Is there a Queen of Spades? Who is the Queen of Spades

Ghosts in mirrors are a separate topic, since they do not belong to real ghosts (spirits of dead people). The Queen of Spades, Bloody Mary, Candyman and other popular figures, called out in trembling voices all over the world, standing in a dark bathroom with a candle in hand, belong to the inhabitants of the looking glass. To a very dangerous subspecies of them. In structure, these energy creatures are similar to those evil spirits that we sometimes happen to call upon during...

Of course, the Queen of Spades and similar creatures of collective fear are evil ghosts. In order to summon them, you need (as in the case of demons) to perform a certain ritual. Turn off the light, light a candle, say ten times (not 3!) slowly and monotonously the name of a living ghost - and freeze, as when telling fortunes at Christmas. By the way, many believe that the nature of the femme fatale is devilish, that this is one of.

While you are tensely waiting for them in front of the mirror, they, sensing the horror that they feed on, rush towards you from somewhere far away, from the lower worlds, through many mirrored corridors. Your happiness, if you don’t wait, you will leave, losing patience and shuddering at the end. But some - especially stubborn people - continue to peer into the otherworldly distance behind the glass for the sake of principle or for argument's sake... and from there a barely noticeable staircase descends into our world.

The staircase can be either the reflections of a candle flame or moonlight if the bathroom has a window. If you haven’t noticed anything at this stage, taking everything that is happening as an illusion (“I’m imagining things because I don’t blink!”), next step The Queen of Spades will ring broken glass and a crack on it. This way she gets out.

"For what?" - you ask.

Like many other inhabitants of supernatural worlds, the Lady needs your fear; Carlos Castaneda mentioned this kind of creatures. However, there are different types fear, and the sweetest thing for them is the dying horror of the victim. Have you ever heard of people found dead in the bathroom after a heart attack or stroke? It is unlikely that a person can die just looking at his reflection. Living: Bloody Mary, aka the Queen of Spades, or other multiple creations of our imagination under different names– they got to him.

“Come on, just an ordinary horror story, I don’t believe it!” - you will say in an attempt of denial to protect yourself from the uncomfortable thought of the presence of such terrible creatures somewhere, especially since numerous attempts to film them on video and post them on YouTube have not been successful.

But do not forget that YouTube does not allow you to post videos with scenes of murders, suicides and corpses. That's why there are only videos of the wrong summoning ritual.

Everyone knows from childhood scary stories about the Queen of Spades and many are wondering who she is? The history of the Queen of Spades? How to summon the Queen of Spades? The legend of the Queen of Spades - who is she: a mystical spirit or a figment of human imagination? In this article we will try to answer many questions that interest you.

So, who is the Queen of Spades? There are many different sources and people who say different things. But the essence comes down to the fact that the legend about the Queen of Spades came from a deck of cards; the Queen of Spades was identified as bringing bad luck and was compared to a witch. Thus, the lady gained mystery and mysticism. There were also people who began to believe in its materiality. Legends and stories spread about the Queen of Spades as the spirit of a woman living through the looking glass. People's stories spread around the world, gaining unfavorable energetic weight from hundreds of terrible stories about her. Thus, the Queen of Spades became not only an image on playing card, and also in a bad way, evil spirit.

If we believe in the materiality of thought, can a legend endowed with so much negative energy, to become something real, a reality not from our world, the embodiment of what we believe in? Most likely yes.

How to summon the Queen of Spades? And why? Some people talk about making wishes come true, others say that a challenge is just child's play for entertainment. There are many different call descriptions, so we will try to describe in detail the most popular methods. But remember that calling a creature not from our world is not safe entertainment. And it is not a fact that the summoned entity will turn out to be a lady, and not a spirit wishing to take revenge for the fact that you disturbed his peace.

Method 1
With red lipstick at midnight, a staircase with a door on top is drawn on the mirror. The light is extinguished and the candle is lit. The words “Queen of Spades, come” are said three times. If you hear footsteps, laughter, clicking heels, or see an image moving inside the mirror, the staircase is immediately erased.

Method 2
You need to put on some perfume, go outside and stand in front of a multi-story building. Look through the dark windows of the third floor and repeat three times: “Queen of Spades come/show/appear”...

There are many descriptions of a lady’s call and finding various variations of them is not difficult. But ask yourself: do you need it? Do you want to attract evil spirits to you? After all, many people indulged in her call, and then suffered from misfortunes in their lives, and some terrible stories ended in death. Depending on a person’s faith, everyone can find the answer for themselves in this story: is it imagination or a vengeful spirit...

