What is dark matter? Just about the complicated stuff: what is dark matter and where to look for it

Option 2

Part 2

The answers to tasks 1-24 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers). Write the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to answer form No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas or other additional characters. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

(1)Dark energy is believed to be driving force, which ensures the constant expansion of the Universe. (2) In this case, the observation of several black hole mergers can suggest the nature of the Universe,<...>The frequency and amplitude of the waves reveal a lot about their source. (3) By comparing the power of the collision, determined using conventional telescopes, with the power of gravitational fluctuations measured by detectors, it is possible to determine how far the event occurred and how much space expanded while the waves were traveling towards Earth.

Task 1.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information,

1) Scientists have been studying the nature of the Universe for a long time, but it was the observation of the collision and merger of black holes that became a breakthrough in their research activities, confirming many hypotheses.

2) When comparing the power of black hole collisions with the power of gravitational fluctuations, dark energy, which is considered the driving force behind the expansion of the Universe, can suggest the nature of the Universe.

3) The frequency and amplitude of dark energy waves say a lot about black holes, the merger of which can suggest the nature of the Universe if the power of the collision is compared with the power of gravitational oscillations.

4) It is believed that the power of a black hole collision can be determined using conventional telescopes: it is enough to compare it with the power of gravitational oscillations measured by detectors.

5) The frequency and amplitude of the waves tell a lot about their source: in particular, by determining the wavelength, you can understand how far away the event occurred.

Task 2.

Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

despite this,


after all

That's why


Task 3.

Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word WAVE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

Wave, -s, plural. Waves, waves, waves and waves; and.

1. A water shaft formed by vibrations of the water surface. The sound of the waves. Wave crest. Color sea ​​wave(greenish blue).

2. Oscillatory motion in the physical environment, as well as the propagation of this motion. Sound in. Short wave transmission. Air v.

3. transfer, someone or something. About what moves one after another in a multitude at a certain distance; about mass manifestation of something. B. Running, advancing. B. indignation. B. heroism.

4. Gymnastic, dance, etc. element in the form of a deflection, oscillatory movements. Performing waves with gymnastics. In belly dancing. occupies a special place.

Task 4.

In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.

to dryness





Task 5.

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct lexical error, choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

Excursion tour along the Circum-Baikal railway takes place on a COMFORTABLE train.

An Olympic gold medal is perhaps the most DESIRED prize in sports. PERSONAL growth- this is the maximum development of a person’s abilities and talents, the realization of the potential inherent from the moment of birth.

For work laser printers you need a special DYED powder. A TEACHING approach to responsibilities does not bring socially significant benefits and deserves condemnation.

Task 6.

In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

pack of PASTA


more irascible

from BOTH positions

BAKE a pie

Task 7.

Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Grammar errors

A) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

B) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial phrase


1) A sparkling warm opening in the clouds, reflected in the water and supported by reflections on the ground, is fighting with huge dark and cold clouds and shadows running along the ground.

2) In the picture one can easily distinguish the compositional center to which the main lines of the landscape converged - the outlines of the slope, the banks of the creek, paths, the boundaries of light and shadow in the meadow.

3) The smell of white carnations, heated by the sun, spread throughout the entire carriage.

4) In an effort to display the play of light on the canvas, Monet applies small, swift strokes, reminiscent of sparkling spots.

5) The artist simply transferred onto the canvas his childhood memories filled with the rustling of waves at the pier, the smells of a noisy port and mother-of-pearl reflections on the water.

6) Drops of either dew or rain began to glisten on the leaves of the hazel tree.

7) Those who visited the artists’ exhibition in Paris remember the scandal that Monet’s painting “Impression” caused. Sunrise".

8) Vincent Van Gogh said that “I want to convey through paintings something comforting, like music.”

9) I. E. Grabar was not only an artist, a master of landscape, still life, portrait, but also an art historian, museum worker, and founder of restoration workshops.

Task 8.

Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.






Task 9.

Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

heater, and... oven

rose..sk, s..zmala

climb..skate, play..

pr..tear, pr..crowded

pr..grandfather, d..added

Task 10.

Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.






Task 11.

Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.


built..my (city)

(useful) minerals..my



Task 12.

Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Even (NOT)KNOWING anything about microbiology, ancient people made sure that the land was fertile.

Due to fires that (NOT) COPY year after year, the forest on the mountains was completely destroyed.

I prefer not to deny anything that is (NOT) TESTED from my own experience.

Representatives of the competitive side were (NOT) ANNOUNCEMENT: such a lucrative long-term contract was missed.

The student’s next answer to the examiner’s additional question was far from (NOT) ACCURATE.

Task 13.

Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

(IN) EVIL they sometimes respond with good: and (IN) MEETING good, other good will be born. (C) TO THE LEFT, behind the barrier, (AS) LIKE in a giant hole, there is a deserted hall where all postal operations take place, and a glass dome rises above it. The lieutenant, having formed the entire platoon (by) TWO, led us through the forest, (NOT) LOOKING at the approaching twilight.

I was thinking WHAT should I tell my father (C)CONTINUATION of our conversation yesterday.

(B)LATERALLY, when I had the chance (C)NOW to visit Turgenev’s park, I paid attention to large number young trees.

Task 14.

Indicate the number(s) replaced by N.

Throughout the city there are (1) firewood exchanges (2) located on the canals. The firewood brought (3) by water lies stacked (4) on the embankments, from where it is loaded onto carts and transported to homes.

Task 15.

Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Cold either inhibits the vital functions of the body or forces it to protect itself.

2) The wind swirled the leaves into an autumn carousel and threw them into the windows of the houses.

3) The Agency conducts research in all areas of electronic data transmission and operates listening and interception posts throughout the world.

4) On the site, users can get an answer to a question asked or read about it earlier questions asked and answers.

5) The Emperor was distinguished by his breadth of interests and outlook, and philosophy was his main hobby.

Task 16.

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The love of the Aborigines for body painting and wearing (1) skillfully made (2) masks (3) used during ceremonies and celebrations (4) testifies to the special role of ornament.

Task 17.

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in the place of which(s) there should be a comma(s).

Task 18.

Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The first tour of the city (1) with views (2) of which (3) you have long been familiar with from books, albums and postcards (4) leaves the most vivid impressions.

Task 19.

Place all punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

On the eve of the planned departure, I still decided (1) that (2) until I earn enough money to travel to Batum (3) and the owner gives me my freedom (4) I will work and wait.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) Brest Fortress. (2) It is very close to Moscow: the train runs for less than 24 hours. (3) Everyone who visits those parts must come to the fortress.

(4) They don’t speak loudly here: the days of the forty-first year were too deafening and these stones remember too much. (b) Discreet guides accompany groups to the battlefields, and you can go down into the basements of the 333rd regiment, touch bricks melted by flamethrowers, go to the Terespol and Kholm gates, or stand silently under the arches of the former church.

(6) Take your time. (7) Remember. (8) And bow down.

(9) In the museum they will show you weapons that once fired, and soldier’s shoes that someone hastily laced in the early morning of June 22. (10) They will show you the personal belongings of the defenders and tell you how they went crazy with thirst, giving water to children... (11) And you will certainly stop near the banner - the only banner that has been found in the fortress so far. (12) But they are looking for banners.
(13) They are looking because the fortress did not surrender, and the Germans did not capture a single battle banner here.

(14) The fortress did not fall. (15) The fortress bled to death.

(16) Historians do not like legends, but they will certainly tell you about an unknown defender whom the Germans managed to capture only in the tenth month of the war.
(17) On the tenth, in April 1942. (18) This man fought for almost a year. (19) A year of fighting in the unknown, without neighbors to the left and right, without orders and rear support, without shifts and letters from home. (20) Time has not revealed either his name or title, but we know that it was soviet soldier.

(21) Every year on June 22, the Brest Fortress solemnly and sadly marks the beginning of the war. (22) The surviving defenders arrive, wreaths are laid, and the guard of honor freezes.

