Orthodox exhibition in Sokolniki October. Orthodox exhibitions and fairs - Sokolniki

We distinguish the days of the week not only by their names. Intuitively, we feel that some days bring us luck in business, others send us creative inspiration, and others are favorable for communication. Having accumulated centuries of experience, our ancestors learned that on certain days it is better to travel, do gardening, or trade at the market. Some people still prefer to get a haircut or ferment cabbage on favorable days.

Planets and days of the week

According to astrologers, there is a connection between planets and days of the week. What is it? The planets control the days of the week and, to some extent, influence the course of events and the results of our actions. Therefore, astrologers recommend taking into account the influence of planets on the days of the week. To ensure good luck in your business, coordinate your actions with them. So, let's find out how planets and days of the week are related to each other.

Ruling planets by day of the week

Monday is the day of the moon

The Moon is the ruler of Monday. The moon fills this day of the week with feminine energy, making people more emotional, sensitive and changeable. On Mondays you should do household chores, shopping, and communicating with relatives and friends.

Those who want to win the lottery should choose numbers on Monday, since the Moon is responsible for intuition.

You should not take active steps and start new projects on Mondays; continue what you have started. Remember unsuccessful attempts start running on Monday, eat healthy food, learn languages, etc.?

This is the day of summing up and drawing up reports.

If you need to borrow money, it is better to do it on Monday. A full wallet will bring you income all week. But it’s not worth lending.

Tuesday is the day of the planet Mars

The ruler of this day of the week is the planet Mars, which in astrology is considered the main source of male energy and physical strength. He is responsible for such qualities as: determination, courage, belligerence, initiative, impulsiveness. If you have the same qualities, then feel free to implement your plans on Tuesday, they are doomed to success. Mars, more than other planets, promotes the translation of ideas into concrete actions. Any active actions on this day receive powerful support. The more you do, the more energy is generated for the next thing. But

For people without initiative, with a sluggish character, it is better to postpone important matters for another day.

Tuesday is good for completing previously started tasks, fulfilling promises, and cleaning the house.

There is a high probability of quarrels and conflicts, and those around you become more irritable and aggressive. Mars pushes you to act rashly; it is difficult to consciously control its energy.

Tuesday is not a suitable day for concluding any transactions or getting married.

Wednesday is the day of the planet Mercury

This day of the week is dominated by the planet Mercury, named after ancient roman god trade, patron of merchants, intermediaries and travelers. On Wednesday, Mercury favors the conclusion of trade and other transactions, negotiations, decisions financial issues, training, intellectual pursuits, passing exams, travel. Mercury favors acceptance quick solutions, it is better not to engage in long-term planning on this day.

If you get a job on Wednesday, you risk not staying in it for long. If you are moving to new home or an apartment, you will soon have to move again. But this is a great day for contacts and communication; new acquaintances can develop into true friendship.

Thursday is the day of the planet Jupiter

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter - a planet that personifies in astrology such concepts as: law, wisdom, generosity, spirituality, prudence, justice. Jupiter leaves its mark on any business started on Thursday. To realize your plans, you need to weigh everything thoroughly, think through your actions and begin to implement them. Everything begun will end favorably if justice is observed.

On this day you should not say too much, especially negative things. There is a high probability that what is said will come true.

Thursday is favorable for making decisions global issues state and public importance, court cases, charity work, obtaining spiritual knowledge.

Thursday - best time for marriages, passing final exams. If you need to go to your boss with new projects, requests, including salary increases, or conduct business negotiations with partners, choose this day of the week, the planet Jupiter increases the chances of success.

Friday is the day of the planet Venus

The planet Venus “preferred” Friday to all other days of the week. On this day, Venusian energy has a dominant effect on people.

Venus is the patroness of love and lovers, beauty and harmony of the world. She is responsible for a person’s aesthetic needs, his sexual and carnal desires.

Friday is a good day to take care of yourself and your health, cleansing your body. Although many people, on the contrary, wait all week for “debaucherous Friday” in order to indulge in debauchery and voluptuousness on this day.

Responsible matters and important events reschedule for another day. Devote yourself to communicating with friends and loved ones. This is a great day for parties and confession of your feelings. Give gifts to yourself and your loved ones. Touch the beautiful: visit a theatre, museum or exhibition.

