Why is the Queen of Spades called that? About the Queen of Spades

Everything related to mysticism fascinates, frightens and arouses great interest among all humanity for more than one millennium. People love horror films, scary stories and mystical events that carry something unusual and unreal. It is impossible to say what this is connected with, but it is worth noting that a person is often attracted to something that he has never heard of or seen. The same can be said about the legend about the Queen of Spades. Probably every teenager and even an adult knows who she is and why this mystical woman evokes a feeling of fear and horror in everyone. Need to remember who she is queen of spades, and what legend about her is known to everyone.

Who is the Queen of Spades? Where did this mystical character come from?

Surely almost every child and adult knows who the Queen of Spades is. The legend about her most likely was born precisely because of the Tarot card deck. It is still not clear why the Queen of Spades is usually called a witch and a woman who brings evil and horror. Perhaps due to the fact that on the card she is depicted as a little mysterious and evil, or maybe all the conversations around her began because of the suit, which is a symbol of evil, negativity and evil spirits. Despite the fact that there is no single point of view, the Queen of Spades is still called a witch who brings evil and negativity.

Belief in the existence of the Queen of Spades

It is worth saying that many people stopped perceiving the Queen of Spades as something non-existent and fictitious, but, on the contrary, began to believe in her materiality. It cannot be said that it is wrong, because one who has never seen it cannot say that it is not real. As you know, our thoughts are material, so perhaps the perception of the woman depicted on the card as a real character has made the Queen of Spades a terrible reality for those who are inclined to believe in her existence.

Queen of Spades: legend, photo. Why call the Queen of Spades?

It is necessary to find out why people decide to summon this mystical character?

A character that arouses great interest among adults and children is the Queen of Spades. Legend says that if a person believes in the existence of the Queen of Spades and wants to see her, then he can do so. The question remains: why call the Queen of Spades? It is worth saying that there are several versions that explain why you need to call the Queen of Spades.

One of these versions says that calling the Queen of Spades will help fulfill any wish made by the one who wanted to call this mysterious and mystical character. However, it is worth remembering that this is just a legend, which is not a guarantee that all your wishes will come true. But we should not exclude the possibility that the desire of a person who desires something with all his soul will come true.

Why call the Queen of Spades if she brings evil and negativity?

Many people want or have ever wanted to call and find out who the Queen of Spades is. Legend says that this is quite likely, and if everything is done correctly, the mysterious woman depicted on the map will definitely appear.

However, there is another version that says that the Queen of Spades brings with her evil, negativity and fear. Then a completely logical question arises: “Why summon an evil character who will not bring anything good and positive into this world?” Perhaps this is just a common interest that arises in every person who encounters legends about mystical creatures.

How to call the Queen of Spades?

The legend about the Queen of Spades says that this mysterious character will definitely come to our world if someone performs a ritual and summons the mystical woman. It's not difficult to do it at all. To do this, you need to turn off the lights in the room and place a candle in front of the mirror. After this, you need to draw light and steps on the mirror. After completing all of the above steps, you must say three times a simple phrase: “Queen of spades, come!” Further, according to legend, the one who calls the woman depicted on one of the cards must see her descending the very same drawn stairs. At this time, you need to make your wish and quickly erase the stairs and doors before the lady leaves the last step. This will supposedly stop her, and the mystical character will not come to our world. But if this is not done in time, then the Queen of Spades will strangle the one who called her.

One of the most controversial and terrible mystical characters is the Queen of Spades. The legend tells what needs to be done for her to come to our world. However, we should not forget that this is just a fiction, but any fiction can become a reality if you strongly believe in it.

What does the Queen of Spades look like?

Almost all young people love and tell each other legends about ghosts. The Queen of Spades is one of the most famous and widespread mystical characters, which causes fear in some, interest in others, and respect in others.

Almost everyone who wants to call the Queen of Spades is interested in what she looks like. Usually she is described in different ways, but in all the stories there are several features in appearance that are similar to each other: dark hair, black outfit, pale face, etc. The fact that everyone describes the Queen of Spades differently is due to the fact that each person draws for himself a certain image before summoning this mystical character. In this regard, he sees something as close as possible to her fantasies and ideas.

It is worth noting that official science denies that the existence of the Queen of Spades is possible.

Spread of the legend of the Queen of Spades

Horror stories and legends about the Queen of Spades appeared a very long time ago. The image began to be used in literature and passed from mouth to mouth. It is worth saying that over time more and more more people They began to claim that they had met this mystical character in person, and therefore stories about the ominous and terrible Queen of Spades began to spread more and more quickly. Many people became interested in the woman depicted on the map. It is impossible to say whether people's stories that they met the Queen of Spades in person are true. Perhaps someone simply calls their fantasies reality.