(23) Every year on June 22, an old woman arrives in Brest on the earliest train. (24) She is in no hurry to leave the noisy station and has never been to the fortress. (25) It goes out onto the square, where a marble slab hangs at the entrance to the station:


(26) The old woman reads this inscription all day. (27) Standing next to her, as if on a guard of honor. (28) Leaves. (29) Brings flowers. (30) And again he stands and reads again. (31) Reads one name. (32) Seven letters: "NICHOLAY".

(ZZ) The noisy station lives normal life. (34) Trains come and go, announcers announce that people should not forget their tickets, music thunders, people laugh loudly. (35) And an old woman stands quietly near the marble plaque.

(36) There is no need to explain anything to her: it is not so important where our sons lie.
(37) The only thing that matters is what they fought for.
(According to B.L. Vasiliev*)
* Boris Lvovich Vasiliev (1924-2013) - Russian writer.

Task 20.

Which statements contradict the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Second world war began with the capture of the Brest Fortress.

2) There is no museum in the Brest Fortress where relics of the Great Times are kept Patriotic War: personal belongings of the fortress defenders could not be preserved.

3) An unknown Soviet soldier defended alone Brest Fortress, and only in the tenth month of the war were the Germans able to take it: this happened in April 1942.

4) The old woman comes to Brest every year, but never visits the fortress: she stays at the station.

5) There is no exact data left about the defense of the Brest Fortress: everything is overgrown with legends.

Task 21.

Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

1. Proposition 12 gives the reason for what is said in sentence 13.

2. Proposition 22 reveals the content of sentence 21.

3. Sentences 26-30 contain narrative.

4. Propositions 33 and 34 are contrasted in content.

5. Sentences 36, 37 present the reasoning.

Task 22.

From sentences 9-13, write down synonyms (synonymous pair).

Task 23.

Among sentences 26-36, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the intent(s) of this sentence(s).

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20-23.

This excerpt discusses language features text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert in place of the gaps (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM "1 to the right of task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Task 24.

The author describes the Brest Fortress using a trope such as (A) _____ (“remember these stones” in sentence 4, “the fortress bled to death” in sentence 15). Addressing each of us, B. L. Vasiliev uses syntactic device- (B)_______ (sentences 6-8), sounding like advice from a person who went through a war. Your heart aches when you read about a woman who lost her son in the war, whose experiences the author conveys using techniques such as (B)______ (sentences 21 and 23, 24 and 25) and (D)______________________ (sentences 34 and 35).

List of terms:

1) synonyms

2) opposition

3) epithet

4) personification

5) book vocabulary

6) anaphora

7) one-part sentences

8) rhetorical exclamation

9) colloquial vocabulary

Task 25.

Write a co-chi-non-nie based on the pro-chi-tan-no-th text.

Form and comment on one of the problems posed by the authors of the text (avoid excessive quoting ).

Form the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the author’s point of view about the text. Explain why. Justify your answer, relying primarily on the reader’s experience, as well as on knowledge and life experiences (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the pro-read text (not according to the given text) is not evaluated. If the co-representation is a re-said or completely re-written source text without any There were no comments, then such work is rated with zero points.

Write your essay carefully, in legible handwriting.


1 - 23 or 32

2 - after all

3 - 2

4 - mosaic

5 - coloring

6 - pasta

7 - 29875

8 - climb

9 - search for mala or syzmalarosisk

10 - renew

11 - under construction

12 - indignant

13 - subsequently again or again subsequently

14 - 12 or 21

15 - 15 or 51

16 - 34 or 43

17 - 1234 or any other sequence of numbers

18 - 14 or 41

19 - 124 or any other sequence of numbers

20 - 125 or any other sequence of numbers

21 - 235 or any other sequence of numbers

22 - banner or banner

23 - 2736 or 3627

24 - 4762

25. Approximate range of problems

1. The problem of memory of the Great Patriotic War. (Why do people keep the memory of the events of 1941-1945?)

2. The problem of the courage of soldiers in war. (What was the courage of the soldiers during the war?)

3. The problem of power parental love. (How strong is a parent's love?)

1. People still remember the events of the Great Patriotic War, because in those years many soldiers died who heroically fought for their Motherland. The creators and visitors of the museums remember, the members of the guard of honor remember, the parents who lost their children remember.

