Danila Kozlovsky’s wife – photo, personal life, biography. Vicious connections of Dani Kozlovsky Daniil Kozlovsky biography personal life wife

This couple ignores all questions about dating and keeps the public in the dark about their personal life. Only insiders close to the couple or eloquent paparazzi photographs tell about the development of their romance. Olga Zueva and Danila Kozlovsky have been together for a year now and still attract the attention of the domestic celebrity crowd. This is not surprising, because many bachelor actresses ran after Danila and socialites, in the hope of conquering him and dragging him down the aisle. But apparently, after his first marriage, the actor is in no hurry to tie the knot of Hymen. Who knows, maybe the sexy and mysterious Olga Zueva can handle it?

Danila Kozlovsky: intellectual and hooligan rolled into one

Danila was born in an intelligentsia Soviet family in May 1985.

His mother is an actress by training, who worked as a teacher, and his father is a Doctor of Philosophy and Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. The happy parents had three sons, Danya was the middle one. Surprisingly, in such an exemplary family a real hooligan and rowdy grew up. The boy was expelled from school many times due to bad behavior, but the active young man’s academic performance was fine.

Kozlovsky’s parents divorced, so his mother raised his sons. A few years later she remarried. The stepfather of Danila and his brothers was a military man. In order to somehow discipline your children, family council it was decided to send the boys to the Kronstadt Cadet Corps. As a result, Danila’s brothers were expelled from the institution within a year, and Kozlovsky, the middle one, graduated from the academy with almost honors. Mom dreamed that her son would make a brilliant military career, but the young man was already dreaming of the stage.

Back in 1998, Danya played his first small role in the series “Simple Truths”. The filming made an indelible impression on the boy. Having received a military bearing at the Naval Lyceum, Kozlovsky, without wasting any time, entered the theater school in St. Petersburg for the course of Lev Donin. The master immediately saw promise in the inquisitive young man. Already from his second year, student Kozlovsky regularly took part in theatrical productions under the guidance of his artistic director.

Invitations to film films also began to arrive with enviable regularity. As a result, for the full 10 years of its creative life Kozlovsky turned into the “hope” of Russian cinema and the highest-grossing actor. At 31 years old, Danila has more than forty film roles under her belt, constant theater performances, music and dance shows and participation in many charity projects.

Kozlovsky idolizes the theater stage. Despite the busy schedule of filming, Danila regularly participates in productions of the Theater of Europe - Maly Drama Theater.

The stately sophomore Kozlovsky was immediately noticed by domestic directors and began to be invited to filming. Danila managed to combine both film work and theater rehearsals. Surprisingly, Kozlovsky’s very first film became successful for him and opened him up to the bigwigs of the Russian film industry as a promising aspiring actor. “Garpastum”, a 2005 film by Alexei German Jr., brought Danila success among connoisseurs of big cinema. For the role of Nikolai, the actor was awarded the White Elephant film critics award. It was an unconditional success, and Kozlovsky was offered interesting roles in films with enviable consistency.

Not every acting work of Danila was awarded awards, but nevertheless, he put a huge part of himself into every image, and if he did not conquer the critics, he received recognition from the audience. One of these projects was the fantasy drama “We are from the Future.” The film was not favorably received by film critics, but Kozlovsky’s character Borman was very fond of the Russian audience. By the way, the creators of the film even decided to make a sequel, but Danila refused to participate in the next part of the film. This fact greatly affected the box office and the film was considered a failure.

Among Kozlovsky’s most successful works in 2011, one can highlight Karen Oganesyan’s comedy “Five Brides.” In the same year, Danila announced himself with a dramatic role in the film “Duhless”. By the way, Kozlovsky liked the image of Max Andreev, a top manager of a large French-Russian bank, so much that he agreed to participate in the second part of the film. The project was a huge success among viewers and critics, and Danila for a long time secured the title of the most promising actor in Russian cinema.