All teenagers love to scare each other with scary stories, passing them off as real events. This is how urban legends come about. The Queen of Spades is one of the most famous mystical characters who gathers around herself a huge amount of rumors, gossip and stories.

Is it worth calling the Queen of Spades?

The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. There is not a single case that would prove real existence the queen of spades and her threat to humans. We can only say that the outcome of the meeting with the Queen of Spades depends on the person’s imagination, thoughts and mood for the ritual. If you associate the Queen of Spades with a character who brings evil, horror and negativity, then most likely this mystical character should not be summoned. For many people, fantasy is developed quite well, and therefore a person can imagine something that is not there and convince himself that his visions are real. This can lead to severe fright.

The Queen of Spades is a mystical character who evokes many emotions and thoughts. There are legends about her, people tell each other about meetings with her. The Queen of Spades is real character? Should we believe that she can make wishes come true or even kill? The answer to this question is different for each person, because our thoughts are material.

This story happened a long time ago, in one of the popular pioneer camps at that time. Why it received such a name - the legend of the Queen of Spades, you will now understand. But first things first...

There were no large residential buildings at that time, so the guys lived in small buildings, divided into groups, and the toilet was on the street, common to the entire camp. Either because of traditions or because of something else, it was made of wood, despite the fact that seven people could fit in there at the same time. Its doors were decorated with a heart sign, probably familiar to anyone who has ever seen a village toilet.

One late evening, long after lights out, two girls decided to go to the toilet. One of the girls lingered a little in her booth, and the second decided to go out to fresh air- wait for your friend there. She stands, waits, and entertains herself by looking at the stars and the surrounding area. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, completely by accident, she notices some shadow that quickly flashed behind her, but looking closer she sees nothing. And although she was ready to swear that she saw some woman, she could not find her.
Tired of waiting, she decides to go to the toilet and hurry her friend, but she was no longer there. The girl was offended - her friend left her and went to the building, and now she’s probably lying under the blanket and cheerfully making fun of her. However, having returned to the building, she realizes that her friend was not here, and seriously frightened, she raised all the counselors and friends to their feet.

For an hour they searched throughout the camp for the missing girl, but they never found anyone. But in the toilet, one of the counselors accidentally noticed a card lying at the very entrance; it was the queen of spades, but he did not attach any importance to it.

After spending the entire next day searching, the camp management decided that the girl had simply run away home and contacted her parents. However, they said that their daughter did not return and were seriously scared. A week has already passed since the child disappeared, and the whole camp, parents and friends, and even a special police group with dogs were looking for her, but everything was useless. In the end, this news reached all the parents whose children were vacationing in this camp, and they began to rush to take them away from there. As a result, only six guys remained in the camp, and two counselors - three girls, three boys and a man and a woman.

For peace of mind, they were all placed in one house, and they were offered to use a special pot with a lid as a night toilet. They lived like this for two days, but already on the third night two children were missing from the room - a girl and a boy, and on their beds lay playing cards. Both are queens of spades.
The arriving police immediately suspected the male counselor of everything, because only he could have enough strength for two children, and took him to the police station. However, the very next day he was released - at night two people disappeared again, including the remaining female counselor. And only the playing cards on their beds indicated that they had not left on their own.

Since then, this camp has been closed, and is probably already forgotten by everyone. Only the locals remember this terrible story, and the children who vacationed there. The missing were never found, and rumors about this incident spread throughout the country. This story is called the legend of the Queen of Spades. Many did not see those mysterious cards, and some claimed that there were no cards at all, which is probably why the name. Although different versions walked.

