How do milk mushrooms differ from milk mushrooms, squeaky mushrooms and other mushrooms (with photo). Recipes for salting milk mushrooms for the winter in jars using hot and cold methods

(Lactarius vellereus) The violin mushroom belongs to the genus of laticifers. Therefore, the second name of the mushroom is Milky. Due to its similarity to milk mushrooms, the following simple technique is used to identify the squeaky mushroom: cut the mushroom a little and look at the milky juice. If it acquires a reddish tint after drying, then it is a violin. WITH reverse side hat plates are rare, unlike milk mushrooms.

Description of the mushroom


The violin mushroom or squeaky mushroom is widespread on the Eurasian continent. It is found in most cases under birch trees and in mixed forests from July to September, often in large groups. In favorable years it produces large harvests.


The diameter of the cap is from 8 to 24 cm. The color of the entire mushroom is milky white, slightly yellowing. The cap is up to 20 cm in diameter, very fleshy, dense, at a young age flat, then funnel-shaped, slightly pubescent, with yellow spots. The pulp has a very bitter taste. The milky sap is abundant, caustic, and slowly turns yellow in air. The plates descend along the stalk, white or cream, infrequent. Spore powder is white. The spores are almost round, with small spines.


The leg is short - up to 6 cm in length and up to 3.5 cm in thickness, dense.


Squeaky mushroom or spurge mushroom conditionally edible. Consumed salty. Before salting these mushrooms, they must be soaked in water for 3-5 days, draining it periodically. Or pour boiling water and change the water about 4 times a day. Then the process will take up to 3 days.

The violin mushroom is edible and belongs to the fourth category of usefulness. The appearance of this mushroom is characteristic - not only the cap, but also the stem has a milky white tint. This variety belongs to the group However, this is not entirely true. By appearance It's really difficult to distinguish the violin mushroom from. But there is distinctive feature. The violin has no fringe on the lower part of the curved plate of the cap. The plates of the lower surface of the cap are dark yellow, almost brown. They are denser and thicker than those of real milk mushrooms.

The violin mushroom cap can reach twenty centimeters in diameter. The creaking leg is short, up to 3-6 centimeters in length and up to 4 centimeters in thickness.

What does a squeaky mushroom look like?

The skripun mushroom looks almost the same as a real milk mushroom, only its milky juice after cutting for a long time does not turn brown yellow color. It also features rarer platinums with reverse side hats.

These distinctive features it is important to know, because its taste is radically different from the taste of real milk mushrooms. It's quite mediocre in its own way taste qualities a mushroom that can only be used for pickling after soaking in water for several days.

Where to look for aspen creaking

You can find aspen creaks where in large quantities birch and aspen grow. It should be well lit sunlight places with a layer of moss and fallen leaves. Most often, the aspen creaking bird grows in large groups of individuals of different ages. This is common in middle lane Russian mushroom. Its vegetative period of growth and reproduction begins in July and ends in mid-October. It is at this time that you should follow him.

The mushroom, which is called "violin", often ends up in a basket with other mushrooms, since it is easily confused with white mushroom. However, this mushroom differs in taste. And, nevertheless, many experienced mushroom pickers and ordinary amateurs are not against making preparations for the winter from creaks. Before salting milk mushrooms, you need to learn about the basic rules and subtleties of this process.

Squeaky milk mushrooms are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms. These forest products are preserved in pickled or salted form. Like other mushrooms that belong to the laticifers, creaks necessarily require pre-treatment.

First, you should thoroughly clean the surface of the mushroom cap from dirt - to do this, it is better to leave the product to soak overnight in a bowl of water. Afterwards you need to trim the stem to fit the cap. And only then put it on the fire and cook for at least 10 minutes.

Advice! It is better to soak the squeaks for several days, since this way the juice, which is harmful to humans, is washed out.

Preserving squeaks for the winter is notable for the fact that they can later be used for many purposes: frying, stewing, adding to soups or salads. Therefore, salting is considered in the best possible way conservation of forest products. Moreover, all cooking recipes will make this product safe for consumption.

The conservation procedure itself takes place in several stages:

  1. Preparatory work for processing the main ingredient. Skripuny should be sorted and separated from other varieties.
  2. Clear forest product. It is thoroughly washed to remove various contaminants, since it grows near stumps and mosses.
  3. Soaking in cool water for several days. The fluid needs to be changed several times.
  4. Chop large milk mushrooms.
  5. Preservation by any in an accessible way: cold, hot or dry salting.

Only by following the basic manufacturing technology can you prepare dense, crispy and delicious snack from creaks for the winter.

What mushrooms are suitable for pickling?

For long-term preparations winter period It is recommended to choose only forest fruits with a dense, large and fleshy cap. The bottom of the milk mushroom is usually covered with white or beige plates. Young representatives have a flat cap that is turned down. Only whole and fresh fruits should be selected, weeding out spoiled and wormy ones.

How to salt a violin at home

In search of the simplest, but at the same time delicious way cooking, many people like to experiment with spices and various additives. You can choose dry, hot or cold preservation method. For a spicy, spicy taste, you can add garlic and pepper.

Hot marinating violin with currant leaves

Hot salting methods are usually very simple. And also, with this method of preservation, the duration of soaking mushrooms is reduced to two days. Many people neglect soaking, which as a result affects the taste of violins - they turn out with a bitter aftertaste. If you follow the recipe, this can be easily avoided. Ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of milk mushrooms;
  • 30 grams of table salt;
  • fresh currant leaves;
  • filtered water.

How to prepare: prepare the main ingredient - sort and rinse thoroughly. Place in a bowl of water and soak for two days, changing the water several times. Then transfer them to an enamel bowl and boil the mushrooms. Add salt to the water. Simmer for 20 minutes, skim off foam periodically. Place in a colander and let all the liquid drain. Cool the main component.

Place fresh currant leaves in jars, and place the milk mushrooms with their caps on the bottom. Each new tier should be sprinkled with salt. Compact the milk mushrooms and place the currant leaves last. Place in a cool place to infuse. After a month you can use it.

How to salt skripukhi in a cold way

This method of preservation is in many ways similar to hot pickling of mushrooms. Cold way also called dry because no brine is prepared during the cooking process. If you do not follow the correct technology, the mushrooms will be unsuitable for consumption. Ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of squeaky mushrooms;
  • 30 grams of salt;
  • dill inflorescence;
  • Bay leaf;
  • allspice;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • carnation.

How to prepare: clean and prepare the forest product - trim off damaged areas, remove wormy mushrooms. Rinse and infuse the mushrooms in a bowl of filtered water for several days. Place the main component in a wooden container with the caps on the bottom. Add dill, garlic, bay leaf, pepper and cloves. Sprinkle with salt. Cover with a wide plate and put something heavy on top.

The creaks should be kept in this position for two days - this way they will release more liquid. If there is not enough water, you can add a little saline solution so that it completely covers the main ingredient.

How to marinate mushrooms with garlic

Marinated mushrooms with garlic component are a spicy but at the same time savory appetizer for festive table or salad additive. This twist will acquire a pleasant aroma for the winter and become crispy. The effort and time spent are fully justified by this preparation with a special taste. Ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of milk mushrooms;
  • liter of filtered water;
  • fresh dill;
  • currant leaves;
  • allspice;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tablespoons of salt.

How to prepare: rinse all ingredients. Prepare a container for marinating - a glass or wooden container is best. Aluminum or stainless steel containers are not suitable for this purpose. First, lay out the greens and allspice. Then a layer of creaks and garlic is laid out. Salt everything. After that comes another tier of herbs and garlic. Everything is covered with a wide plate and pressed down with something heavy. After a couple of days, the main component will settle and give a lot of juice. Move to a cool place and wait one month.

On a note! IN hot weather Sometimes milk mushrooms sour. To avoid this, you will need to prepare a brine with blanched mushrooms.

Shelf life of blanks

Squeaky milk mushrooms salt extremely quickly, so they can be consumed within a week. The shelf life directly depends on the method of preparing the creaks. If greens were used, then it is better to use this preparation within six months.

In other cases, the shelf life of such canning is ten months - with the correct preparation technology. If the jars have not been sterilized, they may explode or develop mold.

Further storage

For long-term storage, the workpiece must be placed in a cool place - a refrigerator or cellar. A room whose temperature is less than 15 degrees is best.

A mushroom called violin is often placed in a basket, considering it to be a type of white milk mushroom. However, this is not at all true. It is much inferior to milk mushrooms in taste. And yet, you can collect these white “funnels” and eat them. After looking at the photographs, detailed description And the right way preparation, it is quite possible to get a delicious dish.

Description of the mushroom

  • Skripitsa is a representative of the milkmen. It earned its name thanks to the characteristic creaking sound produced when running a fingernail or some sharp object across the cap.
  • It is considered a conditionally edible mushroom.
  • The cap is dense, quite large (up to 25 cm in diameter), fleshy. The bottom is covered with white or beige plates. In young mushrooms it is flat with the edge turned down. With age, the shape changes to funnel-shaped.

The violin mushroom looks similar to a milk mushroom

  • The initially milky white cap gradually acquires a yellow tint or becomes covered with ocher spots. Its edges often crack.

Attention! The main difference between a violin and a milk mushroom is the absence of fringe along the rim of the cap.

  • The mushroom is dry on top, covered with villi, and feels like felt. Hence its other name - felt milk mushroom.
  • The leg is about 5 cm high. It is dense and smooth. Expands slightly from the base.
  • The flesh of the mushroom is white and quite hard. On a cut or break of the mushroom, a milky, that is, milky-colored juice appears, which turns brown when it dries. The milky juice of the squeaky mushroom (also called the mushroom) does not darken immediately, but after a few hours.

Where and at what time is the violin assembled?

Violins can be found in mixed and deciduous forests, located in the open spaces from Western Europe before Far East. The mushroom especially “loves” well-lit places next to birch and aspen. The fruiting bodies of the squealer appear on the surface from mid-summer and continue to grow until October, so their harvesting season is quite long. They most often grow in large groups on layers of moss.

Processing before cooking

Skripuns are prepared for the winter in pickled and salted form. Like all laticifers, they require pre-treatment, which consists of the following:

  • cleaning the surface of mushrooms from large debris (grass, leaves, etc.);
  • trimming the stem to fit the cap;

Violins can be salted

  • soaking for 3 days in cold water, which must be changed 2 times a day;
  • Boil for 15 minutes (time is counted after boiling).

Attention! Mushrooms must be soaked for a long time. This way the milky juice is washed out.

How to salt violinists

Although squeaky mushrooms cannot be compared with milk mushrooms, when salted they acquire an appetizing crunch and a rich mushroom aroma. They are very easy to prepare.

  1. Prepare the necessary set of greens for pickles. You can use dill, parsley, tarragon, currant or grape leaves, etc. All this is well washed and cut. Garlic is cleared of scales.
  2. Select an enamel, wooden or glass container of suitable size. Aluminum and stainless steel utensils should not be used for pickling mushrooms.
  3. The bottom of the container is completely covered with a layer of greenery.
  4. Lay out the violins in one layer so that the records are on top.
  5. Sprinkle mushrooms well with coarse salt.
  6. Place a second layer of violins on top. Salted. This continues until all the mushrooms are gone.
  7. Chives of garlic are periodically placed between the layers, given that a large amount of it inhibits the fermentation process. For one layer, a large slice, cut lengthwise into 2-3 parts, is enough.
  8. The last layer of mushrooms is covered with greens.
  9. Place a wooden circle on top or ceramic plate in accordance with the diameter of the container.
  10. A load is placed on top.
  11. Cover with a piece of clean cloth.
  12. Place in the cellar or refrigerator.

Attention! The temperature during salting of mushrooms should be no more than 10°C. Otherwise, the product may go rotten.

You can pickle mushrooms gradually, that is, after one trip to the forest, fill some part of the container, then collect more and add it there. This is done before filling the dishes. It is necessary to take into account that the violins will be ready for use no earlier than a month after laying the last layer.

Violin can be an excellent addition to the winter diet

How to determine the correct salting

After a week, you can determine the correctness of the process of salting the violins. To do this, take out several mushrooms, smell them and taste them. During normal salting, the smell should be sour and pleasant. The taste is moderately salty.

If there is not enough salt, then it can be added in the form of a solution of 1.5-2 tbsp. l. for 1 l cold water. The same should be done if there is insufficient amount of liquid formed above top layer mushrooms Normally, it should protrude by 1-2 cm.

A musty smell can also indicate under-salting. Another reason could be a violation temperature regime. Salted violins should be stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

Squeaky mushrooms are not as tasty and popular as their relatives, milk mushrooms. However, provided proper preparation, they can easily diversify their winter-spring diet.

Pickling violin mushrooms: video

Skripitsa is a conditionally edible mushroom, that is, one that requires specific processing to become edible. It belongs to the genus of laticifers, and the mushroom received its characteristic name due to the fact that when you touch the cap, it makes a creaking sound. Popularly, this mushroom is also called spurge, and in most civilized countries it is considered inedible, which, in general, is correct. This type of mushroom is quite common in Russia, it white with a large cap, which sometimes grows up to 25 centimeters in diameter. The cap is quite massive, a hole is formed in the center, and the cap is reddish in color. The leg is low and quite thick: usually 5 cm in height and the same in diameter.

The violin very rarely attracts the attention of insects or worms, just like the common one, so some mushroom pickers still collect it for further use. It reproduces by spores, which are located in the plates at the bottom of the cap.

The fact that violin is classified as a conditionally edible mushroom has come to us since the times of the USSR, where this mushroom was included in GOST as edible after pickling. However, most foreign mushroom pickers, as well as scientists, attribute it to exclusively inedible mushrooms, and, by and large, they are doing the right thing. Unlike milk mushrooms, violin does not have a pleasant taste; even after prolonged salting and boiling, it remains extremely mediocre in taste and very few people like it. Salting is necessary in order to get rid of violin juice, which can be considered conditionally poisonous; it has a very bitter and unpleasant taste.

The main purpose of pickling is to get rid of this juice by replacing it.

How to distinguish a milk mushroom and a violin

The violin is very similar in appearance to the milk mushroom, and in order to distinguish between these two types of mushroom, you need to take the mushroom, cut it a little and look at the juice that comes out. The juice that comes out of the violin, after drying, takes on a characteristic reddish tint. As for external differences, the violin has rather sparse plates at the bottom of the cap.

This mushroom prefers for its life mainly groves, birch or aspen. The mushroom is very sociable, grows mainly in fairly large groups, and loves sunlight very much, so you should look for it in clearings. The ground that the fiddler chooses to live is usually covered with leaves or moss. It is very often found next to aspen, and grows together with the roots of the tree and feels great. The ideal period for collecting these mushrooms is the beginning of autumn, from the beginning to the end of September, but in some regions of Belarus it can be collected even until October.

Composition of mushrooms

Violin contains a fairly high concentration of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. In particular, it contains calcium and potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. Despite the rather mediocre taste even after salting, the violin the right process cooking can become very useful. The fact is that its chemical composition includes quite a lot of useful biologically active substances that have a good effect on the human body. If you regularly consume these mushrooms, of course, properly prepared, this will help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also help reduce sugar levels, thereby improving the functioning and condition of the gastrointestinal tract. of cardio-vascular system. Also thanks to his chemical composition this mushroom is able to support the immune system, help the body fight inflammation and microbes, and acts as a.

Composition of violin (per 100 g)
46.19 g
5.08 g
48.73 g
Energy value22 kcal
92.45 g
3 mg
0.5 mg
9 mg
86 mg
318 mg
5 mg
0.52 mg
0.318 mg
0.047 mg
9.3 mcg
2.1 mg
0.081 mg
0.402 mg
3.607 mg
0.104 mg
17.3 mg
Betaine9.4 mg
0.04 µg
0.01 mg
0.2 mcg
0.05 g

How to cook a violin

Skripitsa is a conditionally edible mushroom, and in general, if you have a choice, it is better not to eat it. However, if you are a mushroom lover or want to experiment, remember that violin can only be consumed in its salted form. Before you start pickling this type of mushroom, they are immersed in water for several days, usually 5, changing the water periodically. If you want to speed up the cooking process, you need to pour boiling water over the violin, and drain the water several times a day and add boiling water again. In this case, 3 days are enough for the mushrooms to be ready for pickling.

Directly during pickling, you need to take a pan and put allspice on its bottom (some mushroom pickers also add currant leaves).

After this, you need to tightly lay the mushrooms with their caps down, and sprinkle each of them with salt, evenly and very carefully. For 1 kilogram of mushrooms you will need about 50 grams of salt, and after the layer of salt you need to cover the mushrooms with spices, cover the top with pressure and press down.

After just a few days, you will notice that the mushrooms have significantly decreased in size, but a few days are not enough for pickling. Depending on the size of the mushrooms, this process takes from one to two months, and also depends on the age of the mushroom.

If the violin is already quite old, it has very dense pulp, and it takes much more time to pickle it. After the pickling time, you can either eat the mushrooms or seal them in a jar.

It is best to store the finished pickling in the refrigerator or cellar at temperatures up to 15 degrees.

Use in medicine

The violin is even used in folk medicine: It is believed that if you take the fruiting body of this mushroom and make an extract from it, this will help relieve inflammation and act as a preventive measure for the formation of tumors. The violin is often used in Chinese traditional medicine: This is most often done externally to relieve pain in the limbs, improve the condition of tendons and bones, and also to treat lumbago.

Restrictions on use

The violin contains, among other things, some harmful substances, because of which fresh mushroom has a very bitter unpleasant taste.

But it’s not just a matter of taste - if you try to boil or fry this mushroom, the bitter taste will remain, and its use in food will cause an attack of vomiting, since the substances it contains irritate the gastric mucosa.

At the same time, the violin cannot be considered dangerous, since it does not cause any serious damage to organs or tissues, and does not even cause other symptoms of poisoning other than vomiting. However, it is clear that it should not be consumed either fresh or boiled or fried.