2. The courage of soldiers can be judged by the feats they performed during the war: sacrificing their lives, overcoming hunger and thirst, selflessly defending the Brest Fortress, defending the Brest railway station.

3. Parents are able to love their children so much that even after the death of their sons, they annually come to the place of their death to honor their memory.

February 11 representatives international project LIGO's first-ever Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory has been announced.

It is believed that dark energy is the driving force that ensures the constant expansion of the Universe. In this case, observing several black hole mergers may provide clues to its nature. Signal parameters such as wave frequency and amplitude tell a lot about their source. And by comparing the power of the collision, determined using conventional telescopes, with the power of gravitational fluctuations measured by detectors, it is possible to determine how far the event occurred and how much space expanded while the waves flew towards Earth.

“This measure of the effect that dark energy has should be stronger and more reliable than anything we currently use,” says astrophysicist Avi Loeb of Harvard University. “Observations of just a few black hole mergers could change everything, and if there are dozens of them, this will become a new direction in cosmology."

The discovery of gravitational waves could be a major test of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. After all, with their help you can confirm or refute the basic principle theory of equivalence of gravitational and inertial forces, from which it follows that the forces of gravitational interaction are proportional to the mass of the body and affect all masses (body different masses) the same.

Scientists can now determine how the strength of gravitational waves decreases as they travel over long distances. And if the force does not decrease as the models predict, it will pose a serious challenge to one of the basic theories of physics.

Another direction in which science can advance thanks to the latest discovery is the search for traces of the so-called cosmic inflation. According to the inflationary cosmological model, soon after big bang The universe was expanding much faster than in the standard hot universe model.

If, after the success of the LIGO project, new, even more sensitive ones appear around the world, they may be able to detect shorter waves that arose during the period of intense expansion of the young Universe. According to the theory, at that time the space was impenetrable to light and electromagnetic radiation, so gravitational fluctuations may be the only “witnesses” of this period.

“We could potentially trace almost all the way back to the Big Bang,” says Dejan Stojkovic of New York University. “LIGO won’t be able to sense such vibrations, but now that we know the waves exist, it will be much easier to convince people invest money in creating other types of detectors."

Finally, gravitational waves may be the long-awaited key to Grand Unification Theories, which suggests that at the early stage of the development of the Universe, all four fundamental forces - gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak interactions - were combined into one force. As the Universe expanded and cooled, the forces separated for reasons that are still unclear. Once again, traces of these events can be found in the future using particularly sensitive detectors.

In any case, the near future promises to be interesting. After all, new studies of gravitational waves can finally prove the correctness of many basic models or, conversely, completely revolutionize our understanding of the Universe.


A team of scientists from the Cambridge Institute of Astronomy presented the analysis for the first time physical characteristics dark matter. They observed 12 dwarf galaxies that flank our own Milky Way.
Using the world's largest telescopes, the team created detailed 3D maps of these galaxies, studying the movements of their stars to "trace" the effects of dark matter and try to gain insight into it.

It turned out that in these galaxies there is 400 times more dark matter than normal matter. But the main discovery announced within this study, this is the temperature of dark matter. Astronomers calculated that it was heated to 10 thousand degrees. In galaxies, dark matter is grouped, as the study authors put it, into a “magic volume”: dark matter with 30 million solar masses occupies a space with a diameter of a thousand light years.

"You can't pack it into a smaller volume," the researchers say. After all, according to the results of calculations, it turns out that dark matter particles move at a speed of 9 kilometers per second. The British greatly surprised their colleagues - previous theoretical estimates gave exactly the opposite picture, that is, cold dark matter, with particles moving at a speed of several millimeters per second.

Interestingly, in addition to analyzing the properties of dark matter, observing satellite galaxies allowed Cambridge astronomers to more accurately weigh the Milky Way. It turned out that it is more massive than previously thought and exceeds the Andromeda Nebula in mass.