In 2012, Kozlovsky played main role in the biographical film “Legend No. 17,” about the Soviet hockey star Valery Kharlamov. The biopic was a stunning success, and Danila once again confirmed his title as a versatile actor who knows how to get used to any character.

The next bright project in Kozlovsky’s career was the remake of the 1979 film “Crew” of the same name. The Russian action film in IMAX format was released on big screens in 2016 and was a success with viewers, but film critics greeted the film very coolly.

In 2016, another high-profile premiere took place starring Danila Kozlovsky - the historical drama “Viking”. This time Danila reincarnated as Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. The opinions of film critics, historians, art critics, representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and viewers regarding the film were divided: some called it chaotic and crumpled, others called it magnificent and eventful.

Danila Kozlovsky’s work schedule is scheduled for several years in advance. The actor has already signed up for 5 projects slated for the next two years. Connoisseurs of Danila’s talent can only wait with bated breath for his next works.

Noble heartthrob

Danila was credited with amorous connections with almost all the actresses who were his colleagues on the set. All information is in the rumors section, but nevertheless a few high-profile novels with actresses behind Kozlovsky is available.

Liza Boyarskaya

In the press for a long time they gossiped that Kozlovsky’s heart was still in student years Elizaveta Boyarskaya broke it. More precisely, her father is “the Gascon of all times and peoples” Mikhail Sergeevich. Fate brought the young people together at a theater university; they studied in the same course. A whirlwind romance began between the stately Danila and the beautiful Liza, but for some reason the daughter’s chosen one did not please her father.

They rumored that Mikhail Sergeevich regarded the guy as unpromising, and forbade Lisa to have a love affair with Kozlovsky. The girl was worried and shed a lot of tears, but she did not disobey her father and broke up with the guy. Danila, in turn, after breaking up with Elizabeth, married someone else, and his career took off sharply.

Urszula Magdalena Malka

Kozlovsky’s fellow students claim that all the girls from the stream sighed behind him, and older students were not against relationships with the gallant handsome man. After breaking up with Boyarskaya, Danila did not have a girlfriend for some time. But in 2005, he drew attention to Urszula Magdalena Malka, an actress from their theater. An affair began between the young people. Evil tongues gossiped that Danila was having an affair with the gray mouse Urshula only to spite Boyarskaya, but already in 2008 the actors got married.

The marriage lasted 3 years. One of the versions of the separation is the dream of Magdalena, who is 5 years older than Dani, to have a child, but Kozlovsky did not share his wife’s wishes. They parted as friends, and today the actor calls Malka his own person, and is sure that there are no ex-wives.

Fleeting connections

After the divorce, Danila was in bachelor status for some time, or rather, he was constantly seen with different girls. He was credited with a fleeting romance with Anna Chipovskaya, and there were rumors that the actor had a close friendship with Yulia Andreeva. And after Kozlovsky’s participation in the Hollywood “Vampire Academy,” the tabloids examined Danila’s favor towards Zoey Deutch and Olga Kurylenko. In general, no matter who the actor appeared in the same company with, the media immediately attributed it to Danila intimate relationship. There is no official confirmation of these novels. But Yulia Snigir managed to linger in Kozlovsky’s heart for a longer period.

Danila Kozlovsky and his alleged girlfriends

Danila and Olga spent fun evenings together; after filming “Vampire Academy,” Danila and Anna were credited with having an affair after collaboration on the film “Spy” On the set of the Hollywood “Vampire Academy” Danila became friends with his partner Zoe After the release of the drama “Duhless” the tabloids attributed an affair to Danila and Yulia

Yulia Snigir

The actors were together for about a year. The romance began on the set of the film “Rasputin”. The couple was in no hurry to advertise their relationship and kept their relationship secret for some time. But when they appeared together at the Moscow premiere of the action movie “Die Hard: A Good Day to Die” with Julia’s participation, it became clear to everyone that they were in love. From time to time, photos of Snigir flashed on Kozlovsky’s Instagram. Fans rejoiced, and the media predicted a quick wedding for the lovers. But this was not destined to happen. Soon, due to their mutual employment on the set, Danila and Yulia stated that they did not have time for each other and quietly and peacefully parted. After this relationship, there was a lull in Kozlovsky’s personal life.