The legend of the Queen of Spades has been known to many since childhood, most have heard something about this legend one way or another, some even tried to summon the Queen of Spades, some did not take the risk and were afraid... But few know who this Queen of Spades really is, does she exist on fact or is a figment of the imagination. In many ways, the legend about the Queen of Spades coincides with the legend about, and is its domestic embodiment.

There are many different stories about the emergence of the Queen of Spades. The essence of most of them comes down to the fact that the legend of the Queen of Spades came from a card deck where a woman was depicted, either she was depicted somehow ominously, or the suit of spades with its black color symbolizes evil, but the Queen of Spades has become commonly identified with a witch , bringing failure. That's the image queen of spades began to collect unfavorable energy, mystery and mysticism from hundreds of conversations and legends, where the Queen of Spades was a woman living through the looking glass. People also appeared who began to believe in its materiality, and thought has the ability to materialize. This is how, from the image of the woman depicted on the card, the Queen of Spades became the image of an evil spirit, having absorbed all negative energy from legends and stories about her.

If we believe in the materiality of thought, can a legend endowed with so much negative energy become something real, a reality not from our world, the embodiment of what we believe in? Most likely - Yes.

There are many ways to summon the Queen of Spades and we will tell you about them. But that's why people call her? For what purpose? Some people believe that she makes wishes come true, but for others it is just childish fun and entertainment. One way or another, it is worth remembering that calling a creature not from our world is not safe entertainment. And it is not a fact that the summoned entity will turn out to be a lady, and not a spirit wishing to take revenge for the fact that you disturbed his peace.

Method 1

With red lipstick at midnight, a staircase with a door on top is drawn on the mirror. Although in general it doesn’t matter much what the staircase is drawn on. The light goes out and the candle is lit. The words are said three times: “Queen of Spades, come.” If you hear footsteps, laughter, clicking heels, or see an image of movement inside the mirror, the staircase is immediately erased. They just say that people don’t always have time to do laundry because she moves with at different speeds and you may simply not notice how it will already be with you.

Method 2

You need to put on some perfume, go outside and stand in front of a multi-story building. Look into the dark windows of the third floor and repeat three times: “Queen of Spades come/show up/appear”...

Method 3

At night, at 12 o'clock, you need to sit in front of the mirror or you can stand. And so, when it’s 12 o’clock, you need to break the queen of spades and look in the mirror. And from afar the Queen of Spades appears and walks. In the mirror you see how she begins to choke you. To prevent her from strangling you, you need to either turn on the light or break the mirror. And if you don’t turn on the light, she’ll strangle you.

Method 4

You need to go to a dark room where there is a mirror, preferably the bathroom. You need to smear the mirror with soap, take a candle and place it so that it is reflected in the mirror. Then you need to take the Queen of Spades card and place it facing the mirror. When you call the Queen of Spades, your hair must be carefully tucked under a scarf. If even one strand sticks out, the Queen of Spades appears, grabs you by the hair and begins to pull, hitting your head against the walls. Then you need to sit down and look in the mirror. At exactly midnight the figures will appear. If these figures are white triangles, then the Queen of Spades is kind and you can make a wish, it will come true. If it is not white triangles that appear, but something else, then the Queen of Spades is evil and you need to expect misfortune.

Method 5

You need to put a glass of water, cold, and pour some more warm water and put a mirror on top. When droplets appear on the mirror, you need to call the Queen of Spades: “Queen of Spades, come out!” This must be done at 12 o'clock. When she appears, if you can’t do anything or get scared, you need to run away. But if you have enough strength, you need to say: “Queen of Spades, perish!”

Method 6

This is done at night. At 11 o'clock you need to tie a black thread on your hand. And say 10 times: “Queen of Spades, come!” The Queen of Spades will appear. At this time, you need to cut the thread and say 1 time: “Unclean, get out!”

Method 7

It is necessary that there is no red in the room. Place 15 kopecks in a glass, so that it’s tails, and repeat “Queen of Spades, come!” And these 15 kopecks should rise from the bottom on their own. She [the Queen of Spades] must come out herself, and whoever she points at will be happy.

Method 8

You stretch a white thread from the table to the bed and hang candy on it. You take a piece of paper and write down what you need: a kilogram of chewing gum or a kilogram of oranges, lilacs in winter or something. You need to get up at 12 o'clock and write. She'll bring everything. If you want to see her, do so carefully, through closed eyes. If she sees you looking, there will be grief.