You cannot do household chores before lunch, but deals concluded on this day will be successful, including the purchase and sale of large items.

Be careful with dreams you had on the night from Thursday to Friday. The dreams told come true. Therefore, do not retell bad dreams, throw them out of your head.

Saturday is the day of the planet Saturn

This day of the week is ruled by Saturn, personifying wisdom, reflection, self-knowledge, rigor and asceticism. He is responsible for karma. On Saturday it is useful to engage in self-education and self-development, meditation and reflection on life. Pay attention to yourself and your health. It’s good to spend this day in unity with nature.

Saturn is responsible for older people and life expectancy. A favorable day for donations, helping the poor and orphans.

You shouldn't do business on Saturday. The exception is transactions with land and real estate, since Saturn is associated with them. You can do household and agricultural chores.

Saturday is favorable for moving. Our ancestors believed that on Saturdays the brownie is favorable to guests, and if you appease him with something tasty, he will help the new residents.

Apart from those recommended, do not start other important tasks on this day of the week; the planet Saturn will limit your ability to devote enough time to them. But things already started are completed successfully. It is preferable to go on a trip and make new acquaintances on another day.

To have a restful and sound sleep, like a baby’s, change bed sheets on Saturdays. It was believed that the God of Dreams, Morpheus, stood next to the hostess making the bed on this day. He will make sure that your sleep is sound and restful.

Sunday is the day of the Sun

The sun gives Sunday light and joy. On Sunday you need to communicate with children, meet with loved ones and friends. This is a day for relaxation, holidays, festivities, creativity, and trips to nature.

Sunday is good for spiritual development, self-knowledge, meditation and for planning: make plans for the coming week, think about new projects.

We distinguish the days of the week not only by their names. Intuitively, we feel that some days bring us luck in business, others send us creative inspiration, and others are favorable for communication. Having accumulated centuries of experience, our ancestors learned that on certain days it is better to travel, do gardening, or trade at the market. Some people still prefer to get a haircut or ferment cabbage on favorable days.

Planets and days of the week

According to astrologers, there is a connection between planets and days of the week. What is it? The planets control the days of the week and, to some extent, influence the course of events and the results of our actions. Therefore, astrologers recommend taking into account the influence of planets on the days of the week. To ensure good luck in your business, coordinate your actions with them. So, let's find out how planets and days of the week are related to each other.

Ruling planets by day of the week

Monday is the day of the moon

The Moon is the ruler of Monday. The moon fills this day of the week with feminine energy, making people more emotional, sensitive and changeable. On Mondays you should do household chores, shopping, and communicating with relatives and friends.

Those who want to win the lottery should choose numbers on Monday, since the Moon is responsible for intuition.

You should not take active steps and start new projects on Mondays; continue what you have started. Remember your unsuccessful attempts to start running on Monday, eating healthy food, learning languages, etc.?

This is the day of summing up and drawing up reports.

If you need to borrow money, it is better to do it on Monday. A full wallet will bring you income all week. But it’s not worth lending.

Tuesday is the day of the planet Mars

The ruler of this day of the week is the planet Mars, which in astrology is considered the main source of male energy and physical strength. He is responsible for such qualities as: determination, courage, belligerence, initiative, impulsiveness. If you have the same qualities, then feel free to implement your plans on Tuesday, they are doomed to success. Mars, more than other planets, promotes the translation of ideas into concrete actions. Any active actions on this day receive powerful support. The more you do, the more energy is generated for the next thing. But

For people without initiative, with a sluggish character, it is better to postpone important matters for another day.

Tuesday is good for completing previously started tasks, fulfilling promises, and cleaning the house.

There is a high probability of quarrels and conflicts, and those around you become more irritable and aggressive. Mars pushes you to act rashly; it is difficult to consciously control its energy.

Tuesday is not a suitable day for concluding any transactions or getting married.

Wednesday is the day of the planet Mercury

This day of the week is dominated by the planet Mercury, named after the ancient Roman god of trade, the patron saint of merchants, middlemen and travelers. On Wednesday, Mercury favors concluding trade and other transactions, negotiating, resolving financial issues, studying, intellectual pursuits, passing exams, and traveling. Mercury encourages you to make quick decisions; it is better not to engage in long-term planning on this day.

