Water temperature in the Black Sea. Water temperature in the Black Sea in June Climate in June Black Sea

Best beach holiday in June

Mediterranean Sea

Air daytime temperature





Holidays on the coasts of the Indian Ocean, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in June

In June there is no longer any need to take long flights to enjoy warm water and hot sun. However, if you want to see exotic countries, then in June you should pay special attention to the rainy season. The monsoon season is in full swing in Goa. Rain is possible in both Hainan and the resorts of Thailand. In the Caribbean, June is not only the rainy season, but also the beginning of hurricane season. However, the likelihood of hurricanes is not high.

In Nha Trang there is no rainy season in June and although it is quite hot, June good month for travel to this part of Vietnam.

Rain is completely excluded in the resorts of Israel, Egypt, and the UAE. But in June, the hot desert heats the air in these countries to very high temperatures. Daytime temperatures can exceed 40 degrees. Holidays in the resorts of the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf in June can only be recommended to those who love real heat.

water Season
How many hours does it take to fly from Moscow?
32 27 No 5
32 27 No 5
39 25 No 4

Tel Aviv

28 25 No 4

India Goa

28 30 rainy season 8

Water temperature in June in the Black Sea - details

June - first summer month. The water temperature in the Black Sea gradually increases in June. So, if average temperature water at the beginning is +20°C, then the average water temperature at the end in the Black Sea is +23°C.

The average air temperature in the Black Sea in June is 22°C.

Water temperature in June in the Black Sea in different years

The day with the coldest sea in the Black Sea was in 2019. The average sea water temperature was only +15.7°C. It was June 1, 2019

Happy day warm sea was in the Black Sea in 2018. The average sea water temperature reached +27.4°C. It was June 30, 2018

Water temperature for every day in June in the Black Sea in different years presented in the graph below:

Average sea water temperature in June in the Black Sea

The coldest sea in the Black Sea was in 2019. The average sea water temperature was only +19.9°C.

The warmest sea in the Black Sea occurred in 2012. The average sea water temperature reached +22.7°C.

Schedule average monthly temperature sea ​​water in the Black Sea in June for different years clearly demonstrates this:

Records for water temperature in the Black Sea in June

Monitors sea water temperature in the Black Sea since 2010. And, I must say, water temperature records happen quite often. Almost every day at one resort or another the water is either the coldest or the warmest. Below are data on the minimum and maximum sea water temperatures in the Black Sea in June.

Black Sea full of unsolved secrets and mysteries. Starting from the history of its origin, and ending with the incredible data of today, the depths of the Black Sea hide an incredible layer of interesting scientific discoveries. Consider the data of scientists that the Black Sea is an emerging ocean!

The mystery of the origin of the reservoir is revealed by several theories of the origin of the Black Sea. According to historians, the Black Sea could be part of both the ancient Tethys Ocean, which was divided into separate bodies of water, and the largest freshwater lake in the world.

Today, the Black Sea washes the shores of six countries: Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria and Georgia (including its historical region - Abkhazia).

The pond enters the pool Atlantic Ocean.

  • Area – 422,000 square kilometers;
  • Coastline – 3400 kilometers;
  • The largest island is Dzharylgach;
  • Cloudiness over the sea is 60% per year.

Black Sea water temperature map

Climate and water temperature in the Black Sea

The climate of the Black Sea is mostly continental . But there are coasts that are within the Mediterranean subtropical climate. This is the Caucasian and Crimean part of the coast. From the cold northern winds the sea is protected by the Crimean mountains. Moreover, the wind from the southwest also brings additional heat and moisture to the Black Sea region.

But, for example, in the Novorossiysk region the mountains are already lower, so a strong wind from the north (the so-called “bora”) has significant influence on sea ​​coast. Locals call it “Nord-East”.

Most cyclones form in Atlantic Ocean, they are the ones who bring the storms, strong storms at sea and bad weather on the coast.

Cyclones that flow into the Black Sea from the south are usually rare. More often, this is a series of 5-6 cyclones in a row.

Warm, wet winter and dry summer– these are the weather characteristics on the main part of the Black Sea coast. On the northwestern and western shores the climate is steppe. There are often fogs there - about 80-90 days a year. On east coast to Tuapse - the climate is humid subtropics. In the south - relatively cold winter and wet summers.

