Anastasia Soltan. Anastasia Soltan: daughter of vice speaker Anastasia Soltan died on VKontakte

Galina Soltan, Anastasia Soltan’s aunt, the wife of Pavel Soltan’s brother, told Metro about the last few days of the girl who died on the evening of November 24. After a traffic accident in August 2016, in which her parents died, the series of terrible trials that befell the girl did not end.

In many ways, Galina Soltan confirmed the words of her close friends.

Nastya seemed to be smart, but sometimes she behaved like a 13-year-old girl, you could do whatever you wanted with her. Nastya was like a zombie, she drove her husband Alexei out of the hospital and did not want to communicate, recalls Galina Soltan.

Part of the reason for such discord was the money that was given to Nastya, and Alexey Plotnikov took it for the election campaign.

- He said: " I need to feed my family, I need to get elected!"Of course, he returned all the money, down to the penny, and didn’t take anything for himself. I came to Nastya several times at 9 in the morning and met Alexei at the hospital. He said: “ I don’t know what to do, she chases me away, says nasty things and calls security".

At some point, Alexey Plotnikov stopped communicating with Nastya and said: " I've been so covered in mud that I can't take it anymore", says Galina Soltan.

Galina often visited Nastya in the rehabilitation hospital.

She was in terrible condition, it was scary to look at her. I think it’s unlikely that anyone “helped” Nastya commit suicide; most likely, she did it of her own free will. Nastya had problems before. But on the last day before her death she said: " They won't wait for me to fold, I want to live". She meant her sister and husband. But left alone in the house, she, of course, could do it.

On the eve of these words, an incident occurred when Nastya and Veronica’s husband, Vyacheslav Koltsov, remained at home.
- Slava either asked her to do something or clean up after herself, in the spirit of: " If you are waiting for someone to serve you, go get it yourself". And she, of course, immediately burst into tears: " I don’t know what to do, but he says - so jump out the window". And she opened the window and stood up. Nastya said that Slava pulled her out of the window.

After this, says Galina Soltan, Nastya was sent to the Skvortsov-Stepanov hospital for four days, where they were going to inject the sedative Phenazepam.

The hospital said that Nastya was absolutely safe and wouldn’t do anything to herself. That she had no prerequisites for suicide was just a game for Nastya.

When Nastya ended up in a rehabilitation clinic, her aunt came to visit her. And the girl, to whom her husband brought things and a telephone, could no longer be within the walls of the clinic.

Nastya said: “I’m leaving here. I won’t lie here in this general ward, people complain that I don’t let them sleep at night. I walk around and cry.” And she began to pack her things. The nurse said that, of course, she would not let her go outside. Nastya called her friend Olesya and said: " I'm coming to you"Olesya, of course, could not leave her on the street and let her in. Nastya then said: " This mental hospital broke me, it's like being in prison".

On the topic " Death of Anastasia Soltan" details:

Anastasia Soltan's ex-husband Alexey Plotnikov said that she was observed by a psychologist for three years

The breakthrough occurred due to hydraulic tests. Photo: According to preliminary information, only cars were damaged.
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06/17/2019 GAZETA.SPb

Pavel Soltan was happy when, earlier this year, he youngest daughter Anastasia got married. No one knew then how quickly and horribly it would all end. Photos from social networks

A terrible tragedy on Butlerov Street: the youngest daughter of Pavel Soltan died

22-year-old Anastasia Plotnikova-Soltan left this world following her parents, having experienced several shocks during these months.

25.11.16 memory

Daughter deceased deputy Pavla Soltana, a survivor of a terrible August road accident, fell out of a window on her birthday. Anastasia was never able to recover from the tragedy and recent months spent her life in depression.

A terrible tragedy took place on Butlerov Street, 13, on the evening of November 24. Anastasia Plotnikova (nee Soltan) fell from the window of an apartment located on one of the top floors. The girl, who turned 22 that day, died on the spot. It has not yet been established whether this is a suicide or an accident. But the first option is more likely.

