Certificate of acceptance hydraulic pressure test. Report on conducting pneumatic testing of the pressure pipeline for strength and tightness

Water supply and sewerage I'm looking for a hydraulic test report for a pressure water pipeline. ACT of hydraulic testing of the system 1. The thirty-year-old SNiP provides data for outdated plumbing fixtures, more modern samples. Samples of as-built surveys of completed constructive ones. The pipeline is considered to have passed the preliminary hydraulic test if no ruptures of pipes or joints are detected under the test pressure. ACT ON CONDUCTING ACCEPTANCE HYDRAULIC TESTING OF GRAFT-PRESSURE PIPELINE FOR TIGHTNESS City 19

The hydraulic test report of the heating system is the result of pressure testing. Report of hydraulic testing of pipelines. Stadium St. Petersburg Arena. After preliminary flushing of the water supply system and its hydraulic testing, a report on the hydraulic testing of the pipeline is drawn up. SNiP Testing of pipelines and structures. EXAMPLE OF EXECUTION OF A FIRE WATER PIPEL TEST REPORT FOR

Act hydraulic tests plumbing must. Simplified pipeline hydraulic test report. Certificate of hydraulic testing of external heating networks. According to SNiP Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings. Commission included. Filling out a water supply testing report

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Certificate of individual testing of equipment. State sanitary supervision. Form of the act on carrying out an acceptance hydraulic test of the pressure pipeline for strength and tightness SNiP, Appendix 1 of the ACT. Hydraulic test report for water supply system, example of filling. The responsible commission certifies the act with its signatures if shortcomings are identified. Installation work, a hidden work report and a hydraulic test report are carried out by us in accordance with all building codes and regulations.

Hydraulic test certificate for the system 2. We will provide service organizations with a correctly completed sample pipeline pressure test report. Form of act for hydraulic testing of pipelines and heat exchangers. Here you can download the form for the hydraulic test of the heating system and you will find brief information about the process of conducting such tests.

After all installation work on the arrangement of water supply communications has been completed, it is necessary to conduct a final test of the entire system in order to put it into operation in proper form. Tests are carried out to identify possible defects in the operation of communications and their subsequent elimination. Stages of verification work and full information according to it are entered into the form of the act approved by SNiP. A sample or example of a document can be seen in our material below.

Find out how to correctly fill out the water supply system testing document form and what such work entails in our article.

Important: tests of the finished internal water supply system are in most cases carried out hydraulically using large quantity water pressure above the general average. If you have to test the external water supply, then at a temperature of +5 degrees you can still use the hydraulic method, and at lower temperatures, use the pneumatic method (inflating the communication with air under high pressure). Both methods are called pipe crimping in professional circles.

Before performing testing (pressure testing) of a finished water pipeline, you must stock up on a report form in which all important data will be entered. The act is an official document from Appendix 1 of SNiP 3.05.04-85. The title of the document sounds like “Act on conducting an acceptance hydraulic test of a pressure pipeline for strength and tightness.”

The very first information that needs to be entered into the document is the city in which the testing work is being carried out and the date of the event. Below is a list of commission members who will test the internal/external water pipeline system.

As a rule, the commission should include:

  • A representative of the organization that installed all communications;
  • Representative from the service technical supervision customer;
  • Person representing the operating organization.

Moreover, it is worth registering the organization that the commission member represents, his position in it, and his last name with initials.

Below you must indicate detailed information about the tested object. That is, enter its full name (you can take it from project documentation), indicate the numbers of pickets located at the boundaries of the facility, the total length of the water pipeline and its diameter, as well as the material from which the communication is installed and the pipe joints are made.

This is the “hat” official document is considered completely filled.

Carrying out system testing

  • So, during the check, the water flow from each plumbing point is taken into account. It should be at least 0.2 liters per second.
  • It is worth considering the water supply pressure. This is especially important for the highest water intake points. In this case, the pressure should be at least 2-3 meters.
  • It is also worth checking the compliance of the parameters of the entire system according to the design documentation. Here they check the length, diameter of the pipeline, as well as the materials from which it is made.
  • Visual initial inspection of external and internal communications also allows you to avoid strong gusts of the system as a result of testing.
  • Pressure testing of a water supply system involves supplying water under high pressure to the system. Testing time is at least 10 minutes. The pressure when supplying water to the system should be one and a half times higher than the maximum permissible for a particular communication.

Example: household water supply can withstand a maximum gauge pressure of 0.45 MPa or just 45 meters of water column. Therefore, to test such sewerage and water supply systems, it is necessary to apply a gauge pressure equal to 0.675 MPa or simply 67.5 meters of water column.

Testing is considered successful if no leaks or ruptures in the water supply (sewer) pipeline are detected under the influence of water.

Further filling out the act

  • After the pressure testing has been carried out, it is necessary to enter data on the nominal gauge pressure for a specific communication and data on the gauge pressure used in testing into the communication leak test report.
  • It is also worth indicating the brand of pressure gauge that was used to test and measure the pressure readings in the system at the time of the test. Here you must specify the height of the location measuring instrument relative to the axis of the pipes.
  • Another parameter that must be included in the leak test report for water supply or sewerage is the time during which the communication was leaked.
  • Further, the document indicates to what nominal value the pressure was reduced after the test. Lastly, members of the commission inspect the pipeline and sewerage and record the results in the report.

Important: the document should include all stages of communication research that were applied to a specific communication (did the pressure decrease periodically when water was supplied, was the water pressure changed, etc.).

  • If there were no violations in the tightness of the water supply/sewage system, then in the “Check Results” column it is written down that at the time of the check no leaks or ruptures were found.
  • Below is the item “Decision of the Commission”. If the tests are successful, the commission issues permission to put the water supply system into operation.
  • Below, all members of the commission must put their signatures indicating their last name and initials, as well as their positions.

Upon completion of the installation of engineering systems, interested parties must sign the appropriate document - an inspection report for hidden work. Acts can be signed by representatives of the installation organization, general contractor, technical and architectural supervision, representatives of the Customer, representatives of the design organization, representatives of the operation service, authorized persons and others.

Certifies that the relevant engineering system is installed in accordance with the design. The act indicates what work has been submitted for inspection, who carried out the detailed design, materials and equipment used during installation, the start and end dates of the work, the commission’s decision to accept the work and permission for further repair and construction work. If deviations from the project occurred during installation, this is also reflected in the act.

The hydraulic test certificate confirms that the test was carried out and the system passed it. Hydraulic tests are carried out in accordance with building codes and regulations.
Heating and water supply systems are tested using the hydrostatic or manometric method in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85 (internal sanitary systems). The hydrostatic method is more preferable. The test is carried out at a pressure equal to 1.5 times the maximum operating pressure. For different heating and water supply materials, the test time is different, but in any case not less than 10 minutes.

The water supply system is considered to have passed the test if, within 10 minutes of being under test pressure using the hydrostatic test method, no pressure drop of more than 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf/cm²) and drops in welds, pipes, threaded connections, fittings and water leaks through flushing devices.
For a heating system, the pressure drop should not exceed 0.02 MPa (0.2 kgf/cm²).

Internal sewerage test is carried out by pouring water by simultaneously opening 75% of the sanitary fixtures connected to this section of the sewer system. The system is considered to have passed the test if no leaks are detected through the walls of the pipelines and through the joints. Testing of internal drains is carried out by filling them with water to the highest point. The test time must be at least 10 minutes. The test is considered successful if no leaks are found during inspection and the water level in the risers has not decreased.


Installation work, act of hidden work and the hydraulic test certificate are carried out by us in accordance with all building codes and regulations. When contacting “construction teams” and private craftsmen, you will not receive any agreed-upon working documentation, nor correctly completed installation and as-built diagrams, nor test reports on the actual work performed. Therefore, you will not receive any guarantees for installation work. As a rule, private teams do not have the qualifications, experience and knowledge to perform engineering and technical support of work. There are often cases when these unfortunate installers are not even able to speak Russian. What kind of compliance with building codes and regulations can we talk about? Therefore, if you want engineering systems to work correctly, last a long time and not cause you unnecessary trouble, contact qualified specialists.

The Kraft company guarantees high quality works, clear documentary support for installation and design, and most importantly, attentive attitude towards you!

After finishing installation work Pressure pipelines for water supply and, if necessary, sewerage must be tested for strength and tightness. Based on the results of hydraulic tests, a report is drawn up in the form provided by SNiP 3.05.04-85 “External networks and structures of water supply and sewerage.” The full name of the act is an act on conducting an acceptance hydraulic test of the pressure pipeline for strength and tightness. It is worth noting that a report in the above form is drawn up both during preliminary and during acceptance hydraulic testing.

Certificate of hydraulic testing of pipelines We start filling out by entering data about the location of the test (name settlement), as well as the date of approval of the act. Next, we enter information about the composition of the acceptance committee. The commission should include representatives of the construction and installation organization, technical supervision of the customer, and operating organization. You can find out more about the system of relationships between participants in the construction process. For each member of the commission, we enter the following data into the act: name of the organization and position, surname and initials of the representative.

At the next stage of filling out the act, we indicate the name of the object (information about the name is found in the project or construction permit), the numbers of pickets on the boundaries of the test site, the length of the site, the diameter and material of pipes and butt joints.

1. We indicate the operating pressure of the pipeline (we take information from the project) and test pressure (we take information from the project, or in case of its absence, we calculate it according to tables 4 and 5 from SNiP 3.05.04-85 for testing for tightness and strength, respectively).

2. We put it in certificate of hydraulic testing test pressure gauge data. It is necessary to indicate the accuracy class of the pressure gauge, the upper limit of measurements, the scale division value of the pressure gauge, as well as the height of the pressure gauge relative to the axis of the pipeline. In accordance with SNiP 3.05.04-85, only certified pressure gauges with an accuracy class of at least 1.5 with a scale for a nominal pressure of about 4/3 of the test pressure can be used for hydraulic tests.

3. We calculate the readings of pressure gauges for the values ​​of the working and test pressure of the pipeline indicated above in the report. We calculate the readings using the formulas specified in the act.

4. According to table 6 from SNiP 3.05.04-85 we derive and enter into hydraulic test report sample, which is presented on this page, the permissible flow rate of pumped water, first per 1 kilometer of pipeline, and then per length of the tested section.

5. We describe the process of conducting hydraulic strength tests, indicating the previously calculated values ​​of test and operating pressure, the time during which the test pressure was maintained, and the results of inspecting pipelines for ruptures and leaks.

6. We describe the process of conducting hydraulic tests for tightness, indicating the test pressure for tightness, the start and end time of the test, the duration of the test, data on the water level in measuring barrels at the beginning and end of the test, data on the pressure gauge readings on the decrease in pressure in the pipeline at the end of the test, the volume of water required to restore the pressure to the test pressure, the amount of water flow pumped into the pipeline during the test. The ΔP value should be taken in accordance with Table 4 from SNiP 3.05.04-85. It should also be noted that the value of the test pressure for tightness P g should not exceed the value of the acceptance test pressure of the pipeline for strength P i.

If the flow rate of pumped water does not exceed the permissible flow rate of pumped water for a test section of 1 km or more in length, which are indicated in Table 6 from SNiP 3.05.04-85, then such a pipeline is recognized as having passed the preliminary and acceptance hydraulic tests for tightness.

Based on the results obtained, the commission makes a decision whether the pipeline has passed the hydraulic tests or not.

After testing is completed hydraulic test report signed by all members of the commission. Changing the form of the act and deviations from it are not allowed.

As you can see, the filling process hydraulic test certificate It’s not complicated, and if you still have questions, feel free to ask them in the comments, and we will try to answer them promptly. Be sure to subscribe to our resource at in social networks, and be among the first to receive new recommendations on maintaining executive documentation.

(name of company,

position, surname, acting name)

surname, acting name)

have drawn up this act on conducting a pneumatic test for the strength and tightness of the pressure pipeline section ________________



object and numbers of pickets on its borders)

Pipeline length _______ m, pipe material ___________, pipe diameter

Mm, joint material _______

The value of the internal design pressure in the pipeline P r is equal to _________ MPa (______ kgf/cm 2).

To test the strength, the pressure in the pipeline was increased to ________ MPa (______ kgf/cm2) and maintained for 30 minutes. No violations of the pipeline integrity were found. After this, the pressure in the pipeline was reduced to 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf/cm2) and the pipeline was maintained under this pressure for 24 hours.

After the end of the pipeline's conditioning, the initial test pressure P n = 0.03 MPa (0.3 kgf/cm2) was set in it. This pressure corresponds to the reading of the connected liquid pressure gauge P n = _________ mm water column (or in mm kerosene column - when filling the pressure gauge with kerosene).

Test start time ____ h ____ min, initial barometric pressure P b n = _______ mm Hg. The pipeline was tested under this pressure for _____ hours. After this time, the test pressure in the pipeline P k = ____ mm water column was measured. (___ mm ker. st.). In this case, the final barometric pressure P b k = ____ mm Hg. Art.

Actual amount of pressure reduction in the pipeline

R = (R n - R k) + (R b n - R b k) = _________ mm water. Art.,

which is less than the permissible pressure drop in Table 6* (= 1 for water and = 0.87 for kerosene).

Commission decision

The pipeline is recognized as having passed the pneumatic test for strength and tightness.

Representative of construction and installation

no organization __________________


Technical supervision representative

customer __________________


Representative of the operating authority

nization __________________




Certificate of acceptance hydraulic testing of a free-flow pipeline for leaks

City __________________ " " _____________ 19 _____

Commission consisting of representatives:

construction and installation organization ____________________________

(name of company,

Technical supervision order-

position, surname, acting name)


(name of organization, position, surname, acting name)

operating organization _____________________________________

(name of organization, position,


surname, acting name)

have drawn up this act on conducting an acceptance hydraulic test of a section of a free-flow pipeline ______________________

(Object name


numbers of pickets on its borders, length and diameter)

The groundwater level at the location of the upper well is at a distance of ________ m from the top of the pipe in it at a depth of pipes (to the top) of ________ m.

The pipeline was tested __________________________

(specify together or

By _________________________________

separately from wells and chambers) (specify test method -


adding water to the pipeline or inflow groundwater into it)

Hydrostatic pressure of ______ m of water. Art. Created by filling with water ______________________________________________

(indicate the number of the well or the riser installed in it)

In accordance with table 8* permissible volume added to the pipelinewater, groundwater inflow per 10 m of pipeline length during the test

(cross out what is not necessary)

30 minutes is equal to ________ liters. Actual during the test, the volume of added water, the influx of groundwater amounted to __________ liters, or in

(cross out what is not necessary)

recalculated per 10 m of pipeline length (taking into account testing together with wells and chambers) and the duration of the test for 30 minutes amounted to ________ liters, which is less than the permissible flow rate.