Method 9

You have to stick a needle into the wall at night. The Queen of Spades will come, maybe she will strangle you, or maybe she will fulfill your wish. Everything will be at midnight. You can't turn on the light - it will disappear. If she wants to strangle you, you need to shout:
- Tari, tari, tari, her,
Make my wish come true!

Method 10

They take red threads, woolen ones, and tie them to the legs of a chair or other furniture. Then they take the queen of clubs from the deck and place it face down. After this, they leave the room and close the door. When he arrives, there are crosses on the floor, like birds, but not in order, as they are scattered on the floor. And maybe the bed has been thrown off, the chairs have been turned over. If you enter while the lady has not yet hidden herself in her card, she will strangle you. You need to wait 10 minutes

On December 19, 2012, the Queen of Spades forced a teenager to go to a construction site in the middle of the night, climb to the very top of a crane with a rope, and commit suicide, or the guy became a victim of serious mental disorders. In the small town of Kostomuksha, which is located in the northern part of Karelia. Local newspapers reported without any details that a 15-year-old teenager had passed away and expressed condolences to his family and friends.

A few days before his death, the guy performed the ritual of calling the Queen of Spades, which his friends and acquaintances laughed at. In certain circles, memoirs even began to circulate - a guy plays with demons and gets ready. No one thought seriously about the boy's words. Everyone thought he was just joking about nightmares.

IN last days his life, Nikita complained about a woman in black who came to him every night, not giving him peace and sleep. Nikita insisted that this began immediately after calling the Queen of Spades on the bathroom mirror, on Wednesday, December 12th. The guy heard her voice right in his head, the Queen of Spades said terrible things and took over the body for short periods of time: Nikita understood what he was doing, but could not resist the possessing spirit. The image of the Queen of Spades madly desired his death. When Nikita gained control over his own body, he was on the verge of death, standing on the edge of the roof of a nine-story building, or holding a straight razor in his hands.

The Queen of Spades or Nikita's imagination, apparently, really drove him crazy. Often, the boy told fictitious stories, with a pronounced and embellished plot, so no one listened to his words at the right and vital moment for him. Nikita’s friends and relatives were accustomed to fictional horror stories and only grinned while listening to another story in black robes with bloody streaks from the eye sockets.

Waking up on the morning of December 19, Nikita’s parents discovered that he was not at home and began calling friends, deciding that their son had gone on a visit. However, soon, the police received a message about the discovery of a corpse with a noose around the neck, immediately after which the parents were notified about the accident.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find out the details of what happened. Was this really the result of the summoning of the Queen of Spades, or did the deceased Nikita lose his mind and lose control of his own mind for another reason not related to the Queen of Spades? that initially the Queen of Spades is a positive character, a fair warrior queen. What are your thoughts about what happened?

Before finding out how to summon the Queen of Spades, they weigh whether the ritual is really needed. Summoning different entities is a dangerous business that can lead to unpleasant consequences.

In the article:

How to summon the Queen of Spades and who she is

The Queen of Spades is one of the perfumes popular among children and teenagers along with. Some expect the ghost to fulfill their wishes, while other teenagers perceive the ritual as a way to have fun and get a dose of adrenaline.

Among the cards, the Queen of Spades has a bad reputation and is identified with a witch or demoness. In the Queen of Spades, it usually means an enemy, a person with whom it is better not to mess. They put damage and strong quarrels on the card, ask for help in bad deeds.

Does the entity exist or is it just a child's imagination? Some children have a craving for mysticism with early age. Interest gave rise to the desire to summon different spirits. Children's energy is strong and can not only evoke an existing spirit, but also create something new.

How many children believe in the Queen of Spades? Everyone has heard stories at children's camps and places where teenagers interact with each other. The ghost really exists and can be summoned.

The Legend of the Queen of Spades

The Queen of Spades was not always evil. The creature comes from another world - the Card Empire, which consisted of four powers (according to the number of suits in a deck of cards). Law and order reigned in each state, trade was carried out between countries and treaties were concluded.

The subjects of the Spades and Chervonnaya countries could not stand each other's company, although their kings were friendly. The powers began to quarrel. Other countries tried not to interfere in the conflict. The State of Hearts was considered good and pure, and the State of Spades was the offspring of evil. The king succumbed to the influence of his subjects. Four powers were involved in the war, but the forces were equal. As a result, a fragile truce was established, and hostility remained.

