Presentation on the topic of wild animals of our forests. Presentation "wild animals of our forests for preschoolers"

Victoria Olegovna
Presentation for children senior group"Wild Animals"

Preschool education is the first stage in the education system, therefore the main task of teachers working with preschoolers is to develop interest in the learning process and its motivation, development and correction of speech.

Working with children with various speech pathologies and facing problems in their learning, a speech therapist has to look for aids, facilitating, systematizing and guiding the process of children’s assimilation of new material. One such means is to use presentations.

Presentation contains materials on 28 slides for classes on the development of lexical and grammatical aspects of speech and vocabulary activation older children preschool age.

A slide show can attract any child to watch it. Vivid images of various forests are displayed on the screen. animals. Each illustration has a text entry for the teacher, which informs him of his habitat, housing, and method of nutrition. This feature of the display can allow the child to independently activate the sound production of speech and compose a short descriptive story on any subject. animal.

Some wild animals presented in the presentation in full family (mom, dad and baby). Their habitat is clearly shown. On the slides you can see brown and polar bears, hare, squirrel, wild boar, wolf, moose and fox.

Publications on the topic:

“Wild Animals” for children of the senior speech therapy group with health-saving technologies PROGRESS OF THE CLASS Speech therapist: Hello guys! I am glad to see you all, my name is Oksana Viktorovna, and today we will play with you and learn a lot.

Presentation for children of the senior group “Pets and their cubs” Presentation for older children. Goal: to develop children’s ideas about domestic animals and their cubs. Tasks: 1. Introduce.

Summary of educational activities for children of the middle group on speech development using ICT “Wild Animals” Organizational moment: - Hello, guys! I'll tell you a riddle now. When you guess it, you will find out who will come to your class.

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the outside world in the form of a game situation for children of the middle group “Wild and Domestic Animals” Prepared by: Educator – Vasilyeva N.V. Purpose: to expand children’s knowledge about wild and domestic animals. Objectives: Educational: To form.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment for children of the first junior group “Wild and Domestic Animals” Goal: Reinforce the material covered with the children. Type of activity: Familiarization with the surroundings. Program content: Reinforcing tasks: Reinforce.

Goal: Expanding children's understanding of wild animals and their young. Objectives: Educational: Consolidating ideas about features.

Summary of educational activities for speech development “Wild Animals” for children of the older group (5–6 years old) Goal: To develop children’s skills in solving riddles, understanding their meaning, and selecting definitions for words. Practice understanding and correctness.

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Slide captions:

Animals of the forests The work was carried out by Elena Mityushkina

09.09.2012 2 Brown bear

The brown bear is the largest of our land predators. 3

BEAR FOOD 4 The composition of a bear’s food depends on the season and the harvest of certain foods. Upon leaving the den, it feeds on ants, aspen shoots, corpses of animals killed over the winter, and grass shoots. Later it eats berries, small animals and bird eggs. In Siberia, food is pine nuts and river fish.

The bear spends winter - the most hungry and harsh time - in a den. He is a light sleeper. The fat accumulated during the fall is used sparingly during sleep. 5 If a bear, disturbed by someone, rises from its den, then it quickly loses weight and needs food. The beast turns into a tramp, as people say, into a connecting rod. Shatun is dangerous, he is hungry, irritated. In search of food, he sometimes tries to kill an elk or other animal. It can come out to a person’s home, attracted by the smell of food.

Mother bear with cubs 6 In winter, a mother bear gives birth to 2–3 bear cubs. Newborn cubs are helpless. They are born blind and have short fur. The mother feeds them milk..


Hares long ears, a short tail, and the hind legs are significantly longer than the front ones. When running, the hare carries its long hind legs far forward.

The hare changes the color of its coat 09/09/2012 10 In summer it is gray and in winter it is white

09.09.2012 11 Food of a hare Hares eat different grass, thin twigs, bark, seeds, berries, apples, and various vegetables.