Mysterious model and aspiring actress Olga Zueva

About the current beloved of the most popular actor Russian Federation practically nothing is known. Olga is a native of Vladivostok. Her family has nothing to do with theater or cinema, and Zueva herself was initially interested in the tourism business. Fate changed by chance. A model casting took place in his native Vladivostok. Olga went to it and, unexpectedly for herself, passed the selection. Soon Zueva signed a contract with one of the modeling agencies in Europe.

Then the promising girl left for the USA. She worked as a model overseas, but dreamed of cinema, so she soon entered a New York school The New School, for a directing course. In America, Olga managed to take part in advertising campaign brand Pour la Victoire, which was directed by Cameron Diaz, and then she independently created a video for this brand.

Olga also managed to shine in Hollywood. True, the projects were small, but still. Actress Zueva has episodic roles in the thriller “Salt” and the melodrama “Love is a Strange Thing.” Nevertheless, after these films, the producers of the series “Orange is the New Black” drew attention to the aspiring actress and invited her to play the main role in a television series, which became very successful overseas.

In Russia they started talking about Zueva only after she appeared in the company of Kozlovsky. Nothing is known at all about the girl’s personal life. The media writes about her exclusively as a self-made woman. Thanks to her talent, appearance and charisma, Olga managed to gain a foothold in modeling business and cinema.

Arriving in Russia, Olga honed her acting skills at Nikita Mikhalkov's summer academy.

Zueva's acting debut in Russia

As for domestic cinema, Zueva has already played a key and rather frank role in Anna Melikyan’s short film “Such a Mood, Bach’s Adagio and a Small Fragment from the Life of the Girl Lena.” Olga also directed two short films - “Five Minutes to Tomorrow” and “Marble and Flesh”. Now Zueva is busy filming her first full-length creation as a screenwriter and director - the film “On the Block”, by the way, starring Danila Kozlovsky.

Two loneliness met: Olga Zueva and Danila Kozlovsky

It must be admitted that Danila Kozlovsky has a huge army of fans not only among his fans, but also among his colleagues. The actor was regularly seen in the company of famous representatives of domestic show business, but these romances were very fleeting. That is why no one is interested in Kozlovsky’s new hobby. special attention I didn’t give it right away. Danila made his first public appearance with Olga on Valentine's Day at a performance Bolshoi Theater in 2015. The couple was accidentally photographed in the stalls.

Then they appeared together at the premiere of the second “Dukhlessa”. On the red carpet, they posed eloquently for photographers, but ignored all questions about their personal lives. The only comment I could hear was from Olga, who lifted the veil of secrecy and admitted that she had known Kozlovsky for a long time.

For the New Year holidays, the newly made lovers flew to the Maldives. By the way, the paparazzi took the actors almost to the plane, and have been haunting them ever since. Now Danila and Olga no longer hide their relationship, often attending charity events, starring in joint photo shoots and regularly posting joint photos on social networks, to the delight of fans.

Photo: And they lived happily ever after...

On the set of Olga Zueva’s film “On the Area” Joint photo shoot Somewhere in New York, Danila rented a luxurious apartment in the center of Moscow on Tverskaya, where he settled with his girlfriend

Danila Valerievich Kozlovsky born in the spring of 1985 in Moscow. WITH early childhood he was fond of music and choreography, played football and grew up in the company of two brothers - the elder Yegor and the younger Ivan.

In 1996 Danila Kozlovsky ended up in the Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps, where he entered after his brothers, who were not distinguished by exemplary behavior. He was preparing to enter Military Academy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to obtain the profession of military attaché, but at the last moment he realized that his vocation was dramatic art.