Does the Queen of Spades exist or is it fiction? Since time immemorial, there have been numerous beliefs and traditions among the people; some consider them simply myths, others take them seriously sacred meaning, most people have no definite opinion on this issue. On the one hand, modern science completely denies the existence of “ subtle world", and on the other hand, the brightest luminaries of the same science (take, for example, Albert Einstein) are keenly interested in spiritualism and various mystical teachings. It is unlikely that the world is as simple and unambiguous as school physics textbooks claim. In life there is always room for the wonderful and inexplicable, regardless of whether most people believe in it. Who is the Queen of Spades and what does she look like? Where did the horror stories about the Queen of Spades come from? How to summon the Queen of Spades? What kind of fortune telling are there with the Queen of Spades? Who is the Queen of Spades and what does she look like? “The Queen of Spades means secret malevolence.” This epigraph begins the world-famous story of the great Russian poet and writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. In the finale of this work, the Queen of Spades plays a fatal role in the fate of the protagonist. Popular beliefs - bizarre and varied - agree on one thing: the Queen of Spades is a dark, malevolent entity. Nevertheless, it is believed that contact with her can be successfully used in certain types of fortune telling. From the depths of the Middle Ages, a mystical belief has come down to us that the Queen of Spades is not only a card from a deck, but also a certain demonic female entity, which, however, directly associated with a playing card. The Queen of Spades has the characteristic appearance of a young witch or fortune teller. She is usually portrayed as a pale brunette beauty with a detached face. Actually, many of those who, according to them, managed to summon the Queen of Spades describe her slightly differently. Parapsychology specialists explain this by saying that the image of the Queen of Spades is transformed by consciousness and personal experience every person who comes into contact with her. People say that she can appear in different guises, but it is always easy to recognize her. Official science denies the existence of the Queen of Spades. Where did the horror stories about the Queen of Spades come from? One of the cards playing deck, namely the Queen of Spades, has long been associated with a witch and witches’ machinations; she was credited with the fatal property of bringing failure and breaking human destinies. Over time, this bright image began to be exploited in literature, and eerie legends began to circulate among the people about the Queen of Spades as the spirit of a woman coming from the looking glass. Gradually, the legend took on a more specific form, more and more people claimed that they had personally met the Queen of Spades. Some believe that over time this belief gained such an energetic charge that it turned into the so-called egregor - the embodiment of emotions and thoughts large quantities people. Do egregors really exist? Modern science does not give a clear answer to this question. From an occult point of view, everything that we are able to see, even in our imagination, one way or another exists in some mysterious dimension - the so-called “subtle world”. How to summon the Queen of Spades? To summon the Queen of Spades, a few minutes before midnight, a staircase with a door at the top is drawn on the mirror with scarlet lipstick (you need to have a wet towel on hand so that right moment erase the stairs). After this, they turn off the lights and light a candle in front of the mirror; at this time there should be complete silence in the house. At exactly midnight, looking intently into the depths of the mirror, you need to say loudly and clearly three times: “Queen of Spades, come!” After this, you may hear the sound of high heels or a woman’s laughter, and a moving figure will appear in the mirror. female figure, going down the drawn staircase. As soon as this happens, you need to immediately erase the drawn staircase, depriving the Queen of Spades of the opportunity to penetrate into our world, and it is very important that she does not have time to go down to the bottom step. Remember that even such a precaution does not give firm guarantees : very little is known about the inhabitants of the subtle world, living in the depths of the looking glass or the human subconscious. To avoid unnecessary risks, it is better not to conduct such experiments. What kind of fortune telling are there with the Queen of Spades? There is a belief that the mystical power of the Queen of Spades can be used in fortune telling. There are several methods of fortune telling involving the Queen of Spades. Below are the two most popular and easily implemented methods. Method one: In the dead of night, we place the Queen of Spades from a card deck in front of the mirror, and light candles on both sides of it: black on the left and red on the right of the card. Looking closely into the mirror, we say three times: “Queen of Spades, come, look at your card.” If successful, a vague image of a woman will appear in the mirror. While the Queen of Spades is distracted by her image on the card, you can ask her questions, but if she looks directly at you or if you feel uncontrollable fear, stop the session by swapping the candles. Then extinguish the candles and turn the card face down. Method two: An hour before midnight, put a glass of cognac in front of the mirror and put three chocolates. Before leaving the room we whisper: “Queen of Spades, come and take a treat.” After that, we turn off the light and leave the room, closing the door tightly. Returning exactly at midnight, we light a wax candle in front of the mirror and say loudly: “Queen of Spades, I call on you!” Try the treat, accept the invitation!” You need to look in the mirror so that you don’t see your own reflection in it, but only see a glass, sweets and a candle. If you notice movement in the mirror, you can ask questions. To stop the session, you should cross the mirror with a burning candle, then extinguish the candle by pressing the wick to the mirror. Attention! Even if you do not believe in the existence of otherworldly forces, remain extremely careful when calling the Queen of Spades. Both mystics and psychologists unanimously claim that fortune telling and spiritualism can lead to unpredictable consequences.

The Queen of Spades is a woman from a deck of cards. It is unknown why she is portrayed ominously. Of course, the suit of spades symbolizes evil, and accordingly, the Queen of Spades is usually identified with a witch who brings bad luck.

Over time, people began to come up with terrible legends about the Queen of Spades, like some kind of evil spirit that lives in the looking glass. Thought is material, so don’t think that these are all fairy tales...

How we summoned the Queen of Spades. A terrible eyewitness account of Maria

This creepy story happened to me five years ago. My girlfriends and I were seventeen years old. On a cold and cloudy day summer day Ksenia and I went to visit Natasha.

Natasha was at home with her younger sister, her parents were at work. And then she began to tell us about all sorts of otherworldly entities. However, this was not the first time. Suddenly she tells us that if Ksyusha and I are funny, and we are not afraid of anything, let’s call the Queen of Spades. Natasha also added that this is the most dangerous entity from the other world, and adrenaline is guaranteed for us.