Coastal water temperature

The water in the Black Sea warms up unevenly along the entire coast. This is influenced by him large area, geographical location and bottom topography

Considering the geographical location of the reservoir in mid-latitudes, the angle of incidence sun rays and the amount of heat received as a result, the Black Sea is quite warm. In winter, the water does not freeze (except for the narrow edge of the coast during extremely low temperatures in different years), her minimum temperature at depth does not fall below +8°C.


The first tourists come to Bulgaria in May (water temperature no more than +17°C). The Black Sea here warms up significantly only by mid-June. The maximum season lasts until mid-September. The peculiarity of the Bulgarian coast is that the water here heats up quickly, but also cools down just as quickly. In July – maximum +27°C. On the northern coast, cold currents can “ruin the weather”, due to which the water cannot warm up for a long time. In August, thunderstorms are possible, and daylight hours are shortened; the water warms up to a maximum of +25°C. In the southern resorts you can swim in the fall - in Burgas and Sozopol about +25°C in September. At the beginning of October in the south the maximum is +22°C, and in Varna the water warms up even less - to about +18°C. In mid-October, the season closes along the entire coast - the water temperature of +15°C does not allow swimming.


The Turkish coast is washed by the Black Sea from the north. Swimming season breaks out here traditionally - in June. It is noteworthy that the Turks themselves, widely promoting for tourists Mediterranean coast, or the Aegean Sea, they relax on the Black Sea coast, where it is not so hot and the water is cooler. Maximum +25°C at the beginning of the season and +27°C at the height of summer. At the same time, it is not so hot - there is greenery everywhere - this is facilitated by the humid climate.


The Black Sea coast of Ukraine covers three mainland regions - Kherson, Nikolaev and Odessa, as well as the Crimea Peninsula. The season starts in June, sometimes at the end of May with a water temperature of +18°C. The most warm water- off the southern coast of Crimea. In July-August, near the mainland the water is about +25+26°C. The sea can warm up to its maximum off the coast of Yalta in early August up to +28°C.


The Black Sea coast in Russia is warming rather unevenly. Maximum temperature water is observed in the area of ​​​​Sochi and Gelendzhik - up to +24+25°C. The season lasts from mid-June to the end of August.


In Georgia, you can swim in the Black Sea even in autumn. In different years, the water temperature allowed the season to be extended until mid-October. Most tourists come in July-August, but it will be more comfortable in May and September. At the beginning of the season the sea warms up to +20°C, by the end of June it is already +24+25°C. Until the end of September - beginning of October, warm water remains - up to +26°C.

The warmest point on the Black Sea coast is Abkhazian Gagra in Georgia.


The beach season in Romania starts roughly the same as in Ukraine – at the beginning of June and lasts until the beginning of September. But the sea is warming up gradually. The average temperature of the summer season is +23+25°C. In some years in July the water warms up to +27°C. But cold currents can sharply reduce the temperature comfortable for swimming, even to +9°C.

Features of the sea

Ancient peoples called the sea “inhospitable” due to its turbulent nature, later renaming it the Black Sea. Why the sea received such a name also remains a mystery. One version is that anchors lowered to depths became covered over time with a thick layer of black plaque due to the high concentration of hydrogen sulfide. By the way, the Black Sea is an exceptional body of water in the world where such an amount of this substance is present - more than 90% of the total volume, which is more than three billion tons! As a result, there is practically no life below 150-200 meters, which is why the reservoir is called the “sea of ​​dead depths.”

It’s not for nothing that ancient peoples called the sea “inhospitable” - storms of incredible strength rage here. Both ancient galleys and huge ships repeatedly fell victim to the elements. At the bottom of the Black Sea lie untold riches of sunken ships. For example, the English ship “Black Prince” of 1854 (on board of which there were more than 500 thousand gold coins - which is 65 million dollars), as well as the Turkish “Capitania” (which carried several tons of silver in its holds).

In the Black Sea, deep mixing of water occurs at a speed of 15 meters per year, which is 3000 cubic meters per year. Thus, complete renewal of the hydrogen sulfide layer occurs in 100-130 years. And according to the latest data - even for 60-80 years.

