Which fish is better: salmon or trout? What is the difference between trout and salmon?

What is the difference between salmon, salmon and trout. Salmon itself is not a specific name for fish. The word salmon refers to any fish of the salmon genus, including salmon and trout. In turn, the genus salmon belongs to the salmon species, which, in addition to salmon and trout, also includes: chinook salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon and others. That is why any red fish is called salmon. It would be more correct to call salmon and trout salmon. Therefore, it is incorrect to talk about how salmon differs from salmon. These are the same fish. Trout and salmon have their own differences. Although these fish are relatives, they differ in both their qualities and cost. Often in stores one of these fish is sold under the guise of another. But distinguishing trout from salmon is not at all difficult. Differences between trout and salmon. Size. Trout is usually much smaller in size than salmon. Salmon grows up to 6-7 kg; on average, salmon grows to one and a half meters in length, after which it is slaughtered. Trout is noticeably smaller and weighs about 3-4 kilograms. Scale color. The coloring of these fish is also different. At the trout dorsal part may have an iridescent greenish tint, and the sides are white or grayish in color. Salmon is always the same even silver color without any stripes. Also, trout and salmon have different head shapes. Salmon has a pointed snout and a large head, while trout have a rounded head and are noticeably smaller. The scales of salmon are much larger than those of trout. But it is better not to rely on the size of the scales for an inexperienced buyer. Meat color. When purchasing cut fish, you should also be guided by the color of the meat. In salmon it has a soft pink color with white streaks. If the salmon meat has a distinct red or even orange hue, then most likely the meat has been tinted with food coloring to make the product more attractive. The color of trout meat depends on where the fish lived. If in sea ​​water, the meat will be more saturated in color. Trout from freshwater lakes has pinkish flesh, often almost white. When using frozen fish, the meat of both trout and salmon may have the same shade. Sometimes sellers tint the fish to make it look more attractive. Therefore, it is recommended to buy fillets only if the veins are visible in the meat. It is important to remember that salmon should be included in every person’s diet. This fish is simply a storehouse of essential (i.e., not produced by the human body on its own) amino acids. And, despite the relatively high fat content of this fish, it is included in many diets.

Red fish is incredibly refined and tasty. Many of us can afford to buy it only on exceptional days - only on holidays and for some significant events.

Of course, if your monthly income is high enough that you can consume this product regularly, you are in luck. Because for most it is simply an unaffordable luxury. Only at some very significant events can we see such a delicacy, and, as a rule, it literally flies away before our eyes. Remember what amazing sandwiches you can make with red fish, what an inimitable taste it has, what satisfaction we feel when we eat it.


By the way, all varieties of such fish are quite fatty. Therefore, only a small piece is enough to satisfy your hunger. Also, red fish has a very good effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It ensures permeability and has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system. As we know, red fish comes in different varieties. This includes trout, salmon, pink salmon, and chum salmon.

But in fact, there are even more species of this fish than we can imagine. In this article we will talk about two representatives: salmon and trout. There is an opinion among people that the first type is much more tasty and valuable. But in this article we will try to dispel all the myths and understand it in more detail and constructively.

Different types

So, which is better: trout or salmon? Firstly, it should be noted that this is indeed different fish. It differs both in quality and price. In addition, in fish different properties, each of them is useful and amazing in its own way. It is difficult to give an exact answer which one tastes better. In this case, a lot depends on your individual gastronomic preferences. And also on what contribution to your health is most valuable to you.


So which is better: trout or salmon? To answer the question as fully as possible, let’s give each species a small description.

Salmon is a fish that lives in Atlantic Ocean, in lakes in Russia, Norway and Sweden. It contains large amounts of phosphorus, fluorine and magnesium. Very often, doctors recommend that pregnant women consume it, since this fish helps the fetus, or more precisely its skeletal system, to form correctly.

Eating salmon also helps people get rid of many cardiovascular diseases. She has a good effect on skeletal system, and also thanks to it, the intestines begin to work more smoothly.

There is an opinion that eating salmon can save a person from such an unpleasant disease as asthma. It also has a positive effect on human mental activity. By the way, if you have overweight body, then salmon is an indispensable assistant in this case. The fact is that its use will speed up the metabolism and help the rapid breakdown of fats. So, even though this fish is considered quite fatty, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, it helps to get rid of excess weight.