Our friend removed a large mirror from the hallway, took it into the room and placed it in front of another huge mirror. She did this in order to create an endless mirror corridor. Natasha glued it to the mirror old map with the Queen of Spades and drew thirteen steps down from her with bright red lipstick. And right in front of the map she drew an open door. We kicked Natasha's little sister out of the room. We curtained all the windows and sat by the mirrors. Natasha took out some book on esotericism and began reading in a whisper.

Nothing happened, and Natasha continued to read. After some time, I looked carefully at the card and noticed with horror that it did not depict a lady, but a black figure with a hood on his head. A moment later, this figure was no longer on the map, but there, in the mirror, somewhere deep in the corridor.

Natasha motioned for me and Ksenia to sit quietly. But I already wanted to scream in fear. From the corner of the room a shadow was moving straight towards us. I turned around and saw Natasha’s sister standing behind me and also looking into the corner with frightened eyes. This was the last straw, I got up, grabbed the girl and took her out of the room. Ksyusha and Natasha also got up and ran after me.

This story happened to my friend. I ask in advance, never call the Queen of Spades, as Olesya did.
Before the events described here, we had a bachelorette party, where for some reason it occurred to me to talk about the Queen of Spades, I even offered to invite her, but everyone refused. According to legend, the Queen of Spades can answer various questions, however, if she does not have a desire to kill you.
So, Olesya had a boyfriend, Pasha, whom she loved very, very much. On Monday after the bachelorette party, our friend Luda asked us to meet after classes at the university. In the cafe, she said that it turns out that Pasha was dating both her and Olesya at the same time, and today the guy made a choice in favor of Lyuda. Olesya instantly jumped out of the cafe, I followed her. But unfortunately, I couldn’t catch up. I tried to call her, but she didn’t answer the phone. And as luck would have it, her parents left. I was already afraid that she would cut her veins or swallow pills because of Lyudin’s lies. I myself didn’t know whether to believe Lyuda. But I could never have imagined what would come to Olesya’s mind. Call the Queen of Spades to find out if Pasha cheated on her. I assume that Olesya was in so much pain that death did not frighten her. Using scarlet lipstick, which Pasha loved so much, she drew on the mirror what was needed for the challenge evil spirit. The Queen of Spades has appeared. Thin, pale, in some kind of white robe, with sharp claws and jet-black hair. But the sight didn’t frighten Olesya; she asked if the guy had cheated on her. The Queen of Spades answered yes. Olesya began to sob, covering her face with her hands. When she opened her eyes, the Queen of Spades was standing next to her. But Olesya was in so much pain that she said:
-Kill me.
An ominous cold laugh rang out. The spirit looked in the mirror. Olesya clearly remembered that only she was reflected.
“I’ll come in 3 days,” she said. - And I will fulfill your wish.
The next day I met my boyfriend Dima. I've never seen him so upset. It turns out that Dima could not get over the shock. Dima, like Pasha, lived in a dorm. And when he entered the washbasin, he saw a pool of blood in which Olesin’s boyfriend was lying. Dima was told that Pasha had gone too far with shaving, hurt the arteries and was unable to stop the bleeding. Pasha was proud and he would not call anyone for help. I tried my best to console my boyfriend. I still couldn’t get through to Olesya, so I only managed to tell Lyuda about this, who burst into tears and started talking about how little she and Pasha had time to do. I realized that she wasn’t lying about the meetings. Luda and I had to go to the pool, before which she stood for a long time in front of the mirror, putting herself in order after crying.
That day we had to pass the standards, besides swimming is great way get distracted.
Luda was already preparing for the jump, adjusting the straps on her red swimsuit. Splashes, she jumped into the water. Fast strokes, in the middle of the track her pace slowed down, and then I saw a thin strip of some kind of red liquid. At the first second, I thought that either the swimsuit was fading, or Luda was having her period. The people's hands stopped rising above the water. The teacher jumped into the water after her. When they pulled her out, there was no pulse. Luda was dead. Bleeding in the brain.
In the evening I was able to see Olesya and told her everything. She was very pale and could not say a word. I saw that among her golden curls one gray one appeared. That night I stayed overnight with her. I had a very strange dream about a girl in the mirror. The next day, Olesya bought herself a chic black dress, jewelry, and asked me for my favorite shadows. She wanted to take her mind off everything. On the day of the funeral, Olesya wanted to linger at the cemetery. I couldn’t understand my friend, but for a second I saw her smile. After this event, Olesya dragged me to the hairdresser, where she and I had our hair done. No one was going to go for a walk that day. In the evening we sat in a cafe, where Olesya, who always watched her figure, ate two cakes, washed down with a milkshake. Her behavior surprised me; she refused my offer to stay overnight with me.
I saw Olesya the next day, when we met, she hugged me tightly and told me everything. That night the Lady came. Olesya was ready to die, but the Lady did not kill her. When Olesya asked why, she replied that if she did this, then Olesya’s soul would be imprisoned in the mirror. Once upon a time this lady was also a girl, and she summoned the Queen of Spades. She also did it out of love. Having become a spirit, she killed the guy who cheated on her. She decided to provide the same service to Olesya. Before she left, she told Olesya to value her life, and this gray lock of hair would be an eternal reminder. The lady returned to the mirror, which immediately shattered into hundreds of small fragments.
No dye could take away Olesya’s gray hair.
...Oh, I completely forgot: the spirit that appeared to my friend said that there are several Queens of Spades, so don’t call anyone from the mirror, otherwise you may not be as lucky as my friend. By the way, she recently got married...

