Science of Sofia Kovalevskaya. Sofya Kovalevskaya - biography, photo, personal life of a brilliant mathematician

(1850-1891) Russian mathematician, first woman - corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences

Sofya Vasilyevna Kovalevskaya was born into the family of General Vasily Vasilyevich Krukovsky and Elizaveta Fedorovna Schubert, who received a European education: she knew four languages, classical literature, played the piano. At home they liked to say that the blood of the Hungarian king Matthew Corvinus flowed in their veins. The king's daughter became interested in the Polish knight Krukovsky, and the Korvin-Krukovskys appeared in Lithuania. In 1858, Major General Vasily Vasilyevich Korvin-Krukovsky was awarded the rank of nobility.

Why does the girl have early age have an interest in mathematics? Sofya Vasilyevna recalled: “When we moved to live in the village, the whole house had to be redecorated and all the rooms covered with new wallpaper. There were many rooms, and there wasn’t enough wallpaper for one of our children’s rooms; It was absolutely not worth ordering wallpaper from St. Petersburg for one room.

This abused room remained for many years with one wall covered with plain paper. By a happy coincidence, it was precisely the sheets of lithographed lectures by Mikhail Vasilyevich Ostrogradsky on differential and integral calculus, acquired by my father in his youth, that were used for this purpose. These sheets, covered with strange, incomprehensible formulas, soon attracted my attention. I remember how, as a child, I spent whole hours in front of this mysterious wall, trying to make out at least individual phrases and find the order in which the sheets were supposed to follow each other. From long, daily contemplation appearance“Many of the formulas were engraved in my memory, and the text itself left a deep imprint on my brain, although at the very moment of reading it remained incomprehensible to me.”

Sophia’s older sister Anyuta, who later became a writer, was proud that her story “The Dream” was published by F.M. Dostoevsky in his journal.

Professor Nikolai Nikonovich Tyrtov convinced his friend, General Korvin-Krukovsky, that Sophia needed to study higher mathematics, and recommended his student Alexander Strannolyubsky as a teacher.

Fleet lieutenant, student at the Naval Academy, and then a brilliant teacher at the maritime school, where he worked for 30 years. It was from him that the outstanding shipbuilder Alexei Nikolaevich Krylov studied. “Alexander Nikolaevich,” said Sofya Vasilievna, “was very surprised at how quickly I grasped and internalized the concepts of limit and derivative, “as if I knew them in advance,” that’s exactly how he put it. And the thing really was that at that minute when he explained these concepts to me, I suddenly vividly remembered that all this was on Ostrogradsky’s sheets that I remembered, and the very concept of the limit seemed familiar to me for a long time.”

Free yourself from parental care and get an education in the West (in Russia women were not accepted into higher education educational institutions) was possible only by entering into a fictitious marriage. Then Vladimir Onufrievich Kovalevsky appeared. He was a prominent biologist. His works were known in Russia and abroad, he actively corresponded with Darwin, the latter knew the works of Kovalevsky and was friends with him. Vladimir Onufrievich wrote to his brother: “Despite her eighteen years, the little sparrow is excellently educated, knows all languages ​​as if she were her own, and is still mainly engaged in mathematics, and is already studying spherical trigonometry and integrals - she works like an ant from morning to morning.” nights and at the same time alive, sweet and very pretty. In general, such happiness fell on me that it’s hard to imagine.” So, ahead is abroad, the university in Heidelberg, but for now the Kovalevskys are in St. Petersburg. They attend Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov's lectures on physiology and Gruber's lectures at the Medical-Surgical Academy.

And yet you need to go abroad. And here are the Kovalevskys in Vienna. Anyuta came with them. But Sofia Vasilievna’s path lies in small town Heidelberg, to the famous German university, where she arrived in 1869. The news about the extraordinary abilities of the Russian student spread around little Heidelberg. The life of Sofia Vasilievna in Heidelberg is known from the memoirs of Yu.V. Lermontova, whose father was the second cousin of the great poet. Julia wrote: “All the professors with whom Sonya studied were delighted with her abilities; At the same time, she was very hardworking, she could spend hours at a time, without leaving her desk, doing math calculations.”

A fictitious marriage with Vladimir Onufrievich Kovalevsky turned into a real one, and friendship turned into love. But Kovalevsky has a restless character, he is possessed by a desire to change places. Sofya Vasilievna also has to get used to traveling and hotels. First to London, where Vladimir Onufrievich met with Charles Darwin, from there to Paris, and finally to cozy Heidelberg, which had become his home, to the university. After a course of lectures on mathematics, Leo Koenigsberger, a student of the famous Weierstrass, had to go to Berlin.