If the Cambridge analysis is confirmed, it will have a huge impact on cosmology. Having hotter dark matter means it has a harder time forming small galaxies, but it does help create larger structures.

The unevenness of the relict background is one of the mysteries and at the same time one of the keys to understanding the development of the Universe. Perhaps new data will allow us to take a different approach to solving the notorious “Axis of Evil” - a statistical anomaly in the microwave background left after the Big Bang.
The “axis of evil” is because it is so “evil” in the eyes of scientists that it destroys the usual ideas about the evolution of the Universe. It is believed that the “axis” reflects the uneven distribution of galaxies, which after the Big Bang should have scattered “in all directions” evenly.

Scientists, in addition to observing galaxies, still have a chance to find out the properties of dark matter in experiments at accelerators. Or even catch these dark matter particles in detectors hidden in deep mines.
At the same time, reports are emerging that dark matter may not exist at all.
Joel Brownstein and John Moffat of Canada's Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics came up with the theory of scalar-tensor-vector gravity (STVG), adding quantum effects to the general theory relativity.

This new theory supposedly fits perfectly with the observed behavior of groups of galaxies, without the need to resort to "dark matter." And even the so-called “modified Newtonian dynamics” - another modern variation of the picture of the world, which assumes the existence of two types of gravity at once, the force of one of which decreases with the square of the distance, and the other is linear.

Braunstein and Moffat have none of this, but there are gravitons that are born from the vacuum, and most intensely where large masses are concentrated (in the centers of galaxies).

That is, according to this hypothesis, two kilograms of mass at a distance of a meter will be attracted to each other more strongly if they are near the center of the galaxy; in comparison with the situation when the same two kilograms float next to each other, but on its outskirts.

What then to do with the terrible “axis of evil”, supposedly the trace of a hidden force that deformed the Universe? It turns out that there is an alternative explanation.

Chris Vale from the American Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and the University of California, Berkeley explains the anomaly by weak lensing of the microwave background.

In the wide palette of various colors of the biofield, there is one color that is frightening and contradictory for both psychics and ordinary people.

The black aura, according to some groups of esotericists, is not a natural shade, but the result of an evil magical influence or development fatal disease. From another point of view, dark energy, like any other, reflects human thoughts and feelings, albeit not the most positive or decent ones.

Black aura: what does it mean?

Many people prefer dark shades in their wardrobe and interior style, and no one is wary of this color in everyday life. Some supporters of the black color of the biofield say that this is not at all a sign of something negative.

A very stubborn and purposeful person, ready to fight for victory, can have a black aura. Entire passions flare up in such people, which motivate them to be active in any field. Such personalities are remembered by their vivid expression of strong emotions and feelings, because they capture them completely.

Black color is an expression of real rebellion, an extreme degree of spontaneity that pushes for change, but sometimes leads into the abyss.

But we're talking about not only about the energy of destruction of everything old. The black biofield is, rather, a symbol of love of freedom, resurrection in darkness. Such subjects clearly limit their own personal space and strive to improve the sexual sphere of life. Such people love with all their hearts, and they always receive reciprocity in return.

The only drawback in such dark energy is the difficulty of assessing the real situation during a period of riot of feelings. If the possibilities are calculated incorrectly, such an individual may fail, causing him to suffer for a very long time and painfully.

Unfortunately for owners of such a biofield, a positive interpretation of dark energy is not always used. The black spectrum of the aura is usually assessed from a destructive point of view, believing that this shade kills not only the body, but also the soul.

The main characteristics of carriers of such energy are cruelty and anger.

A black biofield with a transition to gray shades speaks of prolonged depression, melancholy, disappointment, which can even lead to suicidal thoughts or the desire to commit a crime.

It is believed that black color means the absence of light, i.e. This is the enemy of the white shade. A person with such energy denies life, he does not accept it. The black biofield attracts failures, illnesses, and family squabbles. This color expresses bad intentions, bad thoughts, hatred, anger, aggression. There is never a divine impulse in the actions of such a person.