In 2002 Danila Kozlovsky He graduated from the Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps, but does not at all consider the years spent at the school to be lost:

On the contrary, they are found. There I learned to be demanding of myself, to fight with myself. After all, an actor needs this - to conquer himself, his body, to control it. The drill came in handy. Although military bearing and acting bearing are not at all the same thing.

Danila Kozlovsky. Creative path

On the advice of his mother, the future actor became a student at the St. Petersburg Theater Academy, an acting and directing course led by Lev Dodin. Danila Kozlovsky I really respected in my teacher the desire to see in an actor a personality, and not a blank sheet.

An opportunity to speak out. About life, about myself. Do you know why Lev Abramovich’s school is remarkable? His actor is not an executor of someone else’s will, but always a personality. He must know languages, he must read a lot, he must have the habit of thinking. What do you bring to the stage or to the frame? Myself.

He still consults Lev Dodin in matters of filming and listens to his opinion.

In 2006 Danila Kozlovsky joined the acting troupe of the Maly Drama Theater - Theater of Europe. He appeared in the plays “Lorenzaccio”, “Whim”, “Life and Fate”, “Warsaw Melody” and played the role of Edgar in the production of “King Lear”.

Made its television debut in 1999 Danila Kozlovsky in a youth series "Simple Truths". Fame came to him after the release of the historical drama by Alexei German Jr. “ Harpastum».

Football here is a metaphor for the passion, the revolutionary energy that gripped the country at the beginning of the twentieth century. What energy there was! Take the state with its foundations and chop everything to hell for the sake of the great idea of ​​communism and absolute happiness. What kind of absolute happiness can there be in a state? It can't exist. But there was passion. This, it seems to me, is what “Garpastum” is about.

Danila Kozlovsky often plays military personnel; in 2008, he played a role in the drama We Are From the Future. Despite the all-Russian popularity of the film, the actor refused to star in its sequel due to, in his opinion, an unsuccessful script.

Matilda (2017), role: Vorontsov

Dovlatov (2017)

#SELFIE (2017)

Hardcore | Hardcore Henry (2016), role: Akan

Friday (2016), role: Mike Bondar

Crew (2016), role: Alexey Gushchin

Viking (2016), role: Vladimir Prince of Novgorod

Status: available (2015), role: Nikita Kolesnikov

15 August 2015, 17:52

If you carefully looked at my posts (which is not at all necessary), then when viewing the photos, you might have noticed that I select photos according to certain criteria and try to categorize them, first there are “session” photos, then “in life”, then “with” colleagues, premieres, parties,” then family, cinema, etc. So, for some actors it is very difficult to find photos from the “photo shoot” section, but this is not about DANILA. Type his name into Google, and a lot of pictures from the series “I’m so awesome in this lighting, I’d like to see myself…” will immediately pop up - well, you get the idea. So I haven’t looked for this yet, from Tsyganov, for example, I had to sweat to get something professional from the Internet, even climb through the dark jungle of VKontakte))) but Danya is not that case)))

In short, I’m indifferent to Danila. I, of course, admit that he is handsome and even damn attractive, and even he himself is damn well aware of this, which, of course, is very damn noticeable. Probably, the profession leaves its mark, as in “female actresses are a little more than women, male actors are a little less than men,” but when you look at countless photographs of different artists, then in the case of Danila this It’s too noticeable - a kind of narcissism, even some kind of childish. Is he lacking some kind of brutality (in my understanding), some kind of negligence: he’s all licked, his hair is correctly positioned/disheveled (not styled, but laid down))), his shirt is on his tits - and even then it’s correctly unbuttoned))) Well, everything about him is verified by centimeter, in short - not my type, I give it to you with a light heart. But he’s handsome, of course, and he’s a good actor, he doesn’t overact, he always gives the right intonation and looks appropriate, i.e. organically in the role chosen for him. The films “Garpastum”, “We are from the future”, “Dukhless”, “Spy” are proof of this, but even there he plays himself - handsome, brave, strong-sexual, correct and in general, in every film he, before of all - Danila Kozlovsky, everything else is secondary. Although, with such an appearance, he can allow himself to sparkle and sparkle, the script is not the main thing here, the main thing is the perfect profile and the lips are not so much open, but somehow not completely closed)))