Leo Koenigsberger's recommendation had an effect on the fifty-five-year-old professor, but this was clearly not enough for the university council. Karl Weierstrass began studying with Kovalevskaya at home. She became his favorite student. Despite the age difference, they became close friends. Weierstrass set more and more difficult challenges for his talented student. math problems. Sofia Vasilievna’s successes amazed even her famous teacher. It was time to think about defending my doctoral dissertation. A defense took place at the University of Göttingen at the Faculty of Philosophy. Weierstrass writes to Göttingen that three mathematical problems were solved by Sofia Vasilievna Kovalevskaya: the first was about partial differential equations, the second was related to elliptic integrals, and the third problem concerned research famous Pierre Laplace on the rings of Saturn. The assessment of the work was the highest. Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in absentia. Five years of hard work, study, and research are behind us. Now home, to my homeland.

Sophia was congratulated by her relatives, the future seemed cloudless: university, teaching career.

True, Russian laws allowed women to teach mathematics only in elementary gymnasium classes.

After a holiday in the village of Palibino, the Kovalevskys arrived in St. Petersburg, among their acquaintances were Sechenov and Mendeleev, Chebyshev and Turgenev and, of course, Dostoevsky. In 1875, Vasily Vasilyevich Korvin-Krukovsky died. He left an inheritance to his children, nevertheless, financial difficulties haunt Vladimir Onufrievich. He was a talented scientist, but a lousy businessman. His commercial projects failed. Meanwhile, the Kovalevsky family is expecting an addition. Sophia is expecting a child, and mathematics fades into the background. A daughter was born, who was also named Sophia.

Vladimir Onufrievich is making desperate attempts to somehow stabilize financial situation families: builds houses and public baths on Vasilyevsky Island, but in the end the houses and baths built did not bring any income. Creditors describe their houses and property, the Kovalevskys decide to leave St. Petersburg for Moscow. Vladimir Onufrievich was offered a good position in a commercial company; on business he often needs to go abroad, which is very attractive to him, as it gives him the opportunity to meet fellow scientists; finally, he is invited to Moscow University to give lectures on geology and paleontology. Vladimir Onufrievich begins to lecture at Moscow University and at the same time does not want to give up his work in society. These cases, the essence of which is attempts to get rich at any cost, through speculation, combinations and deception, could not help but end in disaster. Completely bankrupt, Vladimir Onufrievich committed suicide by putting a mask on his face and inhaling chloroform.

The news of her husband's death found Sofia Kovalevskaya in Paris and completely overwhelmed her. She spent four days without food, and on the fifth day she lost consciousness. When the doctor and friends were able to help her, then, opening her eyes, Sophia asked for a pencil and paper and began to write down the formulas. The return to the world of mathematics of 33-year-old Kovalevskaya took place.

In August 1883, the VII Congress of Russian naturalists and doctors took place in Odessa. Kovalevskaya was among those invited; she gave a report “On the refraction of light in crystals,” which was recognized as one of the best. From Odessa, Sofya Vasilievna writes to the Swedish mathematician, her great friend G. Mittag-Leffler, who played a big role in Kovalevskaya’s life. He was a devoted and sincere friend until the end of her days; it is to him that we owe the fact that all correspondence with Kovalevskaya is stored in his archive at the mathematical institute in Sweden, which bears his name. She thanks Stockholm University for the invitation to give a course of lectures there.

“The princess of science has arrived in our city,” wrote the Stockholm newspapers. During the two months that Sofya Vasilievna lived with the hospitable Mittag-Lefflers, she made many friends in Swedish society; everyone wanted to take part in her fate and help her. The first lecture, the second, the students applauded her, presented her with flowers, and admired her. Through the efforts of Mittag-Leffler and Kovalevskaya, a strong mathematical school was created at the university. In addition, Mittag-Leffler attracted the best mathematicians in Europe and created the journal Acta Mathematica, which included Sofia Kovalevskaya on the editorial board. Her teaching achievements allowed the board of Stockholm University to award her the title of professor.

In the new academic year Professor Sofya Kovalevskaya is already giving lectures in Swedish. She is widely known and conducts literary activities. Friendship with G. Mittag-Leffler's sister, writer Anna-Charlotte Edgren Leffler, created an extraordinary duo of writers: their joint plays appeared.

Sofya Vasilievna is actively involved in science. In 1888 she wrote the work "The Rotation Problem" solid around a fixed point,” which won her a prize from the Paris Academy of Sciences. In Paris, she met with the greatest mathematicians of the time, Hermite, Bertrand, Poincaré and Darboux. The following year, for a second paper on the same topic, she was awarded a prize from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Kovalevsky appears in Sofia Vasilievna’s personal life. Namesake. Maxim Maksimovich Kovalevsky, a rich, gifted professor at Moscow University, fired for freethinking statements, becomes her closest friend. Sofya Vasilievna works a lot, does not spare herself, sleeps 4-5 hours a day. This leads to nervous fatigue. IN recent years this is a very sick person. Therefore, she, together with M.M. Kovalevsky makes a long trip to Germany, Switzerland and Italy, which she was simply fascinated by.

The year 1889 became a milestone in the life path of the famous mathematician: the general meeting of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences approved S.V. Kovalevskaya as a corresponding member. Her candidacy was nominated by the remarkable Russian scientists P. Chebyshev, V. Imshenetsky, V. Bunyakovsky.