There is an opinion that such a direct sign of negativity is typical for sorcerers and witches who have gone through necessary ritual dedication.

Often these people are considered strong vampires who suppress their surroundings and add gloom and gloom even to their own lives. According to one version, a person with a black aura is a real inferno or simply the owner of an evil eye. And all because this color is the personification of death.

If you meet a person whose energy is in the black biofield, beware of him, he can be dangerous. And it’s not just about possible magical abilities, but also in simple negative emotions. These people can be too selfish, so they can go over their heads for the sake of their goal. Sympathy or compassion for individuals with a black aura is unknown.

Black aura: damage and vampirism

Very often you can become the owner of dark energy not of your own free will, but as a result strong impact. Damage is an energy shock that changes a person’s system, depletes him, forces him to devour own strength. As a result, enormous damage is caused to moral values, physical level development and, of course, nervous system. Severe damage manifests itself in the appearance of a black border around the usual aura and attracts death.

In fact, corruption destroys the connection between astral body and the real shell. This is the introduction of a negative program into a person’s normal aura, which does not allow one to be fed with vital forces. Destabilization of the spiritual and material worlds is very detrimental to the individual, therefore the black biofield leads to a distorted perception of information.

If a person has a black aura as a result of someone committing damage, this individual becomes very irritable, suspicious and touchy. Since the solution to any problem follows the wrong path, failures and negative emotions become more frequent in fate.

Signs of damage and, as a consequence, the appearance of dark energy are:

  • Unexpected self-isolation, rejection of positivity and detachment from the energy flows of the world.
  • Frequent headaches, changes in appearance, dizziness, increased sweating.
  • Insomnia, body aches, loss of strength and apathy.
  • Death of domestic animals.

If the subject himself, who wishes harm to another, does not have enough of his abilities in the sphere of evil, he turns to a dark sorcerer for damage or the evil eye.

How to remove damage yourself

The energy of the conspiracy helps to remove the black aura thus obtained. The removal of black will from a person is carried out only on the new moon.

It is necessary to go outside at the moment of scarlet dawn and take water with you in previously untouched containers. Then, looking at the sky, you should say the desired text:

“There are 3 dawns in the sky: 1 is me, the second is my sister, and the third dawn is my will. 3 dawns, 3 sisters, be reflected in the water, bury yourself in the crack of the fence from the servant of God (here the name of the person who suffered from the influence of someone else’s will is required). Whoever takes this water from the crack in the fence will only break my will over the servant of God (name again). Go, 3 sisters, 3 dawns, through the mountains of Ararat, through damask steel knives, through the holy blood. With the holy key I close the gap, I close my words. The one who takes this water from the crack will only interrupt my will over (name). In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Following this text, the charmed liquid should be poured into the gap in the fence. Go home without a word and without looking back.

If you are not very inclined towards this method, you can try another way of removing black energy from a person. The energy of the conspiracy is quite effective, but it will only be useful for true believers.

Therefore, there are still ways to get rid of the black aura:

  • Joy in the heart and spiritual growth. Happiness is a powerful assistant in the fight for a clean aura. You need to get rid of all mental negativity, letting go of grievances, and spreading a feeling of gratitude around. Only these feelings must be the highest, sincere and constant.
  • Meditative techniques. You can cleanse the aura by activating the necessary chakras and adding required flows light energy. No less useful will be different physical exercise, for example, from the Qigong system, which also removes negativity and stagnation from the biofield.
  • Self-hypnosis. You can burn black energy with your own willpower. If you lack self-confidence, you can turn to an experienced spiritual healer or a psychic.

In addition to damage, a black aura is created by energy vampirism. The influence of a powerful inferno comes down to severe deformation of energy with painful sensations. Sometimes, due to the rapid loss of energy, a person can even die.

The most in an efficient way the fight against the black biofield due to vampirism is great mood and a sense of humor.

Black color of the aura: the meaning of thoughts and behavior

Some esotericists believe that the black biofield is the result of a person’s incorrect lifestyle. At the same time, energy does not reflect the momentary state, it accumulates and becomes denser. Such an aura in dark colors surrounds the entire body of an individual, starting from the neck.