If you get a job on Wednesday, you risk not staying in it for long. If you are moving to a new house or apartment, you will soon have to move again. But this is a great day for contacts and communication; new acquaintances can develop into true friendship.

Thursday is the day of the planet Jupiter

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter - a planet that personifies in astrology such concepts as: law, wisdom, generosity, spirituality, prudence, justice. Jupiter leaves its mark on any business started on Thursday. To realize your plans, you need to weigh everything thoroughly, think through your actions and begin to implement them. Everything begun will end favorably if justice is observed.

On this day you should not say too much, especially negative things. There is a high probability that what is said will come true.

Thursday is favorable for solving global issues of state and public importance, court cases, charity work, and obtaining spiritual knowledge.

Thursday is the best time for marriages and final exams. If you need to go to your boss with new projects, requests, including a salary increase, or conduct business negotiations with partners, choose this day of the week, the planet Jupiter increases the chances of success.

Friday is the day of the planet Venus

The planet Venus “preferred” Friday to all other days of the week. On this day, Venusian energy has a dominant effect on people.

Venus is the patroness of love and lovers, beauty and harmony of the world. She is responsible for a person’s aesthetic needs, his sexual and carnal desires.

Friday is a good day to take care of yourself and your health, cleansing your body. Although many people, on the contrary, wait all week for “debaucherous Friday” in order to indulge in debauchery and voluptuousness on this day.

Move responsible tasks and important events to another day. Devote yourself to communicating with friends and loved ones. This is a great day for parties and confession of your feelings. Give gifts to yourself and your loved ones. Touch the beautiful: visit a theatre, museum or exhibition.

You cannot do household chores before lunch, but deals concluded on this day will be successful, including the purchase and sale of large items.

Be careful with dreams you had on the night from Thursday to Friday. The dreams told come true. Therefore, do not retell bad dreams, throw them out of your head.

Saturday is the day of the planet Saturn

This day of the week is ruled by Saturn, personifying wisdom, reflection, self-knowledge, rigor and asceticism. He is responsible for karma. On Saturday it is useful to engage in self-education and self-development, meditation and reflection on life. Pay attention to yourself and your health. It’s good to spend this day in unity with nature.

Saturn is responsible for older people and life expectancy. A favorable day for donations, helping the poor and orphans.

You shouldn't do business on Saturday. The exception is transactions with land and real estate, since Saturn is associated with them. You can do household and agricultural chores.

Saturday is favorable for moving. Our ancestors believed that on Saturdays the brownie is favorable to guests, and if you appease him with something tasty, he will help the new residents.

Apart from those recommended, do not start other important tasks on this day of the week; the planet Saturn will limit your ability to devote enough time to them. But things already started are completed successfully. It is preferable to go on a trip and make new acquaintances on another day.

To ensure a restful and sound sleep, like a baby's, change your bed linen on Saturdays. It was believed that the God of Dreams, Morpheus, stood next to the hostess making the bed on this day. He will make sure that your sleep is sound and restful.

Sunday is the day of the Sun

The sun gives Sunday light and joy. On Sunday you need to communicate with children, meet with loved ones and friends. This is a day for relaxation, holidays, festivities, creativity, and trips to nature.

Sunday is good for spiritual development, self-discovery, meditation and planning: make plans for the coming week, think about new projects.

Yes, it’s true, people have long noticed that Each day of the week has its own patron planet, that is, each day of the week has its own planet. Moreover, even if you don't own any foreign language, only by name and logic can one determine which day of the week has which ruler. Next - days of the week by planets.

The patron saint of the day of the week is Monday.

Monday is spelled Lunes in Spanish.. The moon is closest to the earth and has the strongest influence on the processes occurring on the earth. Actually, Monday is the first day of the week and the basis of the entire week, since all plans drawn up for the week take their report on Monday. Therefore, the moon rules our affairs on Monday.

The planet that rules the day of the week is Tuesday.

Tuesday is ruled by our twin (planet Earth), ruler of wars and all new beginnings. Tuesday is written as Martes in Spanish. And really considering Monday a hard day, we start all work on Tuesday.

The planet that rules the day of the week is Wednesday.

The day of the week Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. Wednesday is written as Mirrcoles in Spanish. Wednesday is the “hottest” day of the week in terms of large quantities events and volumes of work that we perform on Wednesday, the planet Mercury is the hottest planet located next to the sun.

The planet that rules the day of the week is Thursday.

Thursday is written in Spanish as Jueves. This day of the week is ruled by . Thursday is a day of great hopes for the fulfillment of plans. Jupiter is the same big planet, which, according to ancient beliefs, fulfills all desires.

The planet is the ruler of Friday.

The planet ruler of Friday is best recognized in Italian– Venerd. In truth, having finished all his work on Friday, a person gives his last strength and energy, like the planet Venus, to love and entertainment.

Patron planet of Saturday.

The patron saint of Saturday is the planet Saturn, in English Saturday. It should be noted that Saturday recently became a working day. Now imagine how a person felt after an evening of fun on Friday, when he had to continue working, and his head was spinning like the rings of Saturn, after yesterday's feast and the need to implement his plans for Sunday. Naturally, I no longer wanted to work, but simply relax and do household chores.

The patron planet of Sunday is the sun.

Sunday - a sunny day or the day of the sun planet does not need translation. The only day of the week when you wake up happy, even if there is no sun outside, and it's raining. The sun, like the day of the week, Sunday began giving life to all life on earth.

The days of the week correspond to the planets:

  • Sun - Sunday
  • Mercury - Wednesday
  • Venus - Friday
  • Moon - Monday
  • Mars - Tuesday
  • Jupiter - Thursday
  • Saturn - Saturday

The septenary system is one of support systems in many sacred teachings of the West and East. The Vedic Tradition did not ignore this magical number. Ancient knowledge Vedic astrology and numerology are based on the metaphysical laws of existence and cyclical development of the Universe, where the number 7 reflects the harmonious structure of the color spectrum, the musical octave and the planetary structure of our star.

Thus, each day of the week corresponds to one of the 7 main planets. And the quality of the day depends entirely on the characteristics of that celestial body, whose vibrations are most actively manifested today.

According to the Vedas, planets are living conscious entities representing tall forms existence and reflecting certain personal qualities or archetypal characteristics.

Sunday: Sun Day

According to the Vedas, the week begins on Sunday. And of course, the first day of the cycle, according to tradition, is under the influence of the Sun - the planet of fire and active action.

Solar vibrations are most conducive to planning good deeds, engaging in spiritual practices and exercises to improve the physical body.

Helios - the god of the Sun in the ancient Greek tradition

Characteristics of Sunday: royalty, kindness, splendor, leadership, strength, originality.

The magic of Sunday is associated with bright motives and good intentions. The mystical meaning of the solar deity is the Word of Truth. Therefore, on this day, be honest with others and with yourself.

Remember: the negative aspect of the Sun is an emphasis on one’s own “I”, selfishness, authoritarianism and despotism. When creating a magical intention, act out of love for the Universe, but not out of your own passionate desires.

Best things to do on Sunday:

  • Yoga: in particular the Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) complex;
  • Visiting temples;
  • Study of holy scriptures;
  • Case planning;
  • Fasting and fasting;
  • Resolution of karmic knots on the father's side;
  • Breathing techniques;
  • Techniques for accumulating vital energy.

The Sun God Surya is the son of the progenitor of humanity and the king of all planets. He is the keeper of the healing power of light, the giver of inspiration and royal creative power. The Day of the Sun is a time for planting the seeds of future achievements aimed at overcoming the darkness of ignorance and revealing divine potential.

Sun god Surya on a chariot drawn by seven horses.

Ancient Indian mythology connects the change of time of day with Surya's journey across the sky on a large chariot drawn by seven horses, symbolizing the 7 primary colors of the solar spectrum.

Magic matches:

  • Metal: gold;
  • Flower: sunflower;
  • Stone: ruby;
  • Color: orange;
  • Incense: laurel, cinnamon, saffron, red sandalwood;
  • Chakra: heart center;
  • Symbol: circle with a dot;
  • Element: fire.

The metaphysical message of Sunday is the act of awakening consciousness, the birth and development of individuality, the manifestation of personal qualities, awareness of one’s place in the world and life’s purpose. Reflections on this topic on the day of the Sun will give a positive result.

Monday: Moon day

Mondays are under the auspices of the Moon. This time promotes the knowledge of transcendental truths, philosophical searches and practices aimed at expanding consciousness. Monday vibrations carry the characteristics water element: softness, femininity, flexibility, insight.

Chandra is the god of the Moon and the Moon. Sculpture in an ancient Indian temple.

Monday characteristics: femininity, attractiveness, variability, delicacy, water, depth, emotions, dreams, knowledge.

Planetary magic connects Monday with the night luminary. This day is ideal for occult practice and communication with subtle forces. However, the goals of magical childhoods must be brought into line with the phase of the night luminary. The waning Moon favors getting rid of old attachments, completing unfinished business, liberation from illnesses and destructive influences. The waxing Moon exudes blissful energy that bestows harmony. These days, the most effective practices for balancing the emotional background are astral travel, lucid dreams. The night of the Full Moon has special power. Any magical rituals Activities carried out at this time will have the most pronounced results.

Best things to do on Monday:

  • Meditation;
  • Knowledge of metaphysical truths;
  • Elaboration of the emotional plan;
  • Development of extrasensory abilities;
  • Resolution of karmic knots on the mother's side;
  • Rejuvenation techniques and procedures;
  • Psychological healing;
  • Practices to expand consciousness;
  • Casting spells, prayers, incantations.

God Chandra on a chariot drawn by a deer.

Moon God Chandra is the keeper of transcendental knowledge. Sacred texts The Puranas say that Chandra had 27 wives and 27 daughters, each of whom represents a constellation. But of all the daughters, the moon god loved one most of all - Rohini, for which offended wives asked god Daksha to send a curse on him. Chandra began to waste away, and with him all the growth stopped. medicinal herbs and living beings began to get sick. Then Daksha decided to soften his punishment and suggested lunar patron a way to get rid of the disease for half a month. This is how the Indian mystery explains the change of phases of the Moon: for half the month Chandra languishes and the Moon wanes, for the other half Chandra recovers and this period corresponds to the waxing Moon.

Magic matches:

  • Metal: silver;
  • Chakra: third eye;
  • Stone: amber;
  • Color: white, silver;
  • Plant: aloe;
  • Incense: white sandalwood, camphor;
  • Symbol: bowl;
  • Element: water.

The reverse side of lunar energies is emotional incontinence, thirst and lust. Therefore, on Monday, be extremely careful with your emotions on this day.

Tuesday: Mars day

The third day of the week, Tuesday, is under the protection of Mars. In the Vedic tradition, the god of the planet Mars is named Mangala or Angaraka, which means “red-colored” in Sanskrit. This day of the week is considered unfavorable. During the period of active influence of Mars, one should be careful, avoid open conflicts, and not take unjustified risks.

Mangala is the Vedic god of war. Magical Garden of Buddha, Thailand.

Characteristics of Tuesday: belligerence, rudeness, strength, fire, destruction, desires, conflicts, victory.

The vibrations of this day are filled with harsh aggressive energy. In a metaphysical sense, these energies are akin to the incinerating aspect of the Sun. Ancient Indian cosmology represents Mangala as the offspring of the god Shiva in his destructive form. Because the magic of Tuesday has unpredictable character and often has destructive consequences.

Best things to do on Tuesday:

  • Martial arts and martial arts;
  • Sport;
  • Physical labor;
  • Working with metals;
  • Practices of forming energy protection;
  • Rituals for invulnerability, victory, punishment of enemies;
  • Making protective amulets;
  • Conducting and participating in competitions.

On the day of Mars, physical labor, sports and martial arts are most effective. Tuesday is the best time to repay justice. Mangala will support those who show determination, courage and courage in order to restore justice. Martian energies are most successful for resisting enemies and ill-wishers. But be careful, this planet is extremely strict towards those who try to use its energy for unseemly purposes.

Mangala is the god of war, patron of Mars.

Magic matches:

  • Color: shades of flame and rust;
  • Material: red clay;
  • Metal: iron, steel;
  • Incense: basil, coriander;
  • Plants: rose hips, ginger, tobacco;
  • Stone: garnet;
  • Chakra: root (coccyx);
  • Symbol: sword;
  • Element: fire.

Tuesday is the ideal time to develop and develop masculine qualities, such as will, desire to win, fighting spirit, courage and fearlessness. But remember: the negative aspect of Mars is war and destruction. Therefore, on Tuesday, be extremely attentive to manifestations of passionate impulses and remain vigilant when interacting with sources of fire.

Wednesday: Mercury day

The time of Mercury - Wednesday, is under the patronage of Budha - the god of wisdom, writing and trade. The ancient Egyptians called him Hermes - the keeper of secret knowledge, the enlightener and the enlightened one. In tradition ancient Rome Mercury is the divine messenger and mediator between gods and people.

Budha is the son of Soma, the patron of the planet Mercury.

Environment characteristics: eloquence, intelligence, cunning, dexterity, inconstancy, cognition, intelligence, speed, movement, adaptation.

Budha is agile and dexterous, his words are sweet and pure, his mind is as sharp as a blade. The element of Mercury is air, its spheres of influence are speech, intellect and travel. And we’re not just talking about traveling around our endless world. Hermes is also a guide of souls to the other world of the dead.

Best things to do on Wednesday:

  • Learning and cognition;
  • Communication and conclusion of partnerships;
  • Public speaking;
  • Trips;
  • Study of occult sciences;
  • Reading and writing;
  • Financial transactions;
  • Making talismans of good luck and success;
  • Money magic rituals.

The magic of the environment is associated with the field of finance and material well-being. Mercury energies are also good for making amulets to attract good luck in money matters. Mercury day is suitable for opening cash flows and building partnerships.

Magic matches:

  • Color: green;
  • Stone: lapis lazuli, agate;
  • Incense: jasmine, lavender, nutmeg;
  • Tree: olive;
  • Plant: narcissus;
  • Metal: mercury;
  • Symbol: caduceus;
  • Chakra: throat (thyroid gland).

Hermes is the god of wisdom and writing.

Hermes is also the guardian of the occult sciences such as astrology and alchemy. Therefore, Wednesday is also the ideal day of the week for making astrological forecasts and horoscopes and mastering the art of “great doing.”

Thursday: Jupiter day

Thursday is one of the most auspicious days, promising prosperity and good luck in business. The mythological correspondence for Thursday is Jupiter, the kind and merciful god of the sky and lord of thunderstorms.

Brihaspati, patron of Jupiter

Thursday characteristics: law, spiritual power, enlightenment, wisdom, mercy, friendliness, power, karma, benefactor, generosity, morality.

The Vedic name of Jupiter is Brihaspati. He is the teacher of the gods, bestowing wisdom and spiritual integrity. In many ways, the attitude of this deity towards a person will depend on the righteousness of the latter’s life and on the height of his ideals. Jupiter is favorable to those who have chosen the noble path of serving humanity. He is the patron of teachers and spiritual gurus. And at the same time, he is merciless towards violators of the Law.

Best things to do on Thursday:

  • Social activities;
  • Political Operations;
  • Rituals for gaining and maintaining power;
  • Restoring justice through the courts;
  • Giving gifts;
  • Making amulets and talismans for success;
  • Spiritual development, communication with spiritual teachers;
  • Creating an intention to realize true desires;
  • Practices for working through the past;
  • Cleansing practices;
  • Honoring and offering gifts to the Higher Powers.

Jupiter is the spiritual teacher of gods and people.

Brihaspati's spheres of influence are judicial affairs, political and social activities, spiritual enlightenment. Thursday is the best day of the week to achieve goals in these areas. However Higher Powers will only be on the side of those who have pious karma and carry bright motives. Evil motives on this day risk being exposed and strictly paid according to their compliance.

Magic matches:

  • Color: purple, blue;
  • Metal: tin;
  • Wood: oak;
  • Incense: incense;
  • Stone: sapphire;
  • Places: temple, palace;
  • Animals: elephant, dolphin, deer;
  • Elements: air, fire;
  • Chakra: crown (crown).

Friday: Venus Day

The sixth day of the week, Friday, is under the patronage of the goddess of beauty and fertility, Venus. In the ancient Indian tradition, the rulers of this planet are Shukra and Lakshmi. The first teaches wisdom and vision of beauty, the second is able to bestow beauty and prosperity on its admirers.

God Shukra and goddess Lakshmi.

Characteristics of Friday: romance, love, fertility, sensuality, beauty, art, magnetism, charisma, femininity, temptation, seduction, aesthetics.

Friday is associated with the karma of partnership and love. This is a time of feminine energies that give quick healing, rejuvenation, charm and charisma. Lakshmi is also approached with requests for child protection. Venus hours are also favorable for doing charity work and helping others.

Best things to do on Friday:

  • Healing;
  • Working through the karma of relationships;
  • Contemplation of beauty;
  • Love rituals;
  • Making love amulets and talismans;
  • Manufacturing protective amulets for children;
  • Fertility rituals;
  • Practices for developing charm and magnetism;
  • Comprehension of Tantra.

Contemplation of objects of art, creativity, interaction with nature - all this is a manifestation of Venusian vibrations in human existence. Friday magic works on the energy of love for people and the environment. And the vibrations of Lakshmi favor those who act from a sense of abundance, fullness and sincere admiration for the unimaginable riches of our Universe. Anyone who is able to create without reference to reward will spend Friday under the auspices of the Higher Powers.

Image of Goddess Lakshmi sitting in a pink lotus.

Magic matches:

  • Color: blue, pink, pale yellow;
  • Flowers: violets, roses;
  • Stones: turquoise, coral, rose quartz;
  • Incense: geranium, lilac, lily of the valley, strawberry;
  • Symbol: apple;
  • Trees: alder, birch, linden;
  • Metal: copper;
  • Element: earth;
  • Chakra: genital (lower abdomen).

It is also worth remembering that during the period of activity of Venusian energies, desires and passionate inclinations intensify. Friday can incline one to abuse pleasures, leading the consciousness away from true path piety. Therefore, remain vigilant and be careful what you wish for on Fridays.

Saturday: Saturn day

Saturday is under the auspices of Saturn, the god of old age and the ruler of time. In the Vedic tradition, Saturday reflects inertia and detention. On Saturday, Eastern teachings recommend inaction: meditation, solitude, yoga, household chores.

Shani is the god of the planet Saturn, the patron of old age and the lord of time.

Saturday characteristics: slowness, transformation, old age, time, ending, suffering, purification, wisdom, malevolence.

Saturn Day is the last day of the week in the Vedic Tradition, which means it is close to completion. Therefore, this is not the best time to start new things. On Saturday, it is recommended, on the contrary, to find closure and let go. Saturday magic is rituals and practices of cleansing and liberation from negative factors.

Best things to do on Saturday:

  • Practices of cleansing from negative influences;
  • Completion of cases;
  • Practice silence;
  • Reading;
  • Recapitulation of life;
  • Rest;
  • Meditation;
  • Yoga;
  • Housework.

The scriptures tell that Shani, the god of Saturn, was born from the sun god Surya and Shadow. Sangya decided to leave Surya because she could no longer bear his scorching heat. She left the Shadow in her place and went into a thousand-year prayer.

The shadow of Chhaya gave birth to a son, Shani, from the sun god. Ancient legend says that when Shani first opened his eyes, an eclipse occurred - an omen of misfortune, cataclysms and death.

Magic matches:

  • Color: black, brown;
  • Stone: onyx;
  • Metal: lead;
  • Bird: owl;
  • Animals: bat, cat, scorpio;
  • Trees: ash, cypress;
  • Spice: cumin;
  • Natural phenomena: hail, hurricanes;
  • Places: deserts, caves, cemeteries;
  • Element: earth.

When Surya took the baby in his arms, his face was covered with illness. And as soon as Shani looked at the servant, he fell dead to the ground. Since his birth, Saturn has brought suffering. He is the Great Teacher, charging karmic debt and freeing the soul from evil, purifying through pain and giving the opportunity for the evolution of consciousness.

The above keys and correspondences will help to establish a harmonious existence and interaction with the Universe in accordance with cosmic cycles and recommendations given by the knowledge of planetary magic. Make a plan for the week based on energy characteristics every day, use colors, minerals and images in order to tune in to the vibrations of the desired archetype, take into account the qualities of the current day when making decisions. And soon you will discover that the entire Universe is patronizing you in your development and evolution.

Thank you for your attention! Good!