All children love to play, this is no secret. But also, children, like adults, have a craving for the unknown and unidentified, probably due to this, despite the abundance of dolls and cars, they like to believe that everything fictional is true. Therefore, in childhood, almost everyone tried to summon the Queen of Spades, believing in her existence. And if you remember how Maxim Gorky wrote: “What you believe in is what it is,” so it turns out that the Queen of Spades exists? So who is she really?

Well, first of all, the Queen of Spades is just a woman from a deck of cards. However, either she was depicted on the cards as somehow ominous, or the suit of spades with its black color symbolizes evil, but the Queen of Spades has become commonly identified with a witch who brings bad luck. That's how word spread about this scary woman around the world. People even began to invent legends about the Queen of Spades, as a spirit living through the looking glass, which can even kill. This is how the image of the Queen of Spades gained mystery and unfavorable energy from hundreds of conversations and legends. Thought, as they say, is material, so you shouldn’t think that children are lying when they say that they saw the Queen of Spades (especially since children’s energy is the strongest). After all, if you don’t believe in it, this does not mean that it does not exist at all. It exists for those who believe in it. And they are able to see it. Otherwise, how can you explain the following story, I don’t remember who told it to me?

One day, two girls decided to call the Queen of Spades, for which they put a card with her image on the floor, placed 2 chairs opposite each other and tied them with thread. Next, the girls held hands, sat on chairs and began to repeat “Queen of Spades, come to us,” after which one of them got an itchy leg, and the girlfriends had to unclasp their hands to scratch it. When they held hands again, they noticed that a bright spot was running along the thread, which, having reached one girl, crossed over to her, then the friends saw that in place of this spot, the clothes were burned through, and there was a small burn on the skin. A few seconds later, burns began to appear on the girls’ bodies, and they rushed to run into the street, where they met the grandmother of one of them. The grandmother explained to them that they should not disturb the Queen of Spades, for which they could not unclasp their hands, thereby allowing the lady to leave her circle, and whoever does this will face a long and painful death. When they returned to the room, it smelled of burning, and all the walls were covered in strange brown stains.

It is not up to me to decide whether to believe in the authenticity of this story. However, this is not the only proof that the woman from the deck of cards exists. The Internet is full of options on how to call the Queen of Spades. It is believed that she mainly comes from the mirror, and for her to come you don’t need much, in some cases lipstick and candles are enough, in others a few sweets, the main thing is that it is midnight and, of course, sincere faith in her existence. However, it is strongly recommended to stop calling the mysterious stranger as soon as you notice her appearance. So you can try it if you are not afraid, of course.

Since time immemorial, there have been numerous beliefs and traditions among the people; some consider them simply myths, others attach serious sacred significance to them, most people do not have a definite opinion on this issue.

On the one hand, modern science completely denies the existence of the “subtle world”, and on the other hand, the brightest luminaries of the same science (take, for example, Albert Einstein) are keenly interested in spiritualism and various mystical teachings. It is unlikely that the world is as simple and unambiguous as school physics textbooks claim.

There is always room in life for the miraculous and inexplicable, regardless of whether most people believe in it.

How to summon the Queen of Spades?

Who is the Queen of Spades and what does she look like?

“The Queen of Spades means secret malevolence.”

This epigraph begins the world-famous story of the great Russian poet and writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. In the finale of this work, the Queen of Spades plays a fatal role in the fate of the main character.

Popular beliefs - bizarre and varied - agree on one thing: the Queen of Spades is a dark, malevolent entity. Nevertheless, it is believed that contact with it can be successfully used in some types of fortune telling.

From the depths of the Middle Ages, a mystical belief has reached us that the Queen of Spades is not only a card from a deck, but also a certain demonic female entity, which, however, is directly associated with a playing card.

The Queen of Spades has the characteristic appearance of a young witch or fortune teller. She is usually portrayed as a pale brunette beauty with a detached face. Actually, many of those who, according to them, managed to summon the Queen of Spades describe her slightly differently.