One cannot fail to mention the literary gift of Sofia Kovalevskaya. Her creative heritage speaks of the great talent of the writer. Kovalevskaya’s language is bright and figurative, full of poetic colors, her observations are accurate and witty, her imagination and fantasy are inexhaustible.

At the end of January 1891, Kovalevskaya returned from Genoa to Stockholm. Wet snow, piercing wind, and cold air met her here. A severe cold sapped her strength in a matter of days. On February 10, 1891, at the 42nd year of her life, the great Russian mathematician Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya died in Stockholm at the zenith of her creativity.

Date of birth:

Place of birth:

Moscow, Russian Empire

Date of death:

Place of death:

Stockholm, Sweden

Scientific field:

Mathematics, mechanics

Place of work:

Stockholm University

Alma mater:

Heidelberg University, University of Berlin

Scientific supervisor:

K. T. W. Weierstrass

Known as:

World's first female professor of mathematics

Scientific activities

Literary activity

Printed publications

(née Korvin-Krukovskaya) (January 3 (15), 1850, Moscow - January 29 (February 10), 1891, Stockholm) - Russian mathematician and mechanic, since 1889 a foreign corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. The first in Russia and in Northern Europe female professor and the world's first female professor of mathematics (Maria Agnesi, who previously received this title, never taught).


Daughter of Lieutenant General of Artillery V.V. Korvin-Krukovsky and Elizaveta Fedorovna (maiden name - Schubert). Kovalevskaya’s grandfather, infantry general F.F. Schubert, was an outstanding mathematician, and great-grandfather F.I. Schubert was an even more famous astronomer. Born in Moscow in January 1850. Kovalevskaya spent her childhood years on the estate of her father Polibino, Nevelsky district, Vitebsk province (now the village of Polibino, Velikoluksky district, Pskov region). The first lessons, in addition to governesses, were given to Kovalevskaya from the age of eight by her home tutor, the son of a small nobleman, Joseph Ignatievich Malevich, who published memories of his student in “Russian Antiquity” (December 1890). In 1866, Kovalevskaya traveled abroad for the first time, and then lived in St. Petersburg, where she took lessons mathematical analysis by A. N. Strannolyubsky.

The entry of women into higher educational institutions in Russia was prohibited. Therefore, Kovalevskaya could only continue her studies abroad, but a foreign passport could only be issued with the permission of her parents or husband. The father was not going to give permission, because he did not want his daughter’s further education. Therefore, Sophia organized a fictitious marriage with the young scientist V.O. Kovalevsky. True, Kovalevsky did not suspect that he would end up falling in love with his fictitious wife.

In 1868, Kovalevskaya married Vladimir Onufrievich Kovalevsky, and the newlyweds went abroad.

In 1869 she studied at the University of Heidelberg with Königsberger, and from 1870 to 1874 at the University of Berlin with K. T. W. Weierstrass. Although, according to the rules of the university, as a woman she could not listen to lectures, Weierstrass, interested in her mathematical talents, supervised her classes.

She sympathized with the revolutionary struggle and the ideas of utopian socialism, so in April 1871, together with her husband V. O. Kovalevsky, she came to besieged Paris and looked after the wounded communards. Later she took part in the rescue from prison of the Paris Commune leader V. Jacqular, the husband of her revolutionary sister Anna.

Sophia’s emancipated friends demanded that the fictitious marriage not develop into a real one, and therefore the husband had to move to another apartment, and then to another city altogether. This situation weighed heavily on both of them, and in the end, in 1874, the fictitious marriage became actual.

In 1874, the University of Göttingen, upon defense of a dissertation (“Zur Theorie der partiellen Differentialgleichungen”), awarded Kovalevskaya the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

In 1878, the Kovalevskys had a daughter.

In 1879 she made a presentation at the VI Congress of Naturalists in St. Petersburg. In 1881 Kovalevskaya was elected a member of the Moscow Mathematical Society (privat associate professor).

After her husband's suicide (1883) (confused in his business affairs) Kovalevskaya, left without funds with her five-year-old daughter, comes to Berlin and stops at Weierstrass. At the cost of enormous efforts, using all his authority and connections, Weierstrass manages to secure a place for her at Stockholm University (1884). Having changed her name to Sonya Kovalevsky, she becomes a professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Stockholm (Högskola), with the obligation to lecture in German for the first year, and in Swedish from the second. Soon Kovalevskaya mastered the Swedish language and published her mathematical works and fiction in this language.

In 1888 - laureate of the Paris Academy of Sciences Prize for the discovery of the third classical case of solvability of the problem of the rotation of a rigid body around a fixed point. A second work on the same topic in 1889 was awarded a prize from the Swedish Academy of Sciences, and Kovalevskaya was elected a corresponding member of the physics and mathematics department Russian Academy Sci.

In 1891, on her way from Berlin to Stockholm, Sophia learned that a smallpox epidemic had begun in Denmark. Frightened, she decided to change the route. But there was nothing other than an open carriage to continue the journey, and she had to transfer to it. On the way, Sophia caught a cold. The cold turned into pneumonia.