09.09.2012 12 In Russia, hares usually give birth three times: in March-April, “nastovichki” are born (at this time there is still snow, which at night becomes covered with a hard crust - nast). The hare's second litter is in June - at this time the rye is earing and the buckwheat is blooming. And the bunnies are called "spikelets" or "buckwheat". And for the third time the hare brings “deciduous babies” - they are born in August. Hare with bunny

This is a small animal with a long fluffy tail. Lives in trees and deftly runs along trunks and branches.

15 Squirrel food The squirrel feeds mainly on cone seeds, nuts, acorns, and mushrooms. The squirrel does not hibernate, so in the fall it prepares supplies for secret pantries.

09.09.2012 16 The squirrel is red in summer and gray in winter

09.09.2012 17 Squirrels A squirrel gives birth to cubs 2 times a year. Usually from 3 to 10 squirrels are born.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Wild animals of our forests GBDOU No. 113 Preparatory group Teachers: Mamonova L.V. Porshneva G.N. Project type: socio-pedagogical Project duration:

    • short
    • Project participants:
    • Children of the preparatory group,
    • educators,
    • musical director.
    • Educational areas:
    • Cognition,
    • communication,
    • artistic and aesthetic.
Relevance: Children do not have enough understanding of the lifestyle, habits, nutrition and homes of wild animals in our forests; about how they prepare for winter in the forest. Children do not have a general concept and do not know how to describe objects. Project goal: To create conditions for the development of children’s cognitive and creative abilities during the project. Project objectives: 1) To give an idea about the wild animals of Russian forests, their way of life, food, housing, and how animals in the forest prepare for winter. 2) Enrich your vocabulary with nouns (hollow, den, lair, hole); adjectives (prickly, shaggy, clumsy, cunning, angry, hungry); verbs (hide, hunt, lurk, peep, etc.) 3) Develop coherent speech through composing descriptive story about animals. 4) Foster a desire to help animals. Preliminary work: Preliminary work: 1) Selection of illustrative material on the topic, board and printed games, didactic games, wild animal toys, materials for games. 2) Selection methodological literature, fiction for reading, riddles on the topic, audio recordings. Products of project activities: Products of project activities: 1) Application “Bear”. 2) Making a mini-album “Wild Animals of the Forest”. 3) Design of the exhibition “Animals of the Forests”.
  • Reception of children.
  • Quiz. Conversation on the topic “ Safe behavior with animals" Morning exercises. Teremok.
  • Breakfast

Nod Cognition "Wild Animals of Our Forests." Objectives: 1. Systematize children’s knowledge about the wild animals of our forests and their cubs. Shape careful attitude to nature and all living things. 2. Development logical thinking, attention. 3. Foster a love for animals. Introduce children to interesting facts from the life of wild animals, show their uniqueness Games:

  • “Who lives where?”
  • "Collect an animal - a bear"
  • "Find mom."
  • Physical education lesson - “Wild Animals” Fairy tale - “How a fawn was looking for its mother.”
Musical lesson according to the music director's plan. Fine art Theme: “Bear”. Target:
    • Developing children's creative abilities using an unconventional method - tearing paper.
    • Cultivate neatness.
Morning walk Watching the dog Objectives:
  • learn to establish connections between features appearance, animal behavior and winter season conditions;
  • to cultivate interest in the life of animals, love, and the desire to help in difficult conditions.
  • Labor activity: cleaning twigs from the sandbox. Target:
  • learn to work together
  • achieve goals through common efforts.
  • D/i: “Who lives in the forest.” Outdoor games: " Sly fox", "By the bear in the forest." Target:
  • follow the rules of the game.
Dinner. Dinner. Quiet hour. Afternoon Gymnastics after sleep - “Walk in the winter forest.” Afternoon snack. Thematic leisure “IN THE WORLD OF ANIMALS. » Goal: Systematize and generalize children’s knowledge about wild animals Objectives: 1. Learn to answer questions different levels complexity. 2. Develop thinking, imagination and speech. 3. Develop artistry, creativity and improvisation abilities. 4. Contribute to the development of children’s creative activity in theatrical activities. 5. Develop musical abilities children. 6. Develop an interest in the animal world, cultivate a careful, caring attitude towards all living things. Integration of educational areas:
  • "Cognition", "Communication",
  • “Socialization”, “Music”,
  • "Artistic creativity"
Evening walk. Wind Observation Objectives:
    • expand and deepen knowledge about inanimate nature;
    • develop interest in natural phenomena.
    • Outdoor games: “Sly Fox”, “Bear the Bear in the Forest”. Target:
    • learn to speak clearly in the game,
    • follow the rules of the game.
    • D/n: “Remember and name it.” S/r game: “Veterinary hospital” Purpose:
    • arouse children's interest in the profession of veterinarian;
    • cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards animals,
    • kindness, responsiveness, culture of communication.
Thank you for your attention