Parapsychology experts explain this by saying that the image of the Queen of Spades is transformed by the consciousness and personal experience of each person who comes into contact with her. People say that she can appear in different guises, but it is always easy to recognize her. Official science denies the existence of the Queen of Spades.

Where did the horror stories about the Queen of Spades come from?

One of the cards in the playing deck, namely the queen of spades, has long been associated with a witch and witches’ machinations; it was attributed the fatal property of bringing failure and breaking human destinies.

Over time, this vivid image began to be exploited in literature, and eerie legends about the Queen of Spades as the spirit of a woman coming from through the looking glass began to circulate among the people. Gradually, the legend took on more and more concrete form, more and more people claimed to have personally met the Queen of Spades.

Some believe that over time this belief gained such an energetic charge that it turned into the so-called egregor - the embodiment of the emotions and thoughts of a large number of people.

Do egregors really exist? Modern science does not give a clear answer to this question. From an occult point of view, everything that we are able to see, even in our imagination, one way or another exists in some mysterious dimension - the so-called “subtle world”.

How to summon the Queen of Spades?

To summon the Queen of Spades, a few minutes before midnight, a staircase with a door at the top is drawn on the mirror using scarlet lipstick (you need to have a wet towel on hand to wipe off the stairs at the right time). After this, turn off the lights and light a candle in front of the mirror; at this time there should be complete silence in the house.

Exactly at midnight, looking intently into the depths of the mirror, you need to say loudly and clearly three times: “Queen of Spades, come!” After this, you may hear the clicking of high heels or a woman's laughter, while a moving female figure will appear in the mirror, descending a drawn staircase.

As soon as this happens, you need to immediately erase the drawn staircase, depriving the Queen of Spades of the opportunity to penetrate into our world, and it is very important that she does not have time to go down to the bottom step.

Remember that even such a precaution does not give firm guarantees: very little is known about the inhabitants of the subtle world who live in the depths of the looking glass or the human subconscious. To avoid unnecessary risks, it is better not to conduct such experiments.

What kind of fortune telling are there with the Queen of Spades?

There is a belief that the mystical power of the Queen of Spades can be used in fortune telling. There are several methods of fortune telling involving the Queen of Spades. Below are the two most popular and easily implemented methods.

Method one.

In the dead of night, we place the Queen of Spades from a card deck in front of the mirror, and light candles on both sides of it: black on the left and red on the right of the card. Looking closely into the mirror, we say three times: “Queen of Spades, come, look at your card.” If successful, a vague image of a woman will appear in the mirror.

While the Queen of Spades is distracted by her image on the card, you can ask her questions, but if she looks directly at you or if you feel uncontrollable fear, stop the session by switching the candles. Then extinguish the candles and turn the card face down.

Method two.

An hour before midnight, put a glass of cognac in front of the mirror and put three chocolates. Before leaving the room we whisper: “Queen of Spades, come and take a treat.” After this, we turn off the light and leave the room, closing the door tightly.

Returning exactly at midnight, we light a wax candle in front of the mirror and say loudly: “Queen of Spades, I call on you! Try the treat, accept the invitation!”

You need to look in the mirror so that you don’t see your own reflection in it, but only see a glass, candy and a candle. If you notice movement in the mirror, you can ask questions. To stop the session, you should cross the mirror with a burning candle, then extinguish the candle by pressing the wick to the mirror.

Attention! Even if you do not believe in the existence of otherworldly forces, remain extremely careful when calling the Queen of Spades. Both mystics and psychologists unanimously claim that fortune telling and spiritualism can lead to unpredictable consequences.

", "Secluded house on Vasilievsky" and the famous passage "Guests were arriving at the dacha...". The story has been filmed several times.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    Queen of Spades - Alexander Pushkin (audiobook)

    Pyotr Tchaikovsky. "The Queen of Spades", opera in three actions- Mariinsky Theater (2015)

    Queen of Spades. Alexander Pushkin



The plot of the story plays on the theme beloved by Pushkin (as well as other romantics) unpredictable fate, fortune, rock. The young military engineer German Hermann leads modest life and accumulates a fortune, he does not even pick up cards and limits himself only to watching the game. His friend Tomsky tells the story of how his grandmother, the countess, while in Paris, lost a large sum into cards. She tried to borrow from the Count of Saint-Germain, but instead of money, he revealed to her the secret of three winning cards. The Countess, thanks to the secret, completely won back.