The reservoir, moreover, is also called one of the most powerful methane reservoirs.

One interesting fact was dated 1927. September 11th happened powerful earthquake. Lighthouse keepers on the Crimean Peninsula noticed a strange phenomenon: 55 kilometers from the coast, the horizon above the sea was burning, pillars of fire reaching 800 meters! The fire on the water was preceded by three explosions. Later, this phenomenon was explained by the combustion of methane, supposedly due to the movement of lithospheric plates, the substance at depth simply detonated. Another theory explains the fire by lightning striking deep methane that escaped. These facts have never received any real scientific substantiation.

The Black Sea depression, in which the Black Sea is located, is an earthquake-prone region. One and a half dozen geological faults are a great danger strong earthquakes. The shock force of waves in the Black Sea can be impressive. For example, in 1931, on the South Coast (near Simeiz), a wave tore off the “Monk” rock and broke it into three parts.

Typical wave heights in the Black Sea do not exceed several meters. But there is evidence of giant waves, most likely caused by underwater earthquakes, that reached 14 meters. Although, scientific data indicate: the Black Sea is too small in area to “give birth” to real ocean tsunamis. But the latest data from geophysicists is as follows: over the past 2500 years, about 50 cases of marine “tsunamis” have occurred in the Black Sea. Destructive waves up to 8 meters high washed away the ancient cities of Panticapaeum and Dioscuria.

Black Sea in autumn and winter

Autumn It is considered a “velvet” season for holidaymakers who visited the South Coast and the Caucasian coast in September-October.

In winter, the sea is often stormy, as it is constantly covered by cyclones, one after another. The strongest wind along the entire coast is in January.

In winter, part of the Siberian anticyclone creates persistent northeastern winds, the famous Black Sea “north-easters”. The peculiarity of this wind is that it occurs mainly in winter period. At the same time, the air temperature is usually about 20 degrees below zero. Sometimes the bora is accompanied by heavy snowfall. Severe icing creates big problems for sailors, because almost all sea spray in such severe frost instantly freezes, covering ships and cranes in ports with a thick crust of ice. “Bora” in Novorossiysk lasts up to 40-50 days a year.

In Novorossiysk, “north-east winds” are strong north-easterly winds, reaching speeds of 40 meters per second. Gusts can even reach 80 meters per second. The most dangerous thing is speed fluctuations. The wind can start blowing at first at a speed of 10, and after a minute - at a speed of 60 m/sec. There have been cases when the wind overturned railway cars.

In winter, snow lies almost all along the coast. The coastal part in the Odessa region freezes, Kerch Strait, very harsh winters– Even the Bosporus is covered in ice.

There is a river in the Black Sea. It was discovered not long ago. This is a kind of underwater current that goes through the Bosphorus from Marmara to the Black Sea, and then along the Black Sea trench 35 meters deep along the bottom for more than a kilometer.

Black Sea in spring and summer

In spring, the so-called “fen” blows from the sea - dry warm air from the mountains. You can watch this in Sochi. When the hair dryer starts blowing, the air humidity very quickly drops to 10-12%.

Spring is a time of unstable weather both over the sea and in the area of ​​its coastal resorts.

In summer, the Azores anticyclone operates over the Black Sea. Celebrated in July-August lowest speed winds over the coast. The sea in summer is warm and gentle at all resorts. The water temperature reaches a maximum of +27+28 degrees.

Tornadoes - this phenomenon is present in the Black Sea. IN recent years the frequency of their occurrence has increased. Such atmospheric vortices most often occur in spring and summer.

Holidays on the Black Sea

Most popular resorts

The Black Sea is a continuous resort area. The most popular places for beach holiday along the entire length - these are Ukrainian Odessa, Yalta, Russian Anapa, Gelendzhik and Tuapse, Turkish Trabzon, Sinop and Samsun, Bulgarian Golden Sands and Albena, Georgian Batumi, Romanian Constanta.

According to some estimates, the depths of the Black Sea hide considerable reserves noble metals– more than 500 thousand tons of silver and 250 thousand tons of gold. Some Black Sea countries, such as Türkiye and Bulgaria, are engaged in its extraction.