On January 29, 1891, Kovalevskaya, at the age of 41, died in Stockholm from pneumonia. She died in the Swedish capital all alone, without anyone nearby. loved one. She was buried in Stockholm, at the Northern Cemetery.

Scientific activities

The most important studies relate to the theory of rotation of a rigid body. Kovalevskaya discovered the third classical case of solvability of the problem of the rotation of a rigid body around a fixed point. This advanced the solution of the problem begun by Leonhard Euler and J.L. Lagrange.

She proved the existence of an analytical (holomorphic) solution to the Cauchy problem for systems of partial differential equations, studied the Laplace problem on the equilibrium of the ring of Saturn, and obtained a second approximation.

Solved the problem of reducing a certain class of Abelian integrals of the third rank to elliptic integrals. She also worked in the field of potential theory, mathematical physics, and celestial mechanics.

In 1889 she received a major prize from the Paris Academy for her research on the rotation of a heavy asymmetrical top.

From mathematical works Kovalevskaya’s best known are: “Zur Theorie der partiellen Differentialgleichungen” (1874, “Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik”, volume 80); “Ueber die Reduction einer bestimmten Klasse Abel’scher Integrale 3-ten Ranges auf elliptische Integrale” (“Acta Mathematica”, 4); “Zusätze und Bemerkungen zu Laplace’s Untersuchung ü ber die Gestalt der Saturnsringe” (1885, “Astronomische Nachrichten”, vol. CXI); “Ueber die Brechung des Lichtes in cristallinischen Medien” (“Acta Mathematica” 6.3); “Sur le problème de la rotation d’un corps solide autour d’un point fixe” (1889, “Acta Mathematica”, 12.2); “Sur une proprieté du système d’equations differentielles qui definit la rotation d’un corps solide autour d’un point fix e” (1890, “Acta Mathematica”, 14.1). Abstracts about mathematical works were written by A. G. Stoletov, N. E. Zhukovsky and P. A. Nekrasov in the “Mathematical Collection”, volume XVI published and separately (M., 1891).

Literary activity

Thanks to her outstanding mathematical talents, Kovalevskaya reached the top of the scientific field. But her nature was lively and passionate, she did not find satisfaction in abstract mathematical research and manifestations of official fame alone. First of all, a woman, she always craved intimate affection. In this regard, however, fate was not very kind to her and it was precisely the years of her greatest glory, when the award of the Paris Prize to a woman drew the attention of the whole world to her, were for her years of deep spiritual anguish and broken hopes for happiness. Kovalevskaya was passionate about everything that surrounded her, and with subtle observation and thoughtfulness, she had a great ability to artistically reproduce what she saw and felt. Literary talent awakened in her late, and her premature death did not allow this new side of a remarkable, deeply and diversely educated woman to be sufficiently defined. In Russian, from K.’s literary works the following appeared: “Memories of George Elliot” (“Russian Thought”, 1886, No. 6); family chronicle “Childhood Memories” (“Bulletin of Europe”, 1890, No. 7 and 8); “Three days at a peasant university in Sweden” (“Northern Bulletin”, 1890, No. 12); posthumous poem (“Bulletin of Europe”, 1892, No. 2); Together with others (the story “Vae victis” translated from Swedish, an excerpt from the novel in the Riviera), these works were published as a separate collection under the title: “ Literary works S.V.K.” (SPb., 1893).

Memoirs of the Polish uprising and the novel “The Vorontsov Family” were written in Swedish, the plot of which dates back to the era of ferment among Russian youth in the late 60s of the 19th century. But of particular interest for characterizing Kovalevskaya’s personality is “Kampen för Lyckan, tvänne paralleldramer of K. L.” (Stockholm, 1887), translated into Russian by M. Luchitskaya, under the title: “The Struggle for Happiness. Two parallel dramas. Essay by S.K. and A.K. Leffler” (Kyiv, 1892). In this double drama, written by Kovalevskaya in collaboration with the Swedish writer Leffler-Edgren, but entirely according to Kovalevskaya’s thoughts, she wanted to depict the fate and development of the same people from two opposing points of view, “how it was” and “how it could have been.” " Kovalevskaya based this work on a scientific idea. She was convinced that all actions and actions of people are predetermined, but at the same time she recognized that such moments in life can appear when different opportunities for certain actions present themselves, and then life develops in different ways, in accordance with that. which path will anyone choose?

Kovalevskaya based her hypothesis on the work of A. Poincaré on differential equations: the integrals of the differential equations considered by Poincaré are, with geometric point vision, continuous curved lines that branch only at some isolated points. The theory shows that the phenomenon flows along a curve to the point of bifurcation (bifurcation), but here everything becomes uncertain and it is impossible to foresee in advance which of the branches the phenomenon will proceed along (see also Catastrophe Theory (mathematics)). According to Leffler (her memories of Kovalevskaya in the “Kiev collection to help those affected by crop failure”, Kyiv, 1892), the main one female figures In this double drama, Alice, Kovalevskaya depicted herself, and many of the phrases spoken by Alice, many of her expressions were taken entirely from Kovalevskaya’s own lips. The drama proves the omnipotent power of love, which requires that lovers surrender themselves completely to each other, but it also makes up everything in life that only gives it brilliance and energy.

Printed publications

  • Kovalevskaya S.V. “Scientific works” - M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1948.
  • Kovalevskaya S.V. “Memoirs and Letters” - M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1951.
  • Kovalevskaya S.V. “Memories. Stories" - M.: Nauka, 1974. - (“Literary monuments”)
  • Kovalevskaya S.V. “Memories. Stories" - M.: Pravda Publishing House, 1986.

Family (known representatives)

  • Great-grandfather - F.I. Schubert, astronomer
  • Grandfather - F. F. Schubert, surveyor, mathematician
  • Father - V.V. Korvin-Krukovsky, general
  • Husband - V. O. Kovalevsky, geologist and paleontologist
  • Sister - Anna Jacqular, revolutionary and writer
  • Brother - F.V. Korvin-Krukovsky, general


  • Kovalevskaya (crater)
  • Sofia Kovalevskaya School
  • Kovalevskaya Street
  • Sofia Kovalevskaya Street (St. Petersburg)

To the cinema

  • 1956 - “Sofya Kovalevskaya” (film-play, directed by Joseph Shapiro)
  • 1985 - “Sofya Kovalevskaya” (television film, directed by Ayan Shakhmalieva)
  • 2011 - “Dostoevsky” (7-episode television film) - Elizaveta Arzamasova

Kovalevskaya Sofya Vasilievna was born on January 3, 1850 in Moscow. Her mother was Elisabeth Schubert. The father, artillery general Korvin-Krukovsky, served as head of the arsenal at the time of his daughter’s birth. When the girl turned six, he retired, settling on the family estate. Let us consider further why Sofya Kovalevskaya is famous.

Biography: childhood

After the whole family (parents and two daughters) settled on her father’s family estate, a teacher was hired for the girl. The only subject in which the future mathematics professor did not show any particular interest or any ability was arithmetic. However, over time the situation has changed dramatically. The study of arithmetic lasted up to 10 and a half years. Subsequently, Sofya Kovalevskaya believed that it was this period that gave her the basis of all knowledge. The girl studied the subject very well and solved all the problems quite quickly. Her teacher Malevich, before starting algebra, allowed her to study Bourdon's arithmetic (a two-volume course that was taught at that time in One of the neighbors, noting the girl's success, recommended her father to hire naval lieutenant Strannolyubsky to continue her education. The new teacher was surprised at the speed at the first lesson. with which Sonya has learned the limits.

Fictitious marriage

In 1863, pedagogical courses were opened at the Mariinsky Gymnasium, which included a verbal and natural mathematics department. Sisters Anna and Sophia dreamed of getting there. But the problem was that unmarried girls were not enrolled in the gymnasium. Therefore, they were forced to enter into a fictitious marriage. Vladimir Kovalevsky was chosen as Anna's groom. However, the wedding between them never took place. On one of the dates, he told Anna that he was ready to marry, but with her sister, Sonya. After some time, he was brought into the house and, with the consent of his father, became the groom of the second sister. At that time he was 26, and Sophia was 18 years old.

New stage of life

No one imagined then what tasks Sofya Kovalevskaya would cope with after her wedding. The biography of her husband amazed anyone who met him with its fascination. He began earning money at the age of 16 by translating foreign novels for merchants at Gostiny Dvor. Kovalevsky had an amazing memory, extraordinary activity and humanitarian abilities. He categorically refused bureaucratic service, choosing instead publishing work in St. Petersburg. It was he who printed and translated literature, which was extremely in demand by the leading people of the country. Having moved with her husband and sister to St. Petersburg, Sofya Kovalevskaya secretly began to attend lectures. She decided to devote all her strength only to science. The only thing Sofya Kovalevskaya wanted to do was mathematics. Having passed the exam and received a certificate of maturity, she again returned to Strannolyubsky. With him, she began to study science in depth, planning to subsequently continue her work abroad.


At the beginning of April 1869, Sofya Kovalevskaya, her sister and husband left for Vienna. There were geologists needed by Vladimir Onufrievich at that time. However, there were no strong scientists in Vienna. Therefore, Kovalevskaya decides to go to Heidelberg. In her mind, this was the promised land for students. After overcoming a number of difficulties, the commission finally allowed Sophia to listen to lectures on physics and mathematics. For three semesters she took a course from Koenigsberger, who taught the theory of elliptic functions. In addition, she listened to lectures on physics and mathematics by Kirchhoff, Helmholtz, Dubois Reymond, and worked in the laboratory under the guidance of the chemist Bunsen. All these people were then in Germany. The teachers were amazed at the abilities that Kovalevskaya possessed. Sofya Vasilievna worked very hard. She quickly mastered all the initial elements, which allowed her to begin independent research. She received rave reviews about herself from Koenigsberger to his teacher, the greatest scientist of that time, Karl Weierstrass. The latter was called by his contemporaries "the great analyst."

