. He asked her a question: when will peace come? She answered: when Damascus falls, and the Bible says: the day will come, in Damascus there will not be one stone left beside another.”

“This statement by Vanga about our country has remained in the shadows until today,” the journalists write. They also recall Vanga’s words that “Russia will never retreat from Bulgaria.”

“It is from Russia that a man will soon come, and he will save us. He will save everyone. Russia is the mother country!” Vanga told her friends.

Previously, the press reported on Vanga’s predictions made for 2016. “Evil will grow like thistles and tear apart cities, shake continents,” Vanga told the journalist about “the new century, and even a dozen and three years” (interpreted as 2016).

“The world has never known a worse time,” she allegedly complained to a Bulgarian journalist and, we quote, “squinted her unseeing eyes.”

Other sources report that “2016, according to Vanga, will be a turning point in the history of all mankind. A soothsayer about 50 years ago said that by 2016 Europe would be empty.” However, as journalists note, “much of what she said was simply incomprehensible, and a dozen years ago, some of her revelations seemed like an unsolvable, meaningless puzzle.”

The prediction of the tragic role of Syria is also attributed to our contemporary - the late Greek Bishop of Sisania and Siatitsa, Father Anthony. According to the disciples of Father Anthony, the holy elder allegedly said: “Grief will begin with the events in Syria. Everything will begin from there... After this, expect grief for us too, grief and hunger... When events begin there, start praying, praying hard...”

If we talk about Russia, there are predictions from the Italian clairvoyant Mavis. She wrote that “Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia.”

“Before the 20th century ends, the collapse of communism will occur in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis. However, after 2010, the former USSR will be revived, but it will be revived in a new form,” - convinced the clairvoyant Edgar Cayce.

"Hyperborea in its stormy future history they will experience a lot - both a terrible decline with a great variety of all kinds of disasters and a powerful great prosperity with a great variety of all kinds of blessings, which will come at the beginning of the 21st century, i.e. even before 2040,” sounds like the predictions of Paracelsus.

“Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised...The Orthodoxy that was in Russia before will no longer exist, but the true faith will not only be reborn, but will also triumph,” this is precisely the prophecy of St. Theophan of Poltava from 1930.

"No one will attack Russia, no one will attack the United States. The war will begin with a small country, smaller than Russia. There will be an internal confrontation that will develop into a civil war, a lot of blood will be shed, and into this funnel civil war a small country will involve Russia and the United States and many countries. And this will be the beginning of the third world war,” Archimandrite Jonah of Odessa said before his death. About the dates of this war, he said, “When I die, it will begin in a year.” He died in December 2012. A year later, “Euromaidan” began in Ukraine. ..

Let us recall that the great prophets of the world wrote and said that it was with the clash in Syria that “the beginning of the Third World War is coming.” Also, many world-famous predictors gave a tough but honest forecast of the fate of Russia in the 21st century.

Edgar Cayce told what awaits America in the future.

Edgar Cayce is a world-famous prophet who has never yet told what the future holds for the United States of America and the new President Donald Trump.

The psychic is confident that the elected leader of the United States will become last ruler country, since for many years Americans and other inhabitants of the Earth have been living in anticipation of the collapse of a superpower that thrives on the grief and suffering of other peoples.

Previously, many visionaries stated that America would not exist under the 44th president. However, Casey is confident that his colleagues were slightly mistaken in their calculations, since one of the leaders, namely Stephen Grover Cleveland, was both the 22nd and 24th head of state. That is why the collapse of the United States will come precisely under Donald Trump, the prophet is sure.

However, we note that many of the statements of clairvoyants about the States are beginning to come true. For example, Vanga’s prediction that the 44th president of America will be “black” are pure truth. Many seers believe that Trump will be the last leader of the United States; they are confident that in 2017 the United States will face a huge number of cataclysms and natural disasters that the country will not be able to survive.

Researcher John the Theologian stated that America would break up into three islands. Soothsayer Hildegard Binges believes that terrible things await the United States natural phenomena: hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis. The Russian monk Hilarion also predicted similar catastrophes. He noted that the United States will be held accountable for its sins.

Scientists have noticed that in lately Such predictions are beginning to come true, as the activity of the Yellowstone volcano has increased greatly, and a dam failure is possible at the Oroville Reservoir. In addition, tectonic faults North America are in critical condition. Seers are confident that the people of the United States are living on a powder keg that can explode at any moment.

Let us recall that earlier the prophet Edgar Cayce made disappointing forecasts for 2017. He believed that America was facing enormous geophysical changes. Namely: Los Angeles and San Francisco will be completely destroyed, the suburbs of New York, and, probably, the city itself, will be completely wiped off the face of the earth. He also noted that the planet's axis would be altered, causing areas with subtropical and cold climates to become tropical. Japan and Northern Europe will end up under water. The psychic emphasized that there would be no Third World War.

Regarding Russian Federation Casey said: “Russia will rise from the ashes and ruins, and will become a clean, bright, and most importantly a free power. The Kingdom of God on Earth, where hundreds of those in need will find help and support.”