Hermann, having seduced her pupil, Lisa, enters the countess’s bedroom, trying to find out the cherished secret with pleas and threats. Seeing Hermann armed with a pistol (which, as it turned out later, turned out to be unloaded), the Countess dies of a heart attack. At the funeral, Hermann imagines that the late countess opens her eyes and glances at him. In the evening, her ghost appears to Hermann and says that three cards (“three, seven, ace”) will bring him a win, but he should not bet more than one card per day. The second condition is that he must marry Lisa. Hermann subsequently did not fulfill the last condition. Three cards become an obsession for Hermann:

...Seeing a young girl, he said: “How slim she is!.. A real three of hearts.” They asked him what time it was, he answered: “It’s five minutes to seven.” - Every pot-bellied man reminded him of an ace. Three, seven, ace - haunted him in a dream, taking on all possible forms: the three bloomed in front of him in the form of a lush grandiflora, the seven seemed like a Gothic gate, the ace a huge spider. All his thoughts merged into one - to take advantage of the secret that cost him dearly...

The famous millionaire gambler Chekalinsky comes to St. Petersburg. Hermann bets his entire capital (47 thousand rubles) on three, wins and doubles it. The next day he bets all his money (94 thousand rubles) on seven, wins and again doubles his capital. On the third day, Hermann bets money (188 thousand rubles) on the ace. An ace comes up. Hermann thinks he has won, but Chekalinsky says that Hermann's lady lost. In some incredible way, Hermann turned around and bet money instead of an ace on a queen. Hermann sees on the map a smiling and winking Queen of Spades, who reminds him of the Countess. The ruined Hermann ends up in a mental hospital, where he does not react to anything and constantly “mutters unusually quickly: - Three, seven, ace! Three, seven, queen!..”

Working on the story

The plot of “The Queen of Spades” was suggested to Pushkin by the young Prince Golitsyn, who, having lost, regained what he had lost by betting, on the advice of his grandmother, on three cards that had once been suggested to her by Saint Germain. This grandmother is the “mustachioed princess” known in Moscow society N.P. Golitsyn, nee Chernysheva, mother of Moscow governor D.V. Golitsyn.

  1. In handwritten drafts the hero is called Herman; perhaps the second "n" was added by publishers under the influence of German spelling.
  2. The phrase “his name is Hermann” includes the construction “call + creation.” case”, which in the Russian language of that time was used only with a name; in other works Pushkin also follows this rule.
  3. Kuchelbecker, fluent German language, in his diary calls the hero of the story Herman, that is, the presence of the double “n” did not play a decisive role for him.

Opinions and ratings

  • Vladislav Khodasevich brought “The Queen of Spades” closer to other Pushkin works about “the contact of the human personality with dark forces”:

Before the conversation with the Countess, Hermann himself walked towards the black force. When the countess died, he thought that his plan was crumbling, that everything was over and that life would henceforth go on as before, with the same capital and untouched interest. But then the roles shifted: from an attacker he turned into an object of attack. A dead old woman appeared to him. “I came to you against my will,” she said in a firm voice, “but I was ordered to fulfill your request,” etc. However, those by whose will she came to fulfill Hermann’s will laughed at him: otherwise they named him two faithful cards and one, last, most important - incorrect, or at the last, decisive moment they pushed his hand and forced him to lose everything. Be that as it may, they erected it almost to the maximum height - and pushed it down. And in the end, Hermann’s fate is literally the same as the fate of Pavel and Eugene: he goes crazy.

  • D. Mirsky singled out “The Queen of Spades” from Pushkin’s works as “his best and most characteristic work in prose”:

It is impossible to present it briefly: it is a masterpiece of conciseness. Like Belkin's Tale, this is a work of pure art, entertaining only as a whole. In terms of the power of imagination, it surpasses everything that Pushkin wrote in prose: in terms of tension, it is like a compressed spring. In its frantic romanticism, it is close to the “Hymn to the Plague” and to the poem “God forbid I go crazy.” But the fantastic romantic plot is poured into an impeccable classical form, so economical and compressed in its noble nakedness that even Prosper Mérimée, the most sophisticated and economical of French writers, did not dare to translate it accurately and attached it to his French translation all sorts of decorations and explanations, probably thinking that it is building up meat on a dry skeleton.

Film adaptations

  • The Queen of Spades (film, 1910) - silent film
  • The Queen of Spades (film, 1916) - silent film
  • The Queen of Spades (film, 1922) - Hungarian film
  • The Queen of Spades (film, 1937) - French film
  • The Queen of Spades (film, 1960) - film adaptation of the opera
  • Queen of Spades (film, 1982) - film by Igor Maslennikov
  • Queen of Spades (film, 1987) - film-play by Pyotr Fomenko
  • These... three true cards..., 1988 - film by Alexander Orlov
  • Queen of Spades (film, 2016) - film by Pavel Lungin



The legend of the Queen of Spades has been known to many since childhood, most have heard something about this legend one way or another, some even tried to summon the Queen of Spades, some did not take the risk and were afraid... But few know who this Queen of Spades really is, does she exist on fact or is a figment of the imagination. In many ways, the legend about the Queen of Spades coincides with the legend about, and is its domestic embodiment.