Anastasia was in the car with her parents during a terrible accident that occurred on a suburban highway near St. Petersburg on August 14 of this year. Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan, Nastya’s father, died immediately. Svetlana Soltan, Nastya’s mother, died in the hospital. The girl herself remained alive, but received severe injuries, completed a one and a half month rehabilitation course. After leaving the hospital and until this day, she walked on crutches.

Nastya was grieving the loss of her parents. In an interview with Life78 two days before her death, she formulated the main psychological problem, which she had to face: “I love my parents very much, they gave me a lot. But I am offended by them because they did not let me understand how I can live without them. How to live without them. And that life doesn’t end without them.”

On top of the trauma - physical and psychological - were other difficulties. Nastya filed for divorce from her husband, aspiring politician Alexei Plotnikov. On her social network page, she accused him of betrayal. According to her, her husband never visited her in the hospital, he was only concerned with elections (he ran for the State Duma and the Legislative Assembly, but was unable to get into either). In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, the girl directly stated that, in her opinion, her husband only needed money and connections of her deceased father.

It got to the point that Anastasia’s open letter to her husband appeared in the public space. It was filled with despair. The media reported that a few days before Nastya’s death, the divorce took place.

Nastya also quarreled with her older sister- Veronica. Veronica stated that Nastya does not want to undergo further rehabilitation, and this could result in lifelong lameness. She tried with all her might to pull her sister out of depression and convinced her to undergo rehabilitation. The media reported that on November 21, Nastya was actually forcibly admitted to the hospital. She escaped from there and received the keys to her parents' apartment from Veronica.

In any case, the drama on Butlerov Street was the result of a catastrophic psychological state a young girl who suffered several shocks at once. Unfortunately, there was no one nearby professional psychologist. Anastasia Plotnikova-Soltan experienced her tragedy almost completely alone. But the most unpleasant thing is that the children of Pavel and Svetlana Soltan were almost immediately forgotten by the politicians who made speeches and made promises on the day of the farewell.


The media is haunted by the story of Anastasia Soltan. I read here and there and decided to write it myself, in detail.
This girl committed suicide on November 24th. 2016 - jumped out of a window, unable to cope with post-traumatic syndrome. On this day she turned 22 years old. Why was the girl left alone on her birthday?

On August 14, 2016, she got into an accident with her parents. My father was driving the car. Her parents died, Nastya received broken legs, a tailbone, and other injuries, but survived.
However, she was unable to survive the depression - the result is known.
They say that Nastya was very attached to her parents and did not want to live alone. But her older sister Veronica lives separately with her husband and three children. Soltan promised to help them with a mortgage on their apartment.

Veronica - no own daughter Soltanu: he married a woman with a child. Veronica is 33 years old.

Pavel Soltan was a unique person. He was born in 1961. When he was 20 years old, he was hit by an electric train and lost his arms and legs. I was not able to find out at what level of amputations he had, but Soltan walked on prosthetics and had prostheses for both arms - cosmetic and active. With the help of active prostheses, he drove a car for 20 years. His car, a Toyota Verso, was converted for manual control. The brake lever, gas lever, plus traditional “turn signals” - all this was assembled around the steering wheel. Machine with automatic transmission, so Soltan at least didn't need a clutch and gear lever. It turns out that Pavel Soltan held the steering wheel with one hand, and with the other he controlled the speed, braked, turned on the turn signals, high and low beams.
However, he had accidents, and one was quite serious: his Zhiguli (Yeltsin gave it to Pavel) collided with a Kamaz - this was in the 90s.
And in the last accident he died. In the car he collided with, a young couple and their 10-month-old child were injured, but everyone survived, although the adults were badly injured.

This is the car that Soltan was driving.

He developed prosthetic hands himself. In 1988 he graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. From 1984 to 1998 he worked as a leading engineer at the Research Institute of Prosthetics.

From 1998 to 2007 - deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the second and third convocations in the 13th electoral district.

In March 2007, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the fourth convocation. Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on social issues, member of the standing commission on urban management, urban planning and land issues of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

Member of the council of the St. Petersburg branch of the A Just Russia party.

In December 2011, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fifth convocation. On January 18, 2012, he was elected by a majority vote as Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. This year, Soltan participated in another election campaign and most likely would have become a deputy again.

His wife and daughters worked with their father - he found some positions for them.

And his daughter Anastasia married Alexei Plotnikov in the summer. The wedding took place on June 5.

But in honeymoon the young people put it off: Alexey wanted to become a deputy and participated in the election campaign.

He was born in 1980 (that is, 14 years older than Nastya). Graduated from the Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEH" named after. D.F. Ustinov in 2007. Worked at Korvet-AVIK LLC, development director. He was involved in politics, was a deputy of the fifth convocation of the Municipal Council of the intra-city municipal district of Malaya Okhta on a non-permanent basis, was a member of A Just Russia and was a representative of this party in the DPR and in Syria.
Everyone believed that marrying Pavel Soltan’s daughter would significantly increase Plotnikov’s chances of becoming a deputy. I’ll say right away that he lost the election to someone from United Russia.

After the death of Pavel Soltan, the couple quickly divorced. Nastya was the initiator of the divorce. She complained that Alexey was busy participating in the elections instead of being with her in the hospital.

Let's see: the elections took place on September 18, and Nastya had an accident on September 14. It was the most difficult month for both of them: she suffered physically and mentally, and he had to meet with voters, etc.
Nastya said that Alexey visited her only once. He said that he always slept in the next room of her VIP ward. Who to believe? At the same time, Pavel, in an interview taken with him after Nastya’s death, said that he was not created to care for the sick - there are special people for this, and he had to take care of the future of the family and build a career.

The situation was aggravated by the fact that sister Veronica and her husband were opposed to Alexei. He didn't favor them either. Since they could be at the patient’s bedside more often, they said more bad things about Alexey, for example, that he married not so much Nastya as her father, so that he would help him with his career, and since there is no father, then he has a wife It’s not needed, especially since it’s all broken.

Who was more wrong here?
We won’t take social networks into account: I think they wrote different things there. But what was Sister Veronica thinking? It would seem that it was in her interests to try to save the family: after all, she did not have the opportunity to care for the sick. There is a husband - let him take care and provide.
Alexey behaved like a real bastard - there can’t be two opinions here. He, you see, was offended by his young wife, stood up and said: “Oh, if that’s the case, then please. You chose it yourself.” He insists that he returned the money. Oh, how noble!

Alexey is not a child: he is 14 years older! He must understand that there is responsibility. What kind of offense can there be against a young woman who has suffered terrible stress, lost both parents, and is in pain? It's just funny.

It’s a pity that the A Just Russia party keeps such people. It’s a pity that Sergei Mironov tolerates such a creature around him. If Alexey had been in the CPSU in the good old days, he would have been expelled or given a severe reprimand for such things, and he would have been right.

It seems that Alexey really didn’t love Nastya one bit, but still this is not a reason to act like this: do your duty, help her get on her feet, and then leave.
And she loved him.
Look at this photo

And to this

Why was she throwing tantrums? She had mental problems before. So, she has been visiting a psychologist for three years. But Alexey knew this - so what changed? She was probably spoiled and maladjusted. She probably should have been more cunning: feign optimism, take an interest in the elections, say that she was already fine.

She had to understand that she was left without defenders, that she had no one to rely on except her husband. Perhaps he understood this, but did not want such a life.

I think it was hard for her father, too, when he woke up from the accident without arms and legs. But he wanted to survive, he told himself that he would live as before and achieve everything that he would have achieved if he had been healthy. Why wasn't his resilience passed on to his daughter?
A sick person has no right to have a bad character or whims - everyone will quickly get tired of him and they will abandon him. You can be capricious if you are sick for a couple of days. But if you are serious and for a long time, then you need to behave completely differently: be friendly, take an interest in other people, don’t complain, bother them less with requests.

The father did not consider it necessary to teach his daughter what he could do himself: he thought that it would not be useful, that he would be nearby and lay out the straws.

Nastya had thoughts of death back in September. But she wanted to wait for the divorce so that she would not be buried under her husband’s name.

It is surprising that the girl was tormented by thoughts about money. She suspected that her husband wanted to rob her, there were also some quarrels with her sister over the inheritance, the sister suspected Nastya’s husband of self-interest. How people have changed!

The role of the older sister is also strange in this story. It is understood she has two young children and gave birth to a third in June. It is clear that Nastya is tired of her complaints. But this is a serious matter.

At first, Nastya underwent six operations. When the acute condition passed, she was discharged from the hospital. She needed to go to rehabilitation, but she didn’t want to. Veronica insisted. Almost by force, on November 11, Nastya was admitted to the hospital, but she did not like it there. She suffered from insomnia; there were 4 other women in the ward. A few days later, a friend, Olesya, took her from the hospital.
"My husband and I spent a month and a half trying to get her to go to rehabilitation and be able to get rid of crutches. Nastya was not interested in this, because... with crutches they feel more sorry for her. Yesterday in my post, I convincingly asked everyone not to interfere by giving cash with which she can escape from there. We love Nastya, worry about her and don’t want her to become disabled. And yet, there was a person who decided to save her from terrible exercises, massages, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and the pool. Apparently, at Olesya Nastin’s home, rehabilitation will be more effective and she will leave there without crutches. Nastya's stay in the hospital was fully paid for. Maybe we should use common sense and send her back to rehab?“- this is what Veronica Soltan wrote in Nastya’s blog.

On November 16, Nastya tried to jump out of the window.
“Don’t set foot in our house” will be said to anyone who demonstratively spites us (because we insist on rehabilitation) in front of our three small children, the art teacher will try to jump out the window from the 15th floor with the words: “Mom, dad, take me away from yourself!" I have to protect myself and my children", wrote Veronica Soltan on the social network.
And Nastya was taken to psychiatric hospital. Three doctors looked at Nastya after her first suicide attempt and said: “Everything is fine, she’s just a spoiled girl.”

On November 21, the divorce took place, at which Nastya was not present. On November 23, she somehow left the hospital.

After escaping, Anastasia Soltan went to see her friend, then went to the Legislative Assembly to meet with her father’s colleagues. She was taken from the Mariinsky Palace to her sister’s house. Anastasia went to the nearest McDonald's and called the Life78 publication from there - this division of the federal Life more actively covered her story than others - so that they would come and film how they were not giving her the keys to the apartment. Correspondent Nikita Pimenov came to McDonald's with a film crew. After this, Veronica Soltan’s husband gave Anastasia the keys, but warned the publication’s employees that if Anastasia was left alone, she might commit suicide..
Life78 employees came with Soltan to her apartment. They filmed a story in which Anastasia showed them the apartment, said that she wanted to go to the hospital again, and how she was offended by her parents for “not teaching them how to live without them.” The journalists left, leaving Soltan alone. The next evening she committed suicide.

The first, and so far the last, thing Veronica Soltan wrote after the death of her sister was an appeal to the audience of the social network. “I gave you the keys as you asked. Nastya is no longer alive. My God."

Apparently, it was better for everyone.

Here is the VKontakte page. Read it. People don’t like being upset like that: Everyone told Nastya that she needed to pull herself together and move on with her life. Really, what could be simpler?

Anastasia Deeva should deal with issues of European integration. As he stated on his Facebook page, in a number of functions Deeva outperforms many more senior specialists.

Before her death, Anastasia Soltan left farewell letter. “It’s a pity that there were people next to Anastasia who, in my opinion, gave her no best advice- file for divorce. This initiative of Anastasia together with her sister and husband

After the funeral of Anastasia Soltan, who fell from the window of the house where she lived with her parents before the tragedy, her ex-husband gave an interview to Life. Municipal council deputy Alexey Plotnikov spoke about his relationship with Nastya and her family.

Several days have passed since the death of the daughter of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, who died in an accident. Journalists contacted ex-husband Anastasia by Alexey Plotnikov, politician and member of the A Just Russia party. The man revealed the reasons why he decided to break up with his lover.

According to journalists, Anastasia jumped out of the window. The 22nd birthday was the girl’s last. She was never able to recover from the fatal accident that claimed the lives of her parents. Anastasia's sister tried to support her as best she could, but saved the victim terrible accident it didn't work out. 1 of 4 SLIDES © Provided by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Anastasia Soltan 2 of 4 SLIDES © Provided by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC After the accident, Anastasia learned to walk again 3 of 4 SLIDES © Provided by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Until recently, Anastasia was happily married 4 of 4 SLIDES © Provided by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Literally

Nastya Soltan writes on social networks: “I came home, to my home, to my parents. Pavel Mikhailovich's wife Svetlana also died in the accident. Their youngest daughter Anastasia Daughter of Legislative Assembly vice-speaker Pavel Soltan, who died in an accident: “My husband left me after the death of my father.”

Her death shocked everyone around her. Just the other day she insisted that she would live no matter what. The girls she knew tried to support her as best they could. They wrote encouraging comments to Anastasia, in which they advised her to move on and try not to

On last week the heiress of the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Pavel Soltan, who died as a result of an accident in August of this year, committed suicide. The girl had prolonged depression, which became the cause of suicide. A few days later, Soltan divorced Alexei Plotnikov. Anastasia stated that her husband turned his back on her. The victim of the tragedy said that ex-lover didn't even ask how she was feeling.

Journalists contacted ex-husband Anastasia by Alexey Plotnikov. The man openly spoke about what caused his divorce from the unfortunate girl. Plotnikov claims that Anastasia’s entourage insisted on this. Soltan’s relatives, Alexey is convinced, convinced her to go to court to file a divorce.

The heiress of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, who died in an accident, could not come to terms with the death of her parents. She had difficulty recovering from a terrible accident. The girl shared her thoughts in social networks. In a post made on the day of her death, Anastasia announced that she had finally visited her mother and father’s apartment. 1 of 3 SLIDES © Provided by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Anastasia Soltan 2 of 3 SLIDES © Provided by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Anastasia Soltan 3 of 3 SLIDES © Provided by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC After the accident, Anastasia Soltan learned to walk again On the night from Thursday to Friday 22 year old

Alexey Plotnikov will inherit Anastasia Soltan’s share and transfer it to Pavel Mikhailovich’s brother. Just recently it was a friendly and happy family: Pavel Mikhailovich Soltan, vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, his wife Svetlana, their common

Soltan himself and his wife Svetlana were killed. Anastasia, their youngest daughter, survived, although she received serious injuries. St. Petersburg media drew attention to Anastasia Soltan’s complaints about her husband. Moreover, with each new post, Anastasia’s accusations became

“It’s a pity that there were people next to Anastasia who gave her, in my opinion, not the best advice - to file for divorce. This initiative of Anastasia together with her sister and husband, which was carried out by a lawyer. Nastya did not come to court. And by coincidence, I myself was late for court. The only thing they asked me was: “Will you appeal the court’s decision?” But you won’t be nice by force. Fight for a person who says: “I don’t want to see you, don’t come here.” On my part, the conversation was short, which ended after handing over the money she asked for,” shared Alexey Plotnikov.

According to the former Ukrainian president, the referendum on the separation of Crimea from Ukraine was the result of a provocation by the Maidan, he believes former president country Viktor Yanukovych. “The mood in Crimea became radicalized after the Maidan. People decided to seek protection from Russia, a real atmosphere was created for holding a referendum,” RIA Novosti quotes Yanukovych as saying at a press conference in Rostov-on-Don. According to the ex-president, the fact that Crimea separated from Ukraine, this is, of course, bad.

Journalists contacted Anastasia's ex-husband Alexei Plotnikov, a politician and member of the A Just Russia party. The girl had prolonged depression, which became the cause of suicide. A few days later, Soltan divorced Alexei Plotnikov.

The accident, which claimed the lives of the vice-speaker of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan and his wife, became fatal for the entire family of the politician. Her life was truly the envy of many girls. Loving family, young handsome husband, huge plans for the future.

Soltan's ex-husband said that close friend Marina Parfenova's family urged him to protect his wife from his sister's influence. According to a friend deceased Pavel Soltana, Veronica was jealous of her sister and mother, so she hated her.

Plotnikov is also sure that Anastasia behaved this way on purpose so that those around her would feel sorry for her. It was for this purpose, the man says, that the girl wrote heartbreaking posts. Alexey believes that the victim of the tragedy depended on the likes and comments that were left for her on the Internet. After Anastasia gave an interview in which she spoke negatively about her loved ones, they began to condemn her on social networks. “That is, it was no longer support, but criticism. Perhaps she could not stand this criticism,” the ex-lover of the deceased told

Note that in her last interview, Soltan openly spoke about the quarrel with her sister and her husband. Anastasia accused Veronica and Vyacheslav Koltsov of depriving her of the keys to her parents’ apartment and protecting her from communication with the outside world, confiscating her money and phone. If you analyze Soltan’s latest publications on social networks, it becomes clear that she was in conflict with Veronica’s husband and called him a tyrant. The victim of the tragedy also said that she did not receive funds from her father’s friends allocated for her treatment and rehabilitation.

Peskov explained why Navalny cannot become a presidential candidate.
According to current legislation, citizens found guilty of criminal offenses cannot participate in presidential elections, explained the press secretary of the head of state. As Peskov explained, according to current legislation, citizens found guilty of criminal offenses cannot participate in presidential elections. “People who have lost their rights under our legislation really cannot participate in presidential elections,” said the press secretary of the Russian head of state.

Legislative Assembly of the city of Pavel Soltan Anastasia. It was previously reported that on her 22nd birthday - on the evening of November 24 - beautiful and, until recently, very happy girl“came out of the window” of the 12th floor of a building in the Akademicheskaya metro area.

As many St. Petersburg media write, her father was a deputy who was loved and appreciated by people because he helped them with their real problems and was a sympathetic person.

At that moment, her husband, with whom she had gotten married 2 months before the tragedy, left her. A number of media outlets in St. Petersburg write that, apparently, on the part of Alexei Plotnikov, this was a marriage of convenience - the young man was running for deputy and, perhaps, hoped that Anastasia’s father would help him make a political career.

However, after his death in a car accident, if the husband appeared in the hospital, he was rude and rude to his wife, which aggravated her already difficult moral state. Nastya wrote about this on social networks at the end of September.

As a result, she filed for divorce, accusing her husband of careerism and misappropriation of money given to him for the wedding, writes the Life 78 portal. Recently, the court decided to divorce the couple.

In addition, according to local journalists, difficult experiences due to the death of beloved parents and divorce from her husband were layered with difficult relationship with her older sister Veronica and her husband.

Nastya was offended that they sent her to the hospital for rehabilitation, taking away her money, keys to the apartment, iPhone and computer. Veronica argued that this was necessary for the good of her sister, since she had previously tried to commit suicide.

According to the sister of the deceased, the day before the tragedy, Anastasia decided not to undergo rehabilitation. Later, Veronica gave her the keys to her parents' apartment. As Neva Today writes, in last days During the girl's life, representatives of the media often visited her, and not everyone was correct in their publications.

"Representatives of some media tactlessly used depressive state Anastasia, gained her confidence and misinterpreted her words, not forgetting to comment on the appearance of her apartment,” the publication writes.

Meanwhile, perhaps the final motives for Nastya’s action can be understood precisely from press publications. In her last interview, Anastasia admitted: she is offended by her parents because they “didn’t teach us how to live without them,” Gazeta.Ru reports.

“I’m now confused in this world, a big reassessment has happened for me,” the girl said shortly before the fatal step.

Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg will provide all necessary assistance in organizing the funeral of Anastasia Soltan, the press service of the chamber told Interfax. Parliament is also ready to provide support eldest daughter deceased deputy Pavel Soltan Veronica.