Black Sea by country

  • Ukraine. On the southern coast of Crimea, which is the main resort area of ​​Ukraine, the climate is rather dry, sub-Mediterranean. Season: May to September. Warm water – about three months. But there are storms and the rise of hydrogen sulfide from the depths, which leads to a sharp drop in water temperature from +26 to +13 degrees. Most popular resorts: coastline South Coast (Yalta, Alushta, Sudak, Alupka, Evpatoria), Odessa, Iron Port, Lazurnoe, Skadovsk in the Kherson region, Koblevo in the Nikolaev region, Zatoka and Kurortnoye in the Odessa region. The mainland part of the coast is represented by wide sandy beaches, in the Odessa region there are 25-meter picturesque cliffs, on the South Coast near Yalta there are pebble beaches with clear transparent sea ​​water, but with a large influx of tourists. The warmest water in the Ukrainian part of the sea is the Yalta region and the very south of the Odessa region - in the Kurortny and Zatoka area.
  • Russia. On Black Sea coast humid. High temperature air in summer and high humidity create unfavorable conditions for people with pulmonary diseases. The main resorts on the Black Sea remain Sochi (recreation center, very developed infrastructurally), Gelendzhik ( beautiful nature, picturesque sandy beaches, there is a safari park, an aquarium, a dolphinarium), Anapa (mild climate, budget holiday) and Tuapse (beautiful coast, but the resort is also an industrial center).
  • Romania. The country cannot boast of a long coastline, but there is also a resort area. It is located near the port city of Constanta. Mamaia and Eforia are the main health centers. There are also such small tourist places as Costinesti, Jupiter, Mangalia.
  • Türkiye. On the coast of Turkey, the climate is humid. Türkiye has been well able to take advantage of the benefits of nature and geographical location on the Black Sea coast, with one and a half thousand kilometers of coastline. Not as famous as Antalya, but also not so crowded with tourists, the resorts of Turkey - on the Black Sea these are Abana, Samsun, Trabzon, Yakakent, Rize and almost a dozen other places. These resorts are mainly designed for tourists from Ukraine and Russia - they are relatively inexpensive. By 2024, Turkey plans to improve its infrastructure and improve its coastline in order to take first place among the Black Sea countries in terms of tourist recreation in its section of the Black Sea.
  • Bulgaria. The Black Sea coast is dominated by a dry climate similar to the Crimean one. Among the main resorts are Golden Sands (first place in all ratings, gorgeous beaches, all types of entertainment, water parks, national park), Sozopol (a budget place, but have a good rest, historical component), Albena (a place for families with children, a gentle entrance to the sea, a lot of entertainment for all ages).
  • Georgia. The climate is subtropical. Therefore, the resorts located here are incredibly warm in weather and water temperature. The main tourist spots are Batumi (the most developed infrastructure and services), Kobuleti (with a healing microclimate), Cape Verde (almost tropical climate; There is botanical garden with kiwi and bananas), Kvariati ( best beaches Georgia, the cleanest sea; there is a diving center), Sarpi (picturesque nature - the sea borders on rocks, very clean water).

Ecology and the future

Because of global warming, one of the most big problems in the Black Sea it is algae. They have so filled the sea that they not only cause significant problems for investors investing in the development of the tourism industry, but also harm the environment. For the last six years, the coast of Odessa has especially suffered from the “piles” of algae in August. In addition, the water regularly “blooms” due to elevated temperature water.

Another issue is the increase in water temperature levels. Scientists have calculated that the average water temperature in the Black Sea will rise by 4 degrees by the end of this century. This can be the trigger for many problems. In the area of ​​the Odessa port, hydrobiologists have already found spores of bacteria not native to this region, which are still in a dormant state, but an increase in sea temperature can lead to irreversible consequences. In addition, the rapana brought to the Black Sea have already taken root very well and feed on mussels, the number of which is falling catastrophically due to increased water temperatures and decreased oxygen. Another problem is rising sea levels. In the next 50 years, flooding of many coastal areas may become a serious issue. In particular, Ukrainian Kherson may disappear from the face of the earth, and Crimea may become a separate island.