There are many different stories about the emergence of the Queen of Spades. The essence of most of them comes down to the fact that the legend of the Queen of Spades came from a card deck where a woman was depicted, either she was depicted as somehow ominous, or the suit of spades with its black color symbolizes evil, but the Queen of Spades has become commonly identified with a witch , bringing failure. This is how the image of the Queen of Spades began to collect unfavorable energy, mystery and mysticism from hundreds of conversations and legends, where the Queen of Spades was a woman living through the looking glass. People also appeared who began to believe in its materiality, and thought has the ability to materialize. This is how, from the image of the woman depicted on the card, the Queen of Spades became the image of an evil spirit, having absorbed all negative energy from legends and stories about her.

If you believe in the materiality of thought, can a legend endowed with so much negative energy– to become something real, a reality not from our world, the embodiment of what we believe in? Most likely - Yes.

There are many ways to summon the Queen of Spades and we will tell you about them. But that's why people call her? For what purpose? Some people believe that she makes wishes come true, but for others it is just childish fun and entertainment. One way or another, it is worth remembering that calling a creature not from our world is not safe entertainment. And it is not a fact that the summoned entity will turn out to be a lady, and not a spirit wishing to take revenge for the fact that you disturbed his peace.

Method 1

With red lipstick at midnight, a staircase with a door on top is drawn on the mirror. Although in general it doesn’t matter much what the staircase is drawn on. The light goes out and the candle is lit. The words are said three times: “Queen of Spades, come.” If you hear footsteps, laughter, clicking heels, or see an image of movement inside the mirror, the staircase is immediately erased. They just say that people don’t always have time to do laundry because she moves with at different speeds and you may simply not notice how it will already be with you.

Method 2

You need to put on some perfume, go outside and stand in front of a multi-story building. Look into the dark windows of the third floor and repeat three times: “Queen of Spades come/show up/appear”...

Method 3

At night, at 12 o'clock, you need to sit in front of the mirror or you can stand. And so, when it’s 12 o’clock, you need to break the queen of spades and look in the mirror. And from afar the Queen of Spades appears and walks. In the mirror you see how she begins to choke you. To prevent her from strangling you, you need to either turn on the light or break the mirror. And if you don’t turn on the light, she’ll strangle you.

Method 4

You need to go to a dark room where there is a mirror, preferably the bathroom. You need to smear the mirror with soap, take a candle and place it so that it is reflected in the mirror. Then you need to take the Queen of Spades card and place it facing the mirror. When you call the Queen of Spades, your hair must be carefully tucked under a scarf. If even one strand sticks out, the Queen of Spades appears, grabs you by the hair and begins to drag, hitting your head against the walls. Then you need to sit down and look in the mirror. At exactly midnight the figures will appear. If these figures are white triangles, then the Queen of Spades is kind and you can make a wish, it will come true. If it is not white triangles that appear, but something else, then the Queen of Spades is evil and you need to expect misfortune.

Method 5

You need to put a glass of water, cold, and pour some more warm water and put a mirror on top. When droplets appear on the mirror, you need to call the Queen of Spades: “Queen of Spades, come out!” This must be done at 12 o'clock. When she appears, if you can’t do anything or get scared, you need to run away. But if you have enough strength, you need to say: “Queen of Spades, perish!”

Method 6

This is done at night. At 11 o'clock you need to tie a black thread on your hand. And say 10 times: “Queen of Spades, come!” The Queen of Spades will appear. At this time, you need to cut the thread and say 1 time: “Unclean, get out!”

Method 7

It is necessary that there is no red in the room. Place 15 kopecks in a glass, so that it’s tails, and repeat “Queen of Spades, come!” And these 15 kopecks should rise from the bottom on their own. She [the Queen of Spades] must come out herself, and whoever she points at will be happy.

Method 8

You stretch a white thread from the table to the bed and hang candy on it. You take a piece of paper and write down what you need: a kilogram of chewing gum or a kilogram of oranges, lilacs in winter or something. You need to get up at 12 o'clock and write. She'll bring everything. If you want to see her, do so carefully, through closed eyes. If she sees you looking, there will be grief.

Method 9

You have to stick a needle into the wall at night. The Queen of Spades will come, maybe she will strangle you, or maybe she will fulfill your wish. Everything will be at midnight. You can't turn on the light - it will disappear. If she wants to strangle you, you need to shout:
- Tari, tari, tari, her,
Make my wish come true!

Method 10

They take red threads, woolen ones, and tie them to the legs of a chair or other furniture. Then they take the queen of clubs from the deck and place it face down. After this, they leave the room and close the door. When he arrives, there are crosses on the floor, like birds, but not in order, as they are scattered on the floor. And maybe the bed has been thrown off, the chairs have been turned over. If you enter while the lady has not yet hidden herself in her card, she will strangle you. You need to wait 10 minutes