What causes a black aura? These are unexpressed words. What a person is unable to allow to say to his partner, friend, parent remains a heavy burden on the soul and over time transforms into a dark shell. Hidden desires that we are aware of, but are embarrassed to realize, also contribute. There are two ways to solve this problem.

  1. Ask your partner or the person you have the most secret thoughts about to play a game with you. Start telling each other everything without censorship. The aura will gradually collapse from such sincerity, the person will begin to feel freer, lighter, luckier. You can call this technique magical psychology, which changes first the consciousness and then the body.
  2. If you have no one to communicate with, but you have desires and words, work with visualization. Take your clothes off and focus on yourself. The shell of the dark aura still hangs on you. It is buttoned in the front like a tunic, near the neck, and then goes down. Mentally feel for the fastener and remove this energy, like real clothing. You leave the hated shell, take it and send it into the fire. You can also wash off the aura with water. Carry out this procedure in the morning and you will notice it already in the afternoon positive changes, and by the evening you will look completely younger.

Because of large number fantasies also form a black aura in a person.

What does such a statement mean? If dreams and imaginations do not come true, they turn into dark energy. A person obeys laws and social structures, although he does not like them, he wants something different. As a result, the black aura thickens and pumps vitality. The person begins to feel guilty; she literally renounces herself and her desires.

To prevent this force from becoming a dark biofield, never regret what you once did of your own free will. When an individual refuses something, he generates similar negativity around himself.

Only actions contrary to one’s own essence give rise to a black aura.

Black Aura: Location Meaning

  • If in the etheric shell of a person one notices black holes, that is, the likelihood of health problems. Breakthroughs in the aura occur exactly where the painful area of ​​the body is located. At the same time black hole in the biofield - a consequence of disturbed energy due to the evil eye or other influence.
  • Saturated plurals black clots they say that she is affected by the disease the whole system organs, and the person will probably die soon. In this case, the cause will be a serious illness. If the black clot is single, only one part of the body is affected, and it must be treated quickly.
  • What does it mean a person with a black aura of uniform character, which covers the body with a continuous veil? Such a biofield can indicate the degeneration of a personality, regardless of its nature of thoughts and behavior. The aura can suddenly darken from a strong shocking event that destroys the usual foundations of life. But in this case, when a person gets used to a new way of existence, strength and energy are replenished, which means the aura gradually brightens and increases in brightness.
  • A black spot located exactly above the head, talks about bad thoughts. Probably, such a person is thinking about how to commit a crime and remain unpunished.
  • A black cloud that envelops the entire head of an individual, demonstrates the presence of severe depression, suffering and melancholy.

A black aura is not only destruction and a harbinger of an imminent death. If you don't feel bad or notice any energy depletion, you may simply have entered a new period of life that is preparing you to continue to create something good, to be creative and reborn. The dawn always comes after the night, so the divine vision still remains with you, it will come and cleanse the soul.

Treat the black color of the etheric shell as a positive phenomenon, and very soon this shade will change.

Today it is a mystery about where it came from. dark matter has not yet been solved. There are theories that suggest that it consists of low-temperature interstellar gas. In this case, the substance cannot produce any radiation. However, there are theories against this idea. They say that the gas is able to heat up, which leads to the fact that they become ordinary “baryonic” substances. This theory is supported by the fact that the mass of gas in a cold state cannot eliminate the deficit that arises.

There are so many questions about dark matter theories that it's worth looking into it a little more.

What is dark matter?

The question of what dark matter is arose about 80 years ago. Back at the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, the Swiss astronomer F. Zwicky came up with the idea that the mass of all galaxies in reality is greater than the mass of all those objects that can be seen with their own gases in a telescope. All the numerous clues hinted that there was something unknown in space that had an impressive mass. It was decided to give the name “dark substance” to this inexplicable substance.

This invisible substance occupies at least a quarter of the entire Universe. The peculiarity of this substance is that its particles interact poorly with each other and with ordinary other substances. This interaction is so weak that scientists cannot even detect it. In fact, there are only signs of influence from particles.