Now let's talk about trout. This fish is found in lakes and also has a number of beneficial properties, like salmon. So, what qualities is this fish famous for? It contains elements such as zinc, iodine, magnesium and potassium.

Eating trout reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, and also normalizes work digestive system. It is surprising that trout even helps to cope with depression, and also, which is important for girls who watch their weight, it is considered a dietary product. You can eat this fish and not be afraid of weight gain.

Everyone must decide for themselves which is better: trout or salmon. To make a choice between two representatives of salmon, we talked about each of the fish. We also gave some general characteristics. Now let's look at their main differences from each other.

External differences

First, let's select the row external signs. Firstly, if you buy a whole fish, then salmon is much larger than trout. The difference in color is also quite significant. In salmon it is almost monochromatic, but in trout it can be cast green(on the back) or have a whitish tint on the sides. The color of the meat also has a number of differences. Salmon has a rather dull hue. But trout can have a rather striking red color. Of course, if the shade is too saturated, you should be wary. Since the fish can be simply tinted. It is not recommended to buy frozen, because the above differences will be almost invisible.

Which fish is fattier and higher in calories?

Which is better: trout or salmon? To answer this question, let's talk about the fat content of each type. After all, this indicator is very important when choosing. Although, of course, this is an absolutely individual preference. After all, some people like fatty fish. Another person may have different preferences. What is fattier, trout or salmon? Of course, it is salmon that is considered fattier.

It is enough to give a fairly simple argument to be convinced of this. The fat content of salmon is 15 g per 100 g, and the fat content of trout is 4.3 g. The calorie content is corresponding: for salmon - 220 kcal, and for trout - 150 kcal. The difference is quite noticeable! But it is worth noting that salmon, despite the large number of calories, is unlikely to contribute to weight gain. Because it's incredibly useful. But, of course, if it is eaten in moderation.

Which one is healthier?

Okay, what is healthier: salmon or trout? A lot depends on what goals you are pursuing. For example, if you want to reset overweight, then it would be better to buy trout at the store. Because it has less calories. Trout also has a very good effect on skin condition. Salmon, as we found out earlier, also has a large number useful properties. Therefore, if you want to experience all these positive aspects- eat without fear of gaining weight.

Of course, in all these questions it is extremely important to take into account the fact that much depends on the methods of preparation. You can buy frozen fish, as well as fresh and lightly salted fish; you can grill or boil it.

It is better to buy lightly salted salmon

The important question is which is better, lightly salted trout or salmon? Definitely the last named fish. She keeps all her beneficial properties and substances in almost their original form. Therefore, if you want your body to receive a shock dose of vitamins and beneficial microelements, purchase lightly salted salmon. You can use it to prepare sushi, rolls, sandwiches or salads.

What happens, which fish is better: salmon or trout? It is worth repeating that there is no clear and absolute answer to this question. It all depends on what goals you are pursuing. The main thing is not to make a mistake with your choice and take into account certain recommendations, which we will talk about now.

How to choose the right one

So, choose the right salmon and trout. First, always pay attention to its color. Under no circumstances should you purchase fish that are yellowish in color. Most likely, it has been lying on the counter for quite some time. long time. Be wary of fish that are too bright. Most likely it is painted. Another very important nuance is her smell. If the fish is no longer fresh, an unpleasant odor comes from the gills. This means that it is not worth buying.


Also in this article I would like to dispel some myths. Many people ask which is better: trout, salmon or salmon? This question is not quite well posed. The fact is that salmon is the name of a whole family, which, by the way, also includes salmon and trout. The salmon family also includes chum salmon, pink salmon, and sockeye salmon. That is, it's kind of common name. All fish of the salmon family are among the most valuable. In addition, they are quite difficult to obtain. That’s why the price of fish from this family is rather high. These fish are constantly in the sea or lake; at the age of six they enter fast rivers. Catching a representative of the family is a very difficult matter. From time to time they jump above the water in places where it is very difficult for a person to climb. Therefore, it takes quite a long time to catch. In addition, you also need to be smart to catch fish from the salmon family. Fishermen with long experience believe that it is best to fish in the morning. The chances of bringing home fish during this period increase significantly. It is also recommended to catch it before the rain.