By old tradition Card empire, Queen of Spades was supposed to marry a jack of a similar suit, but was secretly in love with Chervonny. Her lover persuaded her to kill her rival, whom he was to marry, the Queen of Hearts. The Queen of Spades agreed, but upon returning to the palace under cover of darkness, she learned that her lover had deceived her and was planning a wedding with the Queen of Hearts.

The Queen of Spades failed to escape; the woman was taken into custody. The peak state was disgraced. The legend does not tell how and when the Queen of Spades died, but it is known that after the Jack of Hearts and the Queen were found strangled. Since then, the spirit of the Queen of Spades, which has not found peace, has been helping women who wish harm to their rivals. In every provocative girl, the Queen of Spades sees, and in the guy, a Jack the traitor, demanding revenge for the disgrace of the family and deception.

Challenge of the Queen of Spades - consequences

The Queen of Spades challenge is considered a joke, which is often done by teenagers. The ritual is dangerous, but they get rid of the essence without complex manipulations. Although there are scary stories about the woman, the conscription goes smoothly if you follow the rules.

The ritual is primitive, but involves working with a mirror, which opens a portal between worlds. Not only the object of the call can penetrate from the gap, but also other spirits that are unknown in advance. It is impossible to prepare for the unexpected. Usually the entities leave along with the main character, but all the Queen of Spades’ calls require quick reaction and the ability not to get lost in an extreme situation.

If among the summoners there is a child with , it becomes possible to summon not only the Witch of Spades, but someone stronger. Methods that drive away the Queen of Spades do not affect other entities. The spirits remain in the apartment, and the owner will have to take serious measures. It makes sense to use summoning options that do not require a mirror.

Usually the Queen of Spades is sent back when the entity appears. The ghost is not allowed to approach, because the ghost can strangle. The spirit should not be allowed to descend from the stairs. Spellcasters often complain about nightmares - the consequences of calling the Lady.

How to summon the Queen of Spades at home - the first method

The ceremony is performed at midnight. Before the time comes, prepare a mirror, red lipstick, a natural wax candle and a napkin or piece of cloth. You need a deck of cards that hasn't been played.

Shortly before midnight, a staircase of thirteen steps is drawn on the mirror, and on top of the staircase is a door with a handle. The lights in the room are turned off and the candle is lit. The deck lies in front of the caster; the Queen of Spades is placed face down on the cards.

After preparation, stand around the mirror and say three times:

Lady of Spades, appear!

After a while, the mirror will darken, and the candle will begin to crackle or smoke: The lady is coming. Sometimes you have to wait several minutes for changes. A silhouette or face appears in the mirror. They often see an image quickly descending a drawn staircase: steps, laughter, and rustling sounds are heard.

One question is asked. The spirit should be driven away as quickly as possible. Use a prepared rag or napkin to wash the steps, starting from the bottom. The card is torn and then burned on the street.

How to summon the Queen of Spades at home - the second method

You can summon a spirit using mirror corridor - reliable, but dangerous way. The ritual is best performed at midnight, but it can be done at other times. The main thing is to close the curtains so that the room is dark.

Before the call begins, a candle is placed between two mirrors. The mirrors should reflect each other, forming a corridor. The caster picks up another candle and repeats six times:

Queen of Spades, the one who lives in the mirror world, come to the dim light of my candle.

Signs that the call has worked: the sound of footsteps, laughter, rustling, silhouettes in the mirror and darkening of the surface of the attribute. Both candles will begin to burn faster and smoke. As soon as they notice the spirit, they break the corridor of mirrors (move one of them), open the curtains and turn on the light.

How to summon the Queen of Spades at school

School lessons occur during the daytime. in winter last lessons may coincide with the beginning of twilight. Schools have evening clubs. The summoner should, if possible, remain in the building until evening. Darkness is what the spirit loves. Light scares the essence - a way to drive away the silhouette. The ghost cannot tolerate daylight or electric lighting.

School toilets are equipped with mirrors. It doesn’t matter where the Queen of Spades is invoked - at school or at home, the ritual does not change. A company that wishes to conduct a ceremony can remain on duty in the classroom and conduct the call. You should close the curtains and take the attributes necessary for the ritual from home.

It is not advisable for anyone to see the ceremony. Several people can engage in conscription, eliminating the possibility that other classmates and teachers will see them. An outsider distracts from the process: you can miss the moment when you need to wash the stairs. The spirit may become angry and punish.

How to call the Queen of Spades on the street

The Queen of Spades is called in an apartment, at a school, even in an entrance hall or outbuildings. The ritual began to be performed on the street recently.