The study of this issue is being carried out by the greatest minds around the world, so even the biggest skeptics in the world believe that it will be possible to catch particles of the substance. The most desirable goal is to do this in a laboratory setting. In the mines on great depth work is underway, such conditions for experiments are necessary to eliminate interference caused by particles of rays from space.

There is a possibility that a lot new information will be possible to obtain thanks to modern accelerators, in particular, with the help of the Large Hadron Collider.

Particles of dark matter have one strange feature - mutual destruction. As a result of such processes, gamma radiation, antiparticles and particles (such as electron and positron) appear. Therefore, astrophysicists are trying to find traces of gamma radiation or antiparticles. For this, various ground and space installations are used.

Evidence for the existence of dark matter

The very first doubts about the correctness of calculations of the mass of the Universe, as already mentioned, were shared by the astronomer from Switzerland F. Zwicky. To begin with, he decided to measure the speed of galaxies from the Coma cluster moving around the center. And the result of his work puzzled him somewhat, because the speed of movement of these galaxies turned out to be higher than he had expected. In addition, he pre-calculated this value. But the results were not the same.

The conclusion was obvious: the real mass of the cluster was much greater than the apparent one. This could be explained by the fact that most of the matter that is in this part of the Universe cannot be seen, and it is also impossible to observe it. This substance exhibits its properties only in the form of mass.

A number of gravitational experiments have confirmed the presence of invisible mass in galaxy clusters. The theory of relativity has some interpretation of this phenomenon. If you follow it, then each mass is capable of deforming space, in addition, like a lens, it bends the direct flow of light rays. The galaxy cluster causes distortion, its influence is so strong that it becomes noticeable. The view of the galaxy that is located directly behind the cluster is most distorted. This distortion is used to calculate how the matter is distributed in this cluster. This is how real mass is measured. It invariably turns out to be several times larger than the mass of visible matter.

Four decades after the work of the pioneer in this area, F. Zwicky, the American astronomer V. Rubin took up this issue. She studied the speed at which matter, which is located at the edges of galaxies, rotates around the center of the galaxy. If we follow Kepler's laws concerning the laws of gravity, then there is a certain relationship between the speed of rotation of galaxies and the distance to the center.

But in reality, measurements showed that the rotation speed did not change with increasing distance to the center. Such data could be explained only in one way - the matter of the galaxy has the same density both in the center and at the edges. But the visible substance had a much greater density in the center and was characterized by sparseness at the edges, and the lack of density could only be explained by the presence of some substance that was not visible to the eye.

To explain the phenomenon, it is necessary that there is almost 10 times more of this invisible matter in galaxies than the matter that we can see. This unknown substance is called “dark matter” or “dark matter”. To date, this phenomenon remains the most interesting mystery for astrophysicists.

There is another argument in favor of evidence of the existence of dark matter. It follows from calculations that describe the process of how galaxies formed. It is believed that this began approximately 300,000 years after the Big Bang occurred. The calculation results say that the attraction between the fragments of matter that appeared during the explosion could not compensate kinetic energy from scattering. That is, the matter could not concentrate in galaxies, but we can see it today.

This inexplicable fact called the galaxy paradox, it was cited as an argument that destroys the Big Bang theory. But you can look at it from the other side. After all, particles of the most ordinary matter could be mixed with particles of dark matter. Then the calculations become correct, and how galaxies were formed in which a lot of dark matter had accumulated, and particles of ordinary matter had already joined them due to gravity. After all, ordinary matter makes up a small fraction of the total mass of the Universe.

Visible matter has a relatively low density compared to dark matter because it is 20 times denser. Therefore, those 95% of the mass of the Universe that are missing according to scientists’ calculations are dark matter.

However, this led to the conclusion that all visible world, which has been studied far and wide, so familiar and understandable, is only a small addition to what it really consists of.

All galaxies, planets and stars are just a small piece of something that we have no idea about. This is what is exposed, but the real is hidden from us.