Multimedia didactic game For kindergarten"Wild Animals of the Forest"


(Slide 1) Title
(Slide 2-3) Goal, objectives, rules of the game
(Slide 4) Guys, do you want to go to another eco trip? Let's remember what we study in ecology classes...
We study the living world and inanimate nature. Show where the wildlife is in the picture. Wildlife: humans, plants, animals, birds, insects, fish. That's right, the rest of the pictures are not real: the sun, the moon, stones, sand, water.
(Slide 5, 6) You will find out the place we are going to when you guess the riddle: this city is not empty, it is dense and dense. (Forest.) What is a forest? (This is a home for animals and plants, there are many trees there).
(Slide 7) That's right, the forest is part of the surface globe, covered with woody plants. What trees do you know? (birch, rowan... oak, maple).
(Slide 8) Guys, the forest is a wonderful place, it’s extraordinary world secrets and mysteries... Speaking of riddles... I remembered a few more riddles...
I wonder if you can guess them?
Tail in a fluffy arc
Do you know this animal?
Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed,
Loves to climb trees. (Squirrel.)
Cunning cheat, red head
A fluffy tail is a beauty, who is it? (Fox.)
The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring
And in winter, under the blizzard howl,
He sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear.)
What kind of forest animal is this?
Did you stand up like a post under a pine tree?
And he stands among the grass - his ears are larger than his head. (Hare.)
He looks like a shepherd
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs with his mouth bared,
Ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf.)
Angry touchy one,
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
There are a lot of needles
And not a single thread. (Hedgehog.)
Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest.
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide. (Elk.)
Believe it or not:
A beast ran through the forest,
He carried it on his forehead for a reason
Two spreading bushes.) (Deer.)
Hanging - hanging hanger,
Beneath him stands a grunt,
Visyukan will fall, grunt will pick up. (Boar.)
In rich clothes
Yes, I'm a little blind myself
Lives without a window
Haven't seen the sun. (Mole.)
Pussy has wool like silk,
And on the ears there are brushes.
But you’re unlikely to say “screw”
More serious pussy... (Lynx.)
You guessed everything correctly. Tell me about which animals we guessed riddles? (About wild animals). Why are they called wild? (Because they live in the forest).
(Slide 9) Guess whose footprints these are?
(Slide 10) And now you and I will have a little rest and play a game " Forest animals"(physical minute)
One, two, three, four, five -
What should we call animals? (Walk in place)
They don't know people
They live in the forest and hide. (Clap your hands)
Everyone knows them from the pictures: (Fold your palms in the form of a book)
Wolf, fox, bear and hare. (Curb your fingers while counting)
Their house is thick thickets. (Show the roof above your head with your hands)
Wild, forest animals. (Raise your hands with your fingers spread)
(Slide 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) Now guess what our wild animals eat.
(Slide 16, 17, 18) Guys, while we were playing, trouble happened in our forest! Look! Why did this happen? What can you and I do so that everyone knows how to behave in the forest?
(Slide 19) Guys, do you remember where we were and what we were doing? What new did you learn? What rules do you remember? Thank you for an exciting journey.

Presentation on the topic: Multimedia educational game “Wild Animals of the Forest”