I confess - I haven’t seen Veselchakov, maybe he shines there... oh, did I write “shines” again?, well, in connection with Danya, this very word constantly emerges from the depths of my subconscious))) I’m angry today) ))

Brief biography

Born on May 3, 1985 in Moscow, he grew up and was brought up in a single-parent family. His father left home, and therefore very little is known about him today. From early childhood, all the worries associated with raising the future actor and his two brothers (elder and younger) fell on the shoulders of his mother and stepfather.

With brothers Egor and Ivan. Danila is on the far right.

As a child, Danila was disobedient and generally misbehaved a lot, for this reason he changed several schools. He attended various clubs and sections: piano, karate, football and even a ballet studio (from which he was expelled due to lack of prospects)) Then he entered a theater studio and in 1994 played his first “real” role - sixth-grader Denis Seliverstov in series "Simple Truths".

The first filming experience turned out to be quite successful, but after it there was a long break in the actor’s career and work. In 1996, my mother and stepfather decided to enroll all three brothers in the cadet corps in St. Petersburg. As Danila admitted in his later interviews, it was during this period that he clearly mastered the word “must” and realized what work and will are and excitement.

(Danya is far right)


In 2002, Danila graduated with honors from the cadet corps and in the same year entered St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts, where he began studying acting. Danila Kozlovsky’s debut work on the stage was the role of Edgar in the play “King Lear”.

The actor’s performance did not go unnoticed by theater critics, and soon the first exhibit, “Golden Soffit,” appeared in the actor’s personal collection of awards. In the coming years, Kozlovsky will appear in several more significant productions. The most famous will be his roles in the plays “Whim,” “Life and Fate,” and “Warsaw Melody.”

The actor's career was on the rise. And after the debut on the theatrical stage, a film debut followed. At first these were episodic roles in the films “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “On Verkhnyaya Maslovka”, “I will decide everything myself”. But there was very little left before the “big” works... The first director to seriously notice Danila Kozlovsky was Alexey German. It was he who offered the actor the main role in the film “Garpastum”, which became a real breakthrough for young guy and brought him the Audience Award at the Venice Film Festival, as well as the Russian Critics Award.

Then there were the films “We are from the Future”, “Merry Men”, “Rasputin”, “Spy” and many other remarkable films. The films “Spiritless” with Mariy Kozhevnikova and “Legend 17” with Oleg Menshikov, Vladimir Menshov and others finally established Danila Kozlovsky as a star of Russian cinema and made him one of the most highly paid actors in your own country. The track record of the favorite of millions was replenished with the “Golden Eagle”, the “Constellation” festival prize and some other awards.

Personal life

Danila Kozlovsky was married once, his wife was the Polish actress Urszula Magdalena Malka, with whom fate brought him together while studying at St. Petersburg State Technical University. Their marriage lasted three years, and in 2011 the couple announced their separation.

On at the moment I can’t write anything about this at all, because it’s just jaundice and no constructive things, in general - guess for yourself. Like this. There seem to be no children yet...



Photos with his first wife:

Photos with mom:

With Brothers:

Daniil Kozlovsky acquired his courageous bearing, which amazes everyone who sees him on screen for the first time, during his years of study at the Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps, where he studied, yielding to his mother’s insistent requests. However, creativity attracted him to to a greater extent and his second education, the young man received at the Academy of Art of St. Petersburg. He began taking part in filming already in his second year, then worked at the Academic Maly Drama Theater of the northern capital. The personal life of this wonderful actor and handsome man raises a lot of questions.

