What does the yellow color of a person's aura mean?

When presenting a bouquet or basket with yellow flowers, you may receive bewilderment instead of admiration. However, if you want to give a nice gift and expect warm, sincere words in response, when composing, focus on the meaning of yellow flowers.

Yellow flowers and symbols

According to the language of flowers, bouquets are not at all a sign of fading feelings. On the contrary, they are given when the relationship has entered a phase of stability. The love that reigns in the heart of a gentleman who gives his lady a sunny bouquet is characterized by strength and sincerity.

It is curious that under Catherine the Second there was a “Register”, according to which yellow symbolized warmth and intelligence. Most often, they are chosen as a gift by strong and positive individuals with a cheerful character, who do not care about life’s hardships.

IN Japanese culture Yellow bouquets are given if they wish the recipient well. This color is in the Country rising sun symbolizes light. The bright sunny shade is especially loved in the UK, where traditional cloudy days. Yellow color also symbolizes wealth and success.

Who can you give a yellow bouquet to?

Flowers of joyful and bright colors are usually given as gifts and young girls. But yellow flowers can also add color to a beautiful composition or wedding.

The secret language of flowers needs to be interpreted separately in relation to specific plant species. For example, yellow bouquets of tulips are given if a person experiences strong feeling, and not received reciprocity. Tulips can also speak of admiration for a loved one. Yellow orchids symbolize joy, and sunny chrysanthemums speak of prosperity, roses - of wealth, happiness, and joy. Therefore, wishing to a loved one all the best, be sure to choose flowers of a sunny shade - as part of a bouquet or separately.

The lily also carries an emotional meaning, and this flower is twofold, because it can tell both about gratitude and about frivolity and lies. A yellow carnation can mean disappointment and even neglect. The sunflower symbolizes purity of thoughts.

When choosing a bouquet of flowers or a floral arrangement, be sure to consult with a specialist, whether yellow is appropriate in this case or whether it should be replaced with another shade. Don’t forget about the harmony of the bouquet and the combination of different shades.

It is traditionally believed that when composing a bouquet it is important not only to choose the plants themselves, but also to choose the right one color scheme future composition. In theory, knowledge of the symbolism of color should help to compose a bouquet correctly, i.e., according to this symbolism.

However, in practice, we immediately want to refute the statement about the importance of observing symbolism. For example, that a certain color is given only at a certain age, that there are only male flowers and only female ones, etc. We at Yana Flowers do not give special significance the color of plants and their symbolism, because each plant and flower is beautiful in its own way, especially when combining colorful plants in European bouquets. We are adherents of the idea - down with stereotypes. It is not so important what color symbolizes what, in contrast to the beauty and aesthetics of the final result. It is much more pleasant to collect bouquets to suit the recipient’s character than to select certain colors according to “book recommendations”.

Of course, there are generally accepted meanings for color. But, friends, the meaning of the color of a bouquet always pales in comparison with the sign of attention shown through this bouquet. And believe me, the recipient (if he is in his right mind) absolutely doesn’t care what color the plant you gave him is. He's just pleased! :)

But let’s still touch on generally accepted norms:

Red flowers

Probably the most common. Red is love and passion, strength and power. Red flowers are often given to lovers and loved ones. But who believes in this? They are given to everyone, let's be honest with our reader) A bouquet of red roses or red tulips can be given for a birthday, can be given as a prize, or as a gift to a work colleague or business partner in the form of a business bouquet.

White flowers

White is purity, innocence, infallibility, the beginning of something new. That is why many bridal bouquets are white- This is a tribute to the traditions of symbolism.

Yellow flowers

In Russian-speaking countries this is the most controversial color. Is yellow really the color of separation? Of course not. All this is the influence of pop culture on people's minds. Let’s all say thank you to Natasha Koroleva for her song masterpiece. Do adults really seriously think that yellow tulips are harbingers of separation? Yellow is the color of life, the color of sun and wealth, the color of joy and happiness. Therefore, a bouquet of yellow flowers can be given to absolutely any person to whom you want to devote a piece of your attention. A cheerful yellow bouquet can bring joy to anyone at any time of the year; children will especially like yellow flowers.

Pink flowers

They symbolize youth, tenderness, youthful dreams. Pink flowers According to the rules, they are given only to young girls and girls. A bouquet of pink spray roses or pink gillyflower can be given to a potential girlfriend/boyfriend.

Blue flowers

This is romance and harmony, calm and melancholy, infinity. Flowers blue According to the letter of the rules, you should not give it as a gift for an anniversary, wedding or official event.

Orange flowers

This is joy and warmth, strength and wealth. Orange plants improve your mood and create a feeling of celebration and success. But so are the yellow ones.

Purple flowers

This is dignity and luxury, as well as wisdom. A bouquet of dark purple orchids should emphasize the sexuality of a woman. But the light purple color is a symbol of friendliness and modesty.

Green flowers

Green is the color of relaxation, the color of spiritual harmony, a natural color. The color of spring and the most pleasant color for human eyes. Bouquets with a lot of greenery look fresh and create a relaxing atmosphere.

Black flowers

Always identified with sadness and grief. It is not customary to give bouquets of dark shades for festive events. But if the holiday bouquet contains several dark plants, nothing bad will happen.

What would you like to say about the color of plants in the end?

Give each other any flowers for no reason! After all, it is not so important what and to whom you give, if you do it from the heart and with the best intentions. In the Yana Flowers workshop we work with almost all the colors of the rainbow and never worry about whether the imposed symbol is suitable this plant for the recipient. Will do. Firstly, because each flower is beautiful in its own way. Secondly, because we make gorgeous bouquets. :) We constantly combine and experiment with flowers and plant varieties, so each of our new bouquets is different from the previous one. Trust our experience, the emotions of receiving a gift are much more important than any stereotypes in floristry.

By the way, wedding bouquets of white flowers are far from the most popular order among brides, let us tell you a big secret. Violet, pink, red and yellow shades are in fashion.

We ourselves create the world we live in, so be bold, experiment with color and don’t listen to newspaper scribblers teaching you how to live! :)

Yellow– is basic, because it demonstrates the personality’s need for disclosure. And everyone knows that it is through creative disclosure that happiness can be achieved, positive emotions and find hope. Yellow seems to look into the future, giving relaxation and freedom, a life in which there are no difficulties with restrictions.

You can learn a more detailed description of the yellow tint in psychology from this material.

People have been studying the characteristics of flowers since ancient times. They found a connection with the otherworldly natural phenomena, and then - with divine entities.

Yellow was one of the most saturated shades, which was distinguished by its own meaning. At first, the yellow tint corresponded to frozen sunlight, autumn and harvest fields. However, at the same time, he personified illness, death and the other world.

Initially, this shade symbolized power and divine power; for this reason, the robes of most mythical deities were yellow.

For example, the ancient Greek god of the Sun Helios traveled to people, sitting exclusively on a solar-colored chariot, which was illuminated in yellow. And among the Hindus, the supreme deity Vishnu dressed in yellow robes. The cosmic egg of the main god Brachna was also golden.

The Chinese deity who created the kingdom of dragons had a similar appearance. Because of this, in the Chinese Empire, the yellow tint was associated with imperial power and commoners did not have the right to wear clothes of this color.

For the ancient Egyptians, the yellow tint symbolized the Sun and eternity; for this reason, the priests painted themselves with it when they performed various mystical rituals.

And the ancient Egyptian god Ptah, who, according to ancient legends, created this world, was often depicted on a golden background. The divine Amonn-Ra was personified with a yellow solar disk. In addition, the lemon color represented the main attribute of the god Horus, and the goddess of love, Hathor, was known as the “Golden Goddess.”

The yellow color acquired maximum symbolism of the king’s power and his power during the reign of the famous “Sun King” Louis XIV. However, its perception began to become negative already from the eighteenth century - the shade began to symbolize illness (jaundice and plague), as well as betrayal and deceit.

What does yellow symbolize today?

For the most part, the yellow tint has a positive beginning. The association of soft yellow is daylight, sunshine, warm energy and summer.

The yellow-orange color of a magical golden hue symbolizes wealth, success and prosperity. But the most basic meaning of this shade, of course, is activity. Due to its bright and rich energy, color can literally inspire you to commit different actions, activates the movement process and gives energy.

At the same time, rich yellow also has negative properties. So, for example, its blinding radiance often associates greed and stinginess. Also, yellow can often tell about jealousy, envy and meanness. In addition, many call it the color of treason and betrayal. Residents of some Asian countries associate death and mourning with yellow.

What does yellow mean in psychology?

Psychologists primarily call yellow responsible for intellectual activity. According to numerous studies, it has been found that given color has an activating effect on those areas of the brain that are associated with memory and thinking.

Scientists have proven that as a result of regular moderate perception of the color yellow, mental performance increases, a person remembers more information, plus the speed of mental operations increases.

Based on this information, psychology experts were able to establish that the yellow color provides easier and effective training. This color feature can be used when you are decorating the interior, for example, of your child’s room or for a classroom at the university.

In addition, psychologists actively use the yellow tint in therapeutic therapy. This color helps eliminate chronic fatigue, apathy, psycho-emotional exhaustion and even lungs. depressive states. It also has a positive effect on the digestive and nervous systems.

But a lemon tint can be both beneficial and harmful. For example, in large quantities yellow color causes hidden pathologies of the nervous system, in particular psychiatric disorders (for example, schizophrenia).

How is the “yellow wizard” useful for people?

Yellow color has many valuable properties, namely:

  • normalizes weight (strengthens the production of digestive juice, which is necessary for digestion);
  • helps cleanse the human body of toxins;
  • It is recommended to wear yellow things for those individuals who suffer from insecurity own strength, because it increases self-esteem. He also changes the phrases “impossible” to “possible,” which makes a person even more confident in his own abilities. It is not surprising that fans of this shade are distinguished by adequate self-esteem, and also by activity and activity.

Those who prefer to focus on yellow have a well-developed sixth sense, they like to bask in public attention. In addition, yellow provides vigor and mobility, teaches quick decision-making and better understanding of other people.

Characteristics of different shades of yellow

Yellow is presented in a fairly wide color palette, which should be given special attention:

  • honey tone (a combination of brown and yellow) - symbolizes the need to be happy;
  • yellow-red - indicates destruction, impulsiveness and spontaneity. But on the other hand, it will also tell about joyful emotions;
  • Those people who give their preference to the lemon yellow color have unconventional thinking, are very critical and insightful. But they suffer from sexual disorders;
  • fans of the pale yellow color are afraid of responsibility;
  • and if you are crazy about the brown-yellow shade, you need pleasure and simple human happiness;
  • When considering the golden color, it must be said that it fills a person with wisdom, new experience, psychological maturity and vitality. Negatives medals - leads to dishonor and limitation. Be that as it may, gold has always pleased the human eye, which can give most people some sense of happiness.

Scientific experts are confident that it is the yellow color that helps awaken people's intellectual interest in objective reality. Most likely, this is why it is not liked by those who like to drink alcohol. But, you need to take into account the fact that the shade of lemon often leads to dizziness and hallucinations.

In the body, this color is assigned to the gastrointestinal tract. It is for this reason that it is recommended to be used when the stomach, spleen, liver and gallbladder. Are you on a diet? In this case, you should stock up on something yellow - mugs, plates, cups, napkins or saucers. Yellow color successfully eliminates constipation.

Impact of yellow color on human health

Yellow objects are visually associated with lungs. This shade helps to expand the space: such an object always looks large, but weightless. Also, all yellow things seem visually dry and warm. It is for this reason that a yellow chair, for example, will help you warm up faster than the same chair, but of a different color.

What's wrong with this shade? As we mentioned earlier, in increased quantities the yellow tint tends to tire: it makes you want to run away and hide. And a long stay in a yellow room can lead to headaches. Interaction with cold yellow tones leads to vomiting and nausea. But in general, an excess of lemon tint provokes neuroses, aggression and anxiety.

Now you know what the yellow tint means in psychology, for which personalities it is attractive, and also what the dangers of its excessive use are.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Yellow attracts the eye, and the lips involuntarily part in a smile from a completely childish feeling of lightness and anticipation of the holiday.

What is so attractive about this color? Maybe the fact that he is associated with gold and sunlight? Or the reason for this perception is much deeper.

This color belongs to the long-wave, “warm” part of the spectrum, but it is on the very border of active colors, which include red and orange. Therefore, its stimulating effect is less pronounced; it acts as a light tonic, invigorates, but does not “torpedo” physiological processes. Nevertheless, the invigorating effect of yellow is clearly visible:

  • it stimulates the activity of the nervous system, helping with apathy and depression;
  • improves vision;
  • activates motor centers;
  • increases muscle tone;
  • slightly lowers blood pressure;
  • optimizes heart function and breathing.

It’s not without reason that they say that when surrounded by the color yellow, a person wants to move, and not just move, but joyfully, childishly jump and run.

One of the features of the physiological effects of yellow is the improvement of appetite. Therefore, if you do not want to overeat, then you should not overuse this color in the kitchen.

As studies have shown, yellow very well performs the function of nourishing the nervous system; it is useful for children, adults weakened by illness, and in the spring, when our body suffers not only from vitamin deficiency, but also.

Psychology of yellow perception

Colors have the strongest influence on the sphere of emotions, forcing a person to experience certain feelings. Yellow awakens a positive mood in people, but at the same time promotes a frivolous attitude towards reality.

This color evokes the need for communication, but the topics that we choose under its influence cannot be called serious. This is light chatter and non-committal conversations. And the thoughts in my head become light, like flying in sun rays dandelion fluff.

However, lightness of thoughts is a very useful side effect yellow color. It awakens in people curiosity, a thirst for new things and the need to comprehend this new thing. Therefore, the yellow color in the interior of the room stimulates educational process. True, there should not be too much of it so as not to overload the vision and nervous system.

The visual effect created by the color yellow is interesting. Objects painted with it seem to protrude and move towards us from the surrounding space. Therefore, yellow is often used in advertising, in the design of product packaging and in the coloring of road signs.

At the same time, the abundance of yellow color quickly tires the nervous system, an enthusiastic, high mood turns into irritation and unmotivated anger. A room with yellow walls and curtains seems spacious and filled with sunlight, but after a while a person begins to feel tired and headache. Increased tone, supported by the color yellow, leads to an overload of our psyche, and we want to quickly leave the room decorated in this color.

Who chooses yellow?

The phenomenon has been well studied by psychologists and physiologists, and choosing a favorite color can tell a lot about a person. So, yellow warm shades are liked by cheerful, active, slightly frivolous people.

  • They are cheerful, active and success-oriented, but try not to overwork themselves and choose activities that give them pleasure.
  • Those who prefer yellow love freedom, they are full of hope for the future and are confident that all changes are for the better.

Yellow is a constant expectation of a holiday, and therefore gloomy, gloomy people are irritated by it. Yellow color is also rejected by those who strive for peace, who find the bustle of life unpleasant, and excessive cheerfulness causes anger.

Symbolism of yellow

The symbolic meanings of yellow are diverse and contradictory. Cultural and religious traditions have such a strong influence on the perception of this color that many people are wary of it or even reject it, considering it unpleasant. To understand the inconsistency of the symbolism of yellow, it is enough to simply list its main meanings in modern society.

  • Yellow is considered a symbol of the sun, and therefore a divine color.
  • Associated with gold, it represents wealth, nobility and power.
  • This color is at the same time a symbol of lies, betrayal and corruption, apparently also in connection with gold.
  • A yellow ticket was issued at pre-revolutionary Russia women involved in prostitution.
  • It symbolizes illness, since in Europe in the Middle Ages a yellow flag was raised on ships infected with plague.
  • A sign of decline, withering, destruction, as it evokes associations with leaves turning yellow in autumn.
  • Yellow is also a danger sign. As the brightest of the spectral colors, it was chosen to indicate a threat, for example, in a sign of radiation danger. Even insects have a yellow color that indicates they are poisonous.
  • This color is also a symbol of madness. In pre-revolutionary Russia psychiatric clinics called "yellow houses".

Despite such controversial and often negative symbolism, yellow is loved by children and youth. It fills them with energy and is in tune with their need for positivity.

Dealing with science, observation and analysis. Stimulates mental activity. In terms of its qualities, the color yellow signifies wealth, dreams, fantasies, courage, joy, intimacy, youth, as well as envy and jealousy. Cloudy yellow color is sadness, melancholy, separation.

Symbolism of yellow

Yellow is the color of gold, which since ancient times has been perceived as frozen sunlight. This is the color of autumn, the color of ripe ears and fading leaves.

Among many nations, women preferred yellow clothes. Often yellow color also served hallmark noble persons and upper classes. For example, Mongolian lamas wear yellow clothes with a red belt.

Golden yellow color is a symbol of spirit, wisdom, the color of holiness. Sunny yellow, as the color of divine illumination, is usually associated with both the first Ark of the Covenant and the despised golden calf. And with the halo of Apollo. And with the aura of Buddha. And with the halo of Christ.

Dark yellow is usually associated with betrayal, stinginess and mistrust. In Christianity, this shade is assigned to the color of Judas Iscariot.

Hinduism sees the immortal, vital truth in yellow, endowing it with the human seed. Spiritual beauty is characterized by golden -yellow Kabbalah and Freemasons.

IN energy center Yellow color Tantrism sees an increase in vitality and the acquisition of good health. There is also the ability to clearly express one's thoughts.

Usually yellow is considered the color of jealousy, betrayal, and in Tibet jealousy was literally called “ yellow eye».

The perception of yellow color causes a more gentle effect on the pulse and breathing compared to orange. That is, cheerful, cheerful excitement. This is probably why bright yellow is often rejected by alcoholics. Although here we should also take into account the fact that yellow is involved in the development of dizziness.

Yellow color stimulates mental activity. The heads of the intellectuals are surrounded by a golden glow. By stimulating brain activity, it arouses in a person an intellectual interest in the objective world.

The meanings of the color yellow usually include both sensual liveliness in the self-discovery of the intellect, and joyful vigor in gentle excitement.

This also includes eccentric aspirations to relieve tension in learning the secrets of existence. And also - the expectation of contacts in search of happiness and meaning in life.

The effect of yellow color on humans

Algerian researcher Benoi conducted an interesting experiment. First, he blindfolded a control group of drakes with a black blindfold. The birds' sexual activity has weakened. He then placed the drakes under an orange light. The size of the seminal testes of the tested individuals almost doubled. Sexual activity increased sharply.

It is interesting to compare the love for the color yellow of pregnant women who have undergone training for “fearless” childbirth, and infants. On the one hand, yellow cures childhood anemia, on the other hand, it calms certain types of female psychoneuroses and prevents fluctuations in health.

It is curious that unmarried pregnant women, for whom the child will be completely “unwanted,” categorically reject the color yellow.

Obviously, first of all, with life’s disappointments it may turn out useful action yellow color as a pronounced desire for intuitive overcoming of interpersonal tension, for ease in communication.

On the other hand, yellow disturbs, stimulates the imagination and, ultimately, has a depressing effect on the psyche. If you spend a long time in a room painted bright yellow, you may experience a severe headache. Yellow color reduces the patient's fear of a medical examination. People being treated for depression perceive the yellow range perfectly well. And there is a pattern here: yellow color raises your tone. Patients with alcoholism reject yellow as the color of unfulfilled “hopes.”

If this color is rejected, it means that the person has been disappointed in his hopes, feels emptiness around him, feels isolated and cut off from others.

Sensual yellow is perceived as piquant, emotional - hopeful changeability.

Yellow color controls digestive processes, has a cleansing effect on the liver and intestines, that is, it is cleansing for the entire system, but especially for the skin. Brings harmony to your attitude towards life, providing balance and optimism.

Used in cases of nervous exhaustion, psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin diseases, indigestion, constipation, liver problems, diabetes.


Red-yellow: it makes the influence of yellow more significant. Expresses spontaneity and impulsiveness, destruction. Yellow channels the power of red.

Lemon yellow: cruelty and unrestraint; has an antimicrobial effect. People who prefer this color have unconventional thinking, insight, criticality, always control themselves, avoid criticism and compromising situations. This color is chosen by frigid women and impotent women (but not 100%).

Light yellow: tendency to avoid responsibility, tendency to pretend.

Pale yellow: freedom from boundaries.

Brown-yellow (honey): combines the lightness of yellow and the heaviness of brown. The need for a happy and fulfilling situation.

Gold is the color of glory, inevitable victory. He does not sacrifice himself and does not accept victims, he remains himself (he does not need anything). Positive aspect - maturity, experience, wisdom, vitality, inexhaustible resources; negative aspect - pessimism, limitation, dishonor. A golden halo above your head is a symbol of forgiveness and a way to overcome all obstacles. Gold unites the modesty of a child and the wisdom of a true ruler. But! - it can provoke conflicts.