Working with Weierstrass

Sofya Kovalevskaya, in the name of her chosen higher destiny, overcame fear and shyness and in early October 1870 headed to Berlin. Professor Weierstrass was not in the mood for conversation and, in order to get rid of the visitor, gave her several problems in the field of hyperbolic functions, inviting her back a week later. Having managed to forget about the visit, the scientist did not expect to see Kovalevskaya at the appointed time. She appeared on the threshold and announced that all problems had been solved. After a while, Weierstrass petitioned for Kovalevskaya to be allowed to attend mathematical lectures. However, the consent of the high council could not be achieved. The University of Berlin not only did not enroll women as students. They were not even allowed to attend lectures as free listeners. Therefore, Kovalevskaya had to limit herself to private lessons with Weierstrass. As contemporaries noted, the outstanding scientist usually overwhelmed his listeners with mental superiority. But Kovalevskaya’s inquisitiveness and thirst for knowledge required increased activity from Weierstrass. He himself often had to solve various problems in order to adequately answer the rather complex questions of his student. Contemporaries noted that one should be grateful to Kovalevskaya for being able to bring Weierstrass out of his isolation.

First independent work

It explored the question of the balance of Saturn's ring. Before Kovalevskaya, Laplace (French astronomer, physicist and mathematician) worked on this problem. In his work, he considered the ring of Saturn as a complex of several thin elements that do not influence each other. During his research, he found that in cross section it is presented in the shape of an ellipse. However, this solution was only the first and very simplified. Kovalevskaya began research to more accurately establish the balance of the ring. She determined that in cross section one should be presented in the shape of an oval.


From the beginning of the winter of 1873 to the spring of 1874, Kovalevskaya was engaged in the study of partial derivatives. She intended to present the work in the form of a doctoral dissertation. Her work was admired in scientific circles. A little later, however, it was found that a similar study had already been carried out by Augustin Cauchy, an outstanding French scientist. But in her work, Kovalevskaya gave the theorem a form that was perfect in its simplicity, rigor and accuracy. Therefore, the problem began to be called the “Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorem.” It's included in everything basic courses analysis. Of particular interest was the analysis of the heat equation. In her study, Kovalevskaya revealed the existence special occasions. This was a significant discovery for that time. This marked the end of her apprenticeship. The Council of the University of Göttingen awarded her the degree of Doctor of Mathematical Philosophy and Master of Fine Arts "with the highest praise."

Relationship with husband

In 1874, Sofya Kovalevskaya came back to Russia. However, at that time there were terrible conditions in her homeland, which could not allow her to do science the way she wanted. By that time, the fictitious marriage with her husband had become real. During their first stay in Germany they lived in different cities, received education in different institutions. Communication with my husband was carried out through letters. However, subsequently the relationship took a different form. In 1878, the Kovalevskys had a daughter. After her birth, Sophia spent about six months in bed. Doctors no longer hoped for recovery. The body still won, but the heart was struck by a serious disease.

Family collapse

Kovalevskaya had a husband, a child, favorite activity. It would seem that this should be enough for complete happiness. But Kovalevskaya was characterized by maximalism in everything. She constantly made high demands on life and on everyone around her. She wanted to constantly hear vows of love from her husband, she wanted him to show her signs of attention all the time. But Kovalevsky did not do this. He was a different person, just as passionate about science as his wife. The complete collapse of the relationship came when they decided to go into business. However, despite this, Kovalevskaya remained faithful to science. But in Russia she could not continue working. After the assassination of the king, the situation in the country deteriorated sharply. Sophia and her daughter went to Berlin, and her husband went to Odessa, to visit his brother. However, Vladimir Onufrievich became very confused in his commercial affairs and on the night of April 15-16, 1883, he shot himself. Kovalevskaya was in Paris when she received this news. After the funeral, returning to Berlin, she headed to Weierstrass.

Stockholm University

Weierstrass, having learned about the death of Kovalevskaya’s husband, who always interfered with Sophia’s plans to make science the goal of her life, wrote to Mitgag-Leffler, his colleague. In the letter, he said that now nothing prevents him from giving the student the opportunity to continue her activities. Soon Weierstrass was able to please Kovalevskaya with a positive response from Sweden. On January 30, 1884, she gave her first lecture. The course that Kovalevskaya taught in German was of a private nature. Nevertheless, he gave her an excellent recommendation. At the end of June 1884, she received news that she had been appointed to the position of professor for 5 years.

New work

The woman professor delved deeper and deeper into research work. Now she was studying one of the most difficult problems concerning the rotation of a rigid body. She believed that if she could solve it, then her name would be included among the most outstanding world scientists. According to her calculations, it would take another 5 years to complete the task.

Writing activity

In the spring of 1886, Sofya Vasilievna received news about in serious condition his sister. She went home. Kovalevskaya returned to Stockholm with difficult feelings. In this state, she could not continue her research. However, she found a way to talk about her feelings, about herself, her thoughts. Literary work came second important matter, which was handled by Sofia Kovalevskaya. The book she was writing at that time with Anna-Charlotte Edgren-Leffler captured her so much that she did not return to research during this entire time.