Daniil Kozlovsky

Daniil Kozlovsky's first wife is theater actress Urszula Magdalena Malke, a Polish national. She became the first girl in his life with whom he dared to "have" serious relationship. Despite the fact that they are 5 years older, their wedding took place on the eve of Daniel’s 20th birthday. From the first days of their life together, they rented a house and lived in love and harmony, although not for long.

Actor with his first wife Ursula

Literally three years later, the marriage broke up, although a wonderful relationship remained. According to ex-wife– she received a wonderful gift in his face. And Daniel himself calls Ursula a real woman, dear and close to him, and will remain forever. His support was all the more necessary for her, because she experienced some difficulties due to her accent and settling down in a foreign country was not at all as easy as she would have liked.

Daniil Kozlovsky and Liza Boyarskaya

Journalists have written a lot about romantic relationships, which connected the actor and Liza Boyarskaya, but they broke up even before Kozlovsky’s marriage because of the girl’s father - famous actor, who was categorically against his daughter’s meetings with a little-known young man.
The consolation for him, who separated from his wife, was his relationship with Yulia Snigir, with whom he starred in the same films. However, she did not become the next wife of Daniil Kozlovsky.

Danila and Yulia Snigir

And now they are increasingly talking about the fact that he has a new hobby - an actress from Hollywood, with whom he is starring in the film “Vampire Academy” - Zoya Deutch. She is 10 years younger than Daniel and no one knows how far they have gone in their relationship. Moreover, it is unknown whether Yulia, with whom they see each other less and less, needs to worry. It is likely that the reason is very simple - a busy filming schedule, and not those candid photographs that appeared in lately on the Internet, in which he openly confesses his love for his Hollywood colleague.

Danila Kozlovsky with his mother

The younger brother of a movie star works as a loader for three kopecks, and the older brother is a failed businessman

* In his youth, the future film idol worked part-time as a laboratory assistant for his grandmother-teacher

* To get their hooligan sons into the cadet corps, the Kozlovskys had to “pay” with a hundred pairs of sneakers* The star brothers do not show off: the younger one works as a loader, and the older one is a failed businessman

While film critics are picking apart the film “Duhless-2,” which premiered in Moscow on March 5, fans of Dani KOZLOVSKY (he played the main role) are endlessly discussing the handsome actor and his amorous adventures with model Olga ZUEVA. Fans are happy to post photos of their idol and share with each other the details of his off-screen life. We also decided to study the star’s past to understand when he caught his luck by the tail. After all, as they say, everything comes from childhood, from family.

Kozlovsky He does not hide the fact that everything he has achieved by the age of 29 is the merit of his mother. After a divorce from her husband, a professor at the Department of Advertising at the Moscow University of Culture and Arts Valery Kozlovsky- Nadezhda Nikolaevna was not afraid of difficulties and in the turbulent 90s she and her three little sons started life all over again, moving from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The boys grew up hooligan - you had to blush for them every day.

I don’t know who they were born like that! - Kozlovsky’s grandmother Avietta Ivanovna laughs into the phone. - Danka is average among us, but he never lags behind the elder Yegor, and the younger Ivan follows on their heels. How they will start doing weird things, even “guard!” scream. Well, they didn’t register with the police. Nadya saved them from this misfortune - she sent all three of them to the cadet corps to study. It was difficult to get there, because the kids often skipped school. Nadya’s second husband, Sergei, helped. He was a career military man, but this did not solve all the problems: as a thank you, he had to get a hundred pairs of sports shoes for the cadets! Only Danya “worked” them out. Vanya almost immediately asked to go home, and Egor quickly abandoned his studies. Corps teachers remember cadet Danila Kozlovsky kind words: they say, the guy turned out to be diligent, and besides, he took part in amateur performances.