How to cook?

There are a lot of ways to cook salmon. It can be boiled to make a delicious snack. Salmon also makes great salads. Many people even make shashlik out of fish.

So, from the above it follows that salmon is the name of the family, and not a specific fish. Therefore, if you ask the question of how salmon, trout and salmon differ, it will be quite difficult to answer. The only thing that can be said about this is that the last fish is the only one that stands out somewhat from this modest series. Because it has slightly different properties.


So, in this article we looked at two amazing fish salmon family: salmon and trout. Both of them have excellent taste and unsurpassed quality. Both salmon and trout are also beneficial for our body. Yes, indeed, both fish are quite expensive. But you can’t buy health anywhere either. If you consume these great products at least once a week, you can get rid of many problems.

- red fish from the salmon family. Both of these species live in the salty waters of seas and oceans, and go to spawn in fresh springs. Salmon and trout caviar are equally valued in the gourmet food market.

However, there are some differences between trout and salmon, so the interchangeability of these fish in recipes is conditional. Salmon is much fatter than trout, and trout is classified as a skinny fish and all its fat is located in the abdomen. Often, salmon, especially wild salmon, is significantly more expensive than trout, but the final price depends on many factors, so it is better to know about the main differences when planning to buy trout or salmon.

Differences between salmon and trout in appearance

When buying whole salmon, be guided by appearance fish. Salmon is larger than trout - some individuals can weigh over 10 kg, while trout usually does not grow longer than 30 cm and does not gain more than a kilogram of live weight.

The body of salmon is more streamlined, trout is much wider.

Trout scales are noticeably smaller than salmon scales.

The head of salmon is oblong, the rostrum protrudes forward much more than that of trout, whose rostrum has a truncated shape.

Differences between salmon and trout in the shape of the tail

Salmon also differs from trout in the shape of its tail: salmon has a triangular tail, trout has a rectangular tail. Trout have a lighter skin tone, with a pink tint to the sides; sometimes with a pearlescent stripe along the carcass, and the back is greenish, sometimes almost black. Salmon has gray with black spots, silvery scales and a lighter belly than trout.

When purchasing salmon fillets, it is easy to distinguish salmon from trout by the color of the flesh. Salmon fillets are usually pink, it can be brighter or lighter, approaching orange, but it is not as bright as trout fillets. If possible, compare them by placing them side by side and you will see that the differences are dramatic. In addition, during heat treatment, trout flesh loses color, and salmon lightens only slightly during cooking. You should not buy salmon or trout fillets that are too bright or unnatural in color - it is possible that chemical dyes were used in the production of the fish. Freshly frozen trout and salmon fillets are always somewhat lighter in color, since deep freezing partially destroys the pigment. It is important to carefully inspect the fillet for yellow spots– yellowness on red fresh frozen fish is a sign of oxidation, therefore, the fish is spoiled and should not be eaten.

There is a story on the Internet that in ancient times in Rus' only commoners ate red fish (salmon, trout), and the nobility disdained this fish. We will not confirm or deny this information, since we do not have reliable data. But we’ll add our two cents on the topic of whether salmon or trout is healthier.

Both trout and salmon have a lot in common:

  • They belong to the same family of red fish: salmon;
  • They have the same meat color: red;
  • Almost the same set of useful microelements: polyunsaturated fatty amino acids Omega - 3 and Omega - 6; vitamins A, PP, B, E; other micro- and macroelements.

There are two main differences between these fish species: salmon grow much larger than trout; the price per kg of salmon meat is higher than per kg of trout meat.

Unscrupulous sellers take advantage of the fact that trout and salmon meat differ significantly in price retail(large supermarkets do not shun such actions either): they pass off trout meat as salmon meat.

How can you avoid falling for the bait of scammers? When inspecting pieces of fish, you need to pay attention to their size (salmon pieces should be larger), as well as the condition of the lower part of the fish (belly).

The fact is that the fat in salmon is distributed evenly throughout the body of the fish, while in trout there is more fat in the lower part. This fact is not striking, but if you look closely when choosing in a store, the difference is visible.

What is healthier: salmon or trout?

Trout meat is drier/dietary. Doctors recommend it to people who have problems with overweight, but who must consume polyunsaturated amino acids Omega 3 and 6. But the amount of useful micro-macroelements and their digestibility in the body depends on the method of preparing the fish.

Trout meat is more suitable for grilling and steaming in foil.

When both types of fish are prepared in this way, the meat ceases to be healthy, it simply becomes “tasty.” Moreover, part useful substances, for which people buy this delicacy, “leaves” the fish into oil (olive, sunflower) and becomes a carcinogen. That is, a substance that quietly “kills” the gourmet’s body.

Our resource never tires of repeating two life axioms that most people neglect:

  • It is easier to prevent any problem than to eliminate its consequences;
  • A person makes his body “sick” on his own because he has an incorrect diet, drinks little quality water, has a “stupid” daily routine, etc.

We recommend to all our readers who have health problems: from cancer to “ugly” acne on the face, to analyze their diet structure, what and how much liquid they consume, what kind of work and rest they have.

Remember: all diseases are a consequence of your actions, and nothing more. He understands – a consequence, a logical result of your attitude towards your own health!

The logical conclusion follows from this: if you have “ruined” the body, you can 100% help it.

Yes - it is a complex, difficult process. Bring your body into a painful state - great mind no need. But making it healthy requires enormous efforts in the right direction.

But we are confident that these actions are within your capabilities. All the best!

Very often, in a supermarket, a buyer cannot decide the question: “Trout or salmon - which is better?” Initially, it should be noted that in all red fish in large quantities contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which are quite rare in food, but their value for the body is priceless. This substance, entering the body in appropriate quantities, has a positive effect on the level of cholesterol in the blood, causing the vessels along their entire length to become more elastic and strong.

red fish

There is information in history that several centuries ago, red fish, due to its wide distribution in nature, was eaten only by the lower classes who did not have a means of subsistence. However, now the situation has changed radically. The salmon population has become tens of times smaller, and prices for red fish are rising. Therefore, not everyone has enough money for such a delicacy. But salmon and trout are a wonderful and tasty addition to any holiday table.

Salmon is the most expensive fish, while trout and salmon have become very popular and widespread in markets. But the prices still differ: trout is priced somewhat cheaper, salmon - more expensive. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the characteristics of each fish. You need to know the difference between salmon and trout. You need to clearly understand where the money is going. And avoid becoming a victim of scammers who often pass off one fish as another.

In order to fully understand how salmon differs from trout, you only need to turn once to sources that give detailed description each of the salmon species. Then the problem of choice will be solved once and for all.

Salmon color and size

Salmon is also very, very gray in color with a silvery tint. At the same time, there are many dark small spots on the body of the fish. In terms of weight, females predominate over males. Females grow up to fifteen kilograms, while males can weigh a maximum of ten kilograms. The body length of the fish also varies widely.

The color of the salmon meat itself can vary from bright red to pink. It all depends on at what stage the fish was caught in the net. Experts advise catching salmon before it enters the river to spawn. It is best to hunt this fish three weeks before the event. During the period of spawning, salmon meat not only changes its color, at this time its nutritional value also decreases.

Salmon fishing

The process of catching this red fish is not at all easy and differs from regular fishing. The complexity of the process lies in several points. First you need to determine where the parking lot is. Then you need to choose the right lure. If you make a mistake, the fish will not bite.

After solving the preparatory issues, you can start fishing. Even if a fish bites, it is not so easy to pull it out. The size of the salmon is impressive. Sometimes she guides the fisherman for hours. She is in no hurry to get hooked on him. If you ask experienced fishermen: “Trout or salmon, which is better?”, then the most fanatical of them will definitely choose salmon. And there are reasons for this.

Composition of salmon meat

It should also be emphasized that the distribution of fat on the meat is almost uniform, which is an important fact and determines the greater value of this type of fish compared to others. Moreover, a good housewife must know whether trout or salmon is fattier, since there are many situations in which this can be of great importance.

Under the influence heat treatment the color of the meat almost does not change, only the shade becomes a little lighter.

Typically, preference is given to lightly salted or smoked fish fillets. Tasty lightly salted salmon retains almost all its beneficial substances. They, entering the body unchanged, have enormous health benefits. Salmon meat contains pyridoxine, vitamins A, B12, D, nicotinic acid, Omega-3.

The above substances are of great value to the human body. If you eat salmon regularly, you will notice changes for the better. Improves general condition, metabolism, digestive organs, liver condition. The pressure returns to normal, the blood vessels become stronger. IN better side state changes nervous system, immunity increases.

Smoked salmon retains fewer beneficial properties. But, thanks to hermetically sealed packaging, its shelf life increases, which cannot but attract buyers. If you subject red fish to heat treatment, it is best to bake it in foil so that it does not lose all its benefits as happens when it is cooked in a frying pan.

Trout color and size

So still: trout or salmon? Which is better? Both fish are healthy. To give a definitive answer to this question, it is worth learning more about trout.

Unlike other salmon species, this fish is small in size, which is its characteristic distinctive feature. Its length is no more than thirty centimeters, and Weight Limit- no more than two kilograms. There are specimens up to a meter long, but this is very rare.

Depending on living conditions (food, seasonal changes, water purity), the color of the fish changes. In the area of ​​the dorsal fin, the color of the scales is more green, sometimes turning into black. The belly is white or grayish in color, while the sides are strewn with white or red spots. Sexual difference is that females are larger than males, but the latter have large heads.

Trout fishing

Regarding fishing, we can say that trout is more difficult to catch than salmon. In addition to the main difficulties, there is another important nuance. Trout - very shy fish. She is afraid of any unnecessary sound. Therefore, the process of catching it often needs to start all over again. Only the most patient fishermen succeed. Experts report that trout fishing is not just a process, but a whole ritual that requires good skills and craftsmanship.

Composition of trout meat

One cannot ignore the fact that trout is a dietary product. According to scientific data, it contains only 4.3 g of fat. Salmon has almost three times more - about 15 grams. But despite this, nutritionists do not recommend completely removing it from your diet. Trout is similar in its chemical composition with salmon. But these types of fish cannot be completely interchangeable. So, the question of which is fattier, trout or salmon, can be considered closed.

Red fish is sold in stores in different types. Most often you can find fresh, frozen or lightly salted trout on the shelves. It is in no way inferior in popularity to salmon. The quality of the trout is good. Moreover, it has the advantage of containing a number of essential amino acids, fatty acids and microelements.

Depending on the type of trout, the quantitative ratios of nutrients in it change. Fish contains many microelements. Fluorine, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, chromium, calcium, copper, iron and molybdenum are part of trout meat. This fish also contains vitamins A, B, D and E.

Selection of red fish

Decide for yourself the question “Trout or salmon - which is better?” It's not difficult at all. You just need to own it necessary information and be fully aware of your preferences. True gourmets and admirers of taste claim that trout is the most exquisite and tender among all varieties of red fish. Its pronounced pleasant taste and special structure of meat are due precisely to the low percentage of fat.

When choosing fish, especially lightly salted fish, it doesn’t matter whether it’s salmon or trout, you must take into account its color. The meat should not have a very bright color. It can only indicate one thing - the use of artificial colors by sellers to give the product an attractive appearance. Natural meat that does not contain any additives should show white streaks, which indicate high quality fish.

Delicious trout is, of course, raw trout, because in this form it retains not only all its beneficial properties, but also taste qualities. However, eating fish raw has never been considered safe. That is why it is recommended to bake it with lemon or under cream sauce, and also cook.

Now, knowing exactly how salmon differs from trout, you can safely go shopping. Once you have the information, you don’t have to worry about making the wrong choice.

Trout or salmon? A matter of taste!

The debate about which is tastier, trout or salmon, can last forever. It is quite difficult to distinguish the meat of these fish by taste. Moreover, ordinary people can afford to do this only on holidays. For gourmets, this will not be difficult.

Which is tastier, trout or salmon, each person must determine for himself. After all, everyone's tastes are completely different. Some people like fattier fish, others are inclined towards dietary food, so they prefer trout, the percentage of fat in which is very low. And someone is obsessed with saving and this justifies their choice.