Historical discovery

Having recovered from the shock, Kovalevskaya again returned to scientific activity. She is trying to solve the problem of the rotation of a rigid heavy body around a static point. The problem is reduced to the integration of a system of equations that always has three certain integrals. The problem is completely solved when the fourth one is found. Before the discovery of Kovalevskaya, it was found twice. The scientists who investigated the problem were Lagrange and Euler. Kovalevskaya discovered the third case and the fourth integral to it. The solution in its entirety had enough complex look. Perfect knowledge of hyperelliptic functions helped to successfully cope with the task. And currently 4 algebraic integrals exist only in three cases: Lagrange, Euler and Kovalevskaya.

Borden Prize

In 1888, on December 6, the Paris Academy sent a letter to Kovalevskaya. It said that she had been awarded the Borden Prize. It should be said that in the half century since its establishment, only 10 people have become its owners. Moreover, all these ten times it was not awarded in full, but for individual, private decisions. Before Kovalevskaya's opening, no one had been awarded this prize for three years in a row. A week after receiving the news, she arrived in Paris. Academy President Zhansen, an astronomer and physicist, warmly welcomed Sofya Vasilievna. He said that due to the seriousness of her research, the bonus was increased from 3 to 5 thousand francs.

Swedish Academy Award

After receiving the Borden Prize, Kovalevskaya settled near Paris. Here she continued her research on the rotation of bodies for the competition for the King Oscar II award from the Swedish Academy. In the fall, at the start of the university semester, she returned to Stockholm. The work went very quickly. Kovalevskaya wanted to complete the research in time to present the work at the competition. For her work she received a bonus of one and a half thousand crowns.

Attempt to return to Russia

Despite the successes, Kovalevskaya was not happy about anything. She went to treatment but did not complete it. After a short period of time, her health deteriorated again. In this state, Kovalevskaya could not continue her research and again turned to literature. She tried to drown out her longing for Russia with stories about people and her Motherland. It was extremely unbearable for her to be in a foreign land. But, despite the stunning success, she did not have a chance to take a place in domestic universities. Hope appeared when, on November 7, 1888, she was elected a corresponding member of the physics and mathematics department of the Russian Academy. In April 1890 she went home. Kovalevskaya hoped that she would be elected a member of the academy instead of the deceased Bunyakovsky. In this way, she could gain financial independence, which would facilitate the continuation of research in her country.

Last years of life

In St. Petersburg, Kovalevskaya visited the President of the Russian Academy several times. Konstantinovich was always polite and kind to her, saying that it would be wonderful if she returned to her homeland. But when Kovalevskaya wanted to be present as a corresponding member at a meeting of the Academy, she was refused, since it was “not in customs.” They could not have insulted her more in Russia. In September, Kovalevskaya came back to Stockholm. On January 29, 1891, she died at the age of 41 from heart palsy.


Kovalevskaya was an outstanding person. She was extremely demanding of everything that surrounded her. This is not an ordinary Russian mathematician and mechanic, this is a great scientist who devoted all his strength to science. It is sad to realize that in Russia at that time she was not given due attention, her merits were not recognized, despite her high popularity in scientific circles abroad. Not far from Velikie Luki there is a museum of Sofia Kovalevskaya. Polibino was her small homeland, the place where her passion for science manifested itself.

Sofya Kovalevskaya is a famous Russian mathematician. She made a significant contribution to the development of mathematics and mechanics, taught a lot, and wrote several books.

In addition, this woman influenced the formation of the newest female identity and the struggle of women for their rights. Her short biography will be of interest to any thinking person.

Life story

Kovalevskaya Sofya Vasilievna (before her marriage Korvin-Krukovskaya) was born on January 15, 1850 in Russian Empire, in Moscow. The early biography of Sofia Kovalevskaya is not replete with interesting events. Little Sonya studied mathematics both at home, where the walls were covered with formulas, and in educational institutions abroad. Her father was in military service, and her maternal ancestors were people who moved in scientific circles and made many discoveries in science and art.

The father was against the girl studying at a foreign university, but Sophia found a way out of the situation. She entered into a fictitious marriage with geologist Vladimir Kovalevsky. Ironically, the fictitious marriage grew into something more, as Vladimir fell in love... with his legal wife!

The next few years were eventful for Sophia. She studied intensely at two German universities, took active participation in the revolutionary events that were taking place in France at that time.

Interesting facts from Kovalevskaya’s life can make you laugh. For example, it is truly funny that Kovalevskaya’s friends, feminists, did not approve of the young woman’s rapprochement with own husband! At first, this worried Sophia, and she and Vladimir didn’t even live together, but then the couple finally decided to move in together. After some time, they had a daughter, who received the name Sophia, like her mother.

Sophia's husband went broke and committed suicide. After her husband’s suicide, Kovalevskaya taught in different cities of Europe. She taught in Swedish and German languages, received the title of professor of mathematics, accomplished several important scientific discoveries in this industry, wrote articles and books. Sophia was personally acquainted with the writer Dostoevsky, was fond of socialism and Marxism, and admired the courage of the populist boys and girls.

Few people know that Kovalevskaya was also an excellent writer. Her mathematical talent is great, and her literary works glorified the triumph of love and, in addition, preached utopian revolutionary ideas.

In general, Sophia’s family adhered to fairly progressive views. Her sister, Anna Jacqular, was a Russian oppositionist and journalist, as well as an active participant in revolutionary events in France, wrote books, and was a teacher. Wikipedia dedicated large articles to both Korvin-Krukovsky sisters. Kovalevskaya's brother, although he did not have the brilliant abilities of his sisters, nevertheless ardently supported the revolution in 1917.

Sofia Kovalevskaya passed away at just 41 years old. The cause of her death was pneumonia, accompanied by numerous complications. The female scientist died and was buried in Sweden, in Stockholm.

Contribution to science

Few would dare to argue that the contribution of this nineteenth-century Hypatia to science is truly invaluable. So, you should know that the main scientific specializations of Sofia Kovalevskaya are:

  • Mathematics.
  • Physics.
  • Literature.

Sophia devoted especially much time to one of the branches of physics – mechanics. In mechanics, Kovalevskaya specialized mainly in the theory of rotation of a rigid body (around a fixed point). In short, she also contributed to the development of such branches of knowledge and science as astronomy, astrophysics and quantum theory. In addition, Sofya Kovalevskaya developed the theory celestial bodies and potential theory.

Grateful descendants duly appreciated the achievements in mathematics and other sciences of this amazing woman scientist. Schools, gymnasiums, colleges and universities in many parts of the globe are named in honor of Kovalevskaya.

In addition, a crater on the Moon, an asteroid, an airplane and a prestigious scientific prize. Also in one of the villages near the city of Pskov there is the only museum of Sofia Kovalevskaya in the Russian Federation.

Kovalevskaya did a lot to achieve universal equality - equality of men and women. This issue was especially close to Sonya's heart, as she faced severe discrimination throughout her life. life path. Nevertheless, the Russian girl was able to overcome all the hardships of life, all the resistance of the environment and break through to the scientific Olympus, managing to become the greatest scientist of her time.

Kovalevskaya’s achievements in the field of literature are also great: she wrote both herself and in collaboration in Russian, French, German and Swedish.

Sofia Kovalevskaya can rightfully be called a great mathematician, a woman who managed to change the world at the turn of the era.

It was she who laid the foundations for the emancipation of women and gender equality. In addition, Sophia significantly advanced world science, managing to accomplish several important discoveries in mathematics, astronomy and physics. She also became a model that many talented girls sought to imitate, who came into science under her influence and changed the world for the better.

Those whom Sonya taught at German, French and Swedish universities themselves became famous scientists.

It is impossible not to admit that with the death of Kovalevskaya, the world lost a noble and generous man, a brave scientist, a talented writer and a charming woman. Author: Irina Shumilova


Place of birth: Moscow

Marital status: married to Vladimir Onufrievich Kovalevsky (1868-1883), maiden name: Sofya Vasilievna Korvin-Krukovskaya

Activities and interests: mathematics, mechanics; literary creativity, fiction

Russian universities were closed to women, and to get to Europe, you needed a foreign passport, which was issued with the permission of your father or husband. Sophia's father did not want his daughter to continue her studies, and in 1868 she married fictitiously, to paleontologist-evolutionist Vladimir Kovalevsky, with whom she left for Germany. More facts

Education, degrees and titles

1869, University of Heidelberg (Germany)

1870-1874, University of Berlin


1884-1891, Stockholm University: Professor of Mathematics


In 1888 she received prestigious award Borden for the discovery of the third classical case of solvability of the problem of the rotation of a rigid body around a fixed point. In view of the seriousness of the discovery, the premium was increased from 3 to 5 thousand francs. And today four algebraic integrals exist only in three classical cases: Leonard Euler, Lagrange and Kovalevskaya.

She proved the existence of an analytical solution to the Cauchy problem for systems of partial differential equations.

She studied Laplace's problem of the equilibrium of the ring of Saturn and obtained a second approximation.


Russian mathematician and mechanic, the first female professor in Russia and the first female professor of mathematics in the world. She studied abroad, since in Russia at that time women were not accepted into higher education institutions. She was engaged in research in the field of the theory of rotation of a rigid body. Author of many scientific works, Ph.D. (University of Göttingen, 1874). Since 1881 - member of the Moscow Mathematical Society. For the discovery of the third classical case of solvability of the problem of the rotation of a rigid body around a fixed point, she received prizes from the Paris (1888) and Swedish (1889) Academies of Sciences. In 1889, she was elected a corresponding member of the physics and mathematics department of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She sympathized with revolutionary ideas and, in the besieged Paris of 1871, looked after the wounded communards. She helped rescue Paris Commune activist Victor Jacqulard from prison. The author of several literary works and fiction - she wrote in Russian and Swedish. Many works are autobiographical in nature, and the main character has recognizable features of Kovalevskaya herself. She also wrote poetry and translated from Swedish.