Danya especially loved poetry events, confirms his grandmother. - But he played his first role at my work - I taught children physics at school for many years. One day Danya got sick, and I took him from the building to nurse him with me. A week later, the grandson recovered, but it was still too early to return to duty, and it was already boring to sit at home. In general, my grandson asked to work with me. And since he only had a cadet uniform, he had to be given a white laboratory assistant’s coat in the office. She told her students that this is our new employee. I taught lessons, and Danya helped me: he drew graphs, arranged instruments... The next day I came to school, and the girls were crowding around the office. They attacked me with questions: “Where is our young laboratory assistant?!” So what?! He is a handsome guy, smart and at the same time very sensitive. When our grandchildren were little, we had a huge shepherd named Dan. The boys loved to roll around in the snow with him in winter. And as soon as the dog died, Danka stopped coming to see me out of town. He said that everything there reminds him of his beloved dog.

Simple truths

Our hero took his first steps into cinema in 1998. While still studying in the cadet corps, Kozlovsky had the chance to play a hooligan in the series “Simple Truths”. True, my mother initially wanted to send her eldest son to filming, and Dana was predicted to have a career as a military attaché.

Nadya graduated from the Shchukin School, but acting career“It didn’t work out for her because she devoted herself entirely to her sons,” continues Avietta Ivanovna. “But she always dreamed of raising at least one child to be a star.” At first they placed bets on Yegor, but he flatly refused, and when they were looking for a hooligan for “Simple Truths,” Nadya decided to take Vanya to the casting. But on the day of the audition he disappeared somewhere. I had to go with Danya.

Now Kozlovsky’s grandmother is already retired, lives in St. Petersburg, but rarely sees her grandchildren:

Ivan lives in Vladimir. Unfortunately, he did not receive a higher or secondary specialized education from us. After the army I got married, and then there was no time for studying - the children left. He grabbed any job to feed his family. Egor is in Moscow. He also has a wife and child. He worked in construction, then tried to open his own business, but in the end he graduated from some advertising institute and now makes videos. And you all know about Danya. He rarely visits me - he travels all over the world. But as soon as the opportunity arises, we will definitely meet. So I went to the St. Petersburg premiere of “Duhless”. I won’t say anything about the film, but my grandson is good in it!

Attics instead of cinema

After such a heartfelt story from the actor’s grandmother, we wanted to get to know his other relatives better. Found it on one of the social networks younger brother Vanya and his wife Rano. Judging by the photographs, the couple is not particularly glamorous. Ivan is a simple hard worker, and his other half is a housewife.

“I’m on maternity leave,” admitted the eastern beauty Rano. - To earn at least a little money, I make candy bouquets at home: I roll flowers out of paper and put a candy in each bud. For each such bouquet I ask for a thousand rubles. But so far there are few clients.

As soon as the conversation turned to her famous relative, Rano for some reason immediately fell silent. Dani’s brother Ivan did not answer questions either. Fortunately, she agreed to clarify the situation once close friend Vani Ulyana Murzina. By the way, she is an activist on one of the forums dedicated to the work of Dani Kozlovsky.

Vanya and I dated for several years. He's such a guy! - Ulya shared. - When we met, he was already hanging out in Moscow, but wasn’t really working. Danya was not yet a star then - he was just starting his first year at the theater school. Dodin arrived. Since he lived in St. Petersburg at that time, I saw him only a couple of times during that time. For our group, Danka was just Vanya’s brother. I also never saw the Kozlovskys’ mother - she completely disappeared into her middle son. Vanka grew up on his own. The father did not really participate in the upbringing, the first stepfather died early, and Ivan almost did not communicate with the second. This is probably why nothing good came of it. At first he worked as a taxi driver, then he and his older brother Yegor went to work in construction, and in 2004 he was drafted into the army. He served in Vladimir - there was his current wife and met. She worked as a salesperson in a store, and he apparently ran to her for a beer when he was on leave - Ivan loves fun, football, and noisy companies. Actually, that’s why we parted: I didn’t wait for him to leave the army when he got involved with someone else.

The younger KOZLOVSKY is offended by Danya for drawing parental attention to himself (Photo: